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Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status

Posted by bell_flower 
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
June 01, 2020
From the article:


Contrary to the conventional thinking that a major natural disaster would inspire Americans — suddenly sensing their own mortality — to grow their families, history tells us that the opposite is more likely.
According to Lyman Stone, a research fellow at the Institute for Family Studies, “events that cause a large increase in deaths tend to cause a large decrease in births nine months later.”
He cites natural disasters such as hurricanes and famines, as well as previous pandemics. Would-be parents may be traumatized by fear or concerned about how they would care for children during difficult and uncertain times.


The U.S. fertility rate still hasn’t fully recovered after the financial crisis of 2008. With millions of couples citing economic reasons for delaying pregnancy, there is good reason to believe that the post-corona birth rate will not follow the pattern of past pandemics.

You mean people are actually looking at the type of world this is before they bring kids into it? This is a reason for celebration, not hand-wringing.

As much as this would be good news, I am skeptical. There are PLENTY of morons who look at the world and say it's my right to have a baybee because I WANNA.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
June 01, 2020
From the article:


Contrary to the conventional thinking that a major natural disaster would inspire Americans — suddenly sensing their own mortality — to grow their families, history tells us that the opposite is more likely.
According to Lyman Stone, a research fellow at the Institute for Family Studies, “events that cause a large increase in deaths tend to cause a large decrease in births nine months later.”
He cites natural disasters such as hurricanes and famines, as well as previous pandemics. Would-be parents may be traumatized by fear or concerned about how they would care for children during difficult and uncertain times.


The U.S. fertility rate still hasn’t fully recovered after the financial crisis of 2008. With millions of couples citing economic reasons for delaying pregnancy, there is good reason to believe that the post-corona birth rate will not follow the pattern of past pandemics.

If the post-corona birth rate does not follow the pattern of past pandemics, and the pattern of previous pandemics is to decrease births, is the author suggesting that covid will result in more babies? Or is their brain too rattled with baby rabies to construct a consistent argument? drooling stupification
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
June 01, 2020
Unlike most other disasters where people might be confined indoors or need to seek out companionship more than usual, I don't think this one will result in a baby boom because people are realizing through isolation just how much they hate one another. People who may have been entertaining the idea of trying for a loaf are having second thoughts after spending a LOT of time with their partners. Parents with existing kids are probably thinking more about divorce than anything else and sex is likely happening a LOT less. And also due to isolation, horny married people who aren't banging their spouses also can't go fuck other people and make unnecessary kids that way either.

Meanwhile, when things start re-opening more and more, divorce attorneys and marriage counselors will be up to their eyeballs in business. I foresee a decline in the birth rate, but not so much out of fear as out of hatred for their kids and spouses after having to spend extended periods of time with them.

But, there will always be retarded people who will look at a world that's burning to the ground full of people dying left and right and go, "It is MY basic human right to have a baby!" because as we all know, breeders give zero fucks about the kind of life their offspring will have, just so long as they get to cuddle and coo over a cute baybee... and then have another one two years later when the first one has grown into an asshole toddler and is no longer cute.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 05, 2020
One of my interests is the science and business of rollercoasters. I was researching an accident that happened in Japan in 2007, where a young woman was killed when her train derailed and her head impacted a guardrail.

I was reading articles from the early days after the accident, and I came across this gem in the comments:


Anyone know how old the woman was or if shehad any children? I couldn't imagine how much it would effect a child's ability to get on a ride if their mom or any other relative was killed from it. Even if it doesn't mean much, my best hopes and prayers go to the family of the woman.

JFC, you’re reading about a woman who died when her head was slammed into a guardrail at 40+ MPH through no fault of her own, and this is your first thought?!?

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 06, 2020

JFC, you’re reading about a woman who died when her head was slammed into a guardrail at 40+ MPH through no fault of her own, and this is your first thought?!?


However, sadly, it's not that uncommon to read shite like this.

Violent shooting where people were killed? Never mind the dead people.....OMG did a chyld possibly see it? Was it near a skool that had to be evacuated?
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 10, 2020
Here's an infuriating video interview where a bunch of Moo-Cows are wringing their hands about having to watch their own brats during COVID and how Moos can have a kid or have a job, but not both. playing a violin bawling

I only lasted about two and a half minutes.

The ringleader who wrote the article is demanding "something needs to be done" to not "penalize" parents who cannot do their jobs due to their brats being home. She even suggests that employers not "penalize" moos who choose to homeskool their brats.

So, who does the work in that scenario? We all know: people who have not burdened themselves similarly.

And she's a fucking FOOD BLOGGER, i.e. someone who has not had to work a real fucking job in a long time. Why Ms. self-employed (likely supported by her husband) work-from-home person has dog in this fight is beyond me, other than our Breederific media gives her one.

She also moans about a woman who was fired because she could not conduct calls while her brat was screaming in the background.

WELL, DUH. It's called not performing one's job. Managers can fire people who don't perform, at least for now.

Job performance should be on the basis of PERFORMANCE, not whether one's uterus has had an occupant. These Moos are all about unequal treatment, when it benefits them and their kind.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
July 12, 2020
from what I've read elsewhere, a manager who fired a moo because of the screeching bag of pule? excellent.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
September 02, 2020

Being an elected official is one job where you MUST show up to cast your vote. I don't know why this woman didn't get someone to watch her kid while she cast her vote. I guess exposing one's infant to coronavirus to get publicity is more important.

Predictably, there was OUTRAGE and lots of Mooing about how Moooooothers need to be able to vote by proxy.

It does seem to be a little ridiculous that virtual voting is not possible during COVID, and if it's extended to one person, it should be extended to anyone else who is high risk due to a health condition, not just for sprogging, which is a chosen condition.

In the meantime, know the requirements of the job and act accordingly. And if you cannot fulfill the job, let someone else do it.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
September 03, 2020
Waiting for the mombie brigade on this one:


or this one


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
September 10, 2020
So I was watching the national news tonight and the topic was the fires in Northern California and Oregon. The newscaster actually said,

"Several people were killed, including a one year old child."

Professional journalism has gone the way of the dodo bird. Several people?

JFC, if you are going to take the time to research the age of the crotch nugget who died, can you not take the time to at least accurately relay the number of people who lost their lives?

angrily flogging with a whip the world 'fail' on flames
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
September 10, 2020
JFC, if you are going to take the time to research the age of the crotch nugget who died, can you not take the time to at least accurately relay the number of people who lost their lives?

That, or just leave it at "several people died" or "X number of people of varying ages died." Singling out the kid that died implies that the loss of the child's life was so much more tragic that it deserved its own separate mention. Yeah that's not true - just about any loss of life is tragic and age doesn't magically make one person's death more or less important than another person's. I'm sure people close to the dead kid are heartbroken from their loss, but so aren't the relatives, friends and co-workers of the adult victims who lost their lives.

Child lives do NOT matter more than adult ones.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
September 11, 2020
This brings up an interesting conundrum, considering that one of these fires was started by a gender reveal gone wrong. If that particular fire kills a kid, who gets the sympathy? The poor breeders who were just trying to celebrate their unborn baby’s genitals, or the innocent widdle child they killed? (Dead adults are an acceptable loss, of course.)

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
September 22, 2020
So they use quotes and alleged when they talk about his deceased wife and gloss over the obvious racism when this middle aged gun toting gun nut white guy (said by a middle aged white guy)shoots two black people, but list an exact quote when he talks about "“he hated all children."




So if this middle aged, spouse abusing white guy shot at the cops why isn't he dead?

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 03, 2020
I do not want to start a thread for this elsewhere, but I get so tired of celebrity Breeders and why even the mainstream media thinks anyone cares about them.

The latest and worst example is that Chrissy T3igen person. I saw something on a main stream news site that generally read how the world is so sympathetic to the tragic story of her losing a womb product. What's even more horrifying is Teigen's instagram. Apparently she was on bedrest (picture of her assistant feeding her) and had multiple blood transfusions prior to losing the clump. Post clump ejection, there is a perfectly posed picture of her on a hospital gurney, with a perfect tear running down her face, supposedly mourning the loss of her clump. She is half naked yet has perfect hair and makeup and she looks anguished.

I get it that some people want baybees and this is likely a sad even for them. However, if you were in the middle of one of the worst moments of your life, why would you want someone to take a picture of that time? If my DH took a picture of me like that I would be livid. Some things are not worth capturing in a photo, but apparently she wanted him to take the picture.

I do not get the attention whoring and the posting on Instagram or Twatter. The words "trashy" and "ghoulish" come to mind. There is no such thing as a private family event with these people.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 04, 2020
I saw crap about that lady too and how she is helping to destigmatize pregnancy loss and break the silence over it by opening up about her experience.

What fucking stigma is there? Because I have never seen anything other than a tremendous outpouring of sympathy for women who experience premature clump descent, whether it's just an unfortunate accident or a retard who continuously gets knocked up when she knows she likely won't carry to term. And believe me, women will bitch LOUD and LONG to EVERYONE about their pregnancy loss to maximize that sympathy. Because as we all know, everything about having kids must be made publicly available.

Yeah yeah, real sorry you lost your wanted kid, but that doesn't mean you're the first person to have a miscarriage or that yours is more "tragic" because you're famous. And while the photos of her crying might be real, why the fuck would you want someone to immortalize a moment when you're depressed and vulnerable and then share it with the whole wide world? Whenever I've felt like a broken hopeless human being, the last thing I wanted was to be around anyone, let alone have someone take my picture and show it to everyone.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
October 22, 2020
And while the photos of her crying might be real, why the fuck would you want someone to immortalize a moment when you're depressed and vulnerable and then share it with the whole wide world? Whenever I've felt like a broken hopeless human being, the last thing I wanted was to be around anyone, let alone have someone take my picture and show it to everyone.

I think it's kind of a backlash against people posting only perfect moments on social media. But I think the pendulum has swung too far the other way, because it looks a lot more whiny than inspiring. Yes, real life isn't what most people post on social media - but anyone who doesn't already know that is a fucking idiot. Yes, it can sometimes be helpful to others to know that others have suffered/are suffering the same thing, but there's a difference between being open about it and being exhibitionist about it. I don't want to share my worst moments with the world, nor do I want an unsolicited view into someone else's private life.

I really doubt that people who are so busy being "authentic" and are soaking up the #sobrave compliments are capable of genuine sorrow. They come across as massive egotists who only register whether or not they are being paid attention to.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
December 29, 2020
FFS, I was SERIOUSLY annoyed at one of my local news stations last night. I had the local evening news on while I was doing household stuff.

The LEAD story had all kinds of hype over it. It was 'breaking news' and all that shit. It was about a Moo with an angry boyfriend who basically came to her house and demanded she go outside with him. She and her two year old son got into the car with him (what a dumbass move--no mention of a gun) and he rode them around, then dropped them back at home. This was being called a kidnapping and the police were looking for the guy. I cannot stand how the news anchors also emphasize the world CHYLD, just as we write it on this site. "Her two year old Chy-llllld was in the car," etc. They said it multiple times.

Okay, so domestic violence can be serious, but they spent like five minutes on this story despite the SAFE RETURN OF ALL PARTIES. Then came story two, which got a total of about 30 seconds: A "break-in" occurred in a neighboring county and one of the residents of the home was shot and had died. It was so fast that I had to rewind the live TV. I was like, WHAT. THE. FUCK. A home invasion where someone DIED barely gets a mention.

I hate it when I'm fucking right because at the time I thought, must have been a household without children. What a sad story...this couple was 50-ish, no children, seemed like nice people with co-workers saying positive things and they appeared to be devoted to each other. The couple came home and interrupted two burglars and one of them shot the female half of the couple. She died at the scene. How completely traumatic for her husband and it gets less than 30 fucking seconds.

So disgusted.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
December 30, 2020
The couple came home and interrupted two burglars and one of them shot the female half of the couple. She died at the scene. How completely traumatic for her husband and it gets less than 30 fucking seconds.

But what if a CHYYYYLD had been in the house next door and heard the gunshot? OMG! They probably would have done 5 minutes on that.

There's a news item on our local TV website right now; says "Little girl killed in Croatia earthquake". When you click on it, turns out there were actually 7 PEOPLE who died. eye rolling smiley
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
December 30, 2020
This is related to my own pet peeve with the media terms/assumptions: The "everyone lives in a FAMBLY situation" theory. Even charities state "we gave assistance to 1,000 local FAMILIES",etc. In other words, they tacitly say that single people, or even couples need not apply. News reports say "the tornado caused 30 FAMILIES to evacuate their homes". Like the single occupancy homes ...maybe were not struck by the tornado?? Or the CF couples were just locked in to die??
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
December 30, 2020
I see too often those commercial for St. Jude Children's hospital and how we should give money every month.

Don't most children get CHIP for their health care? If they don't have it, I would think St. Jude would arrange for them to get it.

What will happen if the US ever achieved Universal single payer national health care? What would St. Jude ask for then?

We have the same situation here with Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and their (guilt trip show) telethon and really, all those kids get CHIP too.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
December 30, 2020
Boy, I HATE to speak up in any way for the place that puts out those soppy ads, but.... They are asking for money to run the hospital, not to go to the kids individually. Presumably, since they furnish care for extensive long term treatment--they advertise no charge to the patients or their families..the hospital is assumed to have huge operating expenses. I detest the tear-jerking commercials, and how they exploit those screechy little deformed kids! Those "darling little lisping voices"!! YUK
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 26, 2021
I just "love" how they dodge around calling this moo "mother"

Woman arrested in hit-and-run that injured EMS worker in Greenville Co.


Runs over EMT with kid in her car.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 26, 2021
This is related to my own pet peeve with the media terms/assumptions: The "everyone lives in a FAMBLY situation" theory. Even charities state "we gave assistance to 1,000 local FAMILIES",etc. In other words, they tacitly say that single people, or even couples need not apply. News reports say "the tornado caused 30 FAMILIES to evacuate their homes". Like the single occupancy homes ...maybe were not struck by the tornado?? Or the CF couples were just locked in to die??

Politicians and media will squeeze the word family into every sentence. I was reading the news about some shooting victim and I have to read it several times. "Family of student shot by....." IDR exactly but I can't figure out are we talking about fam of the victim, or the killer, and sit there wondering why they can't just write "Shooting Victim's Relatives state..." It's easier to read, but have to lead w/ FAMILY to pull at the heart strings first I guess for more sensational reading. And, what kills me is that people fall for it.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 27, 2021

I just "love" how they dodge around calling this moo "mother"

She looks like a real weiner, smiling for the camera in her mugshot, as if she's proud of what she did. I googled her name and other articles say she was passed out in her car when the EMT approached her. She hit him and fled the scene, probably because she didn't want to get arrested for being high and/or having drugs. She had to be hunted down and did not turn herself in.

The articles are really dancing around the obvious and it's infuriating. Didya know an infant "was found in the car?" And Moo was arrested for chyld neglect? BECAUSE SHE WAS DRIVING AROUND, HIGH, NEGLECTING HER BRAT AND SHE COMMITTED A HIT AND RUN FELONY.

In any other situation she would have been identified as a moo-ther.
Re: Our Breederific Media and Reproductive Status
May 28, 2021
This is related to my own pet peeve with the media terms/assumptions: The "everyone lives in a FAMBLY situation" theory. Even charities state "we gave assistance to 1,000 local FAMILIES",etc. In other words, they tacitly say that single people, or even couples need not apply. News reports say "the tornado caused 30 FAMILIES to evacuate their homes". Like the single occupancy homes ...maybe were not struck by the tornado?? Or the CF couples were just locked in to die??

I was thinking about this, I think before the Altar of the Child came around, they used to say "The tornado affected 30 households" but I guess that doesnt sound personal enough for heart string pulling. Just like we used to be citizens or residents or voters, but now we are all "working families" that politicians care so much about.
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