Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014
I don't think there's anything funny AT ALL about a parent allowing their child, whether intentionally or not, to DIE a horrible death. I think ALL parents should be investigated in their child deaths, ALL should be prosecuted for negligence, at the very least, and if found guilty of intentionally killing their kid they should get an automatic death penalty sentence. I also think the method of execution should be suffocation and heat stroke by being strapped into a chair in a room with no ventilation and a rising temperature until it reaches 140 degrees. Let them quote that.angry smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014
^ They probably would... AND they'd try to make it sound like you wished death upon all childed people.

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014
paragon schnitzophonic
And if the dear doctor is sooo question: many addicts did you pimp out over the years, making light of their problems to media whore? How many of them are dead?

For those playing the home game, there were five before the dear doctor decided to stop pimping human misery.

I was just about to post this exact same thing. In addition to the above, every time a celebrity that he didn't personally help ODs and dies, his fucking mug is all over TV giving his "expert" opinion and all but outright saying that if the recently deceased had come to him, they would be clean, sober, and alive.

That is how I feel about him. Drug addiction is a serious problem in our society and using it for entertainment is pretty pathetic in my book. Drug addicts do need help but if they want to get clean and stay clean, going on a trash TV show is not the way to do it. This man may have all the education, license, credentials, etc. to be a doctor but as far as I'm concerned, real doctors are in hospitals, clinics, private offices, etc., doing whatever it takes to heal their patients, not getting famous for putting other people's misery on TV for the world to see.

I no longer have cable TV in my home, but I have seen his HLN show while on a recent business trip(Hotel had the channel), and found it to be sensationalized tabloid TV, not much different from Nancy Grace.
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014

My point is that posts laughing at handicapped kids and their parents is not beyond criticism.

I get that this page will get criticism because being CF is culturally taboo to many people. But you'll have to show me where people are "laughing" at a kid with a disability. From what I can see, many people on this page are sympathetic to kids who have shitty parents

As for PNAs, there is a lot of hostility toward the cultural bingo that "parenting makes you a better person." People often post articles that indicate otherwise and the excuse that parents have "suffered enough," therefore they don't deserve to be prosecuted, angers a lot of people on this page.

I don't get your point at all.
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014
How does "Lil' Sizzler" have anything to do with childfree people? Even what was quoted from on Dr. Drew boils down to:

"Parents, the Childfree have caught onto your "accidental" child disposal method. If you people who are parents want to get rid of your child, you better re-think the "Lil' Sizzler" method. Because just like SIDS was exposed, the "Hot Car Syndrome" will also be exposed."

From what I've read here, most of the long term members of are merely commentators on what's going on in the parenting arena. To put it more simply, "We got no dog in this hunt." Whether we laugh or cry at what happens in the parenting world, very little (probably none) of what we say or write will have any impact on the outcome. To believe otherwise is to "blame the messenger." angry flipping off
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014
Keep threatening violence and you'll earn yourself a ban.

Really? DIE IN A FIRE. (And I'm off to the cf subreddit, which is far cooler anyway.)

eating popcorn popcorn and jerry springer signjerry


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014
Keep threatening violence and you'll earn yourself a ban.

Really? DIE IN A FIRE. (And I'm off to the cf subreddit, which is far cooler anyway.)

ETA: have fun talking with parents. I just checked that forum out of curiosity. It's a close twin to TCFL.

Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014
waving hellolarious waving hellolarious


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:

Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014
I'm guessing parent of child with disabilities. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014
If someone refers to shit-smearers, it is not to make fun of the kid, it's about the parent trying to mainstream that kid and defend shit smearing, that everyone should be tolerant of shit smearing anywhere the kid wants to smear. The parent brings on the criticism and outrage and rants by their own actions.

Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhankyou
This is pretty much the statement I wanted to make myself as I was dropped blearilly over my coffee this morning but didn't have the eloquence.
Anonymous User
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 15, 2014
You know - I think for some people the satire and logic behind this website is just over their head. I think some people truly cannot comprehend that it is the idiot breeders that have kids thinking raising a kid is all about Kodak moments and Rainbows shooting out of their ass - that makes us angry. The kid cannot help it if he grew up a giant failing "autard" because moo and duh would much rather pass socially undesirable behavior off as a mental illness instead of getting off farmville for one freaking second to actually, I dunno - TEACH and DISCIPLINE their child.

Are there people in the world that are genuinely autistic? YES. It is a legit diagnosis.

Are their breeders out there that SHOP for the diagnosis so that they don't have to bother with actually parenting their kid and excuse bratleigh's shitty behavior with a "Sorry my kid bit you in the leg, punched you in the gut and threw shit at you - he's autistic, excuse his behavior" Card while they play on their smartphone? YES.

Are their also some parents that have legit autistic kids that also don't bother attempting to mitigate the diagnosis through teaching, parenting, therapy, behavior modification, and social skills training and instead think giving their kid a bleach drink while they play on their blackberry while bratleigh goes ballistic in the supermarket is better than actually putting in effort? YES.

It's not about the kids. It's about parenting culture and a society where everyone is unique, special and wins a fucking trophy just for being born that pisses us off. It's about parents that think we're the freaks when we're the ones who actually sat down and thought - "What would having a kid mean for my life" and decided after a period of short deliberation - "Yeah, Fuck that."
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 16, 2014
If you belong to this site, and you're going to get butthurt over what is said here, then you don't belong here.

It's really that easy.

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 16, 2014
We mock those who approach having a kid with a more cavalier attitude than buying a refrigerator. They actually put more research into buying things they will replace in a few years than they do in having these little people that will be in their lives forever.

As someone in animal rescue I deal with these people all the time. "It eats too much." Well, did you not know how big a Great Dane gets? "It snores." Clearly you did not research before buying that cute Pug or Frenchie. They approach kids the same way: "oh gush it is soo cute, I can play dress up dolly and buy lots of cute shit and get lots of udder rubs." They get parties and gifts and attention. Then the kid gets older and others have new ones, and they lose the attention and gifts.

Kids, like pets, are a lifetime commitment. Unlike the refrigerator, you cannot return it when you find out it is not to your liking.

The CF are demonized for researching and not wanting to take on the commitment when they should be applauded. The ones who should be demonized are people like Hotlanta Asshole, who thought having a kid would be all about Kodak moments. He killed the baby when he found out it was not.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 17, 2014
Another apologist for the people who commit these indefensible "accidents" suggests empathy, gentleness and patience are the right way to respond to parents who leave kids in cars.
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
July 17, 2014
Ugh Salon. I saw the term "accident" when mousing over the link. I probably can't even with reading the article.

Why do they keep calling these incidents "accidents"? Accident implies something that happens TO you; not something you DO. If I'm to believe that these parunts just 'forgot' their kyds, that's still a failure on the part of the parunt. You forgot; you weren't attacked by a swarm of killer bees while exiting your car, thus having to turn your attention away and abandoning Sprogley strapped in the back. YOU FORGOT. Somehow. That's on you, the parunt. It's not an accident. It's an incident. It's negligence. At best.

Not that I believe, for even a minute, that someone could really forget a person in a car; especially kyds, who are rarely ever quiet. Even if they were quiet enough not to notice (yeah right), does a parunt not look around the car to at least be assured they have their treasured smart phone, or purse/briefcase, etc., prior to locking and leaving the vehicle?

I just can't imagine that. I double-check everything before I leave the car, every time; be it going to work, to the store, to visit friends, etc. To me, it's second nature to be sure that you have everything with you that you'll need when you leave the car for the day.

I'll bet these parunts never forgot their lunch or their cell phone in the car; but, hey, a living, breathing being? All the time!
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
September 04, 2014
Here is an update on the charges this wunderkind is facing:

Hope that works, new phone!

Harris faces eight counts: malice murder, two counts of felony murder, cruelty to children in the 1st and 2nd degree, criminal attempt to commit a felony and two counts of dissemination of harmful material to minors.
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
September 04, 2014
I dread getting into my car here on the southwest coast of Florida during the summertime - it is hot enough to grill a 2" thick steak on the dashboard. No fuck. This monster Harris is going where he deserves to go - and he'll get done in jail.
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
September 04, 2014
Malice murder- that's a bad one. I hope he gets every possible hellish treatment for the rest of his rotten life in prison.

I hope these charges stick and some asshat judge or dumbass breeder jury doesn't feel he's suffered enough. Possibly the internet naughtiness will be the nail in his coffin, people don't like to think of some pervy guy in his office trading nudies with their teenage daughter.
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
September 05, 2014
I dread getting into my car here on the southwest coast of Florida during the summertime - it is hot enough to grill a 2" thick steak on the dashboard. No fuck. This monster Harris is going where he deserves to go - and he'll get done in jail.

This, and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. The only question I have is why wasn't the moo indicted?

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
September 05, 2014
The thing that might help get him what he deserves is that he was sexting all those young girls while his kid was slowly dieing. Hard for any Moos on the jury to accept that as anything but a sign of guilt. Without that element he could pull the "he has suffered enough" default.
Anonymous User
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
September 05, 2014

And I'm off to the cf subreddit, which is far cooler anyway.

Am I the only one who got the image of a snot-nosed, sniveling little bitch kid from this? "But you guys are playing Monopoly and I didn't wanna play Monopoly and waah wah waah I'm gonna go over to my other friend's house because he's much cooler!"

Anonymous User
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
September 06, 2014
Ah yes, I wanted to add something that's always been on my mind when it comes to these Looked Away For Just A Minuteâ„¢, Pahrunts Have Suffered Enuffâ„¢ things.

I'd like to pose the scenario that a teacher, daycare worker, or babysitter forgot a kid in the car, leaving it to sizzle. Somehow I find it very, very hard to imagine that the parents and the accompanying, enabling breeder brigade would coo the same platitudes about suffering enough, etc. Fuck to the hell no. The parents and their breeder compatriots would be howling for blood, and if the person in question received a similar slap on the wrist that these murderous breeders do, there'd be a lynching party.

Breeders know that this is completely true. They expect all the sympathy and forgiveness that a sycophantic, pro-natalist society has to offer, but woe if the temporary caretaker of their spawn does the same thing. The punishment should be the same, regardless. Negligent fucking homicide, period.
Anonymous User
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
September 06, 2014
I was wondering about the lack of indictment of the "mother" too. What facts have come out are suggestive of complicity on her part.

Anyone inclined to doubt CH's speculations about what would happen to a person not related to the L'il Sizler or other Oopsing: Consider the case of Susan Newkirk. I am still outraged over this travesty of justice:
Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
September 06, 2014
Keep threatening violence and you'll earn yourself a ban.

Really? DIE IN A FIRE. (And I'm off to the cf subreddit, which is far cooler anyway.)

eating popcorn popcorn and jerry springer signjerry

Ooh, how did I miss this? notaparunt left us? WHAT A FUCKING SHAAAAAAME! :bawl

Oh well. Have fun, whore! :hello


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Duh Busted For Intentional PNA Via Car
September 07, 2014
strange aeons
Keep threatening violence and you'll earn yourself a ban.

Really? DIE IN A FIRE. (And I'm off to the cf subreddit, which is far cooler anyway.)

eating popcorn popcorn and jerry springer signjerry

Ooh, how did I miss this? notaparunt left us? WHAT A FUCKING SHAAAAAAME! :bawl

Oh well. Have fun, whore! :hello

LMAO. Why do people think we give a shit if they leave? Hasn't notaparunt been with us a while? Wouldn't they know this my now? I think they're a breeder in disguise that's trying to say they are a parEnt and not a parUnt. Lol! It makes too much sense to me.
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