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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 28, 2022
I suppose the upside to this story is Moo definitely doesn't have to save for college for this kid.

I do not get the desire to eat one's own waste at any age. Surely it can't taste good? Kids will spit out perfectly palatable food because it's "icky," but then they'll shovel actual shit into their mouths and enjoy it? How does that work? I don't think this is a chapter that gets covered in any parenting book. And how do these disgusting little hogs never ever seem to get sick from ingesting their own waste, but then an adult gets a single particle of shit on their hands in the bathroom and they fall horribly ill? Nature must truly have a sense of humor.

It seems that Shitleigh became even more sneaky as he got older and Moo doesn't know he's helped himself to some second-hand food until he's already done it and his mouth presumably smells like a hot sewer. So even in all his awtardism, clearly he knows it's not okay if he tries to hide it.

This kind of shit (no pun intended) is why I am insanely hesitant to enter any breeder's home. You never know if their child is a fucking pig that digs in their ass 24/7 for snacks and there's feces on every surface in the house because of it. Brats are germ vectors when they aren't scat connoisseurs.



I theoretically give him to the wolves today. He has not once, twice, but three times dig into and ate his own poop today. I have cleaned him and my bathroom up each time. He’s autistic and four. It takes everything in me to not physically grab hold or him and throw him out the window. I am so beyond frustrated.

Potty training isn’t hard. He pees and poops with no effort. We’re trying to get him to realize the sensation of needing to pee or poop. That’s the hard part. Today was ridiculous. I took him to the potty. He wouldn’t go. I made him sit for a good 10 minutes. He wouldn’t go. No indications he needed to. Usually does a weird little half hop on the potty when he needs to poop. Nope. And not even 15-20 mins later he was digging around in his pants. I give up today. I have to make sure he’s in zipped up clothes so he can’t do any excavation. Send (ironically) chocolate.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 28, 2022
hell some animals eat their own and others poop.. dogs are famous for this.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 28, 2022
You can actually buy something to give to dogs that makes poop taste bad. (As if it doesn't taste bad already, but I digress.)

There is no corresponding product for cats because cats are more intelligent than dogs, generally, as well as being better than kids!

Dogs and kids drool, cats rule!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 29, 2022
I suppose the upside to this story is Moo definitely doesn't have to save for college for this kid.

The only upside, but at least there is one silver lining!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 29, 2022
hell some animals eat their own and others poop.. dogs are famous for this.

Ohh I know, my old dog used to love eating turds out of the cats' litter boxes. I guess nothing quite satisfies doggy munchies like poop and clay pellets.

I could understand a kid doing this once because kids are stupid and curious. As in, "Well, the dog licks his butt, so maybe it tastes good. Maybe mine tastes good too?" Then learning the hard way that is not the case. I understand a kid that young hasn't really grasped the concept of disgust, but surely it can't taste good?? Fucking hell, kids are disgusting little freaks. I fail to understand how kids have immune systems that let them catch every bug from school and keeps them in a near-constant state of illness, but eating a literal pile of bacteria doesn't give them so much as a hiccup.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 29, 2022
strange isn't it.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 01, 2023
Moo refuses to visit family because she has a disabled brat of some kind and seeing her cousin's perfectly healthy, normal brats is too triggering to her. So does this mean she doesn't go out anywhere in public either? The store, the bank, the pharmacy, the park, etc. because of the very likely chance she will encounter someone with healthy children?

Lady, you chose to roll the dice. Breeding is always a crapshoot and by getting up the duff and crapping out a loaf, you automatically take a chance and sometimes you roll snake eyes. If you didn't want a fucked up kid, you shouldn't have bred because the risk of getting an imperfect child is always there.



He wants to go overseas to see family. My cousin will also be there with her kids. I love her and her kids but seeing her kids is triggering to me because my child has a disability. I cry over his disability all the time and I’m so depressed over it. I’ve been in this depression that I can’t seem to get out of.

He mentioned going overseas to visit family and I told him “there’s a reason why I don’t want to go but I don’t want to tell you because I know it’s going to upset you.”

He insisted I tell him and I told him the truth. Seeing my cousin’s children is going to be so triggering for me. The vast difference in how my child is how how my cousin’s children are. And my child and cousin’s childen being together in one place, and see how behind my child is makes me feel so anxious. I know it’s not fair and doesn’t make sense, but that’s the truth.

By the way, it’s not that I’m not talking with my cousin. We’re always chatting. I just don’t want to be together right now.

My husband was annoyed at my confession and is sulking.

I just feel so alone.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 01, 2023
From r/regretfulparents. A very wanted, very tried for brat winds up being a mistake.

However, I don't entirely agree with the bolded line. Yes, there are people like this person who had a brat they wound up regretting, but as evidenced by every childfree website that has ever existed, it is VERY possible to know you'll be a regretful parent without needing to become one first. People really really need to examine why they want kids, as well as asking themselves whether or not they are up to the task of caring for them and that whatever they have built up in their minds as the parenting experience will be at least a thousand times worse and a thousand times harder than they think.

I think some people romanticize the process of getting pregnant, and doing so when there are possible fertility issues makes it seem like something of an adventure with your partner. You get to make a big announcement and everybody will congratulate you and give you attention, and you get to have a party where you get free stuff, people may expect less of you because of your "delicate condition," you think you have the right to eat like a bear that's about to hibernate and call it "eating for two,' not to mention the whole pregnant is the "miracle of life" crap and breeders believing they are doing something genuinely special.

Wannabreeders fall in love with the easy part (because when it comes to breeding, pregnancy IS the easy part) and then their brains fill in the gaps and intoxicate them with rosy fantasies of beautiful, perfect children and beautiful, perfect lives. That, and there is a vast difference between wanting kids and wanting to be parents. They go hand in hand, but people only think about making children, not their maintenance. It's not like a piece of artwork where you make it once and then put it somewhere to admire forever.

It's a shame people are too afraid to be more open and honest about how awful parenting is (in person, not only on anonymous websites) and how the very distinct possibility of not wanting or loving your kids exists. Just goes to show that it's not just the "happy accidents" that people regret having - wanting to have a brat on purpose is no guarantee you will want to be a parent.



I'm a regretful SAHM to a 3yo. Not a "I love my child but I hate being a mom" parent either, I feel responsibility and obligation towards my kid, but I don't love them. I try my best to hide it cos I know they deserve better, I tell them I love them, I'm affectionate, etc. But I'm counting down the days til they start school and I finally get a break. (Can't afford daycare, no babysitters)

I've seen people comment on tiktoks and articles about this subreddit with stuff like "well don't have a kid if you don't actually want them!" Or "some people can't have kids so you should be grateful!" Well newsflash to those holier than thou observers: you don't know you're going to be a regretful parent til you become a parent, and then there's no going back.

This kid was planned, wanted, years in the making. Every period was a crushing disappointment. We were looking into fertility treatment when we finally conceived, but miscarried that pregnancy at 8 weeks. I tried to see the silver lining of "well at least now we know we can get pregnant!" But I was devastated at the time. Now I know nature was trying to save me from this hell. A few months after the MC, we got pregnant again and this one stuck. I was cautious after the MC, but optimistic. I sang and talked to my bump, looked forward to meeting my baby.

Some people say their whole universe shifts when they meet their baby, and they fall instantly in love. But plenty of articles try to reassure you that that doesn't happen to everyone, so don't worry too much if you're not immediately smitten, it'll come in time, etc.

None of them said I would look at my baby for the first time and my first thought would be "I've made a huge mistake". And that was before the sleep deprivation began.

It's harder than I ever thought it could possibly be. There are no breaks, because even on the very rare occasion that I do get to go out alone, I know I have to come home so I'm never truly relaxing. Never truly able to get back to a baseline level of happiness. I feel like I'd need at least two weeks away to even begin to feel like a human being again.

I could list all the reasons why, but most people in this sub already know. The never ending monotony, the lack of time, money, agency, being touched out and over stimulated constantly, etc.

Recently some friends told me they were thinking about having a kid and without even thinking about it, I blurted out "oh god, why?!" I genuinely cannot recall a single reason I wanted a child, though I know I had some at the time. Other friends have posted pregnancy or birth announcements on social media, and I cannot bring myself to lie and say congratulations. There's nothing to congratulate, the poor idiots are about to ruin their lives, and they're doing it by choice, just like I did.

And I know I can't warn them, because it's not an acceptable thing to say, and they would never believe me. I also try and remind myself that other people obviously do not experience parenthood the same way as me, cos otherwise they'd all stop at one kid like I've done, but I honestly don't know what it is they're getting from this experience that I'm not. It's not rewarding or fulfilling or makes life worth living or any of the other trite clichés people trot out about having children. It's just hell.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 03, 2023
If you know you can't handle the comparison game maybe parunting is a bad idea, because for many it is all about comparison and pissing contests. I'd guess she fantasized about bragging rights as a parunt instead of accepting whatever came her way.

This has the making for an endless self-pity party and her husband called her on it. Deciding to be triggered by healthy kids virtually eliminates the possibility of going anywhere at any time because we all know at this point brats are welcome pretty much everywhere. Does she plan to hide out until her brat is an adult? And what happens then?

And unless her brat has a physical limitation how can she know if she is around perfectly healthy brats or not in the first place?

Perhaps she should go to a hospital in the intensive care unit and look at all the children dying there or join a support group for severely disabled children. It doesn't sound as if her kid having a disability would come near what the parents in the hospital or with severely disabled children experience. I'm positive if her kid was severely limited, she would have gone on and on about it on BM.

Plenty of kids with a disability grow up to become competent adults even if they don't hit certain milestones in development.

A co-worker of mine used to go on and on about how hard life was with her son being dyslexic. He had to go to a special school which requires a special bus and she tried to monopolize the good commuting hours because of it (we had to cover a 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. work shift). I (strategically) kept my mouth shut until she volunteered the idea about alternating the commute then I agreed immediately, so it would be her idea. I could tell she was hoping I would volunteer for the constant crappy commute because she looked surprised by my fast agreement. It wasn't my first childfree workplace rodeo, honey and I'm pretty good at maneuvering in these situations as it nearly always rears its ugly head when a co-worker has a brat. At least they have schools that specialize in dyslexia now, versus holding the kid back and giving him a lifelong complex. And she had to constantly encourage him to read and help him out with it daily.

She was in her 50's and her kid was in elementary school, by that age she could have easily known if kids were right for her and what the risks are with a little research.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 03, 2023
From r/regretfulparents. A very wanted, very tried for brat winds up being a mistake.

However, I don't entirely agree with the bolded line. Yes, there are people like this person who had a brat they wound up regretting, but as evidenced by every childfree website that has ever existed, it is VERY possible to know you'll be a regretful parent without needing to become one first. People really really need to examine why they want kids, as well as asking themselves whether or not they are up to the task of caring for them and that whatever they have built up in their minds as the parenting experience will be at least a thousand times worse and a thousand times harder than they think.

I agree! Their next line of defense is that they were basically forced into having brats by society and once again being childfree is the proof that there are exceptions.

As I once read on one of those sites, parents are more envious of the childfree than billionaires. That should say something right there, no amount of money or help derived from money or boarding schools would make the misery of being a parunt worth it. Even having every physical comfort imaginable and no monetary concerns doesn't make it worth it. That is pretty telling!

If I were on the fence that would give me huge pause to the inevitable misery expected.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 03, 2023
I saw that one with the infertile bint who now regrets her self-imposed life.


Well newsflash to those holier than thou observers: you don't know you're going to be a regretful parent til you become a parent, and then there's no going back.

What a load of crap. If they had actually thought about it, they could have figured it out. These are the same people who say things like:

It's the next, logical step. (Doesn't have to be.)

If you wait until you are "ready," you'll never be ready. If you aren't ready, the sane thing to do is NOT DO IT. And if you never feel ready, there is your answer.

If you wuv your partner, it's nachural to want to give him/her a child. Um, actually, keeping things the same and not inserting a hand grenade into your marriage may be the best course of action.


They lie to themselves to avoid accountability for the state of their life. It's always someone else's fault. How they thought it was someone else's fault that they fucked without birth control and made a kid is beyond me.

They cannot handle the cognitive dissonance from knowing they chose their present life.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 05, 2023
It astounds me how many people seem to still believe that kids are a requirement, or an inevitable life step. Along with the things bell_flower mentioned, there's one more excuse that's often tossed around by bible thumpers: God doesn't give you anything you can't handle, implying that you have a child for a pre-determined reason and that some invisible man in the sky gave it to you specifically because he knew you could handle it. Going hand in hand with that statement is its partner in crime, "God will provide." In other words, have kids you can't afford and someone else will pick up the slack!

That's nice and all, but the truth is most parents cannot handle it. They can't handle the stress physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially, and sometimes when they can't handle it, they take it out on their kids. I wonder if beating the piss out of your children and screaming in their faces that you wish they were never born or even sometimes killing them is part of God's plan to give you something you can handle. The Gawd-fearers even have an excuse for something like this. If a breeder hauls off and murders their kid, the bible thumpers will go on at great length about what a horrible person the breeder is, but then they'll say the child was "too precious for earth." Well if it was too precious for earth, why did God send it in the first place??

It's fine to want kids, but just because you want something doesn't mean it's a good idea to have it. Wanting something doesn't automatically mean you'll be good at owning or caring for whatever the desired thing is. I'd love a pet mountain lion because I think they're gorgeous animals and I'm a cat lover, but I know better than to have one because I know they're dangerous and most likely expensive to feed, and good fucking luck taking it to the vet!

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent people who would be terrible parents from reproducing. It might not be so bad if it was only their own dumbass lives they were ruining, but having kids they don't want or can't care for is going to ruin the kids' lives too.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 05, 2023
If we combine:

If you wait until you are "ready," you'll never be ready.

"God will provide"

We get a hybrid, which is "If you wait until you can afford it you'll never have kids". This is a bit harsh of a statement (assuming you will always be broke-ass) and probably a bit assumptive because not everyone is broke ass. When I heard people (lots of people) say this as a teen I'd reply perhaps having children isn't a good idea if you can't afford them, and this was considered offensive yet I wasn't the one assuming the wanna parunt would be always broke!

All of these cheesy statements are repeated to the point that they are meaningless memes and certainly don't involve any self-reflection, just mindless pronatalist solidarity.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 08, 2023
Ohmygawd, whyyyyy do men get so maaaaaad when they have to take care of their own kiiiiids? I think the better question is why did all these idiots go and breed with lazy worthless man-babies? Surely they showed signs of not being good parents prior to sluicing, and creating children with these men won't magically make them selfless.

This Moo is also rubbish at picking men. Her ex-husband was abusive to her and is neglectful to their child, and her current penis calls her and whines/bitches at her anytime the new loaf does anything that inconveniences him. These men don't become useless when they reproduce - they were always useless and it only becomes noticeable when a mutual responsibility gets heaped onto one partner. How's about don't make babies with lazy people? Or don't breed with men who believe childcare is the woman's job?

Also, why is she leaving a loaf with someone who gets legitimately angry at it for existing? I don't want to hear the moaning when she comes home and learns the baby has a brain bleed from being shaken.Someone else voices this concern and she swears he would never hurt the loaf. Yeah I'm sure plenty of Moos swear their baby-daddies would never harm a hair on their sprogs' heads and the kid pays the price when they learn they're wrong the hard way. She says he's just being a big baby because it's his first brat and it's hard for him to deal with. You know who is most likely to shake a baby? First-time fathers.

(Both threads are from the same author, by the way)



I don’t understand!

You made the baby! YES, that means you have to take care of him when you don’t want to!

YES, that means you have to take care of him alone sometimes when I’m not available just like I do EVERYDAY when you go to work weekdays!

YES, that means sometimes it going to suck taking care of him but you have to do it! It’s not always going to be fun taking care of an infant, it’s a fucking needy infant.

Did they expect us to pop out a 5-6 year old right away out of the womb or something???

Babies come first and they got to be taken care of, tf. I’m so sick of him getting verbally mad at me and upset because it’s his turn to take care of his child.

It’s not irrational, he says? So it’s rational to get angry every time you have to be left alone with the thing you made?? Its 10 months in; yes you still have to take care of it. You will always have to take care of it/him.

Edit: I wish I was dead.



I told my bf to call me when he’s alone with the baby and he has an emergency with him. Like if the baby is sick or is in pain or anything serious.

He calls me literally when I’m in a cab and tells me the baby “won’t fucking go to sleep” and he wants to relax.

Last time he called me when I was out with friends at 2am to tell me the baby woke up in the middle of the night and he’s pissed off it’s taking long to put him back to sleep.

I should call him at his job and be like “emergency, the baby did a blowout after I just changed him and it pissed me off!”

It’s not a vent line. What am I supposed to do if he’s literally just being a baby and you are the caretaker? I just hung up on him this time. He was mad I had no more advice other than “just rock him and wait it out”

Oh and when he’s mad at me, “I do nothing but take care of a baby all day, that’s not that hard”

But yet you’re calling me whenever you lose your cool when you’re alone with the baby.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 08, 2023
Another new parenting term I learned today: dandelion child. Apparently if a person is a dandelion, it means they are less sensitive, less vulnerable, more strong minded and are capable of bouncing right back from even the harshest of environments and that dandelion people are inspirational in their ability to thrive.

Based on the way this screeching bastard behaves, I think being a dandelion child just means he needs to be uprooted and thrown in the trash like any other annoying little weed. But at least actual dandelions are useful - you can make tea out of the flowers and salads out of the leaves. This brat's only function was providing aural contraception for everyone within their zip code.

This Moo also seemed to think she was special enough to not have to go through the bratty meltdown stage of her brat's life because he was an "easy" child up until this point. Her naivete is adorable. Oh and her brat is not a fucking resilient, inspiring dandelion when he's throwing an atomic kicking screaming tantrum over not being able to get books.



I don't even know what to say about the meltdown my toddler had today. It was public, long, and garnered the disapproving stare of many people. I wasn't even embarrassed about it... I was just sad.

We went to the library that we've been to over 50 different times now. He played with other kids, and we found new dinosaur books. Then, at the checkout line, I couldn't find my library card. Disaster. Absolutely unacceptable. He launches himself backward onto the ground with an audible thud and proceeds to screech and kick for the next half hour. Both of his shoes fly off with the force of his kicks, I get smacked in the neck with a book, and he even pulls off his socks in the same second. He starts crying for me to pick him up, all the while kicking me in the face. As I manage to wrangle his body off the dirty floor, he goes full body plank, and I narrowly avoid clamping his neck between the swinging doors as we exit the library.

Several people lock eyes with me as I lug my red-faced, screaming child away. I'm trying to soothe him, but nothing is being heard. I try my best to get buckled in the stroller so we can just reset his environment but this kid FLINGS himself out the stroller ONTO THE STREET (the library is in the middle of a downtown district) and I'm forced to lift the entire stroller and his body hanging off of it so we can cross the street while a car patiently waits at the crosswalk...

We're home now and I'm so, so tired. And sad.

My child has been one of those 'dandelion' children from the time he was born. Took to breastfeeding, sleeping, potty training - easily. Likes people. Eats everything. Yeah, it's shitty to categorize children, but realistically, my motherhood experience was ... blessed. From someone who has never believed in any religion, it was honestly odd, believing that on some level, the universe had showered me in good fortune to have such an easy baby.

But he's two weeks from turning 3, and it's all upside down. He started to yell at me and others. He's waking up and kicking in the night. He's kicking me when he asks to be held. He gets caught in these tantrums where he asks for one thing and immediately upon getting it, flings it across the room, and cries for it again.

I KNOW this is normal. I know it's developmentally appropriate. I've seen it many, many times in different children. But it hasn't been a thing with him until now, and it's such a SUDDEN switch. I'm experiencing whiplash and mourning cause my expectations have been built up and I can't help but think that something went wrong recently, that maybe getting him in daycare was a bad choice (3rd week he's been) or that I'm not doing enough.

I don't know... just seeing him flail and cry and not being able to help made me feel like a failure...

But brightside is that there are some wonderful, compassionate human beings out there beyond the judgemental stares. Shout out to the mom who helped put my child's socks and shoes back on while I was trying not to drop him. Shout out to the dad who found a purple balloon for my child in the hopes of distracting him. Thank you to you both, really. Talk about a solid.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 09, 2023
Ohmygawd, whyyyyy do men get so maaaaaad when they have to take care of their own kiiiiids? I think the better question is why did all these idiots go and breed with lazy worthless man-babies? Surely they showed signs of not being good parents prior to sluicing, and creating children with these men won't magically make them selfless.

Reading this makes me so happy I didn't have brats because I would have been the one right out the door. The abandoner who sends a paltry monthly check due to my low income in my 20's and half of my 30's. No to all that nonsense. I can live with "things I would have done if I were in that situation that I never allowed to happen" since they are conditional and not based on actually harming helpless human beings.
So many people (especially women) expect their spouse to step up even though there is no former evidence to give any confidence that this will be reality.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 09, 2023
Another new parenting term I learned today: dandelion child. Apparently if a person is a dandelion, it means they are less sensitive, less vulnerable, more strong minded and are capable of bouncing right back from even the harshest of environments and that dandelion people are inspirational in their ability to thrive.

That's great if the person is an adult and a dandelion. But with brats we all know the most perfect angel is just one developmental step away from being the troll at hell's gate at any time during the first 18+ years of life. I've never heard of a single brat that wasn't difficult at one or more stage of life. You know how childless people hear parunts say "just wait til you have brats...blah blah blah" well parunts enjoy using this same tactic on other parunts "just wait til your perfect behaved angel is a toadler, teenager, whatever" I thought difficult brats and their challenging stages was common knowledge, but yet many people still reproduce, despite the constant public scenes of brats.

My fueturr brats will never behave like that, be perfectly healthy, never bully or be bullied, have no mental illness, insecurities or hang ups. Oh, and they'll tell me every day they appreciate everything I do for them and willingly take care of me as I age, say the stupid and deluded ones.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 09, 2023

My child has been one of those 'dandelion' children from the time he was born. Took to breastfeeding, sleeping, potty training - easily. Likes people. Eats everything. Yeah, it's shitty to categorize children, but realistically, my motherhood experience was ... blessed. From someone who has never believed in any religion, it was honestly odd, believing that on some level, the universe had showered me in good fortune to have such an easy baby.

But he's two weeks from turning 3, and it's all upside down. He started to yell at me and others. He's waking up and kicking in the night. He's kicking me when he asks to be held. He gets caught in these tantrums where he asks for one thing and immediately upon getting it, flings it across the room, and cries for it again.

Welcome to the Trying Three's. As if two was't enough, three is much worse.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 09, 2023
cambion, a) I would have had no problem dragging the little bastard out by a leg.
if he'd gotten run over it would have solved the problem permanently ... but would have ruined a lot of peoples day.

my mom did not have the time, the energy or the inclination to deal with me if I had a tantrum. She just stuck me in my room and told me to leave her alone until I calmed down. and if I snuffled after her I would get the 'give you a reason to really cry'. I don't know if this is right or wrong but it taught me that a tantrum did not achieve a damn thing.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 10, 2023
Moo claims both her and her husband want another brat, but Duh is not being receptive to sexy time and pignasty has not occurred. She wants him to smoke less (presumably she thinks it is affecting his fertility) and he gets mad and refuses. Won't get a sperm motility test to see if he's the problem. Moo paws him for procreational sex and reminds him she's ovulating and he's not interested.

Did he actually come out and say he wants a kid? Or is she whinging for another one and he's just kind of going along with it so she doesn't pitch a fit? Or maybe the act of trying to breed on purpose has turned sex into a chore and it's no longer enjoyable? Most pregnancies are accidental, so intentionally trying would probably add another layer of stress to somethnig that should be fun. Because I don't know of too many men who would rather sit on the porch smoking than get laid.

Sounds to me like he's not very interested in breeding again, or maybe he is and Moo bitching about it is just a big turn-off. I wouldn't want to fool around either if someone was nagging in my ear all the time about how they're ovulating, so let's get to it, let's do it, now now now before it's too late, hey hey hey time for baybee-making, sex now sex now need babby now! If he was doing that to her (nagging, not ovulating - I'd be worried if he was ovulating), she'd be mooing in the sub about how men are sex-crazed pigs who only want one thing and can't he just leave her alone and jerk off already?? But when the Moo is the one who wants sex and doesn't get it, then it's bawling

Or is it only okay to nag for sex when it's for the purpose of reproduction and not when it's just for fun? But then I also don't think highly of someone's intelligence when they have kids on purpose either.



We've been trying for baby #2 since June. All signs are showing that I"m ovulating every month. My husband likes to have a cigar almost every night. Around November I asked him to cut down on the cigars, he lost it, got really angry, refused. Fine. I asked him to at least look into the mobility of his sperm. He started some research, i didn't want to push it, haven't heard a thing back. I'm ovulating today, I gave him subtle and not-so-subtle hints that we should do something about it. I mentioned last night that we should have a quickie this morning, he slept downstairs because it was too hot upstairs. We both WFH. I mentioned we should have a quickie. He's now currently sitting outside working and smoking a fucking cigar. It's 11:30am. I have an interview in an hour and all I can think of is how he is actively and openly straight up rejecting me. We both want another kid but every single one of his actions proves otherwise and I can't help but feel unloved, unwanted and embarrassed.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 10, 2023
unloved and unwanted... moooooo mooooooo mooooooooo booooohoooomooohoooo

they don't like being called cows but god when they start whining they always resemble one out in a field bellowing over nothing. this dumb bint is only equating her worth with her 'calf bed' as Herriot's farmers referred to the cows uterus. and the stupid cunt doesn't know how to interpret 'no'. thing is, all her little sow and cow friends will stand around lowing and oinking about how horrible it is that he won't breed her and knock her up.

but they don't like this terminology over in r/childfree.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 10, 2023
I find it interesting that she finds his behavior causes doubts, but only about her own appeal, not about whether he wants a kid. Why can't they sit down and talk about it like adults, instead of hinting about ovulation? I can't imagine he likes being treated like a machine.

But the fact that he gets really angry over being asked to smoke less also suggests that he is about as mature as she is. Why do people who can't communicate decide to get together and bring babies into it?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 11, 2023
From r/regretfulparents.

Topic: Would you still be a regretful parent if you had as much money as you needed? How much would you need?

We all know the answer to this (if poor money will make things better but if comfortable it won't help much) but this reply is interesting:

au pair
It went so far that kids would start calling us (the au pairs) mom, would just go to us for comfort and would only want to do stuff when we were around. A friend got fired and kicked out of the house because of this, the woman was apparently jealous and very angry that her kids liked my friend more than their own mom. Two months later she came back begging my friend to come back. She had already found a job and rejected the offer, and the kids turned into little demons (destroyed things, pissed all over the stuff from the new au pairs, would only obey my friend when the mom could get her on the phone, etc...). These parents are so used to having so much help that they can't survive without an au pair, but also want their kids to treat them like their parents. It doesn't work that way, though, you're either the caregiver or you're not.

So, a wealthy person may get out of raising their brats but their brats will consider the help their caregivers and may even call them mom. Ouch. As suspected, no way to win.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 11, 2023

But the fact that he gets really angry over being asked to smoke less also suggests that he is about as mature as she is. Why do people who can't communicate decide to get together and bring babies into it?

I really don't know. He is unlikely to have just started smoking cigars.

If a man does things I can't live with/tolerate I just don't date him. As long as he is honest and isn't intentionally deceitful I don't have hard feelings either. We are who we are. There is nothing wrong with going separate ways if not compatible. I think there are way too many people who play the "gonna change their boyfriend/spouse" game, end up married and then become regretful parunts.

I do feel for those whose spouse/significant other changes but there is always divorce/separation as a solution.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 11, 2023
but they don't like this terminology over in r/childfree.

They have their own version of pc childfree over there.
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