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Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status

Posted by bell_flower 
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 02, 2017
Another day in America, another mass shooting. I was listening to the news this morning. The latest attack in Las Vegas happened about 6 hours ago. 50+ known to be dead and another 200 injured. I have been flipping back and forth between news stations. One of the bobble heads on Faux was actually asking these so-called "experts" whether any childruuuuun were there.

First of all, even though it happened at 10 p.m. on a Sunday (school) night, you know some irresponsible Breeder brought his/her kids to this event.

One of the bobble heads said, with an air of relief, that there didn't appear to be any children there when this happened.

I said to DH, well, isn't that happy news? Only 50+ adults dead.

Mark my words, if there are children or pregna-saurs or parunts among the wounded or dead, they will be front and center in our media.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 02, 2017
Mark my words, if there are children or pregna-saurs or parunts among the wounded or dead, they will be front and center in our media.

And the parental status of the attacker won't be in any headlines unless they can use "loner".
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 03, 2017
Apparently CBS canned a lawyer and senior VP who wrote on FB that she had "no sympathy" for the victims because country music fans are usually republicans and noted that they "didn't do anything when children were murdered**,." so she doesn't feel sympathy for them now.

**A reference to Sandy hook.

Hey, I'll be the first to admit gun policy in the U.S. is forked up, but she deserves to be fired because she's stupid. (And note to lurking Breeders, this is a rant page, but we draw the line at condoning violence.) She should feel equal compassion for all victims because adults or not, they were all innocent bystanders.

The daily fail captured pictures from her social media, where she proudly calls herself a mommy and displays her three crotch critters.


I thought being a Moo made you compassionate and wise?

ETA: And note the headline identifies her as a "Top CBS Lawyer," no mention of parental status of course, because she stuck her foot in it.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 03, 2017
Well, I am getting sick of references to Sandy Hook, as if children dying were somehow worse than adults dying. It isn't. People can't be slotted into a simple value equation of 1 year old > 10 year old > 20 year old > 30 year old > 40 year old ...

But most of the world is breeders, and most of the world thinks it is somehow worse when children die. (You sort of wonder why they created them, then, because we'll all die, someday. It's the inevitable result of living.)
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 04, 2017
Well, I am getting sick of references to Sandy Hook, as if children dying were somehow worse than adults dying. It isn't. People can't be slotted into a simple value equation of 1 year old > 10 year old > 20 year old > 30 year old > 40 year old ...

But most of the world is breeders, and most of the world thinks it is somehow worse when children die. (You sort of wonder why they created them, then, because we'll all die, someday. It's the inevitable result of living.)

Why they created them? To ponder that requires two braincells to rub together. Moos don't have that.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 09, 2017
There was some nastiness toward Jason Aldean, they guy who was performing at the Route 91 Harvest festival. He ran off the stage when the bullets started. A few Twatter dipshits posted that he was a coward and he didn't 'warn people" before running off the stage. First of all I don't fault anyone for anything they do in a life-or-death situation, when they have seconds to react. The natural instinct is to run and I don't blame anyone for saving his/her own life. And even if he said, "hey, everyone get out of here" it would have caused more even more chaos because there wasn't a lot of room for people to exit and maybe more people would have been trampled.

Of course none of his defenders made logical statements. 99% of his defenders grasped the single-line-of-thought, mouth--breathing standby

"I don't blame him for running--he has two kyds and another one on the way. "
"He has a fambilee to protect."

So I guess it's okay if people without kids are expendable in a situation like this?

Most of these idiots who started this deleted their tweets, but it was there.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 29, 2017
More evidence of treating Holy Moos with kid gloves.

Okay so about a year ago a Moo in Idaho packed her three kids in the car and drove them over a cliff in her pricey LandRover SUV.

It's been a year and authorities spent a lot of time and money before they finally concluded it was a deliberate act. (They even involved LandRover in the investigation to see if it was a "mechanical failure," even though witnesses reported she turned the car toward the cliff and sped toward it.) Note the tone of the article. Not once is the word "murder" mentioned, only that it was a "deliberate act." It doesn't even read that SHE killed them, only that it was a "family tragedy." There is a mention that other women have done this, but they were mentally ill and psychologically depressed. They even have the gall to mention Susan Smith, who was spared the death penalty due to trauma she experienced as a chhyyyyld. (Conveniently failing to mention that Susan Smith had a boyfriend who wanted her kids gone prior to her offing them and making up a story about them being kidnapped. )

Why can't we call these murderous acts what they are? The article does a lot of hand-wringing and asks why this happened. It does mention that she went through a divorce two years ago. It seems pretty plain to me that this was probably an act of vengeance. Killing yourself is one thing, but deciding to kill your kids seems like the ultimate Fuck You to the dud. She could have offed herself and let the kids be raised by the Dud, but then he would have "won."

Duds who kill their kids get a lot less leeway. Check out this article from June 2017, where a Dud killed his two kids and then himself on Father's Day. Although the headline does omit the word "father" and refers to him as a "California man," the article doesn't shy away from saying he killed them and it mentions a custody dispute and calls the act "murder suicide." and the kids are barely cold. Yet in the other scenario, a year goes by with all these alternate theories (that cost taxpayers a lot of money) and STILL they don't use the word murder.

Women are human. Some humans are murderers. Some humans are shitty parents. Some humans commit vengeful acts. But don't count on the media to not sugar-coat bad Moo behavior.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
November 06, 2017
Texass church shooting and here's a headline:

Relative: Pregnant woman, 3 children, in-laws slain in Texas

Just following the hierarchy: pregnant women are the most important people on Earth, followed by children, and the adults only get a mention of how they are related to the pregnant woman.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
November 07, 2017
The pregnant woman is worthless. Her UTERUS is what is important to the breeder readers.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
January 03, 2018
I can't believe it is happening already. My home page on the computer is MSN and today on the news: A mom has twins 2 years after she had another set of twins. A Boston cop delivers a baby. Chip and Joanna Gaines are pregnant with a 5th kid (guess to show off his dick werks?), and just before New Years, a woman delivers a baby in a butcher shop and the butcher catches it. One good bit of good news: The first baby of the year didn't come until well after 3 am. I guess women don't like to have babies in hospitals anymore.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
April 26, 2018
Those of you who are true crime fans may have noted the arrest of the infamous Golden State Killer.

BTW, CNN/Headline news ran a five part series about his crimes. It was very well done, factual and not particularly gory. A lot of smart, dedicated people spent hours trying to catch this guy to bring him to justice for the misery he caused. There was a lot of good historical information about the changes in how rapes are handled and prosecuted in the U.S., the rise of DNA, creation of a nationwide 911 infrastructure. Highly recommended.

Anyway, as per usual in these situation, a neighbor was interviewed and she had this brainless comment: "‘It’s terrifying to think this man could have hopped the fence and come into my backyard. I have children." Eye roll. Wow, I'm sure people who didn't have children weren't concerned at all. thumb down

The normal reaction to living next to someone like this is "freak out." I don't know why this quote is even relevant, since he raped adult women and murdered mostly adults.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
April 26, 2018
I was kinda following the case on that guy and kids weren't his target. I'm glad he's caught, that's for sure.

I can add one here, too. I was watching HLN last night and they were talking about a little boy who nearly drowned in a resort pool. He was under the water for eight minutes, and a heroic man, who happened to be in the pool at the same time, rescued him. It seems that he got his foot caught in some kind of suction pipe and couldn't get himself out.

That's the way HLN told it...here's what REALLY happened.

The twelve year old vandal decided to pry open the grate over a suction pipe and wound up getting sucked into it. He damaged the pool and nearly darwinized himself in the process. Luckily, some other guy who was swimming there got him out. I have NO idea where the moo and duh were at the time.

The resort has put out a letter, stating that there had been NO problems with the pool prior to this kid prying open the grate, and it is NOT their responsibility that this happened. I tend to believe the resort in this case, because a lot of this was caught on video and they are putting out a preemptive letter just in case these negligent parents choose to sue them.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 13, 2018
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 13, 2018
Today I've seen too many articles about moos in prison, and how tragic it is. It enrages me. If the system is unfair, it is also unfair to fathers and unchilded people, and should be fixed. There should not be exemptions to the rule of law simply because someone is female, and has reproduced.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 13, 2018

Today I've seen too many articles about moos in prison, and how tragic it is. It enrages me. If the system is unfair, it is also unfair to fathers and unchilded people, and should be fixed.

Agreed. The incarceration of innocent people should alarm everyone, as should sentences that don't fit the crime, uneven application of justice, etc.

The woman in the article above had multiple offenses. She had a tail light out which can happen to anyone. But she also hadn't bothered to get a tag for her new car in the first month she had it, and she had a two year old ticket that she "just forgot about." She almost convinced the officer to let her go. Had he done so, I would venture to guess that she would have again "forgot" to pay her ticket and get her car tagged. It may seem harsh to go to jail, but I bet she will never forget to pay a citation again, nor will she drive with improper license and registration. (Law abiding people manage to take care of these things.)


There should not be exemptions to the rule of law simply because someone is female, and has reproduced.

At least in the U.S. there seems to be a lot of bellyaching lately by Moos who admit they are guilty and seem completely shocked by the idea that they may actually go to jail.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 14, 2018
At least in the U.S. there seems to be a lot of bellyaching lately by Moos who admit they are guilty and seem completely shocked by the idea that they may actually go to jail.

Funny how the concern about how it will affect their offspring seems to occur at sentencing, rather than when they are committing the crime.

So many people seem incapable of comprehending that parents do not always have their children's best interests in mind. Instead, they engage in the fantasy that whatever parents do, it is for their children: as if there was no such thing as abusive, deadbeat, or just plain selfish parenting. You see this view presented everywhere, from sentencing of parents who have committed crimes, to laws that permit parents to violate children's bodily integrity in the name of religion or fashion (example: ear piercing of infants), or to neglect the child's well-being due to unreasoned beliefs (example: anti-vaxxers), to proposals that parents should get extra votes on behalf of their offspring. People just cannot believe that the interests of parents and children might be different (example: forced birthers), or accept that for a good many parents, when push comes to shove, their own interests will triumph (example: Brexit, overwhelmingly rejected by young people).

This mass delusion is persistent among parents, which leads me to think that most of them are trying desperately to avoid admitting that, like most people, they put themselves first. It's such a convenient fiction, it allows them to feel like good people when they are behaving in the most selfish manner imaginable.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 15, 2018
I can't figure out what this Moo is trying to say. Her dad was a cop. She has her FB set on "public" and posts pictures of her four year old daughter all over the place because she's just SO ADORABLE. trout slap She posts dire statistics that may not be all that dire. She may stop posting pictures, but then again she might not.

Why can't Moos write factual articles and not talk about their cunt nuggets?

Everyone who is concerned about their safety should keep their FB photos private.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 15, 2018
"Make your photos private. Be careful about the information you put online."

Then -

"As for me, I'm not sure if I'll change my posting habits just yet. But my conversation with Paradise did leave me feeling a little more wary and a lot more invested in starting to talk to my daughter now about how to avoid some of these dangers."

What a dumbass. It's not on your four year old to know about "how to avoid some of these dangers". The dangers she's describing are all about breeders putting their kids out there for the world to see. Selfish cow won't stop publicly posting about her sprog because she's too addicted to the accolades she gets for being Moo.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 21, 2018
Funny how the concern about how it will affect their offspring seems to occur at sentencing, rather than when they are committing the crime.

This is what desperation looks like...the grasping at straws to minimize the punishment using whatever means possible.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
June 08, 2018
I sometimes watch Crime and Justice with Ashleigh Banfield on HLN. She is becoming quite annoying. There is some murderer in Springfield, and three rotting corpses were found in his house. According to Ashleigh, They were all MOTHERS!!!111

What the fuck difference does THAT make? I told Husband last night when I heard that, that I certainly wouldn't want to wind up rotting in some serial killer's house, even though I don't have loaves. The other thing Ashleigh is forgetting, is that there are more moos than childless or CF women.

Earth to Ashleigh: Nobody deserves to die at the hands of a serial killer. Not even us eebil CF women.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
June 21, 2018
Thought I'd never praise Daily Mail for anything, but they actually corrected the title of their article. Previously it said "Parents see couple having SEX behind them on a plane to Mexico" which implied either that parents are the guards of morality everywhere, or that the couple actually had sex in front of a small kid (while in fact the parents took the vid and sent it to their adult daughter). Now it says "Shocked husband and wife share video of couple having sex on holiday jet".
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 08, 2018
another massively annoying breeder-pleasing ad on TV: Lowes ad where they guarantee you will like the paint you buy. So Moo Cow has told kid he can paint his room "any color he wants" and of course, she comes in and sees him smearing black paint all over the walls! So , of course, Lowes kisses her stretched-out ass and lets her get *free* replacement paint!! I mean, how does this kid BUY and transport paint without the Moo knowing??--Oh, that's true--all teens now have their own parent-paid credit card now.
That bugs me like the ad that claims they get all these people out of their $30,000 IRS debt??!! (Nothing directly to do with breeders, but...!). WHO do they think is going to pay for all the taxes lost because these deadbeats get out of paying? And WHO HAS $30,000 of tax due?? And WHO believes that these rip-off companies can even do that?? Sigh!
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 08, 2018
another massively annoying breeder-pleasing ad on TV: Lowes ad where they guarantee you will like the paint you buy. So Moo Cow has told kid he can paint his room "any color he wants" and of course, she comes in and sees him smearing black paint all over the walls! So , of course, Lowes kisses her stretched-out ass and lets her get *free* replacement paint!! I mean, how does this kid BUY and transport paint without the Moo knowing??--Oh, that's true--all teens now have their own parent-paid credit card now.

That's a ridiculous guarantee. The person who bought the paint did like it. It was someone else who didn't. With an ad like that, they deserve to get a lot of people going to them saying things like "My husband didn't like the paint I got" or "It turns out the shade didn't exactly match my drapes" and demanding new paint. In short, people are going to paint two rooms for the price of one, because the ad told them they could get away with it.

Also, utter parenting bullshit in the ad. If there were restrictions on the paint color, they should have been voiced in the beginning. My parents let me paint part of my room black when I was a teen - the requirement was that I had to cover it up when I moved out. Which I did: it took one coat of primer and one coat of paint (which I paid for), that's all. Breeders always want to fight their children over irrelevant things instead of focusing on the important things like respect and consideration for other people and communicating well, which is no doubt why most of those children end up becoming petty adults who either wallow in drama or who are control freaks, just like their fucking breeders.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 15, 2018
That bugs me like the ad that claims they get all these people out of their $30,000 IRS debt??!! (Nothing directly to do with breeders, but...!). WHO do they think is going to pay for all the taxes lost because these deadbeats get out of paying? And WHO HAS $30,000 of tax due?? And WHO believes that these rip-off companies can even do that?? Sigh!

About 10 years ago, we purchased vacant land near our house. The owners were, shall we say, people who had a poor grasp of finances, despite having operated a farm there for several years. There were more liens on the property than it was assessed for, which scared off most potential buyers, save one...Mr. Tiquer. He had hunted and fished there for years, and wasn't going to give up easily. With the help of a lawyer, they submitted on behalf of the seller, to the IRS, an "offer of compromise," which is basically a series of documents that allow delinquent taxpayers to show they could pay the amount of taxes due, but it would be a hardship to pay all the fines and interest. The IRS seems to take the approach that something is better than nothing, and will often agree if it can be shown there are available monies to pay the reduced debt. After all the liens were discharged, we were able to move forward with the purchase. By the time we closed, which took a whopping18 months from the signing of the first contract, the sellers ended up clearing less than less than half of the purchase price, because they owed several times more than $30K.

I can't speak to those companies that advertise on TV to help people with tax debt, but based on my experience, the IRS will work with people who owe money.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
August 18, 2018
I heard someone say "well, the media doesn't point out the parental status of criminals so their kids aren't embarrassed - after all, they didn't do anything"

But here's the thing - isn't stopping say, a murderer, more important than saving the kid of the murderer a little embarrassment? Who's going to be embarrassed ANYWAYS?

I'm of the opinion if we shamed criminals with kids instead of protecting them, there would be a little less violent crime - and that's well worth the trade off.

I'm so sick of parents getting special treatment regarding everything - but most especially when they screw up.
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