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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 16, 2023
Yeah, all apps/sites have free versions with sufficient functionality, the paid-for extras are just designed to let you sift through people more easily, or bring yourself to their attention...not something you need with a "joke" profile. Plus, where's the joke/entertainment in this? He's basically saying that he finds it amusing to string people along. His defense against being called a cheater is to say that he's an asshole who doesn't care about other people's feelings?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 16, 2023

The TLDR on this is that moo's husband created a dating profile for shits and giggles (so he said), didn't upoad a profile or bio, or whatever else goes into one of those online meat market accounts. The only reason he told her was because the dating website was charging his credit card so he had to cancel his card out and get a new one.

There's no doubt the dude is lying. If the website was charging his card without authorization, you just dispute the charge and that's that. This reminds me of a guy I once dated (20+ years ago, before my personal Age of Reason) who told me he had to meet up for dinner with his ex once a month because otherwise she wouldn't pay him back the money she owed. Like, the biggest Sure, Jan drooling stupification

Dinner followed by a spicy desert Jan? Bet it was more than once a month too.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 16, 2023
Dinner followed by a spicy desert Jan? Bet it was more than once a month too.

He tried to nail anything that wasn't pinned down, including my best friend. I used to give people way more benefit of the doubt than they deserved. Some dudes will try anything just to get laid, doesn't matter if they have a partner or not.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 18, 2023
Screeching bastard will not shut up and while Moo is busy recording the tantrum to show to the pediatrician to see if said child has a mental disorder, Duh shuts that shit down by pouring water on the brat. The child was so stunned that she quit screaming. Moo decides to light into Duh because apparently what he did was abusive?

I personally think it was bloody brilliant. It not only stopped the screaming, it had the desired effect without spanking because we all know how much Moos love to bleat about how SpAnKiNg Is AbUsE!!1 I think Moo is just mad that she was trying to come up with some bullshit gentle solution that involved discussion of feelings and hugs and Duh had a solution that was simple, fast and successful and he thought of it before she did. Then she talks to him like he's a misbehaving brat.

Unless he poured boiling water on the brat, this was not abuse. By Moo's logic, bathing the brats is abuse. God this sow must be insufferable to live with. She claims he "damaged their daughter's trust in him." How? A toddler won't remember that shit. Toddlers will trust a pedo that promises them candy and a puppy if they just follow them to their car.



My 2.5yo daughter was screaming like a banshee and wouldn't stop because something had upset her and she has like zero frustration tolerance. Her brother is Autistic and I'm starting to suspect she is neurospicy too, so I took a quick video to show to her doctor at her appointment next week. Then I was just trying to find a solution, but there was no solution... just screaming.

So my husband comes up the stairs and I assumed he was going to help me put our screaming daughter down for nap since it was just about time and she was obviously not handling her life well. Instead he just stands there looking at us. He tried to say something and our daughter starts back up banshee screaming, so my husband proceeds TO POUR A WATER BOTTLE OVER OUR CHILD'S HEAD.


SHE stopped screaming because she was stunned and after a moment of stunned silence from me, I had to go full mom mode on my husband. I openly parented his ass. I took the water bottle from him and loudly told him "NO. We don't pour water on people." I made him apologize, clean up the floor, and change/dry off our daughter while I told the kids that even adults make bad choices and that we DO NOT POUR WATER ON PEOPLE.

The kids are down for nap now, but I don't know what the hell to do with my husband. I want to punch him in the face a little bit because he just keeps saying that he didn't touch her, didn't yell at her, he simply made her damp. He says that it was the only thing that made her quit screaming and it wasn't a big deal.

Fucking hell, we're adults, not 3 year olds. Fuck out of here with that bullshit.

I gave him a lecture about how kids look to their parents for how todeal with their emotions and that response ain't it. Then I told him that he damaged our daughter's trust in him as a safe person in her life. And he just keeps saying "How? By making her a little wet?"

I also tried to explain big emotions and lack of emotional regulation in young children, but he says that screaming is a conscious choice that she needs to quit making. I spend half my time telling that child to ask nicely if she wants something and then responding immediately and cheerfully when she finally asks nicely instead of screaming bloody murder. So it's not like I'm encouraging her behavior. She just can't regulate her emotions well right now, which is to be expected for her age. I model my own regulation and help her through her outbursts. I don't know what else I can do.

I definitely don't know how to get through my husband's thick skull. We've been together 7 years and never had this kind of problem. To my husband's credit, his eardrums are screwed up due to childhood illness, so the screaming was physically hurting him and he can't wear earplugs due to that same childhood illness. Also he and I are recovering from strep two weeks ago, so he still doesn't have much of a voice thanks to having to yell a lot at his factory job. Plus, this is first day off after working 10 days straight. So I do believe this was an isolated incident.

Even still, WHAT THE FUCK? I don't even know what to do from here
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 18, 2023
“Neurospicy.” FFS, the lengths these moos will go to in order to avoid calling a spade a spade and admitting their kid is retarded. Although since she clearly is against discipline I have to wonder if the older one is just spoiled, and this younger one is following in those footsteps. I bet we’ll see this moo posting again in a few years, wondering why the brats listen to and respect their father but not her.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 19, 2023
Moo has taken away almost all the adult power in their relationships with the brats. I'd bet the duh just wanted the screaming to stop.
Based on the circumstances I'd say his reaction was mild, noone was hurt and it made the brat shut up. Clearly the brat is getting something out of the screaming and I'd bet moo always gives into it or never responds with a punishment to it. Maybe some water on her head is what the brats needs to learn that her wailing will have a negative consequence.

Perhaps duh could buy a squirt gun and squirt her when she screams? Sounds like a great solution to me!

Further, I have a former friend who would do the whole "we don't blah blah blah gentle speech BS" with her son instead of giving him consequences. It got to the point no one could stand to be around her son because he was such a brat. The brat (at nine years old) shit his pants one time when I was over there in an attempt to monopolize his mother's attention. Her response was to give him a bath and to explain calmly that when he craps his drawers he is going to need a bath.

Her parents talked with her about him, her second husband broke off their engagement because of his behavior and also because he didn't want the responsibility of his own two brats from a prior marriage, let alone hers. When she told me that I asked her why she ever thought this engagement would work out.

I found out years ago she ended up divorced from her second husband in less than a year.
Brat is an adult now and I'd be willing to bet he still lives with mombie and still acts like a bratty kid.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 19, 2023
btw, I watched a youtube video a few days ago on frances worst train disaster.. think it was france. some passenger pulled the emergency brake switch.. and from then on a domino effect of bad mistakes caused a train wreck. I am surprised the fucking moo showed up and said she had pulled the emergency brake. why?? due to the train being behind or something they were told to skip a stop. well moo absolutely HAD to get off and get her dumpling from school so she pulled the brake cord. Doing so she killed around 50 people. Wonder if she's going to tell her kid what she did. stupid ass. if I find the video I'll post the link

edit: I think this is the link. it is a series I am subscribed to...


two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 21, 2023
Moo scolded Duh like a child and explicitly said "we do not pour water on people." I didn't hear anything about not pouring paint on people. Or vinegar. Or milk. Or dish soap. Just sayin'. Duh could just cycle through every possible liquid he could dump on the brat and if Moo gets shitty, he could just say, "but you said I couldn't pour water on her. You didn't say I couldn't pour (insert non-water liquid) on her!"

Then when she says he can't pour any liquids on her, he can start dumping lightweight solid things on her like dried beans or kitty litter. tongue sticking out smiley Then when Moo bans him from carrying out any form of physical discipline, he can just ignore the child entirely when it misbehaves and let Moo deal with it. I would also be sorely tempted to barge into the bathroom every single time Moo bathes the brat and scream "WE DON'T POUR WATER ON PEOPLE!" and then leave.

Speaking of gentle discipline, I saw something in my Facebook feed that said something akin to, "If you think gentle discipline is ineffective, it means you equate discipline with abuse and should unpack that with a therapist." No, there is a difference between effective corporal punishment and physical abuse. Giving a kid a light tap on the ass to make it behave is not abuse. Beating a child within an inch of its life with a golf club is abuse. It's not hard to tell the difference. It's the parents who seem to think that gentle discipline means no discipline at all anyway.

A parent who engages in gentle discipline considers things like time-outs and loss of privileges abusive and gives their child no consequences for their misbehavior. How is it discipline when Moo is sitting there yammering on about feelings and "now why don't we sit quietly and discuss why you did that, honey-snookums?" while the child is ignoring her entirely and laying waste to an entire toy aisle at Walmart? It's not, that's how. Discipline must be fast, effective, and simple enough for a young child to comprehend and a little love tap is often the best way to do that. Maybe Moos ought to unpack with therapists why they think having a discussion of emotional status with a two-year-old is the proper way to parent.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 21, 2023
There's an update to the story. She broke him down and he capitulated and admitted what a horrible human he is. And it goes without saying that he was dogpiled in the comments by the other cattle.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 21, 2023
"while the child is ignoring her entirely"... I have seen this time on end. you can tell from the little bastards expression it has not heard one damn word

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 22, 2023
There's an update to the story. She broke him down and he capitulated and admitted what a horrible human he is. And it goes without saying that he was dogpiled in the comments by the other cattle.

I think I remember seeing that in the comments when I looked back at that post. I think what I hate most is if the Moo herself did this and dumped water on her screechling to make it shut up, she'd get nothing but support from the rest of the herd. "Oh it's okay momma, momming is hard and it's okay to make a mistake now and then!" But since it's a Duh who did it, he's an evil, abusive bastard. The same action cannot be a "simple mistake" for one person and "abuse" for another based on what parent they are.

And now when the Duh doesn't attempt to parent the brat ever again because Moo will throw another conniption, she'll bitch about how he's not pulling his weight with parenting. Duh seemed pretty convinced that he did nothing wrong and I really don't think he did either, but he was likely bitched into apologizing because Moo probably wouldn't quit mooing. Maybe he should have dumped water on her too.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 22, 2023
Maybe he should have dumped water on her too.

Fixed it for you.

Funny story, my dad has always been difficult to rouse in the mornings. When he was a kid, his own dad resorted to pouring water on him to get him out of bed every day. And he ain't dead from that horrible "abuse"!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 26, 2023
Lady, if getting knocked up is so dangerous for you, why the fuck are you doing it?? She lost four pregnancies within the last year (and some change). Her body is giving her gigantic red fucking flags that the baby oven is closed for business and she will not take the hint.

It's not like the stupid sow has no kids - she has one brat of her own already. Her pregnasty is so high risk that she's being advised to get on bedrest at 7 weeks. I've only ever heard of women going on bedrest when they get complications in their third trimester, so how delicate must this woman's uterus be that she has to not move too much when she's probably not even showing? Like if she farts too hard, she might miscarry?

The fuckwit also says she gave up her career to get herself pigged up. Why? Can't this moron be happy with the kid she's got and keep her career? I'm not even touching the fact her partner is unavailable between work and visiting his brats that live in an entirely different country. Says he's been seeing his kids more often for "various reasons" lately too. What reasons? Unless the kids are adults, it sounds like he might be trying to rekindle his relationship with his ex to me. When Duh is home, he checks out and does whatever he wants. What potential did she see in this man as a father?

Since she has quit her job to be a broodmare, she probably can't leave him because she will be dependent on his income now.



I am almost 42 and in the last 14 months I had 3 chemical pregnancies and 1 missed miscarriage at 10.5 weeks. Now I am pregnant with IVF and have vaginal bleeding which means a lot of rest is required. It’s still very early in my pregnancy at 7 weeks and I am terrified to have another miscarriage.

I have a 4 year old son from my previous relationship and my partner has 2 children from his previous marriage that are living in another country. My partner works in investment banking. Meaning long hours, client entertainments in the evenings. He travels every second weekend to see his kids. The last few weeks it has been more frequent for various reasons. I am left on my own in this country where we don’t have family and we live outside of London where hiring help is really difficult. We are in a very lucky position that I can afford help and offer good salaries but even then I am unable to find someone to help regularly with my child, with housework, cooking etc.

Bedrest seems to be the answer but it is impossible for me right now. I am crying everyday trying to make things right for everyone. My partner does not seem to understand that I am alone all day, everyday with my worries. The little time that he has at home he is either travelling to see the kids, going for a bike ride, playing video games, or finding things to do outside the house while all I need is some human contact. We fight a lot and these fights escalate to a point of desperation for me. He left the house 2 hours ago after a fight and went clothes shopping for himself.

Again, I am here all alone and not sure how to survive this pregnancy. I get daily injections, patches, twice daily suppositories just to keep things going. I have given up my career to be able to concentrate on making IVF work in my 40s.

I just don’t know how to go on with an unsupportive partner…
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 01, 2023
If having brats is so miserable, why the hell did you do it twice?

The sob story of a Moo who would rather work harder to be away from her kids than interact with them because they suck so much. Shoveled herself out of the driveway so she could go to work in an otherwise empty office just to get the fuck away from the sproggen. Why does she not punish them when they fight and scream if she hates the constant noise they make? Let me guess, she's too tiiiiiiiired?

The kids aren't fucking helpless, can't she kick their asses outside to romp around in the snow, presuming they have a backyard and don't live in an apartment? I don't ever remember adults watching me at those ages unless I wanted to go sledding because it involved a car ride to get to the best sledding spots. But just going outside to roll around in the backyard? I just got told to come in after a couple hours to change into dry clothes.

The bolded line was the best part. It hurts to be a shitty mother, but not as much as it hurts to be around the tiny assholes she chose to create. I sure hope her kids never find out how she feels about them.



My kids (5 and 8) have a snow day today - our first ACTUAL SNOW of the season (having this little snow all winter is very uncommon where I live). My husband has to work from home today but has meetings all day, so he won't be able to really do much for/with the kids. I could work from home - I have nothing pressing or urgent going on in-person, and everything I need to do, I could do from home.

I could make it so the kids can go sledding. I could take breaks and do outdoorsy things with them. I could make hot chocolate when they come in. I badly want them to have these things, these memories. They got new sleds for Christmas this year and haven't even had anything remotely approaching a chance to use them, until today.

But I'm so tired. I am so tired of parenting these two very high-energy kids. I don't know if the pandemic broke me and I have just been hobbling along unable to catch a moment to fix myself ever since? I don't know. But I am so tired of them fighting and hitting and screaming and yelling and fighting. I am tired of all of it. I do not enjoy being around them, at all. When I envision a whole day spent at home I feel a sick sense of dread and anxiety in my stomach. Our home is not a safe haven. It is a source of stress and chaos and yelling and I do not want to be there with them any more than I absolutely have to, at this point.

So I shoveled out and fought my way in, and now I am at work. It is silent, because everyone else is WFH today. My kids are parked on the couch watching TV while my husband is in zoom meeting after zoom meeting. And I am just sitting here crying over how I am too fucking burnt out to give my kids their first snow day of the year. It hurts so bad to suck this much as a mother. But not as bad as being around my kids for one more fucking second.

It's a damn good thing that everyone else in the office is at home, because I can just sit here and let the tears fall and not worry about it.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 01, 2023
Lady, if getting knocked up is so dangerous for you, why the fuck are you doing it?? She lost four pregnancies within the last year (and some change). Her body is giving her gigantic red fucking flags that the baby oven is closed for business and she will not take the hint.

It's not like the stupid sow has no kids - she has one brat of her own already. Her pregnasty is so high risk that she's being advised to get on bedrest at 7 weeks. I've only ever heard of women going on bedrest when they get complications in their third trimester, so how delicate must this woman's uterus be that she has to not move too much when she's probably not even showing? Like if she farts too hard, she might miscarry?

The fuckwit also says she gave up her career to get herself pigged up. Why? Can't this moron be happy with the kid she's got and keep her career? I'm not even touching the fact her partner is unavailable between work and visiting his brats that live in an entirely different country. Says he's been seeing his kids more often for "various reasons" lately too. What reasons? Unless the kids are adults, it sounds like he might be trying to rekindle his relationship with his ex to me. When Duh is home, he checks out and does whatever he wants. What potential did she see in this man as a father?

Since she has quit her job to be a broodmare, she probably can't leave him because she will be dependent on his income now.



I am almost 42 and in the last 14 months I had 3 chemical pregnancies and 1 missed miscarriage at 10.5 weeks. Now I am pregnant with IVF and have vaginal bleeding which means a lot of rest is required. It’s still very early in my pregnancy at 7 weeks and I am terrified to have another miscarriage.

I have a 4 year old son from my previous relationship and my partner has 2 children from his previous marriage that are living in another country. My partner works in investment banking. Meaning long hours, client entertainments in the evenings. He travels every second weekend to see his kids. The last few weeks it has been more frequent for various reasons. I am left on my own in this country where we don’t have family and we live outside of London where hiring help is really difficult. We are in a very lucky position that I can afford help and offer good salaries but even then I am unable to find someone to help regularly with my child, with housework, cooking etc.

Bedrest seems to be the answer but it is impossible for me right now. I am crying everyday trying to make things right for everyone. My partner does not seem to understand that I am alone all day, everyday with my worries. The little time that he has at home he is either travelling to see the kids, going for a bike ride, playing video games, or finding things to do outside the house while all I need is some human contact. We fight a lot and these fights escalate to a point of desperation for me. He left the house 2 hours ago after a fight and went clothes shopping for himself.

Again, I am here all alone and not sure how to survive this pregnancy. I get daily injections, patches, twice daily suppositories just to keep things going. I have given up my career to be able to concentrate on making IVF work in my 40s.

I just don’t know how to go on with an unsupportive partner…

She’s a geriatric moo, so that’s probably why her body keeps ejecting the zygotes. Her other kid is from another man, and it sounds like this one is loaded, so she must be desperate to seal the deal with “one of our own.”

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 02, 2023
If they're so fucking rich, can't they adopt a kid instead of putting Moo's life at risk? I know we know better here, but a lot of people don't seem to get that a miscarriage isn't just a heavy period and some crying. They can be life-threatening if they don't progress like they should. Moo is a selfish asshole if she's willing to risk her life to get pigged up and possibly leave her current child without a mother, and if she lives in a state (assuming she's in the states) where abortion is banned, she would have to wait until she is literally dying from a miscarriage gone wrong to get it medically terminated.

Why can these Moos never be happy with what they've already got? I have never seen an instance of these baby-rabid IVF Moos who were desperate to have their first child. They always have at least one other perfectly healthy kid and act like they're doomed to a life of childless spinsterhood if they can't get an artificially implanted zygote to stick for ten months. If your uterus keeps yeeting the fetuses growing inside it, stop getting pregnant.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 02, 2023
yeah and of course sperm donor does everything he can to stay away from his bitching whining crying boohoo moohoo c*** of a baby girl.

real little martyrs they are.

my heart bleeds.. ... bed. made. lie

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 04, 2023
BTW, and this is how it starts....

AITA For Not Paying Fiancés Debt With Wedding Gift From My Family?
My fiancé and I have been together 3 years, engaged 4 months. My parents let me know they are gifting us a certain amount of money as a wedding gift, and to help pay for the reception. Fiancés family will not help with the wedding funds, but we are not sure if they will give us a gift later. Before anyone asks, they can afford it they just chose not to help, which is their right.

My fiancé is not good with money, and has been avoiding paying off his debts since I met him. In all it is about $6,000, it was $2,000 when we met. He chooses not to work as much as he could (ie he can work 40+ hours a week at his job but often times only works 30-35), and he took several weeks off recently because of a move when really he only needed maybe one week.

I end up paying for most stuff, even though he always says he will get it next time. Groceries, utilities, pet food, etc. He pays maybe 1/3 of our expenses at most. This is somewhat proportional to our income, but he could easily make more if he worked the hours he is offered. He also chooses to stay at a lower paying job even though he has the opportunity to apply for some significantly better ones. A few jobs he chose not to apply for were $10+ more per hour and had way better benefits.

I have used some of the gift from my parents to pay for unexpected expenses (medial treatment and car repair) and he is now asking if he can use the money to pay his debt. I don’t have any debt, I own my car and student loans are paid off. He says it’s only fair we use the funds to pay his debt because I used some of the money too ($1,500). The thing is, I wouldn’t have had to use that money if he was contributing more equally to our expenses.

He usually pays the minimum on his credit card and keeps accruing interest. And he spends his money on unnecessary items like cigarettes, top shelf weed, and Door Dash.

We were already planning to keep our finance’s separate, so his debt won’t be my responsibility even when we are married. We had planned to use whatever funds we have left after paying for the wedding/reception to put a down payment on a house. $6,000 towards his debt would use a lot of what is left over, we’d maybe have $2,000 left for the down payment. This is causing some tension between us and I know that paying his debt would help him get ahead. But I’m also worried that he will just keep working less and expecting me to pay for everything, or even accrue more debt.

I make about $15/hr more than him, which I know adds up but I’m still struggling to make ends meet too. I am just more frugal because I know I have to be. And part of why I have to be is because I’m carrying him.

I told him that if his parents or family members gift us money he can use that for his debt, but that the money my family is giving us will go towards our future.

Okay Reddit, am I being too controlling and AITA?


as a side note, just got banned from AITA for another where dad who is very involved with his kids, his ex remarried, has another kid with another guy and now new guy is trying to shut bio dad out. I called him a man baby and perhaps hadn't watched enough nature documentaries on lions and how they take over prides. He may not necessarily kill them (but I think this type would imo) but it will escalate and he will try and alienate these kids.. sometimes AITA provides the breeding grounds (pardon the puns) for the future breaking moos and whinging parent(s). guess I'm too blunt for them.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 05, 2023
She is nuts if she thinks his debt won't be hers when they are married. He'll definitely try to make it so if they divorce, and have fun paying for lawyers and probably still losing.

Facebook's "I regret having children" thread is an absolute gold mine. Every story I read evokes a "so glad that will never be my life."

The amount of women who wanted an abortion, but were talked out of it by these MACHISMO MAN-BABIES is STAGGERING. This is why abortion needs to stay legal and safe. Once they have the kids with these assholes, they are well and truly FUCKED. 100% of these assholes males are forced birthers and they want the woman to have the kid, but they do not help one iota once the brat gets there, and they ramp up the abuse.

This woman needs to GTFO. This is why domestic violence shelters need to serve SINGLE PEOPLE, before they get knocked up. And she needs to have the kid, say she doesn't know who the father is, and take it to a safe haven.

Why in the Hell didn't she leave after her miscarriage and after he cheated on her? She could have been free. What an idiot.


“I’m currently 6 months pregnant and I hate it. I’m so disappointed in my self for convincing my self I was infertile (due to having 3 miscarriages). I’m so disappointed in myself for having a baby with someone who (27m) cheated on me w/ a 19 yr old after I had a traumatic miscarriage (like he literally left after I got out the hospital to go party and hang out with her). And for being with someone so physically and mentally abusive. For being with someone who just told me now that I’m 6 months pregnant that he was horrible to me on purpose. He said he was mad at me and wanted vendetta.

I’m so mad at myself for being so weak and not leaving when I had the CHANCES. And one of them being when he let me stay at a homeless shelter while he partied, but then when the shelter was giving me resources to be independent and get my own space, he came back all of sudden and wanted to financially support me again.

I changed myself for him, from my religion to how i dress, to how I do my make up and to even tattoos which I love but cannot get because he’s “muslin” aka a religious cherry picker. when all he’s changed about him self is not going to club anymore. And he only stopped when I got pregnant. He’s done a complete 360 since I’ve gone pregnant; he’s loving, caring isn’t abusive anymore. He’s so happy about the baby and he’s more supportive. He seems to care about my feelings way more but still the past trauma is awful. I get such bad flash backs. I can’t sleep and have been loosing a lot of sleep. On top of that he’s not taking finding a home serious. He won’t put time or money into it, so we’ve been living in airbnbs. The only thing we’ve gotten for the baby is 3 sets of pjays that I picked and bought.

And he’s gross. He has awful hygiene, and now I’m pregnant with this guy’s kid. I don’t wanna share my daughter with this nasty human. i wish her dad was some random from a one night stand. I’m just scared for my daughter honestly, he’s so misogynistic. I can’t believe I did this to her. I’m an awful person for choosing this man whore to be her father. I’m going to go to therapy soon for this but I just can’t help being so so so regretful of this pregnancy and not being more strong minded to leave before this happened.

I wanna leave now, but I have no where I can stay no job no savings no car or license. I’m on the verge of packing my stuff again and going to a shelter, praying they can help me get on my feet again like how it was before I met this man whore so take it from me LOVE ISNT GOING TO SAVE YOU. LEAVE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE !!!!! I wish I was partying with my friends living up my 20’s (24f) instead of pregnant n alone”.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 07, 2023
Why would anyone want to have sex with someone with poor hygiene who you know cheats on you, let alone have that person's baby?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 07, 2023
Why would anyone want to have sex with someone with poor hygiene who you know cheats on you, let alone have that person's baby?

Because as we all know, babies will turn awful men into perfect, faithful gentlemen and fine, upstanding fathers. eye rolling smiley

I would love to know what redeeming quality made this woman stay with this asshat. Does he make tons of money? Is he extraordinarily good at eating pussy? Is he insanely good looking? Because he sure as hell doesn't have a gold star personality, from the sounds of it. I wonder why he's suddenly being nice to her while pregnant when he was a bastard to her before. I seriously doubt he gievs a damn about her "delicate condition." This whole fucking thing is a trainwreck from beginning to end, and her going to therapy isn't going to fix the flaming shit heap she got knocked up by.

She says she's having a daughter - does the Duh know that? I wonder if he's being all nicey nice to Moo because he thinks she may be incubating a goldenpenis heir. Does she really want to expose this kid to the same abuse he heaped on her? Or maybe he'll be a doting father - I've heard plenty of stories of men who were good to their kids and horrible to their wives/girlfriends. And where are they getting money to live in AirBNBs? Those are more fucking expensive than hotel rooms! She says he's dragging his ass finding a home for them - does she mean a house? She wants to buy a house with this prick? She's scared of exposing her child to this misogynistic bastard, but she wants to own a home with him? How do they intend to take care of this loaf when Moo is 3-4 months away from popping and all they have for the brat is pajamas?

Why do so many Moos get themselves into these kinds of situations where they get pigged up by lazy/abusive men and proceed to stay with them? Is it low self-esteem? Not hugged enough when they were growing up? Terminal stupidity? I see the same story on repeat all the time. Like maybe there should be a "relationships 101" class for high school seniors or something so both genders (or however many there are now) can learn what an abusive relationship looks like so they can get away from it or avoid it before it begins, and especially to not get pregnant/impregnate someone who abuses them.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 07, 2023
This kind of shit makes me wonder if it would be considered abuse to put those citronella anti-bark collars on brats when they go to the grocery store. I know parents usually have no choice but to haul their brats to the store and it's one of the worst experiences, not just for the parents, but for everyone within earshot who has to have their eardrums melted by the inevitable screaming.

I remember how bad I was in the grocery store too. I'd run all over the store and put all kinds of shit in the cart (usually cat food because I liked to feed the stray cats) and then throw a fit when it got put back, or I'd rip all the coupons out of the automatic coupon dispensers for funsies. This woman hauled FIVE brats into the grocery store (in fairness, I think one is a teenager and they tend to not throw tantrums in the store), and I'm sorry, but nine years old is way too fucking old to be throwing themselves on the floor because they didn't get their way. Some girls are menstruating at that age.

Beefs the four-year-old twins too, because of course kids with fucking teeth still need tits in their mouths. Moo hates that the brats only seem to be shits when they're with her, but they're perfect angels with Meemaw and Duh. My guess is because Meemaw spoils them and gives them whatever they want, and Duh probably spanks their asses when they act like apes on bath salts, but Moo is the passive meanie-head who just says "no" to everything and I saw not one single mention of her doing anything beyond raising her voice in response to this shit behavior. It is at this point you abandon shopping, haul the whole herd back into the famblee truckster, beat the asses of everyone who misbehaved, plan in advance to leave the brats with someone (and PAY THEM for the service), and resume shopping another day.

Holy fucking shit, reading this pile of fuckery made my tubes tie themselves into a noose and hang my ovaries. This kind of shit is why that dude drove his Tesla containing his entire family off a cliff. I don't care if this kind of shit only compromises a small percentage of parental life, that is still waaaaay too often to make reproducing even a smidgen worthwhile.



I created this account to anonymously complain about my life so this is what I shall use it for. (Kinda - mostly just to remain anonymous, lol).

Anyway, usually we go shopping on Saturdays as a family, but we had a paint mishap and ended up not going. So I decided today I would go with the kids just so we had something nice to eat tonight.

We left at seven. Seven in the morning is too early for my kids to be fighting over seats yet here we are. My two oldest, not in carseats, proceeded to scream the city down over who got to sit up front with me as my husband was not in the passenger seat. The answer was neither of them, but they still continued to fight over who wouod have had the seat if I had allowed one of them to (we drive a van, we have bench seats - they both could have sat up front realistically).

Next fight was over the cart. Theres two seats in the cart we take. I have four year old twins, so I stick them in the seat - my husband usually has a cart, too, and he'll take the six and nine year old in his cart (not that they really fit anymore). Cue more crying because "daddy never makes us walk" and obviously I am a horrible person. Similar arguments when I denied carrying one on my shoulders and one on my back. Two oldest were still fighting about the front seat of the car.

Get into the store. I hear dripping water. What is it? One of the twins had peed straight through his diaper. Check the diaper bag, no clean pants. Detour to buy him new pants so I could change him. And then four matching whines of "I want new clothes, too," And then their brother starts screaming because he's wet. Then his twin starts screaming, too, because why not?

Toddler was, until this point, napping in her carrier (how?) and was woken up by thr crying and screaming and decided she, too, wanted to join in.

I told my kids no to new clothes. We walked towards the checkout to buy the sweatpants. I buy them, with seven whining/screaming/crying children. People are tutting and staring. My nine year old realises her whining is getting her nowhere and lays down in the middle of the fucking checkout.

I buy the pants. I half carry, half drag her out of peoples way. My six year old thinks we are playing a game and also lays down. I leave them both there, which in hindsight, was a bad idea. My son realises I'm walking away, freaks out because he genuinely thought I was leaving him, and races after us. I apologise and tell him I thought he was messing around like his sister. I feel bad about making him cry so I agree to carry him to the bathroom. I'm pretty sure I pulled my back; I have horrible pain right now.

Miss nine saw this, declares favoritism, and proceeds to run after us while screaming. So much fucking screaming. Oldest two are back to bickering about something.

I get them all into the bathroom. Its echoing. I am losing my shit. I change all the diapers because, despite changing them before we left, everyone is wet! Again!

Older three all need to pee. The girls go, teen declares he doesn't want to pee with everyone in there. Completely valid. I pee because why the fuck not and we wait outside. He goes to the bathroom.

I start thinking, hey, you know what, maybe it will start going okay. And then god said no! Fuck you, actually!

We walk past the toy aisle. I think, score. But my dawdling nine year old sees it; giant bluey. All hell breaks loose. I remind her we are here for food, not toys. She tells me daddy promised to get it for her. He didn't, he said she couod have it for her birthday. Obviously I am wrong, and so she starts screaming. AGAIN. Why did it become unacceptable to shut your children up with pacifiers? I then ask myself why they put the toy aisle right next to the family bathroom. Because store managers hate parents, perhaps?

I tell her no. But she has alerted her three other walking siblings that they are at the toy aisle. They are looking at things. My oldest brings me a stuffed dinosaur. I said, dude, you just wrecked your carpets we are now replacing you are not getting new toys. He starts crying because I used my mean voice. I say sorry and he finally puts the toy back.

Miss nine is still screaming about bluey. "I want daddy!" He's at work. "Tell him to leave work!" No. Dad can not leave work because you're having a tantrum. "I want grandma!" Okay. You want grandma? "Yeah! Call her!" Fucking okay!

I call grandma. Ask her if she's busy. She's not, score! She says "Is that little miss I can here?" And she agrees to come to help me.

Grandma shows up. I'm fairly sure she broke a law somehow. She got there in ten and she lives thirty minutes away from the store. She was like an angel strutting up the aisle.

Little miss nine sees her saviour. Little does she know grandma is here to save me. Three fucking words.

"Are you behaving?"

And it all stops. All of it. She rushes into an explanation. Because oh shit grandma isn't happy.

Grandma asks her calmly if she needs to say sorry to anyone. Nine agrees. She says sorry to me. I accept her apology. She turns to the other three. They also all say sorry. Then, like the god she is, she turns to me and asks if I want her to take them.

My kids scream yes. I scream yes. Grandma takes the older four. I was fairly sure I heard the older two arguing over who got to sit in the front of grandma's car but that is not my issue. (She sent me a photo a few hours later of them all cuddled on thr couch watching TV with their happy meals so she obviously fixed the issue).

At this point it is 8 am. I have just experienced the worst hour of my life thus far. Can it get any worse?

The answer is yes. Yes it can. Because, you see, I breastfeed my kids. Four year old twins included. I know I'm evil and I need to stop but this is not what this rant is about.

After about an hour of shopping toddler decides she is done being in the sling. I put her down and let her toddle. She can't go very fast. Boys do not want to get out. Whatever.

What they do, however, want, is booby. Now I am not a fan of public nursing at all, especially not when I'm trying to track a toddler and do my shopping. I say no. They cry. I offer snacks. They throw it. I offer water. They throw that, too, and narrowly miss their sisters head.

I offer a cuddle. And what do my heinous little rascals do? Expose me. To the entire fucking store. the fuckers unzipped my jacket and pulled my shirt down in the twenty seconds it took me to pull back from hugging them.

I'm a trans guy and actually pass relatively okay daily. Today was one of my man days! I was called sir by the store clerk who helped me find cereal! And who fucking sees? That same store clerk. Who awkwardly calls me ma'am for the rest of my trip. And before anyone asks, no, I don't wear a bra, because they make me anxious (and make my chest look bigger). I have also been lactating for almost twelve years so I no longer leak (woohoo). They are unnecessary.

Except apparently they aren't! Because now the store clerk who actually thought I was a man saw my fucking tits!

I left to feed the kids in the toilets because at this point I just wanted to go home. We finished our shopping. In three trips, because I didn't have the other cart nor my husbands expert stacking skills.

We came home. I also got us mcdonalds because fuck my life I deserve a fucking milkshake.

I put the food away. My twins took of their diapers and smeared literal shit on my walls. I cleaned that. I have nursed them to sleep and I know they aren't going to sleep tonight but I don't even care I just need a break.

I'm having sweet baby snuggles with my no-longer-a-baby and then I cried about that because why is she so big now? When did that happen?

My MIL text me and said the girls want to stay the night with her. Six y/o is coming home, oldest hasn't decided yet, but he'll probably come home.

I called my husband and cried. He's gonna grab the boys and pizza on his way back. The good shit too. I don't like fast food twice in one day but I don't even care at this moment in time.

Ninety nine percent of the time my kids are good and our days are easy ish. Maybe two meltdowns and one argument. I haven't had to call my MIL for backup since the twins were babies. And, incidentally, that time I was also shopping with the kids by myself.

I don't know why they're like this with me. They never behave like that when their dad is there. I swear half the time he doesn't believe me on the shit I say they do because he literally never sees it.

I talk about my great, huge family. My beautiful neurodivergent household. I love it. But days like this make me feel like I've made the biggest mistake a person can make. Is that just me, or?

Now I'm going to go kill braincells scrolling the internet and probably sit in bed until my husband comes home. I don't actually expect anyone to read this, but if you did, thanks? And I'll probably see you later.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 07, 2023
I think the idiots guess at '99 percent they are good' is a fucking lie. this goes on 24/7/365. day in day out. they don't stop the shit even when they are home.

bed. made. lie. poor whinging baby mama. you did it all to yourself. asshats

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 08, 2023
I glossed over the story from grocery store Moo, but I did catch this:


My two oldest, not in car seats, proceeded to scream the city down over who got to sit up front with me as my husband was not in the passenger seat. The answer was neither of them, but they still continued to fight over who would have had the seat if I had allowed one of them to (we drive a van, we have bench seats - they both could have sat up front realistically).

I suspect Moo is breaking the law. In my state there is some ridiculous rule that kyds should be riding in booster seats until maybe age 10 or 12? At any rate, it's not safe for little people to ride in the front seat because air bags are not good for them. They should be riding in the back seat for safety.

She apparently has four kids? I do not understand why in the Hell they drag all their miserable brats to the store. Why can't one parent stay home and watch them? The person who is shopping would be much more efficient. But I guess that makes too much sense.

She says he's dragging his ass finding a home for them - does she mean a house? She wants to buy a house with this prick? She's scared of exposing her child to this misogynistic bastard, but she wants to own a home with him.

I saw that too, and to me it says a lot about her personality. I would imagine she's a dumb and lazy broad who is buying into the Fantasy of whelping and having a man to take care of her.

I just went back and noticed this:


I’m so mad at myself for being so weak and not leaving when I had the CHANCES. And one of them being when he let me stay at a homeless shelter while he partied, but then when the shelter was giving me resources to be independent and get my own space, he came back all of sudden and wanted to financially support me again.

Can you imagine how frustrating it must be for shelter workers to work with this population? She was on her way to gaining some independence, and the minute this asshole said he'd financially support her, she goes running back to him.

I mean, she could have stayed on her own and worked for some independence, but that was obviously too haaaaaard for her. Why do that when you can just find some Alpha Male to take care of you?

A woman with career prospects and self-respect would have shined this dude on long ago. The preggo is nothing more than a parasite and now she's going to birth another dependent female. Way to go, future moo.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 08, 2023
I counted six kids in the grocery store moo story. A teen, a 9 year old, a 6 year old, 4 year old twins, and a toddler. Obviously Moo either does not believe in birth control or is not very good at it. What stood out to me the most was the 4 year olds still breastfeeding and wearing diapers. She made no mention of even trying to wean or potty train them. WTF? These modern moos do all they can to create more work and trouble for themselves, then bitch about how shitty their lives are.
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