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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 04, 2023
I don't think it is nice to point out that a person who has brats shouldn't have chose to have brats if they don't want to deal with the natural consequences. Saying that, I understand how the child free can be extremely defensive because the majority of people will judge, mock, attempt to guilt or pull out the fear tactics on them for not having brats. Perhaps if people stopped judging the childfree then they'd stop telling whiny parents to live with their decisions. But, we all know how difficult it is for parunts to understand/accept consequences and not think they're being attacked.

One comment made from a relative doesn't make a total lack of empathy. Talk about wallowing in self-pity.

Also, how is this misogynistic? Misogyny is hatred, dislike, prejudice against women. This was pointing out having a freshly shat loaf means no sleep. It is a natural consequence of impig. Not all women are mothers.

It doesn't sound like her husband's family care to be involved with her brats and at least some of them are childfree. For people who expect help from family it might make sense to confirm that they are okay with this prior to having brats instead of assuming they'll help out.

Of course, the bandwagon will jump at any opportunity to put the childfree down, that is what they do.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 04, 2023
So, this moo wants to obligate a perfect stranger to be a stand-in as an unpaid nanny to help her out.
Maybe she could wear a special sign or hand out contracts to strangers every time she goes somewhere in the event of a meltdown from her brat?

These people are strangers and may not physically be able to wrangle her brat or help out. Or they may be afraid to be close to a brat who is in a meltdown.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 04, 2023
It might be mean, but at the same time, it's also true. If a parent has a problem with being kept up all night long because of a crying baby, maybe they should have considered that as a possible consequence prior to making kids? It's not like it's a secret that babies cry, but I'm sure more than a few Moos think their baby will be a perfect angel that sleeps through the night and never makes a single peep. I suppose the relative in question (I assume it's a man if she accuses them of misogyny) could have kept their comment to themselves, but I think a lot of people are just getting really sick of all the breeder whining and are becoming less and less tolerant of it.

And do Moos really want total strangers approaching them? I'm sure there are some delightful individuals who may or may not be on certain registries who would gladly take a tantrumming child and "distract" them, never to be seen again. What if the person who decides to help is in favor of discipline and their way of helping is throwing the brat over their knee and beating the kid's ass or slapping the kid across the face? There are also FAR too many crazy people wandering around, not to mention people with guns. It is not a good time to rely on the kindness of strangers.

I get the irritation with the unsolicited comments/gestures in any situation (not just this one) because they are not helpful, but man this Moo got some balls straight up telling people what they should be doing for her when her brat is melting down in public. You wrangle your own damn kid, Moo. I didn't not have kids so I could be expected to deal with someone else's.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 05, 2023
Moo already had a kid, but was feeling the tick-tock of the biological bullshit clock and decided to "half-heartedly" get up the duff again via IVF because she's over 40 and it might be her last chance. Admits she and her partner barely squeaked by since the first kid came along - I assume in all aspects (physically, mentally, emotionally and financially). But yeah no, let's have more little burdens so we can do this shit on super hard mode, honey!

Says she would have been relieved if the IVF didn't take. Bitch then why are you doing it?? It's not like IVF is the same price as a packet of flower seeds and if they don't grow, you're only out 50 cents. What a dumb fucking cow.

Goes to get an ultrasound and surprise! There are two fetuses! Now she's wishing she would have just been happy with one kid instead of getting greedy and desperate. I mean she could still miscarry between her age and the fact that IVF clumps have a higher chance of falling out, and I'm not sure on this, but a history of miscarriages and infertility might mean a higher likelihood of miscarriage in future pregnancies.

If Moo lives in a state where abortion is still legal, she could always remove one of the clumps. Several people in the comments even suggest selective reduction. The fact that she doesn't seem to really want these brats doesn't bode well for them - she's having them because she wants to use up her eggs before they go bad. So she's likely going to resent them for turning into two babies instead of just being a single one. Having kids because you feel like you're running out of time to have them is never a good reason to have them.



Long time participant in this sub, throwaway for personal reasons. Please do not copy or reuse this post anywhere.

I am over 40 with 1 barely school-age child and a longtime partner. I conceived said child through IVF after past miscarriage/infertility. This child is a blessing despite the obvious challenges of parenthood. I feel like we barely made it through the past 3 years, but things are getting easier as they’re in school now.

So, somewhat half heartedly (mostly because I’m “old” and thought of this as my last chance to do so) we signed up for another IVF round after a lot of delay. I was on the fence about having two, and I feel terrible for saying this, but a small part of me would have been relieved if this transfer didn’t take. I could continue to find my old self again, keep moving forward in my career, have more financial security, etc. A couple weeks ago I received news that I am indeed pregnant, and I was just sort of beginning to accept it. I was feeling some twinges of joy. We would figure it out with 2. We’d probably need to find a bigger place to live, we’d be broke again paying for daycare, but eventually, we’d be ok again. Children are a blessing and after a lot of loss, I should be thankful.

Well, this morning I went in for a routine ultrasound and found out that it’s twins. Fucking twins. My doctor has presided over a thousand+ successful transfers, but I’m only the fourth person she’s seen this happen to.

I was already scared, but now I am terrified. My health, our financial stability, and selfishly- my dreams of being a whole person again, etc.- it’s just too much. I am hiding in a storage room at work just in complete shock. I have been worrying that this pregnancy might kill me, but now it just feels so much more possible. I feel awful but I wish I had just stopped at one. What was I thinking? I feel like I’ve betrayed my first born, they don’t deserve this. I feel like there’s no going back and this is going to ruin everything.

I’m sorry for the vent/negativity. I just needed to get it out of my system. I have to talk to my partner tonight and I just don’t know what to do. This was the LAST thing I expected. Thanks for listening, Bromos.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 05, 2023
That is the actual height of selfishness. She can barely afford the first one but let's have another, because it's a "blessing". It's like it never crosses their minds that these are actual separate humans and not little mini-me's that require stability, money, and parents who actually WANT them to have a chance at growing up into mentally stable and thriving adults. "Longtime partner" means not a husband I'm sure, so I wonder if this is partly about keeping the mayun around.
“I don't think it is nice to point out that a person who has brats shouldn't have chose to have brats if they don't want to deal with the natural consequences. Saying that, I understand how the child free can be extremely defensive because the majority of people will judge, mock, attempt to guilt or pull out the fear tactics on them for not having brats. Perhaps if people stopped judging the childfree then they'd stop telling whiny parents to live with their decisions. But, we all know how difficult it is for parunts to understand/accept consequences and not think they're being attacked.”

While I think the “I regret having children” group on FB is a needed step in the right direction, it’s not going far enough. All these people are getting “support” for saying parenting sucks but I really want to ask them the pointed questions such as “okay, you hate being a parent here, but are you hounding fence sitters in real life? Are you telling them kids are the greatest thing Evar and worse yet, are you demonizing the child free and proclaiming they are character disordered freaks with pathetic lives and they will never be Real Adults? Are you telling your own kids that only Godless freaks choose not to have children and they owe you grandkids?

Because you know most of them probably are.
I found this one over on Reddit. A moo got her tubes removed and she wanted them "tied" so she could possibly reverse them in the future??? And now she wants to sue her doctor.


Last year, I gave birth to my second child. My husband and I agreed that we didn't want any more kids, so I asked to have my tubes tied. I knew that if I changed my mind about not wanting more kids 1, 5, 10 or even 20 years later, I could have it reversed (yes, I know reversals don't always work, I did the research and knew what I was asking for). My Dr scheduled the surgery, and I signed all the consents. Every single consent, every single paper I signed said "Tubal Ligation", which by definition is "a procedure that involved tying, clamping or cutting the fallopian tubes in order to prevent future pregnancies".

When I woke up from surgery, and was still groggy from anesthesia, the nurse mentioned to me that the doctor completely removed my fallopian tubes. It wasn't until I was home that it truly hit me what the doctor did, and I started sobbing. I wanted the option of being able to reverse the procedure. Even my husband wanted me to be able to have a reversal done someday if I chose to (he's a bit older than me, and believes he will die in his 50s like his grandparents all did). It's been 8 months, and I still feel like the doctor violated my trust.

I combed through all of my consent forms, every single piece of paper I signed for the surgery said "tubal ligation".But one paper, one that was only signed by the doctor, said something different. It was surgical notes, and in one section it said "Proposed procedure: Tubal Ligation" and right below that "Actual procedure: Tubal Salpingectomy".

I reached out to a local medical malpractice lawyer, but was told that because the Tubal salpingectomy (complete removal of tubes) had the same results as a tubal ligation, that I wouldn't have a leg to stand on in court. I spoke to other women who have seen the same doctor, and they all say that they will never see her again, that she ignores patients wishes, lies about patients being in labor so she can induce them, etc.

What can I do? I live in Texas.

1. One of the commenters pointed out that Texass has a 30 day waiting period for sterilization.
2. "I wanted the option of being able to reverse the procedure. Even my husband wanted me to be able to have a reversal done someday if I chose to (he's a bit older than me, and believes he will die in his 50s like his grandparents all did)"

#2 makes no sense. So she's married to a Geezer Breeder and if he croaks and she meets another may-n, she may want to have more baybees when she's a widow?

Why didn't her Geezer Breeder husband get a vasectomy? Or, why didn't she get a five year IUD?

Breeders are stupid and it's statistics and stories like this that make it harder for the CF to get tubal ligations, because women are all lumped into the same category.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 07, 2023
Who the fuck gets a tubal with the intention of potentially reversing it? Tubals are meant to be permanent birth control! I think the odds of successful reversal might be better for female sterilization than male sterilization, but I could be mistaken. I'm sure someone explained to this stupid cow in great depth that a tubal is meant to be permanent, and while it can be reversed sometimes, it should be done under the impression that it is meant to prevent more children from happening. If Moo did not understand this, why did she have it done?

Did she express her desire to maybe have more kids to her doctor? They likely would have steered her toward something like an IUD instead of something that's meant to be fertility-ending surgery. She has no fucking leg to stand on legally. What the hell is she going to say? "I asked to be sterilized and the doctor sterilized me! They should have read my mind and knew I only wanted to prevent pregnancy until I felt like having more kids?"

Moo also said she "did her own research," meaning she read what she wanted to read and probably only read tubal reversal success stories without learning how rare those are and thinking a tubal reversal is as easy as braces removal or something. If she did any real research, she would have learned that tubals are not done with reversal in mind. It's her own damn fault for believing what she wanted to believe. I wonder how good of a parent she is when she doesn't even have basic reading comprehension skills.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 09, 2023
It's not even Moother's Day yet and I'm already seeing the whiny posts about how under-appreciated the poor ickle mommies feel because their man-babies won't get them anything. They are somehow surprised and disappointed every single year when the same damn thing happens too.

Why? Why do they expect their partners do magically do something special for them when they prove every single year they don't give a fuck? Take fucking initiative, lady - if you want a special day, schedule it yourself and let the man-child deal with the brats all day. Manicure, massage, spa visit, shopping trip, axe throwing, demolition derby, amusement park, tattoo session, hiking the Appalachain Trail, whatever makes your skirt fly up.

If their men don't appreciate them or show them any consideration the other 364 days of the year, what makes them think a commercial holiday will make them do it all of a sudden?

Also, am I the only one who sees the irony in the fact that for the day celebrating mothers, these Moos all want nothing to do with their kids? Like if it weren't for their brats, they wouldn't have a reason to celebrate in the first place. Frankly I never understood the concept of celebrating Mother's Day for anyone other than your own mother/stepmother or your mother-in-law if you get along with any of them Why do you need to celebrate the mother of your kids? That's the kids' job.

Can't wait to see the tsunami of whining on Sunday when all the mommies are disappointed because their husbands don't acknowledge them whatsoever. eating popcorn



For my birthday in September, I told my husband I wanted a charcuterie board. Delicious heaven! He did not even consider it, it ended with me in tears and him picking up a salami, jelly, and cheese with a bag of crackers for something I had to assemble myself the day of. Was not a fun day. Felt super under appreciated as always.

On April 22, I sent him a link to a charcuterie lunch and said this is what I want for Mother’s Day. I talked to him in person how the go to place closed down and this replacement looked promising and this is what I wanted for Mother’s Day.

Fast forward to me planning HIS Mother’s Day gift too his mom and he says my place closed down for charcuterie.


I screen shot him the link I sent him and this MF doubles down and insists he can still order. NO HE CANNOT, THEY ARE SOLD OUT cuz ya know? Most husbands think in advance for the one day a year to appreciate what the mother of their child/children do. Not this guy thought. Nope! He GETS MAD I’M UPSET! REALLY?! WTF?!?!?

Now he walks downstairs and says he’s placd the order and it wasn’t too late with a smug smirk.

How the FUCK do I I explain that his lack of initiative makes me feel third tier?! That me planning HIS mom’s Mother’s Day present while he cannot be bothered to think of the mother of his child and what she wants without me nagging him is FUCKING RIDICULOUS?!?!

Please BroMos, how do I tell him so he understands that him placing me last on his priorities is not how to maintain a marriage? How do I get him to understand the way he treats me and prioritizes me is why this whole thing fucking stinks like donkey balls?!

How much more clear can I be on what I need or want than sending links to exactly what I want for a gift on a day to celebrate ME can I be?

Seriously, what the FUCK?!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 09, 2023
Please BroMos, how do I tell him so he understands that him placing me last on his priorities is not how to maintain a marriage? How do I get him to understand the way he treats me and prioritizes me is why this whole thing fucking stinks like donkey balls?!

He doesn't care, lady! You could talk to him til you're blue in the face and I guarantee it won't matter. Follow up comment by her:


I’ve vehemently advocated for marriage counselling but it never comes to pass. In talks he’s onside with it but he never goes beyond that.

He is an only child who had zero responsibilities even when he moved in to his own apartment, but he actually did buy some good gifts unprompted prior to having our kiddo. Since then it’s like the bazillion things I gave up and sacrificed are non existent

Wow, it's almost like you have the kid and he decides he doesn't need to do shit anymore! This is such a common theme. He got what he wanted - a maid, someone to have his kid so he can look like A Real Adult Mayun, and someone to have sex with. He doesn't need to do anything else anymore. Basically you're Mommy #2 that he can also bang.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 10, 2023
Of course he's going to refuse counseling because in order for counseling to be effective, both spouses have to be willing to admit there is a problem so it can be worked on. Duh sees no issue with his behavior, so for him, counseling would be a waste of time.

You're right about this guy and probably about most of the men these women complain about - he doesn't have to try anymore, in his mind. You don't bait your line after you catch your prize fish. Duh got his maid, sex toy, heir producer, babysitter and mommy stand-in, so he no longer has to care. He only had to care long enough to land the Moo and knock her up and now she's just his naggy bitch roommate that he occasionally fucks. Moo better get used to being dead last on the priority list - it'll make future birthdays, Christmases, anniversaries and Mother's Days a lot more bearable.

I only say they should get used to it because a lot of these morons have put themselves in positions where they are financially dependent on their husbands or they can't afford to live without their husbands' income even when the Moos themselves work. They often can't afford to leave, so they stay with neglectful, abusive assholes and continue to make more children with them.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 11, 2023
Moo is mooing because her child's school decided to implement a four-day school week, so now she has to figure out where to store her child on Fridays because the school doesn't want parents to use them as a daycare.

Moo-hoo-hoo, lady! If this catches on, I wonder how many Moos will have to haul their brats to work on Fridays because they can't afford brat storage at the local daycare. And of course the subject comes up of who will feed the brats their three squares a day on Fridays if school isn't available because these morons can't afford to feed the kids they created. Maybe you should have thought about that shit before you had kids.



They made the decision on behalf of the teachers and students. Fridays will be a half-day “support day” for students who need extra support, but it’s optional. The decision was heavily impacted by teachers frustration with student athlete’s and having to always do make up work for missed Fridays.

They said parents shouldn’t rely on school as a “daycare”. So I’ll be finding alternative places for my 9 and 5 year old to go on Fridays next year. We have no family or real friend circle here. I used to work from home but am now required to be in the office M-F. I also have a child under 2, his daycare can likely take my 5 year old on Fridays at an additional expense. My 9 year old can stay home and play video games all day and turn his brain to mush.

I am just frustrated. I would be elated if I were a student, but as a parent in the work force, this is tough. There’s nothing we can do about it, just needed to vent.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 11, 2023
Why do women breed with these losers??

Husband cheats on moo and gives the entire family crabs...and lice.


You can see my post history for how I originally found out he had cheated on me. Well, like an idiot, I decided to stay and "try to make it work" Just before Easter he went to the doctor for what he thought was a sweat rash on his stomach. Turns out, it was crabs. He came home with anti-parasite ointment prescriptions for the whole family that we had to apply and sleep in overnight. The next day he had an emotional breakdown that involved him driving around in his car and texting me stuff like "you're better off without me" I was taking the baby to the doctor for covid testing, she had a cough, and so he dropped the 4 year old at his Mother's house and hour away rather than look after her. I had to go and pick her u and sort of deal with his emotional bullshiiii. Predictably, he didn't kill himself, he actually just got drunk. As a result of this needlessly dramatic day the sheets on our bed didn't get hotwashed and they should have. A couple of weeks later I found lice eggs in my baby's eyelashes and live lice in my hair. I did a hair love treatment on myself and the kids and picked the lice eggs manually out of Bubba's eyelashes and hoped for the best.

I've since had a bit of time to rpocess and decided that I can't live like that and it's not safe to try to talk to him like an adult about seperating, so I'm going to pack our shit while he's at work and drive to my Dad's, 8 hours away. Wish me luck, Bro Mo's. If you have any advice about seperation, child custody etc. Etc. That would be welcome. I'm in Queensland, Australia.
Damn, did you see her post history? They are in counseling because he cheated on her last year. (She has a five month old baby.) I wonder if she got knocked up after he cheated?


Husband (40M) and I (32F) usually have week on week off custody of his 13yo plus our two little girls full-time (4yo & 5mo). We have been doing marriage counselling since he cheated on me last year. We had a conversation today about domestic labour and small things that really bother us.

My example was cleaning my step kiddos poopy pads & undies. They have chronic constipation issues that often cause them to poop their pants. They usually wear incontinence pads in their undies and are supposed to dispose of them in the bin but sometimes hide them in the laundry hamper where I usually find them later. It's obviously a very nasty surprise. I told my husband I feel very upset when this happens because I feel like he should be the one to clean up these messes. He went on a bit of a rant about how that would be nearly impossible for him to do and that I'm blaming him for SKs health issues (also diagnosed ADHD & Autism.) My reply was that I feel he hasn't engaged enough in addressing the health issues with things like dietary changes to prevent the constipation and often "checks out" and ignores the issues because they're "too hard" and therefore I get stuck cleaning up the physical mess. Basically, I don't feel he does due diligence on preventing the nasty poopy surprises.

Am I being too harsh? Is it too much to ask of him? Considering that kiddo has complex health issues for which there isn't an easy answer?

She married this guy anyway and bred two more kids with him?

No, she's not being too harsh. He has a 13 year old kid who won't even dispose of his own incontinence pads and he sometimes stuffs his poopy, 13 year old diapers in the laundry bin?

Holy Shit Breeders are NASTY. two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking

If this dude weren't a baby himself, he would be MANNING UP and making his little Autard stop acting like a lazy human.

Between the poop, the crabs and the lice, these people are living in a biohazard zone. Whoever buys the house is going to need a Hazmat team to scour the place down.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 12, 2023
Of course he's going to refuse counseling because in order for counseling to be effective, both spouses have to be willing to admit there is a problem so it can be worked on. Duh sees no issue with his behavior, so for him, counseling would be a waste of time.

You're right about this guy and probably about most of the men these women complain about - he doesn't have to try anymore, in his mind. You don't bait your line after you catch your prize fish. Duh got his maid, sex toy, heir producer, babysitter and mommy stand-in, so he no longer has to care. He only had to care long enough to land the Moo and knock her up and now she's just his naggy bitch roommate that he occasionally fucks. Moo better get used to being dead last on the priority list - it'll make future birthdays, Christmases, anniversaries and Mother's Days a lot more bearable.

Why should he go to counseling when she is still willingly acting as his slave? Why the hell is she doing the Mother’s Day shopping for HIS damn mom????

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 12, 2023
Well sure, the crabs guy doesn't bother with his kids' shitty diapers because he knows his wife will do it. That's probably one of the biggest reasons he got married - so Moo-wifey could deal with his kids' literal shit and he doesn't have to. I don't give a damn if the shitty brats are awtards, that's no excuse for them to bury their diapers in the laundry basket. Maybe when they do it, Moo can rub their noses in it like some people do when their dogs poop on the floor.

Also, how is it that the kids are constipated and incontinent at the same time? Those two problems don't seem like they go together because one is an inability to have a bowel movement and one is an inability to control a bowel movement. How's this work? If the kids are shitting their pants, they are not constipated.

Also, I believe crabs are also known as pubic lice. Am I understanding it correctly that the infant had pubic lice on its eyelashes courtesy of Duh? HOW? Because if Duh got crabs from fooling around, how exactly did the baby get crabs too? The way Moo worded her discussion title make it sound like both her and the kid got it. Is the Duh abusing the loaf sexually and passed his STD to it that way? Why did the entire family need treatment for pubic lice? Duh and Moo I get, but do these guys keep it in the family Alabama-style and that's why they all needed anti-parasite prescriptions for one person's case of crabs?

I hope the loaf only "just" has normal lice and not pubic lice because the implications are pretty disgusting if a five-month-old has crabs from its father.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 13, 2023
for most of these idiot brood sows... bed. made. lie. especially the ones that 'try to make it work so I breed with the cheater'. sux to be you boohoomoohoo. even dr laura has said you don't trust them for at least 5 years before you even start thinking about the replicant. but I'll bet 'if I have a babbeee he'll pay attention to meeee'... gag me with a spoon. these dumb bitches destroy more than themselves

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 13, 2023
Moo claims there's no way to know if you'll enjoy being a parent until you become one. Except for, you know, those of us who knew what breeding entailed and skipped it. We must all be anomalies!

I knew when I was a kid myself that parenthood is relentless, suffocating, monotonous, overwhelming, unfulfilling, stressful, and just plain sucks. I didn't need to make an entire person to learn that.



That’s it. That’s the post.

I don’t enjoy being a mother. I really thought having children and having a family would be so incredibly fulfilling.

It’s not.

Parenthood is relentless. Suffocating. Monotonous and boring yet also crushingly overwhelming.

I constantly daydream about moving by myself to a loft apartment in the city and not being obligated to spend my time with anyone or doing anything.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 14, 2023
And to think that women breed with these losers. Here's a thread of moos writing about ther worst Mothers Day experiences. The replies under the OP are just awful.

So glad this won't ever be me.

I got one.

Four years ago for my very first Mother’s Day, My daughters father, decided to present his mother day gift to me with this quote

“Even though I don’t love you anymore, your still the mother of my child”

*Hands me my gift

(Now this came out of nowhere and he completely blindsided me with this, it was this first time he ever told me he wasn’t in love with me anymore)

The gift he got me was a necklace in the shape of a babies foot, which was suppose to have our daughters name on it and her date of birth, and oh I should mention the DOB that was on the necklace was wrong.

My first Mother’s Day was filled with Lots of heartbreak, confusion and anger and I can’t help but still think about this every damn Mother’s Day.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 14, 2023
This bloke is so thoughtful and considerate that for every holiday he gets his wife's gift from the local gas station. Only the best and finest for her!



Birthdays, Christmas, anniversary, Mother’s Day. He stops at the gas station down the road on the way home from work on the day of and grabs me a candy bar and maybe some flowers. Every. Holiday. I don’t want to sound like an ungrateful bitch. I just feel like there Is no true thought behind it. When he’s asked what I wanted the last 2 Mother’s Day, I’ve asked for a birthstone ring from Etsy with my daughters birth stones in it. It is literally $30 and nope. This morning he texted me he’ll be a few minutes late cause he has to stop at the gas station on the way home. I received a dove chocolate bar and happy Mother’s Day. Again, I love chocolate so I’m happy, but it’s just the same thing every holiday. Lol rant over
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 14, 2023
I'm reading the "worst Mother's Day" discussion too and this Moo's 10-year-old bit her. Dafuq, I don't care if the brat is "neurospicy" or whatever bullshit cutesy term they use to describe their godawful tards, I would slap that brat right in the mouth and make them destroy their Switch with a hammer if they bit me like a fucking untrained dog. Ten is far too old to be biting anyone.


Today is my worst yet. My 10 year old slammed me into the kitchen cabinets, bit me, and smashed my husband’s laptop. Why? Because I told him it was time for him take a break from his Switch to go to the bathroom. Happy Mothers Day, BroMos.

I also love the Moo moaning about how mad she is that Nintendo chose Moother's Day weekend to released the new Zelda game because so many gamer Duhs are taking time off work (and also taking time off being fathers) and totally ignoring Mother's Day to play Tears of the Kingdom. Nintento isn't the problem, honey - you bred with a hardcore gamer and they will always put games before everything and everyone else. No amount of brats, responsibilites and nagging will change that.

Moos always say they don't expect shit for Mother's Day after years of being disappointed, and then they whine on that sub when they have yet another disappointing Mother's Day. When will they stop being surprised that nobody appreciates them?
I found this one on Reddit. The best comment, which was amazingly was allowed to stand, was that this woman will be on some other forum in a few months complaining that she's pregnant with this loser and nobody, including him, is "supporting" her.

For around three and a half months I’ve been watching this man’s baby during the day while he works. He has full custody of a baby girl who is less than a year old. I live with my parents just down the road from him. I have become romantically and sexually involved with him the past couple weeks.

His ex-wife showed up at his home a few days ago while he was at work, and I was there with the baby. She said she knew we had sex the previous night and explained in detail what I had been wearing and what acts we performed. She told me she’s giving me an opportunity to get away from him before things get ugly. She then tried to convince me to let her take the baby and that’s when I shut and locked the door on her.

I immediately knew she had to have been on his property to watch us have sex. His bedroom is on the backside of the house and he owns several acres behind the house.

Today she found my car and was waiting for me once I got out of the store. She told me to get away from him or she’s going to turn us in since I work under the table. She told me she knows where I live and might visit my parents to tell them about my relationship.

I’m really scared. I don’t feel safe anywhere. I stay inside with the doors locked when I’m with the baby, or I’m in a busy public place. My employer/boyfriend is trying to sort this out but I’m afraid I’ll have to hire an attorney. I don’t have any evidence of her behavior and I’m afraid no one will believe me.

Please, anything helps.

It came out in the comments that she's 23 and this guy is.....39. Total predator vibes. When people say he's a creep, of course she's defending him.

And I guess it doesn't occur to this dim bulb that the Dud could have told his STBX that he's banging this chick, just to piss her off. Or maybe he filmed it and sent part of it to his ex.

She also mentioned she's living with her parents. It's too bad her parents are not giving her good advice. She's 23--she needs to be working a real job, not working for this creep.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 16, 2023
Moo must be all kinds of fucked in the head if the Duh has full custody of the loaf. Which I kinda figured if she was peeping in the window at her ex while he banged this chick.

I don't necessarily think a guy is a predator if there's a big age difference. I mean yes, if one person in the relationship is 14 and the other is 45, that's a bit much. But if they're both adults, then I don't think it's always a bad thing. I recall a member here who was quite young (19-20) who preferred the company of men 30+ years old because they were more mature than guys closer to her age.

But it doesn't sound like these two in this story have a healthy relationship to begin with. What kind of pushover doormat must this woman be that she's watching this guy's loaf for him? And why the fuck is she staying with him when his ex-wife is meddling to a degree that suggests serious mental illness? The Moo probably wants to punish the author for stealing her man and her brat away from her, especially after the author refused Moo access to her kid.

From the sounds of it, the author's parents may not realize she's being a babysitter and a sex toy to a breeder guy with a whacko ex. And what exactly does she do as this man's employee if she's minding his kid all day long? Or is babysitting her job? I'd say a restraining order should be taken out against the Moo ex-wife, but those are only a deterrent to people who are afraid of the consequences of violating one. Someone like this Moo would probably not be all that scared of getting arrested. It's not like she has custody to lose.

This guy just sounds like a big sack of drama and brat or no brat, this woman should really break off everything with this guy - relationship, job, any and all contact. It's not good to date your employer, the author is having someone else's kid dumped on her all day long, and there is an ex involved who may escalate to physical violence because she doesn't want anyone else screwing her former husband. The guy can't be that good of a lay that he's worth all that shit.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 16, 2023
Breeder moaning about "inclusive" Mother's Day stuff on social media that extends to "dog moms" and childfree people and every other person in the world rather than only mommies. The poor things, can't they just have one sacred thing just for them??? When they work so haaaaaaaard??? playing a violin

LOL, shut your ass up lady. CFers don't get the benefit of child-free venues because breeders have to shit on every fucking corner of the globe, so don't bitch when non-breeders have infiltrated Mommy Ass-Kissing Day. I'm happy as fuck to see them get a taste of how it feels when non-mommies take over their special places. grinning smiley

I mean if you think about it, CFers could celebrate Moother's Day too. Childfree women are "pregnant" with half a child each month from the age of 9-11 until anywhere between the ages of 35 and 55 and then we typically "give birth" to unused uterine lining every four weeks (give or take). Men are "pregnant" with millions upon millions of partial children at all times, it's just those partial children die all the time because they are birthed into tissues, hands, socks, fake vaginas, condoms or whatever your vessel of choice is. So we're all mommies! Take advantage of the free flowers, desserts and drinks at the businesses that offer freebies on Moo Day. tongue sticking out smiley

Also, I learned that International Childfree Day is on August 1st. And apparently it has been a holiday since the 1970s! Not that we need a holiday because we enjoy the freedom our choice gives us each and every day. smileys with beer



Happy Mother’s Day bromos! I am sick of seeing “all inclusive” Mother’s Day posts on social media. Saying it’s for pet moms, people who have CHOSEN not to have kids, etc. We give and give and give, and we can’t even have our own day without non mothers trying to take it. Fuck off with that nonsense.

This in no way is directed to women who have lost children or struggling with fertility. This is a rant against society in general.

I hope you’re all having the best day you possibly can. If no one else tells you today, you are an amazing mother and I see you.

Oh and I love this comment:


This will never not rustle my jimmies.

Could you imagine if during Nurses’ week we all tried to make up dumb reasons for everyone to be celebrated?? “I patted my friends shoulder while she vomited once. I’m basically a nurse!!”

I’m a dental assistant and although my job is referred to as “dental nurse” in other parts of the world, that doesn’t make me a nurse. There’s a reason Dental Assistants have their own week.

Moos claim every fucking May that they're nurses for putting band-aids on boo-boos and that should count toward the six-figure salary they all think they deserve. Frankly I'm surprised that beefing Moos don't try to claim to be nurses since they're practicing "nursing."
Here's another one from the "I Regret Having Children" group on FB. This one is kind of disturbing. This single Moo with a baybee (where's the father?) longs for may-n to "make me feel loved and worthy."

I admit, these Moos confuse me. This woman is missing that 99% of women on the page are complaining about useless Man-babies who are useless AF as fathers and partners. And aren't baybees supposed to make woman feel loved and worthy? Just another case of buyer's remorse.

But sadly, this woman sounds fucked in the head....she actually wrote her baybee is "using her" and how resentful she is about having to care for the baybee. And she's jealous that nobody is doing that for her. I feel sorry for her kid and it sounds like a future chyld abuse situation.

And of course people on the page who are pointing out how fucked this is--this kid didn't ask to be born--are being told it's a "support" page, which of course means never uttering a semi-harsh word about a Sainted Moo, even if it's true. Losers.


“I wish I could just go on a date. Every day I fantasize about going on a date and be loved and cared for. I fantasize about not having to worry about making it in time to pick up the kid from daycare, not having to worry about dinner or laundry, or whatever else my child demands. I am so lonely it hurts. I am alone with this child, constantly having to display unlimited and unconditional affection and care. But nobody is doing that to me. It feels like the world has forgotten about me. I’m just an object used by my child to survive and thrive. I am nothing more.
God, I wish I had someone who would make me feel loved and worthy. I wish I could afford someone like that. I am so jealous whenever I see couples walking around, holding hands, smiling at each other, playing around… What do I walk around with? An infant who gives no shit if I’m angry, or sad or tired, doesn’t even know my name yet, literally only knows that he can use me anytime he wants and he doesn’t have to do shit. I’m nothing but a tool. I have no rights in my child’s eyes. No freedom. I have nothing that makes me happy.
It must be so nice to be a mother and a wife who is loved and appreciated. I wonder what that feels like.”
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