Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
November 17, 2014
I was called a child hater in class, by students, because I chose not to breed.

Yeah, they called their teacher a child hater.

OK, whatever. smiling smiley

Aren't they being brainwashed taught well?

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
November 18, 2014
I was called a child hater in class, by students, because I chose not to breed.
Yeah, they called their teacher a child hater.

Brainwashing is totally the right word.
I dunno normally I get that, but I'm taking a course at the moment, and it was weird, baby's were on there brains all round, but someone noticed I wasn't engaging in conversation and after finding out why, said "its good to here someone not having kids and having thought through how having one would effect the child and youself, there are already so many people who've had kids who shouldn't have"

And I could hear it in her voice, she really believed what she said... Also has 4 kids
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
November 18, 2014
I was called a child hater in class, by students, because I chose not to breed.

Yeah, they called their teacher a child hater.

OK, whatever. smiling smiley

Aren't they being brainwashed taught well?

Yep, good fascist family values brainwashing.

It did get to me, but I just blew it off, because i'm certainly not going to lose my job over some little shit. I'm too well paid to care at this point. My skin is too thick for them to penetrate smiling smiley At the end, I come home to a clean, peaceful, quiet home, populated by DH and the kitties. They go home to a pissy, one room, crowded apartment.

And I'm still working smiling smiley
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
November 30, 2014
Sigh at the course I was doing, some lady during conversation just tossed out the assumption that I already had kids, I couldn't even figure out where the comment came from, if I've ever said I have a house, partner or am 26, people usually just throw it out their assuming I can relate.

This other woman knew I don't want kids and actaully agrees with my reasons for why I don't, but still just had to ask the age old, what if in a few years when your married, and settled, you change your mind, then went on to ask if my partners all on board for it, I said if he changes his mind we break up and he can move on, so she went into their whole, I was like that at your age, I thought I wanted my freedom yadda yadda, I stopped her there, its not about freedom, or not wanting things to change, I don't want kids and would likely kill them and wind up in jail for life if I did have them.

She kept avoiding me after that, which is a shame since she was really accepting at first, till she started throwing out the looks can be deceiving cause I would have thought you'd make a great mother crap. I'm I little bummed cause I thought I'd made a logical freind till that
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
November 30, 2014
It's happened to me many times. You get friendly with people.. work, school, family.. and when the 'kid' question comes up.. there is suddenly a wedge driven between you. I guess some people just can't understand why a woman wouldn't want kyds. Do we go around saying to people "Oh, you want a kid, well, what happens when you have it and then change your mind?"
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
November 30, 2014
That's the one that infuriates me. It's like none of them understand the idea of birth control. Hello? They all say "WHEN" I have kids... bitch I'm both barren and sterile. It's not happening. "You never know..." YES I DO KNOW!

It's like they're so damned retarded that they simply cannot get it through their heads that it's possible to avoid having kids. It goes back to the "life happens" bullshit. No. Life doesn't "just happen".
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
November 30, 2014
Jeez some people can't respect other people's choices.
A friend of mine told me he's going to adopt a girl with his future husband. I sure hope he doesn't go on that bullshit thing with me. I don't hold my tongue when it comes to friends.
When the kid thing comes up with acquaintances and even my mom, I just stare at them in wonder and stay quiet. If they keep pressing, I change the subject. But surprisingly they change the subject themselves. I find it funny. They get uncomfortable.

I don't know how people see me with children. I have this idea that normally mothers are supposed to be warm and fuzzy so I don't see how it fits with me. I like being alone. I actually enjoy solitude 90% of the time. And I cannot connect with children. I don't even find them cute when they're running around. My friend goes "Oh! So cute. I can't wait to have mine once I get everything I want." I only think "That's cute?" But show me a kitten doing nothing and I'll immediately say it's cute.

I'm going to start and internship next year. It's in a town where young girls dreams is "study and raise their own families." No, seriously. That's their answer for future aspirations. I can just see female co-works talking about raising babies and all that. If those questions come around I'll look at them and ask "What do you think!?" That should be enough to make them uncomfortable.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
December 01, 2014
It's like none of them understand the idea of birth control.

It's like they're so damned retarded that they simply cannot get it through their heads that it's possible to avoid having kids".

You know what you probly hit the nail on the head, most people breed before they can begin to think otherwise.

Know the worst part, most of the @#$%& I spoke to at the course got on the topic of the birth control pill, only two were on it, and begrudgingly so because of medical reasons, I'm thinking like how the F do the rest of you not get pregnant? And why aren't you all on a birth control pill, most thought it could leed to infidelity and more likely to cheat on their partners on the pill, so they didnt want to be on it in case it sparked mistrust... O_O seriously what the fuck?

Is this what dumb breeders are being taught?
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
December 02, 2014
Birth control leads to infidelity? Wow! :headbrick

I'm speechless.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
December 02, 2014
keeper of traken
Birth control leads to infidelity? Wow! :headbrick

I'm speechless.

Well, there is some evidence that women are attracted to different men when they are affected by pregnancy hormones than they would otherwise be attracted to. So perhaps in people who can't cope with honesty, taking pills in a half-assed fashion (as I'm sure these women do) leads to fluctuating attractions and thus infidelity.

I'm sure they meant male infidelity, but I can really only think of a plausible reason for female infidelity which would be linked to the pill. My guess is they're trying to peddle that whole notion that all men would fuck like bonobos if they could have "sex without consequences".
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
December 02, 2014
I can vouch for it changing who you're attracted to. When I was on the pill (in ever increasing doses) I wanted NOTHING to do with men AT ALL.

It tends to turn off your brain to most men, at least in my experience. If anything. that would insure fidelity. (though might make you less attracted to a male partner).
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
December 09, 2014
My experiences on and off the pill, as in changing between pills, when I was off the pill suddenly almost every guy looked attractive in various sexulised ways. Vs when I'm on a pill men just don't seem to stand out, I'm like yeah I see you men, but don't wanna be with you. I was off it a while when I was single for like 4 years, found my partner sexy, started the pill with our relationship, and yeah suddenly he returned to that guy I used to just hang out with visually. It was odd, so I understand the attracted to different people when on the pill, but you get attracted initially for the potentinal to breed, so what you wanna be around when trying not to breed is more of just a logical view of your own partners other qualitys
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
December 31, 2014
exile, there's definitely research to back up your experience. I am too lazy to be arsed to link to it right now, but the pill does blunt the female sex drive, as well as change the type of men those women go for. Women off the pill tend to be attracted to a wider variety of men, and to men with more stereotypically "masculine" features.

When I was on the pill my sex drive was lower, but I could set my frickin' watch by my cycle.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
December 31, 2014
Hormonal birth control killed my sex drive completely. I fought like a demon for my tubal ligation and finally got it at the ripe old age of 36. Best thing ever. Prior to that I faithfully used a diaphragm plus rubbers.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
January 13, 2015
Bingoed again, by my one of my employers..............told me: I have found the man for you! So you can start a family!
Oh YUK. First of all, I don't like where I am living, she knows that. I am only here because I have to work to support a property until it starts not only paying for itself, but also makes some left over for me to live on. I don't like the area (zero amenities), the weather, the small town yahoos, and I can't wait to travel. Why on earth would I want one of these inbreds anyway? ew and ew again. And then spawn with it? ewwwww to infinity. I have cats for company and sanity, not to mention I love them and they love me and they leave the remote alone most of the time. I also work a heck of a lot with very little downtime (which this employer also knows). That's too much on my plate already.
I just smiled and asked his name to see if I already know gossip about the hick.......he's lived here all his life (rolls eyes) and has been married before and has chyldrun (eyes roll out of head onto floor).
I really don't want a used man if I can help it, certainly not one who ENJOYS living in Backwardsville with screaming baggage.
Boy, it's hard to keep a straight face when people come up with these things.
Which is why I am glad found this website with those who understand!
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
January 13, 2015
It's situations like this that make me glad I'm not capable of hiding my emotions on such things.

"Are you NUTS? What is wrong with you? Who? NO! Never in a billion years! Family... a family is who you chose to make it. Get real!"
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
January 14, 2015
Well, I should have been an actress, Bunny, because I can hide it. Had to, want to keep up a good relationship with this particular employer, who has never bingoed me before. Hope she doesn't again, but you know I did ask if the man was willing to change LOTS of cat litter..........bwhahaha........the look on her face.........then I deflected the conversation to work stuff.
It all is annoying, when you can't be 100% your true self all the time,

At least on here I can be pretty unfiltered and let loose about not wanting offspring, which is nice.

Actually, the thought of me being 100% my true self all the time is SCARY. Pretty bad when ya scare yourself!!
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 22, 2015
On another forum I post on this duh is the most miserable bastard you'll ever meet.
Anytime theres a CF related thread he has something negative to say. This is his latest comment.

" Sometimes it sucks to be human. At least most other species don't have the means to allow their most self absorbed or dimwitted numbers to endlessly question the basic reproduction of their species. It's definitely true that a surfeit of self awareness actually often makes a species more stupid or least more pointlessly solipsistic."
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 22, 2015
" Sometimes it sucks to be human. At least most other species don't have the means to allow their most self absorbed or dimwitted numbers to endlessly question the basic reproduction of their species. It's definitely true that a surfeit of self awareness actually often makes a species more stupid or least more pointlessly solipsistic."

So... what he's saying, word for word, is that:

"Being human is terrible. Other creatures are not able to understand enough to logic beyond basic instinct. Too much self awareness creates the concept that one's own mind is more valid/real, and I think that this is stupid."

I think he got himself a whole bunch of words that he thought would make himself sound intelligent, but didn't bother to research what the words actually meant. Basically, he's claiming that being a stupid and unaware animal is preferable to being self aware and intelligent.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 22, 2015
He does that ALL the time...likes to sound clever.
He has a particular hatred for teens/twentysomethings. God help his kids when they get to that age. smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 23, 2015
Yeehaw! I just got my first bingo yesterday, from one of my coworkers! We were talking, and eventually mentioned his 5 kids. I responded that i'd had to empty three of my sisters' diapers when they were still baybees, and listen to almost endless squealing, screaming(for fun!) and blather. I told him i wanted to see the world and mess around with old cars. I told him that kids and famblee life bored me to tears, and I wanted to get sterilized.
He responded that while it was a good idea to not have kids before your 30s(I'm 25), I'd change my mind around 35 or 40, and that spawning was the key to immortality, by passing on your genes. I responded with, "Ugh, the baby rabies". He seemed amused and said "That's a new one, baby rabies, I'll have to remember that." He said I'd want to someone to look up to me and guide through life. I didn't say it, but the last thing I want is some half-pint parasite stuck to my leg.
I wasn't rude, I just couldn't understand his logic.I will die eventually, plus, I have Asperger`s, so the last thing I want is some poor sap carrying my screwed-up genes.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 23, 2015
Spawning is the 'key to immortality' ???? Suppose a person doesn't want to be immortal? There's an end to this life...we all know that. We all have to FACE that. Kyds do NOT make anyone 'immortal.' They do, however, carry on messed up genes and stuff. So.. it would be the 'immortality' of the Aspergers gene you'd be going for. Who feeds people this crap about spawning? My dh's family has all kinds of hereditary things going on so that was one of my reasons for not continuing that line of crap.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 23, 2015
Breeding will not stop you from dying. Even breeders who seem "sane" think these things. They are simply not as intelligent as we are. I know that sounds elitist, but they prove me right every day.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 24, 2015
I've heard you'll never die if you have kids and you'll "live on."

Excuse me, but I watched my grandmother, who obviously had children, die. Nobody, childed or not, gets out of here alive and everyone dies alone, in that nobody else can do it for you.

Breeders just repeat that tripe without thinking to make themselves feel better.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 24, 2015
I sorta got defended on a bingo today, I was talking to my mum who said she mentioned to my grandma recently that I wasn't having kids, i think my grandma had asked my mum when i would be getting married and having kids, mum had said that i didnt want to have kids, my grandma had replied "oh she might say that now", mum stopped her and said, " no, she's doesn't want kids and isn't the sort of person who will ever have them".

As far as I can tell my grandma was shocked and didn't know how to take it. I personally wasn't ever going to bring it up with extended family members, I figured if my grandma died before I ever got asked about kids, well she'd have no conflict with me till the day she died, but my mum just throwing down the gauntlet with belief that it was with good intentions, I mean I appreciate the backing me up, but now I have those questions to look forward to next time I see my grandma, the "why not?" Or full list of bingos about not knowing what I want or changing my mind.

This didn't stack well with her already beliving I'm a shameful excuse for a woman/daughter. I mean I don't really care what she thinks, which is probably why she's not fond of me, Im just not looking forward to the next dozen social interactions.
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