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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
It is always disturbing when a moo expects a small child to understand or care how she feels. Kids are not wired that way, and if you can't deal with it don't have them. My moo was like this and it fucking sucked.

It is always disturbing when a moo expects a small child to understand or care how she feels. Kids are not wired that way, and if you can't deal with it don't have them. My moo was like this and it fucking sucked.

Same. One of my mom's favorite stories was how she had a migraine one day. She asked me if I could play by myself for a while so she could lie down. She said that lasted about 10 minutes when she could hear me coming up the steps saying, "Mommy is sick," before I came through the door and asked her if she felt better.

I was FOUR. The story was designed to make me feel bad and it worked for a while. Once I experienced the soul-sucking Hell of chronic migraine headaches, I was sympathetic.

But shame on my Moo for trying to make ME feel guilty. I had no reason to feel guilty. I was just being a kid.

As an aside, my chronic pain due to a genetic condition and chronic migraines were definitely part of my reason not to breed. The needs of baybees and toadlers are IMMEDIATE and I figured that out early.

It also bears mentioning that MANY doctors did not feel my chronic pain, migraines, and deteriorating spine provided enough "justification" for me to have a tubal ligation. They didn't take me seriously because many of them are pronatalist fuckwits.

Not having kids when you have medical issues is the RESPONSIBLE thing to do.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 18, 2023
There is more.....

I mean, they can celebrate their excellent decision not to have children every damn day they use the toilet uninterrupted and say yes to that spontaneous dinner/movie and go on that grown up holiday they can afford or just reply they “had a lazy weekend” on a Monday.

Pretty much, we take these things for granted. At the same time, having children is a choice.

FUCK. YES. especially the childfree people. YOU'RE LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE OF A MOM, no you don't get to call yourself one because you're jealous of the ACTUAL moms being celebrated today. sorry there's no "selfish spinster twat" day. this is one of those things where if there's no "gatekeeping" then words no longer have meaning and the whole exercise is pointless. pet moms are moms, plant moms are moms, dads are moms, childfree people are moms, EVERYBODY'S A MOM so what's the fucking point? why bother to have a day to recognize moms when EEEEEEVERYBODY counts as a mom now? it literally does take away from the real moms doing the real work of raising the next generation.

The jealousy towards childfree women is palpable. And sorry, not once have I ever been jealous of a mahm.
Selfish spinster twat? I'd take this name any day over mom or mahhhmm.
This selfish spinster twat will be in the bathroom without any rude interruptions and sleeping in on the weekends if she wants to do so.

Besides that, I've been offered various rewards on moo day and not once have I failed to mention I'm not a mother. That didn't stop the freebies. Received one this year. It isn't as if new cars or expensive vacations are being handed out. I've also never once called myself a pet mom and don't understand why people lose their shit over a childfree person with a pet calling themselves a pet mom/dad. They can call themselves whatever they want. It doesn't steal any thunder from a mahm/duh, there will always be endless asses to wipe and brats to be disciplined.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 18, 2023

“I wish I could just go on a date. Every day I fantasize about going on a date and be loved and cared for. I fantasize about not having to worry about making it in time to pick up the kid from daycare, not having to worry about dinner or laundry, or whatever else my child demands. I am so lonely it hurts. I am alone with this child, constantly having to display unlimited and unconditional affection and care. But nobody is doing that to me. It feels like the world has forgotten about me. I’m just an object used by my child to survive and thrive. I am nothing more.
God, I wish I had someone who would make me feel loved and worthy. I wish I could afford someone like that. I am so jealous whenever I see couples walking around, holding hands, smiling at each other, playing around… What do I walk around with? An infant who gives no shit if I’m angry, or sad or tired, doesn’t even know my name yet, literally only knows that he can use me anytime he wants and he doesn’t have to do shit. I’m nothing but a tool. I have no rights in my child’s eyes. No freedom. I have nothing that makes me happy.
It must be so nice to be a mother and a wife who is loved and appreciated. I wonder what that feels like.”

Maybe she could start with loving and appreciating herself first and foremost. Just an idea.
Going on a date doesn't mean you'll be loved and cared for. Often, dates are a waste of time.

Why is it always such a shock that a brat doesn't appreciate, love or treat a parunt like another adult would? That is all brats because they aren't fully developed adults yet. If you want someone to reciprocate then try adults, hun.

I feel bad for this brat because I used to be constantly yelled at/punished as a child for similar behavior and I had no idea what my parents were referring to/found it overwhelming because I was a child and didn't have the development of an adult. So much abuse stems from expecting a child to be an adult and this is 100% on the parunts.

And stop with the unconditional love is why you had a brat. Your brats don't unconditionally love you nor do they have the capacity to love anyone. Brats are a cesspool of need for up to 18 years, all take and no give. Take your needy adult selves and look for this unconditional love elsewhere (hint: it doesn't exist).

Why are people so hung up on this conditional love nonsense?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 18, 2023
It is always disturbing when a moo expects a small child to understand or care how she feels. Kids are not wired that way, and if you can't deal with it don't have them. My moo was like this and it fucking sucked.

Mine too and I often see/hear moos lamenting about this. They are deluded. Let brats be brats. Don't have them if they can't do this.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 18, 2023

It is always disturbing when a moo expects a small child to understand or care how she feels. Kids are not wired that way, and if you can't deal with it don't have them. My moo was like this and it fucking sucked.

Same. One of my mom's favorite stories was how she had a migraine one day. She asked me if I could play by myself for a while so she could lie down. She said that lasted about 10 minutes when she could hear me coming up the steps saying, "Mommy is sick," before I came through the door and asked her if she felt better.

I was FOUR.

I've seen 10-year-olds who couldn't go two minutes without leaving their parents alone despite being asked to do so. Waiting 10 minutes at four years old is an achievement. Most four-year-olds would wait about 20 seconds.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 19, 2023
So Moo had a brat and gave it the job title of "mommy lover" and now she's bitter that the child isn't doing its job, but she can't fire it because it's her kid.

If she wanted someone to love her, she should not have had a child. Kids are nothing but take take take and if they show affection, it's most likely a learned response rather than actual love. As in "if I tell Mommy I love her, she will give me (thing I want)." But this is just the nature of brats, at least until they develop more and hopefully develop feelings as they get older. Not to mention that the Moo has to, you know, be worth loving. Many of them are not.

Also, infants are not capable of knowing how to use a person. Moo is projecting some very adult exploitative traits onto a child that is far too young to even know how to exploit someone else. Babies are fucking needy - they don't know how to be generous and love someone back. All they know how to do is scream, piss and shit. You cannot expect a child to return the love you give it.

I feel so bad for that kid because that Moo is gonna screw it up so badly. I wonder if she got herself up the duff to trap a man into "loving" her and he ran for the hills. She probably couldn't keep a man because she's insanely needy and clingy, not to mention most likely insecure and/or has no self-esteem. She ought to give the poor kid up for adoption only because I think that would mess the kid up less than being raised by someone like this.


“I wish I could just go on a date. Every day I fantasize about going on a date and be loved and cared for. I fantasize about not having to worry about making it in time to pick up the kid from daycare, not having to worry about dinner or laundry, or whatever else my child demands. I am so lonely it hurts. I am alone with this child, constantly having to display unlimited and unconditional affection and care. But nobody is doing that to me. It feels like the world has forgotten about me. I’m just an object used by my child to survive and thrive. I am nothing more.
God, I wish I had someone who would make me feel loved and worthy. I wish I could afford someone like that. I am so jealous whenever I see couples walking around, holding hands, smiling at each other, playing around… What do I walk around with? An infant who gives no shit if I’m angry, or sad or tired, doesn’t even know my name yet, literally only knows that he can use me anytime he wants and he doesn’t have to do shit. I’m nothing but a tool. I have no rights in my child’s eyes. No freedom. I have nothing that makes me happy.
It must be so nice to be a mother and a wife who is loved and appreciated. I wonder what that feels like.”
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 19, 2023
Waaah me no likey that a mean childfree person said they aren't having kids due to climate change and it hurted my fee-fees because I made two fuck trophies and their comment invalidated them! eye rolling smiley

It's not like it's a damn secret the planet is fucked, scientists have been telling us it's fucked for at least 40 years now and nobody does anything about it. But almost everyone has to procreate because they think their genetics are so damn special. Of course, the Moos have all the "reasons" for breeding anyway like:

"We only live once, so I'm enjoying the ride with Bratleigh!"

"We will be doomed to a depopulation spiral if we don't have kids!"

"Maybe my babby will grow up to fix climate change!"

"Choosing not to have kids is an easy choice, but breeding in the face of climate change is better!"

"I'll make my kid join the Scouts so they know how to survive!"

"Who will wipe your friend's ass when she's old if she doesn't have kids???"

"My generation can't figure out WTF to do, so maybe the next one will!"

"If we don't have kids, who are we saving the earth for?"

"Smart people need to have more kids!" (implying Moo is smart)

No one should feel good about bringing more people into an already overpopulated world. Obviously don't Ctrl+Z any of the kids already here, but can't we have a one-child policy? Or pay people to not breed for about five years? Some Moos think it's "ridiculous" to not have kids just because of climate change. More people means more pollution, which means more severe climate change. Moos just put their hands over their ears and go "la la la nothing bad will happen to meeeeeeee!" Fine, maybe nothing bad will happen to you, Moo, but what about in 50-60 years when your child is an adult? This is not a world worth bringing a new person into.



A child-free friend told me this today.

She didn’t say it to make me, a mother of 2 young girls, feel awful, but I could tell she immediately regretted saying it after she saw the look on my face.

I don’t want this to turn into a doom and gloom post. I think we all know that the world has changed and is changing. The future is uncertain and scary. I’ve certainly had my emotional meltdowns and moments of sheer grief and panic. I’ve had countless therapy sessions about this to get to a place where I can just accept the reality of constant uncertainty and change, to be a strong as possible, and to (albeit, challengingly) cultivate as optimistic an attitude as I possibly can. In a lot of ways this planet has gotten worse since our childhood, but in a lot of ways it has gotten better. There are many things I had to deal with as a young girl that it excites me to know my girls won’t have to deal with.

But comments like this one – ugh. There was no retort from me that could make her change her mind. She is convinced that having children is pointless in today’s day and age. So, tell me, what motivates you for your children? What makes you excited for them to grow up?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 19, 2023
Let's get real - people aren't having kids because they think it's the morally right thing to do for the future. They can pretzel twist their reasons to fit any scenario but at the end of the day, people don't think that way. We live in world full of selfish, mean-spirited people, many of whom would kill you for a better parking space at the grocery store if they could get away with it.


There was no retort from me that could make her change her mind.

To think someone who posts on Breaking Mawm is trying to "convert" a CF person, what a joke. Misery truly loves company.
CFers don't get the benefit of child-free venues because breeders have to shit on every fucking corner of the globe, so don't bitch when non-breeders have infiltrated Mommy Ass-Kissing Day. I'm happy as fuck to see them get a taste of how it feels when non-mommies take over their special places. grinning smiley

This is how I'm looking at it now. When they demand that their children should be allowed any place, even places that don't make sense for children to be there like wineries, breweries, bars, fine/high-end dining, concerts that aren't child-oriented, and places where you're expected to be quiet, they don't get to gatekeep shit. Especially when the founder of Mother's Day absolutely hates what it has become.


“I wish I could just go on a date. Every day I fantasize about going on a date and be loved and cared for. I fantasize about not having to worry about making it in time to pick up the kid from daycare, not having to worry about dinner or laundry, or whatever else my child demands. I am so lonely it hurts. I am alone with this child, constantly having to display unlimited and unconditional affection and care. But nobody is doing that to me. It feels like the world has forgotten about me. I’m just an object used by my child to survive and thrive. I am nothing more.
God, I wish I had someone who would make me feel loved and worthy. I wish I could afford someone like that. I am so jealous whenever I see couples walking around, holding hands, smiling at each other, playing around… What do I walk around with? An infant who gives no shit if I’m angry, or sad or tired, doesn’t even know my name yet, literally only knows that he can use me anytime he wants and he doesn’t have to do shit. I’m nothing but a tool. I have no rights in my child’s eyes. No freedom. I have nothing that makes me happy.
It must be so nice to be a mother and a wife who is loved and appreciated. I wonder what that feels like.”

Sounds like one of those selfish assholes who bred because she was lonely and thought a baby would fill that void. Now not only did that gamble not pay off, it's going to be harder for her to find the companionship she desires because she has that bundle of need who will always take priority.

I forsee a future of emotional neglect/abuse/incest. She's going to teach that child to meet her emotional needs while neglecting his and likely become a Boymom™ and enmesh herself with her son and violently oppose anybody and anything that gets in the way of her being first in his life.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 20, 2023
paragon schnitzophonic
Sounds like one of those selfish assholes who bred because she was lonely and thought a baby would fill that void. Now not only did that gamble not pay off, it's going to be harder for her to find the companionship she desires because she has that bundle of need who will always take priority.

The bundle of need is supposed to take priority, but we all know Moos are not above neglecting or endangering their kids for the sake of a man. And I'm sure the child will be blamed for every single thing wrong with Mommy's life and Moo will have no trouble whatsoever reminding the child at every moment that he or she is the reason Moo is lonely, miserable, depressed, unloved, etc. She will be the kind of Moo that tells her kids their Christmas gifts are "being allowed to live in my house and eat my food."
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 21, 2023
Moo discusses how she feels her toddler should be allowed to run buck-ass naked through the backyard. It seems the neighbor is uncomfortable with Moo's sentient cum stain running around naked and Moo and the rest of the herd feel he should go get fucked.

Seems the excuse is Junior doesn't like wearing a swimsuit, so that's why they are allowed to be naked. How's about this little thing where only people with swimsuits get to swim in the pool? If they don't like wearing clothes, TOO DAMN BAD, wear them anyway. Letting a brat be naked creates a bad habit too because what happens when you can't take the turd anywhere because they won't wear clothes? You need to wear it eventually.

The other heifers suggest things like how the neighbor can just not look if they don't like it, that the neighbor being bothered by a toddler's nudity is a big red flag (personally I think them enjoying the nudity would be a red flag, but I'm not a mawwwwwwm), that the neighbor is violating Moo's privacy, that the childlike innocence and freedom of streaking in their own backyard should not be seen as a bad thing, the neighbor bringing up the child's nudity at all is alarming, the neighbors have too much time on their hands if they notice the naked child in the yard, kids running naked outside is adorable, and that if there is no pubic hair present on the naked person, it is not sexual in nature.

So how would Moo feel if the neighbor decided to sunbathe nude in full view of their ickle poopsie? After all, if she doesn't like it, she can just not look and her looking is a violation of the neighbor's privacy. If no pubic hair means something is not sexual in nature, then by that logic, I should be able to go shopping naked right after I shave because if I don't have pubes, then it's not indecent, right?

All I can say is if Moo continues to do this, she forfeits any right to bitch when the neighborhood Chester starts yanking it outside the fence while Junior trots around naked as the day he was born. Nudity is nothing to be ashamed of, but there's a time and a place for it, and the backyard isn't one of those places. Not unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

Also, from what I'm seeing, being naked in your own backyard could be considered illegal because while your property is private, being visibly naked to others in any location is considered public and being naked in your own yard could still be indecent exposure. I didn't know this until just now, so I bet Moo doesn't either. Not sure if laws apply to little kids, but juuuust food for thought.

I'd personally never let a kid run bare-assed outside. Not only because of all the weirdos and creeps out there, but because it's not good to get a brat used to being naked all the time because then they either won't want to wear clothes or will strip naked in public and then you've gone and created a whole extra problem to deal with. I was never allowed to run naked outdoors as a kid.



For context we’re usually in the pool and my 2 year old doesn’t like putting on a wet swimsuit…My neighbor complained this morning and I’m irrationally annoyed.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 21, 2023
given the propensity of moos to post pics of their trophies... naked or otherwise is questionable.. hthere are so many now.. smorgasboard of kids..

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Meanwhile, if a young woman with a killer body that never bore children decided to sunbathe topless in her yard, Moo here would lose her shit.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 22, 2023
paragon schnitzophonic
Meanwhile, if a young woman with a killer body that never bore children decided to sunbathe topless in her yard, Moo here would lose her shit.

Oh absolutely. I'm sure she also wouldn't want to deal with questions from her brats, like "mommy why does her tummy look different from yours?" If it was a hot guy sunning his bare ass on the lawn, I bet she'd be fine with that, but anyone else would like be considered "disgusting" in a state of undress and would be told to cover up because babby.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 25, 2023
If you don't want people judging you for the way your brat acts in public, either arrange for the brat to be with a sitter (or with its father, where are the fathers and why aren't they watching their damn kids?) or stay the fuck home and shop online. Honestly, curbside pickup is a godsend for a lot of people - USE IT. Why are more of these Moos with their rotten bastard kids not shopping online and arranging for pickup or delivery so they can avoid going into the actual store? There are no judgmental stares on Walmart.com, Moo. Shop there! Taking kids into stores is a fucking nightmare - why do they do this to themselves when there are alternatives?

I'm sure younger generations will be blamed for killing the in-person grocery store shopping experience, but I don't like shopping in the store either and it is because of the other people there, from the wailing babies to the people who leave their carts in the middle of the aisle. There's literally no benefit of going inside to pick up boxed/canned food. It's only because curbside/delivery services are shit at picking out produce (both in terms of quality and in terms of actually reading instructions - I once asked for .1 kg of ginger and got 1 kg of ginger, another time instead of 1 kg of okra I got literally one single okra).
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 25, 2023
It's not even Moother's Day yet and I'm already seeing the whiny posts about how under-appreciated the poor ickle mommies feel because their man-babies won't get them anything. They are somehow surprised and disappointed every single year when the same damn thing happens too.

Admittedly I don't understand the mother's day thing because I never celebrated it, but why would you expect anything from an adult partner who is not your child? I seem to remember it as a day where kids were encouraged to do things like prepare some burnt breakfast in bed or offer up a poorly handmade card, and if the duh was involved it was only because the kids were too young to cook safely and needed some supervision.

The premise just doesn't make sense to me. You're not his mother, so why is he supposed to celebrate you on mother's day?
I remember the first Moomies Day after my relative had her "oops" baybee. She asked us "does EVERYONE have to give me mothers day gifts, or just my hubby/4 month old?" I'm sure she was crushed when my Mom assured her that we al did not have to give her tributes.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 26, 2023
Admittedly I don't understand the mother's day thing because I never celebrated it, but why would you expect anything from an adult partner who is not your child? I seem to remember it as a day where kids were encouraged to do things like prepare some burnt breakfast in bed or offer up a poorly handmade card, and if the duh was involved it was only because the kids were too young to cook safely and needed some supervision.

The premise just doesn't make sense to me. You're not his mother, so why is he supposed to celebrate you on mother's day?

I think the Moos get all huffy when their Duh husbands don't celebrate them on Mother's Day because apparently you're supposed to celebrate the mother of your children? In fairness, a lot of these men are man-babies and expect their wives to clean up after them like children, so maybe they have a point in that regard?

It never crossed my mind to wish anyone other than my own maternal unit a Happy Mother's Day. I suppose if you have a step-mother or a mother figure who you love, wish them a happy day too. Did these Moos ever stop to think that maybe if nobody celebrates them, they aren't worth celebrating? I don't get why parents need a celebration in the first place. Why do I have to celebrate the fact someone had unprotected sex and was too stupid to get an abortion? Most of them aren't even good parents in the first place - they're mediocre at best. Even if they did a good job parenting, why do I need to praise them for doing the job they signed up for? I don't get accolades for doing my job. We already get a day celebrating our existence and it's called a birthday.

If your kids don't want to even try to make you a shitty card for Mother's Day, maybe you're just not a very good mother.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 26, 2023
Moo is butthurt because she didn't get a parade for announcing her fourth pignasty, and this one is supposed to be extra special because she had a clump fall out last year. Other sows chime in with similar hurt fee-fees because apparently brat #3 is when you enter "large family" territory and people start questioning your sanity when you want more than two kids.

And what's wrong with the sister's reaction? Maybe she wasn't super excited, but she wasn't mean either. I mean Moo shit out two fuck trophies already, it's not like it's a new experience at this point. Sounds like the sister is also a bitter barren wanna-breeder. If you can't handle people responding to your pignasty with criticism, then don't fucking announce it.

Besieds, Moo said she's "very newly pregnant" - aren't you supposed to wait until like three months in before telling the whole wide world about it because the odds of miscarrying are highest during the first trimester? Moo already has a miscarriage under her belt, so you think she'd wait to see if this clump stuck before making her big announcement.



Just venting

My sister is my best friend. I have two kids already and am very newly pregnant with #3 after a miscarriage last year. I decided to tell her today and this was her response “well.. I think the two kids you already have are amazing already but that’s good.. couldn’t be me”. I was very surprised and hurt by her response. She’s child free but loves my kids so I responded “obviously it wouldn’t be you…”.

I wasn’t expecting an award or anything, but I didn’t expect a negative response like that. My husband and I have a good stable relationship, stable income, own a home and vehicles, my kids are very well taken care of and are kind and happy kids. Our bills are paid and aside from 1-2 days a year for a few hours they’re always with us. It’s been a few years since my last child, which I had decent ppd and ppa with but I think 2 under 2 and the pandemic starting had a lot to do with. But even with that I wouldn’t say I was neglectful or in a terrible position to be having a child.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 26, 2023
pat herself on the back mootard. sister obviously doesn't give a shit about your knock up braying

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 27, 2023
Moo has used gentle discipline for her child's entire life and now the brat is a whiny shit that freaks the fuck out over everything. Moo wonders if her dumbfuck parenting methods have turned her child into an overly sensitive whiner. Yes. Yes it did. What did she think would happen when she validated every single thing the child felt rather than "you stop that whining or I'll give you something to whine about?"

The best behaved kids I ever met would shut their asses up and act like human beings when their mom or dad started counting to three and got to two because they knew there would be consequences if they said "three." What this sow describes is what happens when you parent a child with no real discipline, no real consequences, and not even a stern tone of voice.

I guarantee this brat's "personality" could be cured with a few swift smacks on the ass. Even the dumbest child will learn to pick their battles when they know they'll get spanked for acting up.



I did the whole gentle/respectful parenting thing with my now 5.5 year old basically since birth. I held space for all her feelings and now she’s the whiniest crybaby on planet earth and I feel like I created a monster. This kid cries/tantrums over every fucking little thing and has no resilience whatsoever and I’m out of patience so I end up doing what is probably tantamount to child abuse in the Janet Lansbury crowd and telling her to get over it and stop acting like a baby.

And I HATE when I hear these things come out of my mouth, I hate that I resort to dismissing/shaming her feelings, but my cup is empty (bone dry, in fact) and it’s become impossible for me to “honor her big feelings” when we have 2837382827294838 episodes of “big feelings” a day, every single day, and I also have a toddler screaming at me because I dared to put her down for half a second so I could pee. I just can’t anymore. Both of my kids are so goddamn needy and I don’t even feel like a human being anymore, I’m a caregiving automaton.

The 1.5 year old has an excuse, she’s just a baby. But the 5.5 year old? She’s incredibly bright but emotionally she’s at the level of a 3 year old. This kid is always whining or crying about something and instead of being a responsive, caring parent all I can do at this point is roll my eyes and think “what now?” And I know I shouldn’t care what other people think, but it’s getting embarrassing when we’re around other kids/parents. She’s the annoying kid in every circle, always freaking out about something.

I wonder if all the validating of feelings over the years has validated for her that everything is a big deal worth crying over. Or maybe it’s just her personality? I don’t even know, I’m so burnt out and feeling like the shittest parent because I feel like I screwed up and created this child that I really don’t like most of the time. Feeling really resentful of all the parenting “experts” right now.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 29, 2023
Moo discusses how she feels her toddler should be allowed to run buck-ass naked through the backyard.

If they're like my white trash neighbors, their kids not only ran around buck naked, they would squat and shit in the grass, too.

It is always disturbing when a moo expects a small child to understand or care how she feels. Kids are not wired that way, and if you can't deal with it don't have them. My moo was like this and it fucking sucked.

Same. One of my mom's favorite stories was how she had a migraine one day. She asked me if I could play by myself for a while so she could lie down. She said that lasted about 10 minutes when she could hear me coming up the steps saying, "Mommy is sick," before I came through the door and asked her if she felt better.

I was FOUR. The story was designed to make me feel bad and it worked for a while. Once I experienced the soul-sucking Hell of chronic migraine headaches, I was sympathetic.

But shame on my Moo for trying to make ME feel guilty. I had no reason to feel guilty. I was just being a kid.

As an aside, my chronic pain due to a genetic condition and chronic migraines were definitely part of my reason not to breed. The needs of baybees and toadlers are IMMEDIATE and I figured that out early.

It also bears mentioning that MANY doctors did not feel my chronic pain, migraines, and deteriorating spine provided enough "justification" for me to have a tubal ligation. They didn't take me seriously because many of them are pronatalist fuckwits.

Not having kids when you have medical issues is the RESPONSIBLE thing to do.

well it was sweet of you to ask if she felt better. you sounded like a nice kid to me.

most kids are worse than you and have zero empathy. I am sorry she tried to make you feel bad.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 29, 2023
Looks like the neighbor reported the streaking brat because he is allegedly in law enforcement and is legally required to report such things as neglect.

Not sure how true it is that the guy is a sheriff, but a child running naked outside would raise red flags for most sane people. If I saw a kid running bare-assed outside, I would also assume they were being neglected or were at least unsupervised. I doubt anything will come of the report since kids pretty much need to be within an inch of death for authorities to consider doing anything.

Meanwhile, the other sows are encouraging her to report the neighbors for being peeping toms or to go to the media about their behavior. All I can say is if the guy really is a sheriff, she should probably back off because they definitely have ways of making your life miserable if you fuck with them. It kind of bothers me how many of the Moos are okay with their kids being naked in public and/or in their yards. Like yeah you're used to seeing the kid naked because you bathe them and change them (one says that naked baby butts are just like OMG so freaking cute saying 'wtf'), but don't they care that there are loads of creeps and pedos out there? Just because Moos don't sexualize their kids doesn't mean others won't.

Maybe the neighbors are sickos after all and that's why they are so concerned with Junior's nudity - shouldn't that be a good reason to clothe the kid? Or is she okay with the folks next door ogling her dumpling? Maybe the neighbors are just prudes. I don't think it's unreasonable to not want to see your neighbor's naked kid.



“Because he is a sheriff and he is legally bound by law to report anything he sees as neglect”.

As a child of not one addict, but two I do not take that lightly. We are 100% sober and me/my wife don’t so much as bicker in front of my kid…

I’m heated, but what a joke
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