Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
February 17, 2012
I don't know this Moo from Adam, but here's what I do know. 1. She can't read, because this is a place for the childfree, yet she comes anyway and feels the need to lecture us and pity us if we've made the decision to be CF because of "petty selfishness or immaturity," then proceeds to tell us how she's dragging her brats to her chemo. Fuck off, Cunt. I don't owe you an explanation for my life choices. 2. Speaking of life threatening-illnesses, don't you have more serious things to attend to at the moment, other than going places where you aren't welcomed?

And blondie, you called it. I have accompanied my mother to her cancer treatments. I did it when I was in my 40's, though, when I was an ADULT and I had the strength and mental facilities to cope with it.

Anyone who's had cancer or a relative with cancer will tell you the same thing: before you go for chemo or radiation, you need to brace yourself for the people you encounter in the waiting room. My mom's friend, who had both colon cancer and leukemia, called them "life forms." Because that's what they look like--they are bald shells of people who look like Hell and are just hanging on to life. You see these people in the waiting room and you think...."shit, I am outta here" because you don't want to look like that. But you do what you have to do because you want to fight and you want to live.

It's also very telling to me that the Moo wrote:


I have these two amazing, smart, funny, compassionate people in my life who know me, who need me, and who love and accept me like no one else on the planet ever could.

She's going to her teenaged kids for validation. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. She should have had that from her own parents. Or you can get it from a romantic relationship or yourself. She should be giving this to her kids.

Oh, she may think her kids want to be there and they can handle it, but I'd be thinking long and hard about burdening my kids with this. They are too young.

I'm glad this will never be my problem.

And she calls us selfish? She sounds really inappropriate to me.

So come on, Cunt, come on back here and go all "Mama Bear" on us. We'll just remove your stuff and mock you. And we know your e-mail address too. Is it any surprise that she's from AOHell? Not to me. All the Moos come from there.
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
February 17, 2012
I think our "lecturer" keeled over in shock. Hey kids, if you're reading this, don't forget to check under the sofa cushions and mattresses.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
March 31, 2012
I had to bump this thread to present exhibit B. She notices all the breeder privilege that surrounds us, and the moo worship in our culture, but all she wants to do is join the club, not see our culture become less pro-natalist and parent-obsessed. She might actually feel better about her situation if society were a little more balanced, but she's doing nothing to make that happen--instead, she's parroting tripe about how the love between a mother and a child "makes sense of our existence" (it must be pretty tough on men to never be able to make sense of their existence--where's her sympathy for them?), having children is "What you're supposed to do. What's inside us to do. What we're born to do.", and not having children is worse than seeing someone you love die in front of you.

Of course she thinks we should feel sorry for her because she-did-nothing-wrong-but-was-just-the-victim-of-circumstances...


I wasn't some hard-nosed career bitch who decided to play russian roulette with her fertility by waiting until her very last egg popped out – preferably between conference calls. I simply never met the right man – and, idiot me in retrospect, I wanted the whole package: the husband and the baby.
Where is compassion here? I'm not saying that there is no validity in the practical side of what is being said. Probably, much of the "advice" could have been very useful if it weren't intended to denegrate and injure. What has happened to people's sense of humanity? I'm not saying that this woman isn't troubled, but all the more reason to be gentle. If these posts do validate the desire of this woman to harm herself, are you prepared to live with having prodded her along toward this end? Do we bear no responsibility to be humane, or shall we just trample the weak because it's so easy and such an ego boost? What motivation would you have for any of these cruel posts? May you never have someone stomp you the way that you have done here.
Soften your heart if you ever desire to have a heart softened toward can be a long life, and arrogance can be crushed by a single life tragedy. God help us all if this is the state of the typical heart and soul.

Shut Up Dumbass. I have a lot of compassion. Unfortunately it doesn't apply to people who can't read and think rules don't apply to them. Yourself included. .
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
Go fuck yourself, yikes.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
Yikes, if we really were as heartless as you make us out to be, we would be posting on that site, not here. We know our comments won't be welcome there, that's why this board exists.

Now, since you don't like what we're posting, I'll point out the fact that there's no one making you stay here. Now run along.
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
If you want to be gently held and rocked, you don't visit a mosh pit or a dominatrix. Just sayin'.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
Whining childLESS women have nothing but contempt for childFREE women. Why should we respect them when they can't stand us? Oh sorry for standing up and fighting back. I would not deny anyone their happiness as long as they don't use it against anyone. Those women do not want CF women to be happy and even deny that we are. How selfish is that?!
It isn't mean to want people to know that they can be ok even if they don't get everything in life, including brats.
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
We certainly shan't be injuring people with denigration, this invalidates our compassion!
We must prod the troubled with gentle softened hearts, lest our arrogance be crushed!

O! The Humanity!
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
yikes, another troll!
May you never have someone stomp you the way that you have done here.

Not fucking likely, as you will not see me airing my angst to the world on a public website asking strangers for advice. If you don't want your life scrutinized, don't flop it out for the world to see.

Now go play in traffic.
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
Yet another fucking moron troll spewing her useless drivel in a place where her kind are CLEARLY not welcome.
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
Troll-y woll-y doesn't think the childfree have any problems, or experience tragedy - hope it isn't comparing being childless to real tragedy like illness and death. And it doesn't think anyone says or does mean things to us. waving hellolarious. We're like super beings but we are mean to the "weak" for the purpose of an ego boost. WTF. Troll must get manipulated a lot - it probably wires cash to Nigeria to help the poor weak man at the internet cafe feed his starving chyldren.
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
Yikes surely has some skeletons in her closet. The pious douchebags always do.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
If I were middle age and whining that life is meaningless just because I'd never had the almighty Babby I hope someone would have the decency to put a bullet in my head.
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
I have compassion...plenty of compassion for animals, and people who deserve it. I hardly have any compassion for whiny, childless idiots who think that their "disease" of infertility is comparable to that of terminal cancer or some other thing.

The reason I can't stand chyldless people, is because of their constant whining and moaning about the ONE thing they can't have...I have an aunt who couldn't sluice (which was a blessing) and half my young life, I had to listen to her go on and on and on about it...usually after she downed two bottles of red wine.

It was positively nauseating, especially since she had a beautiful, large house...a husband who loved her and a successful business. My moo, who sluiced three kyds, had NOTHING but a shitty little apartment and NO husband, and we basically lived in poverty. All this woman did was cry about how disenfranchised SHE was because she never had a loaf of her own. It was pathetic.
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
I have compassion...plenty of compassion for animals, and people who deserve it. I hardly have any compassion for whiny, childless idiots who think that their "disease" of infertility is comparable to that of terminal cancer or some other thing.

The reason I can't stand chyldless people, is because of their constant whining and moaning about the ONE thing they can't have...I have an aunt who couldn't sluice (which was a blessing) and half my young life, I had to listen to her go on and on and on about it...usually after she downed two bottles of red wine.

It was positively nauseating, especially since she had a beautiful, large house...a husband who loved her and a successful business. My moo, who sluiced three kyds, had NOTHING but a shitty little apartment and NO husband, and we basically lived in poverty. All this woman did was cry about how disenfranchised SHE was because she never had a loaf of her own. It was pathetic.

EVEN WORSE is well off Moos such as this being totally oblivious to the people around them, often times being blood relatives with EXISTING KIDS, as they struggle and live in abject poverty. All the while their need is plain for her to see, but she chooses to ignore their suffering while carelessly spending TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars on the quest for a "loaf of our own" self replicant. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck She's the type of Moo wannabee who lavishes impoverished nieces and nephews with a gift bag at Christmas rivaling an entire aisle at Toys R Us, when they'd probably rather have something good to EAT or a new winter coat.I know some Moos like this and it's absolutely sickening..thumbs updown

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
Oy, yikes...what motivation would you have to come bother us? Take your Pearls of Wisdom elsewhere. I hate dramatic, whiny fucks like you.
Re: Childless middle aged women the biggest whiners
July 09, 2012
:hs "yikes!" Moo makes her astute observations and suggestions to a VERY disinterested audience, much like a Planned Parenthood speaker might garner the sympathy and interest of the crowd at a Focus On Famblee convention:drinking coffee

Where is compassion here? This site is NOT called, "Rainbows and Puppy Dog Tails", but rather, BRATFREE. It would behoove you to pay attention to where you are posting your dribble in the future if you desire sympathy points. The one suject we have the LEAST "compassion" for is Moo-Cunts and their supporters.cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

I'm not saying that there is no validity in the practical side of what is being said. Probably, much of the "advice" could have been very useful if it weren't intended to denegrate and injure We are being FACETIOUS and have ZERO interest in the outcome of a Moo-Cunt's shenanigans, except where it costs us time, money, or inconvenience such as WIC-Welfare Whores or regular breeders with their workplace woes and, "eared income credit" and other tax benefit BULLSHIT. We do INTEND to "injure" and enjoy denigrating Moo Cunts, so FUCK YOU VERY MUCHangry flipping off

What has happened to people's sense of humanity? We don't know, but often discuss how shocked and appalled we are at how parents are abusing, neglecting, and even murdering their own kids in the news every day. We also wonder how INHUMANE it is that Moos keep profoundly mentally and physically disabled kids born without brains alive to suffer and a myriad of other inhumane things Moos do to their children on a regular basis like be their personal caregiver when they are dying of a terminal illness in front of their young eyes! So, we DON'T KNOW what happened to Moo Cunts' and breeders' humanity, so you'd have to go troll a MOO board to sort it all out for yourself!angrily flogging with a whip

I'm not saying that this woman isn't troubled, but all the more reason to be gentle. If these posts do validate the desire of this woman to harm herself, are you prepared to live with having prodded her along toward this end? Um, she's dying of a terminal illness and nothing about suicide was mentioned. HOWEVER, IF she did commit suicide it would have been due to long term troubles and/or mental illness, NOT because of something strangers posted on the fucking internet! :headbrick

Do we bear no responsibility to be humane, or shall we just trample the weak because it's so easy and such an ego boost? These women aren't weak, they're selfish and lazy as hell. It doesn't boost my ego, but it damned sure makes me split a gut laughing, so call it what you will. drinking coffee

What motivation would you have for any of these cruel posts? PURE entertainment is our motivation. This site is for entertainment purposes and NO ONE is forced to read it or post to it. You know, free speech and all that, pretty much like what you are enjoying by TROLLING and trespassing on our happy home and famblee:fmbl

May you never have someone stomp you the way that you have done here. What, is that a Voo Doo curse? I am SO SKEERED! A stranger-troll on the internet hopes someone is mean to me!:bawl

Soften your heart if you ever desire to have a heart softened toward you.. I don't desire any strangers' hearts be softened to me, so what to do then? Besides, it doesn't work that way. If bad things only happened to bad people, we wouldn't see the type of suffering of the innocent like we DO ON A DAILY BASIS. So, take your spells, curses, and bad wishes and shove them up your fat ass.eye rolling smiley

.it can be a long life, and arrogance can be crushed by a single life tragedy. God help us all if this is the state of the typical heart and soul HOW poetic! May I quote you on that original saying I have heard countless times? . Many of us ALREADY KNOW about life's tragedies and we also know "the village" doesn't give a shit if we live or die unless we have shat some loaves. So, threats of that nature of an indirect "you'll be sorry-what goes around comes around!" hippy dippy Love Bug drivel generally falls on deaf ears around here, in case you hadn't noticed by now..::iws

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
All I can add.....from my observations...all moos...even ones I usually like and admire.....their compassion goes out the window, the minute it doesn't have to do w/ them and theirs....or if they are tired, stressed, the kids are hungry, blah blah blah......

So wondering where the compassion is, ask your breeding friends the same thing. They only have compassion if it makes them look good or has to do w/ them.

There are TONS of ppl, including breeders who wouldn't donate blood, would rather throw old clothes out instead of packing it up for good will, who look at me like I'm crazy b/c I separate recycling....all which I do and is relatively and admitted ez to do.....but a stressed out moo? NEVER they dont have the tiiiiiiiimmmme... Where's their compassion?
One thing I can say about the original topic....the complainer wanna moo is totally missing the point....doesnt she want to marry for love....?

And, yes, I have known the aging wanna breeder who is so unhappy w/ their life, they work, and come home and watch TV and that's it....since they are so in want of childed stuff....yet never ever crosses their minds to volunteer w/ kids, foster, adopt, yada yada yada.....which goes to aint about the child or parenthood, is just allllll about them........!
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