Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 21, 2011

OOOOOOOO! Redecoration in Brain Matter GrayTM! I can just hear the explosion now.... mmm, so satisfying! devil with smile

Duke Nukem fan, I take it?
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 22, 2011
I could never thought i get bingoed in this situation but now nothing amazes me anymore. Today it was the funeral of my husband's grandma and while we were at the table eating after the actual funeral, a lady which we never saw in our lives came to meet the ones around. She jus asked my MIL who are we and after that she exclaimed in a very superior tone "ohh you do not a family yet!" Me and my husband just stood there with our mouths open. Besides the fact that she insulted both of us (what the fuck are we then? two strangers who signed a contract?!?!?), the circumstance was very innapropriate. Then she started talking how many loaves she has shitted and how many grandbrats she is expecting.
Some simple condoleances would have been enough. I was not there to listen how productive her cunt is angry flipping off
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 22, 2011

OOOOOOOO! Redecoration in Brain Matter GrayTM! I can just hear the explosion now.... mmm, so satisfying! devil with smile

Duke Nukem fan, I take it?

Ahhh, you caught me! XD He was my childhood hero.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 23, 2011
Some simple condoleances would have been enough. I was not there to listen how productive her cunt is angry flipping off

These people have no shame at all, but if you bashed her around the head with the nearest heavy object, YOU'D be the one in the wrong. It makes no sense. confused smiley
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 23, 2011
Edited, posted in the wrong thread! Oops!
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 24, 2011
I was not there to listen how productive her cunt is angry flipping off

mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob

I hate that shit.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 24, 2011
HAAAAAAAAaahaha, that reminds me - I was near-bingoed, last night. The guy I ran into on the day shift as I was finishing up asked me if I was married, and I said, "Hell, no." Then, he asked if I'd ever been married before, to which I replied, "HAha, no. NO way." He then asked, "What, you don't want to get married?" I said, "Hell no, I don't." He then asked me if I had any kids, and I must've made a horrified/grossed-out face, when I said that I didn't. "Well, they make the world go 'round."

My world's been going 'round quite fine for 33 years, thanks. But it was weird, because he wasn't being a dickhole about it. They seemed like genuine questions, not meant to berate or indoctrinate. That is why he's still breathing.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 25, 2011
Gravity and inertia bouncing and laughing
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 25, 2011
Hello everyone I'm new here smiling smiley

My mother asked me "Don't you want to go on school trips with children?" I laughed and said "Uh you mean spend hours on a trip to the zoo where the animals are more civilized than the children with their obnoxious parents? No thanks I'd rather go to vegas"
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 25, 2011
marco polo
Gravity and inertia bouncing and laughing

I'm unreasonably irritated that I couldn't post that from my blackberry and my internet connection on my PC wasn't working.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 26, 2011
My BF and I got sort-of bingoed while signing for our lease today.

The agent was going through the terms of our lease, and brought up children. It's part of the rules, fair enough. He started to say "You guys don't have kids yet but if you do...I don't remember what he said, because I was looking at the face my BF was making (ever see a smile that's not actually a smile? That's the face.) The agent noticed too and quickly said, "or not." Kids came up a few more times, but got a non-reaction from us. The agent started feeling awkward, I guess, since we didn't appear to be interested in anything to do with kids. "You two are together right?" He eventually asked, obviously confused.

I'm kind of scared that this is what is going to happen to me and DF when we sign our lease in a couple weeks. At least the apartment complex is geared toward young professionals and grad students (one of the reasons we picked it, besides location. They even have a strictly enforced 10pm-8am quiet hour/noise ordinance!) Also, they know that I am a second year law student so at least there have been no bingoes yet.

You've got two weapons: "We're not having kids" and "I'd prefer not to discuss this matter, if you don't mind." Keep using them until the person gets the hint. Good luck. That apartment complex sounds AWESOME.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 28, 2011
I noticed an annoying trend in the last time. Whenever me and my husband are asked if we have kids and we say no, there is always a continuation "not yet". Why the fuck can't the conversation stop after no or go to another subject or just finish with a simple OK? We get this question quite often when we meet new people or aquaintances who find out we just got married and everytime happens the same NOT YET. Is that difficult to stay out of smb's reproductive business?!?
Just got pissed....i got another NOT YET today, i just lost the count.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 28, 2011
I noticed an annoying trend in the last time. Whenever me and my husband are asked if we have kids and we say no, there is always a continuation "not yet". Why the fuck can't the conversation stop after no or go to another subject or just finish with a simple OK? We get this question quite often when we meet new people or aquaintances who find out we just got married and everytime happens the same NOT YET. Is that difficult to stay out of smb's reproductive business?!?
Just got pissed....i got another NOT YET today, i just lost the count.

The reason as to why I haven't been bingoed by my circle of friends is because 1) they know that I'm a hardcore bitch and keep their traps shut. 2) The three that sprogged have next to no social/sex lives anymore. So my friends know what they're in for. And finally 3) My comeback would sound like this:

"Okay, take your clothes off right now. I want to see the foot-wide (and deep) stretch marks from your heels to throat, technicolor varicose veins, saggy empty gym sock tits, huge pockmarked ass, thighs, and gut (which really is an abdominal ass). Also I'd like to perform a pelvic exam on you to see if I could easily slip my fist in the windsock between your tree trunks. Oh, fuck off? Well you did pester me about having kids..."
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 01, 2011
I noticed an annoying trend in the last time. Whenever me and my husband are asked if we have kids and we say no, there is always a continuation "not yet". Why the fuck can't the conversation stop after no or go to another subject or just finish with a simple OK? We get this question quite often when we meet new people or aquaintances who find out we just got married and everytime happens the same NOT YET. Is that difficult to stay out of smb's reproductive business?!?
Just got pissed....i got another NOT YET today, i just lost the count.

They are being rude and passive aggressive when they add extra words to your words.

I would LOVE it if someone tried that on me. I'd smile extra-wide and say "Actually, not ever." People like this need to have their BS called out as much as possible.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 04, 2011
I feel like I accidentally bingoed a grandmoo I work with. I can't remember what got us on the subject of children, but I let the following slip: "I'm horrified by pregnancy." ... and I visibly shuddered. I didn't clarify that I meant in my own case. Other pregnant people don't bother me, as long as they're not showing/doing/telling me gross shit.

Haha, we'll see how long it takes before that one comes back to bite me in the ass.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 05, 2011
Haha, my inlaws got Bingo'd for not being grandparents.
They'd had a few glasses of wine, and admitted that grandparent friends of theirs keep asking why they don't have grandchildren, and saying how sad it is that they're missing out. smile rolling left righteyes2

Dad said he told them straight that their boys (my husband and brother-in-law) are happy and healthy, which is good enough for them. On top of that, they said they've done their child-rearing, and if they did get grandchildren there's no way they'd agree to babysit them, there's too much living to do now their kids have left home and they've got time to themselves. grinning smiley

My very mild-mannered father-in-law said to me 'I don't think they liked that, but it's the truth'.

They refer to our koi carp as 'the grandchildren' now. Thank you
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 05, 2011

They refer to our koi carp as 'the grandchildren' now. Thank you

Lol that is awesome. My mom is pretty cool about the childfree thing; she calls my kitten her "grandkitty".

Also, I got sort of bingoed when I mentioned that the apartment complex we are moving to screens out undergrads and families with small children. My fiance's grandmother went on and on about how sad that was and how she hoped we would only have to stay there for a little bit since it is such an elitist place.:crz
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 05, 2011 bingoed..for a good 10 minutes...just yesterday. Mentioned in passing that I have an appointment with my doctor in 2 weeks to start talking about sterilization. Ou of 4 people in the office, only one person didn't seem horrified. One guy was at least polite, he just asked if I wanted kids, or if my husband did, and kind of moved on. The two girls in the office however...
I got "But you would make such a good mother!" and "Oh, you will change your mind" (I haven't in 28 freakin' years!) but the one that was flat out offensive (rather than just annoying) was when they both decided that they think I will already be pregnant when I go to the doctor, and "Wouldn't that just be so perfect and funny?"

I didn't say anything, I was trying to be mature and polite aobut the whole thing. But inside I was irate! Wishing me pregnant is (to me) as bad as wishing that when a pregnant lady goes for her furst ultrasound, she will find out she miscarried. If I found out I was preggo I would be devastated, horrified, and panicked. I hope they understand that if that happened they wouldn't see me for 3 days because I would be busy trying to secure an abortion!

Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 05, 2011
Moo-cunt 1: "But you would make such a good mother!"

Me: "And would a 'good mother' kill her baby for crying? I would.

Moo-cunt 2: "Oh, you will change your mind"

Me: "Could I change my mind into the Chanel blouse you so want that I'm wearing."

Moo-cunts: "Wouldn't it just be so perfect and funny that you found out you were pregnant?"

Me: "Would it be so perfect and funny to be as fat as the two of you?"
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 06, 2011
"Wouldn't that just be so perfect and funny?"

Wouldn't it be just so perfect and funny to be brainless as you? Gosh those women are stupid!:headbrick They just reminded me of the "bunch of office hens" smb was talking about on another board.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 06, 2011
I just remembered the hilarious breeder threatening "wait until you have kids!" and how i got it a few times....

1. I was discussing with some neighbours about random stuff and one lady started admiring my hair (i have very long, dark hair, natural color). At this point the other one started throwing me bad looks and added: "wait until you have kids, you will have to cut it off. i also had nice hair but didn't have anymore time for myself when my childryyyn came". Me and the lady who complimented my hair were like :hs

2. This happened quite recently. I was at the beach with my husband and we were enjoying the sun, laughing and doing small talk, reading. Some aquaintances came to say hi, including a moo with 2 shittlings hanging from her. The guy told us it's nice to see couples still having fun and getting along so well. The moo immediately added: "yeah sure! wait until you have kids! then you won't waste your time giggling and reading books!"

Can the bed made lie be more obvious?waving hellolarious
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 06, 2011
I just remembered the hilarious breeder threatening "wait until you have kids!" and how i got it a few times....

1. I was discussing with some neighbours about random stuff and one lady started admiring my hair (i have very long, dark hair, natural color). At this point the other one started throwing me bad looks and added: "wait until you have kids, you will have to cut it off. i also had nice hair but didn't have anymore time for myself when my childryyyn came". Me and the lady who complimented my hair were like :hs

2. This happened quite recently. I was at the beach with my husband and we were enjoying the sun, laughing and doing small talk, reading. Some aquaintances came to say hi, including a moo with 2 shittlings hanging from her. The guy told us it's nice to see couples still having fun and getting along so well. The moo immediately added: "yeah sure! wait until you have kids! then you won't waste your time giggling and reading books!"

Can the bed made lie be more obvious?waving hellolarious

They're not exactly selling the lifestyle there...

I wonder if these types of comments have ever turned someone into a fencesitter, or from fencesitter to CF.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 06, 2011
Last night:

Some Dude: "...blahblahblah, that's what happens when you have kids."
Me: "Yeah, well I'm not going to find out what that's like."
Some Dude: "What, you don't want kids?"
Me (with grossed out/horrified face): "Ew, God... no."
Some Dude: "You're missing out."
Me: "Yeah, on barfing, screaming, drooling, being generally annoyed..."


Some Other Dude: "Do you have kids?"
Me (grossed out/horrified face, again): "EEEwww, God... no."
Some Other Dude: "Don't want any, huh?"
Me: "Hell, no."
Some Other Dude: "You're serious about that." (observation, not question)
Me: "Absolutely."
Some Other Dude: "You like men, right?"
Me (almost pissed): "Yes, but I detest children. And sometimes, you can't tell the difference... except for when a man gets on my nerves, I can ditch him, and not get busted for child neglect."

I am very open about my CF status at my current job.


I'm just going to start saying, "I'm CF, because, to quote Scarlett O'Hara, 'I refuse to get old and fat before my time.' "
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 06, 2011
I noticed an annoying trend in the last time. Whenever me and my husband are asked if we have kids and we say no, there is always a continuation "not yet". Why the fuck can't the conversation stop after no or go to another subject or just finish with a simple OK?

I get that too and it annoys the hell out of me. I want to tell people, stop putting words in my mouth, it's super rude. I'm the type who doesn't want to make a fuss though, so I usually ignore it. People who know me well enough know I'm CF.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 07, 2011
I got bingoed by my 15 year old sister, she tells me, no not tells, SCREAMS to me at the top of her lungs that I'll have no friends and no social life and I'll be oh so lonely if I don't have kids.

She says she wants kids someday, but has never even babysat anyone(she is the youngest), sleeps in super late all the time, has to have the fanciest clothes and shoes, doesn't share anything with anyone, and is basically a spoiled entitled bitch. When she was about 3 and I was 11 my parents assigned me to make her her nightly apple juice, she wouldn't ask, she would scream at me "(ladybug) MAKE ME APPLE JUICE!" this was when she was 3 years old and she hasn't changed, the only difference is that she is taller lol. Ever see my super sweet sixteen? My sister is just like them!

She will be a total BNP, and I anticipate the day when she'll call meup screaming and demanding that I come over and care for her spawn because it's too hard, haha :bedmadelie

she will make a lousy parent! she is WAYYYYY too selfish! I feel sorry for any kids she has sad smiley
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