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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 29, 2021
The woman with the husband who helps sounds insane. She should be thankful that her husband is doing something with the kid. (Does she not read the rest of Breaking Mawm?) Who gives a fuck if he isn't reading vocabulary words to a three month old kid? He'll probably stop doing anything once he learns he cannot do anything right.

I was also chuckling about how she's "exhausted" by keeping up a running dialog with her three month old loaf. What is she going to do when the kid is mobile? (Probably bitch more.) If she's smart, she would use this time to rest and keep her herself and her house in order, instead of being an entertainment center for a lump.

As for sibling rivalry, having decent parunts is the key, and that seems to be few and far between. My grandmother obviously favored my sister over me and my mom didn't do fuck all about it, except tell me that she loved me the same when it was obviously not the case. Way to fuck with a kid's sense of reality--the first of many instances. My mom let it continue probably because free babysitting. My mom eventually admitted the obvious to me when I was over 30. Made a grand announcement and said she was done lying to me about it. Thanks, bitch.

I see now that my grandmother was the eldest and my mom was an only child. The favored sister was the eldest and my mom had no idea what to do after kid #1. It's a testament to getting some mental health prior to having a kid, not just doing it because everyone else is and it's What You DoTM.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 29, 2021
Speaking from personal observations of relatives, my mother and her siblings generally used to be okay-ish, but I'm fairly certain my grandma was a narcissist and so most of my aunts and uncles are fucked up in one way or another due to their upbringing. Whether they were the golden child or the scapegoat, most of them are very "my way or the highway" kinds of people. So when you get people who think they are always right arguing with one another over even the tiniest thing, it doesn't end well. My mother went full no contact with all her siblings about 15 years ago because of a big argument where each person felt they were right and everyone else was wrong. So instead of trying to work shit out like sane people, they all just crossed their arms and harrumphed like spoiled brats, and because my mother would rather hold a grudge than admit wrongdoing, she's never speaking to her siblings again. She loves to tell people that she's an orphan and has no family because ain't nobody who loves being a victim like a narc.

My two oldest cousins were about five years apart and they constantly picked on one another and the older one made the younger one cry a lot. They're perfectly fine now as adults, but I could not see the appeal of having a sibling when I saw how unhappy it made younger friends and relatives. Friends of mine when I was growing up were from a family of five - three kids, two parents - and it seemed like the eldest girl always got shit for any disagreement between any of them while the youngest goldenpenis didn't get spanked NEARLY as much as the girls when all three of them got into trouble. Another set of friends were brothers who beat the ever-loving crap out of one another on a regular basis, like to the point of causing actual injuries. I just never saw the allure of this kind of life, I guess.

Maybe my perspective on sibling relationships is just warped because dysfunction is normal for me. I don't really know what a normal family looks like. shrug
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 01, 2021
I forgot my "cousins" (very close frieneds of the fam). They have 5 sibs total. As adults, I dont even think they follow each others' FB pages. They had the normal 'beating each other up" bullshit between kids. Otherwise I thought they were normal. Both their parents are dead now. As far as I can tell they dont talk, no significant falling out. It goes to show it's all crap. While anedotal, I know sooo many stories like this. And, my pals who do have contact, many seem to be one-sided out of obligation or guilt. Or, where theres a 'giver' in the family and then the 'takers'. Even pals w/ many sibs, if they get along they get along like a guest, not a close friend. Big families seems to be somewhat disjointed underneth it all bcuz the younger sibs really dont know the older sibs bcuz the older sibs are like teens/adults when the kids are still so little. Their family memories are not collective. This is why I just dont believe the family serenity bullshit so many play up. You can think your family as dysfunctional, but many many many wouldn't admit their family is dyfunctional.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 04, 2021
Moo breeds with an abusive asshole and now hates her kid because he reminds her of her ex because he's a clingy, manipulative little shit at the age of two. Her own mother threatened to disown her if she gives the kid to someone else, but she really sounds like she needs to ignore her family and get this kid away from her. If she hates him that much, why not leave him with the abusive ex? I VERY seriously doubt that he would agree to let her place their kid with a new family if only to torment her by making her keep the kid, so let the ex raise the brat. I doubt the kid is going to have a good upbringing anyway, whether it's with an abusive father or a mother who hates his guts.

All the therapy and pills in the world aren't going to fix a complete lack of emotion toward your kid. She will always see her abusive ex in this child and will never truly love him or be a decent parent to him, and if she doesn't put him somewhere else, it's only a matter of time before she justifies a PNA. Sounds like she's still trying to recover from the abuse heaped on her by her bastard husband and she can't do that when the kid is a mini-me of the husband in regard to behavior.



I've thought about it for a while and it's just a fact. I don't love my son.

I have fairly recently left an abusive relationship with my son's father. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for a long time. My doctor is aware. I've been on medication, which I've had to stop for various reasons. I've had therapy.

And I just think it's undeniable.

I don't love my son.

He doesn't bring me any happiness. I don't enjoy being near him. I can't wait to get away from him. In many ways, I wish I'd never had him.

I remember thinking multiple times when I was pregnant that I wasn't bonding with this unborn child and in my mind I had 2 options. A. Abort or B. Accept what I read on the internet and that says I'll bond with my baby when he's here.

Well, he's 2 years old now and I can't stand him. I don't want to feel like this but I feel like there's no amount of medication or therapy that is going to change how I feel.

But I can't let him live with his dad, because he's abusive.

In many ways, I think it's because he's like his dad that I feel this way.

Whenever I asked for space when we were arguing, his dad would just get closer, or block my way, or demand I give him a hug or a kiss.

And I just can't stand when my son comes and sits on my knee, and whenever I try and put him down he cries or screams or just tries to scramble back up.

My ex always had a reason why I had to take care of his needs first, and my son is barely a toddler, and needs me to take care of his needs first.

I've not had any fun since before I was 7 weeks pregnant. I've not done a single thing for myself. Every time I try doing something, he's just... There. Destroying, undoing or demanding my undivided attention.

I can't even enjoy a glass of fucking cold water because he can't not be attached to me. I have sensory issues and don't like being touched when eating or drinking.

I end up with dehydration headaches.

I just feel like my life is now a prison.

I tried talking to my mum about it and she's just outright said that if I try and place him with another family then she'll disown me. Even though it's not what's best for him or for me to be together.

I just feel like that feeling I got when I was pregnant. The you should abort because being sick every day is a precursor to the rest of your life was right.

I expect I'll get flamed for posting this.

It feels like there's no where in the world that can offer me the right kind of support.

Sometimes I lay awake at night and get this fight or flight feeling where I just need to disappear. Put my shoes on and run for the hills.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 04, 2021
cambion, and so it goes, down to the 3rd and 4th generation

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 05, 2021
Another reason on the "why breeding is awful" checklist: all of the bodily fluids all of the time. Not just loaves puking up everything they eat, shitting themselves every 20 minutes and toadlers pissing their pants in the middle of saying they don't have to go. But why do so many brats think poop is a toy? Is this a new phenomenon or something? Because I never remember playing with turds as a kid, nor do I remember anyone I know doing it.

But within the last two decades, I've seen this disgusting behavior extend beyond the flaptards. Totally normal children will play with shit (not always their own either), eat it, smear it on themselves, the walls, the floors, their toys, everywhere. How do they not notice that it smells bad or tastes bad? How is it they never manage to get sick from it either? You know their handlers don't wash them well enough to remove fecal residue from under fingernails and then those kids will stick their hands in their mouths. Meanwhile, an adult doesn't wash their hands well enough after taking a dump and they get sick as a dog.

Of course, Moo Only Looked Away For A MinuteTM. I wonder how long the dog will last when it stops being a cute puppy and starts leaving full-sized shits within reach of the sproggen.



I went to grab my 3 year old a pair of pants and left my 15 month old in the (what I thought was secure) living room.

In the the minute it took me to find pants my daughter managed to reach under the gate to the kitchen, grab poop that our 3 month old puppy just left, and smear it all over herself and my floor.

Thankfully it didn’t appear to be near her mouth. That was about the only place she didn’t hit.

I brought her up to the tub where she proceeded to keep grabbing at my hair, really getting the poop deep in there.

I’ve managed to get everything cleaned up, including myself, but I’m done for the day. I better get a damn good Mother’s Day gift.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 06, 2021
Moo who admits she's useless at work because of mommy brain. I bet her employer is regretting promoting her when she's unable to do her job because babby. If she keeps making "huge, dumb mistakes" like she says, then it probably won't be long before her employer fixes the problem for her by laying her off and hiring or promoting someone who is competent and doesn't blame their bullshit on domestic life. Maybe she can't help it because she probably gets next to no sleep due to having a 6-month-old loaf, but she chose to have a child and surely she had to have known going in that parenting = no sleep.

All the more reason to not hire breeders. Meanwhile, I'm sure the unchilded co-workers are the ones picking up the slack and cleaning up her messes. You can be good at a job or good at parenting, but often times not both. If you try to do both, both will suffer because both are full-time jobs. I'm sure most bosses don't mind the occasional blunder and unless they're abusive pricks, will generally just say, "Try not to do it again." But you keep on making mistakes and they're gonna wonder why they're paying someone to fuck things up. They won't care if you have a loaf to feed because they have a business to run and a business is worth more financially than a child.



I have a 6 month old daughter, and I've had brain fog for the past year. My pregnancy was awful, but I had earned enough brownie points with my work that they cut me tons of slack, and my very social job had me at home due to covid.

When I finished my maternity leave, I was promoted into a new awesome position as an executive at a new company. It's everything I ever wanted, from decent pay, excellent flexibility, I get to do genuine good for my community, etc, and I'm failing.

I can't focus. I'm not getting things done. I'm not managing my time. My follow through is horrendous. I didn't used to be like this! I went through a few bouts of depression and anxiety, and this isn't either of those.

I've always been a do something 100% full attention kind of gal, but I can't get myself to do that. At this point, my work ethic rotates between: my head hurts, I'm tired, I can't focus, I'm overwhelmed, I'm anxious, I can't brain enough to rub two thoughts together, repeat.

I'm incredibly upset with myself, because I know that I'm better than this and I'm wasting my golden opportunity.

My husband has been supportive, but I keep making huge, dumb mistakes in and out of work, and I don't know how to fix this.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 07, 2021
Moo says it's time to make a third loaf and Duh is not on board at all, and then Moo gets mad when he "sabotages" their efforts to conceive again by being too tired, being unable to stay hard or pulling out.

She admits at the end of her tirade that the marriage is already fucked up and seemed to think that having a third kid would stop the dysfunction. So what would a third kid do to fix a broken marriage that the first two didn't? Take the hint, Moo: the guy doesn't want another brat. He probably didn't want the first two either. Odds are he agreed to #3 to shut the bitch up because she was likely nagging him for procreative sex. The upside is she can't oops him because it sounds like sex isn't happening much in the first place, but that doesn't mean she couldn't go get knocked up by another man and say it's her husband's and call it a "miracle."



We are trying for #3. We kind of half-ass started trying 9 months ago, but DH was not enthusiastic at all and I had a lot going on so I didn’t push it too much. But we have agreed, out loud, explicitly, multiple times, that it’s time to get pregnant again. So now for the past 3 cycles I’ve been tracking and testing and actually trying, and for 3 cycles in a row he’s fucked something up.

Let me preface this by saying that I am one of those women who has an extremely regular cycle. I can pinpoint exactly where I am in my cycle and practically feel the egg releasing. Our first two babies were conceived on first attempts without even really trying. So actually having to work at it is a new thing for us.

The first month of trying, I initiated sex on the day I was ovulating. He insisted that he was too tired and asked if we could just try the next day. By the next day I could tell it was too late. Got my period 2 weeks later.

The second month I didn’t want to miss the window again, so we had sex the day before ovulation and I initiated again the next night. But that night he kept going soft and finally just shrugged and announced that he wasn’t going to be able to cum that night. He’s literally never had that problem before, even when he’s drunk. Wtf. But ok, it’s not really his fault, right? We say we’ll try again tomorrow but when tomorrow comes he’s too tired. No pregnancy this cycle.

So last week was my latest ovulation window. I’m horny, he’s indifferent, but we have actual sex on my actual ovulation day for the first time in forever. We have mediocre sex and then as he’s coming HE PULLS OUT. He swears it was an accident, that he misjudged the angle and that I must’ve changed position. But... like... what the actual fuck.

Like I said above, he agreed multiple times that it’s time to try. Each month I revisit the conversation and double check that he’s on board. He says he’s ready for the next baby. But I’m definitely getting suspicious. This kind of immature, poorly thought-out, underhanded issue-avoidance bullshit is definitely his style.

I’m pretty sure I’m feeling PMS symptoms, which means another wasted cycle. I know that conception is always a crapshoot and that many couples try for so much longer without results and I know I should be grateful for the babies I have. And honestly, if he’s really pulling a stunt like this it probably means I shouldn’t be having any more babies with him. But goddamnit I wanted that 3rd. And goddamnit I wanted this fucked up marriage to be functional for a hot second. Guess I’ll have to confront him sooner or later, although I have a feeling that I wouldn’t be able to trust what he says either way. Wish me luck, ladies...
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 07, 2021
I am done with trying to figure out the abyssmal selfish stupidity of moos with iq's in the single digits baying and neighing and whining like a bitch in heat. well, they are a fucking bitch in heat.
divorce him, then go around and spread for whatever come along. and sue for child support.
they don't care about a child. not one fucking bit. damned moo whores.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 07, 2021

And honestly, if he’s really pulling a stunt like this it probably means I shouldn’t be having any more babies with him. But goddamnit I wanted that 3rd. And goddamnit I wanted this fucked up marriage to be functional for a hot second. Guess I’ll have to confront him sooner or later, although I have a feeling that I wouldn’t be able to trust what he says either way. Wish me luck, ladies...

I wonder if this moo defines functional as getting her way or adding a third brat. Both have such promise for a fucked up marriage.

And what the moo wants is more important than bringing an innocent life into a marriage she admits is fucked up. I hope no one is wishing her luck.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 09, 2021
Wait a day or so, and the moos will be posting their angry tales of woe because their sperm donor didn't book the favorite restaurant or buy the perfect gift for Mothers Day.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 09, 2021
Yupppp, all of the whining there today from Moos who are butthurt because their husbands yet again failed to acknowledge their sluicing. Though a pattern I've noticed this year compared to last year is there are fewer Duhs doing absolutely nothing and putting forth no effort and more who seem to promise Moos the world and then when the heifers try to make them make good on their promises, the Duhs go, "When the fuck did I say that?!"

Duhs are probably banking on "it's the thought that counts" working. That way, they can promise Moo the sun, moon and stars and when they fail to deliver on their "special" day, the Moos might still be happy because "at least he thought about me!" And if it doesn't work, oh well, no different than usual.

How's about this, let's get rid of Mother's Day and Father's Day entirely. You don't deserve to be celebrated for making another human being, you deserve to have your head examined. Stray cats reproduce constantly and we don't celebrate them (though I'd be far more inclined to celebrate a cat with a litter), and I bet they do a far better job of raising their offspring than most human mothers. Or better yet, don't fucking expect anything for Mother's Day and then you won't be disappointed! You know how many positive Moo Day posts I saw there? TWO.



Yesterday was a really hard day with our son. He is 9months and his top teeth are cutting so even with tylenol he was miserable and frustrated all day. Pulling out my hair, screaming when I wasn't holding him, trying to spill/knock over everything he saw, bonking his head on the wall on purpose. The dog wouldn't eat breakfast and followed me everywhere. I was just exhausted by the end of the day and husband said he'd give me a break and cook dinner when he got home. I said I would really appreciate it if he could play with the baby outside or upstairs for like 30mins so I could clean the living room because it was disgusting. I'd happily cook dinner too that was all I wanted. He said "sounds good my love ... ue him getting home and immediately starting to talk about how hungry he was, telling me he had a great day and what happened at work.

No sign of him intending to take baby to the park outside or upstairs. I start cleaning anyway, and after 10 minutes I ask if he's still taking him to the park. Had to remind him to put socks and a sweater on baby. They went outside. And were back in 5 minutes because it was chilly. He starts playing with baby in the living room while I'm trying to clean. I'm totally mentally zombified at this point and they're distracting me so badly I just wanted to curl up into a ball and dissolve. Just one thing. I asked for one thing. He knows I am easily distracted and not being able to focus stresses me out. He starts asking what I want for dinner, saying he will cook etc.

I said I could have already started dinner if he'd given me the alone time he said he would. That pissed him off and he took baby upstairs. Okay. I finish cleaning the living room, decide we're having leftovers, and offer him a plate. He says no and I put baby to bed. He sulked off into the basement and didn't say another word to me. This morning he woke me up to tell me he was leaving and didn't even say happy mother's day. I know he doesn't have anything planned so that was all I expected. Maybe I'm just being petty or neurotic who fuckin knows! Idk why I expected him to deal with his feelings instead of me having to coddle him anyway! Maybe I'm stupid for expecting anything from him because I'm clearly just a shitty mean partner and don't deserve appreciation. God. I got 4 hours of sleep last night I just can't wait for this day to be over

Stay tuned for more because the day is still young!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 11, 2021
I keep seeing the pattern of: have brats and become so sleep deprived and sick of being around the brat that any little thing can set you off and results in constant overdramatization. But, this won't stop them from having more or anything like that. At a certain point I think they begin to expect being on the edge all the time where any little thing can set them off.

Even older kids as in teenagers do the same thing to their parents: constant freaking drama. I live about a 90% drama free life and wouldn't have it any other way. There is that pesky 10% or so that is sometimes unavoidable and gets old really quick!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 12, 2021
Why do moos expect their sperm donors to do something for them for mother's day? Moo is not duh's mommy, except figuratively if she married a man-child. When I was a kid I don't have any recollection of fathers having to do anything for their spouses.
It's the end of tax season and I'm tired, so I'll just let this one speak for itself.


I see some people who talk about how they haven’t childproofed their house and they’ve just taught their kids to never touch things in the house or open cabinets.

Like good for you? Do you want me to clap now?

I was watching a YouTuber brag about that they trained their child from birth not to touch things in their house.

I’d rather have a curious toddler than one trained like a dog to stay in their corner.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 13, 2021
It's the end of tax season and I'm tired, so I'll just let this one speak for itself.


I see some people who talk about how they haven’t childproofed their house and they’ve just taught their kids to never touch things in the house or open cabinets.

Like good for you? Do you want me to clap now?

I was watching a YouTuber brag about that they trained their child from birth not to touch things in their house.

I’d rather have a curious toddler than one trained like a dog to stay in their corner.


Not sure about the year that brat proofing became someone's marketing idea but it was definitely not around when I was a kid. For millennia, parents have made it work by positive/negative enforcement and boundaries. They also weren't looking away for just a second™ either. I don't think that is any reason for dumb bint to chastise them.

A kid who is taught to avoid certain things is less prone to run into the street and lots of other impulsive things.

What do you want to bet she has a kid older than three that isn't potty trained?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 13, 2021
Ohh sure, they'd rather have a curious toddler... right up until that curious toddler breaks their shit, hurts themselves to the point of warranting an ER visit, escapes from the house at 4am after figuring out the child-proof locks, or any number of the million and a half horrible, annoying ways toddlers exercise their curiosity.

What's wrong with being happy that you've trained your brat to not manhandle shit? Sounds like sour grapes to me. These Moos probably can't figure out how to keep their dumbass kids from smearing their own shit on the walls, so of course they get pissed at a peer who has trained their kid to not treat the medicine cabinet like a candy store. I mean sure, lock up the really toxic stuff and and weapons/firearms/pointy things, but the fact of the matter is if a kid wants to fuck with something, they will find a way to fuck with it no matter what you put in their way.

Besides that, childproofing doesn't always work and curious kids with nothing better to do will sit there and figure out how to get around socket covers and baby gates if they really want to. I distinctly remember being six years old and my grandma would hand me her childproof medicine bottles and ask me to open them for her (and I could, very easily). Sometimes the best childproofing is natural consequences. Junior wants to climb the stairs? Fine, let him fall down and bust his head open on the bannister. Princess just cannot go on living unless she can put her hand on the hot stove? Let her - I guarantee she won't do it again. Some natural consequences might be the kind the kid doesn't come back from too, like pulling an entire TV down on their heads. But kids are nothing if they are not determined to kill themselves.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 13, 2021
Discussion of post-sluicing vag destruction with the obligatory "I'm tighter than I was pre-birth heehee!" Moos chiming in. No, Karen, you're not. I don't know what these women think is gonna happen - they know how big their vaginas are, they know how big babies are. Nothing stretches infinitely and I think if something tears, it means it's been pushed past its limits.

Your vag won't be back to normal in six weeks, a year or ever again because contrary to the lies Moos tell one another, you do not just "snap back" from that level of destruction. If you stretch the hell out of a t-shirt collar to the point where the seams rip, it won't just return to its original state all nice and neat like nothing happened. It will stay stretched out forever.

If you decide to crap out kids, it's a choice between this or getting cut open while conscious. How's about fuckin' NOPE on both counts? My genitals aren't gracing any magazine covers anytime soon, but I sure as fuck don't want stitches in them! If Moos are smart, they would never look at their vaginas ever again after giving birth, at least not without a stiff drink or four beforehand. They ought to show some nice colorful high-definition photos of vaginas before and after giving birth in sex ed. A nice crop of fresh vassholes might be enough to make teen girls celibate, or at least pursue lesbian relationships.



I just had my first kid 6 weeks ago. I pushed for 3 hours and was able to have an unassisted birth. I had a 2nd degree tear and still have some internal stitches. I’d put off looking at my vagina as I was afraid of what I’d see. I looked today... it wasn’t a great night to begin with. I haven’t slept well as my son has been a bit fussy (green poo, gassy, does a lot of grunting and squirming and won’t settle properly). Anyways, I looked.... it was horrible. I thought at 6 weeks it would be back to normal... it wasn’t. It’s not... things look... pushed out. And the opening is much wider. Not open mind you, just the opening skin surrounds all of this flesh that now seems to be sticking out that I know wasn’t to begin with. It’s not a prolapse I don’t think or my doctor would have said something. Did this happen to anyone else? Does it get better? Not to be dramatic but this was pretty heart breaking for me.
Re childproofing, I know that my parents put up gates after I fell down the stairs in my walker, but after that, we were expected not to fuck shit up. We had a 25" console TV that I was FORBIDDEN to touch and I just plain didn't touch it. We were also forbidden to roam around the house with food on our hands and we didn't. We were trained "like dogs" to be respectful human beings and I'm glad of it.

We were trained "like dogs" to be respectful human beings and I'm glad of it.


Training for any ANIMAL (of which humans are one, although I am sure most Moos would be offended) is hardly a bad thing.

The woman who made the comment sounds completely ignorant. (Yeah, because that's surprising on Breaking Mawm.) You don't train a dog to stay in a corner---you train a dog so it can be around people without everyone thinking "what an obnoxious dog."

How does that not apply to kids again?
Yeah, just because our parents established RULES and BOUNDARIES doesn't mean I had a deprived childhood in any way, shape or form. I probably had a better childhood than these coddled brats because I actually learned how to amuse myself and self sufficiency.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 14, 2021
A lot of Moos take offense to any sort of parenting that might imply their kids are no better than animals - training them to behave, using brat leashes, whatever. Even if it would benefit the child, they won't rob their dumbass brats of their non-existent dignity by treating them like house pets.

I fail to see the problem with training a kid like you would a dog, especially if it works. People train their dogs to not do shit like chew up everything in the house or jump on people or to stop running on command. When did people become so much better than dogs that obedience training children is bad? I bet more kids would be better behaved if their parents treated them like dogs - maybe not chaining them up in the backyard, but just not taking their shit.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 20, 2021
This is a good one. Moo doesn't like being mom shamed over hot car deaths by childfree people who just don't know how haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (inhale) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard it is. eye rolling smiley I gotta say this is a first for me, I have never seen anyone - parent or otherwise - stick up for the plight of the breeder who lets their kid die in a 120-degree car in mid-July.

I don't care if it is so-called "mommy brain" to blame, you should abso-fucking-lutely be shamed for allowing your child to die of hyperthermia/heat stroke/etc. It is absolutely preventable and I flat-out refuse to believe these hot car deaths we see every summer are anything other than intentional. I've got the worst fucking memory of anyone I know and I have never so much as left ice cream in a hot car by accident, let alone a living creature. If your memory is so fried from having the children you chose to make, then maybe you shouldn't fucking take them out of the house until your brain works properly again. A memory so bad that it prevents you from remembering to not murder your child via overheating is a memory that might forget how to operate a vehicle safely too, after all.



It's basically summer so of course it's time for my Facebook feed to get filled up with posts from my childfree friends, where they share posts about "tricks to make sure you don't leave your kids in the car", and proceed to shame the absolute balls off parents.

"Here's a great product for people who conveniently forget they have a whole ass child in their backseat ????"

"My memory isn't great because of anxiety but I don't think I'd ever forget a kid was in the car for long enough for them to roast to death."

Mmmhmm. So great to know that these weight activated carseat alarms that are purchased to help assuage the constant anxiety of accidentally fucking up beyond repair are just gonna get mom's even more eye rolls and judgment.

I barely remember my kids' newborn days, and you know why? Because I was running on maybe four hours of broken sleep. My daughter's dad and I used to rotate taking days off depending on who got more sleep. Or miraculously we'd both get offered "voluntary time off" (Bezos brand for "don't want to work today? Good we don't want to pay you), take her to the sitters, then go home and pass out.

PPD/PPA fucks with your memory so badly. Any little change in routine can fuck with your autopilot. Low income American working moms are back at work as little as two weeks after giving birth!

"Put something important in the backseat like your purse or shoes so you always have to look in the backseat when you finish your commute" "YoU mEaN yOuR cHiLd IsN't ImPoRtAnT eNoUgH?!" Thank you, you have completely solved my memory issues that come from lack of sleep, lack of support, and anxiety from possibly being viewed as a bad mom.

I remember a post from a dad on one of the other parenting subreddits, years ago now. It was his day to take his toddler to daycare, but he had to get gas before going to daycare (probably not the exact scenario but it was years ago and I can't sift through that many posts to find it verbatim). So he stops, gets gas at the pump, gets back in the car, and drives straight to work. He parks and his kid does something, says something, sneezes, I don't remember, but he described the absolute wave of panic and guilt he felt because if that didn't happen he would have totally just gotten out of the car and left his kid strapped into the carseat and trapped in the car.

It can fucking happen to anyone. Stop fucking shaming humans for using devices or tricks to help them make sure they don't fucking hurt their kids. "I would never do that" good for you Erica, but you also don't plan on having kids, have had great luck with birth control, and are not a fucking saint for saying you'd never do something in a situation you've never been in.

And double fuck moms who shame other moms about this.

And fuck my cats for waking me up at 4am so I saw that post in the first place.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 20, 2021
And of course the comments are full of moos agreeing with her, along with comments about how CF people know nothing about children and should have absolutely no opinions on the subject.

You’d think a mother would be absolutely horrified at someone who lets their baby fry to death in a hot car, but I guess that’s only an emotion we evil CFers can feel.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Yes, but we also understand the cruelty and selfishness of people who insist on breeding children who will knowingly suffer because of some defect.
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