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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 09, 2021
I'm sure she would say that "hurr durr routines don't work for MAH babby!1" either without trying whatsoever or trying for a whole five minutes and giving up after the child doesn't magically pass out for 12 straight hours.

Have some more, my lovelies! This Moo feels that her Duh husband apologizing for wrongdoing isn't good enough. Apparently, they must give an entire speech about how they were wrong and Mommy was right and how they will turn over a whole new leaf and change their behavior and probably eat her out for good measure too.

If that's the response I got from apologizing, I'd never apologize again.


Brats who feign ignorance so they can be lazy. I wonder how many learn these delightful habits from their lazy-ass fathers the Moos insist on staying with. Seems to be "just a phase" from what they're saying. Yeah no thanks.


Moos who secretly want to be pregnant again, even if they can't afford another kid, had bad pregnancies, had miscarriages, are struggling to raise their current kids or their husbands said no more brats. I just... what?

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 09, 2021
Glad they're trying to get a psych eval, because I'm no psychiatrist but this:


During every single one of our visits shes hurt her 2yo sister.

is not explained by this:


Yes shes ADHD.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 09, 2021
She's not ADHD, she's a psychopath. Leave the poor puppies alone, bitch! angry smiley
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 10, 2021
I agree, awtards may do a lot of stupid/inappropriate shit, but when they make a beeline for someone who is clearly a weaker target and manhandles/harms/abuses/manipulates them and then lies about it to make themselves look like the victim, that is someone who has full grasp of their abilities. She knows exactly what she's doing and Moo is allowing it to happen. She says the tard almost suffocated her toddler with a pillow - that is not something that happens by accident.

That tard will kill her toddler if she keeps forcing them to be together. If she cares at all about her youngest child, she will not allow them to be around one another.

Also, where exactly is Moo or the tard guardians when the tard is doing all these things to the toddler or the dog? If it's been established that the eldest daughter has violent tendencies and goes out of her way to harm the animals and her siblings, why are they not more closely supervised? Also, if they are in the process of getting a psych evaluation but haven't gotten it yet, who decided the child has ADHD and what is the medication she is taking for it? Why do I have a feeling that Mommy made the diagnosis and the medication is something like melatonin? Maybe the kid is an awtard for real, who knows, but it does not give Moo or her parents an excuse to subject her normal, defenseless children to the violent kid's antics.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 12, 2021
Also, where exactly is Moo or the tard guardians when the tard is doing all these things to the toddler or the dog? If it's been established that the eldest daughter has violent tendencies and goes out of her way to harm the animals and her siblings, why are they not more closely supervised?

They're all looking away but just for a second!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 14, 2021
Moo has to have a fight every single morning with her lazy asshole teenager about getting up for school, doing his homework, taking his tests (online schooling), etc. The little shit is a year away from becoming a big shit, so if he wants to not get an education, then that's his choice. Brat claims he's gonna move out, get emancipated and get his GED - yeah I'm sure he will when he can't even haul his ass out of bed to get on the computer. I think a lot of people say they'd rather get their GED because they think it's easier than school, but I'd wager most employers would prefer someone who went to school.

Let him leave and flunk out, since he thinks he knows everything. But if he gets emancipated, Moo needs to absolutely NOT let him come back home. Fucker is so determined to make it in the world with an incomplete education, let him sleep on a few park benches and maybe then he'll reconsider the importance of an education. I'm glad I don't have to worry about this horseshit because I'd throw the bastard out the door in half a second if he was going to be such a lazy shit.

You can't make an unwilling brat care about their education and she's wasting her time trying.



My youngest son is 17 years old and has struggled to get through school. Every day has been a struggle. When he was going to the local public school, every morning was a fight. He missed so much school that they reported me to the state, and I was fined $350 for his truancy. But what could I do? Drag him through the school doors every day as he sobbed about how much he hated being there?

So I switch him to an online public school. No more dealing with the other kids and the crowds and the teachers. No long bus rides. No more getting up at 6 AM. And I thought, no more morning arguments (screaming matches, really).

Nope. Nothing changed. His morning assembly starts at 8:15. Do you think he ever wakes up for that? He won't do his homework consistently (although to his credit, he is doing better academically than he was before - he's passing), and he missed NWEAs this week.

I tried to wake him up this morning; he wouldn't get up. And I don't have the time to fight with him because I have to work (I work from home at the moment, but I'm supposed to WORK, not fight with him). Later in the morning, I get a call from his advisor saying he hasn't been logging in to take the tests. I go upstairs, open his door, and admittedly, I was not calm. I raised my voice, told him to get his ass out of bed; you have tests today; I'm tired of getting calls from the school about this shit; what do I have to do to get you to just get out of bed.

He comes down the stairs, flipping out, telling me he's just going to quit and get his GED, get emancipated, and move out. He's tired of my shit; I never give him credit for the work he has done; this is bullshit; he shouldn't have to deal with this first thing in the morning, etc. Then he stomps off back up the stairs and slams his door, bitching the whole way.

I'm so fucking done with caring more about his education than he does. I'm so fucking done with being told I yell all the time when if he listened when I talk, I wouldn't have to yell. I'm so fucking done with the histrionics, door slamming, and dramatic walk-offs.

I'm so fucking done with being a mother.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 14, 2021
Moo's upstairs neighbor doesn't like her brat's "happy noises" and bangs on the ceiling when the child makes racket. Moo asks for advice and people tell her all kinds of stupid shit, ranging from getting the child an indoor trampoline to convincing her that the neighbor's desire for silence is harassment.

The neighbors are not the assholes because they aren't the ones making all the noise. If you can't shut your kid up, then shut the hell up about the neighbors being upset over the noise. They pay to live there just as much as you do and they're entitled to quiet in their home. Apparently the neighbors already called the police on Moo for the noise. Yeah yeah, I know "kids will be kids," but that doesn't mean everyone has to be tolerant of it.



My toddler runs and jumps and stomps everywhere she goes. I don't want to punish her for being a toddler. My home is covered in multiple rugs and foam mats and it's not enough, and the neighbor keeps banging on their ceiling and I'm so stressed and I don't know how to get my toddler to STOP. I tried googling articles and all they suggest is we teach kids to be respectful and quiet and tiptoe around, that doesn't work on a 3 year old who doesn't listen!!!!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 14, 2021
Third course of this meal: Fucking breastfeeding. Apparently some loaves don't just sit the fuck still and nurse - a lot of them bite, pinch, kick, slap, scratch, twiddle and are generally violent little shits while beefing. Because having a creature with teeth gnawing on your cracked bleeding nipples isn't bad enough, I guess.

FUCK TO THE NO, I wouldn't let a significant other do that to my tits, let alone a brat. The first pinch or kick would be the beginning of formula or starvation for Junior. Not to mention that after the kid treats you like a punching bag while eating, there's a decent chance they'll barf all that milk back up and you have to do it all over again.



People in my mom group, friends, people on Reddit, I feel like everyone is talking about how cozy breastfeeding is?

Am I the only one who feels like I’m trying to breastfeed a drunk badger? With the scratching, pinching, slapping, pulling, kicking.......

I dont know exactly what it would be like breastfeeding a badger but I now would be up for the challenge.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 15, 2021
Let him leave and flunk out, since he thinks he knows everything. But if he gets emancipated, Moo needs to absolutely NOT let him come back home. Fucker is so determined to make it in the world with an incomplete education, let him sleep on a few park benches and maybe then he'll reconsider the importance of an education. I'm glad I don't have to worry about this horseshit because I'd throw the bastard out the door in half a second if he was going to be such a lazy shit.

Exactly. Let the fucker leave. I had a sibling who did that at 17 and was knocking on the door months later. He was the ultimate fool because moving out meant no funds for college for him. He then moved back just long enough to ship out to the service. I'm guessing that joining the service was the agreement for him to move back in, but I wasn't in that conversation. I'd recommend a similar approach for this fucker.

Home may be hell (or maybe not) for the fucker, but he is in the final stretch so it is his choice to stay or leave. Moo should stop wasting time and energy and calmly give him his options without histronics. If he is out on his own he'll learn really quickly he won't get to be lazy anymore unless he wants to starve.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 15, 2021
FUCK TO THE NO, I wouldn't let a significant other do that to my tits, let alone a brat. The first pinch or kick would be the beginning of formula or starvation for Junior. Not to mention that after the kid treats you like a punching bag while eating, there's a decent chance they'll barf all that milk back up and you have to do it all over again.

Nope. When anyone/any animal bites/hits/punches me I bite/hit/punch back if at all possible.

What about bottle feeding? If she can't handle the stigma associated to bottle feeding then lie and claim to beef but bottle feed instead. Beefing could be used as a convenient excuse at opportune times.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 17, 2021
Beefing always looked gross to me (still does), and it’s a mystery why so many Moos think they have to do it. Will the Tit Nazis come after them if they don’t, or is it just performance parenting? I know damn well that a kyd who is old enough to bite, scratch, kick,etc., is old enough to be weaned. This ain’t rocket science!confused
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 18, 2021
Moo is butthurt that people aren't thrilled about her desire to make her hyperactive non-verbal prone-to-running-away child a faster runner when the coach wants to get him involved in track. Looked at her past posts and the child is an awtard.

How does she expect a non-verbal kid to communicate in a sport? And WHY if she has a child prone to running away from her, would she want to make his escape tactics MORE efficient? And what happens when he decides to not follow the rules of the sport or take off running like a bat out of hell off school grounds mid-track meet? Maybe she's fostering behavior that will increase the chances of a successful PNA? Oh, but she got mad at Duh for Looking Away For A SecondTM and losing the child in their own house.

This is a horrible idea, the kid won't be able to understand that running like a maniac is acceptable only in some situations and he will bolt away from Moo and she'll never catch the fucker. Every fucking trip to the supermarket will end with an Amber Alert because Derpley decides to take off to play in the forest in the next county.

I'm fully supportive of nurturing your child's natural talents, especially if a coach or teacher or whoever encourages it. But this is not a GOOD habit to encourage. This is something that could end in disaster for the awtard. Unless that is Moo's intention, she's as much of a tard as her kid is.



My son. My crazy, hyper, non verbal, lovable son, is being offered to be taught cross country track. Guys, guys, the coach saw my kid running at recess and CAME UP TO HIS TEACHER to ask if he can start now teaching my kid track! Son can't join the club until he is in 3rd grade, but the coach wants to start now. The coach is introducing himself to my kid every day, has chosen a couple kids to help my kid learn the ropes.

The problem? He runs away from people, and he is fast. When I tell people how excited I am that my son is going to do track, they keep making the same joke, "It'S sO hArD tO kEeP uP wItH hIm NoW, aNd YoU'rE mAkInG hIm FaStEr?!?!?!111" You're damn right I am! He is good at it. He loves it. Somebody saw my son and didn't think he was a bad kid, or not raised right. No. He saw my kid and thought, "I can show him how to do it right." Even knowing it would take extra work! I wanted to cry I was so proud. Still am! I'm going to defend my kid until the end of my days on this. My kid has a hobby! Yay!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 19, 2021
Moo is butthurt that people aren't thrilled about her desire to make her hyperactive non-verbal prone-to-running-away child a faster runner when the coach wants to get him involved in track. Looked at her past posts and the child is an awtard.
cry I was so proud. Still am! I'm going to defend my kid until the end of my days on this. My kid has a hobby! Yay!

This is likely the first time moo has had a chance to humble brag about her awtard. The problem is that everyone but moo and coach see where this is going to go sideways. I would guess most of the people who know her don't want to invite any meltdowns from her that are a result of her disappointment after another awtard failure.

After the awtard pulls a Forest Gump coach will see the light and it will just be moo that is in a haze. When awtard is in the basement at 45 moo will still be humble bragging about his sprint/cross country efforts to anyone who will give her the time of day.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 19, 2021
This is likely the first time moo has had a chance to humble brag about her awtard. The problem is that everyone but moo and coach see where this is going to go sideways. I would guess most of the people who know her don't want to invite any meltdowns from her that are a result of her disappointment after another awtard failure.

After the awtard pulls a Forest Gump coach will see the light and it will just be moo that is in a haze. When awtard is in the basement at 45 moo will still be humble bragging about his sprint/cross country efforts to anyone who will give her the time of day.

Very good point there. Tards of any caliber generally don't do anything worth being proud of and I'm sure it's nice to believe her child excels at something, but she doesn't seem to grasp the fact that encouraging running in a child who is mentally disabled and prone to taking off is a horrible idea. If he was a normal child that was great at running, then sure, this would be swell. But for a kid who doesn't know any better, running is a bad behavior and encouraging a tard to run better/faster is like encouraging a teenage pothead to take gardening classes so they can learn to grow weed better in order to sell it more efficiently (note I have no issues with weed or people using it, I'm just using this as an example).

But I also don't foresee a tard lasting long in a sport anyway. I doubt the coach is going to be willing to make himself and the rest of the track team bend over backwards to appease the mute flaptard's 500 million needs at every single meet like "nobody can wear blue shirts because Derpley doesn't like blue shirts" or "Derpley only does things in multiples of four, so no more than four laps per day" or "you will have to communicate via interpretive dance because Derpley doesn't talk" or "Derpley is exempt from all the rules because he's autistic and he's not allowed to lose because it'll hurt he fee-fees" or whatever ridiculous bullshit the tard insists on having/doing. Either the tard will get overstimulated and throw shitfits every meet or the coach will boot his ass out for not following the rules or not being a team player (and then Moo will bitch about discrimination).
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2021
Choosing normal kids as helpers to “train” with the special needs kid sure sounds a lot like how the youth Special Olympics program works.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2021
Moos who attempt to initiate sexy time and their men don't give a fuck. Probably because they want to have sex they can actually feel. Or they don't want to engage in anything that could result in another brat because they hate the ones they've got, and you know none of these Moos are on any birth control, so another kid is a very distinct possibility.



Damnnnnn... Fresh out of the bath, cute little booty shorts, a little tipsy from wine, music on the speakers..... Annnnd he's browsing on reddit and proceeds to warm up some leftover pizza, oblivious to my efforts... I tried!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2021
Moos who attempt to initiate sexy time and their men don't give a fuck. Probably because they want to have sex they can actually feel. Or they don't want to engage in anything that could result in another brat because they hate the ones they've got, and you know none of these Moos are on any birth control, so another kid is a very distinct possibility.



Damnnnnn... Fresh out of the bath, cute little booty shorts, a little tipsy from wine, music on the speakers..... Annnnd he's browsing on reddit and proceeds to warm up some leftover pizza, oblivious to my efforts... I tried!

Not enough context from this moo but since she made a post with her efforts I would guess this isn't an every day event. I would bet this man is so confused as to where the sudden display for sex is coming from that he has no idea how to take it. It could have been weeks (or longer) since sex and it may not even register for him. Or maybe he always initiates. Or perhaps she has recently suggested they grow the famblee and now she is pulling these moves.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2021
Choosing normal kids as helpers to “train” with the special needs kid sure sounds a lot like how the youth Special Olympics program works.

Sounds like an example of an adult offloading derp responsibility to kids to me. It isn't going to end well with him being non-verbal and all. Perhaps he can outrun the kids if he needs to?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2021
But I also don't foresee a tard lasting long in a sport anyway. I doubt the coach is going to be willing to make himself and the rest of the track team bend over backwards to appease the mute flaptard's 500 million needs at every single meet like "nobody can wear blue shirts because Derpley doesn't like blue shirts" or "Derpley only does things in multiples of four, so no more than four laps per day" or "you will have to communicate via interpretive dance because Derpley doesn't talk" or "Derpley is exempt from all the rules because he's autistic and he's not allowed to lose because it'll hurt he fee-fees" or whatever ridiculous bullshit the tard insists on having/doing. Either the tard will get overstimulated and throw shitfits every meet or the coach will boot his ass out for not following the rules or not being a team player (and then Moo will bitch about discrimination).

Oh boyyy. Didn't even think about this. The possible bad endings could fill a book. It could be one of those books you flip over to see the story line change with the other outcomes or perhaps mark the various outcomes with index tabs? I like the "may communicate only via interpretive dance" option. Someone is going to lose their patience quickly in this situation. I doubt the moo is going to be chatty when this happens so we will likely only have guesses as to what transpires.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2021
Not enough context from this moo but since she made a post with her efforts I would guess this isn't an every day event. I would bet this man is so confused as to where the sudden display for sex is coming from that he has no idea how to take it. It could have been weeks (or longer) since sex and it may not even register for him. Or maybe he always initiates. Or perhaps she has recently suggested they grow the famblee and now she is pulling these moves.

I doubt it's much of a regular occurrence since breeders are always so tired and bizzy - usually they manage sex once a year (typically someone's birthday or after getting drunk on New Year's Eve). Maybe it really did short-circuit the Duh's mind that the old ball and chain wants a roll in the hay after years of refusing his advances. Who knows, maybe he did notice and it was an instance of her pushing him away when he was getting handsy in the past and he was choosing to ignore her to see how she liked it.

Or maybe he's just not attracted to a flabby stretch-marked Moo with cottage cheese thighs in tiny shorts. Or maybe he just didn't feel like it - not every guy has a sky-high libido and won't immediately get an erection seeing a woman in scanty clothes. Could be any of the things you said too - if Moo has been nudging him to add to their famblee and he isn't interested, I can see why he might not be aroused by sexy time if it could result in another screaming shit loaf. Odds are they probably have dysfunctional relationships too and are more like roommates than spouses, so there may be no physical or emotional attraction any longer.

Not enough context for sure. In any case, I have a feeling these women are not NASTY MOO material.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 21, 2021
one of these days awtardly will leg it into a hazard. end of story

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 21, 2021
Not enough context from this moo but since she made a post with her efforts I would guess this isn't an every day event. I would bet this man is so confused as to where the sudden display for sex is coming from that he has no idea how to take it. It could have been weeks (or longer) since sex and it may not even register for him. Or maybe he always initiates. Or perhaps she has recently suggested they grow the famblee and now she is pulling these moves.

I doubt it's much of a regular occurrence since breeders are always so tired and bizzy - usually they manage sex once a year (typically someone's birthday or after getting drunk on New Year's Eve). Maybe it really did short-circuit the Duh's mind that the old ball and chain wants a roll in the hay after years of refusing his advances. Who knows, maybe he did notice and it was an instance of her pushing him away when he was getting handsy in the past and he was choosing to ignore her to see how she liked it.

Or maybe he's just not attracted to a flabby stretch-marked Moo with cottage cheese thighs in tiny shorts. Or maybe he just didn't feel like it - not every guy has a sky-high libido and won't immediately get an erection seeing a woman in scanty clothes. Could be any of the things you said too - if Moo has been nudging him to add to their famblee and he isn't interested, I can see why he might not be aroused by sexy time if it could result in another screaming shit loaf. Odds are they probably have dysfunctional relationships too and are more like roommates than spouses, so there may be no physical or emotional attraction any longer.

Not enough context for sure. In any case, I have a feeling these women are not NASTY MOO material.

I personally find kids and the trappings thereof an automatic libido-killer. A guy could be smokin' hot--smart, witty, thoughtful, generous, good-looking--but if he walks out of the building and into a mini-van it turns him into a eunuch in my eyes.

I kind of wonder if that's more common than just me (and probably most CF people). Think about it: if you're looking for a mate, you want someone who's not already saddled with responsibilities. It may be a more common response than people will admit, because it's not cool to say you're not into kids (but yet single parents will complain that they have a hard time finding decent dateable people). So....maybe the libido drop-off that a lot of parents experience is because on a lizard-brain level, they just don't see their partner as hot anymore due to the kids attached.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 22, 2021
I personally find kids and the trappings thereof an automatic libido-killer. A guy could be smokin' hot--smart, witty, thoughtful, generous, good-looking--but if he walks out of the building and into a mini-van it turns him into a eunuch in my eyes.

I kind of wonder if that's more common than just me (and probably most CF people). Think about it: if you're looking for a mate, you want someone who's not already saddled with responsibilities. It may be a more common response than people will admit, because it's not cool to say you're not into kids (but yet single parents will complain that they have a hard time finding decent dateable people). So....maybe the libido drop-off that a lot of parents experience is because on a lizard-brain level, they just don't see their partner as hot anymore due to the kids attached.

You're definitely not alone. I see a guy with kids and if there was anything even remotely attractive about him in any way, it dries up like dew in the desert. I'm not looking for anyone, but all it takes for me to go from "He's a cutie pie" to mental dry heaving is the presence of a brat. It's not just CFers either - I know single parents might do this too because if they're sizing someone up for a possible date, they don't want someone who will bring more brats into the relationship.

But you could be right about the libido drop in breeders - maybe something akin to a Madonna-whore complex? Men don't find the mothers of their kids sexy anymore because they're not women anymore - they're mommies, so unless they have a mother fetish, they may not see their wives as sexual beings anymore. There's definitely a distinction between woman and mother as almost like separate species. Obviously not all Duhs are like this as there are some in good relationships who still fuck their Moo-wives, but I imagine there was a good foundation in those relationships and the man still finds his wife attractive in spite of the damage done by breeding because he cares about her on an emotional level too.

But I think generally speaking, it's hard for men to remain sexually attracted to their wives after they spawn because they're damaged goods, for lack of a better word. She's not a sexy foxy lady anymore - she's a nagging harpy cow who most likely gained at least 30-40 pounds and quit taking care of herself because babby. It's not hard to fathom why these men lose interest.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 22, 2021
I can't remember if we've shared this here, but there is a less populated sub called r/regretfulparents where Moos and Duhs come to talk about how much they wish they never bred, peppered with obligatory "oh but I lurve my kids" horse shit because apparently children are the only thing that you can love and regret at the same time.

This delightful daddy has three kids under three whom he never sees because of work and wants a fourth in three years. When wifey said nah fam, he punched a hole in the wall. Moo tolerates their twins at best and the newest loaf shrieks all the time from colic, so that's not getting the kid any brownie points. Hope she gets her shit figured out because Duh might decide to punch a hole in her face next time she says no more babies.

We all know how this will end. She won't leave, she'll get pregnant again, she'll be more miserable and Duh will be insisting on another kid because he doesn't have to deal with them.


Dumbass Moo bred at 20 and Duh fled the country, got knocked up again by mistake by new penis and wound up with a non-verbal tard that is straining her relationship with her current partner. At least this one retained one brain cell and used it to get her tubes tied before making a third mistake. Both her kids are tards, but oh, she just loves her boys. She loves her kids, but she wishes she bled the second one out when she thought she was miscarrying. Because "I wish you'd died" sounds a lot like "I love you," right? Moo logic. thinks someone else is crazy


Guy who regrets becoming a father because he thought having a child would make him a better person. All it did was make him depressed. You should never EVER have kids with the intention of giving them the job of fixing your life because you will be disappointed 100% of the time.

Nothing like ruining your life at 23. The girl's mother is also a manipulative cunt and it seems the child is adopting some of Moo's bad behavioral habits.


I'm glad they have a space where they can get this shit off their chests and everything, but this and r/breakingmom should be required reading for high school sex ed. Sure, teach them the basics of human biology and show them a childbirth video, but have them read real non-scripted stories from miserable parents. There is no better birth control than hearing the bare truth from parents who wish they weren't parents.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 22, 2021
I kind of wonder if that's more common than just me (and probably most CF people). Think about it: if you're looking for a mate, you want someone who's not already saddled with responsibilities. It may be a more common response than people will admit, because it's not cool to say you're not into kids (but yet single parents will complain that they have a hard time finding decent dateable people). So....maybe the libido drop-off that a lot of parents experience is because on a lizard-brain level, they just don't see their partner as hot anymore due to the kids attached.

Agreed randomcfchick. Once I know he is a parent he can be objectively good looking but I won't find him attractive.
I wouldn't be surprised if there is something to the libido drop-off. There also seems to be something to married and always available libido drop-off for some that want something seemingly "unattainable."
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