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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 16, 2021
Oh absolutely, the guy has no business giving her shit about whether or not her means of having kids is "legitimate" because he'll never have to go through that. I'm just splitting hairs because I'm an asshole, but it's a pretty shite thing to say to your own wife and about your own kids. I seriously doubt it's his only shitty trait, but I'm sure she'll stay with him in spite of his behavior because he's a "good father" because isn't that always the case?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 16, 2021
Haha, if she's posting on reddit, it's definitely not his only shitty trait!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2021
Moo asks if any other herd members ever get jealous of the unchilded, specifically of those who can physically move freely without having to wrangle a stroller. Sooo if she wants to go for a walk or a jog or what-not, why can she not leave the brats at home with Duh? Or is he a worthless piece of shit like all the other Duhs discussed on there? You think for a second every single lone walker/jogger/shopper is childless?

It takes her an hour to get in the fucking car and she outright says she envies people without brats, but oh, she lurrrrrrves being a mommy! Just loves it, except for every single aspect of it. It's parenthood 101 that however long it took you to do something pre-brats, it will take at least 10 times as long to do with kids in tow. Why is it the people who want to breed always act like they're the last ones to know what goes into breeding?

If you want free time, DON'T HAVE KIDS.



My kids are 4y, 19m and 5m. It was absolutely not the plan to have the third one so soon, but my doctors gave me spectacularly bad advice when they switched my birth control after number two. His surgical/nicu clusterfuck is a whole other story (and it was all during this goddamn cursed fucking pandemic), but nevertheless, obviously I love him the same as his sisters, and in general I really enjoy being a mom.

But do you ever just get really envious when you see people without kids (or older kids, or grown kids) just kind of, walking around freely just as one person (and not a whole epic stroller situation), getting in and out of their car in five seconds flat (no carseats), just walking out their front door and going off to do whatever it is they're going to do? Even the simplest things are so damn complicated for me. Like, just getting in the car and leaving is like an hour long process.

During the pandemic, obviously we can do absolutely nothing but spend time outside. I really enjoy jogging even though I have to bring the double stroller and both babies (my wonderful husband keeps the 4yo despite working from home when I go jogging). We had a massive snow dump over the weekend, but it's basically gone... Except on all the sidewalks and trails, of course. I went through the incredible process of getting the babies ready, getting them in their carseats, driving down to the trail, putting them in the stroller, giving toddler her snacks, etc, etc, etc, etc... Only to find that I couldn't budge the stroller a single inch in all the slush. People were walking, jogging, playing with dogs, and cycling all around me, but I couldn't move literally at all.

Idk, sometimes I just see all these people and want to cry. I just want to move, like, literally just have movement, I feel like I'm swimming through concrete!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2021
Biggest mommy fantasy is living alone. So what exactly did they think having kids entailed? Growing them in a greenhouse and visiting whenever they feel like it to water them? And isn't one of the biggest reasons for having kids is so you won't be lonely?

Of course we have the disclaimer at the end about how she just lurves her sperm donor and bratlings, but boy she sure wishes she could just get away from them for forever! That sure sounds like love to me! eye rolling smiley Honestly, what the fuck do these women think life will be like when they breed that every single shit-tastic part of parenthood is some kind of a fucking surprise?



Not a hot affair with my favorite movie star. Not being lead singer in a band. Not even having a high powered career and tons of money, although that would be nice. No, after nearly a year of more family togetherness than can possibly be healthy, my biggest, sexiest fantasy is living alone. Just a nice little house (no bigger than three bedrooms please) that I selected all the furnishings for. One room for me to sprawl out in bed, one for my hobbies, with my dream bathroom, kitchen, and home gym. A fridge and pantry that stay stocked with delicious food I bought and prepared, because there’s no one else here to eat it.

Nary a chicken nugget, ramen noodle or any other kid food in sight. Quiet coffee time no matter when I wake up. The only messes in the house are ones I made. Sole custody of the remote and XBOX. Sole control over the noise level. Damn, that’s hot. I love my husband and demon spawn, and I know I’d miss them like a missing limb if anything were to happen to them, but when the noise and togetherness overload threatens my sanity, you bet I retreat to my little solo living fantasy.

This comment shows just how much kids suck your soul out and put it through a grinder. Not even being able to remember what it feels like to just have a normal life and be a normal human being. Not that I ever needed more validation for CFdom, but it goes to show what small, basic parts of life get taken for granted when you don't have kids weighing you down.


Oh god I was just thinking about this. I was scrolling fb and it just hit me, oh my god, so many people my age live by themselves. Don't get me wrong, I don't actually want to live alone, but I find it completely fascinating (and yes, enviable) that there are people who go to bed at like midnight, sleep eight hours, wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed, and just fucking go... No night feedings, no skipping showers, no diapers, no bottles, no cut up bananas, no sweater/pants/socks/shoes/coat/hat/mittens times three, no completely redoing said intense winter outfit due to spitup or a blowout, no begging and pleading them to just eat their goddamn breakfast, no tearing the house apart to find the one pair of shoes the one year old can't just take off or accidentally lose (but that's also waterproof), no stopping everything because this all took like an hour and the baby needs ANOTHER bottle...

Like wtf, people just go outside, get in their cars, and go??? Like omg. Omg. I don't even remember what that's like.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2021
I like the honesty of this comment under this post: https://old.reddit.com/r/breakingmom/comments/llcn2t/my_biggest_mom_fantasy_living_alone/

I always thought I’d be sad if my kids don’t have their own kids when they grow up, but honestly, I think I’ll just advise them to think twice before they have children. I’m not sure it’s worth it.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2021
Both those parunt's description is my life. And if you can make it retirement and you have enough $ to live on and you don't HAVE to go to work, it's 1000x the awesome. Today I slept until 10:00 because I felt crappy when I woke up the first time. Sleep is quite possibly the 8th wonder of the world and you don't get it when you are a parent, particularly when you are a Moomie.


I always thought I’d be sad if my kids don’t have their own kids when they grow up, but honestly, I think I’ll just advise them to think twice before they have children. I’m not sure it’s worth it.

Let's hope so. However, if she is like most parents, she will be so jealous of her kid's options/defensive about her own life choices, particularly if we are talking about a girl child, that she will LOAD UP the bingos. Lard knows my mom did. It was only in her later years, and once my choice was solidified by a tubal ligation, that she somewhat admitted a lot of child raising is mind-numbing drudgery and like being in prison.

Luckily I had a brain and was able to see my mom's frustration and realize what came out of her mouth did not compute with her general demeanor when we were kids. My siblings, who had kids nevertheless, saw it too.

Parents really should tell their kids the truth and let the kids make their own decisions, but few are supportive of childfree living.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2021
I can confirm, living alone is really nice. I would not trade it for a high powered career and tons of money, if those came with kids on the side. So I guess I share the same fantasy, it's just that I took steps to make it reality.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 18, 2021
I am rediscovering the joy of proper sleep after going 3-4 years with crappy sleep (4-5 hours a night, usually broken) after my doctor let me go back on a tiny dose of something that helped me sleep in the past. I could never put up with a screaming brat that prevents me from sleeping for months on end - I would absolutely undoubtedly be one of those parents that shakes their kid to death.

Today I wound up working late and had to go run an errand, so when I finally got home after 7, I made food for just myself and then fell asleep twice and woke up at midnight at which time I soaked in an uninterrupted hot bath because I was freezing. I know I couldn't do that shit with brats and as much as I hate my life, I know how much worse it would be if I were a Moo.


I always thought I’d be sad if my kids don’t have their own kids when they grow up, but honestly, I think I’ll just advise them to think twice before they have children. I’m not sure it’s worth it.

She says that now, but when her kids are grown, she may very well start badgering them for grandbrats so she can relive being a mommy on her terms and then hand the kid back to the parents when she's had enough. Most of these idiots don't have extended exposure to kids prior to breeding - even when they babysit, it's easy to think kids are just dandy because you get paid to watch them for a few hours and then you go home. Being a Moo, you don't get paid for raising kids unless you're on welfare and instead of getting paid to mind them, you have to pay someone to give you a break from them.

It's too bad there can't be "mom camps" where both genders of child-rearing age can go and basically be parents for 2-3 months to kids of all ages. It would be supervised, but supervisors would be minimally involved and only really there to keep an eye out for medical emergencies. Keep these people isolated from one another so they can't help each other and let them get a taste of 24/7 parenting along with all the cooking and cleaning (with supplies provided to them). But I doubt it would ever be a thing because we already hear about how the birth rate is too low and this kind of activity would definitely discourage breeding. There would be outliers, for sure - the morons who think that a biological child they create will be the exception and will be a perfect flawless angel that eats well, doesn't cry, sleeps through the night and has no accidents.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 21, 2021
What the fuck is the matter with kids that they are not only attracted to the most dangerous possible things (bodies of water, toxic things, swallowing inedible stuff), but they absolutely fight tooth and nail against all our most basic human instincts? You know what I mean - exhausted brats who refuse to fucking sleep and get "overtired" (I have never heard of an overtired adult). Hungry brats who refuse all food and then scream in hunger to the point they get diagnosed with failure to thrive. Brats who refuse to poop in spite of pain and discomfort for so long that they need medical intervention or even surgery to clean them out..

Here's an example of a brat that won't sleep, spits out all food she's offered, and spits out what I assume is some kind of baby-safe painkiller given to her for teething. I'm pretty sure if this was the offspring of any other creature - including a more primitive human - it would be left to die. It's not even my fucking kid and my blood pressure is going up just reading this. I would absolutely let this little shit starve. Fuck you kiddo, you can chew your tongue off and eat that if you're so hungry.

I'm honestly kinda shocked more brats don't get refeeding syndrome since this food pickiness bullshit is so common. I'm also surprised Moos haven't latched onto it as a potential PNA method. Don't feed Junior for a few days, then feed him a bunch of sugar because what kid will refuse sugar, and he can potentially die from this sudden reintroduction of nutrients. They could VERY easily blame it on childhood pickiness and gosh golly gee, Mommy just tried so hard to get the kid to eat and she just wouldn't. Wop-wop sad trombone.

Big shock, the Duh is useless and seems to intentionally deal with the brat incorrectly so Moo won't ask him to do it.



My 11 month old baby won’t make anything easy for me. Everything I make her to eat, she spits out. She won’t go to sleep on time. She will wake up 4-5 times throughout the night. She won’t nap during the day. She is teething but everytime I give her calpol (which she used to take) she spits the whole lot out all over me & her pajamas/ naked belly if it’s before her bath.

Over the last four days everything I have tried to feed her has been the biggest battle. Things that she has eaten and liked before, she is now spitting out. Anything breakfast lunch or dinner she just won’t. Last night she woke up just as I was drifting off to sleep at 11:30pm and didn’t go back to sleep til 2am. Then was up at 3, 5, and 7. By 5 I was so wired I struggled to get back to sleep. My partner offered to take her at 1:30 but it was an empty offer. I know because when I said yes, he purposefully settled her badly (in a position she doesn’t like) saying that she didn’t want him she wants me. He also pointed her facing towards me so she’d see me and get restless.

The final straw was just now. I tried to feed her lunch and everytime I put it in her mouth she spat it back out all over me. Then she blew raspberries and covered me in whatever was remaining in her mouth. I pushed the highchair away and threw the food & yoghurt in the bin so hard. Unfortunately I missed with the yogurt and the open pot hit the wall and went everywhere. Just spent the last ten minutes cleaning it all up. I am so angry right now she is making my life a living hell. I can’t do anything right, I can’t rest or have a break.

Idk what I’m expecting here. I’m just so fucking angry with it.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 21, 2021

My partner offered to take her at 1:30 but it was an empty offer. I know because when I said yes, he purposefully settled her badly (in a position she doesn’t like) saying that she didn’t want him she wants me. He also pointed her facing towards me so she’d see me and get restless.

Par for the reddit course:

1. My "partner" because of course these bints don't get married before they sprog. (I'm not saying marriage is the be-all and end all, but at least it shows some kind of commitment prior to sprogging.)

2. hands the kid back to mom with a lame-o excuse.

What is keeping the Moo from handing him the baby and walking out of the room or, ideally, the house? Nothing except the Mommy Martyr syndrome. It's his kid too.

A lot of this sounds like self-inflicted hovering:


She won’t go to sleep on time. She will wake up 4-5 times throughout the night

Won't go to sleep on time? Put the kid to bed. If the kid "won't" go to bed, put the kid back in bed as many times as it takes. Waking up during the night? As long as the kid knows she will get picked up and coddled, she'll keep on waking up the Moo. Sleep train the kid. And "refusing" to nap, who is the adult here? Tell the kid it's time for a nap and same as above.

Won't the kid eat when she's hungry? And if she won't eat solid food, aren't there things like Ensure for brats?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 22, 2021
I dunno, sometimes legal pre-sprogging commitment is misguided too. Consider how many Moos leap into marriage with some guy after three months of dating because he is absolutely definitely The OneTM (translation: her eggs are drying up, gotta fertilize NOW) and it turns out he's a total fuckwad because she didn't date him long enough to see his flaws.

But sometimes the guy just plain won't marry the woman because she's not Mrs. Right - only Mrs. Right Now. He just got her pregnant by mistake and sticks around most likely to not pay brat support.

This Moo - whom I've read stuff from many times and her life/marriage is a complete shitshow - has decided that she wants another baybee. But she doesn't. Only she does. And her husband does. And her toddler wants to be a big sister. Because the opinions of toddlers are so valuable in regard to the decision to make unnecessary people.

I like how she says she will "end up knocked up." Like she has no control over it. If she wants new baby smell, she can just dump some sour milk, vomit and diarrhea in a bowl, stir it and take a big whiff, maybe rub some on her gums like coke addicts do with their preferred drug for an optimum high. She could even put it in a diffuser so the whole house can smell like it.

WHY are parents the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet? Some of the other Moos are trying to take the logic route (starting all over, increased costs of everything, etc.), but we all know the ovaries will take another victory because Moos with baby rabies will always listen to their uterus before they'll listen to reason.



Okay, so there's a lot of history to unpack, but we were definitely 1 and DONE. Done.

But then lo learned about siblings via tv, and started asking for one.

And then I started thinking about babies, and I don't have to explain that newborn feeling to you guys.

And I admitted to dh that I had baby fever, and he VERY surprisingly said he was hoping for another.

I was expecting (hoping?) he'd shoot it down because he did not handle newborn stage well.

And that kind of sobered me.

I realized that the combination of thinking of newborn goodness and the absolute GUILT I feel that she doesn't have a sibling faked me into a guilt baby fever.

Like, I JUST got the ability to go into the bathroom and actually get ready in the morning without having her almost knock the door down, and I'm really not interested in losing that again.

But now I know that he's been pining for another, and my toddler is desperate for a baby so she can be a sister, and I love newborns.

I'm probably going to end up knocked up.

But I don't really want to be.

But the guilt is killing me.

And also there's newborn smell.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 22, 2021
She should just get over it and take pitocin or ecstasy, apparently both cause the oxytocin hormone release she experienced with a baybee. Risk of addiction seems mild compared to definite downsides of having another brat.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 22, 2021
It sounds like the husband wants another because he didn’t do jack shit to take care of the first one. All the daddy accolades without any of the work. Is it actually a surprise that he’s on board for number two?

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 22, 2021
I think I remember this being the same Moo who complained that her husband treated her like total shit (more than normal, I mean) when she was pregnant the first time and how much she hated that. But it's also super easy for men to say they want babies because they can do fuck all in regard to parenting and still get patted on the back for simply sticking around. Oh sure, they have to put up with a bitchy Moo-wife who complains every time they don't do anything, but by the time the second loaf falls out, the Duhs are black belts in the art of tuning out nagging wife noises because they don't care.

I bet Duh would change his mind in a hot second if Moo told him that since she raised the first one and he wants the second one so bad, he can do all the parenting. They can have "his and hers" kids instead of towels - Moo has the toddler and Duh has the infant. One of two things would happen: Duh would decide he doesn't need that second kid after all, or he'd agree right away because sexy time WOOHOO! and then not lift a finger and totally neglect the child.

Bringing a child into the world that you aren't 100 percent sure you want is a great way to resent it immediately. Even completely planned and wanted children cause serious resentment and regret in parents. She'll get pregnant and then she'll cry to the sub about how her husband is being a bastard to her again and she'll get loads of support from the other Moos.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 28, 2021
One of the seven (billion) wonders of the parenthood world: bathtime.

This brat is being defiant just for the sake of being defiant. The constant fights, arguments and negotiations over every fucking trivial bullshit thing with kids would turn me into a drunk. Why the fuck does every single fucking thing have to be a battle with perfectly normal non-retarded kids? Why are they not disciplined every time they don't listen? The child in this case is a toddler that is not afraid of water - she's just a rotten little shit that needs an ass beating.

If the kid won't bathe normally, would a whore bath work? Just wiping down the important/stinky bits with a wet cloth. It's not nearly as effective as a real bath, but it might be an acceptable short-term middle ground for a brat that won't get in the tub. I remember doing this between baths as a kid and it was never a problem.



She wanted to shower all day. When the time came nope. She didn't want to. She's literally thrown fits for the past 3 days refusing to bathe. For no other reason than she didn't want to.

I had enough when she ran away and hid while I got her bath things together. I found her turned on the shower and bathed her while she screamed bloody murder the whole time. Might I add SHES NOT AFRAID OF WATER OR ANYTHING SHE JUST DIDNT WANT TO BE THERE BECAUSE I TOLD HER TO. SHE WOULD HAPPILY GET IN THE TUB ON HER OWN ACCORD IF IT WAS HER DECISION.

She's now lying on her bedroom floor wrapped in a towel crying because shes dirty and needs a bath. My husband is trying to negotiate with her to put on pajamas. No one told me having kids would be this much fun.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 28, 2021
This is from the same Moo in the thread I listed above. Looked at her other posts to find out how old the anti-bath brat is and found this gem about her husband. Apparently Duh only works because he needs beer money and doesn't want people to think he's a bum, not because he wants to support his family. And if he had it his way, he'd go right back to being a homeless junkie like when he was a teenager. Guy is in his 40s, I think. He also 100% blames Moo for having a child and ruining his life, but he doesn't want her to take a better job because it means he will see (translation: fuck) her less even though he's yet another game addict who doesn't give her the time of day to begin with.

Hoo boy. That speaks volumes when someone would rather be a hobo than have a home, a job and a marriage - speaks volumes about what a piece of shit this asshole is and speaks volumes about Moo's taste in men. Is it really worth ten minutes of dick here and there for this hot mess of a marriage?



Husband does not know that I'm currently working on getting up marriage counseling (look at my history if you're curious as to why on that part) and today he called me to complain about work.

Apparently he is only working because if he doesn't everyone will think he's a piece of crap and he needs beer money. Not because he wants to support his family. If he had his way he would go back to being a homeless druggy like he was at 19. It's my fault we had a kid and now hes forced to live this life he hates.

Also I told him I had the option to fill in as a manager next month and he threw a tantrum because then I'll have to get up a little earlier and he'll see me less. Forget the raise I would get and the boost it would give to my career. He has to see me as much as possible...even though hes usually just playing video games and ignoring me.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 28, 2021
When dickings are more important than a suitable partner. Moo's new husband made it painfully clear from the get-go that he does not like her child or the child's behavior. He does not like spending time with the kid. In this particular instance, it sounds like he was trying to smother Moo's kid with a pillow because the kid was behaving in a way step-Duh did not approve of and Duh laughs it off. He also picks the child up by his ankles when he feels the kid's not acting appropriately.

He isn't half-assing parenting - he is no-assing it. Why did she stay with someone who obviously doesn't want to be a parent? Why did he stay with a parent whose kid he doesn't like? He also argues about parenting all the time with Moo. I sure hope he's hung like a whale or eats pussy like a porn star if he was worth marrying.



Last night he was playing the board game Trouble with my son and changed the rules to make the game go by faster because he didn't actually feel like playing. My son noticed and called him out, but my SO blew him off (as he often does in challenging situations). This triggered my son to get very upset and swing his arms at him (not ok) which caused my SO to smush a pillow over him, which caused my son to scream in terror. I look over and my SO had a pillow over him but looks at me kind of smiling and blowing it off as "haha, he flipped out so I pushed him with the pillow."

Now the situation is that my SO can't deal with my son bc my son's behavior is too bad (in his mind), and I'm left to mediate. As always. Because my SO can't handle challenging behavior and doesn't even try. In this instance, my son told me pragmatically what happened while my SO walked off angrily bc "he's done playjng."

This happens frequently. From the beginning, my SO blew off my son when my son would just talk to him pleasantly in passing. My SO also took the liberty of screaming at my son in the backseat just a couple months after dating. To this day he still picks my son up by the ankles and hangs him upside-down when he feels like my son is acting up, and my son screams terrified. I have told him COUNTLESS times to stop this.

He also argues with me on how to parent. Example: "He's almost 4 he can get himself out of the bathtub, wipe his own butt, ect."

In the comments is this gem from the author. Apparently she didn't have a choice as far as marrying him because he aggressively proposed. What a fucking shitshow:


I really really really needed to hear this. He basically made me get engaged to him. He proposed and I said I wasn't ready and he flipped out. Then he pushed me to go ahead and be ready within 2 months. I basically didn't have a choice. We've been together for 1 year.

Now we're trying to get pregnant because he wants 5 kids (I told him max I would do 2 more). I'm on my way to get a plan B right now. My lease ends in June so this is a good time to decide to move.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 01, 2021

Now we're trying to get pregnant because he wants 5 kids (I told him max I would do 2 more). I'm on my way to get a plan B right now. My lease ends in June so this is a good time to decide to move.

This is the stuff that makes me nucking futs to read. June? If she's on the lease, why doesn't she kick this asshole out TODAY.

It does sound like her son is coddled, but JFC, the kid does not deserve to be held by his ankles or smothered with a pillow. That is chyld abuse.

Does she think this creep is going to get any better once she's knocked up?

What the Hell is wrong with these broads?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 03, 2021
That moron's husband wants five kids and most likely the one he picks up by the ankles doesn't count because it's not his biological offspring while Moo will only have two kids max, also I don't know if that counts her current child. How does she not see that this is a serious conflict of interest? Not even touching the fact that her husband treats her child like shit and she just lets it happen.

Maybe the kid is coddled because it sounds like he's an only child and it's not exactly uncommon for only male children to be pampered little shits (momma's boys), but if this dumbass breeds with her current husband, you know he's going to encourage her to pay full attention to his progeny and discourage her from paying her first child any mind because he'll be a behind-the-coucher.

I guarantee she won't leave him and she'll continue to let him be cruel to her kid. Given how pushy he was about getting married, I'm sure he'll get just as pushy about her getting pregnant and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he turned to sexual abuse to get a kid from her if she refuses to do what he wants her to do.

Where do they find these pieces of shit? And where's those mama bear claws we hear so much about? Funny how they never come out when it's the Moo's spouse/partner harming her brat.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 04, 2021
Moo and Duh are fired by their couples therapist because Duh refuses to make an effort to change, meaning they cannot move forward in their sessions. Seems they have been seeing this therapist for years, since before they got married. Ummm, did it ever occur to any of these dumbasses (the spouses or the therapist) that if you have to see a therapist to try to make your relationship work for years and years on end, maaaaybe the two people involved are not compatible?

I've seen the topic of couples therapy come up loads of times in this sub and a majority of the Duhs refuse it because they claim they don't need it because they don't feel they are the problem. This Duh is clearly fully content to be tired and pissed off all the time and doesn't seem to care if his family goes without because he loses his job. Getting therapy to save this sort of marriage is like severing your leg at the knee and putting a band-aid on it.

Or in typical Duh fashion, he'll make a load of empty promises about how he's going to change and be better if he finds out Moo is gearing up to leave to keep her around and then just keep on being a dickweed. I suppose it's good the therapist at least told them they cannot help them anymore instead of just continuing to take their money and blow smoke up their asses.



So, our couple’s counselor fired us yesterday because my husband is making no effort to change anymore. We’ve been seeing her for years, since before we got married. We’ve gotten really close to her; she’s held our children, petted our dogs. We made a ton of progress in the beginning; he quit his shitty job that was taking over his life, he got on medication for his anxiety, I stopped stonewalling him. After that, I agreed to marry him and we kept going because it was helpful.

But now we’ve reached a point where 90% of our issues are based on the fact that he doesn’t go to bed on time, or he sleeps on the couch with the dogs instead of me. He thinks that he’s special for staying up late (seriously, wtf?) and thus doesn’t want to stop. The other 10% is his anger issues, which he’s also done nothing to work on. And I don’t know, maybe part of it is daddy issues because his father’s a malignant narcissist, but my husband refuses to talk about it. We can’t go any further unless he wants to change. And if he doesn’t change, he’s going to get fired from his fucking job for sleeping all day instead of working or we’re going to go bankrupt because he’s not making enough money.

I’m just so furious, both at him and at myself. I’m mad that I made children with this man before he put in the effort to change. I know part of the problem is that I enable him, and I’ve been working on that a lot, but I’m just so frustrated. Our therapist is also frustrated, so much so that she basically yelled at my husband at our last session. She had to have said “what the fuck” at least ten times. It was validating in the moment, but obviously she regrets it as now she’s firing us as clients.

We had a conversation about it and he’s claiming this is his rock bottom and he’s “already starting” to get better, but I’m not holding my breath. I told him about how upset and am, and he didn’t really even react. I asked, “how would you feel in my position? Imagine our therapist fired us because I wouldn’t change?” and he said he feel hopeless, and I was like, yes, that’s how I feel. No reaction again. What the fuck, at least say you’re sorry!? He emailed our therapist an apology.

I know this is hardly on the scale of what other bromos are dealing with, but I’m just so upset. I’ve put in so much work to become a better person and wife, but my husband is happy to just float along and Be The Dad, if you know what I mean. We have our “wrapping up” appointment today, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to finally cry in couples’ counseling.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 04, 2021
Moo decides not to use birth control after sluicing and is knocked up again seven months after crapping out loaf #1 while on maternity leave from the first one. Duh completely loses his shit and 100 percent blames her for this unexpected pregnancy and for being reckless, because apparently he was not at fault at all in her pregnancy after having equally unprotected sex with her. Must be has has one of those detachable sentient penises. Those have been going around lately. eye rolling smiley

Oh, but he won't consider abortion because she needs to face the consequences of her fuck-up and he will hate/resent her forever if she aborts and they can't conceive afterward.

So what exactly about this man got her moist enough to fuck him at least twice? Because he sounds like a fucking knob to me. Must be nice to bitch about an unplanned pignasty but also get to decide for your wife that she won't be aborting the fetus he doesn't want in the first place.

Yes, Moo was dumb for not using contraception, but he was just as dumb for not using any either.



Currently on Mat leave as I Had my little one August 2020 and he has been the light of my life despite all the screaming and tantrums.

Foolishly I didn’t go back in birth control after delivery, I didn’t think it was too important where I was bleeding 3-4 months post delivery, my husband and I weren’t having sex and it took almost a year of seriously trying to get pregnant the first time. Low and behold I peed on a pregnancy test today and tested positive.

Hubby exploded when he found out. Yes we always wanted two children but the plan wasn’t to have them this close in age. He immediately started ranting that we were fucked and we can’t afford to lose my income but now he has to be the only working as I have to now quit my job. He was relentless that this was my fuck up, how could I have been so careless/reckless, etc.

No matter how much I attempted to say that while I didn’t go back on birth control is a mistake/stupid idea in my part fault in no way is entirely mine; he partook in sex and also chose not to use a condom, he was with me at all the postnatal doctor appointments and also didn’t ask about birth control options. That only caused him to blow up further where he went off saying that I take no agency, why would he ask about birth control when I am the one taking it.

At this point, I am having blood work drawn tomorrow so we know exactly what is going on but honestly I am terrified. Hubby has basically said we are keeping this child unless the doctor says carrying 6 month PP is a danger to my health. He refuses to consider abortion because “we cannot play God, I now need to face the consequences of my fuck up”. If we abort this one snd we cannot get pregnant again he will “resent snd never forgive me”.

I feel so alone, scared, sad, and frustrated.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 04, 2021

Our therapist is also frustrated, so much so that she basically yelled at my husband at our last session. She had to have said “what the fuck” at least ten times. It was validating in the moment, but obviously she regrets it as now she’s firing us as clients.

Is there something this woman isn't telling us? Either this therapist is not professional and is getting too emotionally involved with these people, which is a no-no, or this guy is doing some really bad things.


Hubby has basically said we are keeping this child unless the doctor says carrying 6 month PP is a danger to my health. He refuses to consider abortion because “we cannot play God, I now need to face the consequences of my fuck up”. If we abort this one and we cannot get pregnant again he will “resent and never forgive me”.

Um, there is no way a doctor will tell her to abort solely because being pregnant six months after the first one is a danger. When there was no BC women routinely got knocked up mere weeks after delivery because it never occurred to anyone that women had a right to space their babies or even refuse sex for that matter. Ever heard of Irish Twins? Pretty common in the Catholic community.

And DAYM, he won't let her have an abortion because she needs to "face the consequences,"--so having the kid is punishment? He sounds like a real prince who is immature and vindictive enough to take it out on the kid. If they wanted two kids, is spacing really that big a deal? Some people like to have kids close together to get the baby stage over with.

He sounds like a blaming, punishing control freak.


No matter how much I attempted to say that while I didn’t go back on birth control is a mistake/stupid idea in my part fault in no way is entirely mine; he partook in sex and also chose not to use a condom, he was with me at all the postnatal doctor appointments and also didn’t ask about birth control options. That only caused him to blow up further where he went off saying that I take no agency, why would he ask about birth control when I am the one taking it.

I think she's an idiot too. It does sound "oopsie" on her part that she never brought it up. It seems pretty PA to me that she's essentially saying that HE should have asked when they were at HER doctor visit. Um, no it was HER doctor's visit. Many doctors won't talk to a family member about medical care for the patient unless authorized and why put the doctor in that position?

If he felt so strongly about not having another kid right away, he should have paid attention. He should have asked her, what's the plan for BC? Isn't that how normal couples talk to each other? If she wasn't on it, he could have wrapped it up.

They both sound really immature and it sounds like they have a shitty marriage. Adding more kids to a shitty marriage--always a super idea!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 05, 2021
Is there something this woman isn't telling us? Either this therapist is not professional and is getting too emotionally involved with these people, which is a no-no, or this guy is doing some really bad things.

I think they may be too emotionally involved. Moo says they were super close with their therapist and how she played with their kids and their dogs much like a friend or relative would. If Moo is telling the whole truth, my guess is the therapist had become more of a friend at that point and any benefit from therapy no longer existed because of the close personal nature of their relationship.

If he felt so strongly about not having another kid right away, he should have paid attention. He should have asked her, what's the plan for BC? Isn't that how normal couples talk to each other? If she wasn't on it, he could have wrapped it up.

They both sound really immature and it sounds like they have a shitty marriage. Adding more kids to a shitty marriage--always a super idea!

They both sound like fucktards. I assume this Duh is one of the types who thinks birth control is the woman's job and having an orgasm is the man's job and if any part of that goes awry, it's the woman's fault. And now he'll most likely express his resentment loudly and proudly at every turn and punish his wife and their imminent child for the conception of that child for which he is somehow not responsible for.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 05, 2021
This is a good one. Duh Googled how much time men are supposed to devote to childcare, most likely in an effort to make Moo shut up about parenting their kid(s) equally. He does less than the average of a whopping 8 hours a week of fatherly brat minding, but also feels he does too much and Moo doesn't do enough.

As you might expect, the heifers have their udders all in a knot over this. The author says further down that the guy never wanted kids to begin with, yet she's surprised when he does fuck all with his own kids and has to use Google to prove that she's lucky she gets the bare minimum from him. Why the hell did she stay with him and breed with him if he didn't want to be a parent?! There is no shorage of people with penises in the world and she could have picked from any number of them who did want kids!

Another of her threads describes how he screams and throws shit a lot more often ever since the loaf arrived and has explicitly told her he doesn't like babies and how the baby is "her problem" and she doesn't trust him to not hurt the infant when he's angry... but he's such a good guy because he's never hit her or threw stuff at her! eye rolling smiley



Ya my second post in 24 hours and then I’ll stop but I’m fucking about to snap,,,,

If anyone read my post from last night, here’s the fucking cherry on top

My husband googled “how many hours do men spend on child care” only to get the top result in Google....data from 1965 - that men do way more than they did 50 years ago, as of 2016 they spend 8 hours/week on caring for their children, triple the time they spent in 1965. ::MOTHER FUCKN BRAVO::

he spends about 5 hours/day, WHILE I SLEEP AND HE NAPS and now he thinks he’s doing too much and I need to do more.

I’m Really not sure who the fuck this guy is and what he did with my husband but I think he needs to watch the show snapped on repeat, cause I’m About to lose my shit.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 05, 2021
this is why I made this a sticky. perhaps I should have titled it the Schadenfreude sticky...

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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