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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 27, 2021

Background: in literally every single story about how hard motherhood is, the author has to bend over backwards to say how much she loves her kids, how she'd do ANYTHING to protect them if they were in danger. And honestly, every time it feels like overkill.

I don't know what that deep, burning love feels like. I didn't feel it when he was born, and I don't feel it now. I like my kid a lot. I would even say I love him. I want him to feel cocooned by the love of our family.

They're FREAKING STORIES! Fiction! As (sane) adults doing the most important job in the world these moos should be able to distinguish fantasy from reality. TV and film is paid big bucks by capitalists to promote consumption. They hire people way better looking than 95% of us to make us feel bad about ourselves to fuel the diet, beauty and plastic surgery industries. They broadcast actors and models who are back to their inpig weight in a matter of weeks or months. They also love to push this "anything for my pwecious brats" mindset as of recently and within a few years of media pushing "brats are the most important things" the idiots of the world started to parrot this media directive. It is social engineering and it works like a charm.

Advertisers realize comparison is the theft of joy. They want you to feel you don't measure up so you consume and have a vested interest in you doing so. One of the best ways to fuel consumption is to have baybeez, it is a minimum of 18 years of higher consumption for parunts. Then there is the fact that childrun make famblees less happy at least 92% of the time. When you're not happy you look for ways to be happy. For many people this means some sort of consumption. TV/Media normalized McMansions to the point that we had the Great Recession as a result. I knew all kinds of people making less than $100K living in those things. Ridiculous.

Has any life experience moo has had ever matched a fictional story? No it hasn't and there are thousands of examples of this readily available on the web. Relying on media to provide a lifescript for life experiences and perspectives is like ushering the fox to the hen house. Relying on media/tv as a babysitter for brats is also ushering the foxes to the hen house.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 27, 2021
Another update to the Duh daycare abandonment story with a "separation/divorce" tag. Honestly, what asshole tree do these women all pick their mates off of? Guy decides to punish the kids for not cleaning the house well enough by not letting them go on a fishing trip, so when Moo let them go anyway, he proceeded to tell her the cats were dead and the kids were completely alone in the house because he left them.

In reality, the cats were just thrown outside (were all retrieved and seem to be unharmed), the girl kids that did not go on the trip were safe in their beds and while Duh was actually home, he did completely trash his sons' rooms. She told him to GTFO the house and he just rolled over and went back to bed. So he just made shit up to get a rise out of her and then refuse to get out of her house (it's hers, not theirs).

Oh, and this stellar example of humanity has a criminal record from a decade ago where he threatened to kill someone. The house may be hers, but I also know it can be a BITCH to evict someone. What a fucking trainwreck. Who looks at someone who threatens to murder a person with a deadly weapon and goes, "Mmhmm that's the one I want?" Because I can't imagine this kind of crazy is easy to hide.

Stay tuned, my lovelies! Apparently, Moo is going to attempt to have him removed from the house on Monday and I'm sure that will go as smooth as a ride through rapids.



Wow. So much concern and outreach from my post yesterday. This week has been a spiral. Take a seat because I’m tired. And I wanted to set straight - we’re not married. I call him husband and he calls me wife because it’s easier than explaining to people why we’re not married/engaged yet. It’s a force of habit, but he is only the “boyfriend/sack of potatoes that lives in my house” right now.

After the daycare incident yesterday evening my mom texted and asked if she could take my boys (8,9 from previous relationship) for the weekend for fishing and a park trip. I don’t get along with my mom all that well, but I decided hey, why not?

So I tell them to pack a bag and throw their skateboards in the car, I’m pissed anyways and don’t want to be in the house. Now I know some of you will judge me harshly - but I didn’t want to take the girls. It’s an hour and 20 minute drive each way to my moms and I didn’t want to make them be in the car. I was going to leave about 7:00 so the girls would only be awake for about an hour, they usually go to sleep at 8.

Cue the dramatics. “They can’t go, they haven’t cleaned, they don’t deserve to have a fun weekend, what if * his daughter from previous relationship, 8* comes over tomorrow who will she play with, why doesn’t she take all 4 kids, this is bullshit” and then, “oh you’re not taking the girls with you? Screw that im leaving too.” “I don’t have to watch them if I leave before you.” And then the man child started walking out the door?!

Told him he wanted to punish the boys because their cleaning skills were equivalent to his. He was the dad so there was no reason he couldn’t watch the girls for a few hours. Lots of other drama, he says I always get my way?? So I said fine, whatever leave.

So he sat back on the couch and played on his phone. I made the toddler a quick dinner, had the boys pack. Tried to talk to him but he went into silent treatment mode. So I got in the car and left. Texted him from gas station saying I’d be back later. I feel the judging already, but he’s their dad and is absolutely capable of watching the girls and keeping them alive for a few hours.

30 minutes later (all via text)

H: I can’t believe you took the boys. You’re gonna be pissed when you get home.

Me: Why?

H: cats are dead

Me: okay

H: kids are alone

Me: good parenting

H: you left. So did I.

Me: I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to work.

H: you’ll find out.

Me: I don’t understand why you do this - trying to make me mad isn’t going to make me turn around.


The cats are the boys’ they love them. I felt that he was only trying to get a reaction out of me hence the lack of response.

I dropped the kids, hung out for a bit, got home at about midnight.

Cat box is thrown outside and litter is everywhereeeee. Cat food, bowls, treats, everything’s been thrown in the backyard. I call the cats and they finally came so skittishly. They’re only a few months old and not ready to be outside. I got the kitties inside. Didn’t hear screaming so grabbed the litter box and took it back downstairs and filled it up. Gave them water.

Walking back to upstairs, I see my boys’ door is shut. That’s strange, I was going to open it so the cats could sleep in there.

HE FUCKING RANSACKED IT. Threw everything off the dressers and shelves, pulled the dresser drawers out and dumped them, pulled their mattresses/bedding off, and upended their bookshelves and side tables.

I went and checked on the girls, both sound asleep in their beds and no noticeable issues.

Then I went to his room, turned on the light and ripped his blanket off. Something about how I couldn’t believe what a child he was destroying other people’s Things, and that I wanted him out of the house, now. He just looked at me, grabbed another blanket, and went right back to bed.

** Do these posts have a text limit? I feel like I’ve been writing forever but toddler is still sleeping and baby is playing happily with the cats and a laundry basket. **

I drove down to the gas station because I felt like I was going to push him into an escalation I’d regret that’d end up with more things being broken in the house. Or worse, I’d yell and scream and he’d act like I didn’t exist.

Called my poor aunt, it’s 12:30 in the morning now. Discussed options with her. Went home. Sat outside. Finally called dispatch.

The officer I got assigned to was nice, but since I couldn’t verify that anything was broken broken, vs. just “tossed about” he wasn’t sure if he’d actually be able to stick a charge. Counseled me on how this is the beginning stages of abusive relationships and gave me a crisis hotline. Talked for about 30 minutes, he kept asking if I was sure that we were all safe? Yes, yes. He said if we were safe and it wasn’t going to escalate he would like me to go the the county court house Monday and start filing paperwork to get him out of the house legally and start custody papers.

Part of me thinks they looked up his history, he got charged with threatening to kill someone with a knife 10 years ago and was in jail for a while, and then didn’t want to have to be the ones to come wake him up in the middle of the night.

But he was right, I didn’t have enough cause, which is part of the reason I called - to figure out what I needed. And I felt like he helped a lot.

So I went to bed, texted my aunt about the phone call. She offered to have her felon ex and his friends come help but I just laughed at her and went to sleep.

He leaves for work at 6, so he’s gone for the day. I’m trying to decide if I can get my mom to take the girls today/tonight so I can clean the boys’ room before they come back.

Baby woke up, changed her diaper - she was still wearing the one from daycare. Sigh. She uses a different brand than me sometimes so it was 12+ hours in the same diaper.

Going to get my ducks in a row and figure out what paperwork to file, the officer said once it’s all filled out they can serve him and make him leave the house.

Thank you all for reading, this and the original post. I really do appreciate all the words. For a while I really thought I was going to come home to dead cats, so at least they’re here and cuddly. Love love.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 27, 2021
She needs to get those cats out of the house YESTERDAY, or she will be coming home to dead cats. Fuck. I doubt he'd actually kill the kids because that would actually have consequences, but somebody like that sounds completely capable of killing an animal...or locking them outside again and letting them get run over or whatever else.

I swear to god, I would turn violent if somebody did that to my kitties. He's lucky he married such a pushover. I'm glad she's fighting back, but when she finds out how hard it is to get someone out of your house, let's see if she sticks to her guns or "decides" to take him back, probably for the "good of the children"....
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 28, 2021
In every installment of this clusterfuck, more brats show up. I think we are up to 5--possibly two between them plus at least 3 steps. Hard to say though, as moo writing is rarely coherent.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 28, 2021
She has 8 and 9 year old boys from a previous relationship, two with this loser and he has an eight year old from a previous relationship.

These people pop out kids like Pez dispensers, especially when they are in shitty relationships.

Poor kids.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 28, 2021
Follow-up to the Moo with the Duh who wants to do paternity leave + daycare. She told him his idea was stupid and he decided he will no longer pick the kids up from daycare to teach her a lesson about trying to pick fights with him and left their kids at daycare without giving the teacher a heads-up about coming to get them late.

This is bad enough to warrant divorce/separation. This man puts his own interests above those of his children to spite his partner. Those kids will never be safe because their safety depends on whether or not dud happens to be feeling spiteful towards moo.

Another update to the Duh daycare abandonment story with a "separation/divorce" tag. Honestly, what asshole tree do these women all pick their mates off of? Guy decides to punish the kids for not cleaning the house well enough by not letting them go on a fishing trip, so when Moo let them go anyway, he proceeded to tell her the cats were dead and the kids were completely alone in the house because he left them.

In reality, the cats were just thrown outside (were all retrieved and seem to be unharmed), the girl kids that did not go on the trip were safe in their beds and while Duh was actually home, he did completely trash his sons' rooms. She told him to GTFO the house and he just rolled over and went back to bed. So he just made shit up to get a rise out of her and then refuse to get out of her house (it's hers, not theirs).

Oh, and this stellar example of humanity has a criminal record from a decade ago where he threatened to kill someone. IThe house may be hers, but I also know it can be a BITCH to evict someone. What a fucking trainwreck. Who looks at someone who threatens to murder a perso with a deadly weapon and goes, "Mmhmm that's the one I want?" Because I can't imagine this kind of crazy is easy to hide.

This loser uses vulnerability to control others (cats and kids). This loser harms pets. The cats came back and were skittish because they are scared. The cats need to be moved to a temporary spot where he can't be near them.
He probably yelled at them and threw them out the door along with all of their stuff. People who can't control their destructive emotions and take it out on their pets have no business having pets.

He has a criminal record where he threatened to kill someone and I'd almost guarantee there are plenty of other things on his history. He destroys property when he doesn't get his way. Since moo has a felon she likely knows lots of felons, she needs to toss him out on his ass. File a police report on him with all of this threats, prints of texts and photos of the damage. Removing him from the house isn't going to solve the problem. She is going to be watching her back for a long time which is why one doesn't breed with sociopaths or psychopaths. He'll likely act like this until he is dead or until someone else captures his interest to the point he neglects their kids.

She'd also better think about what to do with the kids he has living there from his previous relationship. Is she running a motel/daycare?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 30, 2021
I'm sure this was also not the first time this guy has resorted to such awful behavior in response to not getting his own way, but maybe it was easier to ignore because it wasn't so many things all at once. Sounds like Duh has it out for the kids of hers that are not his biological offspring, hence getting shitty with them about inadequate house cleaning and destroying only their rooms. And she mentions in her post that her boys love their cats, which is probably why he chose to target them as well.

I hope this Moo actually has a brain and gets her kids and the house pets the fuck out because this abusive behavior will only continue to escalate and it's only a matter of time before he legitimately harms her two boys and their cats in order to punish her for not kissing his ass. Buuuut we all know that Moos gonna Moo and I would not be the least bit surprised if she chooses to stay with him because it's "easier" or because "the kids need a daddy" and is completely gobsmacked when he beats the piss out of her kids and kills the cats and then blames her for "making him do it." I hope I'm wrong, I really do.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 01, 2021
Those clever comedians running breakingmom have changed it to "breaking dad" as their April fools joke. I thought there already was a breakingdad, but anyway, I imagine a typical breaking dad post would involve bitching about moomy's bitching about dad's constant gaming, or her constant harassment about doing chores and watching brats. And then maybe conclude with "I didn't even want a family in the first place".
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 01, 2021
breakingdad is a private group where one needs approval. I would love to see it if only for the schadenfreude content but I am a member of the cf groups so I doubt I would get it. breakingdad is probably private because only the moos are deserving of the right to bitch

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 01, 2021
Those clever comedians running breakingmom have changed it to "breaking dad" as their April fools joke. I thought there already was a breakingdad, but anyway, I imagine a typical breaking dad post would involve bitching about moomy's bitching about dad's constant gaming, or her constant harassment about doing chores and watching brats. And then maybe conclude with "I didn't even want a family in the first place".

That sounds like the True Dad Confessions Board from way back when. The mom squad shut that one down, too.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 01, 2021
breakingdad is a private group where one needs approval. I would love to see it if only for the schadenfreude content but I am a member of the cf groups so I doubt I would get it. breakingdad is probably private because only the moos are deserving of the right to bitch

Yep, sounds about right. Moos are the only ones allowed to complain about anything because they do everything, they are flawless, they have sacrificed every possible thing for the sake of others and NOBODY else is allowed to bitch - not their men, not their kids, not their relatives, and especially not their unchilded peers. Because I'm sure these women are just soooo delightful to live with and absolutely NOTHING they do warrants a complaint.

There's a sub that kind of acts as a gateway to r/breakingdad where you basically go, spout off how many mistakes you have and that you hate parenting before asking if you can be admitted into r/breakingduh. Someone over in the Moo sub mentioned that r/breakingdad went private because each half of the same married couple was in each sub - Moo in breakingmom, Duh in breakingduh, and I guess one of the Moos was reading breakingdad and recognized the details from a Duh story as details that bore a resemblance to a Moo story and told the author of the Moo story. They found out they were bitching about one another on their respective breaking subs and the shit his the fan, so now breakingdad is private because Moos can get bloody vicious when they find out someone has an issue with their behavior/rules/appearance/etc.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 01, 2021
There's a sub that kind of acts as a gateway to r/breakingdad where you basically go, spout off how many mistakes you have and that you hate parenting before asking if you can be admitted into r/breakingduh. Someone over in the Moo sub mentioned that r/breakingdad went private because each half of the same married couple was in each sub - Moo in breakingmom, Duh in breakingduh, and I guess one of the Moos was reading breakingdad and recognized the details from a Duh story as details that bore a resemblance to a Moo story and told the author of the Moo story. They found out they were bitching about one another on their respective breaking subs and the shit his the fan, so now breakingdad is private because Moos can get bloody vicious when they find out someone has an issue with their behavior/rules/appearance/etc.

Since they're both bitching about each other in public forums neither are in a good place to feel they have no fault. That is no different than a cheater who is infuriated to find out his/her spouse is also a cheater. It is a very unfortunate medium to vent dirty laundry. If anything understanding of their mutual unhappiness could be the impetus to bring them together for counseling...or divorce court.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 02, 2021
Some of the Moos are smart enough to use throwaway accounts because their spouses know their regular Reddit handles, so the ability to have multiple accounts under the same email address is useful. I guess some are just too dumb to do that? Unfortunately for them, some of them have some pretty unique complaints that would be easy to identify by a partner even under a different handle.

But yup, here's their special collective whinging thread about the poor Duhs and all their suffering.

But that's what happens when you shack up and breed with someone who is totally incompatible with you. The Moos bitch about the men being lazy, staying up all night playing games, not taking care of their own kids or doing any chores and taking multiple daily hour-long shits. The Duhs bitch about the women being sexually unavailable, fat nagging control freak bitches. Neither one is wrong about the other, but they often have very skewed perspectives of themselves. Both parties act like they're the victims in the house. Moos are the poor, under-appreciated and overworked martyrs who have given up everything for their ungrateful husbands and kids. Duhs put in a long day at the office and come home to a pigsty of a house, screeching brats and a shrieking harpy wife who does nothing all day but complain and can't even put out now and then to make up for her bad attitude.

Generally speaking, many of them probably agree about their kids, at least: that they were mistakes. But even then, only the Moos are allowed to express frustration, resentment and regret over reproducing. If a Duh says he doesn't like his kids and never wanted them or doesn't want to be around them, the Moo bitches about what a horrible man he is when she probably just got done telling all the other heifers the exact same fucking thing about the exact same fucking kids.
This one is a gem. I have read some dumb shit on that subreddit, but this one truly takes the cake. Moo has tested positive for gonorrhoea during routine pregnancy check-ups, despite being in a (seemingly) monogamous relationship. She believes it’s more likely the test is a false positive than her husband cheated on her, a belief which is encouraged by all the other Bromos. When she confronted her husband, he didn’t seem that worried/shocked that his pregnant wife had gonorrhoea and instantly slipped into damage control mode by telling her that it’s curable and nothing to worry about it. Pray tell, if her husband is sure here didn’t give it to her, wouldn’t his initial reaction be “where the fuck did you get it from??” But yeah, absolutely trainwreck of a thread, full of a mom who is in denial and other moms giving her shockingly bad advice. Anyone who so much as mentions that her husband may be cheating is downvoted.




I just got a call from the county health department that I tested positive for gonorrhea. I had my first prenatal appointment last week and apparently they tested me for STDs as part of a normal pregnancy blood draw?

I've been in a monogamous relationship with my husband for 7 years. He's the only person I've ever had any form of sex with. And I'm the only person he's so much as kissed for our entire relationship. I have no idea how I got this, unless he's lying to me and has been unfaithful...but that seems just as, if not more, unlikely as a false positive...so I dont know.

I trust him, but my brain is reeling and I dont know what to believe anymore. I have an appointment with the county in the morning to provide them with my sexual history (they won't take my grand list of 1 over the phone -_-) and plan to get another test done then just in case.

I just needed to get this out somewhere. I'm struggling to parent (SAHM to 3) and school my oldest since I got the call. But I can't tell this to any of my friends...at least not yet.

And I'm scared what this means for the baby, I mean, I dont have any idea what this means for a first trimester fetus - we were so happy I was pregnant again (and this is supposed to be the last one). But I'm afraid of misinformation on google....or maybe I'm afraid I'll be convinced that my husband cheated? Ugh. I just don't know.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 02, 2021
She says her first prenatal appointment was at a hospital. It sounds like a Medicaid situation and she’s pregnasty with kid #4. The taxpayer is getting fucked again and of course they are both “excited” according to the Moo. Sounds like Dud was excited all right, screwing other women and not wearing a condom. Moo better hope she didn’t get anything more serious.

Someone in the thread wrote this:

“ I'm an obgyn RN. It is the norm to test for STDs at a first prenatal visit. In 3 years I have never seen a false positive gonorrhea result. I have seen many shocked women though. It will not cause harm to the fetus but you will need treatment asap.”

Moo sounds like she doesn’t want to accept she’s likely married to a cheater.
The mental gymnastics of women in that thread was astonishing. I can count the number of people who alluded to the fact OP’e s husband may be cheating on one hand and still have digits left. The rest were just delusional. And the mom seems absolutely clueless. Way too calm for someone who has just been told she has an STI from an unexplained source.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 02, 2021
Well fuck me sideways, it was a false positive for gonorrhea. Unless of course the first result was correct and she got a false negative the second time around. She's gonna get another clap test at her next appointment because apparently she's a medical anomaly.



A couple days ago I posted that I tested positive for gonorrhea at my first prenatal appointment for baby #4. I was having a lot of trouble believing that he was unfaithful, but the evidence was pretty solid as I must have gotten it somewhere and I haven't been with anyone but him, ever.

I got a retest done yesterday, even though every health care professional I spoke to said it wasn't worth it, that this test is never wrong. Well, I guess it is sometimes. The retest came back negative - my OB says she's never seen that in her 15 years of practice. She intends to test me again at my next appointment, but I'm not sure what it would prove since I accepted the treatment for gonorrhea (antibiotic shot in my butt) at my appointment yesterday.

Thank you to all of you who commented on my previous post. A lot of you helped me to get my head on straight and not dissolve into a puddle of panic in front of my kids!
apropos of not much: My sister and I had positive clap tests with a new gyno back in the 1970s. They called us to come "check out the results of our tests" and hustled us into the exam room separately and just gave us the penicillin shots without any discussion. Later, we discussed the events with our RN friend and wondered because we hadn't both been with the same man at all! Our conclusion was that the tests had to have been wrong. Seriously, what are the odds of both of us coming up positive at the same time without a mutual contact. Just saying. In those days we had no problem being honest about who we had been with either. Lost to the mists of the past now
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 03, 2021
Here's a great one, new to breaking mom and married to what she calls a "manchild." Of course she's about to pop #3.



so this is my first ever post to reddit - pls be kind, im still learning smiling smiley the reason i created an account is that i am experiencing severe mommy loneliness the last couple of months/years. I have two year old twin girls and third one on the way due in two months.
We just moved to the other side of the country, we will be married one year and together six. My 'husband' is an immature, dependant manchild who will not take any responsibility for anything to do with our family. You know what i mean -- taking some ownership in the huge load of 'things to keep track of': groceries, basic needs such as updated clothing according to season + size, buying toys, remembering birthdays or other special occasions (not even for ourselves but also family + friends), medical appointments, and basically anything on our social calendar.

He will do it whenever i tell him, but that directing role has me feeling EXHAUSTED. I literally need to tell him to go attend to his children whenever they are crying. I have to tell him to make breakfast in the morning. I have to tell him which clothes they can wear. I have to tell him where everything is (mind you, everything is in clear sight if he would just make an effort to look in the goddamn closet/cupboard). I always have hope that somehow he grew the ability to care for them without 'encouragement' overnight, so i first let them cry to see if he finally gets it. I end up even more annoyed because of the trigger of crying children, and the fact that i need to actually TELL HIM to do something. More often than not he even has the audacity (or just sheer stupidity? i dont know at this point) to then ask what he needs to do. Jesus. I am so, so done with prompting the other parent 24/7 without seeing a learning curve. I am discouraged thinking in a couple of weeks there will be a third one added to the mix, including everything that comes with a newborn and me still living over here like im some kind of cranky teleprompter.

He complains about not having me-time about three times a week, which makes him look like the hungry caterpilar since he forgets that he already gets about 3-4 hours a week to work out AND also have each night to himself after the twins go to bed. Whenever i have me-time, like actual time away from the house which is about once a month i think, he never fails to send me multiple texts saying how hard the girls are on him because of their crying/dirty diapers/temper tantrums/basically just normal toddler things. Whenever i get home he goes on repeat on how done he is for the day, and how he now needs the evening 'off' (like he's the paid babysitter or something??), spending the rest of the day grumpy or even aggressively angry. This makes me think twice of leaving the house, since i know the consequences of having a few hours to myself.

He never takes into account that i am actually heavily pregnant AND also working 32 hours a week AND can still come up with a decent amount of patience for either toddler or manchild bullshit. Whenever i call him out on not being able to independently act like a parent or a supportive partner, he rolls his eyes and sighs with a look that screams i'm a nag. The amount of support i can count on is limited to two questions: 1. do you want a cup of tea and 2. what can i do. Now the second one seems nice, but if you have to be the one fueling the fire, al-ways repeating yourself, questioning if he really cannot SEE WHAT THE FUCK IS IN FRONT OF HIM, it becomes fake support.

To end my man rant: i am just extremely lonely in having my needs and feelings properly met and understood. I need women around me who understand and to talk to. Can you help me?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 04, 2021
For the first half of that thread, I was willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt - like maybe he's not useless, but he's just clueless as far as childcare. But by the end of it, it seems like he really is just another worthless man-baby who wants to get out of raising his own kids as much as possible. I would not be surprised if he was acting clueless on purpose in order to get Moo to do his share of the brat minding. When she leaves the house, he bombards her with texts about how terrible their kids are and then bombards her verbally when she gets home about it and becomes aggressive over the fact she makes him mind his own children for a while. So what stunning quality does this man have that made her want to breed with him three times? Because it sounds to me like he's trying to punish her for having time to herself so she won't try to do it anymore, which means he doesn't have to watch his kids anymore.

And of course she's knocked up again. I don't get it, if these women are so repulsed by their lazy bastard men who do nothing and are sometimes mean to them, why do they fuck them? The sex can't be that good that it's worth making more brats with these guys.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 04, 2021
we have said it before, say it again, repeat after me. bed. made. lie. since she dropped twin turds, obviously she didn't learn from them. A woman with 2 kids: did not learn the first time.

I have so little sympathy. no udder rubs, no kodak fantasy moments or life. she picked it, she bred with it. sucks to be her.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 04, 2021
And of course she's knocked up again. I don't get it, if these women are so repulsed by their lazy bastard men who do nothing and are sometimes mean to them, why do they fuck them? The sex can't be that good that it's worth making more brats with these guys.

This. There seems to be a pattern with moos where they develop a brief sense of clarity while inpig. It is as if their hindsight/future sight of reality finally kicks in at the most futile moment imaginable. Is this a strong unconscious streak of self-destruction?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 04, 2021
So, umm, what exactly was the reason for marrying into this shitshow? Toxic in-laws, pedo-rific Duh, disrespectful teen step-shits and their useless sperm donor who allows them to be horrible and a partridge in a pear tree. Added some text breaks because Moo couldn't be arsed to hit 'enter' here and there.

And BIG SHOCK, she's up the duff with another one. It sounds like the famblee she married into has a LOT of problems with personal space and boundaries and Duh is doing some pretty Chester-y stuff with his daughter. With Duh's parents both being shrinks, I assume they used their profession to allow the touchy-feely crap and then justified it with irrelevant textbook jargon. Would not be the least bit surprised if they felt up their own kids and called it okay.

Good for her for leaving these shitbags, here's hoping she not only stays away for good, but also doesn't get into another relationship until menopause, lest she have an encore of this performance.



Single at 35 weeks pregnant on Easter

Basically I just told him I can't do it anymore. We did the babymoon, he goes to my older daughter's football games to watch her cheer, he gets me food I'm craving....... there has been lots to be grateful for. What I CANT do any longer is deal with the blatant disrespect coming from his elderly (85-year-old) mother, who is a psychologist (& mother of 4) & should know how damaging her body shaming can be to a pregnant woman... or from his kids. He has 1 kid (out of 3) that I like. & she still throws tantrums even though she just turned 15. My daughter is 14 (this is how we met, through our daughters) & she's so mature, you'll never catch her slamming doors or stomping around crying- EVER.

His sons (now 18 & 20) hate me since their mom hates me. Btw their mom is the one who cheated on their dad & made the fam go through a 7-year divorce bc she is such a miserable psycho B. But I digress. I do see why she blew the marriage up. She was having mental health issues & fell pregnant with their 4th kid. My (now ex) SO & his parents (both psychologists) coerced her into an abortion that she absolutely didn't want. So she blew the marriage up. I feel her, but also i can't even tell her that bc she HATES me & has poisoned the kids against me.

The issue isn't so much that al of this is going on, it's that he never corrects his kids when they're being disrespectful as fuck. Actually, he gives in to their tantrums which is why there's a patched hole in the wall, which is why they feel comfortable saying "fuck you dad" & saying my soon-to-be-born baby is a mistake. FUCK this shit. I'm done. The icing on the cake was his son not acknowledging the bday gift I got him. Didn't say thank you for Valentine's Day or Christmas gifts either. (The other son is away at college & already called me a playboy slut & other stuff so I don't get that MF any gifts).

I'm so over being SO low on the totem pole that my feelings don't mean a damn thing. Funny part is about the ex wife- she gets 15 THOUSAND dollars a month, he already bought & paid off one house for her, & he's buying her 1 more house per the divorce agreement & that bitch is still beyond miserable & dead set on making sure her kids hate me. The daughter doesn't hate me but she's understandably defensive of her mom (in convos w her dad- I don't talk about the mom) & then she's ALL.OVER.ME. Like I'll be basically naked in bed w just sheets & a bra she'll come rub all over my belly. Zero sense of personal space. & the final tipping point for me was just weird vibes i get.

You tell me if I'm overreacting. my SO dances w his daughter & when he dips her he holds where her butt meets her thigh, the butt cheek crease. I told him that's no place to grab any woman, let alone your daughter, while dipping them. Pretty sure it's the small of their back that you hold. He brushed it off & nothing happened again for awhile until the other day when he's like "You're in great shape (daughter's name!) look how toned & nice your butt is!" & grabbed it. Now he's saying it was more of a Pat, & she was facing me so I can't say if it was a Pat or a grab, but what I DO know is if he did that in public he'd get weird stares bc it's Fucking weird. Is it not??!! My daughter exercises daily & not once have I grabbed/patted her ass. These aren't toddlers with diapers on. They're pubescent teenagers with boobs, periods, pubic hair etc. IMO way too old to be patting or however he wants to justify it.

I told him it's weird & makes me very uncomfortable & now he's saying I said he's a child molester who gropes his kid. I said I didn't say that, but if you touch any other teenage girl's ass you'd have legal issues- & if you touched any other woman besides your daughter like that I'd consider it cheating so it's EXTRA weird to me that you feel comfortable with that. You guys, am I overreacting??

Anyway, I think we're done bc in the heat of arguing I said it's not just weird it's Fucking disgusting & you better never touch my daughters like that or our baby coming. Am I losing my mind?! Thank you for listening to my Easter rant. I'm sitting here waiting for my toddler & my teen to get up so we can dye some eggs & get cracking on this candy, so sorry for the wall of text I just need some feedback & can't ask my friends for fear of rumors getting started.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 05, 2021
His brats might be less resentful if these middle aged breeders didn't feel the need to start over when they've already got brats in college.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 05, 2021
just another stupid sow who got involved with another childed man. probably desperate. bed made lie. she can be a single sow with a calf. boo hoo moo hoo

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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