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Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status

Posted by bell_flower 
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
April 14, 2022
I suppose by now we've all seen the hype over 41 year old Brittany Spears' pregnasty with her 27 year old boyfriend.

Of course, it's so WOOOOONDERFUL that she can have a baybee. It's harder to find that she lost custody of her first two kids.

My general impression is a big shrug. Yes, it was wrong for her family to raid her money and control her body. It gets into the whole "mah right to have a baybee" argument.

Yes, she has enough money to support the kid, for now, but I also wonder how many baby daddies and kids she would have had, had it not been for the conservatorship. At one time she certainly had bad judgement, mental health problems, etc.

So generally I do agree it's wrong to have someone else control your body. But I do shake my head how the OutrageTM only extends to having a baybee.

Random people are up in arms when someone isn't allowed to have a baybee, but there's no OutrageTM when a CF person isn't extended the same rights with his/her body?

Just ask any CF person who has tried to get a tubal ligation or a vasectomy.

P.S. I haven't seen the Hulu documentary. If anyone wants to weigh in on that, I'm all ears.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
April 14, 2022
I suppose by now we've all seen the hype over 41 year old Brittany Spears' pregnasty with her 27 year old boyfriend.

Of course, it's so WOOOOONDERFUL that she can have a baybee. It's harder to find that she lost custody of her first two kids.

My general impression is a big shrug. Yes, it was wrong for her family to raid her money and control her body. It gets into the whole "mah right to have a baybee" argument.

Yes, she has enough money to support the kid, for now, but I also wonder how many baby daddies and kids she would have had, had it not been for the conservatorship. At one time she certainly had bad judgement, mental health problems, etc.

So generally I do agree it's wrong to have someone else control your body. But I do shake my head how the OutrageTM only extends to having a baybee.

Random people are up in arms when someone isn't allowed to have a baybee, but there's no OutrageTM when a CF person isn't extended the same rights with his/her body?

Just ask any CF person who has tried to get a tubal ligation or a vasectomy.

P.S. I haven't seen the Hulu documentary. If anyone wants to weigh in on that, I'm all ears.

I saw Brittany's picture and the first thing that came to my mind is that she looks old, used and ridden hard. The sperm donor is 27? He's after a payday with her and the best way is to sue for custody and get child support from her.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
April 25, 2022
I saw Brittany's picture and the first thing that came to my mind is that she looks old, used and ridden hard. The sperm donor is 27? He's after a payday with her and the best way is to sue for custody and get child support from her.

I have a really hard time thinking this relationship is legitimate. The guy is incredibly good looking and she is incredibly rich. That is what I see. When she is 61 and he is 47 what is their relationship going to look like? Would he give her the time of day if she wasn't rich and famous?

Hopefully I'm wrong and he is genuinely nice with good intentions. But there is a reason a person chooses to live in L.A., especially if said person is incredibly good looking and works as a trainer/actor/model. And in general terms it always involves actively seeking a lucrative payday of some sort. There are (a few, not many) incredibly good looking people who live elsewhere and have normal lives and don't capitalize on their looks. That is very different. And I'm definitely not saying an incredibly good looking people don't have the capacity to be good honest people. It is just a teeny tiny fraction of a percentage of people who are as attractive as this man is. And I'd guess most of the incredibly good looking people are very used to marriage proposals from strangers and being worshiped and adored by many others.

And what is with her awkward cringe-worthy smile as of late? Are the lights on? I've always suspected she was a dim bulb, but she is starting to look like a vegetable.

If someone from Bratfree suddenly becomes ultra-wealthy and starts a relationship with an ultra-beautiful person all this drama can be avoided. Just date and don't marry! And, of course, no brats!
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 13, 2022
This one is so bad I'm going to paste it here because these articles don't last. From MSN:


Headline: Pregnant woman shot, gives birth, dies at hospital.

Officers found a man and a 38-year-old pregnant woman shot inside a car at about 8:13 p.m. Thursday, Baltimore police said.

Both victims were taken to Johns Hopkins Hospital where the man was immediately pronounced dead, police said.
The newborn is in critical condition as a result of the emergency delivery, not the shooting, Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison told reporters.

Police said they believe at least two gunmen fired multiple shots.

The suspects' car pulled up next to victims' car as it was parking, and one person fired out of the passenger window into the victim's car, police said. Authorities believe the second gunman then got out of the driver's side and fired into the victim's car, police said.

"To be quite honest and frank, I don't really give a s--- what the conflict was," Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott told reporters. "We cannot have folks shooting at pregnant women in our city."

Harrison called it a "very, very violent, brazen assault."

He added, "We will do everything within our power to find who did this, catch them and hold them accountable."

1. The headline is incorrect. FFS, TWO people were killed. The man doesn't even get a mention--I suppose when you are not a pregnant woman or a baybee, you are not important?

2. The mayor is a moron. It would have been more appropriate to comment on the brazen nature of the attack and that TWO people died. Hopefully he doesn't want anyone getting shot.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 15, 2022
I suppose by now we've all seen the hype over 41 year old Brittany Spears' pregnasty with her 27 year old boyfriend.

Of course, it's so WOOOOONDERFUL that she can have a baybee. It's harder to find that she lost custody of her first two kids.

My general impression is a big shrug. Yes, it was wrong for her family to raid her money and control her body. It gets into the whole "mah right to have a baybee" argument.

Yes, she has enough money to support the kid, for now, but I also wonder how many baby daddies and kids she would have had, had it not been for the conservatorship. At one time she certainly had bad judgement, mental health problems, etc.

So generally I do agree it's wrong to have someone else control your body. But I do shake my head how the OutrageTM only extends to having a baybee.

Random people are up in arms when someone isn't allowed to have a baybee, but there's no OutrageTM when a CF person isn't extended the same rights with his/her body?

Just ask any CF person who has tried to get a tubal ligation or a vasectomy.

P.S. I haven't seen the Hulu documentary. If anyone wants to weigh in on that, I'm all ears.

I saw Brittany's picture and the first thing that came to my mind is that she looks old, used and ridden hard. The sperm donor is 27? He's after a payday with her and the best way is to sue for custody and get child support from her.

They're gonna have to try again: https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/news/britney-spears-announces-miscarriage-of-her-miracle-baby/ar-AAXhpCL?li=BBnb7Kz
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
June 28, 2022
If you're a mommy they won't press charges. Anyone else would have the book thrown at them:

Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 11, 2022
Watch the video and you'll see where this famblee is living with six people in a two bedroom. If renting the rule is two heartbeats per room, not three or four. Of course the headline tries to make it sound as if Indiana is kicking a poor famblee out of their rental unit. When they moved in they weren't in violation of federal occupancy standards but they had to have those two pandemic brats. bad idea

Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 11, 2022
people have done this since time immemorial. pack into small places like sardines.

I remember long ago, I was about 13 at the time, watching a news item and seeing some fat welfare bint ranting about 'fo'teen chillun in one room' and thinking at the point 'why the hell did you keep screwing kids into existence and then complain you don't have room'? started my contempt for welfare. they aren't all deserving of that attitude but most achieve that and earn it.

and you start getting some pathologies when people pack like that. diddling, etc.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 12, 2022
Love how they word the story, like it's some poor innocent person who's being bullied out of her home by a mean, evil, horrible landlord for no reason whatsoever. A two bedroom home is not nearly big enough for a family of six. Federal occupancy laws state that there can be no more than two people per bedroom, but that state occupancy regulations might be different. Or it can depend on what the landlord prefers too, I'm sure.

It's great and all they pay their rent, but the fact is that cramming all those people into a space that's not adequate enough for all of them can become a safety hazard. Sure, when the breeders moved in with their two sproggen, the place was big enough to accommodate them if we're going by the usual 2 people per bedroom standard. Then they decided to breed some more and instead of looking for a larger home in which to store their growing brood, they just decided to stay where they are. If maximum occupancy was in their lease, they are in violation of that lease by having too many people in the house now. You violate the lease, out you fucking go! That's your own damn fault, breeders!

I'm sure Mommy and Daddy would argue that their kids are so small and are more like half a person each, so they could still be considered a four whole person household. Kids are separate people regardless of how big they are. I don't know if landlords can face any sort of legal punishment if someone finds out they are allowing people to live in a rental property that exceeds the maximum occupancy - I'm sure they can. Moo had no control over the loss of her job due to the pandemic, but who forced them to reproduce? And how are they affording two more kids on a single income that sounds like it's not even reliable? The two youngest sprogs were shat after the pandemic began, so it's not like they went from two incomes to destitute unexpectedly.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 13, 2022
Watch the video and you'll see where this famblee is living with six people in a two bedroom. If renting the rule is two heartbeats per room, not three or four. Of course the headline tries to make it sound as if Indiana is kicking a poor famblee out of their rental unit. When they moved in they weren't in violation of federal occupancy standards but they had to have those two pandemic brats. bad idea


Famblees with children are considered an exception to the two per room rule in the Fair Housing Act as long as the bedrooms are large enough to safely contain them. I don't know how that's defined.
Also baybees don't legally count as an extra person for occupancy rules. If they did, then a married couple with a baybee wouldn't be allowed a one-bedroom apartment. That would be a ridiculous rule because most bedrooms can comfortably fit a crib and a bed.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 16, 2022
the same paruunts who would say that their baybees don't take up the space of an ACTUAL human, and shouldn't "count", also consider feetusiii to be fully human. Therefore, if they are preggers they should be counted as 1+ human when they rent! What a can of worms THAT would/will be---women would have to submit to pregnasty tests before being allowed to rent/ Sigh--the world is crazy!
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 20, 2022
Breederific tripe for the day.

#1: The gift grabbing starts even before they leave the hospital. Look out now, Breeders will be cleaning everything out of the hospital room on the way home with their loaves.

#2: Why in the fuck is this even news? And how/why does this "nurse" think she can speak for all hospitals?

#3: There is a lot of disgust from nurses on Reddit about nurses on Tiktok. Now I see why.

Here's more stupid crap from MSN. "My husband wants a divorce because I'm PRAGNUNT" is the headline. You have to read the story to discover the both people in the marriage decided no kids, the husband had a vasectomy and now his CowWife is all excited about having a baybee. I hope the dude gets a divorce and a paternity test immediately.

The second article has a nauseating addition at the bottom, a video story featuring a smug Moo2Be who is engorged like a tick and rubbing her baybee belly and talking about how GREAT it is to be pregnant and have MS. (She also defines herself as blind, which I suspect means she legally blind.) She's goes on and on about how "marginalized" she is by society due to her disability, but she's going to have a baybee anyway and her Neurologist who is treating her MS ENCOURAGED HER TO GET PREGNANT. Of course the doctor did--because this bint would have likely taken to social media had she not.

doG forbid anyone tell someone not to calf when they have severe illnesses.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 24, 2022
Breederific tripe for the day.

Here's more stupid crap from MSN. "My husband wants a divorce because I'm PRAGNUNT" is the headline. You have to read the story to discover the both people in the marriage decided no kids, the husband had a vasectomy and now his CowWife is all excited about having a baybee. I hope the dude gets a divorce and a paternity test immediately.

What is with all these responders " I hated kids up until the day I had mine. Then it all changed."
I wonder how many of these responders are posting how much they hate parunting in BM? I guess she is okay with being 59 when her brat is 18? And seriously, she hates brats but wants to have this one? Does she think having a brat (with no father) at the age of 40 will make her feel younger?
I'd say the hormones have gotten the best of her and if she goes through the pignasty she can expect to wake up with a big bucket of 18+ years of regret.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 26, 2022
Of course no one ever tells someone not to reproduce because people think having babies is a basic human right. You are entitled to make yourself some loaves, damned be your ability to raise them or pay for them! Doesn't matter about the child's basic human right to proper parenting and having their needs met, just so long as Momma can have a squalling semen demon to snuggle and show off on Facebook!

I don't blame the guy for wanting a divorce over the "miracle" baby either. These two people decided on no kids and come out and say they both hate childre and he got snipped to keep it that way. So when she gets knocked up and wants to keep it and magically doesn't hate this child because it's a "miracle," yeah that's kinda gonna be a dealbreaker! I don't know why wanna-Moo is surprised by this. I know vasectomies can fail, but it's much more likely that the fetus was fathered by another man. Funny how she says she loves her husband so so so so much, but is potentially willing to throw away her marriage for a fetus and be a single Moo.

I couldn't get MSN.com to load, but according to another source, she posted an update and has chosen to leave her husband and become a single mommy. But she hopes her future loaf and her future ex-husband will forgive her. I'm sure her husband will be just fine - he's gonna be a single unchilded middle-aged man. He will be hot dating real estate, especially if he's attractive and has a job. Meanwhile, wanna-Moo will get to figure out how to survive as a single mommy and be shocked when her love for her babby isn't enough to afford said child. Then she'll wonder why no man will want to be with her and will most likely try to patch things up with her husband because maybe he'll miss her enough to be okay with a child he doesn't want. If she goes after her ex for brat support, I hope he demands a paternity test.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 26, 2022
She seems to be operating under lots of illusion, maybe she thinks prince charming is just around the corner, waiting for her 40 plus self to arrive with an infant in tow?

She is 40 years old and the baybee isn't born yet. Once the baybee is born, she won't have the time of day to date until baybee is at least 3-4. And all this is assuming she doesn't end up with a perma-downy, which is much more common the older the moo.

By that time if she dates other men around her age and they also have kids then they will likely lose interest once they find out she has a toadler that may be special needs and not a teenager/adult. The last thing a duh her age wants to deal with is a toadler or a perma-downy. And childless/childfree men won't be interested either. So, good luck in dating, moo. She'll have to be willing to take anyone who looks at her twice if she wants to date and having a toadler in her mid-forties will be a serious liability.

She THINKS she is financially secure but is she secure without her husband? This assumes her situation is relatively steady and she is truly financially independent. Having a brat after 35 could quickly eliminate every bit of effort she has put into making herself financially secure. She may have a paid off house and a million in the bank (or whatever), but after a divorce she won't have all that. And healthy baybees drain huge bank accounts, unhealthy ones can easily eat up millions of dollars and require permanent financial backing. A million a year means around $40K a year and her ability to survive or thrive on that amount may be impossible with a brat.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 27, 2022
That's cute if she thinks anyone will want her in middle age with an infant in tow. Pretty sure the only man who would show interest in her once she pops is a Chester looking for an easy target. Not even single Duhs want single Moos because they don't want to raise another man's mistakes when they have their own mistakes to raise.

And you're right, I bet she didn't consider the very distinct possibility of birthing a tard or some other kind of defecto-loaf. I'm guessing since she thinks this fetus is a "miracle baby" that got around a vasecomy and she loooooves it after a lifetime of hating children, she thinks it will magically come out absolutely flawless. And who knows, maybe it will - but the odds of birthing a loaf with serious problems increases with the mother's age. She should at least be prepared for the possibility of a sideshow freak, but my guess is she's so high on baby fumes that no amount of logic will penetrate whatever brain cells she has left.

A woman is considered "geriatric" pretty much when she enters her thirties as far as breeding age, and like any recipe, when you use stale ingredients, you wind up with an imperfect finished product. Don't expect your cake to be delicious when you use rotten eggs, spoiled milk and rancid flour.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 31, 2022
The Earth is full of shit plastic poison, OH NOES! the most pressing issue is NO BAYBEES

Same verse different day.

If we are living in a sea of toxic chemicals, not having baybees is NOT the biggest problem.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
August 01, 2022
The Earth is full of shit plastic poison, OH NOES! the most pressing issue is NO BAYBEES

Same verse different day.

If we are living in a sea of toxic chemicals, not having baybees is NOT the biggest problem.

If nature wants to put up bars of entry to sluice, be my guest. Most people show no discrimination with their choice of sluice partner anyways.

I guess cause and effect is no longer a given. What about being healthier just to be healthier and live in better harmony with their environment? Just because some preacher/politician declares one should reproduce/do unpaid labor/whatever doesn't mean that person will be self-actualized by following rote instructions. Perhaps it is time for people to really think about what will make them happy and be realistic with the why. Much that is toted up as the be all/end all is thick with lies and only serves to line the pockets of others.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
August 07, 2022
There was just a story on CBS Sunday Morning about climate change. They interview a scientist who says that people are not upset enough about the change, but they also mention he is "a father of 2". If he is so worried about climate change why did he get his wife pregnant twice? Not once is family planning mentioned in this story and it would help so much.

But then, I think there is something wrong with me, I never had as much interest in dating, family, weddings, marriage, babies, kids, and sex as other people seem to have. All that family stuff just seems boring to me.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 11, 2022
I guess some of us have heard about the Los Angeles councilwoman who was fired (or resigned) for making racist remarks. There is video out there that has some what she said in conversation with other council members. (Apparently someone was secretly taping these exchanges, which is another issue altogether.) . Disclaimer: I listened to a few minutes of it. I haven't gone looking for the whole thing.

The councilwoman was Latina. She was discussing the child of another council person. The other person had a black child. (Cannot remember if the other parent was black himself.)

I'll concede what she said wasn't the best, but she was mostly talking about another council person's kid and what a brat he was. She said he behaved like a wild animal. "Wild animal" apparently was determined to be racist in relation to the kid's race. Of course, there was the usual outrageTM about making remarks about a chyyyyyld.

A fair amount of children in public these days do behave like feral animals. I guess people aren't supposed to call them and their parents out.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 11, 2022
She said he behaved like a wild animal. "Wild animal" apparently was determined to be racist in relation to the kid's race. Of course, there was the usual outrageTM about making remarks about a chyyyyyld.

What about wild animal is racist? The only thing it insults is wild animals!
Next time refer to the brat as a feral beast.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 14, 2022
I think at this point in the US, saying anything negative about anyone for any reason when their skin color is different from yours makes you a racist. And saying anything bad about anyone's child that is not your own automatically makes you an asshole, even if the child's parents say the exact same things about their brats.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 14, 2022
which in the end creates more enemies for the minorities than they started out with.

there were plenty of people who, frankly, were neutral. or positive. but when the race card is pulled no matter what and used to justify criminal behaviour... tends to put people off.

you notice when they riot over misjustice.. it is always a criminal they riot over.. all they do is wring their hands over the people who get caught in gang hit crossfires. mis identifications or just plain old fashioned bullying by these gangs...

it is a vicious circle though.. end up in the wrong neighborhood and it can go south. I am white. I was wandering around middletown ohio.. i like wander around.. and I must have ended up in the black section... there were 3 black teens walking by the side of the road as I approached.. and they moved to block the road... I just turned around and went back. who needs that shit. so it goes both ways

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 18, 2022
I think at this point in the US, saying anything negative about anyone for any reason when their skin color is different from yours makes you a racist. And saying anything bad about anyone's child that is not your own automatically makes you an asshole, even if the child's parents say the exact same things about their brats.

Agreed, it is definitely hysterical at this point.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 18, 2022
which in the end creates more enemies for the minorities than they started out with.

there were plenty of people who, frankly, were neutral. or positive. but when the race card is pulled no matter what and used to justify criminal behaviour... tends to put people off.

I think it is partly the people and partly the media to blame for this. Every single crime is headlined because "if it bleeds it leads."
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