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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 31, 2023
most likely the guy was a fucking mental.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 01, 2023
Breeders no likey that people are not tolerant of their pweshuses.

I have not heard the story this lady is talking about, but while I do think killing a guy for asking someone not to vape is a bit extreme, it's nice to see CF folks (who, despite Moo's assumption, are not likely all "whiny college-aged" people) being more open/public about their distaste for breeders and their little cunt nuggets.

According to one Moo, Vancouver has a very large population of total violent psychos, so you never know if the person you're approaching is going to have a reasonable reaction or if they're going to lose their shit.

I'm sorry this Duh died and all, but breeders gotta face facts: the tide has turned, and fewer people are smooching breeder ass now. Makes me happy.

Even parunts need to learn to weigh the risks. Is it really worth approaching someone and asking them to stop doing something that is legal rather than just removing themselves from the situation altogether?

One comment said this:

Entitled mothers is like an oxymoron. Lol

Haha that's fucking adorable. No, "entitled mothers" is just redundant.

Once it becomes normalized for parunts to understand how "hard" it is to be a parunt and not whining about it once they do it and when they also come to terms with doing what it takes to have a village only then will they not be entitled.

They expect a village to be provided because there is no way they can handle being a parunt on their own and they discover this after they sluice. So they wake up to reality, get angry that there isn't a huge bucket of money available for their parunting whims and curse living in the US. Since they likely haven't ever planned anything in their lives, they certainly make no effort to budget or plan ahead for brats.

There are blogs out there where people are raising brats on very little money, so it can be done. But spending very little on parunting means lots of being hands on. But it is much easier to stamp their feet and get angry at the mean old country for convincing them to parunt (it is always someone else's fault for some people, as they choose not to have accountability for their actions) because they want to spend their money on eating out and not bratcare.

And those parents that are happy and have a village? They worked this out prior to sluicing. They CHOOSE to pay for a short- term disability policy so that they can take time off of work. They CHOOSE to live near lots of family that is willing to help them out or they can afford to buy a village. If a couple of family members move away or aren't able to help out there are plenty of others nearby, because they plan this. They ask the right questions and don't expect one or two family members that live hours away to raise their brats and then flip out when their parents are too old, are overwhelmed or have to work all the time.

I wouldn't be surprised if these parents also have started a college fund and take as many precautions as they can to prevent bringing defects into the world. And I bet the breeders hate everything about these parents who plan for everything.

Parunt/mombie wars. Another reason to be childfree!
Moo brings her obviously miserable gremlin to the aquarium, subjecting everyong to her little screamer. While I know toadlers are unpredictable and can fly off the handle at any given time, why the fuck would you bring your shitling to an aquarium if it can’t enjoy it? At least moo removed the fucker from the area a couple times.



I took LO (2.5m) to the aquarium today with some friends and it did not go well. Screaming, crying, getting in the way of others, the whole shebang. We went to the calm down room twice for my sanity. I felt so judged even though I know I probably wasn't.

We need more practice spots to work on our public spaces skills. Any recommendations on where to go and how to keep my cool? I still haven't figured out how to help him calm down mid tantrum without distractions or giving in.

Many kyds enjoy aquariums, but this little crotch turd just wants to be miserable. Don’t bring a cranky, tantrum-prone toadler if you can’t manage it. “But how can a child behave in public if it stays at home?” Sprogs can be taught to be more civilized at home before going in public.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 04, 2023
Many kyds enjoy aquariums, but this little crotch turd just wants to be miserable. Don’t bring a cranky, tantrum-prone toadler if you can’t manage it. “But how can a child behave in public if it stays at home?” Sprogs can be taught to be more civilized at home before going in public.

I did a web search on "age-appropriate activities for a two-year-old" and there were 374 million results. So, moo could have checked the internet first before going to an aquarium. I'd guess lots of fits are because parunts force their brats to endure age-inappropriate activities. But no, she goes to BM for her answers because they are so good at smothering!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 04, 2023
A toddler isn't going to enjoy an aquarium. Even if they absolutely love fish or they loved Finding Nemo, a trip to a big place like that is pretty much a guarantee of a cranky little asshole that screams and cries within 15 minutes of getting through the door. A kid that young can't appreciate a place like that and will lose interest very quickly. Then the dumbfuck parents get all butthurt that they spent so much money and planned everything so carefully because they wanted to make the day special for their snookums (translation: wanted cute pictures for social media) and then the child turned into a brat and ruined Mommy's attempt at attention whoring.

Toddlers are also very unpredictable regarding when and how hard they will tantrum. Your kid could be the best damn kid in the world and they still might melt down for some dumb bullshit reason. If you know your kid is prone to tantrums and getting overwhelmed in public and you don't know yet how to make him shut his ass up when he does melt down, then don't take him into public unless absolutely necessary until they're older. Aquariums are not necessary trips. I'd say don't take a kid to something like a museum or a zoo or whatever until at least 8-9 years old. Maybe older, depending on whether or not the child is some kind of a tard.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 08, 2023
I saw this on an "over 60" Facebook group today. Man, this woman is in her mid 60's and she's STILL oozing resentment over having raised her chyyyyld. It's to the point where she's pissed off at a COMMERCIAL.


Have you seen that horrible commercial for a new, improved diaper that soaks up enough urine that your baby won’t wake up for a change?

This whiny millennial mom is complaining, “I had to get up at 4 am three nights in a row to change a diaper. I just couldn’t take it.”. So she buys a diaper which will permit her precious baby to lay in their own urine for hours.

I want to scream at her, “Three nights! I didn’t sleep in a bed for a year because my daughter screamed if I wasn’t rocking her all night. I didn’t have a hot meal for two years because meal time was also scream time.”

If you are unwilling to change a dirty diaper at anytime, day or night , there is one very obvious solution. It’s not a diaper which will eventually make it even harder to potty train because it teaches them it’s okay to sit in urine. Simply never have sex. You are obviously oblivious to the results.

Yeah, I guess I'm not a Real (Bitter) WomanTM because I never shot out a crotch lizard that screamed for two years.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 09, 2023
Guessing the senior Moo is bitter because she probably had to use cloth diapers or crummy disposables that leaked the second they got wet. Moo is just mad that there weren't shitrags with 12+ hour durability when she was younger - I guarantee if diapers like what are available today were around when this moron was still raising infants, she absoultely would have stuck her kids in them and let them marinate in their own filth for half a day at a time.

Also, why did she rock the loaf every night? Did Junior hold her at gunpoint and force her to rock him to sleep? Barring any neighbors in close physical proximity who would be disturbed by the noise (like in apartments), you place loaf in crib and if it screams, you let it scream. Invest in earplugs and/or strong liquor to sleep through it. It'll calm down eventually. Rocking a brat to sleep every single night conditions it to only fall asleep with rocking. So that shit is her own damn fault.

I do agree with her on one point, though: if you aren't willing to get up at night to deal with a shrieking loaf for any reason, then don't have one. Because almost all the little fuckers screech in the middle of the night for any reason at all or for no reason at all, and sometimes they cannot be consoled. ISaying to not have sex is a bit much, but the I get the point she's making is don't have kids if you can't deal with their shit, literally and otherwise. The interrupted sleep is one of the biggest reasons I never wanted kids. I would 100 percent be one of those parents that shakes their loaf to death because it won't shut the fuck up.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 09, 2023
Not having a hot meal for two years....is she too dumb to make herself a hot meal when the loaf sleeps or does she seriously expect others to believe this?

I've read that a parunt needs to be with the loaf at all times until it hits age two. Something about development and it literally needs an adult to be holding it most of that time. Wouldn't this be enough to discourage anyone reasonable from having one?

A great reason to not be a parunt if you can't handle it. I had no desire, so I didn't do it. Always amazing to me how some people never get over their bitterness of having brats. It was your choice, bints. If it was forced, walk away like lots of parunts do.

It isn't the same as being born to parunts who resent you or are reminding you of what a burden you were when you are in your 40's and they are in their mid 60's. This is all I need to assume she was a crappy mahm. Good grief! I bet this bint is the type who harped on her dotter to have brats then wouldn't help with them and went on and on about how she bets her dotter appreciates her now. Maybe she also expects her dotter to take care of her since she is around retirement age because she "owes" her mahm for being brought into this world.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 17, 2023
Moos want everybody to quit telling them they shouldn't have had brats with worthless men because there is just no way to know beforehand what kind of parent they're going to be. And had they known their Duh-husbands would be so useless, they wouldn't have bred with them.

I think it's more like they don't see the bad behavior until after brats come along. Like I guarantee that the Duhs discussed on there who fester in front of their computers for 18 hours a day playing video games and neglect their kids the whole time were hardcore gamers before spawning. Men who are lazy, have anger issues, scream about everything or have any other major flaw didn't get that way because of kids. They were always like that - the behavior was just easier to ignore when the Moos didn't depend on them to help raise another person.

But okay, let's say a guy does a total behavioral 180 when a loaf comes along. WHY do these women reproduce with these men a second, third, fourth or more time knowing he didn't give a damn about the first kid(s)? It's particularly perplexing when the guy doesn't lift a finger to deal with the first kid and then decides he's ready for another one and the idiot Moos give in! Do they really think it'll be different next time? Here's a hint: it won't be. Funny how I can figure this shit out without breeding, but these women will breed multiple times and still never catch on.



Uhmmmm hello If I knew he was going to be a useless father I WOULDNT have a child with him. That’s why I am getting my tubes tied now and not having anymore with him (or any other man ever)! Don’t judge women for choosing a pos man to be a father when you don’t know they’ll be a crappy father until they become a father. Thanks
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 18, 2023
I think part of it is the oxytocin which keeps them in some kind of love stupor. The BM seem to take longer to wake up than others. With the general public some wake up while in the love stupor, some aren't caught in it in the first place because they vet better. And some remove their "beer goggles" by the next day.

The BM look around after many days/years and realize the stupors have faded and they are in hell with all these brats once the oxytocin from having brats wear off. And their spouse is the same person he has always been but they didn't see it until the oxytocin from her love stupor with him vanished.

Maybe they are addicted to the oxytocin?

There are definitely signs, but are they heeded? Not for BM they aren't.

I've heard numerous men who want to teach their son (unborn, assuming they will have a son and that he will like everything they like) and play ball or other crap with him. What about the son who cares nothing about sports? Or what if it is a daughter instead?

And even more women want to dress up their dotter (unborn, assuming they will have a daughter and she will like everything they like) and dress her up in fussy clothes and moo's favorite colors. What if the dotter would rather play ball? Or if it is a son instead?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 18, 2023
I've heard numerous men who want to teach their son (unborn, assuming they will have a son and that he will like everything they like) and play ball or other crap with him. What about the son who cares nothing about sports? Or what if it is a daughter instead?

And even more women want to dress up their dotter (unborn, assuming they will have a daughter and she will like everything they like) and dress her up in fussy clothes and moo's favorite colors. What if the dotter would rather play ball? Or if it is a son instead?

Yep, I've heard that excuse from plenty of breeders. Especially from men who want to do (activity) with their kids. Whatever it may be - Magic the Gathering, sports, video games, hunting, car stuff, playing an instrument, whatever. I've heard some say that was the whole reason they wanted kids - so they could introduce another person to their favorite things growing up and basically relive their childhood. So yeah, what happens if the kid isn't interested? Will they force the kid into it? When the kid resists because they don't like the activity, will the Duh (or whichever parent) demand a new kid because the first one is "broken?" And then presumably ignore the first one because they didn't turn out to be a perfect carbon copy of the parents in question?

A lot of men only want to do this bonding crap with sons like you said, so they won't want to show their daughters how to throw a football or play Mario Bros. Parents may not play with their sons with dolls or play dress-up or whatever because they think it will turn their sons gay. Not to mention the kids won't be old enough to do this stuff for several years depending on the activity. Is it really worth it to wait that long to find out if your kid is interested in the same stuff you were interested in?

I remember something I read a while ago (on Reddit, maybe) about someone who grew up in a very nerdy household. Like both parents were huge fans of a bunch of things like Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. The author said it was exhausting being around that stuff all the time because they had it shoved down their throat their whole life and it didn't interest them personally.

And what kind of selfish ass-backwards shit is it to create a whole new human being so you can potentially experience a whiff of nostalgia? Like if you want to relive your childhood hobbies, just engage in them yourself! If you enjoyed Legos, buy yourself a Lego set. If you were a gamer, replay your childhood favorites. There are adult sports leagues if you want to play a sport. If you liked playing with Barbies, then play with Barbies! If you liked playing dress-up, go to a thrift store and try stuff on for fun. If you liked shitting your pants, put on an adult diaper and knock yourself out. No need to make another entire person to take a stroll down memory lane.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 24, 2023
The niche expectations are weird and they kind of remind me of a 17-year-old uttering out their big list of requirements for a marriage partner.
What does a 17-year-old know about dating...let alone marriage? Just how realistic would the list be for most 17-year-olds? More realistic than expecting a yet to exist human to share your same hobbies and interests!

I mean, I guess one could force their brats to have their same interests but that never ends well and then there is another adult needing therapy.

I don't think it is okay for parunts to make their kids participate in hobbies they aren't interested in.

Kids have to attend school and sit in a chair for about 8 hours a day, plus any travel to and fro. Some kids may have to go to daycare or after-school programs, which may require more sitting. Lots of activities with regular meets may only do activities once or twice a year (girl scouts come to mind: with typically one hike and one camping event a year). The rest of the meets may involve more boring sitting. Any religious crap typically involves kids sitting, even the youngest are expected to sit and play in a designated area. Most famblees expect kids to sit and eat meals. Any car ride involves sitting. When a kid leaves elementary school most physical activity (other than PE or any organized sports) likely ceases.

After all the ridiculous sitting kids are expected to do is it any wonder the last thing they want to do is yet something else their parents expect them to do? And why is it okay for adults to constantly obligate their kids into doing so much crap? The ridiculous obligations on kids (and their parunts who drive them around) is a great reason not to have kids. I hated that crap as a kid. Even if I liked an activity, there was always at least one brat everyone had to tolerate.

If an adult can't find anyone else to share in an activity, either go it alone or work towards being the kind of person who has plenty of company that shares hobbies and common interests. Don't force a person who doesn't exist yet to be born just to share some damned hobbies or be taught something they have no interest in.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 27, 2023
Amazing how a four-year-old awtard has the sense and dexterity to outsmart every single child-proofing device on the door, including a door alarm/sensor and the ones that are (supposedly) way too high up for the brat to even reach.

Honestly, what is it with tards and water? Like they all have this fatal attraction to water, for some reason. Is it an ingrained self-destruct mechanism? But hey look at the upside - the stupid brat didn't know how to float in water before this little stunt she pulled and now she knows how! Silver linings and all that. I'm sure this is the neighbor's fault too for daring to have a pool on their own property.

Tards like this have to be nature flexing its sense of humor. And what the hell is "ASD III?" I know ASD is "autism spectrum disorder," but what's the III mean? Does autism have stages now like cancer? If the kid is like this, maybe it's time to just let the chips fall where they may instead of spending the rest of your life trying to save her from herself?

Further down in the comments, Moo is offering to buy the pool owner a fence. I mean that's a nice gesture, but if the tard can outsmart a door sensor, what makes Moo think a little thing like a fence will keep the brat out of the water? Even further down, she mentions the neighbor will not be fencing his pool and refused the offer to have Moo buy a fence for him. Welp I guess you're gonna have to WATCH YOUR DAMN KID, aren't you, Moo? It is not the neighbor's fault your kid is fucked in the head and they should not have to take special measures to ensure YOUR child's safety. If you don't like it, then move somewhere where people don't have pools.

Why don't these people put combination locks on their doors? Even if the kid was smart enough to sit there and try every possible combination, they'd probably never figure it out before the parents noticed.



This morning, like every other morning, my littles woke up too damn early (5:45). Sometimes they will play quietly in their room together for a bit, and when they got quiet again this morning I assumed this was one of those days.

I spent maybe 10min randomly scrolling, then got up and started coffee. I walked to the fridge to pull out creamer and breakfast sausage and realized in horror that my front door - ** ETA which is equipped with multiple kinds of extra locks and a door alarm well above adult head hight for this literal reason ** - was wide open.

No. Oh no no no no no.... I dropped everything on the kitchen floor, screamed for hubby to get his ass up and bolted out the door.

My 4.5yr (ASD III) has a history of elopement, a strong love of water, and we live within walking distance of a large river & lake. I sprinted down the street to the neighbors house that borders the river screaming for her... He was leaving for work and hadn't seen her. Fuck. I make a mental note that he had taken down the * Aboveground pool *.

(Months ago when she got out, he ran to check it and mentioned that they were planning on getting rid of it. This becomes important later.)

Hubby has gone the other way after charging Eldest Spawn with "Keep the littles alive till one of us come and specificly tells you that we're back and you're off duty" I grab my truck and go the other way on our loop to check the houses that have outdoor play equipment shouting like a lunatic the entire time. Nothing.

It's now been 25min since we noticed she'd gotten out.... We're hitting call the cops for backup territory I return to the corner house calling her name again, she always wants to "go walk" toward that particular house.

And then I hear it. A very very faint crying.

I call out again and hear "Mommy...help".

I charge down the hill, around their driveway thinking she's just stuck on the other side of the fence between them and the next house....

I round the back of the house and my stomach bottoms out - they have an unfenced uncovered 8ft DEEP in-ground pool and my water loving autistic 4.5yr old, still in her Frozen jammies, is floating face up on her back in the center of it. (I want to point out that she's never been open to actually learning how to float and our attempts at swim lessons were a dismal failure... She would have had to literally figure it out then and there or drown.

I snatch her out by the arm- she's cold AF but still conscious- flip her, and give her two back blows and she brings up what looks like a literal gallon of pool water.

We're currently waiting on paperwork at the local pediatric ER. She's ... Somehow.... absolutely fine. They can find no indication that spent 20min fighting for her life. Her lungs are clear, her SATs are perfect.... I can't tell if I'm actually fine or if I'm in shock.

I'm just thankful that someone must have been watching out for her.

So yeah, hug your babies, check your door locks and for the love of fuck fence your pools.

From the comments, from the author
So we actually have all of that installed. She hasn't even tried the door in months, but apparently she knows how to open all of it (including the two chain locks and sliding lock installed at the very tip top corner. I have no idea how she got those undone or how she knew to turn off the sensor alarm)

Hubby and I have agreed that the front door is just for show at this point. We're going to padlock it. (We don't actually use it 99% of the time anyway, plus there are a crap-ton of huge windows in the same room if we needed to get out quickly because of fire etc)

We normally use the back door which has all the same locks BUT the added security of a code locked privacy fence. so even if she lets herself out into the yard that way, there's literally nothing out there for her to get into and no way for her to escape.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 28, 2023
How about a fence around their house instead of demanding one for a neighbor?
Better yet, why did they choose to live within walking distance of a larger river, lake and at least one swimming pool when they know their brat is obsessed with water? Do they plan to demand the city fence the river and lake next? What kind of parunts move their ASD III brat with a known obsession with water within walking distance of at least three bodies of water? How is this not neglect?

But of course the neighbor is the problem here!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 28, 2023
Moo has a "severely autistic" 38-year-old daughter who she admits has the mental capacities of a six-year-old, but she also wants to treat the daughter like the "grownass woman she is."

I...don't think that's how that works? She might be 38 physically, but if she's six mentally, you kinda have to cater to her mental age, don't you? Moo claims she's not a bad mother by letting her awtard drink. I think I'm gonna have to side with the Duh on this one because it seems pretty irresponsible to let someone with the mentality of a kindergartener do adult things. Letting her pick her own outfits and use skincare products is pretty tame, but someone that disabled needs supervision and someone to make choices for them at least sometimes. I sure as hell wouldn't be letting a tard drink because she's not mentally 21. Also, wouldn't alcohol possibly interact with any medications she might be taking?

Of course all the other Moos are rooting for the author, but I guarantee if a Duh shared something saying he let his severely handicapped adult child drink, the Moos would all be breathing fire. Is Moo gonna take her to get her license next? She bitches about her husband babying the daughter, but if she's a child mentally, it's kinda necessary? You can't really talk to someone like an adult who is that disabled or hold them to adult expectations.



My husband is the WORST when it comes to letting our adult daughter, who is severely autistic, get treated like the grownass woman she is.

Look, man! I don't give a flying fuck if she's mentally like a six year old. Sure, she can be mentally six all she wants, she's not six though. She's 38!

He gets PISSED when my daughter wants to drink with us at parties and things, like on her birthday. It was her 21st birthday back in 2005. I let her have her first shot. My husband literally YELLED at me the whole way home. That I need to "baby" her a bit more. No, she's a grown WOMAN!!! Not a baby!

While I may be teaching her how to read and write, do basic kindergarten skills, she's also 38. I'll let her be 38! Sure, I monitor her while she's drinking or doing anything typically "adult" but you know what? I let her do it because she's 38!

He talks to her like a child. Acts like she's a baby. It's weird. Last time I checked babies weren't 5'4", 140 pounds, and already having salt and pepper hair.

He also doesn't seem to want to let her make her own decisions. Of course, I monitor them too. And supervise her because she is severely mentally handicapped. He thinks it's weird that I let her pick her clothes for the day, let her do her own skincare on her face, and let her be in her room by herself with the door shut. She's not doing anything weird in there! Just playing video games or watching Cartoon Network.

Dude, she's 38! She can make some of her own choices.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 30, 2023
Well, look here...a breakingmom user actually had something nice to say about childfree people, but after 9 days with this post up, there's not one damn comment from the moos and cows of breakingmom because if they can't shit on us then why bother commenting.




ust feeling annoyed y'all. I have been feeling like things are coming to a boiling point with my husband. Yes he works a lot to provide and I appreciate it. But he is totally unengaged in family life and I cant do it all alone anymore.

So tonight Im at a hockey game with my son, bff and her partner. They are childfree by choice but they like kids. My son is neurodivergent and he insisted he wanted to come to the game but was triggered by all the noise and just shutting down/sulking. Honestly I was out of patience and I couldnt even try with him so I was just letting him be. Its been a long week.

My friend and her partner got him engaged in playing some phone game and talking to him then suddenly he's watching the hockey and having a good old time. My husband typically isnt around and doesnt bother trying when he is (because according to him whatever he does is wrong). It was just so nice having some fucking basic help and it made me realize how little im used to getting.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 30, 2023
Apparently Moo's house is such a shit heap that a professional cleaning service fired her as a client because they felt the home was not fit to accommodate other people safely. She has three tards, so the house probably does look like a cyclone hit it.

Moo says the house is messy, but "hardly unsafe." Mmmm yeah the thing is when you live in a fucking dump for long enough, eventually you get used to it and you convince yourself that it's really not that bad, even if there's a decomposing body in the corner and there are vermin in the walls that science hasn't identified yet. Your bar gets lower and lower as you get more and more accustomed to the mess. People who clean for a living don't just turn their noses up because a house needs a little more elbow grease either.



I am so beyond.... just beyond right now.

Three neurodivergent kids under 10, a depressed husband who likes to sleep all the time, and we've got a MIL hospicing with us, due to die in a few weeks, and dozens of family flying in to see her.

We both work full time jobs from home.

Even during regular times, the house is hard to keep up with and no one pitches in the way they need to no matter what I do or say. But now, with MIL dying and needing 24/7 by myself or my husband, we're completely drowning. I'm trying to hire out as much as I can.

I got an estimate for a cleaning service last month. Paid extra for certain services, signed a contract, all was fine and dandy. Yesterday was the big day, first detail clean of kitchen and bathrooms, I was so pumped to finally get some of this clean. Cleaners were here three hours, a quality checker came, they all smiled at me and left. Then I got off work meeting and could finally inspect their work.


There were still cobwebs on the ceiling. The appliances were dirty. The extra services I paid for simply weren't done. The shower grout was still orange. Yeah, we have a lot of clutter in some rooms, so we told them to avoid those altogether. I took pictures and emailed them with my dissatisfaction.

They emailed back to say they admit they didn't clean the extra areas, however THEY'RE CONCERNED FOR THEIR STAFF'S SAFETY TO ENTER MY HOUSE AGAIN. Made all sorts of claims that simply aren't true. I guess they were so worried about their safety that they didn't say anything until after I complained about their work?

They said we should part ways until my home is "fit for other people."

Those mother....MMMMMMM! I have people here all the time, it's messy but hardly unsafe.

But isn't this the point? I don't have time to clean! No one will help me clean! I'm trying to literally pay someone, anyone to help me fucking clean, and all I get is a judgy, lying email and I get fired by a fucking maid service?

They didn't charge me, but I don't even care. I don't want the money, I want a cleaner house!

I literally don't know what to do. I'm only one person. I work 50 hour weeks, and do all the cooking, shopping, mental load, parenting, everything, on top of this old dying woman. How the hell am I supposed to get a clean house if I literally can't even pay someone to clean it?

Oh PS I asked my husband and he just shrugged and said "Idunno." Great, thanks, fuck me I guess, I'll solve the problem.

Off to go scrub some fucking tile in between Zoom meetings.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 01, 2023
Well, look here...a breakingmom user actually had something nice to say about childfree people, but after 9 days with this post up, there's not one damn comment from the moos and cows of breakingmom because if they can't shit on us then why bother commenting.




My friend and her partner got him engaged in playing some phone game and talking to him then suddenly he's watching the hockey and having a good old time. My husband typically isnt around and doesnt bother trying when he is (because according to him whatever he does is wrong). It was just so nice having some fucking basic help and it made me realize how little im used to getting.

Not trying as a husband and duh is a cop out. For anyone who decides to parent when it comes to you or your kid then your little baby feelings are just going to have to be hurt or take a back seat to the life you brought to earth - because you are the parent! If a child is neurodivergent crowds are going to throw them into sensory overload. Throw yourself a pity party when you're alone if you must.

It sounds as if this child needs something familiar and little bit of encouragement and he is able to overcome his impulse to flee. It would help if duh had a plan for potential meltdowns (several ideas and a backup) so their kid could learn to function better and enjoy life. It sounds like this kid has lots of potential to function well in society and it sounds like credit can be given to his mother only for this.

And of course there are no comments because she added the words "childfree" and if there is one thing we know it is that no childfree person could ever compare/make a better decision than someone who is a parunt. bemused eye roll Despite this evidence, no one but the OP is accepting of this. You'd think they could be happy for both the kid and his mom because everything worked out nicely for all of them in this situation but noooooo.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 01, 2023
I reviewed a brochure on cleaning and wasn't impressed. Some of them definitely have a scam going. It is obvious that the "service" I reviewed desired repeat business above anything else. They vacuumed every other week and cleaned the bathtub every other week. If I wait two weeks between vacuuming I'm going to be sneezing and there are going to be leaves and dirt on the carpets. I live alone but the toilets/tubs/sinks need a firm scrub every week or it looks dirty.
No, I do these things weekly and because I tend to neglect dusting bemused eye roll it only takes me about two hours to clean. Typically I focus on deep cleaning one room once a week if I feel like it (kitchen, bathroom, office, garage only), so another 1-2 hours for that, tops.

I would guess many of the cleaning "services" cater to people who accept paying once a week because otherwise no cleaning at all would take place.

There was no mention of cleaning cobwebs, dusting baseboards, etc. which I suspect were "custom" requests.

I also highly suspect that anyone who whines after the initial clean for this particular company is probably promptly refunded and told not to call again, because high potential for being a troublemaker.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 02, 2023
Moo claims she paid for extra services to be done, which I assume is the clearing of cobwebs, cleaning of appliances and all that. But then why would the service make shit up to not clean her house? That seems kind of counterproductive for a business to lie in order to not get money, especially when someone pays extra for custom services and especially if there's a chance they could become a regular customer.

I feel like there's more information here that is being left out. Even if it was a scam, surely Moo had to have at least had the sense to look the service up online to see if they were legitimate and had good reviews before calling them. They didn't just keep her money after refusing to clean, so they might not be a scam. There is a plot point missing here, I think. Not saying the cleaners are totally innocent, but this seems weird to me.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 02, 2023
Agreed. Moo has left out important context needed. Maybe the cleaning staff found feces or they couldn't keep the brats from bothering them while they were trying to clean. It sounds like a train wreck.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 02, 2023
I love how much it chaps the asses of the Moos when they do all the shit work and the kids prefer Dad. Even if Dad is an absolute loser deadbeat that neglects them, sometimes the kids only want Duhddy.

I get why - it's because Moo is the mean bitch that enforces the rules and says "no" to everything while Duh is the "fun" parent that only engages the child for fun reasons. There's a reason why if a kid asks Mom for something and she says "no," then the kid asks Dad because he might say "yes." I don't doubt that if the roles were reversed and Moo was the less present parent, Duh would be the asshole and Moo would be the fun parent.

Given how much the breeders in that sub moan and whine about their kids being super clingy all day every day to the point the Moos are "touched out," you'd think they'd welcome the opportunity for their kids to want to get away from them. shrug



I'm so glad that I do all of the life sustaining tasks JUST for daddy to be the favorite parent.

Like daddy didn't move heaven and earth and literally BEG for an emergency sick visit for your ear infection at the pediatrician, mommy did. Daddy didn't measure out and administer the medicine, mommy did. Daddy doesn't make you 3 meals a day and 50 billion snacks, mommy does. Daddy doesn't wash three loads of laundry a day to make sure everyone has clean clothes and countless loads of dishes, mommy does. On and on and on. Oh and when daddy showed up to your preschool parent breakfast and made your day? It's because mommy told him what day to take a few hours off work and she nagged him until he finally did it. You're fucking welcome!

But all weekend all I've heard is "Go away mommy! I just want daddy!", from both children!

I love my children, I'm sure if daddy stayed home with them all day I'd be the preferred parent too. But when it comes on the tail end of a week with basically no help from daddy because he's got a man-cold, and both toddlers have had illnesses/ear infections? It just really fucking blows! Mommy could use some love too you little jack wagons!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 03, 2023
Moo is butthurt that a mean childfree relative points out that she chose to reproduce and that it's the reason for her problems (in this case, the issue of going to bed early because her loaf has kept her up at night). How dare they use their goddamn logic to remind her that her lack of sleep caused by the baby she created is her own damn fault!

And of course the comments are full of retardation, which is expected. "Ohhh ur car broke down? Well u chose to have a car didn't you??" This is a poor comparison because many people need vehicles for daily life, and sometimes people can't afford fancy/newer cars and have no choice but to buy shit boxes. Nobody needs to breed. "You're stressed about work? But you chose to work, didn't you??" Yes, but see people usually need to work to make money to afford to live. Nobody needs a baby to live.

Sorry breeders, you don't get to create a screaming asshole and then complain when your life is changed because of said screaming asshole. If you don't like people pointing this out, STAY HOME. Until such a time that science or medicine discovers that infants are pivotal to sustaining one's life, having children will NEVER be a requirement. You also should not have kids with the expectation that others will step in and help you with YOUR brat that YOU chose to make. If they want to help, that's fine, but you should not expect assistance from anyone for the problem you chose to create. And if you can't feasibly raise a brat all by yourself, then don't reproduce.



Last night some (child free) members of my husbands family were over and it was getting on about 11pm. I have three kids youngest is 6 months. I mentioned how I would be going to bed soon since I’ve not been getting much sleep as the baby has not been well last couple weeks and so has really been sleeping like crap. So this family member said “oh well didn’t you choose to be a mom? Didn’t you choose to have kids! I can’t say I feel sorry for you at all”

The thing that makes me sad is that this is how moms are viewed. We can’t say anything even a tiny bit negative (even though let’s face it a lot of modern day motherhood is a total shit show for most women). I suddenly got paranoid that the times I have very reluctantly requested a little help from my in laws (I have a HUGE amount it in laws: MIL, FIL, BIL SIL cousins aunts uncles you name it within walking distance- all my own family live in another country), that the reason they always seemed so “put out” was because they all along have secretly thought I should be doing everything with no help because I wanted to be a mom.

(Requested help was asking to pick my eldest from school one time in a year cos my middle child was really sick. When I was heavily pregnant and very unwell I asked if anyone could take my toddler to the playground for an hour after he had been inside for 4 days straight and my husband was working abroad. When my youngest was born my mom flew in and stayed for 2 weeks to take my other kids to school so I didn’t have to ask any of my husband’s family for help. I also try to help my in laws any time I can, bring food when they are sick lend them money etc)

Imagine thinking that I shouldn’t ask for that because I wanted to have kids.


I feel sad for the state of humanity right now. This total lack of empathy and misogyny is rampant and depressing. Literally just came here to share this as has been getting me down today
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 03, 2023
Open letter from mommies about how they want other people to react to their brats' tantrums. Like how if people choose to stick their noses into Moo's business, then they should do so only if they intend to offer practical assistance, such as distracting the brat, pushing Moo's cart and picking up items off the floor that the brat threw there while melting down. eye rolling smiley

If you don't want people judging you for the way your brat acts in public, either arrange for the brat to be with a sitter (or with its father, where are the fathers and why aren't they watching their damn kids?) or stay the fuck home and shop online. Honestly, curbside pickup is a godsend for a lot of people - USE IT. Why are more of these Moos with their rotten bastard kids not shopping online and arranging for pickup or delivery so they can avoid going into the actual store? There are no judgmental stares on Walmart.com, Moo. Shop there! Taking kids into stores is a fucking nightmare - why do they do this to themselves when there are alternatives?

Funny how none of these Moos actually do anything about the tantrums, like spanking their brats' asses or putting back whatever snack/toy they bought the kid. Most of them just completely ignore the screaming like that will magically make it go away. Meanwhile everyone in a 50-foot radius develops tinnitus from the noise. I imagine at least some of these brats throw these kinds of tantrums because they know they can get away with throwing them while Moo sits there with her thumb up her ass. I bet if the brats knew they'd get their asses beat for screaming like banshees, they'd be more reluctant to do it. Or worse, they will buy the brat a toy to make them stop crying! Nothing like rewarding bad behavior!

I ignore these heifers and distance myself from them and their screechlings, lest my breathing wrong within earshot be interpreted as criticism of their obviously stellar parenting and I wind up on the receiving end of mama bear claws. Doesn't always help because the brats' screeches carry across the whole store, but I don't want to be in the Moo's field of vision so I can roll my eyes in peace.



My kid had a public meltdown today. Hitting, screaming, biting, the works. And after all the physical and emotional pain of the meltdown, I'm honestly one hundred times angrier at all the stupid adults who were in the store.

There were a few very young and presumably child-free women who avoided eye contact and got the hell away from the scream zone as fast as possible. Nothing against them, they didn't want to hear it. They're not the ones I'm annoyed at.

There was an older woman making a huge effort to make eye contact with me so that she could give me a sympathetic smile. I made an equal effort to avoid her.

There were multiple people who thought it was helpful to address the kid directly with a cheerful, "Why are you crying?" Well... they meant well, but clearly don't get how a meltdown works, lol.

There were multiple authoritarians who yelled at my kid. Please. Please, just go away, you're an authority figure to exactly no-one.

And there were the starers.

And there was the panel of judges.

All I want if I'm trying to get things done with a child who is too big for me to control is practical assistance. That's all. To all you people who so desperately want to be involved with a mother and her screaming child, make yourself useful and push the cart for her, or unload her groceries onto the counter or something. Pick up her stuff if it's fallen down or been thrown down by the kid. I'm not talking about people who don't want to be involved, no-one is obligated to be involved. Those women who ran away from us like they were winning the 200m sprint were the most helpful there. They decided how involved they wanted to be and acted accordingly, and I appreciate that, they gave us some space to get on with it and get out of there. Everyone else decided they wanted to be involved and then did a bunch of stupid, pointless things.

If you want to be involved, be involved and be helpful. Otherwise, please uninvolve yourself so I can get on with shopping and wrestling my child.

Thank you.

PS. Please don't say one word about "How to talk to blah blah" and "I won't let you blah" ... We can talk about that when I've recovered from this traumatic day.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 03, 2023
get over yourself idiot moo

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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