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Kre8ive Names

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 14, 2012

Fuck. They already ruined Aidan, can't they leave Declan alone? Why must they ruin EVERYTHING?
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 15, 2012
I found out that a coworker's relative named his/her daughter Italy. I came across a girl named Bosnia in some documents at work the same day. Yesterday I had a cashier at the grocery store named Andromeda.
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 16, 2012
This is made of wonderful.

Stupid Kid Names

Edit: The comments are pretty funny too.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 17, 2012
I've recently heard Eureka, Zayda, Jayci, Jaquaylin, Perikeesha, and PAISLEY. Fucking Paisley. smile rolling left righteyes2 Was just waiting til I had a few collected up in my brain pan before sharing. tongue sticking out smiley grinning smiley
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 17, 2012
had a patient who's first name was Cherry.
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 17, 2012
There's a new employee at Office [place]: Jaquice. Juh-kweece.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Anonymous User
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 19, 2012
I have a coworker named Dante, but he spells it like Donta. So I guess it is kind of like Chick-fil-a lol. That is his middle name though. His first name is Destini. Yeah Destiny with an I. Funny enough, one of the girls I attended elementary school with is on my facebook. She named her daughter Destini with an I too. She also always posts shit like "I love my kids. I am proud to be a mom hear me roar." Blech.
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 20, 2012
I have a coworker named Dante, but he spells it like Donta. So I guess it is kind of like Chick-fil-a lol. That is his middle name though. His first name is Destini. Yeah Destiny with an I. Funny enough, one of the girls I attended elementary school with is on my facebook. She named her daughter Destini with an I too. She also always posts shit like "I love my kids. I am proud to be a mom hear me roar." Blech.

I see a bright future for Destini in the pornography industry.
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 21, 2012
I have a coworker named Dante, but he spells it like Donta. So I guess it is kind of like Chick-fil-a lol. That is his middle name though. His first name is Destini. Yeah Destiny with an I.

Welcome to the real life Divine Comedy.

I walk the path of life to my own rhythm, my own beat-if you don't like it, step off and find your own damn song!
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 22, 2012
I have a coworker named Dante, but he spells it like Donta. So I guess it is kind of like Chick-fil-a lol. That is his middle name though. His first name is Destini. Yeah Destiny with an I. Funny enough, one of the girls I attended elementary school with is on my facebook. She named her daughter Destini with an I too. She also always posts shit like "I love my kids. I am proud to be a mom hear me roar." Blech.

I see a bright future for Destini in the pornography industry.

Ugh, why is it that parents always name their kids stuff like "Destiny/Destini" or "Chastity" and expect them not to be strippers? Look, if you name their kid after a trait, the kid will not have that trait. Lil' Madonna is going to be a whore, Lil' Charity will end up bleeding some guy for child support, and I know someone named Loyal who is, unsurprisingly, a backstabbing bitch. There are always exceptions, however. Like I once knew someone named Klymidia, and boy, was that spot on.

I echo the person upthread who wondered what happened to normal names. My best friend is named Mary, and I can't tell you how refreshing that is. Then again, I consistently maintain that people should not have kids without a license, and I think that intending to name your child BobShonda or something should be acceptable grounds for refusing to grant said license.
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 24, 2012
This blogger Baby Naming Rules made my day.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 24, 2012
I have a coworker named Dante, but he spells it like Donta. So I guess it is kind of like Chick-fil-a lol. That is his middle name though. His first name is Destini. Yeah Destiny with an I. Funny enough, one of the girls I attended elementary school with is on my facebook. She named her daughter Destini with an I too. She also always posts shit like "I love my kids. I am proud to be a mom hear me roar." Blech.

Went to high school with a guy named Dante, spelled Danta. It was funny whenever he would get called to the principle's office on the P.A. and they'd pronounce his name just like it's spelled. tongue sticking out smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 24, 2012
I have a coworker named Dante, but he spells it like Donta. So I guess it is kind of like Chick-fil-a lol. That is his middle name though. His first name is Destini. Yeah Destiny with an I. Funny enough, one of the girls I attended elementary school with is on my facebook. She named her daughter Destini with an I too. She also always posts shit like "I love my kids. I am proud to be a mom hear me roar." Blech.

Went to high school with a guy named Dante, spelled Danta. It was funny whenever he would get called to the principle's office on the P.A. and they'd pronounce his name just like it's spelled. tongue sticking out smiley

So like Don-tuh or Dan-tuh? lmao.
Anonymous User
Re: Kre8ive Names
July 31, 2012
I was helping a friend move, and while I was packing up her kitchen I noticed a full color postcard with a freshly baked loaf face on it.

"Welcome baby...Kress"

Like...water-Kress??? (watercress)


I should have known, the mother's name was spelled "Ashlee"
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 03, 2012
From my local newspaper - Knalidge and W'yz. They are brothers.
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 04, 2012
Most of the names from here:


Just a handful of the gems here (excluding a LOT of names since there's so many):

- Abcde (yes, just like the alphabet A-B-C-D-E)
- Huckleberry
- Trapper (like those notebooks I got in grade school?)
- Destino (male version of Destiny?)
- Fairly
- Exodus
- Frenchy
- Zentavious
- Zandy
- Rip
- Pooh (shit you not, this is on there. Of course it's American in origin)
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 04, 2012
Exodus?! for some reason I think this is rather an awesome name.
Anonymous User
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 06, 2012
Do you think, after all this 50 Shades craze, we will get a baby boom of little Anastasias and Christians?
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 07, 2012
Do you think, after all this 50 Shades craze, we will get a baby boom of little Anastasias and Christians?

Probably, although it's disgusting to name your kid after someone you likely jilled off to while you were reading.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 09, 2012
The only "Kaiden" I like is Kaiden Alenko from the Mass Effect series.
Anonymous User
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 10, 2012
Destino is a nice name.
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 10, 2012
The only "Kaiden" I like is Kaiden Alenko from the Mass Effect series.

Gamer spoken here!

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 10, 2012
The only "Kaiden" I like is Kaiden Alenko from the Mass Effect series.

Gamer spoken here!
Amen! I could behind a name like Auron. I love Auron from FF X2
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 13, 2012
Something I've noticed recently....when I look at the list of local births in the paper, I notice when the kid is the offspring of a single Moo or an unmarried couple, it tends to have a kre8ive name. Meanwhile, when I see married people have a kid, the name is usually relatively normal.

Case in point, in yesterday's paper: Born to Slutty McSlutSlut (no duh listed because my guess is she doesn't know who the duh is), a daughter Rhoddalynne. Born to John and Jane Smith, a son Jason.

Does anyone else notice this?
Re: Kre8ive Names
August 15, 2012
With school being back in session, of course some of the local school class lists are in the paper. These are some of the yoo-neek names from one particular school:


Portia (like Brutus' wife?)

Aric (because E's are so last year)

Ceigan ("Keegan," I think)

Daltton ('cause one T isn't kre8ive)


Abbygayle AND Abbigale (in the same class)





Anderson (isn't this a surname?)

Zeniff (Momma couldn't pronounce Zenith without no front teef)


Cael ("Kyle?")




Bryley (is this even a real name?)

Arieona (thought it was "Areola" at first)






Bobbidi (I hope they have no siblings named "Bibbidi" and "Boo")


Espn (like ESPN? What Daddy was watching the whole time Moo was giving birth?)
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