Even if it were true, which I highly doubt

It's probably true. She probably considers 12.25 hours a week in "work-study" and putting out Avon catalogues as two jobs.

She's not very ambitious. Shauna is up to something like a dozen full-time jobs for two people.
I was watching DateLine or PrimeTime or one of those shows tonight...about the Poor Middle-Class famblees who must accept handouts from welfare to keep from starving. What a bunch of piffle!

Both breeder famblees lived very high on the hog, and burnt through their savings, 401K's etc, and when the recession hit, and the duhs lost their jobs, they had NOTHING left! Both famblees had defecto-brats.
They didn't bother to put away a single cent towards their kyd's future medical care.

One mooo, VP of HR for a large company, got fired from her six-figure job because she started a fight with someone in her office. She had her ass canned. Duh got laid off, and ended up working in an athlete's retail store selling shoes FT. MOOO refused to get a job she deemed as "beneath her" so she decided to go for the handouts instead. After applying for a couple of executive positions over a ten-month period, including Vice President of HR for another company (she was turned down obviously) she was told by the welfare counselor (?) to stop being a snob and get a regular job!

Another whiny-ass cunt had a defecto-kyd, couldn't pay the "rent" for her McMansion either, and was forced to use EBT and the Food Bank. When she went to the welfare office, she wore no makeup, and dumpy clothes...making herself look worse off than she really was. Even though she lived in a very nice home and drove a decent vehicle.

Moo-Cunt #1 was told to make some "sacrifices" to help meet the budget. They decided to give up their vacation that year, dinners out, downgrade their internet service (although she was seen using a very expensive looking smart phone on TV) but she decided to keep the McMansion and the oversized SUV. Those were status symbols in her mind. She still went on the system to help pay for her "lifestyle."

I had to ask myself (living in a modest one-bedroom apartment, don't drive a car, etc) how much would it cost to fuel a giant SUV, insure it and maintain it....along with the house itself! The rent - as they call it - would be very high...along with heating / electric and water costs. Why couldn't they downsize to a smaller townhouse until they got back on their feet again? The answer? Everyone in the area received an increase in THEIR property tax to help these poor famblees get free handouts. angry smiley

The one mooo was practically crying in the food bank, because she was upset that they didn't have her favorite or her kyd's favorite food....they had to settle for less.

Vice-President McBitchy Pants had to take a grave-yard shift cleaning offices...that her husband had to get for her. She was also served with separation papers...I thought it was good, he took his testicles out of her purse and finally put them back where they belonged!

I guess that's what happens when you fuck up your life.

So much for hanging onto the American Dream. I live very modestly...within my means. I also work WITH a disability. I have no cell phone and I keep my bills to a minimum. These people are able-bodied and have done nothing to help themselves. Then they have the nerve to bitch and whine about how "haaaaarrrddd" it is?

Please! Won't somebody call the WAAAAMMMMBULAANCE!!!!! :bawl
The problem with this recession is that it had hit hard the people who were less ready for it.
Personally, I think it is a good thing. Clean out the weakling.

Those people have NO RIGHT to whine. I am lucky that I can build myself a professional career, sure. But I admit I am lucky and don't whine because it is hard.

None.Care.If.It.Is.Hard. Thoughten up, for the love of God.
And don't have kids. You can't care properly for them.

Whiners, all of them.
I don't begrudge honest people who have fallen upon hard times, who need the system temporarily to pick themselves up and restart their lives. What irked me about this documentary was that these jerks expected to maintain the lifestyles to which they had become accustomed, to not really sacrafice anything of importance and keep on rollin' while they whined and bitched about how life was so awful.

I wish I could afford to live in a big, fancy house, drive a car and own a crackberry. I don't own any of those things, because they are outside of my means. These are things that should be given up as soon as they start to collect the benefits....as well as accept whatever job comes down the pike, whether it's "beneath" them or not!

So many breeders have this sense of entitlement, that they think the world owes them something because they have famblees. It sickens me, because so many CF people in America get next to nothing despite working their entire lives and putting money into that system.

If either of those asshole famblees would have made real sacrifices so that they could actually get back on their feet again, I would have felt a little more sympathetic to them. I was left with a sour taste in my mouth over their shitty attitudes and lack of trying.
I don't have any sympathy for these people either. Times are tough, for everyone, not just the ones burdened with children. Times haven't been easy for me,what with with my husband's medical bills and the fact that we don't qualify for much of anything because we don't have kids. Fair? No, but we make due, and by making due this means we don't live in an expensive house or drive a Lexus( no offense to any Lexus drivers here, but this seems to the the preferred mode of transport for breeders down here).

The fact is that if you are CF you just don't qualify for much. What's interesting is if single or married CFers were to speak to the media about how times are tough for them, I doubt they would get much sympathy from anyone, because they don't have kids. It is the child driven society we live in. It's unfortunate but it is reality. Fact is, I don't have time to bitch and moan about it because I am busy working and trying to keep up with shit,so forgive me if I feel little sympathy for the plight of breeders everywhere.

Here is a thought: how about a contingency plan breeders? Set aside a little bit in case things get rough. It really isn't rocket science.
My Moo sister in law was recently whining about how haaard times were and how if things didn't get better she MIGHT have to cancel their two week vacation plans to the beach this year or they MAY even lose their house!eye rolling smiley She has worked as an accountant at a local business for over 15 years and does well financially in her job, but her restless husband can't seem to hold a job longer than six months which is constantly causing them financial problems, (according to her anyway, although I have YET to see her do without, especially not food) although he always gets some job or the other right after quitting or getting fired from one. However, every single time he loses a good job, and there have been several really high paying ones he's just "lost", she starts up on this bullshit rant about how much they are suffering like a typical martyr Moo.:bawl

I am bringing this up because JUST LAST WEEK she was moaning about how "poor" they were and going on about the possibility of "losing" their house, yet yesterday told a whole other story. This is a very typical breeder mindset and behavior because if I was about to lose MY house, you can bet your ass I'd cut out any and ALL unnecessary expenditures immediately. However, when I stopped by her mother's house yesterday she and her older son were there "modeling" a new baseball uniform. It seems he had just signed up with some summer pre teen baseball program and his uniform cost $167, his new bat cost $290, and the shoes about $200. In addition to that she was mooing about just having paid, she said how there would be NINE out of the area games, each requiring a 2 day hotel stay and the whole famblee of course would be going.:fmbl

The very first game is in another fucking state and 600 miles round triip and could EASILY cost a famblee of four over a thousand dollars to drive there and back, stay in a hotel, eat, etc.....So, in addition to the up front costs, they will spend at LEAST $500 per trip, JUST for this baseball shit. Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't sound like someone who is about to lose their house OR possibly they are over spending on credit? Either way, if they aren't "poor" she's full of shit and if they are and spending all that money anyway, it won't be any surprise if they DO wind up in foreclosure. In this economy and certainly with the unreliability of her husband's employment, I think it's foolish to waste money like that.:bdid

Let a famblee be in need though and they have the government to fall back on. Let a childfree person or couple be in need and the door will be slammed in our faces. This type of breeder shit she is doing is so fucking typical it makes me sick!: I feel quite certain MANY of these WIC-EBT whores' kids play on similar baseball teams or other unnecessary bullshit and let, "the village" buy their fucking groceries and worse, feel entitled to it because THEY have chyyyldren.. angrily flogging with a whip

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Look at all you can do with a welfare EBT card!
July 08, 2012

First of all you can not buy anything but food with foodstamps!!!!!! In mn anyway...... And you know I am so sick of being called lazy and worthless and stupid. Some people on welfare are on it for a reason. They have physical and mental disabilities.... Sorry that you are so self centered that you can;t bring yourself to think about someone other than you........ Yes you may be working and paying taxes and shit, but try being disabled and not be able to support yourself. It is no picknic. And as far as the amount they give people well lets just say I can't even afford a weeks worth of food with the foodstampt they give me. I didn't chose to be on the system. And I know there are lazy people who are on it. But dang it think about what you are doing to the ones who really do need it. What if your uncle or brother was disable and couln't work? Would just send him out on the street and not help him? You people are cruel and mean and selfish..... To bad you cant all find out what it is like to be on welfare for a while then tell me if you think most of us are on it caues we like it. And yes I should be able to buy a candy bar if I want to. Or even a can of pop. We deserve the same things out of life as anyone else does.

Beat it, Troll. If you know what's good for you. devil with smile
Re: Look at all you can do with a welfare EBT card!
July 08, 2012
I am not a troll

God. Just fuck off.
no you need to know there is more than just your side to the story you think we are all just a bunch of lazy worthless people well we are not

yes you are a troll. A good number of us work with EBThevies on a daily basis. Stop the con.
Re: Look at all you can do with a welfare EBT card!
July 08, 2012
I am not a troll

Look Jo Jo, you are a MOO, so that makes you a TROLL since this is a childFREE site.:1wv

Status: Single
Here for: Networking, Friends
Hometown: Owatanna MN
Orientation: Lesbian
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Religion: Christian - other
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Children: Proud parent
Smoke / Drink: No / No
Education: College graduate

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Look at all you can do with a welfare EBT card!
July 08, 2012
no you need to know there is more than just your side to the story you think we are all just a bunch of lazy worthless people well we are not

You are on thin ice. Go back to wherever you came from.
who said I had any kids well to clear that up I don't and no I am not a troll and it is easy to say rotten things to people you dont know on the internet seems kind of like bullying to me

You did moo It's right on your spaced out page:

Status: Single
Here for: Networking, Friends
Hometown: Owatanna MN
Orientation: Lesbian
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Religion: Christian - other
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Children: Proud parent
Smoke / Drink: No / No
Education: College graduate

And you came here to bully us becasue we have the audcity to not kiss your sponging ass. BZZZ you luze - luzer.
Re: Look at all you can do with a welfare EBT card!
July 08, 2012
who said I had any kids well to clear that up I don't and no I am not a troll and it is easy to say rotten things to people you dont know on the internet seems kind of like bullying to me

You want some? You want some? Come and GET IT, MOO-TROLL!
Geeky, you're drinking Coke and eating Snickers bars on my dime, when I have cut out all luxuries to make ends meet and stay off unemployment. Fuck you.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
When is moo-cunt going to get it? She/it is not welcome here.
Ahh, looky here. Just another worthless troll, coming to OUR CF site, bothering US and then calling US bullies. I think the pot is calling the kettle black here, bitch.

You are messing with the wrong board, cunt. My advice is for you to fuck off, or else YOU will be our next troll-roast...your famblee, your lover, your chyld, future employees (yeah, I know..lol) and EVERYONE will know what a useless POS you are!

So take your fat ass and LEAVE. You have been warned. Any more correspondence from you and you WILL become OUTED for being the useless, vile troll-cunt that you ARE!

Now SCAT! angry flipping off
Re: Look at all you can do with a welfare EBT card!
July 08, 2012
I have a disability due to being rear-ended by an 18-wheeler. I can't get assistance because it is correctable by surgery, my tax records show I make too much money, and I don't have any children. So I'm forced to work making 1/3 of my accustomed income because I'm in too much pain to work the same I used too.

Yeah, so just fuck off geeky.

I walk the path of life to my own rhythm, my own beat-if you don't like it, step off and find your own damn song!
No can't afford coke and candy cant even afford a burger out once in a while you think people on welfare have money for junk like that ha ha ha ha ha ha that is so funny I have to go to the red cross to get my toilet paper come on people get real my friend buys my toothpaste and shampoo I got no fucking money

Well, guess what bitch? YOU HAVE EFFECTIVELY BEEN WARNED. You obviously can afford to waste your goddamned time trolling boards, you worthless breeder-scag.

Now, prepare to enjoy some humiliation a la BratFree, you stupid, useless waste of fucking air!

We are sick of the fishy smell of your vaginabutthole around here. So FUCK OFF!
No can't afford coke and candy cant even afford a burger out once in a while you think people on welfare have money for junk like that ha ha ha ha ha ha that is so funny I have to go to the red cross to get my toilet paper come on people get real my friend buys my toothpaste and shampoo I got no fucking money

Oh, geeky. You're breaking my cold, black atheist heart.
Guess what? No one here gives a shit. Fuck off. Try reading the rules of this site. Also, take a look at what happens to the likes of you when your kind barges in on our board. You've been warned you stupid fuck.
She ain't gettin' the point, peeps. What to do? What to do?
This is the thread that never ends
With Shana and Tracey and all their friends.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Why is every damn troll who invades our site so fucking stupid???
Good fucking gawd, another one?

Like I said to another stupid troll recently, if what we post on this thread doesn't apply to you, then why are you kicking up such a fuss?

Now run along before someone outs you.
I got no fucking money

Yet you got the fucking Internet.
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