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Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status

Posted by bell_flower 
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 10, 2023
Bill to make condoms freely available to high school students was rejected by California governor Gavin Newsom, with the excuse that it would be cost prohibitive.

Oy Gav, you know what costs more than condoms, dude? BREEDING. You think for one second any teenager anywhere EVER will go, "Oop don't have a rubber, guess I won't have sex!" They're going to do it anyway because they either don't understand the risks or don't care about them.

Though I'm sure all the breeders would have their tits in a knot over it if it wasn't rejected because handing out condoms would encourage the kids to have sex, ike they weren't gonna go and do it anyway eye rolling smiley. Or that it would be a waste because THEIR precious perfect little angels would NEVER have sex like those other filthy sluts and horn dog boys.

https://www.kcra.com/article/california-free-condoms-bill-high-school-students-veto/45486499#:~Mr. T: I pitty tha foolext=California%20Gov.%20Gavin%20Newsom%20rejected,millions%20of%20dollars%20each%20year.


California Gov. Gavin Newsom rejected a bill on Sunday that would have made free condoms available to all public high school students, arguing it was too expensive for a state with a budget deficit of more than $30 billion.

Legislative staff estimated it would have cost in the low millions of dollars each year. California had about 1.9 million high school students enrolled in more than 4,000 schools last year, according to the California Department of Education.

“This bill would create an unfunded mandate to public schools that should be considered in the annual budget process,” Newsom wrote in a message explaining why he vetoed the bill, known as Senate bill 541.

The bill is one of hundreds passed by California’s Democratic-dominated state Legislature before lawmakers adjourned last month. Newsom has been signing and vetoing legislation since then, including rejecting bills on Saturday to ban caste-based discrimination, limit the price of insulin and decriminalize possession and use of some hallucinogens.

The bill would have required all public schools that have grades nine through 12 to make condoms available for free to all students. It would have required public schools with grades seven through 12 to allow condoms to be made available as part of educational or public health programs.

And it would have made it illegal for retailers to refuse to sell condoms to youth.

State Sen. Caroline Menjivar, a Democrat from Los Angeles and the author of the bill, had argued the bill would have helped “youth who decide to become sexually active to protect themselves and their partners from (sexually transmitted infections), while also removing barriers that potentially shame them and lead to unsafe sex.”

Newsom said programs increasing access to condoms are “important to supporting improved adolescent sexual health.” But he said this bill was one of several measures lawmakers passed this year that, when added together, would add $19 billion in costs to the state budget.

“With our state facing continuing economic risk and revenue uncertainty, it is important to remain disciplined when considering bills with significant fiscal implications, such as this measure,” Newsom said.

Also on Sunday, Newsom signed a law aimed a electrifying the state's fleet of school buses. Starting in 2035, the law will require any new bus purchased or contracted by school districts to be zero-emission.

California's public school districts that provide their own transportation own about 15,800 school buses, of which 10,800 are powered by diesel fuel, according to a 2022 report from the Legislative Analyst's Office.

The law is part of California's plan to phase out the use of fossil fuels. State regulations will ban the sale of new gas-powered cars in California by 2035.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 10, 2023
I hate stories like these, because it makes it look like a woman's top aspiration in life is to be a breeder. Meanwhile women are being denied medical treatment for being "pre-pregnant" even when they have no desire for kids. This plus making everything that is women-oriented be about mawwwms is why women don't get taken seriously. It makes my head explode. If I have to hear another mawm complain about the patriarchy I'm going to lose my mind.

Faux news loves to push the patriarchal breeder agenda: women are to breed at any cost including death! The far right just eat up any crap about a woman's top aspiration in life being breeding, makes them feel validated.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 11, 2023
I'm surprised actually. Newsom is a moron.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
November 27, 2023
I am getting a BIG kick out of the Chewy's Xmas ads! They have one that the around 8-9 year old brat is holding a wrapped package from under the tree, shaking it and asking the cat "say it's a phone--it IS a phone, isn't it?" and the dubbed in cat voice replies something like "not unless a phone smells like a catnip toy!" To that I say "nyah nyah nyah!" ALL the gifts should be for the cats and dogs (more loyal that brats!) and certainly NOT a damn cell phone for an elementary school aged kid.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
December 20, 2023
Not a specific article, but WTH is up with sporting events and brats? I'm talking about golfers who win an important tournament. It's a trend now for them to parade around with their fuck trophies while doing their victory lap or whatever and even to be interviewed with their FTs clinging all over them.

So even sports are no longer safe from fuck nugget invasions. Yawn.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
December 23, 2023
Not a specific article, but WTH is up with sporting events and brats? I'm talking about golfers who win an important tournament. It's a trend now for them to parade around with their fuck trophies while doing their victory lap or whatever and even to be interviewed with their FTs clinging all over them.

So even sports are no longer safe from fuck nugget invasions. Yawn.

It seems that most famoose persons feel the need to parade their brats around publicly. Not just sporting events. It lowers my opinion of them but I would guess the breeders eat it up. And there are tons of breeders. I see it as mindless pandering but it definitely has impact and will increase their online presence. These are people who are so dumb and deluded and think that having brats will be "different and a cake walk" for them despite all the evidence to the contrary and how nearly everyone they know whines about their brats.

The famous who care about their kids keep them out of the spotlight as much as possible and wouldn't sell them out for publicity or a breeder moment. Their kids didn't choose to be famous and while having famous parents comes with lots of privileges a kid doesn't deserve to have to deal with paparazzi.

A toddler/little kid has no interest in sitting through hours of a sporting event. Why do that to him/her? It is mean.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
December 26, 2023
Not a specific article, but WTH is up with sporting events and brats? I'm talking about golfers who win an important tournament. It's a trend now for them to parade around with their fuck trophies while doing their victory lap or whatever and even to be interviewed with their FTs clinging all over them.

Makes me wonder if there is a PR handler telling athletes to do this to better connect with their fans.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
January 12, 2024
I see we have our first school shooting of the new year with an Iowa teenager blowing away one student and injuring a few other kids and an administrator before killing himself.

From what I'm seeing, the shooter was the victim of bullying and some people speculate that when his sister began being bullied as well, that was the last straw. In typical US fashion, I'm sure exactly fuck all was done about the bullying too. You'd think schools would try a little tiny bit harder to fucking deal with the issue of bullies. After all, haven't a good chunk of school shootings in the United States been committed by victims of bullying? But nope, that's asking too much. Not only do administrators not do anything to punish bullies, they often punish the victims instead, especially if they fight back. Then when something like this happens and he victim is pushed too far, everyone will say they "never saw it coming" and the "unforeseen tragedy" has "rocked the community." Meanwhile the shooter's social media pages are packed full of photos of guns and violent messages.

The kid's parents said they had absolutely no idea he was going to shoot up his school. Well then I'd call that a fucking parenting failure! Surely they had to have seen that he was mentally troubled, had guns, and both he and his sister were being bullied. Why didn't the parents put him in another school if it was that bad? Or take out a restraining order? Can a student get a restraining order against another student? How absent were these parents that they had ZERO CLUE their son was about to go Columbine on his school?

I remember when I was a freshman, a girl who seemed to be... not quite "special" enough for the special ed. class, but definitely a little cuckoo in the head very loudly told the whole class she was making a hit list and would tell each person who was going on her list. It was basically the whole class except me because I was the only one who was nice to her. Of course everyone just kind of laughed at her when she made her list. Thankfully nothing happened, but I was genuinely scared for a while because it was only a couple years after Columbine happened. If someone did that shit now, they'd probably get expelled.

Not saying the shooter's actions were acceptable, but it makes me wonder sometimes how many school shootings could have been avoided if the bullies harassing the shooters were dealt with.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
January 29, 2024
My high school had a shooting in the early 90’s. Way before Columbine. I was in elementary school at the time.

The shooter was bullied, brought in a gun and shot his bully, and then walked outside and sat under a tree while he waited for the cops to come. It’s funny, if you go back and look at the newspaper articles from the time, it’s almost sympathetic towards the shooter. Even the other students, in interviews, admit that the bully was pretty awful towards the shooter and that he kinda sorta deserved it.

I think it was a different time in that school shootings hadn’t become commonplace yet, and also looked at differently because the shooter didn’t go on a blind rampage and kill everyone in sight.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
January 30, 2024
Everyone has their limits, including kids. When they get pushed too far, they will snap. Whether it's in school, at home, in relationships, you name it.

Though now I'm happy to see that in some cases, parents will face charges for manslaughter when their kids haul off and kill a bunch of students. Like in the Crumbley case that I think is still going on right now. The breeders ignored their son's mental health crises and just told him to "man up" and then they gave him access to a firearm that he used to kill a handful of staff and students. They may not have committed the murders themselves, but they facilitated the child's descent further into mental illness by neglecting him, which led to him committing the murders.

But considering the number of school shootings that have been prompted by bullying, I think it's safe to say nothing will actually get done to deal with bullies if it hasn't been done by now. Then when more shootings happen, school administrators will yammer on about how "nobody could have predicted this tragedy" when the shooter had probably sought out for help with bullying and most likely got punished themselves for doing so.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
February 01, 2024
Speaking of the Crumbley case, I saw something earlier today about it where the Moo mentioned that her son was an "oopsie baby" (presumably unplanned) and how she'd lament to the neighbors over how she wished he was a normal child. When a teacher hauled the parents in for a meeting and showed them the kid's disturbing drawings where he even wrote out that he needed help, they still proceeded to not take him to a doctor and didn't even take him home for the day.

The teacher was quoted as saying that if he knew the kid had a gun, he would have approached the meeting with far more urgency (probably would have expelled the kid, not that it would stop him if he really wanted to go on a shooting spree).

I have a theory about this case. The poor kid was talking about seeing demons and could not have been screaming for help any louder. His parents still bought him a fucking gun. I wonder if they gave him a gun in the hopes that he would commit suicide. I'm sure they couldn't have been so blind that they didn't at least entertain the possibility that he was mentally unwell. I'm thinking they figured if they provided him with a firearm, he would shoot himself and they would no longer have him cramping their lifestyle. But he wound up shooting up his school.

Of course the parents' attorney is claiming that there is "no way" they could have foreseen the violence he would commit.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
February 05, 2024
Geezer Breeder has kids in his 50's, doesn't beat the odds and gets cancer and writes an article how it's not affecting his kids.

Dream on, and yes, your young dumb wife will get stuck taking care of you
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
February 10, 2024
An article about kids dying in hot cars. This woman’s husband left their toadler to roast in the car. The toadler died and her husband shot himself over it.

I differ from some of you and I do believe it’s possible to forget your kid unintentionally. (But I also believe some cases are definitely not accidents.) I think sleep deprivation can play a part too although this kid was not a baby.

HOWEVER, you would have to be living under a rock in 2022 to not be aware of this and to use tips and tricks to keep you from forgetting your kid. I myself now take steps to not forget my pet is in the car when I’m dropping him/her at the vet. It’s common sense.

Naturally this guy’s wife is all about the crusade to install alerts in cars. However as the article states, even in cars with these devices, some kids are still roasting. Like anything else humans can learn to ignore these devices. One time my seat belt buckle broke. I had to drive to work a couple of days while waiting for the appointment. I thought the beeping would drive me crazy because I’m the person who will return a cart buggy with a jiggly wheel. In a shockingly short time, I learned to tune it out.

When is behavior going to start to become part of these determinations? I guess with respect to parents, the answer is “never.” Parents are saints who are doing TMIJITW and “doing the best they can.”

Leave a kid in the car and you’re not a family member? Electric chair. But the parents have “suffered enough.” It’s always a “tragedy” and never negligence.

Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
February 10, 2024
Naturally this guy’s wife is all about the crusade to install alerts in cars. However as the article states, even in cars with these devices, some kids are still roasting. Like anything else humans can learn to ignore these devices.

Makes sense. I mean just look at how absolutely nobody reacts to car alarms anymore. They are seen as more of an annoyance than a reason for concern, so dog help you if someone is actually breaking into your car.

Or look at parents themselves - their child will be sitting in a shopping cart screaming so hard that their face has turned purple and Moo will just be browsing the pickles like nothing is happening.

No device will stop a parent determined to roast their kid in the family SUV in July. The devices can be ignored like you said, they can probably be fucked with, deactivated, broken or removed. If the vehicle is used, the parent could probably say the previous owner must have removed the device. Even if such devices do prevent hot car deaths, parents will just find new ways of offing their kids they don't want. That, or they will just make sure to buy cars produced before backseat child safety features become a required part of production.

Now that I think about it, I'd bet if a parent was particularly smart, they would find a way to fuck up the device to render it useless, leave their kids in the car to die, and then sue the company that makes the devices for making a faulty product that resulted in their child's death. That way, not only do they get rid of Junior, they can get a nice settlement for "their loss." Any such devices would have to be made totally tamper-proof because you know the only thing one of these breeders would like more than no more children is to be paid to no longer have children.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
February 15, 2024
So I’m reading the New York Times coverage of the shooting at the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City. I had to click through to no less than three articles to find the total number of injured and dead - the first two articles only gave the number of children that had been injured.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
February 16, 2024
When the story first broke and the news media were still trying to get information, the anchors at my local station dramatically reported, "we've heard no children have been hurt." (This later turned out to be wrong.)

Naturally I was sarcastically yelling at the TV, well thank goodness only adults died!
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
March 25, 2024
Naturally this guy’s wife is all about the crusade to install alerts in cars. However as the article states, even in cars with these devices, some kids are still roasting. Like anything else humans can learn to ignore these devices.

Makes sense. I mean just look at how absolutely nobody reacts to car alarms anymore. They are seen as more of an annoyance than a reason for concern, so dog help you if someone is actually breaking into your car.

I know someone who had her car stolen from the street in front of her house. Her dog barked, but her dog barked all the time at everything: squirrels, birds, cats, dogs, any humans within blocks, various weather patterns, when it wanted whatever, etc. Barking is worthless if it is at everything. It just annoys everyone, and people tune it out.
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