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Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk

Posted by SlumSlut 
Saw a breastfeeding shirt today that said: " I make milk....Whats your super power?" Ummm, being smart enough to know i don't want kids because I want to do what I want, when I want, with who I want, and with my own $. Sounds pretty super to me! Now I'm all for breastfeeding. I'm a nurse and I know its good for the kid and the mom, but really, lets not compair ourselves to Superman. Lol!
Bratless N Lovinit
OH MY GOD! This board is awesome! I feel like I have found the perfect place for me! I just wish I could actually find this community in real life not just online. I get so sick of the breeders and their spawn overtaking everything I could straight out scream. I work in a mall and I could just come unglued when my entire store is over run by strollers and snot nosed toddlers touching everything, squishing our product and just making chaos where peace should be. I am babystalked at least five times a day and because I am working there the Moo's expect you to coo over thier brat like you a give a shit that they are saying "hi" thirty five times in a row to you. I just want them to get what they need and get the hell out. I was sitting at a table making my sch?edule and a lady rolls up with a double rolling baby cadillac and parks it next to me with two screaching brats in it that are all to eager to show me thier build a bear. Like I am so interested?!?!?! Really?!?!?!? I go, "Thats nice" in my I don't give a shit voice and move away until she gets them out of there. Was I to be a baby sitter to her hideous offspring? Not part of my job, sorry! Did she not see that I was working? I stopped to help her but as far a sitter service I DON"T THINK SO! Same day within ten minutes of this situation another woman with her fuck trophys (FT's as I call them) rolls in and sits at my table, grabs my pen sitting there and lets her stupid brat write on my paper like it was there with the intention to keep her brats entertained. I hate kids, I get so tired of all the ways as a society we are expected to cater to them and their breeding parents!
That SUCKS! I have just started telling myself "at least IT is not coming home with me! Thank you Lord." Over and over and over. Lol
Saw a breastfeeding shirt today that said: " I make milk....Whats your super power?" Ummm, being smart enough to know i don't want kids because I want to do what I want, when I want, with who I want, and with my own $. Sounds pretty super to me! Now I'm all for breastfeeding. I'm a nurse and I know its good for the kid and the mom, but really, lets not compair ourselves to Superman. Lol!

Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 24, 2011
Saw a breastfeeding shirt today that said: " I make milk....Whats your super power?"

Fixing your fuck ups when you do something stupid that is near getting your kid killed.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Snark Shark
Saw a breastfeeding shirt today that said: " I make milk....Whats your super power?"

Fixing your fuck ups when you do something stupid that is near getting your kid killed.


Oh bless you snark shark! Preach it! Four yrs as a nurse n public health and I'm as bitter as they come! Three kids by three different losers n they're whining about no food or money or car or sleeping on their mom's couch. Ummm last I checked, we gave FREE birth control, all kinds, and the morning after pill. Its not rocket science. My two favorite sayings I've come up with... 1. Fucking-white trash recreation! 2. The number of kids u have is inversely proportionate to your IQ! (Guess that means I'm a freaking genius.)
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 25, 2011
Oh bless you snark shark! Preach it! Four yrs as a nurse n public health and I'm as bitter as they come! Three kids by three different losers n they're whining about no food or money or car or sleeping on their mom's couch. Ummm last I checked, we gave FREE birth control, all kinds, and the morning after pill. Its not rocket science. My two favorite sayings I've come up with... 1. Fucking-white trash recreation! 2. The number of kids u have is inversely proportionate to your IQ! (Guess that means I'm a freaking genius.)

wait a few years, been in EMS 31 years next month and nursing 20 years most of it ER. The stupid - it hurts.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 26, 2011
So the other day I'm standing in line at Starbucks and this breeder bitch comes up behind me with a loaf in her arms (and another one walking beside her). She proceeds to get up RIGHT behind me, like I couldn't even step backwards without running into her, and play kissy kissy with the loaf's head. Since my back was to her I thought for a second she was sucking someone off because of the nasty slurpy sounds she was making. Jeezus lady! Do you have to make out with your kyd's skull in line at Starbucks RIGHT behind a perfect stranger? Needless to say I refused to even give her a backwards glance let alone the attention she obviously craved. I grabbed my brewed iced tea and hit the road, which really annoyed me because there were two hot police officers sitting there talking shop and normally under those conditions I would have lollygagged a bit so I could get an eyeful. Stanky bitch.
Ugh. I was sitting outside on my lunch break when a Duh and barely mobile toadler walked past me to get to the University Pavilion (they have live music there every day at lunch). He was simultaneously grinning at it while staring at me as they walked past. They got so close to me that I thought I was going to accidentally burn the kid with my ciggy! I just looked the other way and refused to move. It rained on duh's parade real fast.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 28, 2011
I remember back when I was new to the Army, after picking me up from the airport off leave, a SGT brought me over to his house to meet his wife... and baby. (I don't know what's the point of meeting a baby) Everything was fine at first. We had sandwiches prepared by his wife, and sat around chatting. I was polite, but just wasn't interested about any baby-related conversation. I didn't ask about the baby's age, name, or what it had learned to do yet. Honestly, it never occurred to me.

Later, I noticed their pet lizard and watched it eat crickets for a bit. I guess it wasn't so OK that I'd been more interested lizard than baby, so he suddenly plopped it into my lap without any warning. I didn't even have the opportunity to say "no thanks." I know nothing about babies so I have no idea how old this one was. Old enough to stand if it grabs things, but not old enough to actually walk and not old enough to talk. She pulled herself up so she was standing on my lap, then started grabbing at anything she could. My earrings, my hair. Oh, and she was drooling.

I picked her up and set her on the floor, hoping she'd crawl away. No dice. She really wanted my earrings. Eventually I just took them off and put them in my pockets, then got up and moved across the room, but the baby was still after me. I had to hold her back, and when I did, she started crying. I looked over at her dad, who was watching the whole thing, but he didn't seem interested in taking his baby back. Eventually, I picked her up and handed her to him. I would have done that to begin with, except I really didn't want to even have that much to do with her.

It's not that I don't like babies, I just don't want to have them on me.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 28, 2011
NOT COOL! No one should be forced into interacting with a baby. I HATE that they constantly grab at hair, earrings, etc. and the drool...GAG! The sergent was a rude dick.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 29, 2011
Snark Shark
(I don't know what's the point of meeting a baby)

I know! it's like "meeting" a large maggot with eyes. it might look AT you, but it has NO idea what's going on.

It's not like the baby and I will have some deep, meaningful conversation, discuss politics, science, our interests and hobbies, and really just hit it off enough to program each other's numbers into our phones. Hell, the baby won't even remember that I was ever there at all as soon as I was out of sight.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 04, 2011
Doh : repsoted in proper thread.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
I live in an overly populated town, and all of my neighbours fuck more than the cast of Watership Down.

Next door alone has over 6 of the little turds and another one on the way.

I can't even leave my house some days without at LEAST 5 of the little shits coming up to me and saying "Hello, hello, hello, hello, what are you doing, where are you going" then follow you as you try and get away.

Summer holidays are a bitch
There is nothing worse than being baybee stalked when you are the cashier.Not only do they pull all customers within hearing range into their baybee stalk tractor-beam, they also manage to suck in all employees.I dislike all sprogs under 7 or 8 but as I am trying to do my job I don't need the added headache of somebodies pweshus special sprog making my job that much harder.Working with the public is hard enough without having to coo over something you could give a rats ass about.Keep the line moving moomy.Nobody cares about how loud widdle junior can scream !
Ugh, no shit. HOW ANNOYING!!!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 13, 2011
I'm in the deli line at the grocery store. I'm intently looking at the cheeses, and there's some moo and toadler somewhere near me but I don't notice. The toadler apparently said hi to me and moo looks at me and says "She said hi". I just did a little half smile and nodded my head. Then moo gets her order and while she's walking away loudly and sarcastically says, "She said BYE". I just laughed and shook my head.
blondie...that woman was such a typcial breeder-bitch. I HATE THAT!!!! What a babystalking attention-whore with no life. Sometimes I ignore too, and other times I will say hi back...ONCE. After that repetitive "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!" then forget it!!!!! I act like they don't exist. Shut your damn kid up once that sh*t starts!!! ARGH. I G N O R E.:yeah:complaining about a brat
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 15, 2011
i hate when they stand there, with the kid in front of me, waiting for me to say how adorable it is! how clever and special and awesome!!! and i just stare and say nothing. MWAH HA HA!


L'enfer, c'est les autres.
You people are awfully self centered to think we are just DYING for your attention and approval. Truth of the matter is, our kids are people too.

When a 20 year old says "hello" politely as they pass in a store what do you do? Say "Afternoon" or give a smile or just nod and walk by. That's called normal social interaction. You don't think to yourself "Oh wow that girl was just DESPERATE for my approval and attention and my not saying hello back gives me the smug sense of self-satisfaction that I couldn't give it to her. Boo hoo boo hoo I bet she's crying now because she's just realized she's not the center of the universe."

What's the difference between that 20 year old giving you a passing greeting and my 2 year old smiling at you, waving or saying "hello" from the shopping cart as we pass? 18 years? That's no basis for discrimination.
GTFO this board, cuntface.
Incidentally, you dumb whore, if I don't want to "socially interact" with people by not responding, it is my right, no matter what age someone is. If I don't fucking want to speak, I'm not going to fucking speak, and I'm not going to be put on blast for it.

Stupid bitch.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 17, 2011
You people are awfully self centered to think we are just DYING for your attention and approval.

You are, aren't you? Otherwise you wouldn't have come trolling on a childfree board. angry flipping off
Yeah, what are you doing on a childFREE board anyways?? Shouldn't you be paying attention to your kid, or on one of those parenting boards? And this is a free country, and we can say hello, or NOT, to anyone we f*cking want to. And that "Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi!!! is ANNOYING. I'm not going to kiss your ass. You don't pay my rent. Tell your kid "Enough!" Do that job that YOU chose.
Oh look, a troll. Can we take her home and keep her, puhleeeeze!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 17, 2011
What's the difference between that 20 year old giving you a passing greeting and my 2 year old smiling at you, waving or saying "hello" from the shopping cart as we pass?

A 20-year-old adult belongs in public and most likely has the capacity to properly relate and communicate with other people. Your 2-year-old piece of shit is nothing but a stupid, sticky, ugly mess and you deserve to be beaten with it. Get the fuck back to your breeder boards, you dirty, saggy, stinkin' twat.

By the way...it's supposed to be spelled 'Stacy'. smile rolling left righteyes2
Stacie, you like apples?

How d'ya like them apples, BITCH??!
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