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Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk

Posted by SlumSlut 
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 17, 2011
Most 20-year-olds won't keep right on saying "Hi," regardless of whether or not I, a perfect stranger, respond, and when I don't, I don't usually get dirty looks and followed around the store by the 20-year-old's mom as she shouts "He said hi!"
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 17, 2011
Ahhhh.... trolls.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 17, 2011
You people are awfully self centered to think we are just DYING for your attention and approval.

You are, aren't you? Otherwise you wouldn't have come trolling on a childfree board. angry flipping off

Thy even baby stalk online. After all how dare we not lurvvve da beybies....

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 18, 2011
As the moo lows............"You people are awfully self centered to think we are just DYING for your attention and approval. Truth of the matter is, our kids are people too.,,,"

When "we people" were two year old "people", OUR mothers didn't let us pester and sequester unsuspecting innocent people who were trying to mind their own fucking business. We are NOT interested in interacting with your kid, we don't KNOW you or your kid NOR do we care to either. Your kid is only mimicking what you have TOLD him to say and any gibberish spewing forth from his piehole is simply a reflection of YOU, who we don't like anyway. So, keep your kid muzzled and leave strangers alone and you should be okay. Also, there are times when I choose NOT to reply to some stranger who has spoken to me in public and your kid is no different.

If you desire attention vicariously through your brat then I suggest you take it somewhere like a playground or McDonalds Playland and let it roam free range with the other brats. You'll get ALL the attention you need from OTHER bored stay at home moos like yourself.angry face saying 'eat me'

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Does this daft cow honestly believe that toddlers are the same as 20 year olds, and should be treated in exactly the same way?

That'll make my life easier, I've always tried not to swear in front of little kids up until now.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 18, 2011
stacie - in case you are still on here, lurking, let me just say this.

if your kid says "hi" to me in passing, i might say "hi" back and continue on my way, just like i might say "hi" to a 30 year old. or i might not. the difference is that if i am standing in line and your kid keeps telling me "hi! hi! hi!" i can tune him out even though it's kind of irritating, but one of 3 things happen in this situation:

1. you encourage the kid to ramp it up. "oh! are you sayin' HI? does that lady have glasses! they're pretty, huh? who else has glasses like that? auntie mary! " and on and on. your voice, whether you realize it or not, is usually very loud and high-pitched because you want me, the cashier and everyone in a 2 mile radius to tell you how cute your kid is. you may not know you do this, but trust me, you do. it is irritating. stop it.

2. if i don't say hi or i say it once and then stop, your kid will have some kind of tantrum and cry. then i will be the mean lady who made your kid cry. i'm not a mean person, i'm just in a hurry. leave me alone.

3. if i say hi and your kid is roaming around he will assume i am his friend and want to keep talking to me, (by talking i mean gibberish that only you can decipher) following me around usually with his finger up his nose, getting in my way when i'm trying to look at pillow cases or strawberries or whatever. you will do nothing to reign him in, you will think it adorable that your kid has attached himself to my leg and is slobbering on me. i don't know how to pry a two year old off a limb without hurting him.

this happens all the time, stacie - in stores, in restaurants, in coffeehouses, in bars, in libraries, in parks, at the DMV, etc. it is annoying as hell, because it is constant. i know you think your kids are different and special, but the truth is, they aren't. and other parents agree with me, they just won't tell you to your face.

i happen to think my dogs are the greatest gift to the planet since water, but i also know many people don't like or are afraid of dogs, so i am considerate. how would you like it if i brought my dogs everywhere? believe me, you even look at my dogs and they will be on you, tripping you up, tangling the leash around your legs, begging you to pet them, slobbering on you, licking, perhaps barking if you turn away. that wouldn't be very pleasant, would it? of course not. which is why IF i bring my dogs into a store -which is very rare- they are on a short leash. one bark and they're tied up outside or in the car.

maybe you could do the same?
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 18, 2011
myrna minkoff
stacie - in case you are still on here, lurking, let me just say this.

if your kid says "hi" to me in passing, i might say "hi" back and continue on my way, just like i might say "hi" to a 30 year old. or i might not. the difference is that if i am standing in line and your kid keeps telling me "hi! hi! hi!" i can tune him out even though it's kind of irritating, but one of 3 things happen in this situation:

1. you encourage the kid to ramp it up. "oh! are you sayin' HI? does that lady have glasses! they're pretty, huh? who else has glasses like that? auntie mary! " and on and on. your voice, whether you realize it or not, is usually very loud and high-pitched because you want me, the cashier and everyone in a 2 mile radius to tell you how cute your kid is. you may not know you do this, but trust me, you do. it is irritating. stop it.

2. if i don't say hi or i say it once and then stop, your kid will have some kind of tantrum and cry. then i will be the mean lady who made your kid cry. i'm not a mean person, i'm just in a hurry. leave me alone.

3. if i say hi and your kid is roaming around he will assume i am his friend and want to keep talking to me, (by talking i mean gibberish that only you can decipher) following me around usually with his finger up his nose, getting in my way when i'm trying to look at pillow cases or strawberries or whatever. you will do nothing to reign him in, you will think it adorable that your kid has attached himself to my leg and is slobbering on me. i don't know how to pry a two year old off a limb without hurting him.

this happens all the time, stacie - in stores, in restaurants, in coffeehouses, in bars, in libraries, in parks, at the DMV, etc. it is annoying as hell, because it is constant. i know you think your kids are different and special, but the truth is, they aren't. and other parents agree with me, they just won't tell you to your face.

i happen to think my dogs are the greatest gift to the planet since water, but i also know many people don't like or are afraid of dogs, so i am considerate. how would you like it if i brought my dogs everywhere? believe me, you even look at my dogs and they will be on you, tripping you up, tangling the leash around your legs, begging you to pet them, slobbering on you, licking, perhaps barking if you turn away. that wouldn't be very pleasant, would it? of course not. which is why IF i bring my dogs into a store -which is very rare- they are on a short leash. one bark and they're tied up outside or in the car.

maybe you could do the same?

thumbs upwink: and waving hellolarious

Yes, that high pitched "sing sing" voice that moos get when they are holding their kid out for attention is WAY MORE annoying than the kid itself. Like mryna says too, even though they may not realize it, they often times egg the child on to continue bothering people. That, and their commentary AT their kid, which is too young to understand, is transparently directed at US. For instance, a woman with a one year old saying AT the kid, "That nice lady looks real busy! She's not ignoring you on purpose! Tell her to have a nice day anyway!", and other such nonsense.

That shit is ANNOYING, to say the least. I have the desire to look OVER the woman doing that to another bystander and say for HER benefit, "The stupid cunt can't take a hint, but I hope she has a nice day ANYWAY!".bouncing and laughing

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 19, 2011
Somebody brought a puppy into my work today! Eenie weenie ickle black, white and tan jack russell puppy. I am not a terrier sort of person but terrier puppies are just soooo squee and tiny! I made a huge fuss of him...he still had that amazing puppy breath that young puppies that have just been taken from their mum have...that sweet fresh smell.

Immediately following this a breeder bitch plonked her shitling on the counter of the reception giving me a big pointed smile, obviously expecting the same treatment as the pup got. I ignored the kid and dealt with the woman's registration...I hate when people plonk their shitlings on the desk, this one was old enough to stand. The brat then picked up a load of leaflets sitting on the desk and threw them in the air. Cue "OMG I'm so sorry". I didn't even respond beyond a quiet "its fine", I didn't even look at the kid or show any sign of annoyance. I think it annoyed them more than I just behaved as if the kid didn't exist than if I'd glared for it chucking the leaflets around lol. I was PMSL laughing on the inside, my customer service job sucks and I love getting a rise out of shitty customers (as immature as it is, I need to entertain myself in my 9-5 to prevent myself going crazy), whereas I will do anything for the nice ones.

Sorry, moo. Puppies are cute. Human puppies suck.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 19, 2011
puppy = SQUEE!!! smile rolling left rightsmile
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 19, 2011
He was soooooooo squee. And he knew it!
I'm a total sucker for all puppies, even hearing your description (and I love the word squee which I've never heard before) has made me smile. :emoheart
I'm not even a dog person, and I LOVE terriers! So much so, that I swear, I'm going to have one of each kind, one day. Just you wait.

SO much cuter than kids. Ugh.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 19, 2011
http://www.dailysquee.com Prepare to explode from the cute winking smiley
OMG, cutest effing thing I have ever seen! It thawed my cold, black heart, a little bit. :biggrin2
I'm not even a dog person, and I LOVE terriers! So much so, that I swear, I'm going to have one of each kind, one day. Just you wait.

SO much cuter than kids. Ugh.

All dogs are cuter than kids. smiling smiley

My black lab is 9 months, and I'm looking after an 8 month yellow lab for a friend on honeymoon this week. They are so gorgeous and cuddly I just keep looking at them and thinking 'why does anyone want kids when they could have this?'. confused smiley

I would trample over any kid that got in my way to get to a puppy.
I feel the same way... "Oh, look... a babyISTHAT A WIRE-HAIRED FOX TERRIER?! OMG! HOW OLD IS HE/SHE???"

Pahrunts must hate that shit.

Haven't been babystalked recently, but just you wait, when I see someone's cuddly pet. grinning smiley
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 19, 2011
Puppies, kittens, baby fish, pretty much anything for me. Ferret babies are my absolute favourites though. They make the sweetest noises. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngptqV7FAWg&feature=related *Ovaries explode*
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 19, 2011
"SO much cuter than kids"

mr. minkoff and i say that on a regular basis. any baby animal is, to me, squee-worthy.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 19, 2011
Yes, that high pitched "sing sing" voice that moos get when they are holding their kid out for attention is WAY MORE annoying than the kid itself

Lately, I have been running into Moos who never shut off the high pitched sing- song " I know better than you" voice.
It is way beyond annoying and the next few who do so are going to hear the harsh truth from me.
You go, girl. Cut a bitch... Myrna Minkoff style.

(Can't find the thread that was posted in, but I believe Myrna was the one who will "cut a bitch" when given a damn good reason).
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 20, 2011
Today I asked a customer for ID. They handed over a picture of their grandson begging for attention. smile rolling left righteyes2 OMG lyk how funny and kewt.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 20, 2011
Today I asked a customer for ID. They handed over a picture of their grandson begging for attention. smile rolling left righteyes2 OMG lyk how funny and kewt.

Jeeeeez, what an idiot. When I worked in a bank I had people do similar shit to me as well AS they were retrieving their identification. They'd do it nonchalantly like, "Oh look! This is my grandbaybee with Santa!", like I gave a rat's ass about the kid. We also had people try to give us fishing and hunting licenses as identification as well as library cards.:smn

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 20, 2011
Sometimes I have to wonder... When I am in a group and there are small childrun there they seem to gravitate toward ME. I am probably the one person in the room who doesn't give a rats rump about their stupid toy or some edless drivel about this and that and here they come, right up in my face. Others in the room are all enamoured by the cute little crotch cricket... but I couldn't care less. PLEEEEZE get the brat away from MEEE!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 21, 2011
Snark Shark
We also had people try to give us fishing and hunting licenses as identification as well as library cards.:smn

waving hellolarious

I know, I never could believe it either and wanted to laugh in their faces. Their rationale was, "I had to show my driver's license when I got this fishing license, so THAT should be good enough!". Well if you had your driver's license in your possession to get these cards and/or licenses last week, then WHERE the fuck is it now?eye rolling smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
SO much cuter than kids. Ugh.

I would trample over any kid that got in my way to get to a puppy.

Last Friday I was at a small get-together and everyone was oooohing and aaahing over the grandmoo and the freshly-shat loaf. I was just sitting there bored. I was the only one who didn't give a shit. I had the grandmoo's pug, Jasmine, in my lap...when the fuss died down I made a really loud spectacle of fussing over the dog. I was delighted with the confused looks I received. The pets always getting the shaft when the loaf is around.
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