This is Elliot Rodger, son of The Hunger Games assistant director, Peter Rodger.

'I'm 22 years old and I'm still a virgin. I've never even kissed a girl,' he says in the video.

'College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure. But in those years I've had to rot in loneliness. It's not fair. You girls have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me. But I will punish you all for it,' he says in the video, which runs to almost seven minutes.

He repeatedly promises to 'punish' women and lays out his plan for 'retribution.'

'I'm going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB and I will slaughter every single spoilt, stuck-up, blonde s**t that I see inside there. All those girls that I've desired so much, they would've all rejected me and looked down on me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance towards them,' he says.

'I'll take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you. You will finally see that I am, in truth, the superior one. The true alpha male,' he laughs like a maniacal movie villain. 'Yes... After I have annihilated every single girl in the sorority house I will take to the streets of Isla Vista and slay every single person I see there. All those popular kids who live such lives of hedonistic pleasure...'
He was one of the 7. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Getting tired of seeing autards end their murder sprees by offing themselves, too. Why didn't Daddy Director (oops, I mean ASSISTANT Director - let's not get them confused now) do something with all his money to treat his smug little shit, spoiled tard kid before he went off? Once again - they knew something was wrong with him "recently," yet nothing was done to restrain, sedate or otherwise keep him under control. Wonder how many times this has to happen before people with their precious, genius, wonderful, gentle autards get out of their denial and start ACTING when their kid starts showing signs of possibly getting ready to snap.
What a piece of shit. Good thing he is dead but not after he killed those poor girls. And men who are constantly worrying about having women like them need to see a goddamn shrink.

And he's repulsive, too.
He looks like a pretentious little Emo.

More information: he was apparently a member of a worse-than-MRA group who lauded him as a hero.
What is this??? -

I went to look at Gawker because I was thinking of some story there - now there is this?

Are there more?

(I have difficulty getting this site to load right and if I try to open the comments I'll get bounced off the net.)

Will have to look at some other news sites.
Zzelda according to the update on the story, those 3 were included in the original 7 fatalities.

And I agree with everything you posted cats instead. It makes me sick how people ignore bright flashing neon red flags that say "something is WRONG with this one." And *willfully* ignore it, while bleating about how gentle and pweshious violent hulking tards are.

And Mr Emo up there should have just hired a fucking prostitute in Nevada and gotten over himself. I'm 31, have been through TWO colleges and am still a fucking virgin. I've never frenched a guy. Big whoop. It makes me weird(er) but it doesn't define me and I'm not hung up on it. Who gives a flying rat's ass.

Good fucking riddance is what I have to say. I only wish the first person he turned the gun on was himself. I'll feel sorry for the girls who didn't do anything to deserve that, not his lame disgusting ass for boohooing over not getting laid by whomever he felt entitled to. I wouldn't have even inflicted his ass on a poor shrink, although it's obvious he had serious issues - I think those issues are more "psychopath" than "mentally ill." (And if he *seriously* didn't know why women weren't attracted to his piece of shit ass, then we can add dumber than a box o' fucking rocks to the list too.)

ETA: I just re-read the story Zzelda linked too. The 3 bodies taken out of his apartment were men who were stabbed to death. He lured them there somehow the day before - and he wrote about doing all of it in a manifesto he sent to someone who sent it to the media. So A) I feel sorry for both the women and men who he killed through no fault of their own. And cool smiley WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY after he sent a FUCKING MANIFESTO to a "friend"? If I got something like that (clocking in a 100K+ words) I'd be calling *EVERYONE* to get that person locked up. Not releasing it *after* the damage was done. Arrest the friend too, FFS.

And yeah, I agree - this is the result of the "gentle disciplining" and willful ignorance too about how they are all "such gooood boyz". Fuck that and Fuck them and Fuck all you lurking moos who do that crap. Get ready for this to be your kyd in 15 years. And I really need to learn a word other than "fuck" that conveys all I want it to.

"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." - Oscar Wilde
I'm done with humanity...

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
brown-eyed diamond
I'm done with humanity...

Fucking trolls.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Kancer Kurer kills seven girls, because they wouldn't sleep with him
May 25, 2014
More victims of rape culture, as far as I'm concerned. The idea that men are entitled to pussy seems to be on the increase. Breeders, you can stop creating the future already. Society doesn't need more violent misogynists.
Re: Kancer Kurer kills seven girls, because they wouldn't sleep with him
May 25, 2014
More victims of rape culture, as far as I'm concerned. The idea that men are entitled to pussy seems to be on the increase. Breeders, you can stop creating the future already. Society doesn't need more violent misogynists.

Indeed. Men are not entitled to have sex. Wanna sex? Pay for it.
This is just a psycho who should have been tied up.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
More victims of rape culture, as far as I'm concerned. The idea that men are entitled to pussy seems to be on the increase. Breeders, you can stop creating the future already. Society doesn't need more violent misogynists.

Indeed. Men are not entitled to have sex. Wanna sex? Pay for it.
This is just a psycho who should have been tied up.

I haven't read past a few articles on this fellow's blog, but I did like this one

(not hyperlinking because I don't want a backtrack)

ETA: a very good analysis on the (possible and probable) reasons behind the actions of the shooter

Makes me wonder if we need to start giving these MRA and PUA groups the same focus and retribution as acknowledged hate groups. They advocate and educate members toward acts of violence against women.
Sounds like a precious Golden Penis Child that always wants his way. These fuckups think that they deserve all the hawt women they desire, without it mattering that they're ugly themselves, or assholes. This guy, would not be considered ugly by society's standards, yet there must have been a reason women didn't want him. Maybe he reeked of desperation and had a terrible bratty attitude.

And dammit, articles, enough with mentioning World of Warcraft. I play WoW (much less now due to a full time job and reading into other interests) and I'm a woman that can't stand the attitudes of these greasy vile fucks.
This guy's moo gave him everything he wanted, when he wanted it. Almost to a degree of being a caricature, like Cartman on South Park. He had a stepmother that didn't put up with so much of his crap, and he wanted to kill her as well as his younger brother.

I skimmed through his "manifesto", which is amazingly detailed starting from when he was very young. I don't even know how he could remember such detail, unless he is an autard with a photographic memory. He ends up calling himself a god and describing how women should be starved to death in concentration camps, a few spared for breeding purposes for artificial insemination, and how women and sex should be eradicated to purify humanity.

But he likes pretty sunsets and nice mountain views.
The memes have begun

Poster on another message board validated what I was thinking - just about every picture of that turd shows him in a pose. In some pictures, his lips are pursed in what he probably considered a seductive moue, emphasized by gloss or lipstick. It's like he spent hours absorbed in imitating the Kardashian or Paris Hilton stance.

Narcissistic little poseur. He becomes more loathsome and pathetic with each new revelation.
Does he set off anyone's gaydar??? Obviously being gay is just fine, but since moving to the Southeast I've noticed the phenomenon of these VERY obviously gay men who are extremely closeted. They INSIST that they are straight but are still virgins when in their mid/late twenties, they all are VERY misogynistic. I ride in a car pool to work with one. He is the most cattiest person ever who says VERY mean things about our coworkers, stuff about their weight/clothes/choice of reading materials....its very Mean Girls.

I know two other men like that down here. I think they hate themselves so much that they project their hate onto women for "friend-zoning" them but these girls are just responding to their internal gaydar.

These men just need go get a nice boyfriend and accept and love themselves.

Just my opinion, but he really ping my gaydar.

"If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby. And don't think maybe, if you can't feed your baby."
- The wisdom of the late Michael Jackson
"The mother of the year should be a sterilized woman with two adopted children." - Paul Ehrlich
Yes, my gaydar is flashing neon lights.

And, for the last time, no one owes you sex! If these women don't want you, there's usually a good reason why.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Yup. Typical male entitlement,. a born sociopath who should have been culled when the signs first manifested. In rural areas, that was the sort of kid who Lassie would push in the well, No one would miss that "child" and everyone would breathe a sigh of relief that the "bad 'un" was gone. Happens in the best of families, but you've got to put 'em down, Old Yeller style. :sam
What the fuck kind of sick shit is running around in your head? Creepy...
Oh My Goddess Becky ... you are so right ... I just take it for granted that folks are more advanced, but yes, a gay man who is in total denial would hate women who can't get is teenyweinie hard ... because you know he had plenty of chances, who doesn't these days? Esp where he grew up, come ON, now ... you have to TRY not to get laid in LA .. .I can remember, before AIDS hit, some gay bars did not want FISHIES in there ... so I wouldn't go to those bars, plenty of gay bars like us fishies just fine. and didn't he kill the men with a knife? It's kinda obvious what message that sent ... he got up close and personal with the men .. . oh lordy .. . I wonder what his family's lawyers are saying about this? They HAD to know what was going on with this fucked up douche.
See, that's what I wanted to know! :hello Stay classy!
I'm getting a vibe that a certain someone might be getting banned and/or outed for a troll.popcorn and jerry springer signjerry

I can't help but think there's more to this story.

I'm not great at judging the attractiveness of other guys, so maybe the ladies can back me up on this, but physically speaking, he looks to me to be relatively normal, thin, and handsome guy. I don't see any reason why this guy wouldn't be able to score a girlfriend or some sex fairly easily.

That's why I believe that there's quite possibly more than meets the eye to this story. Maybe he was a closeted gay man, too afraid to come out? Maybe there was a serious chemical imbalance? Maybe there was another motive?

There seems to be an issue beyond solely woman-hating, so let's see how it plays out.

And men who are constantly worrying about having women like them need to see a goddamn shrink.

I couldn't agree more. We live in the information age where there is easy access to literature, the arts, politics, news, sports, film, charitable causes... get yourself out there and involved in things that do not involve trying to get laid. Not only will you become a more well-rounded person, but you'll actually increase your odds of getting laid.
basement dwelling fucktard
Yo, presto, :flaming what part of eat shit, fuck your mother, and die in agony do you not get? What sick shit? Reality, a few decades of study of the topic of human behavior. What the fuck is wrong with you, anyway? I see this site is not immune from its wankers, and you are the first to out himself. You will be fun ... I am so glad I came here ... ... fasten your seatbelt, you just made me aware of you ... big mistake ... as any of the ascf alum can tell you ... because even you say you're CF, that doesn't mean you can't be a douches, whose mother should have aborted.

Awwww, it thinks it belongs here. Sorry Pumpkin, but this place is for grown ups. Go back to Live Journal.
Interesting how some people here mention gaydar - and after I saw a picture of him I thought "whoa is that a girl??!!"

It's possible this creep had that problem. But in my personal experience, the few gay guys I do know, are accepting of themselves and don't have the problem that this Elliot Rodger obviously had.
Yo, presto, :flaming what part of eat shit, fuck your mother, and die in agony do you not get? What sick shit? Reality, a few decades of study of the topic of human behavior. What the fuck is wrong with you, anyway? I see this site is not immune from its wankers, and you are the first to out himself. You will be fun ... I am so glad I came here ... ... fasten your seatbelt, you just made me aware of you ... big mistake ... as any of the ascf alum can tell you ... because even you say you're CF, that doesn't mean you can't be a douches, whose mother should have aborted.

saying 'wtf'

You need to start showing senior members here some respect!

If you can't do that, FUCK OFF before you get your pathetic ass flamed! angry flipping off
Oh, my, I see we have some CHILDREN here who don't know me very well ...yet ... I should ask Pete to drop in here ... )O(cackle~cackle)O( the older I get, the less respect I have for young'uns who haven't taken the time to learn what's what ... but then, they are probably of the :"self esteem" generation, my generation. late boomers, had a lot more gonads. So, I see this place has its "lunch table divas" like the bints in junior hight who wouldn't let you sit at their table ... mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob

Go fuck yourself with a rusty chainsaw, please. :hardcore

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