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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 11, 2023

We've been trying for baby #2 since June. All signs are showing that I"m ovulating every month. My husband likes to have a cigar almost every night. Around November I asked him to cut down on the cigars, he lost it, got really angry, refused. Fine. I asked him to at least look into the mobility of his sperm. He started some research, i didn't want to push it, haven't heard a thing back. I'm ovulating today, I gave him subtle and not-so-subtle hints that we should do something about it. I mentioned last night that we should have a quickie this morning, he slept downstairs because it was too hot upstairs. We both WFH. I mentioned we should have a quickie. He's now currently sitting outside working and smoking a fucking cigar. It's 11:30am. I have an interview in an hour and all I can think of is how he is actively and openly straight up rejecting me. We both want another kid but every single one of his actions proves otherwise and I can't help but feel unloved, unwanted and embarrassed.

If she isn't working (an interview in an hour) that may explain exactly why he has no interest in having a brat. Also, if it is too hot to sleep it is too hot to have sex. I haven't found nagging to lead to sex. Also, lots of hints start to sound like whining/badgering. I don't think it would be that difficult for them to have sex, just be kind and make him one of his favorite dinners with wine, he might initiate at that point. She is just going about it the wrong way (whine/nag/badger).
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 11, 2023
People seem to get weird and awkward about having procreational sex, like they're trying to navigate some sexual minefield, instead of just letting it happen. I guess because now they're having "purposeful" sex instead of just fun sex, so they have to try to do it a certain way, instead of just climbing in bed and having a romp like normal people.

The Moos who are all gung-ho about sex for the purpose of brat creation also only seem to want sex on the days when they are ovulating and most likely to get pregnant, and then don't want it the other 27-28 days of the month. For all anyone knows, maybe he approached his heifer for sexy fun times and she pushed him away because she wasn't laying an egg that day. That kind of shit hurts and is a big turn-off.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 11, 2023
People seem to get weird and awkward about having procreational sex, like they're trying to navigate some sexual minefield, instead of just letting it happen. I guess because now they're having "purposeful" sex instead of just fun sex, so they have to try to do it a certain way, instead of just climbing in bed and having a romp like normal people.

I agree, it is as if they have to distinguish that it is procreational sex. Big mistake as it sounds like it couldn't be less sexy.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 11, 2023
This idiot needs to run... In a comment later on OP admitted that she is beginning to think that in 13 years he has done nothing to help his daughter so this screaming mimi awtard is 13... she needs to run

My boy friend has a special needs daughter. She's on the spectrum. They were in a fast food place one day when a very new baby started to cry. The crying made his daughter cry. His daughter is non verbal is developmentally delayed as well as sensory issues including noise. Anyway, when his daughter started to cry he went around the corner to where the crying was coming from. There was a new mom tucked in a corner, trying to nurse her new baby. He brought his daughter right up to the woman and baby and said "see the baby is fine" but his dsughters crying got louder. He asked the already visibly stressed woman to explain to his daughter why the baby is crying and noted she was autistic. The woman was hesitant but explained the baby is just hungry. His daughter continued to scream while the baby continued to scream. All around a very stressful situation for everyone involved. My boy friend continued to stand there and asked the woman if it's OK that they hang around until the baby stops crying so he can show his daughter that the baby is OK. The woman refused. He got upset and stressed that his daughter just wants to make sure the baby is OK.

When he later told me about the incident I just stared in disbelief. I asked if he didn't think the woman was stressed enough without him hanging over her like that? He said to me that he thinks where his daughter is special needs the lady should have been more obliging. That's when I said it wasn't that woman's job to educate his child and that he had crossed a line. He thinks I'm being inconsiderate and insensitive. I don't feel I am, I feel he was insensitive towards the woman and her new baby and I feel he's entitled for thinking the woman should have taken the time and allowed them to just stand there and watch her nurse when she clearly was trying to hide from people. I also think it's weird he asked if they could watch so she could learn. If a man asked me that I'd think he was a pervert using his kid as a thinly veiled excuse to watch me.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 11, 2023
Haaahaaahaaa... here it comes... this is only the beginning. stupid girl moo has obviously made a bad choice in dicks. what a fucking asshat cunt. I can sympathize with the damage she suffered growing up, but here she is, all grown up and REPEATING THE CYCLE. now there will be an additional 3 lives destroyed because she had to moo

I (20) am a mother of triplets whom are only 2 months old. I never expected ever in my life that I'd be a mother to triplets so when I first became pregnant it was definitely the last thing in my mind.

I'm home with my babies all day long and had to even transfer my education to online.

Sometimes I just need some fresh air especially when I can't get them to stop crying and I find myself getting super frustrated to the point of tears, it's honestly soo hard and the dad isn't here to help as he's ether at work or at school. My fiance's (24) parents rented us a main floor apartment so when I step outside I'm literally just sitting on the chair right beside the door plus I have a baby monitor step up in their room and it has a camera on it I can literally see them and hear them so if anything happened I'd be able to quickly get to them.

Being able to step outside for a few minutes to take a breather is really important to me because I start to have mini panic attacks when I can't get them to stop crying and I get really frustrated because I just feel super overwhelmed, Being able to go outside just gives me a chance to clam down.

My fiance came home to me sitting outside while the babies were crying and freaked out on me calling me a horrible mom and a bunch of other names that I'm not gonna list here. He thinks that I was being super neglectful and putting the babies in harm way and even told his parents and now everyone seem to be really against me.

I grow up in the system my fiance's family is the only family I have and ever known so it breaks my hurt that they are so upset with me but I really don't think I was doing anything wrong or putting my babies in harm way but they seems to think otherwise.

So here I am wondering if I should apologize for my actions or if I am the A-hole in this situation.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 13, 2023
Fucking hell, why would you ever agree to birth three brats at the age of twenty? Don't they do selective reductions anymore? How could anyone that young ever possibly expect to afford three kids? She probably has issues stemming from being a system kid and not feeling loved, so she probably bred with and got engaged to the first guy to give her the time of day because she's been so starved for affection that she'd latch onto anyone. This is shit that should have been sorted out in therapy prior to reproducing, but who does that when they can just have kids, fuck them up and the kids can get therapy instead?

The guy sounds like an asshat too for screaming at the Moo for getting a breather from the shrieking loaves. It's common advice for overwhelmed parents to leave the room and clear their heads when their brats won't quit screaming in order to prevent them from beating the brats' heads in. Babies won't die of exposure if they're left alone for five minutes, they don't need constant supervision if they're in a safe place.

It's mighty easy for the less involved parent to bitch about Moo's neglect of the brats when he's not the one dealing with them all day. I hope she doesn't marry the asshat because he sounds like a shit partner. Obviously she shouldn't have bred with the moron in the first place, but the next best thing she can do is leave him because he sounds like he's going to be verbally and mentally abusive, at best.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 13, 2023

The guy sounds like an asshat too for screaming at the Moo for getting a breather from the shrieking loaves. It's common advice for overwhelmed parents to leave the room and clear their heads when their brats won't quit screaming in order to prevent them from beating the brats' heads in. Babies won't die of exposure if they're left alone for five minutes, they don't need constant supervision if they're in a safe place.

I guess if you have three babies, one of them is likely always screaming.

He does indeed sound like an asshat but she's stuck with him now.

What extraordinarily bad luck to crap out three loaves at once.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 16, 2023
Doormat says yes to her husband taking two recent solo vacations and a new puppy, even though she has developed serious health issues in the last few years.

Doormat on BM
Husband was in Dominican Republic to kite surf for 10 days without me and our kids in August. Then 2 or 3 smaller 3-5 day vacations with friends, now another 10 day vacation in Hawaii. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii, and have spent countless hours researching flights and hotels for a trip for our family. We have discussed this. Then 2 weeks ago he asked if he can join a friend there, last minute. I shouldn't have said yes, but have a hard time with this. In December I asked him not to even ask me for more solo vacations, because I can't seem to say no. He forgot, or else chose to forget.

I am struggling to deal with 3 recently diagnosed autoimmune diseases, and the symptoms (severe fatigue, pain). This year I was also diagnosed with a severe heart condition that has traumatized and killed my family for generations. Also, I have been intensely struggling to recondition my body after 1.5 years non-weight bearing, on a knee scooter (after severed major metatarsal that would not heal). The last couple years have been hellllll. I'm the one who deserves a freaking vacation. Also, we got the kids a puppy for Christmas, so it's been nonstop and very overwhelming work. Each time he vacations, it's an "anti-vacation" for me.

I'm in pain, I'm exhausted, I feel unwanted and abandoned. More than anything, I'm sad. Sad that he would even want to do this.

You have to wonder why she said yes to any of this. She could have said no, I need your help and am overwhelmed. Clearly, he doesn't have the sense to see she is suffering and overwhelmed. The fact that this isn't blaringly obvious to him says alot about him. And puppies are overwhelming even in the best circumstances.

And joining a friend in Hawaii? I'd be a bit suspicious of this based on his behavior.

And now she's angry with him after giving him permission to do these things? She only has herself to blame for bad communication. She'd have a right to be angry if she voiced her concerns and he still did these things.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 17, 2023
In fairness, there's probably nothing stopping him from going on all these vacations, even if she said no. If she's sick, what's she going to do to stop him? She might also feel like she has no choice but to "let" him take these trips if she is unemployed and financially dependent on him, especially if she relies on his insurance to pay for whatever treatments she needs.

He probably doesn't ever take her on vacations because it would be too much of a hassle (not to mention more expensive) to wrangle a gaggle of brats and a disabled wife onto a flight. Plus, he likely doesn't want to be around any of them in the first place, so he just goes on trips alone. It's pretty obvious he doesn't give a shit about his Moo-wife or his sprogs. Moo says she enjoys traveling and has done so quite a bit pre-brat and wants to travel with her sprogs, but Duh doesn't want his pesky famblee tagging along on his vacations.

Why the fuck did they buy the brats a puppy? If Moo was already suffering from a myriad of health issues, why did they go and add another hyperactive burden to their home? You know Duh isn't training the dog because he's too busy flouncing off on various vacations and the kids probably begged for a dog and fully expect the parents to deal with it, and Moo might not be physically well enough to deal with a new dog. So odds are good the puppy will grow up with no boundaries, training or discipline. Then when it acts like an asshole as a fully-grown dog, it will get abandoned somewhere or taken to a shelter, where the employees will have to spend months trying to train it so it can become adoptable.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 17, 2023
Why the fuck did they buy the brats a puppy? If Moo was already suffering from a myriad of health issues, why did they go and add another hyperactive burden to their home? You know Duh isn't training the dog because he's too busy flouncing off on various vacations and the kids probably begged for a dog and fully expect the parents to deal with it, and Moo might not be physically well enough to deal with a new dog. So odds are good the puppy will grow up with no boundaries, training or discipline. Then when it acts like an asshole as a fully-grown dog, it will get abandoned somewhere or taken to a shelter, where the employees will have to spend months trying to train it so it can become adoptable.

I never understand why people look at the chaos that is their lives and decide to add to it. Why get a puppy instead of an adult dog?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 17, 2023
cambion, this cunt never should have bred in the first place. I believe in the almighty gene and what she has probably subjected these children to.. not to mention they are probably forced to do things because mommy is too fucking disabled. but she can spread and sprog. I find my self lacking sympathy anymore

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 18, 2023
I never understand why people look at the chaos that is their lives and decide to add to it. Why get a puppy instead of an adult dog?

I'm guessing they figure a puppy will be cuter and less likely to hurt the sprogs. Yes, puppies are adorable, but much like young humans, young dogs need boundaries and discipline too. They need work and training, some more than others depending on the breed. But the typical way breeders deal with rambunctious puppies is to neglect them until they chew/break something important and then scream at them and hit them for doing what dogs do when they don't know any better. So when the dog gets bigger and more destructive because it wasn't taught how to behave, it gets thrown on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace because it's no longer cute. Then they'll repeat the process with a new puppy when the kids start whining for another one.

Also, pets should NEVER be given as gifts, and breeders are the most guilty of doing this. They think it will make a kid's Christmas more magical to see a puppy under the Christmas tree or a real bunny in their basket on Easter. Gifted pets are almost always surrendered or abandoned when the reality sets in that animals aren't cute little interactive toys and that they require money and effort to care for.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 19, 2023

The OP is u/kyliemaeJaidyn

Mom at 14 and feeling done with life
I am 14 and a mom to my 1 year old daughter and am currently 6 months pregnant. I got into a abusive relationship with domestic violence at only 9 years old he is 3 years older than me. When I was 11 I lost my virginity to him and he was 14 at the time. I got pregnant at 12 and had my daughter at 13. I got pregnant earlier in 2022 with my second. I just left my kids father in December.

I am now so stressed out from all of my new responsibillities and feel done. Since I left him he has been trying to see our daughter and I am going to go to trial soon to get full custody. Planning to go to court soon has been really stressful for me. He used to pay completly for our daughter because my parents said that it was "a life lesson" for us to pay for everything. Because of this I just started my first job that only pays $15 an hour and I get stressed out about how I will pay for 2 fucking kids at that pay. My ex also used to pay for my daugther to go to daycare and I can't affored that. So now I do online school and have to stay home with child. My mom has been helping me pay but she said that she isn't going to for much longer. all of this has been really stressful for me and sometimes I just wish I never meant my ex and left him manipulate me into having sex. I sometimes wish I could just be a normal teen girl.

This girl posted in the comments that she lives in Colorado. Abortion is legal there. And she's pregnant again! strong shock Why didn't her mother get her to Planned Parenthood ASAP? Who in their right mind thinks it's acceptable and good for a 13 year old girl to give birth and raise a child, not once but twice?? angrily flogging with a whip

Some of the comments in the replies from the OP make my hair stand on end. wide-eyed freak out

Repeat after me for the idiots in the back row:

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 19, 2023
I'm guessing one of two things happened: the girl hid the (first) pregnancy from her parents until it was too late to abort, or her parents forced her to carry it to term to punish her for having sex. Never mind she was groomed and abused by an older kid - she has to learn a lesson because she's female!

Also, how the hell did the ex afford to pay for daycare for the sprog? Isn't daycare like $2500 a month, or more? What teen kid is making that much money working presumably part time? Fuck me sideways, I make about half that amount working full-time. And who is hiring a 14-year-old girl for $15 an hour, unless she's babysitting?

I know any story on Reddit has the potential to be horse shit, and some parts of this story just don't add up for me. She also says in the comments that her mom hooked her up at age nine with the 12-year-old abuser because it would be "cute" and that the ex beat her every time she refused sex and has made multiple attempts on her life too. Not saying this kind of shit is impossible, but it seems a bit far-fetched. Not to mention this person is awfully well-spoken for a teenager.

But if it is true, then shame on the parents for making their daughter birth the product of sexual abuse twice. This girl needs therapy, not a "lesson" in the form of childbirth. I know a lot of parents are scum and I wouldn't put it past some of them to whore their daughter out to the neighbor's kid. Why did they let her near the abuser after the first loaf came out? Even if they weren't aware of the abuse, surely the kid impregnating their 12-year-old daughter would have been enough to not let them near one another?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 19, 2023

The OP is u/kyliemaeJaidyn

Mom at 14 and feeling done with life
I am 14 and a mom to my 1 year old daughter and am currently 6 months pregnant. I got into a abusive relationship with domestic violence at only 9 years old he is 3 years older than me. When I was 11 I lost my virginity to him and he was 14 at the time. I got pregnant at 12 and had my daughter at 13. I got pregnant earlier in 2022 with my second. I just left my kids father in December.

He used to pay completly for our daughter because my parents said that it was "a life lesson" for us to pay for everything. Because of this I just started my first job that only pays $15 an hour and I get stressed out about how I will pay for 2 fucking kids at that pay.

This girl posted in the comments that she lives in Colorado. Abortion is legal there. And she's pregnant again! strong shock Why didn't her mother get her to Planned Parenthood ASAP? Who in their right mind thinks it's acceptable and good for a 13 year old girl to give birth and raise a child, not once but twice?? angrily flogging with a whip

Some of the comments in the replies from the OP make my hair stand on end. wide-eyed freak out

Repeat after me for the idiots in the back row:


I haven't checked in CO but locally many entry level jobs start at $17 an hour.

I'd like to punch the parents in this instance, her mahm is basically a pimp. And "life lesson" my ass! The kid was 12, repeatedly raped and pregnant and why wasn't she marched in for an abortion or the baby adopted out if she didn't want one? And after this, why wasn't she put on a more foolproof form of birth control such as IUD, injection or implant? And what kind of parunt lets their child be repeatedly RAPED?

This is the perfect example of why I'm all for abortion, because clearly this poor child mom would have been much better off not being born and it doesn't sound like her mom wanted her and clearly has abused her. And now she has two brats she doesn't want and she is barely a teenager.

And I wouldn't be at all surprised if she told her mahm about the rapes and she just shrugged it off.

Honestly, she would be best off running away from all this nonsense.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 19, 2023
the people at this level to me are little better than trailer trash.
it sorta dooms the kids but then, what do their gonad donors really care. they just carry on the legacy of teen fuck trophy shit over the decades...and perhaps centuries

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 19, 2023
the people at this level to me are little better than trailer trash.
it sorta dooms the kids but then, what do their gonad donors really care. they just carry on the legacy of teen fuck trophy shit over the decades...and perhaps centuries

Wealthy trailer trash, moo is an attorney and duh is a cardiologist. Shocked that moo can be so warped and still function in such a profession. Duh wasn't really mentioned, so who knows with him.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 22, 2023
Another one from the regretful ones:

This one has bipolar and was inpig in less than 4 months of knowing the guy.
Now she is stressed and angry over everything (he sets a napkin in the wrong spot!) and they both seem to thrive on drama.
She almost broke up with him because he got drunk and gave his female best friend a (peck) kiss.
Can't be that petty when a loaf is coming, that is the kind of thing to be worked out over an extended dating period prior to any loaves.

If she thinks being impig is stressful, just wait until the loaf arrives. And the combination of bipolar and baybee isn't a good one.

I think she will be incredibly grateful for any help from him after the loaf appears IF he is still around.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 22, 2023
Duh won't watch his sproggen because he acknowledges and admits his anger/aggression issues (and won't get help for them) and doesn't want to potentially harm his kids when he loses it. Moo is mad and still wants him to watch the kids.

Maybe he's just saying that to get out of brat duty, but if it's true and Moo is still trying to foist the kids on him, that's a pretty shitty thing to do to the kids. If he flew off the handle over two toddlers being toddlers and beat them senseless, Moo would be partly to blame for placing the kids under his supervision knowing full well he had anger issues. At most, supervised visits might be best.

But heeeey at least mama bear wouldn't have to watch her own kids, right? She shouldn't have fucking bred with an angry lunatic if she didn't want to deal with this because I am 100 percent certain she knew about his anger issues prior to getting pigged up. That kind of anger doesn't just manifest overnight. Even the other Moos are saying don't endanger your damn kids just to get a break from them.



Hi there! So I have two toddlers. 3 1/2 year old girl and 2 1/2 year old boy. My children’s father and I aren’t together. We’ve been having a conflict because he refuses to watch them. He refuses because he admitted that with his anger, he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he loses his temper when them. I told him we need to come to an agreement when it comes to discipline but for him it’s either zero or 100.

He rather watch them when they are elementary age because they will be able to “listen” better but I’m still on the fence because I don’t want an issue to arise. Has anyone gone through something similar?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 23, 2023


Hi there! So I have two toddlers. 3 1/2 year old girl and 2 1/2 year old boy. My children’s father and I aren’t together. We’ve been having a conflict because he refuses to watch them. He refuses because he admitted that with his anger, he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he loses his temper when them. I told him we need to come to an agreement when it comes to discipline but for him it’s either zero or 100.

He rather watch them when they are elementary age because they will be able to “listen” better but I’m still on the fence because I don’t want an issue to arise. Has anyone gone through something similar?

There are plenty of people with anger management problems and plenty of others who readily breed with them. Guess they are trying to make the world a better place.

I think he is full of shit as he also refuses to do anything financially for them. He has figured out how to not be a parunt.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 24, 2023
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 24, 2023
Things you might have to give up when you breed. Sure, you give up your free time, your sleep, your body, your life, your hobbies, your money, your freedom, your privacy and your identity, but what about the things you might not see coming?

Like this Moo who had to give up eggs because her brat is allergic to them. I'm trying to watch my weight and eggs are a diet staple for me being a good source of low-calorie protein and they're also delicious, not to mention an essential item for baking, which I do often. I'd never give up food I love because my kid was allergic to it, but hey that's why I'm not a parent!

As if brats don't take enough from you. I know I don't always share the particularly WTF things I read on that sub, but sometimes I like to share the typical day-to-day stuff breeders deal with because every aspect of their lives suck.



I’ll go first! EGGS! My child has a severe egg allergy, I can’t even cook eggs around her it’s that bad. So no more scrambled eggs for me lol . And the second thing is PERFUMES AND GOOD SMELLING LAUNDRY DETERGENT. My child has very sensitive skin so we can no longer use gain and scent beads and I can’t wear my favorite perfumes anymore because she’s always on me. I just miss smelling good,, now I just smell like SKIN


Anything I want to be sacred to myself. I get cute things for myself and to decorate my home. Somehow my kid always manages to break all my most beloved items. It's just exhausting. I hate how much I love my things, but I have spent so much time trying to make my home feel so much like my own, and now this little turd breaks all my stuff LOL.

See that's when you start breaking Bratlina's shit. If Moo can't have nice things, neither can the sprogs.


"Interesting" clothes. My eldest is a very impressionable teen who, due to her disability has difficulty with concepts around situational appropriateness, sexualization, friendliness vs predatory behaviour, how to move your body differently depending on what you're wearing etc. I might be able to get away with it the odd time I'm going out under the guise of "grown up stuff" (its been years since I've tried), but on the day to day I've had to tone it way down. Ditto on things like swearing. I may not be able to wear fishnets and collars anymore, but now I express myself via onsesies and nerdy or silly tshirts.

Wow, imagine not being able to even dress how you want to because your kid is some kind of easily influenced tard.


Makeup. My son is autistic and has trouble with facial recognition. It freaks him out when I wear makeup, particularly eye makeup. I’ve started to wear some light blush and lipgloss and he seems okay, but it’s taken a decade to get to that point.

I generally wear subtle makeup colors, but man I'd be doing a full drag look every day to make the awtard piss his pants. Holy fuck I wear makeup every day and I'd be damned if I let a fucking brat's tantrums dictate what I do or do not put on my face.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 24, 2023
wonder how awtard handles other people with make up on out in public

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 24, 2023

And the second thing is PERFUMES AND GOOD SMELLING LAUNDRY DETERGENT. My child has very sensitive skin so we can no longer use gain and scent beads.

The kid is doing her a favor. Gain smells like shit. It's becoming hard to avoid it--they even want to put the Gain smell on garbage bags and in dish soap. two faces puking

I go out of my way and pay more for unscented crap. And while I understand people have a right to wear perfume, we all know that person who marinates in it and you can still smell him/her 30 minutes after they are gone.


"Interesting" clothes. My eldest is a very impressionable teen who, due to her disability has difficulty with concepts around situational appropriateness, sexualization, friendliness vs predatory behaviour, how to move your body differently depending on what you're wearing etc. I might be able to get away with it the odd time I'm going out under the guise of "grown up stuff" (its been years since I've tried), but on the day to day I've had to tone it way down.

Um, what? Is Moo saying if Moo wears something revealing, her dotter gets sexual thoughts and is "predatory?" Sounds like the entire household needs an investigation to see if this kid is being sexually abused.

Whole lot of crazy going on in that one and I don't think it has to do with Awwwwwtism.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 26, 2023
Remember the Duh who was too angry to mind his sprogs? Apparently he is only too angry to watch his own brats, but is chill enough to watch his pregnant 19-year-old coworker's loaf when she pops. Hmmmmmm, methinks he is just using his temper as an excuse to get out of dadding and he's offering loaf-sitting to the coworker so he can score some teenage pussy.

Because nothing will make a new young Moo wet like a may-unn willing to watch her sprog. You know, until he shakes it to death because it won't quit crying.



Hi! So for those who remembered my previous thread you know that my children’s father refuses to watch our kids because of his anger. He fears he may do something to them if he loses his temper.

Okay - fine. No need to force it because I want my babies safe. But check this out.

He was telling me about his coworker at his job who is pregnant(not by him). She was telling him once she gives birth, she’ll have no one to watch her baby. HE OFFERED TO WATCH HER BABY ON THE WEEKEND! They are not together and she’s 19. He’s willing to watch his coworker’s baby but refuses to watch our kids because he’s angry? Someone enlighten me here because I’m missing something.
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