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Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk

Posted by SlumSlut 
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 17, 2011
omfg, julie. that is fucking awesome!

please tell me you are a cartoonist or something...where can we see more of your stuff?
Anonymous User
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 17, 2011
I can't edit my previous post. I guess there's a time-limit?

True story.
Goddammit, I almost shot *ew* out of my nose! Classic! And, what an asshat.

Ugh, it just burns me UP how people assume tits and a uterus = lurves and wants kyds.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 17, 2011
myrna minkoff
omfg, julie. that is fucking awesome!

please tell me you are a cartoonist or something...where can we see more of your stuff?

Well, I do draw a bit. I used to paint too. I'm trying to get back into it. I have a deviantart page, but I haven't put anything on it since high school.

But actually that was made with Dan’s Awesome Rage Maker. You literally just drag and drop whatever faces you want and type what you want. Anyone can make these.

Not related to baby-stalking, but I made another recently.

I posted this on Reddit. Most of my responses were from CF people, but I got a few from douches.

Derp 1: "denial."

Derp 2: "So you're proud of being defective? What the fucking fuck."
Me: "Defective? Hardly. I paid good money to make my self sterile. It's called getting fixed for a reason."
Derp 2: "Why would you do such a thing?"
Me: "Because I actually have a life. Why the hell would I want to waste it mindlessly breeding like everybody else?"

Me (to a CF person): "I had a tubal ligation.
Not long after that, my BF and I were signing a lease for a home. The agent kept trying to talk to us about kids, but we made it clear we weren't having any. So he says to us, "you never know, accidents happen."
LOL not to me. grinning smiley"
Derp 3: "What he meant to say was "miracle"."
Me: "Sure, if something utterly repellent but easily fixed with an abortion can be called a "miracle.""

Derp 4: "now you don't have to suck all that cum down, now you can take the full load in your loose pussy ^_^ enjoy being a whore, that's what i got from this comic big grin with biting lip"

So if you make any of these and post to Reddit, you're bound to find a few douches. I would like to see CF rage comics take over F7U12.
Anonymous User
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 18, 2011
Derp 4: "now you don't have to suck all that cum down, now you can take the full load in your loose pussy ^_^ enjoy being a whore, that's what i got from this comic big grin with biting lip".

Why is that always the next step? Where is the logical leap from CF to whore/slut/trash/etc? I do not fucking get why anyone would make that leap when the person is at least marginally successful, intelligent, happy with their life, and able to get along in polite society. I mean, I know the internet is the asshole of society, but still. Just so fucking frustrating.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 18, 2011
Man, people can be so hateful when they have a screen to hide behind. These are probably the same sort of people making up rumours about people who are different being "weird" and running smear campaigns against them in suburban communities.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 19, 2011
Derp 4: "now you don't have to suck all that cum down, now you can take the full load in your loose pussy ^_^ enjoy being a whore, that's what i got from this comic big grin with biting lip".

Why is that always the next step? Where is the logical leap from CF to whore/slut/trash/etc? I do not fucking get why anyone would make that leap when the person is at least marginally successful, intelligent, happy with their life, and able to get along in polite society. I mean, I know the internet is the asshole of society, but still. Just so fucking frustrating.

The insult itself doesn't even make an sense internally. Nevermind that it doesn't even logically follow being happy about not having kids, the insult implies that I'm supposed to feel ashamed about having intercourse rather than exclusively giving blowjobs? What?
Anonymous User
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 19, 2011
Derp 4: "now you don't have to suck all that cum down, now you can take the full load in your loose pussy ^_^ enjoy being a whore, that's what i got from this comic big grin with biting lip".

Why is that always the next step? Where is the logical leap from CF to whore/slut/trash/etc? I do not fucking get why anyone would make that leap when the person is at least marginally successful, intelligent, happy with their life, and able to get along in polite society. I mean, I know the internet is the asshole of society, but still. Just so fucking frustrating.

This doesn't make any sense to me, either. The "loose pussy" remark was strange. Women who have not bred keep their figures; their vaginas haven't been ravaged by childbirth and, hence, stay nice and snug. Not that that truly matters, of course, but it is a fact. The troglodyte who made this nasty comment is assuming that CF women sleep around so much that their "pussies" (hate this word, by the way) become loose. Yeah, right. smile rolling left righteyes2 I've never been interested in sleeping around, and have never done so. I'd much rather spend my time reading, playing music and studying.

If a woman was naturally sterile, or had her tubes tied after having sprogged a few times, that would change the opinion of her. She could be sexually active without fear of judgment. Tubal ligation for a woman who doesn't ever want to breed, however, terrifies people. Most humans are wholly incapable of understanding, or experiencing, the kind of strong, original, independent thought that would lead to such a powerful, permanent decision. No amount of wheedling and cajoling is going to reverse a tubal. It is the ultimate way of saying, "I'm not a slave to others, and I never will be." Breeders cannot stand that, and they lash out with juvenile name-calling. Pathetic.

Anyway, Julie, I love the comic! thumbs upwink

Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 20, 2011
thanks for the tip, julie. dan's awesome ragemaker IS awesome!!


L'enfer, c'est les autres.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 21, 2011

If a woman was naturally sterile, or had her tubes tied after having sprogged a few times, that would change the opinion of her. She could be sexually active without fear of judgment. Tubal ligation for a woman who doesn't ever want to breed, however, terrifies people. Most humans are wholly incapable of understanding, or experiencing, the kind of strong, original, independent thought that would lead to such a powerful, permanent decision. No amount of wheedling and cajoling is going to reverse a tubal. It is the ultimate way of saying, "I'm not a slave to others, and I never will be." Breeders cannot stand that, and they lash out with juvenile name-calling. Pathetic.


Because they can't stand the thought that CF women have sex for actual enjoyment. Period. Heaven forbid that a female have actual sexual agency.
I've wondered, have any of you interacted with people from a very family-centered culture? (I'm guessing most of you seem to be from US or Britain). My bf is Middle Eastern and there's a dose of etiquette centered around social interactions that I'm still learning. Some of it is very counterintuitive to an American (and especially one who isn't crazy about kids.) A certain couple he's friends with brought their accident baby out the other night when a group of us went to a restaurant (I know, that's another issue smile rolling left righteyes2 but the baby is very young and thankfully/strangely is one of those sound sleepers and so far hasn't made a peep.) Anyway, I said hi to them of course but was later chastised for not saying "hi" to the baby (who was asleep.)


A tense discussion followed later at home, after which bf gingerly explained that it was rude to not symbolically greet their offspring, and I should have noticed everyone else doing the same. I should preface that pretty much everyone in the group is Middle Eastern and greetings are an important part of social interaction and respect. Nevermind the fact that I said hi to them, complete with hug, and their stupid kid was fucking sleeping. But it did bring up an interesting scenario- I certainly don't want to be rude or offend our friends, but I also don't want to pander to their kid who I could care less about and ooh over it because everyone else does.
Anonymous User
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 22, 2011
Dude, I don't care who you are or where you're from... that's just asinine to bust someone's chops because they didn't say "HI!" to someone who wasn't even aware of their presence, and wouldn't have been for the greeting, either.

Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 22, 2011
I think it's silly to expect someone to be able to identify social clues perfectly when they are new to a culture. Without having observed behavior several times, you cannot be sure if what you are observing is something distinct to the individual you are watching, or part of the social code. ...And that's if you're watching for it. If you don't enter a room with the idea that you are interacting within the context of another culture, you probably won't even notice the differences unless they are pronounced.

I would try to clarify what your boyfriend expects from you with regard to his culture, and discover what you are and are not willing to do to accommodate that expectation. If, for instance, you're going to live in another country, I think the onus is on you to learn the social rules of that country, so that you can follow them or disregard them with full knowledge of the implications. If, on the other hand, your culture is the dominant one in the country where you live, you need to figure out how much you're willing to adapt when meeting people with a different cultural background.

Either way, it's unrealistic to expect someone to instantly "get it".
I would try to clarify what your boyfriend expects from you with regard to his culture, and discover what you are and are not willing to do to accommodate that expectation. If, for instance, you're going to live in another country, I think the onus is on you to learn the social rules of that country, so that you can follow them or disregard them with full knowledge of the implications. If, on the other hand, your culture is the dominant one in the country where you live, you need to figure out how much you're willing to adapt when meeting people with a different cultural background.

That's the key here. If our relationship is to continue, I will be indeed travelling to "the homeland" quite often. Which I don't mind at all, as I love travel (points at great thing about not having kids #37). What he's concerned about is not so much how I act here, but rather when we're in Lebanon. He sort of has been preparing me for the cultural differences and I guess treats these interactions as mini Leb Bootcamps tongue sticking out smiley

In Lebanon I'm willing to do when in Rome, which unfortunately means dealing with a bit of babystalking :smn
But here... we're in 'Merica, dammit!!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 22, 2011
I would try to clarify what your boyfriend expects from you with regard to his culture, and discover what you are and are not willing to do to accommodate that expectation. If, for instance, you're going to live in another country, I think the onus is on you to learn the social rules of that country, so that you can follow them or disregard them with full knowledge of the implications. If, on the other hand, your culture is the dominant one in the country where you live, you need to figure out how much you're willing to adapt when meeting people with a different cultural background.

That's the key here. If our relationship is to continue, I will be indeed travelling to "the homeland" quite often. Which I don't mind at all, as I love travel (points at great thing about not having kids #37). What he's concerned about is not so much how I act here, but rather when we're in Lebanon. He sort of has been preparing me for the cultural differences and I guess treats these interactions as mini Leb Bootcamps tongue sticking out smiley

Fair enough, if you're both agreed, but I still think he's perhaps being a bit unreasonable in expecting you to pick up on things so quickly. I imagine that his family members who originally immigrated to the US didn't pick up American customs overnight.
Anonymous User
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 26, 2011
Fair enough, if you're both agreed, but I still think he's perhaps being a bit unreasonable in expecting you to pick up on things so quickly. I imagine that his family members who originally immigrated to the US didn't pick up American customs overnight.

Having much experience with friends whose families are from third world countries with asinine religions, these people don't to HAVE to assimilate or adjust (they pick this up quickly). All they have to do is scream "racism" or "religious intolerance" (post-9/11 in case of Islam-fail). I don't give a shit who you are, where you're from, or what sky-person you worship, you act like an asshole, I'm going to treat you like one. For example, I love Asian culture. But I WILL NOT tolerate this Confucianist-based, isolationist, elitist "face" bullshit! Asians tend to think they are superior because their families pressure them (did you know that Asian teens have the highest rates of suicide in the world?) into being the best. And here they are bleaching their skin, dyeing their hair, marrying non-Asians, and treating others terribly once they've achieved a certain status. I've seen this many times. My second cousin married twice to Japanese women (and he's lived in Japan since '92 but still doesn't get that he is gaijin, and will NEVER get respect). The dude who bought my late great-aunt's house married a Chinese woman, and his MIL lives with them! He spent over a mil on the house, let MIL have the ENTIRE first floor apartment to herself, and spent more $$$ on remodeling! No doubt because they are all in business, MIL forked over a bit of cash herself, but SIL was forced to build a complex spiral ironwork stair case from his second and third floors section of the house to circumvent going into MIL's space for access to the back yard. And there is wifey attention-whoring a pair of li'l goldenpenises (and we know what pressure women have to produce boys in Asia) in designer duds with her "perfect body" screaming demands and being cheap. I love Chinatown, but I wouldn't want to marry into a Chinese family (and my bro's friends are mostly Chinese and he's seen other insane cultural bullshit). And this is from a NYC bitch that lives with every-fucking-body. I'm tired of playing PC useless uber-lib! If you have to cut these kinds of asshats off, do so!
Anonymous User
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 30, 2011
I can relate to the weird kyd-magnet thing, it happens me all the time. For some reason the grumpy ogre scowl that warns parunts to keep their litter at bay doesn't seem to have the same effect on their offspring. In public areas it's not so bad as often enough it's possible to get away but when at houses of relatives or at events where I'm the 'plus one' the little shits find anyone who doesn't pay them attention all the more facinating.

One of the worst was while sitting on the couch during a visit, ignoring the baybee talk and watching the clock while trying to enjoy a coffee one of the loaves who's at the annoying climb everying bit got up on the coffee table and dived right off it straight at me! Thankfully I didn't have my mug in hand at the time and caught the squirming nightmare before it brained itself on a bony knee or the floor or something. I nearly shat. I mean what the fuck was that! Looking around to the handler in disbelief and expecting the loaf to be reigned in she just says "oh yeah, that's a game he plays with his Dad" and went back to her conversation while the loaf was attempting to scale the table for another go.

I couldn't believe it. I was raging inside thinking I'm not here as a fucking minder for this one so you can talk with your friends about the fresh one you're baking now. I had to get the hell out of there so I lifted Bratley off the table, sat him on the floor and went out to throw sticks for their neighbours super friendly gorgeous black labrador. Just greeting the dog and petting her and playing with sticks and all was well with the world again!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 30, 2011
Not quite sure if this qualifies as babystalking...

The other day, I was at the office of the modeling agency I'm signed with, reading an information packet for a promotional thing I'm supposed to do in Denver. There were two other women there with one toddler. The kid's mother looked to be in her early 20s and was, apparently, a model there. The other woman appeared older, possibly the kid's grandmother, and was the only one who ever made any effort (and only a weak one at that) at all to keep the kid from running off down the halls and into the offices (which it did anyway.) The actual mother remained completely oblivious all the while.

The kid wandered over to me and started touching my leg, with me completely ignoring it. Ok, fine, toddlers do that. But why the hell weren't either of the women doing anything at all? Hello, keep your kid away from strangers, remind them of personal space, something!

I refused to look up from my paperwork to knowledge the kid, or its accompaniment. I KNEW those women were looking at me. Their idle chatter stopped and they were probably expecting me to drop what I was doing to coo at their kid. Out of my peripherals, I could see the kid staring at me, wide-eyed an expectant. I could have said "go away," but a. giving any kind of response at all is attention, and that's what the kid is after so I might encourage it to "play" with me more, and b. I didn't want the mom to complain about me to our agent.

Eventually, it toddled off down the hall again. Eventually, the agent came out gave the socially-appropriate fan-fare, all while I waited to get down the the business I'd come there for.

Not sure if that's intentional baby-stalking, but it was annoying. Make the kid sit!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 30, 2011
I just remembered something that happened when I was around 8 or 9 years old. I'm not certain this qualifies as babystalking, but here goes:

My grandmother had breast cancer and she'd just had a masectomy. While I understood what was going on, at my young age I wasn't fully aware of the severity or her fragile condition. I was at a family get-together and one of my aunts who has like, 5 kids (from 2 ex-husbands) was letting her toddler brats run wild, as usual. My mom always seemed to be the only one who kept her own kids in check (even as kids, my sisters and I were always disgusted by our cousins' brattiness). Anyway, I can remember my grandmother was sitting on the floor, playing with one of the babies and one of my aunt's toddler sons went up to my grandmother and began climing all over her like a jungle gym. My aunt (his moo) came rushing over, grabbed the kid and turned to me and said, "DON'T let him climb on her!" Um, excuse me?! Why don't you actually PARENT your crusty little shit stain?!! Even back then, I can remember being so angry and wondering why the hell I (or anyone else) was expected to babysit her kids when A) she was sitting a few feet away and cool smiley they're HER responsibility?! I was a kid myself and hadn't even been told to watch the brats (at that age, I would have).

I told my mother about it later and she wasn't too thrilled, either. This aunt's kids have always been brats and they have grown into snotty, entitled breeder twats themselves.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 30, 2011
I just remembered something that happened when I was around 8 or 9 years old. I'm not certain this qualifies as babystalking, but here goes:

My grandmother had breast cancer and she'd just had a masectomy. While I understood what was going on, at my young age I wasn't fully aware of the severity or her fragile condition. I was at a family get-together and one of my aunts who has like, 5 kids (from 2 ex-husbands) was letting her toddler brats run wild, as usual. My mom always seemed to be the only one who kept her own kids in check (even as kids, my sisters and I were always disgusted by our cousins' brattiness). Anyway, I can remember my grandmother was sitting on the floor, playing with one of the babies and one of my aunt's toddler sons went up to my grandmother and began climing all over her like a jungle gym. My aunt (his moo) came rushing over, grabbed the kid and turned to me and said, "DON'T let him climb on her!" Um, excuse me?! Why don't you actually PARENT your crusty little shit stain?!! Even back then, I can remember being so angry and wondering why the hell I (or anyone else) was expected to babysit her kids when A) she was sitting a few feet away and cool smiley they're HER responsibility?! I was a kid myself and hadn't even been told to watch the brats (at that age, I would have).

I told my mother about it later and she wasn't too thrilled, either. This aunt's kids have always been brats and they have grown into snotty, entitled breeder twats themselves.

OH! Doesn't shit like that just make you wish you had a time-machine, just so you could bitch her out? This isn't even my story and already I wish I could tell her off.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 30, 2011
OH! Doesn't shit like that just make you wish you had a time-machine, just so you could bitch her out? This isn't even my story and already I wish I could tell her off.

Absolutely! My mother has 4 siblings and including her, three of them actually did the work to raise their kids into self-sufficient, intelligent adults. This aunt has no excuse. I'd love to tell her off, but fortunately, she now lives out of the country and I have no contact with her or any of the offensive cousins.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 30, 2011
OH! Doesn't shit like that just make you wish you had a time-machine, just so you could bitch her out? This isn't even my story and already I wish I could tell her off.

Absolutely! My mother has 4 siblings and including her, three of them actually did the work to raise their kids into self-sufficient, intelligent adults. This aunt has no excuse. I'd love to tell her off, but fortunately, she now lives out of the country and I have no contact with her or any of the offensive cousins.

What can I say? Some people just kind of suck.

I swear, my main purpose for a time machine would just be to go back in time and stand up for myself more and take people to task on their bulshit with the advantages of my expanded vocabulary, more insightful thoughts, and newly grown spine.

Then I'd probably go way back in time with some modern weapons, tanks, and airplanes and conquer Rome or something, just because. ... I should really play Civilization.

... I've gotten way off topic.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 30, 2011
I swear, my main purpose for a time machine would just be to go back in time and stand up for myself more and take people to task on their bulshit with the advantages of my expanded vocabulary, more insightful thoughts, and newly grown spine.

Oh, me too...for damn sure! I think of all the shit I let people get away with in the long past and I wish I'd been just a little stronger and perhaps smarter at the time. I take comfort in the fact that just about everyone I run into who treated me like shit and made me feel small in the past now live existences I'd only wish on my worst enemies...worked out, I guess.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
October 01, 2011
The kid wandered over to me and started touching my leg, with me completely ignoring it. Ok, fine, toddlers do that. But why the hell weren't either of the women doing anything at all? Hello, keep your kid away from strangers, remind them of personal space, something!

I've always wondered how a human child can be so secure in its world as to do that, and why this trait hasn't become extinct. Humans did have predators for most of our history (Can you picture a toddler grabbing the leg of a sabre-tooth tiger for balance? Neither can I.) and we're also pretty adept at killing our own species. Most baby animals know enough to stay away from others of their species (especially the males they aren't related to), and baby humans go around just randomly grabbing at other people.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
October 01, 2011
Then I'd probably go way back in time with some modern weapons, tanks, and airplanes and conquer Rome or something, just because. ... I should really play Civilization.

... I've gotten way off topic.

It's really a tangent, but I've always wanted to go back into early recorded history with a modern army and conquer the world.
I would try to clarify what your boyfriend expects from you with regard to his culture, and discover what you are and are not willing to do to accommodate that expectation. If, for instance, you're going to live in another country, I think the onus is on you to learn the social rules of that country, so that you can follow them or disregard them with full knowledge of the implications. If, on the other hand, your culture is the dominant one in the country where you live, you need to figure out how much you're willing to adapt when meeting people with a different cultural background.

That's the key here. If our relationship is to continue, I will be indeed travelling to "the homeland" quite often. Which I don't mind at all, as I love travel (points at great thing about not having kids #37). What he's concerned about is not so much how I act here, but rather when we're in Lebanon. He sort of has been preparing me for the cultural differences and I guess treats these interactions as mini Leb Bootcamps tongue sticking out smiley

In Lebanon I'm willing to do when in Rome, which unfortunately means dealing with a bit of babystalking :smn
But here... we're in 'Merica, dammit!!

I married into a culture not my own (complete with trips to the homeland), and it is a dance of give and take. Decide what you are willing to do and not do... discuss with partner before hand and if possible talk to any siblings who might be there to back you up if they are so inclined. Also... YOU ARE FROM ANOTHER CULTURAL BACKGROUND. When you go to His Or Her Homeland the people there will UNDERSTAND THAT AND FORGIVE ANY MINOR "MISTAKES" YOU MAKE just as you would them if they visiting here on vacation. If they are not going to forgive or overlook minor "errors" than they are Fucktards and you should limit your exposure to them anyway. Luckily this is usually easy when thousands of miles separate you. Parents are an exception to this rule. Parents are very hard to get rid of. Sort of like bedbugs. So be sure you can co-exist with the parents before continuing the relationship too far.
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