Tard stories
May 23, 2013
After re-re-re-reading the classic tales over on Tard Blog, I wanted to start a fun little topic here for folks to tell their own tard stories. It can be anything - favorite news articles, topics from other forums, personal experiences with retards, whatever you'd like to share. smiling smiley

I can start by telling the story of Spedley, the big fat poorly-medicated schizophrenic that I had to live with for two weeks. I've mentioned him here a few times, but I don't know if I ever told more of the whole story. A little about Spedley: Well over six feet tall, around 270 pounds, very strong, on some very strong shit for his schizophrenia, fucking irritating when he's medicated and fucking scary when he's not. His meds cost somewhere in the range of $2000 a month, but try sticking a pill down a big fat retard's throat, especially when he decides he doesn't need them. More often than not, pills went down the sink drain, in his pockets or just were left on the table. Here's a fun little list of some of the shit he did while I had to babysit his dumb ass (my whole two week break from college):

- Drank TONS of soda. Like a whole 12-pack in two days. Due to the heavy tranquilizers he was on, he wouldn't wake up from sleep when his bladder was full, so he would piss wherever he slept. The couch, the recliner, the bed, and for some reason on the bathroom floor rather than in the toilet. Mom quit buying soda to prevent the pissing, but with there being a gas station about 1/4 mile from the house, Spedley would just walk down there every day and buy a couple 2-liters. Mom would leave pissy blankets and clothes on the porch for Duh to take to the laundromat. He was there about every other day.

- Got pissed at my mother over nothing and told her to get out of her own house. Mom had to wait out in the yard until Duh came home to get Spedley under control.

- Decided to destroy several of the flower beds in the yard, tearing flower bulbs out of the dirt and uprooting a trellis. He says he was doing "crop rotation." Mom had an unholy shit fit. Duh helped Spedley conceal what he did by taking the bulbs and throwing them around the yard, which is why there are several spots in the yard where one single daffodil is growing.

- Duh paid Spedley $100 to "clean" the shed, meaning throw shit all over the place and open every single box and bag he could find.

- While fully medicated, Spedley forced me to sit down for a whole hour to listen to Tony Robbins tapes and would tell me stuff like, "It's easy to make a thousand dollars. You're going to write down a thousand things that will earn you a dollar."

- One of the items he brought with him on the plane was a CD with instructions on how to make bombs. He was chosen for a random luggage search and, shockingly, was still allowed to travel.

- Spedley's Moo absolutely refused to put him in an institution, insisting that their home state had no faclilties for retards and that he needs to stay here in one of the local nut houses/group homes. Funny, I looked up psych hospitals and the like and found over 30 locations in their state. Methinks Moomie just didn't want to deal with him anymore and wanted him as far away from her as possible.

- Demanded that I make things for him, like make him a video game or draw his stupid patent idea. His brilliant game idea was a Christianity-based fighting game with Jason Voorhees.

- Got himself thrown out of the thrift store because he told one of the rather endowed female employees that she should wear a back brace.

- Smoked in the house and flicked the ashes all over the floor.

- Drank beer when he wasn't supposed to have alcohol with his meds.

- Did weird shit like sitting in the garage in total darkness playing with my cats. Unfortunately, there was no way to separate him and my cats, but thank gods (and shockingly) he never harmed them. He did like to beat on the dog, though. Mom put a padlock on the dog's cage to keep him away from her and he had a fit, screaming that he could easily break the lock off if he really wanted to get at the dog.

- Saw a mother kitty with her three babies while in the car, and expressed how much he wanted to stick them all in a sack, string the sack up on a clothesline and beat it with a baseball bat.

- His father ALWAYS took his side. Spedley cwas a big fat retarded saint and my mom and I were always wrong no matter what. Of course he would spend a couple hours with the tard each day, at BEST. Usually the moron was out carousing all night with his buddies. Meanwhile, I was alone with Spedley from the time my mother left for work until she got home, which was 10-12 hours. Then Mom took over tard-sitting and I got a break. This big fat dumb fucker was in no way related to either me or my mom, either by blood or law, but we were dealing with him the most. Duh even said that if the police laid a hand on his darling, he'd have to kill those cops.

Another fun thing is my mother informed me I was, under no circumstances, to call 911 if Spedley's behavior got really bad or violent. Nope, don't call the cops because oh NOEZ Duh might leeeeeave if we Baker Act his tard! I was told, if he got violent, to lock myself in my bedroom and call Mom on my cell phone. There are a few issues with this. One, this guy could easily break down my door. Two, my cell phone doesn't get a good signal where I live. Three, WTF is my mother going to do? By the time she pulled her thumb out of her ass, I could be dead. But hey, as long as Spedley's duhddy wasn't upset, right? Surprisingly, the worst Spedley got with me physically was he dropped an apple on my head. I'm glad that was the worst of the damage.

I was never so fucking happy to go back to school, but Spedley was at the house for another two weeks, so you can imagine how much I worried about the cats and dog. Eventually, Spedley was admitted when he really lost it one morning and broke a full pot of hot coffee over his empty head. He was sent back to HomeState after being in the psych ward for a month.

My mother called his Moo and told her he is not welcome back in her house ever again. Spedley's Moo said that wouldn't work for her because Spedley needs to be here for psych treatment. A few years after that first visit, guess who shows up in the front yard? Yeah, Spedley! I was out of town at the time, but when Mom didn't answer the door, Spedley went wandering off in the backyard. Mom called the police to come get him and he was shockingly cooperative. Spedley's uncle refused to put him up because said uncle has lots of firearms in his house, so Uncle paid for not only a cab, but a hotel room for that day, and then Spedley had to call Moo and get her to buy his ass a ticket back home. Well, my mom said he wasn't welcome back, so it's not one's fault but the Moo's if she chooses to not listen. Since then, Spedley has been in and out of psych wards and his Moo FINALLY stuck him in a real long-term nut house.

He still calls here now and then, usually at retarded hours like 4 in the morning. Honestly, I cannot understand a word of what he says. I don't know if it's from being in a chemical stupor or what, but it all just sounds like grunting and mumbling about random shit like a patent, how he's going to France, he's going to be an engineer, he needs money, he wants to come here for his birthday, he wants Cambion to draw him a picture, and other assorted bullshit. That's just what I can make out from his Tardese.

Do share your best tard stories! smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
Oh man do I have thousands of fucked up stories. I have a psych degree and right out of college I started working in a residential program for kids age 6-12 with emotional and behavioral issues. Most of these kids were fucked because of their breeders ... drug affected, fetal alcohol syndrome, molested ... that kind of shit. Seriously, one girl had been prostituted out by her moo at the age of 4. This kid will be in the system forever.

Hard fucking job. After 3 months I was the senior staff on my shift. I was there for 18 months. Here is just the starter list of shit that happened there. Not all from the same kid.

Kid would climb into the space between kitchen cabinets and the ceiling so they could piss on and throw shit at staff.

Feces finger painting followed by licking said finger paintings off the wall.

Tooth brushes, spiral bound notebooks and other various objects being turned into stabbing weapons.

Got a black eye from a six-year-old that was mad we only had apples, not oranges at snack time.

Little girl would pull her hair out and claw her face if she lost a life on game boy.

Kid stripped down and ran around the building. Managed to pull a fire alarm and get out of the building, still naked and holding a blanket around his shoulders like a cape. Went streaking through a public park like a nude super hero screaming about how he was free from tyranny.

Kid stuck his fist up his ass in an attempt to pull out his intestines because he wanted to be taken to the hospital.

I'm sure there's more, but that's what I've got right now.
Anonymous User
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
A girl who I knew in elementary school would pull people's hair -- she pulled mine once -- and sometimes scream. I think that she even crapped her pants at school at least once.

I just remember her walking down the hallway with some kind of lump in her tights.
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
I have two although for the most part they aren't that interesting and I've shared them before.

The most recent was the autard in the vet's office when Archer got into medication. i'm trying to talk to the vet and get Archer the potentially life saving treatment he needed and some autard is standing outside the door screaming like he's being flayed alive and his moo whining "he's autistic" between sanity crushing screams.

The one before that was some supposedly autarded she brat in the optical when I was picking out new glasses. The brat might have been shorter thatn I am but she had fifty pounds on me if not more. The stupid little bitch is walking into me and stepping on my feet. I spent fifteen miutes abcking away from her while moo stood off to my right looking at me with an expression I can only describe as vaguely threatening. Whe I finally got sick of the crap I dug into my purse loooking for something I could use as a weapon. When I didn't find anything I reached for the pepper spray on my key chain. As soon as I pull my keys from under my baggy shirt moo suddenly got in a hurry to be somewhere. I think moo was very surprised to meet someone who didn't think the sun shines out of her fat autard's stupid ass.
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
Kid stripped down and ran around the building. Managed to pull a fire alarm and get out of the building, still naked and holding a blanket around his shoulders like a cape. Went streaking through a public park like a nude super hero screaming about how he was free from tyranny.

...I gotta admit, that kid sounds kind of awesome.
Anonymous User
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
Kid stripped down and ran around the building. Managed to pull a fire alarm and get out of the building, still naked and holding a blanket around his shoulders like a cape. Went streaking through a public park like a nude super hero screaming about how he was free from tyranny.

...I gotta admit, that kid sounds kind of awesome.

I won't lie, after kid was safely back on the unit we laughed our asses off for days about this. I still do when I think about it.

The worst was me getting the black eye of my face clawed up. This was all while engaged to my husband and I'd go meet vendors for the wedding and get asked if I was sure I wanted to marry this guy. It required a lot of explaining to get people to understand that it s psychology kids and not my fiancé that was smacking me around.
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
No wonder you're named sterilizedsally, after working with the fruits of women too dumb to abort...or tards smart enough to dodge the coathanger.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Anonymous User
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
You have no idea. The only good parents we ever dealt with we're the foster/adoptive parents. All the breeders were super fucked and needed to be sterilized ASAP.
Anonymous User
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
Man. Thats one hell of a plac to live. At least there are place to keep where they can hurt someone.
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
You have no idea. The only good parents we ever dealt with we're the foster/adoptive parents. All the breeders were super fucked and needed to be sterilized ASAP.

Ugh. And they often had a lot of children instead, I bet.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
A few True Tard Tales™ stories dredged up from the recesses of my mind I will post as I recall them::drool

Measle Molly
There was this 30 y/o tard who attended my church when I was a kid who was said to have become a tard due to having had a high fever with the Measles as a child. Measle Molly was HUGE, as are most tards it seems, and had the mentality of about a 5 year old. Being Good Christians and all, the elders of our church decided Measle Molly belonged NOT in the adult or children programs, but in the fucking YOUTH group, ages 13-18. So, Measle Molly was in my Sunday school class, youth choir, and was allowed to tag along(unchaperoned) on ALL youth functions like retreats, camp, choir tours, and trips to most anywhere like Six Flags, etc......I often thought she was dumped off on the teens because no parent wanted her around their young kids and the adults didn't want to fool with her fat ass either on any regular basis.

She was fat (probably 400 pounds), loud (always bellowing out), rude(would interrupt and butt in where she wasn't welcome), mischievous(would "steal" food from your plate, go into your suitcase and try on your clothes, etc....), GROSS(would walk around naked, scratch at her ass and cooter-legs spread-splayed on the bed- and in plain view) and would piss and shit on her bunk or bed at camp or hotels, and was basically what you would expect from someone in her condition. Perhaps the most memorable Measle Molly act was when we were staying in "host homes" as guests on a choir tour out of state and at the dinner table, with their entire family and some neighbors present, she hiked up her dress, NO panties on, spread out her legs and started scratching herself whining, "My TOOOOOOTIE itches and there's blood coming out of it that's gonna be a BAYYYYBEEEEEE from Gawd one day, MAMA SAID!!!!!". Few things are worse than a baby rabid, obese, fundie Tard:headbrick

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
A few True Tard Tales™ stories dredged up from the recesses of my mind I will post as I recall them::drool

Measle Molly
There was this 30 y/o tard who attended my church when I was a kid who was said to have become a tard due to having had a high fever with the Measles as a child. Measle Molly was HUGE, as are most tards it seems, and had the mentality of about a 5 year old. Being Good Christians and all, the elders of our church decided Measle Molly belonged NOT in the adult or children programs, but in the fucking YOUTH group, ages 13-18. So, Measle Molly was in my Sunday school class, youth choir, and was allowed to tag along(unchaperoned) on ALL youth functions like retreats, camp, choir tours, and trips to most anywhere like Six Flags, etc......I often thought she was dumped off on the teens because no parent wanted her around their young kids and the adults didn't want to fool with her fat ass either on any regular basis.

She was fat (probably 400 pounds), loud (always bellowing out), rude(would interrupt and butt in where she wasn't welcome), mischievous(would "steal" food from your plate, go into your suitcase and try on your clothes, etc....), GROSS(would walk around naked, scratch at her ass and cooter-legs spread-splayed on the bed- and in plain view) and would piss and shit on her bunk or bed at camp or hotels, and was basically what you would expect from someone in her condition. Perhaps the most memorable Measle Molly act was when we were staying in "host homes" as guests on a choir tour out of state and at the dinner table, with their entire family and some neighbors present, she hiked up her dress, NO panties on, spread out her legs and started scratching herself whining, "My TOOOOOOTIE itches and there's blood coming out of it that's gonna be a BAYYYYBEEEEEE from Gawd one day, MAMA SAID!!!!!". Few things are worse than a baby rabid, obese, fundie Tard:headbrick

I just died a little.
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
Wow, that's a special story indeed, Kim. Because that's what big fat retards need - to be encouraged to breed. Normal fundies are retarded enough. But speaking of church tards, I remember always seeing this one girl who was obviously not quite right in the head. She always had a bowl cut and always looked like she was power walking. Way back when I still was required to attend church for school purposes (cocksucker religion teacher made us write about the Sunday sermon, so we all had to go to church), she'd be in church with her parents, having the occasional outburst. Then her parents took her up for communion and they'd tell her to eat it because it would help her. Yeah, the cardboard wafer is gonna cure retardation.

I think I talked about this girl before too. Someone I went to high school with for a short time, I'll call her Mary. I honestly don't know if she was retarded or just incredibly socially awkward. I think it might have been some of both - not quite fucked enough to be in the tard classroom, but not honors material. I met Mary at orientation and she decided to sit with me and talk to me, and I was nice to her. This granted me interesting immunity, as in I could make fun of her and she'd laugh, but if someone else did, she got pissed.

Mary was also in my art class, and most people picked on her because she acted and dressed like a freak. She would come in wearing things like a floral print muumuu and combat boots, and would sit and make a hit list that included everyone in class but me and would tell those people they were on the list (she surprisingly never got in trouble), and she would regale us with stories (which may or may not have been true) about how her father beat her with baseball bats all the time.

Mary was only at my high school a short time and then she disappeared. Curious, I looked for her online not too long ago. She still looks exactly the same (she was no looker. She could make a blind man flinch), same haircut and everything. She's shat out two kids in the last six or seven years, but is a single Moo. So I'm guessing she got knocked up from one-night stands with guys who were reeeeally desperate. I'm not sure this qualifies as a tard story since, as said, I really don't know if she was retarded. She seemed at least mildly so, and her face just had "that" classic tard look to it.

And I remember this flailing tard on the bus named Randy, a kid of about 10 or 11 with red hair and big stupid teeth that would cackle and rub his crotch for the whole ride while yelling out "pecker" every so often.

Hope you don't mind if I post this, Kim. I went looking for this story a few days ago. Further down in the link is Kim's tale of Sammy the Man-Tard. smiling smiley

Anonymous User
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
You have no idea. The only good parents we ever dealt with we're the foster/adoptive parents. All the breeders were super fucked and needed to be sterilized ASAP.

Ugh. And they often had a lot of children instead, I bet.

Yup. One moo of two of the kids was pregnant with #5. Only reason we didn't have the others was they weren't old enough for our program. She didn't have custody of any of them and was fighting to keep the latest clump once if was officially sprogged.
Anonymous User
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
After re-re-re-reading the classic tales over on Tard Blog, I wanted to start a fun little topic here for folks to tell their own tard stories. It can be anything - favorite news articles, topics from other forums, personal experiences with retards, whatever you'd like to share. smiling smiley

I can start by telling the story of Spedley, the big fat poorly-medicated schizophrenic that I had to live with for two weeks. I've mentioned him here a few times, but I don't know if I ever told more of the whole story. A little about Spedley: Well over six feet tall, around 270 pounds, very strong, on some very strong shit for his schizophrenia, fucking irritating when he's medicated and fucking scary when he's not. His meds cost somewhere in the range of $2000 a month, but try sticking a pill down a big fat retard's throat, especially when he decides he doesn't need them. More often than not, pills went down the sink drain, in his pockets or just were left on the table. Here's a fun little list of some of the shit he did while I had to babysit his dumb ass (my whole two week break from college):

- Drank TONS of soda. Like a whole 12-pack in two days. Due to the heavy tranquilizers he was on, he wouldn't wake up from sleep when his bladder was full, so he would piss wherever he slept. The couch, the recliner, the bed, and for some reason on the bathroom floor rather than in the toilet. Mom quit buying soda to prevent the pissing, but with there being a gas station about 1/4 mile from the house, Spedley would just walk down there every day and buy a couple 2-liters. Mom would leave pissy blankets and clothes on the porch for Duh to take to the laundromat. He was there about every other day.

- Got pissed at my mother over nothing and told her to get out of her own house. Mom had to wait out in the yard until Duh came home to get Spedley under control.

- Decided to destroy several of the flower beds in the yard, tearing flower bulbs out of the dirt and uprooting a trellis. He says he was doing "crop rotation." Mom had an unholy shit fit. Duh helped Spedley conceal what he did by taking the bulbs and throwing them around the yard, which is why there are several spots in the yard where one single daffodil is growing.

- Duh paid Spedley $100 to "clean" the shed, meaning throw shit all over the place and open every single box and bag he could find.

- While fully medicated, Spedley forced me to sit down for a whole hour to listen to Tony Robbins tapes and would tell me stuff like, "It's easy to make a thousand dollars. You're going to write down a thousand things that will earn you a dollar."

- One of the items he brought with him on the plane was a CD with instructions on how to make bombs. He was chosen for a random luggage search and, shockingly, was still allowed to travel.

- Spedley's Moo absolutely refused to put him in an institution, insisting that their home state had no faclilties for retards and that he needs to stay here in one of the local nut houses/group homes. Funny, I looked up psych hospitals and the like and found over 30 locations in their state. Methinks Moomie just didn't want to deal with him anymore and wanted him as far away from her as possible.

- Demanded that I make things for him, like make him a video game or draw his stupid patent idea. His brilliant game idea was a Christianity-based fighting game with Jason Voorhees.

- Got himself thrown out of the thrift store because he told one of the rather endowed female employees that she should wear a back brace.

- Smoked in the house and flicked the ashes all over the floor.

- Drank beer when he wasn't supposed to have alcohol with his meds.

- Did weird shit like sitting in the garage in total darkness playing with my cats. Unfortunately, there was no way to separate him and my cats, but thank gods (and shockingly) he never harmed them. He did like to beat on the dog, though. Mom put a padlock on the dog's cage to keep him away from her and he had a fit, screaming that he could easily break the lock off if he really wanted to get at the dog.

- Saw a mother kitty with her three babies while in the car, and expressed how much he wanted to stick them all in a sack, string the sack up on a clothesline and beat it with a baseball bat.

- His father ALWAYS took his side. Spedley cwas a big fat retarded saint and my mom and I were always wrong no matter what. Of course he would spend a couple hours with the tard each day, at BEST. Usually the moron was out carousing all night with his buddies. Meanwhile, I was alone with Spedley from the time my mother left for work until she got home, which was 10-12 hours. Then Mom took over tard-sitting and I got a break. This big fat dumb fucker was in no way related to either me or my mom, either by blood or law, but we were dealing with him the most. Duh even said that if the police laid a hand on his darling, he'd have to kill those cops.

Another fun thing is my mother informed me I was, under no circumstances, to call 911 if Spedley's behavior got really bad or violent. Nope, don't call the cops because oh NOEZ Duh might leeeeeave if we Baker Act his tard! I was told, if he got violent, to lock myself in my bedroom and call Mom on my cell phone. There are a few issues with this. One, this guy could easily break down my door. Two, my cell phone doesn't get a good signal where I live. Three, WTF is my mother going to do? By the time she pulled her thumb out of her ass, I could be dead. But hey, as long as Spedley's duhddy wasn't upset, right? Surprisingly, the worst Spedley got with me physically was he dropped an apple on my head. I'm glad that was the worst of the damage.

I was never so fucking happy to go back to school, but Spedley was at the house for another two weeks, so you can imagine how much I worried about the cats and dog. Eventually, Spedley was admitted when he really lost it one morning and broke a full pot of hot coffee over his empty head. He was sent back to HomeState after being in the psych ward for a month.

My mother called his Moo and told her he is not welcome back in her house ever again. Spedley's Moo said that wouldn't work for her because Spedley needs to be here for psych treatment. A few years after that first visit, guess who shows up in the front yard? Yeah, Spedley! I was out of town at the time, but when Mom didn't answer the door, Spedley went wandering off in the backyard. Mom called the police to come get him and he was shockingly cooperative. Spedley's uncle refused to put him up because said uncle has lots of firearms in his house, so Uncle paid for not only a cab, but a hotel room for that day, and then Spedley had to call Moo and get her to buy his ass a ticket back home. Well, my mom said he wasn't welcome back, so it's not one's fault but the Moo's if she chooses to not listen. Since then, Spedley has been in and out of psych wards and his Moo FINALLY stuck him in a real long-term nut house.

He still calls here now and then, usually at retarded hours like 4 in the morning. Honestly, I cannot understand a word of what he says. I don't know if it's from being in a chemical stupor or what, but it all just sounds like grunting and mumbling about random shit like a patent, how he's going to France, he's going to be an engineer, he needs money, he wants to come here for his birthday, he wants Cambion to draw him a picture, and other assorted bullshit. That's just what I can make out from his Tardese.

Do share your best tard stories! smiling smiley

I am tempted, as cruel as it seems, to just say that he should be executed because he's so dangerous.

He seems to be very scary and is not someone I want me or mine around.

I know that it's not his fault, though. I'd at least want him locked up, which he is.

I gathered that he'll resort to violence at the drop of a hat and is a bully.

Factor in his size, strength and mental illness, and you've got what I think is a bomb waiting to explode.

I don't want him a part of society at all.

I am not trying to paint all people who are ill mentally with the same brush, nor do I believe that they should be killed.

It's just that he has a combination of factors, coupled with the inability -- or little ability -- to act rationally, and that's a potent mix that will land him in deep shit for seriously hurting or ending the life of another person.
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
grammarnut: I am not trying to paint all people who are ill mentally with the same brush, nor do I believe that they should be killed.

I have a MI and I don't think I should be killed either.
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
Embarrassing tard story:

I was at the bus stop once, and ran into an old school friend who was tard-sitting. We were chatting away, and this male tard could NOT take his eyes off of my chest! He got within inches of my boobs and just stared down my top for several minutes.

My friend, who is a man, was horribly embarrassed by the tard's behavior and couldn't get him to stop oggling my tits.

I don't know if he was a violent sort, but was in his late teens / early twenties and his hormones must have been raging. He was also a smallish tard, so I could've taken him down, had he attempted to grope me.

I was soooo glad when my bus finally came. Why is it that all my tarded encounters seem to happen while I'm at the bus stop?
Anonymous User
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
grammarnut: I am not trying to paint all people who are ill mentally with the same brush, nor do I believe that they should be killed.

I have a MI and I don't think I should be killed either.

I had no intention of offending anyone.

This person just seems so unstable that it'd only be a matter of time before they seriously injured or killed someone.

He openly expressed a desire to torture animals.
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
You know what the best part is about Spedley? He has a driver's license. Someone decided it would be a fabulous idea to let him have access to a vehicle at one point. From what I was told, he was normal when he was younger, but due to drug and alcohol use in his teens, he developed schizophrenia. I'm not sure if that's how schizophrenia actually works. Is it possible to develop a mental illness like that so much later in life?

And yes, not all mentally ill people are dangerous. Some are socially awkward, some need to take extra time to learn, some might need speech therapy. People with mild issues can often manage them with treatment and medication and can function just fine in normal society. But the dangerous retards? Aside from keeping shrinks and nut house staff employed, they serve no purpose. Often times they will never get better, they will never be able to be part of normal society because of their behavior, you can't arrest them because of their illness, and they pose a danger not only to others, but to themselves. On top of that, folks with more mild illnesses may have the capacities to realize that they do need medication for whatever is wrong, whereas retards often will not take medication because they feel they don't need it or they don't want to take evil government pills.

Maybe it makes me a mean bitch, but I think that for the very violent, incurable crazies, the best thing for them and for everyone else would be to line them all up in front of a firing squad and blow them all away. If an animal is violent or crazy, it gets put down. If a violent dog terrorizes the neighborhood, biting random people and killing other people's pets, it's not captured, rehabilitated and let back into the neighborhood. It gets killed, either via euthanasia or a pissed-off neighbor with a shotgun. The same should be done for humans who are way beyond help. Once they prove they cannot be helped and are too dangerous to be around others, why exactly do they need to be alive? All they're going to do is hurt others and themselves.
Anonymous User
Re: Tard stories
May 23, 2013
Schizophrenia usually doesn't show until your 20s, but saying drug used cause it is bullshit.
Anonymous User
Re: Tard stories
May 24, 2013
I don't have a tard story, but, Cambion, I worried about you when Spedley would visit. I was seriously afraid for you and your mom. Glad he's not your problem anymore.
Re: Tard stories
May 24, 2013
You have no idea. The only good parents we ever dealt with we're the foster/adoptive parents. All the breeders were super fucked and needed to be sterilized ASAP.

Ugh. And they often had a lot of children instead, I bet.

Yup. One moo of two of the kids was pregnant with #5. Only reason we didn't have the others was they weren't old enough for our program. She didn't have custody of any of them and was fighting to keep the latest clump once if was officially sprogged.

I can't understand this idea "I MUST keep babby, I MUST have babby because the eeebil one took the other ones away, 'cuz it was NOT MY FAUUUULT"



“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: Tard stories
May 24, 2013
This happened when I was in high school. I was (and still am) a shy person that keeps to herself. I was sitting down in the cafeteria after having eaten my lunch.

A tard I didn't know started to inch toward me, and he even started to touch me too much. I think he was even hugging me. I was petrified, so I didn't make my discomfort known, and I was just praying the tard would go away.

The tard didn't go away, and he was trying to invite me to his house or something. I barely understood him. He stuck around a while, and then suddenly, his eyes rolled back. WTF? Then he went back to normal, except he completely forgot about me and moved on with his life as if nothing happened. Finally, he left.

It's like he reset.
Re: Tard stories
May 24, 2013
I used to work in a community residence for MR/DD people.

We had one girl named Ellen who was a chronic masturbator. She had Down syndrome, was severely overweight (to the point where we had to lock the cabinets and fridge) and screamed if you tried to shower her.

I was working the overnight with another chick when we heard Ellen strumming the old guitar in her room. We shut the door, and went about our business making the tard lunches for the next day.

Ellen comes wobbling out of her room, sniffing her fingers. The other worker and I go on high alert. Ellen attempts to stick her nasty fingers in our face, exclaiming in her tardliest voice "Best smell in da world! Best smell! Right? RIGHT?"

My co-worker gagged and I grabbed Ellen by the wrist and scrubbed her hand with hot water and soap. She screamed bloody murder, which woke up the manager, who wrote me up for scrubbing her vigorously.

Yeah, maybe she enjoys smelling tard twat, but I don't.
Re: Tard stories
May 24, 2013
sad smiley

Wow. Just wow. I really have heard it all. These tard tales are off the chain!

There is a difference between having a mental illness and being a retard. I have depression for example. That's far different than being a 500 pound chronic mastabator who attacks people at bus stops! I think that once you are too far gone, you need to be put down. You are of no use to society or yourself. True 'tards are just a burden on society and in some cases---a severe menace!
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