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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 20, 2021
Funny how these kids left in cars only ever occur in the hottest months of the year. I never EVER hear about anyone forgetting Junior in the backseat when it's 50 degrees in September or in the middle of a snowstorm. Somehow I don't think it's a coincidence that kids are only ever "forgotten" in cars during the time of year when the temperature outside can be fatal. Must be mommy brain is seasonal like allergies. bemused eye roll

It can fucking happen to anyone. Stop fucking shaming humans for using devices or tricks to help them make sure they don't fucking hurt their kids. "I would never do that" good for you Erica, but you also don't plan on having kids, have had great luck with birth control, and are not a fucking saint for saying you'd never do something in a situation you've never been in.

I actually agree that your memory can go on autopilot and sleep deprivation can play tricks on you. However, in this day and age, after so many "awareness" programs regarding the topic, there is no excuse for leaving your brat in a hot car or any car. (Despite awareness campaigns, there is the general premise that as the parunt, YOU are responsible for the kid's life.)

Even though I don't have kids, I have used various tricks when transporting my pets, like putting something in the back with them, etc. I do not have a problem with parunts doing it---in fact, they absolutely should be doing the same.

What a shocker---I don't get this Moo's particular point, except she sounds extremely bitter and wants to make the point that a CF person cannot possibly know the sheer exhaustion of being a parunt. I also noticed that she wrote "and you had great luck with birth control," which tells me she's probably a typical Breeder who blames birth control failure for her kids when she really didn't use it correctly in the first place.

Regardless, No sympathy here. Do the job you signed up for.


You’d think a mother would be absolutely horrified at someone who lets their baby fry to death in a hot car, but I guess that’s only an emotion we evil CFers can feel.

I don't get it either, unless she's already a negligent parunt in the first place. Reminds me of an argument I had with someone from the Hillbilly Horde (family of a guy I dated many years ago) who was bitching about HAVING TO GET A CAR SEAT FOR EACH OF HIS KIDS and how unfaaiiiiiir and expensive it was, and SHAME ON THOSE AWFUL police for actually enforcing the law. Because there really are idiots who say I DON'T NEED ANYONE OR THE GUBMINT TELLING ME HOW TO RAISE MY CHYLD*, when the parunts do not have enough sense to keep their CHYLD from becoming a fritter or a projectile in an accident.

And of course, there are a lot of room temperature IQs on Reddit.

*Of course the holier-than-thou attitude drops when it comes to money or handouts. They are out to grab all the money they can get and then some.
A business owner is about to have her business "cancelled" for making the mistake of being honest about moo employees. The comments are full of torches and pitchforks.


My husband and I went to my FAVORITE coffee spot. It's a drive-thru, small business spot, but has the best coffee in town. I've been going to this coffee spot for three years. I told my husband they were hiring, but never had an opportunity to ask the owner for an application. My husband asked her when we pulled up to the window. "Are you hiring" to which she replied, "Yes." and he points at me. She immediately says, "I can't hire her because she has four kids, that's too many. Who will watch them?"

I said, "My husband will watch them, he has a very flexible work schedule." He works from home! She replied, "I'm sorry, but no. I can't have you calling out all the time because of your kids. I have an employee who has five kids and she is calling out all the time."

She gave me my coffee, apologized again, and that is the last time I will ever go to my favorite coffee shop again. For reference, she knows I have four kids because I would go there before I dropped them off at school, as the shop was down the street. The more I think about this, the more I get irritated. I wasn't given a chance because I have children. My work ethic is based off my children, and she discriminated against me because I have children. I'm ready to break, y'all. I'm a writer and I want to be petty and write our local paper about what happened. And then I think, I can't because that isn't me. So, instead, she gets none of my money, no more local support, and a big middle finger following her around for the rest of her life.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 21, 2021

My husband asked her when we pulled up to the window. "Are you hiring" to which she replied, "Yes." and he points at me. She immediately says, "I can't hire her because she has four kids, that's too many. Who will watch them?"

I said, "My husband will watch them, he has a very flexible work schedule." He works from home! She replied, "I'm sorry, but no. I can't have you calling out all the time because of your kids. I have an employee who has five kids and she is calling out all the time."

She gave me my coffee, apologized again, and that is the last time I will ever go to my favorite coffee shop again. For reference, she knows I have four kids because I would go there before I dropped them off at school, as the shop was down the street.

So the owner knows the woman has four kids because all four kids would accompany the woman on her coffee runs in the morning. What are the chances that the coffee shop owner noticed her and remembered her face because the kids were out of control?

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
No doubt. Plus owner doesn't need another useless employee who is never at work. And the business owner is a woman!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 21, 2021
Moo doesn't know shit about being a business owner and this one clearly knows how hard it is to properly run a business without dependable employees. Sounds like the boss has just had enough breeder shit and knows from experience what to expect from people with a lot of brats and she is looking out for the best interests of her business. This isn't discrimination, it's common sense. Why hire someone who you know from the get-go will be a shitty employee because they have large domestic responsibilities?

I'm sure the owner will be just heartbroken that Moo won't be patronizing the establishment. Until Moo needs her fix again. I have a feeling she's the kind of customer who threatens to never come back and shows up a week later like nothing happened.

Sorry not sorry, Moo. This owner knows Moo's work priorities will be far behind her kids and that it'll just be a xerox copy of the other problematic breeder employee who constantly calls off because kids. I don't give a fuck what anyone says, I don't think it's unfair to ask people what their reproductive and/or childcare plans are so they can gauge who will be a dependable employee and who will call off every single day to wipe Snotleigh's ass or retrieve him from the principal's office. Businesses are not like hobby groups where you can just show up and leave when you feel like it - they exist to make money and there is no sense hiring someone who will be a flake when someone much more professional could have the job instead.

Shouldn't have brought your sproggen to the cafe with you, Moo! If she left the dumplings ar home with Duh, maybe she could have gotten a job. Plus, I imagine it's FAR easier to avoid hiring someone because of their brats than firing them for the same reason.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 23, 2021
Moo complaining that her kid isn't talking. LOL enjoy that while it lasts, pumpkin! Because when the kid learns to talk (and especially learns how to say NO), she'll be praying to every deity she thinks could exist to make the kid shup up again.

According to comments from Moo, the kid makes noises instead of words like "piiiica piiiica peeeee!" Well this is simple - Moo does not have a child, she has a Pikachu! So just evolve it with a Thunderstone and it'll talk when it becomes a Raichu. tongue sticking out smiley < /nerd>



Who else has a child that was a late talker? My daughter fits none of the usual criteria for being a late talker, she wasn’t pre term or low birth weight, shows 0 signs of autism, has hit all of her other milestones early, she’s vibrant, healthy and understands almost everything we say and oh my does she love books! She just WONT TALK!!!!!! My middle child at this age was speaking in 9-10 word sentences! I don’t understand! Anyone else have a late talker and they went on to be fine, with no language issues? I’m starting to really worry... the doctor won’t do early intervention until two. Thanks!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 23, 2021
Pretty sure a business owner wouldn't tell a moo that she can't hire her because she has kids. Discrimination laws protect breeders. Owner probably told her to apply online like every other business in the US, or moo started with a list of demands and owner said that doesn't work for her. More likely if moo applied, the owner saw it and decided not to interview or is on a fishing expedition where she will only interview people with a very specific criteria and moo doesn't meet that criteria.

I'm sure the owner will be very happy of moo keeps her word and never comes back to the cafe. It might help increase the owner's business. Done time in retail hell and I'm willing to bet that moo will be back in a week.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 23, 2021
15-year-old is faking awtism as a means of attention whoring, to the point of behaving like a spaz in public. I had to look up "stimming" because I'd never heard of it, and I guess it's something autistic people do to calm themselves down - repetitious behaviors like rocking, flapping, spinning, etc. An old friend of mine was autistic and would count repeatedly out loud because he said it brought him comfort when I asked what he was doing, so I guess I knew what the behavior was, but didn't know it had a name.

Anyway, this kid probably thinks pretending to be an awtard will put her on easy street. If people think she's autistic, maybe she thinks people will have far lower expectations of her, so she won't have to try as hard or she can get out of doing things at home or at school and blame it on awtism, etc. They probably feel like they can't punish the brat in public because she'll say she's autistic and people will probably rush to her rescue if they think her parents are being "mean" to her for her "condition."

Someone suggests making the kid work with mentally disabled people to teach her a lesson. Ummm, no? That's like studying a primitive tribe to learn their ways in order to better fit in with them. That's on the fucking job learning, DO NOT send her to be around people who are truly fucked up because she'll learn how to put up a more convincing front! I did like the one suggestion further down to treat her like she's being honest and subject her to everything awtism entails - reduced freedoms and privlieges, more therapy, lots of tests, lots of medications, especially if they decide to use any money the girl has to pay for it because she won't need an allowance anymore if she's too retarded to do normal teen stuff, right? Also, put her in the special education class. I'll bet her friends seeing her with the flappers practicing coloring inside the lines will do wonders to "cure" her of her spontaneous autism.

Apparently, it's become a thing on TikTok now to pretend to be an awtard. Because I guess eating Tide pods lost its luster?



Yeah so this has been a rough year and we all just gotta make it through. Including my kid, who, among other things, got straight As freshman year and started a new club at their school. And I’m just going to get out ahead of this and say we are on waiting lists for therapy. Several.

Anyhow a few weeks ago our kid came to us and said that they had been doing research on autism and “stimming” and tic disorder and they think they have it.

My kid does not have autism. I am a high school teacher - the kid absolutely doesn’t have autism and even if they DID, we’d be talking about removing “supports” at this point. We’d definitely at school be removing supports for a kid that got straight As in honors classes.

So, we took the kid to the pediatrician and she pretty much agrees with us that the kid is faking this for attention. As for what’s going on at the house? Big sis is graduating and is getting a LOT of very deserved positive attention. Big sis has had some behavioral issues, so the break from routine is that the 15 year old is used to big sis getting boundaries and punishment. Now big sis is 18 and behaving herself quite well, so she’s getting to borrow the car! Presents are showing up at the house! Prom! Yay!

In the mean time, WTF do I do? We’re ignoring the probably faked “stimming” behaviors on the advice of the pediatrician. BUT the kid is doing this in public. Which is, on some level, super offensive. I think my kid is maybe a bit too old to pretend to be disabled for attention. How long do I let this go on? Y’all got anything for me?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 15, 2022
My latest hobby has been daydreaming about how I think I’d be spending my time if I were kid-free…
Don’t get me wrong, I love my daughter. I’m just really drained from being a toddler mom. everything is a damn fight and sometimes I really, really wish it wasn’t!

Sometimes I wish I could spend my hours the way I want … with nobody to answer to. I haven’t engaged in my own hobbies, or anything that brings me peace and joy, in over 1.5 years.

So that’s all… I’m just really missing being an adult, doing adult things with other adults.


two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 16, 2022
While the site was down, I found a column about a child rearing philosophy that originated in the 20s or so, from someone's observation that babies and children whose parents weren't up their kids' asses 24 hours a day developed earlier and more independently. They also didn't throw constant tantrums because they hadn't been conditioned to receive instant gratification from doing so. I can't remember anything else about the column or the philosophy except that the woman who started it might have been European.

You'd think it was rocket science.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 16, 2022
This cancer curer felt that the best way to dispose of bad raw chicken breasts was to flush them down the toilet. I'd like to add that this man is in charge of a child. He must also be a special little awtard-flake too because apparently he is triggered by Moo SIGHING.

WHY do so many women not only stay with such helpless man-babies, but make actual babies with them? Why are women this stupid? Who looks at this kind of a fucktard and goes, "Mmhmm that there's prime baby-daddy material?"

Flushing food down the fucking toilet is what college kids do when they're stoned, or what todders do because they're dumb. Yuk it up, retard - wait until the toilet doesn't flush anymore and you have to explain to a plumber why there's three chicken tits crammed into the pipes. I'm pretty sure that could come out of their security deposit since they live in an apartment. Because you know this brainiac has flushed tons of other bullshit down the toilet, not just the chicken. It's just the first time she caught him flushing stupid crap.



This was a couple of weeks ago and I can’t stop thinking about it.

There was extra chicken breasts we didn’t cook sitting in the fridge for way to long, on my way out to run errands I ask him to dispose of them since I didn’t eat meat and did not want to deal with that (lol)

I return home, and go to use the toilet. By my surprise there is a raw chicken breast in the toilet bowl. I confront him and say wth you can’t flush that down the toilet. We live on the 10th floor in an older apartment building. I said there’s no way that will go down. Plus that’s super bad for the sewage.

He says, yes it will I’ve already flushed two down just forgot about that one.


I literally just shook my head, I’m exhausted we have a 10 month old baby and just couldn’t-deal.

Slightly funny slightly super stupid.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2022
Three years ago my husband cheated on me. My kids were 2 years old and 1 WEEK old at the time. I theoretically forgave him for his one-time mistake. And it's definitely one time. And he's definitely done a lot to try and make up for it.

After a fight last night, my husband sent some angry texts. One basically said that he cheated on me because I wasn't very nice to him during the couple of years when I was always either pregnant or recovering from miscarriages. I had 3 miscarriages between the two kids. And he was an asshole the whole time I was pregnant with our younger child.

Bromos, how do I not commit murder today? I'm so out of it today, I've been at work for an hour and I haven't even taken off my winter coat.


He waited until I went to bed, got me out of bed, just to start a conversation about a new job opportunity and that he is moving out to find himself again.

He immediately started moving out the next day, and is leaving me and our 4 year old son while he moves into a bachelor pad with his friend.

He claims I forced him into marriage and parenthood before he was ready when he knew that dating me would lead to marriage. He knew that before i even dated him thats what I was looking for. He knew my last relationship ended because i was ready for a commitment and the ex wasn’t. He chose to move forward knowing thats what I was looking for… and now its my fault because he can’t spend all hours of the night without responsibilities.


UPDATE going up here so you will see it because if I put it below all my dramatic spacing, no one will ever see it.

So the child support hearing was some bullshit. The judge won't consider the hidden accounts until trial phase. The judge did order child support, effective March 1 of this year, which will NOT contain any arrears... arrears will be addressed in trial phase. The judge did re-issue the order for a psych eval on Ex, but is now making me pay for half of it, subject to reallocation ... you guessed it, in the trial phase.

My atty is confident I'll get my money back (...after the trial phase) but it fucking STINGS that I have to hack up $2K up front, I don't get any child support arrears for everything I've done on my own since he left us in April and since he stopped even seeing the kids in October, relief feels so very far away.

And I'm sure soon to be ex is cackling, smug, delighted. While tonight, my friend is watching the babies so I can work a double til almost midnight so I have enough money to pay the bills this month.

I cried in my car for about 40 mins, picked up fast food, annnnd I'm going back to work. Fuck this guy man. When we were together I never let him struggle alone. I've always been there for him. I loved his son like my own. I helped him with everything he ever needed and if he needed me now I'd STILL help him out because why? He was the love of my life, he's my babies father, I am an idiot. And he's delighted I'm working doubles to afford everything and relying on charity and couponing for diapers and fucking DoorDashing but you know what, okay. Whenever we get to trial, you know. I just have to hope it goes how it should.

My children will NEVER not have what they need, I will always provide for them. I'm just going without...a lot.

Original post below:

He started a new career in 2019... I took on all of the childcare for our two babies and his oldest son, ferrying to appointments, school transport, custody exchanges with the ex he ended up cheating on me with, all the house work, all the everything so he could focus on this career. Right? I even took on most of the bills since "he was new, he wasn't making much" he said....... He even showed direct deposits on payday, and yeah, he was making way less than me now...

Financial affidavits had to be submitted to family court and he fuckin delay delay excuse excuse til the bitter end, til the judge gave him a stern warning and a firm deadline

He's been siphoning money into two separate accounts-- apart and unconnected to his checking-- since 2019

He has almost $300K socked away

while i've been living paycheck to paycheck

since we got together

in 2014

because he always needed




we have a child support hearing in an hour and a half, and my lawyer is going after those accounts, and some FKING CHILD SUPPORT


two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2022

While the site was down, I found a column about a child rearing philosophy that originated in the 20s or so, from someone's observation that babies and children whose parents weren't up their kids' asses 24 hours a day developed earlier and more independently. They also didn't throw constant tantrums because they hadn't been conditioned to receive instant gratification from doing so.

I'm sure the average Moo would be screaming about chyld abuse but it makes sense. Children are small humans and while their brains are not developed like adults, I believe so many of them are being robbed of the satisfaction that comes from figuring something out themselves or making do with not-a-lot. I'm very glad I grew up without electronics and the web. I had to make my own fun (not a lot of money either) and I had time to daydream and I had time where I was not overly scheduled with "activities." Most kids I know of don't even have to do household chores because it's all about scheduling every spare minute to do activities that look good on a college application.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2022
My latest hobby has been daydreaming about how I think I’d be spending my time if I were kid-free

Weird that they can envision a CF life, while I cannot envision myself caring for children...I mean, if you aren't as adamant about being a parent as I am about being CF, maybe you shouldn't have kids. Just a thought. bemused eye roll
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2022
I love when Moos say they dream about life without kids, not only for the schadenfreude, but because they are openly saying they wish their children did not exist. Butbutbutbut I thought a mommy's love was eternal and unconditional and a woman can't possibly understand what love truly is or what life is really about until she has a little miracle of her very own. eye rolling smiley

Funny, I never daydream about what it's like to be a parent. The entire time I owned cats, never once did I daydream about what life would be life without them. Could it be we're not missing out on a damn thing? sticking out tongue
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2022
I can imagine myself as a mother, but I can't imagine liking it. I never daydream about not having cats.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 19, 2022
Moo has a violently awtarded brat that managed to hit her hard enough to knock her tooth out, at 4 years old. Moo needs to know if it'll get better because this wasn't the perfect darling daughter she planned for. Well no duh, nobody plans to have an awtard, but it's something you might still wind up with. It's not getting better, Moo. Your flaptard will get worse and worse. This particular little sociopath seems to take pleasure in luring Moo into a false sense of security and then hauling off and walloping her when she feels Moo is a sufficient state of relaxation.

Good luck sending this monster to school. I guarantee nobody will allow the little cunt back if she assaults staff or classmates like she assaults Mommy. Or the kid knows that Moo will put up with her shit and there will be no consequences, so there is no incentive for her to behave. I bet if Moo slapped her back, she'd learn to knock that shit off.

I'm sure as fuck glad I didn't have to ruin my vagina in order to create a person who will physically assault me on a daily basis.



I'm a FTM and my daughter, 4, was recently diagnosed with Autism. We don't really have supports in place yet and am trying to research as much as I can in the meantime.

She has recently been violent. Last night was the worst. Despite following our Action Plan, I was kicked and hit in the face so many times. I was so upset I ended up cowering in the hallway with a knocked out tooth and blood pouring out of my mouth and in tears. My daughter came out and laughed at me and slapped me again.

She just had no empathy or compassion for the fact I was hurt she just did not care. Every time she hit or kicked me she just laughed.

I know this sounds selfish but I spent the night crying, imagining our future. I'm grieving the daughter I planned for... it was sposed to be me & you against the world, baby girl, not you against me.

Please someone tell me it gets better?

I feel like the worst mother in the world for so many reasons, I'll elaborate in another post.

This is my first post so please be kind! Thanks!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 19, 2022
Isn't she bigger and stronger than the brat? Time for an old fashioned ass whupping.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 20, 2022
That one's going to wind up in a home for being violent. The laughing after hurting her moo is really creepy. Reminds me of what a Chucky doll would do.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 20, 2022
I had an incident with a former sister in laws retarded daughter. Son was also retarded but that had been caused by an accident. A car struck him and he was in a coma for over a month. Sometimes it is better to let them go. He would intimidate mom. Interestingly he would not do that to dad because dad would put him in his place. At one point in time I said 'that tells you something...'.

The daughter had a habit of hitting her mom when she wasn't feeling good. One time she wasn't feeling good so I went to the doctor with her. This fat retard would periodically try and bum rush her. I took to standing between her and merely shoved her backwards when she did this.. R wasn't expecting this and was getting increasingly upset. At one point I missed my aim and my hand got stuck between her shoulder and her fat head. It LOOKED bad but I was in no means trying to strangle R. Her neck was too fat for one hand. Anyway, I took her down to the SIL car, sat R on the passenger side and sat at the wheel.

R sat fidgeting for a short while and then reached over and hit me, I could see her looking right at me... not as retarded as one might think so I reached over and smacked her on the arm. Whap. (Maybe not the best way to handle a tard). But it got the message across save that R wasn't going to learn and just wanted to be a bitch. A few minutes later she hit me again, same look. Again I hit her back. Whap on the arm. We had about 4 more go rounds like this. I think she found out she wasn't going to cow me so she started crocodile tears and getting out of the car. I wouldn't let her. Just leaned against the door and let her tantrum. Eventually mom came out and all I said was she wanted to go back in and I wouldn't let her. I wasn't going to tell her what happened. I did not use full power on the retaliation. It was enough just to send a message, nothing more. I think the tantrum was just that: R wasn't going to get her way.

And I actually liked SIL . She was a lovely lady. Ironically she took up with my ex after I left him. and eventually she threw him out!!!! whooopeeeee!!!! I spoke with her shortly after she had done this. Lousy timing because it had been 3 days (and I guess she thought he might have shown up on my doorstep) but her reason? 'I refuse to live the rest of my life like this.'.. I never asked her what he had done... but I can guess.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 20, 2022
I'm so glad I have no need in my life for an Action Plan. Sounds expensive and futile, just like brats.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 20, 2022
I think you put R in his place. This is how parunts used to handle slapping brats and it stopped them in their tracks.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 21, 2022
you should have seen it... started crying/screaming...trying to get out of the car to waddle back wherever... just would not let her. she subsided several minutes later... just struck me as a reaction because she had never been opposed.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 21, 2022
I think I remember you telling that story before, twocents, but it was one of the things we lost from the site being down. Just goes to show that even tards can be taught boundaries, but so many Moos seem to think that they "can't" do this and just let their kids turn into violent assholes. Most Moos will probably try to corral their tardlings, but the tards can often outlast their parents and then the parents will just give up and give them their way. Good on you for not indulging that bratty tard.

And yeah, I don't think it's a coincidence that tards will smack their mothers around, but not their fathers. Unless the guy is an absolute wussy simp, most men will not let their kids beat up on them and will give them a slap, even if they have to do it when Moo looks away because hurr durr spanking is abuuuuuuse.
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