Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 03, 2013 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 866 |
I got bingoed about using my Kindle to read books today instead of reading "real books." It's the same fucking book, for fuck's sake. And it's a fucking first-generation Kindle. I don't own a tablet or a smartphone. The ignorant sow who bingoed me about it plays on her fucking iphone all day. :headbrick
And I get bingoed about liking paper books instead of owning an e-reader! Sheesh, as long as both are produced, it's a matter of personal preference which you use.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 05, 2013 | Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2,176 |
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 05, 2013 |
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 05, 2013 |
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 05, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 5,716 |
the ogress of utica
I myself used to get alot of drama bullshite about the length of my hair, with rude comments from stangers trying to make plans for it---such as wig donations. I always considered these remarks to be violent. A cancer patient doesn't care about hair---they care about whether they're going to live or die. Out of the preservation for my sanity, I had no choice to defend myself. Some comments typically" "Why are you making plans for my hair?" "I'll cut my hair when you lose weight", "I'm not being violent with you" "Why do you compliment my hair and then insult it in the same breath?" "If you want to joke about cutting my hair, then I'll joke about slashing your tires."
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 06, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 12,457 |
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 07, 2013 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,457 |
the ogress of utica
Wine stinks. Hate the smell
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 11, 2013 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 922 |
the ogress of utica
Wine stinks. Hate the smell
I hate the smell of all alcohol. It is just gross to me.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 11, 2013 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,179 |
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 11, 2013 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,469 |
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? October 13, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,608 |
I don't know why the fuck everyone was so concerned with MY hair. I'm not a fucking wig farm for cancer patients, and I sure as fuck wouldn't go up to someone and say, "You make so much money, so you need to donate some of it!" It's their money that they earn, and they are under no obligation to give what is theirs to someone not fortunate enough to have much of their own. If they choose to, then that's swell, but that's all it is: a choice. NOT an obligation. My hair is noticeably shorter now, as I got it hacked off before high school and it sits a bit below the shoulders and is bleached. So no one gives me crap about it.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get? September 22, 2020 |