Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 04, 2016
This is why I want to strangle anyone I know who breeds now. How can they possibly look at the direction in which the future is headed and choose to subject an unnecessary life to it? Why force an innocent kid to struggle its whole life just so you can have a happy and play house for a few years?

If you are looking for an answer, I'd start by saying that some people don't know. Others, particularly the techno-narcissists, insist that when it comes to the job market, "something will come up."

When you ask them to define "something," they can't, although they insist "something" means a vast array of well-paying, middle-class careers, with benefits. I am not sure what world these people are living in.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 04, 2016
Since it keeps getting brought up, the Biblical point of view would be that this sort of thing is obviously immoral, and God can't be blamed for those who shoot themselves in the foot. He clearly wants nothing to do with such people. As I often say regarding morality, "Under no circumstance was anyone to act stupid, and expect a reward." After all, it's well known that modern business owners are typically corrupt, as with politicians, and other figures of any power, or authority. It's expected, and placated in society: insurance fraud, piracy, store theft, tax evasion, all designed to stick it to "the man"; the corrupt, evil, jerk sitting high in his leather chair, aware and unbothered by the cries of the unfortunate below.

The very image of today's mother isn't a sweet figure, glowing with gentle wisdom, who will see to it that her kids are taken care of and brought up virtuously. It's, "I'M MAMA BEAR. I GET WHAT I WANT. RAAWWRR!!" A bear, you say? Why, Biblically, that was one of Satan's attributes! Yet, you call yourself "good", for your demands and demeanor? Where exactly do you think you're leading our future? No wonder your children are brats.

The "Christian" God frequently mentioned has no business in a society like this one. It wouldn't be fair to blame him for anything, for this isn't what he wanted and designed at all.

Of course, I believe many here are atheists. But, with other's worldviews, we must give credit where credit is due, mustn't we?

Those are excellent points. Though I'm a Methodist (former Catholic), I'm still very cynical. My view of God leans more toward Deism; if one pays any attention to the world, it's obvious if a God exists he/she is strictly hands-off. The crap that humanity inflicts on itself and other beings is our own damn fault.

It blows my mind how many people think we have to reward parunts for doing what most folks do anyway--reproduce. Government should not be paying for babies, period. It's not surprising that business wants more consumers. Commercials continue to sell the "ideal" of famblee, always living the upper-middle class lifestyle. Most people should know that they won't live that lifestyle, but hope springs eternal...

I don't have much hope for future generations, myself. Too many of us on the planet.

Jew Here - to set you both straight - there is no god. No "Jesus" anyway. What you Western people have been indoctrinated with is basically Capitalism.

Start here -

No Jeebus, Sorry. Such a person never existed. History bears this out as well.

And any 'God' - if we'd go back to Abraham 'hearing voices' from black clouds and burning bushes - OK, you read that as it is and IMO it was nothing but an Egyptian colonization effort. Oh, some 'god' is telling you to invade Canaan and kill all and take over their property? Some guy *from Egypt* is telling you this? A bunch of people milling around there, he declares them "Jews", says he "is one too" (never mind that he just came from Egypt) - Um - is this not BLATANTLY OBVIOUS as a colonization effort?

Also - you're worshipping the Jewish god of WAR.

Why do the powerful preach this crap yet disregard it for their own affairs? Because they know it's all BULL SHIT. That's why.

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." Seneca, 4 BC - 65 AD.

It's ALL a load of BULL SHIT! They knew it 'way back then'! And IMO so is "Spirituality". There is no such thing. It's just emotions. People try to separate this out - there is no separation IMO, it's just human emotion, and superstition, based off of hopes and wanting of certain outcomes. IMO ALL religion is FALSE. There is no such thing as "spirituality".

"All religions are ultimately Cargo Cults ~" ~ Octavia Butler
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 04, 2016
On "Robots" and jobs -

They've been saying this for years too. It's an idle threat IMO. Many things cannot be taken over by robots, and many things can be 'by passed' - which cost our Overlords money.

As example, here - there were "Self Check Outs" at stores - and now they are gone. Why? Too easy to steal. All the stores that had them here - have eliminated them. It had to be because of theft.

Same with alot of 'phone systems' - people won't have it, nor 'foreigners' who don't speak English - which is why you see so much advertising, especially that pitched at 'older people' which makes a point to say - "US based customer service".

Robots can only do so much. We've been hearing this for years and have yet to see it come to pass. In fact - it's going the other way. There are NO 'self check outs' left around here at all. You're back to your regular old store cashiers - which IMO is as it should be. For the customer as well as the company. A human being *does a better job* for both.

I tried some of those, I'm not a stupid person either, IMO it was confusing, never worked right, IMO you NEED a worker who KNOWS what to do! These are very much needed workers IMO.

And evidently the stores around here felt the same way and eliminated the 'self check out' and went right back to trained workers for this.

As did other biz's who now PROMOTE "US based customer service".

I'm no kind of Einstein, I'm not even an Economist, I would like to think I'm reasonably intelligent and do have tech and biz ed. IMO what is wrong is - there is TOO MUCH labor and TOO MUCH product. There's a glut of it all. And books I've read written by people smarter than I - say the same thing. There is no shortage - there is in fact GROSS SURPLUS.

Of labor and cheap crap. There is however a rapidly dwindling supply of raw materials ~

Chinese economy going gang busters? Remember worrying over that? All an illusion. As we can clearly see now. Producing alot does not = moving alot. That's one thing you have to watch - inventories. When they start backing up ~
Same w/ Chinese Real Estate. They built all that stuff, they had the money to do so - but no one is buying. You can't just look at the production numbers. Is it selling? NO. They were backing up years ago - biz people saw it, called it, and now it's clear for all to see.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 05, 2016
Zzelda- You fail to see what I've done. I took the common rationale of a "Christian" and destroyed it within it's own worldview: by their own standards, they are completely wrong. Hideous, even.

You're an atheist, yes? Where do you get your reason? You ask many questions, I've noticed, but how do you arrive at an answer?

What is a worldview? It would seem to be the status of your own mind, is a box to enshrine whatever it is you hold the dearest, supported by arguments, rationale, and possibly delusions, all of your own choosing. Philosophers, for one, love human logic; they would tear open their own heads to admire their brains if they could. They could frame their cat scans along with their diplomas.
About 99% of them are atheists, I think. They love to point out that spirituality offers no tangible answers, while not knowing anything about the invisible problems that clearly plague mankind. If they can't see it, it doesn't exist. If they can't logic their way out of a problem, they say that we just haven't gotten there yet. They can be nice, enjoyable people, but have no moral base, other than doing what feels right to them. This often becomes humanism in due time. But... Humans are disgusting creatures. This clearly makes no sense. They're not different humans simply because they want to be.

A classic model of a spiritual person of any sort would probably value emotional comfort. Anything that worries them is wiped away by whatever figure or philosophy they choose. I am only familiar with the larger denominations of Christianity and a little on the sides of deism at present; they're the largest players. I know an amount of the scriptures, and the various forms they've taken (Bible, Islamic texts, mostly.)
About 99% of them are deluded into thinking everything will be okay if they really want it to be. Mostly, they give nothing, and seek to live comfortably. As forums such as the one we're speaking in now would show, this doesn't do much good.

Each one appears to chase it's own tail. Though, my descriptions are very stereotypical of either group, meaning no offense, most people are completely unaware, and float around somewhere in the middle: after all, you only get one true love. Many people don't even know what it is they value the most.

Any answer any of us chooses is inevitably linked to WHAT YOU WANT. You'll get it. This world is very accommodating.

So. At the end of the day, whether you're in love with logic or comfort, you have placed yourself there. You have gotten what you wanted. You have your prize. Do you think you're better than a spiritual person because your box is different? Then why aren't you living harmoniously? You're only playing the same game everyone else is.

As for me, I'll have it pointed out that I only responded with Bibliology in the topic because it was relevant; as I said, I enjoy talking about worldviews. They are quite valuable, and relevant to everyone to understand. I wouldn't imagine my personal beliefs are relevant in a place like this, so I haven't mentioned them.


Well, automation, more likely. We have a ton of self-checkouts here, they're very popular. I agree with the surplus commentary; there is too much of everything. I would see less products that lasted much longer (in my dreams...) Chinese dollar-shops are everywhere, and all they sell is crap that breaks after a week, but they're doing very well, and won't go away soon. Not only does this make trash, it moves labor out, and floods the market with a reason not to buy anything worthwhile. Why buy an expensive -what'sit- for $200 when you can buy one for $15, but you have to buy it 30 times a year? Urgh...
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 05, 2016
Read my signature. Lol!

That being said, I feel so bad for kids born nowadays. They will have nothing. And only parents can shoulder this blame.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 05, 2016
I am a spiritual person because I was raised in the Catholic church, but no longer practise due to the hypocrisy I heard and witnessed within the church walls itself. I still believe in the basic teachings, and feel it has helped me, as well as others around me.

I feel that my spirituality has given me comfort and hope at times when I was at my lowest. Impoverished, suicidal, and so drugged up from psych meds that I could hardly get out of bed. If it weren't for my spiritual side, I would not be here today, that much I know. I would have committed suicide years ago.

If it makes me comfortable, then fine. I believe in doing no harm to others, and living my life as an example to what you can have if you are strong enough to make it happen. If my being here and saying this makes anyone feel defensive, I don't really mind. After all, I don't press my personal beliefs on others, and I do NOT expect them to press their personal beliefs on me.

An Atheist is no more going to change my mind into not believing, any more than I could change an Atheist's mind into believing.

I would have loved to have joined SH, but it wasn't a good fit for me because of my spiritual beliefs. I chose not to belong there. Last I checked, there was nothing in the board rules that stated you had to be an Atheist to contribute here.

ETA: I realize I am in the minority here. I just wanted to express my feelings on the subject.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 05, 2016
Speaking as someone who lives in a severely overpopulated area (FloriDuh Suncoast) with high unemployment - and right now we have MerryMaking Snowbirds(TM) I cannot fucking stand who do nothing but fucking party 5 to 6 months out of the year. And that high unemployment does not include the 100 + age crowd, either.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 06, 2016

You are not the only non-atheist here. I consider myself spiritual but not religious. My parents raised me without religion. They grew up Catholic but left the church as young adults and became nonbelievers. I heard about God at preschool and started believing because it just made intuitive sense to me. I think I also had some encounters with the spirit world at a very early age, but the memories are vague. When I got older I tried being religious, but it just did not feel right. So now I believe in God, the spirit world and the afterlife; but I am not a Christian or a member of any other religion.

I realize some people have different beliefs because they have had different experiences. A former boss of mine is an atheist. Her parents sent her to Sunday school when she was little, but nothing they told her there made any sense to her, so she just never believed. I also know of people who say they knew Jesus was real when they were kids.

Who knows? As long as people don't try to force their beliefs on others I see no reason to be offended by them. I agree everyone here should be respectful.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 06, 2016
Thanks, Ondinette, ITA. We have to keep things respectful.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 06, 2016
Since it keeps getting brought up, the Biblical point of view would be that this sort of thing is obviously immoral, and God can't be blamed for those who shoot themselves in the foot. He clearly wants nothing to do with such people. As I often say regarding morality, "Under no circumstance was anyone to act stupid, and expect a reward." After all, it's well known that modern business owners are typically corrupt, as with politicians, and other figures of any power, or authority. It's expected, and placated in society: insurance fraud, piracy, store theft, tax evasion, all designed to stick it to "the man"; the corrupt, evil, jerk sitting high in his leather chair, aware and unbothered by the cries of the unfortunate below.

The very image of today's mother isn't a sweet figure, glowing with gentle wisdom, who will see to it that her kids are taken care of and brought up virtuously. It's, "I'M MAMA BEAR. I GET WHAT I WANT. RAAWWRR!!" A bear, you say? Why, Biblically, that was one of Satan's attributes! Yet, you call yourself "good", for your demands and demeanor? Where exactly do you think you're leading our future? No wonder your children are brats.

The "Christian" God frequently mentioned has no business in a society like this one. It wouldn't be fair to blame him for anything, for this isn't what he wanted and designed at all.

Of course, I believe many here are atheists. But, with other's worldviews, we must give credit where credit is due, mustn't we?

Those are excellent points. Though I'm a Methodist (former Catholic), I'm still very cynical. My view of God leans more toward Deism; if one pays any attention to the world, it's obvious if a God exists he/she is strictly hands-off. The crap that humanity inflicts on itself and other beings is our own damn fault.

It blows my mind how many people think we have to reward parunts for doing what most folks do anyway--reproduce. Government should not be paying for babies, period. It's not surprising that business wants more consumers. Commercials continue to sell the "ideal" of famblee, always living the upper-middle class lifestyle. Most people should know that they won't live that lifestyle, but hope springs eternal...

I don't have much hope for future generations, myself. Too many of us on the planet.

OMFG YES, can we please get rid of the damn tax breaks for parents?! It should be a penalty, not a reward. We do NOT NEED MORE HUMANS PERIOD.

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 06, 2016
I know it's unrelated but since this forum may be the only place I could ask: Has anyone left the catholic church because priests are grouchy and nuns are mean and scary? While there are other issues with the church (anti-gay, anti family planning, wastes of money) the people (and confession scared the crap out of me as a little kid) are the reason I have left. When I tell this reason, other people say "but its only one priest or nun" and "you paint with a broad brush" (or maybe I use a roller?) or some kind of personal attack. So has anyone left for that reason?

Moderators, its ok if you move this, I just thought it was a place to ask.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 06, 2016
mr. neptune
I know it's unrelated but since this forum may be the only place I could ask: Has anyone left the catholic church because priests are grouchy and nuns are mean and scary? While there are other issues with the church (anti-gay, anti family planning, wastes of money) the people (and confession scared the crap out of me as a little kid) are the reason I have left. When I tell this reason, other people say "but its only one priest or nun" and "you paint with a broad brush" (or maybe I use a roller?) or some kind of personal attack. So has anyone left for that reason?

Moderators, its ok if you move this, I just thought it was a place to ask.

I left the Roman Catholic Church when I was 15 and no for none of the reasons you asked. And, I happen to be a product of a Catholic junior high school, and high school, as well as a Catholic women's college in CT. In my case it was more doctrinal than anything else, as well as the church's authority which more closely resembled a political setup than religious.

Quite honestly the city my family in, the one Catholic high school had a much better reputation than its 2 public high schools. Not to mention the fact there were no proms nor dances at the Catholic high school I attended. Catholic schools are more likely to take academics seriously and I will be the first to admit I received an excellent education. The lay teachers were no problem for me anyways and the few nuns there were not bad either. In fact, we had a Sister Sandra who was as hip as they could possibly come and was "one of the teenagers" herself if you know what I mean - she did not wear a habit but instead everyday wear, and she was in her 40's or early 50's at the time.

When my father and mother died and received the traditional Catholic church mass and cemetery burial I had no qualms about attending either. You know, sometimes religious differences need to go on the back burner at certain periods in life. I'll be getting cremated, as will be my husband and brother - no Mass, nor anything fancy.

Hope than answers your question.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 06, 2016
Mr.Neptune- It seems like Catholics are the Western, modern day Jews- they think they're God's special snowflakes, and they can do whatever they want. They can't.
They think they're so special, that God gave them a "pope" to speak to them, and specifically blessed their establishment. And they can make the Holy day whatever day they want, and they can have statues of angels, and pray to Mary, and baptize children who have no idea what's going on. None of this has any base in scripture.

Everyone who calls himself a "Christian", in any denomination, is under direct orders to act like Christ- that's why they took his name. Conduct-wise, how dare they act in such a way that would frighten another, or insist that what they represent is a bad thing?
No one is going to be perfect. But if they can't man up and mind their responsibilities with their behavior, they should get out. Because it's gotten to the point where people don't even like to hear about religious things. People are doing that poor a job with the name they took.

Perhaps the moderators could arrange for this topic to be split, if they would like. I apologize, because it is my fault, even if I meant what I said to be relevant at the time.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 07, 2016
The idiotic Finnish media has gone mad and publishes every fucking week about the declining birthrate (among blonde blue-eyed Finns, of course). The news were smth. of the kind "lowest birthrate since hunger years of 1860's. Given the fact that thousands of people have lost their jobs and the economy here is one of the weakest in Europe at the present moment, we aren't that far from hunger years. And what pisses me off is the panic tone they use like it's the end of the world because women don't crap out 3+ brats but only 1-2. No, birthrate is not declining, it's just stabilizing. You don't need a football team, 1-2 kids are enough.

I'm positively amazed by the comments who are stating that in this present situation is no longer worth to have kids because there is nothing in store for them but a grim future. And there are plenty of people thinking this way.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 07, 2016
. I would have loved to have joined SH, but it wasn't a good fit for me because of my spiritual beliefs. I chose not to belong there. Last I checked, there was nothing in the board rules that stated you had to be an Atheist to contribute here..

I miss Selfish Heathens! BTW, I'm a mum of chickens and goats! I love chickens. I can't eat chicken since I acquired them, lol

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 07, 2016
I'm positively amazed by the comments who are stating that in this present situation is no longer worth to have kids because there is nothing in store for them but a grim future. And there are plenty of people thinking this way.

I have to concur. The way the world is going, I think I'm doing the loving thing to my children by not having them, not subjecting them to this world.

In any case, robots are going to put us all out of jobs anyway.

Humans Need Not Apply
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 07, 2016
There is nothing, NOTHING wrong with religion. There is however a lot of things wrong with how people USE religion. I always like to point out that those who argue against religion do not in essence have an issue with the religion itself but with the way that people act when they are under its influence. I can't stand Fundies, but I like the Christian Left. Same religion, different application. And therein lies the key.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 08, 2016
Suncard -

I'm just saying -

NONE of this "Mythology" lines up with recorded history. That's all.

Or, it's been way 'over blown' and made into mythology.

And it could be anything. Where is / was / evidence of Quetzalcoatl? As example.

Quoting you here -


So. At the end of the day, whether you're in love with logic or comfort, you have placed yourself there. You have gotten what you wanted. You have your prize. Do you think you're better than a spiritual person because your box is different? Then why aren't you living harmoniously? You're only playing the same game everyone else is.

This is an interesting way of looking at it, but I don't look at things this way. I would say, if anything, I'm a Nihilist. On optimistic days maybe an Existentialist. I also often wonder if I, or anything, even exists - at all.

How do we know that we aren't dead and these are just our memories? (Friend of mine tossed me this one, it's not an orig.)

Also, the entire universe is going to re - contract. Eventually. Time is a function of distance.
Why do we exist? Are we like ants or amoebas or the wart on something else's ass and we don't even know it? Maybe we are molecules of - something else.

We have no way of knowing.

And Quetzlcoatl is probably not coming to save you ~
Nor any 'being'. If so, it would've happened by now.
And that's just human emotion. Projected.

No one knows what this IS.

What IS it? Why is it here?

To claim a person - like, or animal - like, being made it is the Anthropomorphic Fallacy.

It's human vanity, really - to think that way.

A 'human' (like being) made a mountain, say. But how do you know that the mountain didn't make the human?

There are no answers to these questions. It's too esoteric.

In any case, my aforementioned thoughts were - that recorded history does not line up with recent mythology. The same mythology used to govern us - which *recorded history* proves to be false.

I'm stuck in the physical world here and have to deal with the 'governance' aspects of it. Which the mythology that they bring into this - has proven to be FALSE.
I'm looking at these things at the 'arguing a parking ticket' level - not the hard core esoteric. Which IMO is just speculation anyway. And I'm not a Philosopher.

IMO there is no such thing as "Spirituality" - what that is, as we know it, is the emotional angle of those hoping for a Cargo God, a Santa, to 'save' them. Saved? Where's the winning lotto numbers? That is what it is - it's tied to the physical realm.

We just exist. There is no answer. There is no answer is the best answer IMO.

I, personally, am convinced that there is no "Human Like God" - because otherwise I'd have got what was coming to me by now. I'm not an asshole. Where's my cargo of Good Karma?

That's all BULL SHIT as far as I can tell.

We just exist. Everything just IS. And there is no meaning or answers. And trying to put a 'human answer' on this - a Human God Creator - IMO that's just silly. It's far too simplistic and boils down to human vanity. And hoping for some Santa - like being to 'save' you and bring you luck and material improvement.

My thoughts are what I want and others thoughts are what they want? Yeah, OK, but they keep trying to *shove their thoughts onto me* - in the material realm - which is the problem. And their so called 'religious' thoughts are actually Capitalistic Animal Husbandry about what I can do for them. All their preaching is concerned with the material world and how others actions benefit the ruling class. This is "spirituality"? Uh, NO. It's Capitalism based off of animal breeding. Subsequently applied to humans. That's blatantly obvious.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 08, 2016
keeper of traken
I'm positively amazed by the comments who are stating that in this present situation is no longer worth to have kids because there is nothing in store for them but a grim future. And there are plenty of people thinking this way.

I have to concur. The way the world is going, I think I'm doing the loving thing to my children by not having them, not subjecting them to this world.

In any case, robots are going to put us all out of jobs anyway.

Humans Need Not Apply

Whenever i mention that video and the fact that robots are going to replace us, people laugh in my face and say that i shouldn't worry because new jobs will appear. And that happened in a Finnish CF group, also. People are either blind or stupid, can't they see that most of jobs in my country are outsourced or just replaced by automatization (some good examples from here are the post office, supermarkets and railways). People buy tickets from vending machines and validate them through machines. There is no need for persons to sell and check tickets anymore. Sending parcels is done through special boxes now, there is just one employee who checks them in/out and transports them. Supermarkets have already started to use the self-checkouts. Yes, people will still be needed but not so many anymore. The ones who are whining about population getting old and natality going down should open their eyes wider.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 08, 2016
But there is one job humans will always only be able to do: WIPING ASSES! The robots are probably smart enough to roll away from doing it.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 08, 2016
Bidets will save the world when there aren't enough spawn to wipe asses.

Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 08, 2016

And I'm not a Philosopher.

Oh, of course you are. "A rose by any other name", after all.

What's philosophy? From Merriam Webster:

: the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc.
: a particular set of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc.
: a set of ideas about how to do something or how to live

From what I've seen of you, you're very interested in knowledge, various ideas and explanations for the world we live in, and proof. That would denote you as philosophical in attribute, even if you don't fully identify with the scholarly stereotype that refuses any recognition of spiritual things. The opposite of religion is philosophy, and while I did paint with a very broad brush for the sake of simplicity, you seem to refuse any sort of god.

I would've said different things to you, but at this point, it's obvious where I stand. I took the name Suncard so I could remain neutral in my conversations here, but I'm afraid it's too late. That was a dumb idea anyway.

Logic will never explain invisible things, and that's it's biggest trouble. The boxes I mentioned are invisible.

As for all of the history proven false... What makes your answers better than any other? Why do you trust your scholars and your scientists so much? They don't think like you. They might just be out for a buck. And they're always changing; they come out with new information all the time, and then it clashes, and then they fight. In my eyes, aren't we all hundreds of years too late for arguing about what document was written when, and what history is accurate? How do we know who fiddled with what?
At one point, people were loyal to the scripture, and what it had to say. There are many different translations of what's usually called "the bible", but, I've had the best luck reading tricky areas from multiple versions. People lied, and they changed what it said in a few parts. I don't trust the bible 100%.

Science? They change their story every few years. Sure, it sounds plausible, and it they can explain anything you want. If they can't, they just say, "Oh, well, we haven't gotten there yet!" Yet. Leave it to the future that you may or may not be in.

I have no proof for you about my side of things. All I'll ever be able to offer is that what I see when I look at the world is much different than what you see- my "box" is entirely different. Most people, even if they call themselves "religious", have much different view than I do.

You don't seem satisfied with a god telling you, "I made you, that's why you're here." Why not? What is unpleasant about that? I would suppose because of how other people conduct themselves, and how they shove it in other people's faces like a PETA event. You know it's terrible. This is the face of God as we know him: people today. Quite frankly, they're all doing a devastatingly poor job, and can't even make up their minds over what they believe. Now, it's out of fashion to be religious. Hip is proof, baby, and he doesn't like it very much. He spent all of ancient history proving he existed, and everyone still hated him. WHY should he bother now? He's already done everything he can. It never made any difference to anyone.
Did anyone ever love God for his own sake? Not too many. Even though he desperately wanted it? Even though he was their creator, and even though there were no other gods for them to worship, because they don't exist, they insisted on doing it anyway?
Hatred for him today isn't "quetzalcoatl", it now comes in the name of philosophy. Sure, you're an asshole, you broke his heart.

Oh, we're still here, and he's very distant. This is a terrible time to be a Christian. Everything is saturated in what he hates.

I'm promised NOTHING. I don't care what happens to me when I die. Sure, if I think about it real hard, I don't want to be obliterated, and I'd be scared. But who the hell am I? I'm no one. I'm the child of a hundred generations of people who hated him.
That's awfully demeaning, and I'm the vain one? I know I don't make all the rules. Who says you do? You have control over your box, and how you want to view things. That's it.

Of course this world is very emotional. You, and the majority of the other members here, probably, are here to scream that something is wrong. You're angry and you hate it. You don't like the way the world is. You're not supposed to. This isn't how it was supposed to be.
But, maybe you wouldn't not like it so much if you paid attention to what it said, rather than what everyone TOLD YOU it said.

God made sure to out stupid parents plenty of times, he's not that far removed, at least.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 08, 2016
I know there will always be jobs that have to be done by human hands, and there will always be fields which will have opportunities (mortuary science because everyone goddamn dies), but the issue will be that the ratio of jobs to the number of people who need jobs will be extremely uneven, and will continue to be uneven as human-exclusive jobs get cut so employers can save a few bucks while overworking the rest of their staff.

This is why, more and more, I'm thinking that the only way for anyone to make any money is to not answer to the man. You have to create something and be your own boss - patent a new thing, make some kind of art that has a 0.0001 percent chance of gaining a following, have a successful YouTube channel (I think once you get in excess of 1 million viewers, you get paid), etc. Sometimes shit that starts out as a joke or something fun/stupid begins yielding money. Examples I know of include:

Johnny Cupcakes: College dropout with ADHD and no business sense started selling cupcakes-and-crossbones shirts out of his car at concerts as a joke. Now the man is a damn millionaire because he makes all his shirt designs limited-run collectors' items.

Various YouTube critics: Started off complaining about bad movies/games/shows as a fun little thing to do, and after acquiring millions of followers, their channels are now their livelihood.

Other YouTubers: NikkieTutorials gets all kinds of free full-sized makeup to play with. Making beauty how-to's is her source of income now. HowToBasic started off making videos showing him doing stupid shit with food while naked. He now has over 6 million viewers and makes money doing his "tutorial" videos.

Oh Joy Sex Toy: Web comic that started off slow, took right the hell off and now it's a source of income for the husband-and-wife team who create it. Don't know if it's the sole source of income, but they're apparently so busy with their artwork that they don't even have time for fan mail. They only accept emails for business purposes, and they constantly receive free sex toys to review. Quite a few other web comic artists have turned their art into money, but I don't think any of them ever set out to intentionally try and make money off it. You've got a snowball's chance in hell of getting your art recognized on a national scale.

Comedians. Any comedian. George Carlin is/was a great example. He got arrested many times and fired a LOT, so normal employment was probably out of the question for him.

Unfortunately, doing your own thing and being able to live off the proceeds is still a pretty rare thing, and you'll need money to live off while you figure out what the hell you're gonna do. It just sucks that many minimum-wage jobs could be replaced with machines because that's how a lot of people get their first notches in their employment belts - stocking shelves, slinging burgers, scanning groceries and so on. And even then, employers have unrealistic fucking standards. I receive job alerts from Indeed and one that I got recently that was listed as an office job was a job at Lowe's as a sales associate. Says they only want people with a degree in business or business management to apply. Since when did minimum-wage retail require a fuckin' college education? Employers have become spoiled little snowflakes because they know their employees are completely disposable, and they know that the employees know that too.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 08, 2016
Holy shit, if employers are going to start demanding Bachelor's degrees for minimum wage jobs we're all doomed. I am glad I'm on disability even though it sucks being sick.

I don't like kids but I feel sorry for them. Very few of the minors today will have much of a life when they grow up. At least some people from my generation did well. I live in a rather wealthy suburban area (in a one bedroom apartment attached to my parents' house). Maybe the people here will manage to get their kids good jobs, but I don't see that happening for the kids in poorer areas in the city. The guy next door, who is probably in his 30s, is doing well only because his father is a wealthy business owner and he helps out with the business. It sucks you need nepotism to get anything these days, and I don't see that changing in the future.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 09, 2016
A surplus of cheap, desperate labor coming in the next 20 years or so sure as hell isn't going to inspire businesses to invest in the employees that they currently have. So reports like this are kind of a double whammy of fuckery.

"Yes, fellow readers, nothing says 'devoted father of a special needs kid' quite like drinking, snorting cocaine, and then taking the boat out for a spin."
- Tiquer
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