Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices March 31, 2023 | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 3,919 |
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 01, 2023 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 3,753 |
Breeders no likey that people are not tolerant of their pweshuses.
I have not heard the story this lady is talking about, but while I do think killing a guy for asking someone not to vape is a bit extreme, it's nice to see CF folks (who, despite Moo's assumption, are not likely all "whiny college-aged" people) being more open/public about their distaste for breeders and their little cunt nuggets.
According to one Moo, Vancouver has a very large population of total violent psychos, so you never know if the person you're approaching is going to have a reasonable reaction or if they're going to lose their shit.
I'm sorry this Duh died and all, but breeders gotta face facts: the tide has turned, and fewer people are smooching breeder ass now. Makes me happy.
One comment said this:Quote
Entitled mothers is like an oxymoron. Lol
Haha that's fucking adorable. No, "entitled mothers" is just redundant.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 03, 2023 | Registered: 1 year ago Posts: 65 |
I took LO (2.5m) to the aquarium today with some friends and it did not go well. Screaming, crying, getting in the way of others, the whole shebang. We went to the calm down room twice for my sanity. I felt so judged even though I know I probably wasn't.
We need more practice spots to work on our public spaces skills. Any recommendations on where to go and how to keep my cool? I still haven't figured out how to help him calm down mid tantrum without distractions or giving in.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 04, 2023 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 3,753 |
Many kyds enjoy aquariums, but this little crotch turd just wants to be miserable. Don’t bring a cranky, tantrum-prone toadler if you can’t manage it. “But how can a child behave in public if it stays at home?” Sprogs can be taught to be more civilized at home before going in public.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 04, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 08, 2023 | Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 9,253 |
Have you seen that horrible commercial for a new, improved diaper that soaks up enough urine that your baby won’t wake up for a change?
This whiny millennial mom is complaining, “I had to get up at 4 am three nights in a row to change a diaper. I just couldn’t take it.”. So she buys a diaper which will permit her precious baby to lay in their own urine for hours.
I want to scream at her, “Three nights! I didn’t sleep in a bed for a year because my daughter screamed if I wasn’t rocking her all night. I didn’t have a hot meal for two years because meal time was also scream time.”
If you are unwilling to change a dirty diaper at anytime, day or night , there is one very obvious solution. It’s not a diaper which will eventually make it even harder to potty train because it teaches them it’s okay to sit in urine. Simply never have sex. You are obviously oblivious to the results.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 09, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 09, 2023 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 3,753 |
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 17, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
Uhmmmm hello If I knew he was going to be a useless father I WOULDNT have a child with him. That’s why I am getting my tubes tied now and not having anymore with him (or any other man ever)! Don’t judge women for choosing a pos man to be a father when you don’t know they’ll be a crappy father until they become a father. Thanks
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 18, 2023 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 3,753 |
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 18, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
I've heard numerous men who want to teach their son (unborn, assuming they will have a son and that he will like everything they like) and play ball or other crap with him. What about the son who cares nothing about sports? Or what if it is a daughter instead?
And even more women want to dress up their dotter (unborn, assuming they will have a daughter and she will like everything they like) and dress her up in fussy clothes and moo's favorite colors. What if the dotter would rather play ball? Or if it is a son instead?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 24, 2023 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 3,753 |
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 27, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
This morning, like every other morning, my littles woke up too damn early (5:45). Sometimes they will play quietly in their room together for a bit, and when they got quiet again this morning I assumed this was one of those days.
I spent maybe 10min randomly scrolling, then got up and started coffee. I walked to the fridge to pull out creamer and breakfast sausage and realized in horror that my front door - ** ETA which is equipped with multiple kinds of extra locks and a door alarm well above adult head hight for this literal reason ** - was wide open.
No. Oh no no no no no.... I dropped everything on the kitchen floor, screamed for hubby to get his ass up and bolted out the door.
My 4.5yr (ASD III) has a history of elopement, a strong love of water, and we live within walking distance of a large river & lake. I sprinted down the street to the neighbors house that borders the river screaming for her... He was leaving for work and hadn't seen her. Fuck. I make a mental note that he had taken down the * Aboveground pool *.
(Months ago when she got out, he ran to check it and mentioned that they were planning on getting rid of it. This becomes important later.)
Hubby has gone the other way after charging Eldest Spawn with "Keep the littles alive till one of us come and specificly tells you that we're back and you're off duty" I grab my truck and go the other way on our loop to check the houses that have outdoor play equipment shouting like a lunatic the entire time. Nothing.
It's now been 25min since we noticed she'd gotten out.... We're hitting call the cops for backup territory I return to the corner house calling her name again, she always wants to "go walk" toward that particular house.
And then I hear it. A very very faint crying.
I call out again and hear "".
I charge down the hill, around their driveway thinking she's just stuck on the other side of the fence between them and the next house....
I round the back of the house and my stomach bottoms out - they have an unfenced uncovered 8ft DEEP in-ground pool and my water loving autistic 4.5yr old, still in her Frozen jammies, is floating face up on her back in the center of it. (I want to point out that she's never been open to actually learning how to float and our attempts at swim lessons were a dismal failure... She would have had to literally figure it out then and there or drown.
I snatch her out by the arm- she's cold AF but still conscious- flip her, and give her two back blows and she brings up what looks like a literal gallon of pool water.
We're currently waiting on paperwork at the local pediatric ER. She's ... Somehow.... absolutely fine. They can find no indication that spent 20min fighting for her life. Her lungs are clear, her SATs are perfect.... I can't tell if I'm actually fine or if I'm in shock.
I'm just thankful that someone must have been watching out for her.
So yeah, hug your babies, check your door locks and for the love of fuck fence your pools.
From the comments, from the author
So we actually have all of that installed. She hasn't even tried the door in months, but apparently she knows how to open all of it (including the two chain locks and sliding lock installed at the very tip top corner. I have no idea how she got those undone or how she knew to turn off the sensor alarm)
Hubby and I have agreed that the front door is just for show at this point. We're going to padlock it. (We don't actually use it 99% of the time anyway, plus there are a crap-ton of huge windows in the same room if we needed to get out quickly because of fire etc)
We normally use the back door which has all the same locks BUT the added security of a code locked privacy fence. so even if she lets herself out into the yard that way, there's literally nothing out there for her to get into and no way for her to escape.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 28, 2023 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 3,753 |
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 28, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
My husband is the WORST when it comes to letting our adult daughter, who is severely autistic, get treated like the grownass woman she is.
Look, man! I don't give a flying fuck if she's mentally like a six year old. Sure, she can be mentally six all she wants, she's not six though. She's 38!
He gets PISSED when my daughter wants to drink with us at parties and things, like on her birthday. It was her 21st birthday back in 2005. I let her have her first shot. My husband literally YELLED at me the whole way home. That I need to "baby" her a bit more. No, she's a grown WOMAN!!! Not a baby!
While I may be teaching her how to read and write, do basic kindergarten skills, she's also 38. I'll let her be 38! Sure, I monitor her while she's drinking or doing anything typically "adult" but you know what? I let her do it because she's 38!
He talks to her like a child. Acts like she's a baby. It's weird. Last time I checked babies weren't 5'4", 140 pounds, and already having salt and pepper hair.
He also doesn't seem to want to let her make her own decisions. Of course, I monitor them too. And supervise her because she is severely mentally handicapped. He thinks it's weird that I let her pick her clothes for the day, let her do her own skincare on her face, and let her be in her room by herself with the door shut. She's not doing anything weird in there! Just playing video games or watching Cartoon Network.
Dude, she's 38! She can make some of her own choices.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 30, 2023 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 2,724 |
ust feeling annoyed y'all. I have been feeling like things are coming to a boiling point with my husband. Yes he works a lot to provide and I appreciate it. But he is totally unengaged in family life and I cant do it all alone anymore.
So tonight Im at a hockey game with my son, bff and her partner. They are childfree by choice but they like kids. My son is neurodivergent and he insisted he wanted to come to the game but was triggered by all the noise and just shutting down/sulking. Honestly I was out of patience and I couldnt even try with him so I was just letting him be. Its been a long week.
My friend and her partner got him engaged in playing some phone game and talking to him then suddenly he's watching the hockey and having a good old time. My husband typically isnt around and doesnt bother trying when he is (because according to him whatever he does is wrong). It was just so nice having some fucking basic help and it made me realize how little im used to getting.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices April 30, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
I am so beyond.... just beyond right now.
Three neurodivergent kids under 10, a depressed husband who likes to sleep all the time, and we've got a MIL hospicing with us, due to die in a few weeks, and dozens of family flying in to see her.
We both work full time jobs from home.
Even during regular times, the house is hard to keep up with and no one pitches in the way they need to no matter what I do or say. But now, with MIL dying and needing 24/7 by myself or my husband, we're completely drowning. I'm trying to hire out as much as I can.
I got an estimate for a cleaning service last month. Paid extra for certain services, signed a contract, all was fine and dandy. Yesterday was the big day, first detail clean of kitchen and bathrooms, I was so pumped to finally get some of this clean. Cleaners were here three hours, a quality checker came, they all smiled at me and left. Then I got off work meeting and could finally inspect their work.
There were still cobwebs on the ceiling. The appliances were dirty. The extra services I paid for simply weren't done. The shower grout was still orange. Yeah, we have a lot of clutter in some rooms, so we told them to avoid those altogether. I took pictures and emailed them with my dissatisfaction.
They emailed back to say they admit they didn't clean the extra areas, however THEY'RE CONCERNED FOR THEIR STAFF'S SAFETY TO ENTER MY HOUSE AGAIN. Made all sorts of claims that simply aren't true. I guess they were so worried about their safety that they didn't say anything until after I complained about their work?
They said we should part ways until my home is "fit for other people."
Those mother....MMMMMMM! I have people here all the time, it's messy but hardly unsafe.
But isn't this the point? I don't have time to clean! No one will help me clean! I'm trying to literally pay someone, anyone to help me fucking clean, and all I get is a judgy, lying email and I get fired by a fucking maid service?
They didn't charge me, but I don't even care. I don't want the money, I want a cleaner house!
I literally don't know what to do. I'm only one person. I work 50 hour weeks, and do all the cooking, shopping, mental load, parenting, everything, on top of this old dying woman. How the hell am I supposed to get a clean house if I literally can't even pay someone to clean it?
Oh PS I asked my husband and he just shrugged and said "Idunno." Great, thanks, fuck me I guess, I'll solve the problem.
Off to go scrub some fucking tile in between Zoom meetings.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices May 01, 2023 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 3,753 |
Well, look here...a breakingmom user actually had something nice to say about childfree people, but after 9 days with this post up, there's not one damn comment from the moos and cows of breakingmom because if they can't shit on us then why bother commenting.
My friend and her partner got him engaged in playing some phone game and talking to him then suddenly he's watching the hockey and having a good old time. My husband typically isnt around and doesnt bother trying when he is (because according to him whatever he does is wrong). It was just so nice having some fucking basic help and it made me realize how little im used to getting.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices May 01, 2023 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 3,753 |
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices May 02, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices May 02, 2023 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 3,753 |
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices May 02, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
I'm so glad that I do all of the life sustaining tasks JUST for daddy to be the favorite parent.
Like daddy didn't move heaven and earth and literally BEG for an emergency sick visit for your ear infection at the pediatrician, mommy did. Daddy didn't measure out and administer the medicine, mommy did. Daddy doesn't make you 3 meals a day and 50 billion snacks, mommy does. Daddy doesn't wash three loads of laundry a day to make sure everyone has clean clothes and countless loads of dishes, mommy does. On and on and on. Oh and when daddy showed up to your preschool parent breakfast and made your day? It's because mommy told him what day to take a few hours off work and she nagged him until he finally did it. You're fucking welcome!
But all weekend all I've heard is "Go away mommy! I just want daddy!", from both children!
I love my children, I'm sure if daddy stayed home with them all day I'd be the preferred parent too. But when it comes on the tail end of a week with basically no help from daddy because he's got a man-cold, and both toddlers have had illnesses/ear infections? It just really fucking blows! Mommy could use some love too you little jack wagons!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices May 03, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
Last night some (child free) members of my husbands family were over and it was getting on about 11pm. I have three kids youngest is 6 months. I mentioned how I would be going to bed soon since I’ve not been getting much sleep as the baby has not been well last couple weeks and so has really been sleeping like crap. So this family member said “oh well didn’t you choose to be a mom? Didn’t you choose to have kids! I can’t say I feel sorry for you at all”
The thing that makes me sad is that this is how moms are viewed. We can’t say anything even a tiny bit negative (even though let’s face it a lot of modern day motherhood is a total shit show for most women). I suddenly got paranoid that the times I have very reluctantly requested a little help from my in laws (I have a HUGE amount it in laws: MIL, FIL, BIL SIL cousins aunts uncles you name it within walking distance- all my own family live in another country), that the reason they always seemed so “put out” was because they all along have secretly thought I should be doing everything with no help because I wanted to be a mom.
(Requested help was asking to pick my eldest from school one time in a year cos my middle child was really sick. When I was heavily pregnant and very unwell I asked if anyone could take my toddler to the playground for an hour after he had been inside for 4 days straight and my husband was working abroad. When my youngest was born my mom flew in and stayed for 2 weeks to take my other kids to school so I didn’t have to ask any of my husband’s family for help. I also try to help my in laws any time I can, bring food when they are sick lend them money etc)
Imagine thinking that I shouldn’t ask for that because I wanted to have kids.
I feel sad for the state of humanity right now. This total lack of empathy and misogyny is rampant and depressing. Literally just came here to share this as has been getting me down today
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices May 03, 2023 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,109 |
My kid had a public meltdown today. Hitting, screaming, biting, the works. And after all the physical and emotional pain of the meltdown, I'm honestly one hundred times angrier at all the stupid adults who were in the store.
There were a few very young and presumably child-free women who avoided eye contact and got the hell away from the scream zone as fast as possible. Nothing against them, they didn't want to hear it. They're not the ones I'm annoyed at.
There was an older woman making a huge effort to make eye contact with me so that she could give me a sympathetic smile. I made an equal effort to avoid her.
There were multiple people who thought it was helpful to address the kid directly with a cheerful, "Why are you crying?" Well... they meant well, but clearly don't get how a meltdown works, lol.
There were multiple authoritarians who yelled at my kid. Please. Please, just go away, you're an authority figure to exactly no-one.
And there were the starers.
And there was the panel of judges.
All I want if I'm trying to get things done with a child who is too big for me to control is practical assistance. That's all. To all you people who so desperately want to be involved with a mother and her screaming child, make yourself useful and push the cart for her, or unload her groceries onto the counter or something. Pick up her stuff if it's fallen down or been thrown down by the kid. I'm not talking about people who don't want to be involved, no-one is obligated to be involved. Those women who ran away from us like they were winning the 200m sprint were the most helpful there. They decided how involved they wanted to be and acted accordingly, and I appreciate that, they gave us some space to get on with it and get out of there. Everyone else decided they wanted to be involved and then did a bunch of stupid, pointless things.
If you want to be involved, be involved and be helpful. Otherwise, please uninvolve yourself so I can get on with shopping and wrestling my child.
Thank you.
PS. Please don't say one word about "How to talk to blah blah" and "I won't let you blah" ... We can talk about that when I've recovered from this traumatic day.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices May 03, 2023 | Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 3,919 |