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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 20, 2022
If you had a bad childhood, you need time to recover. In my case it took about 18 years to recover from the first 18 years, and this was after I was out of the house and self-supporting.

Most of these dumbass breeders get out of their bad parents' houses and immediately start breeding in their early to mid 20's. They hardly have any time to just be an adult, alone, before they jump into a relationship (the women almost always choose poorly) and breed. And I might add, therapy, good therapy, can be expensive. Many of these people do not have decent jobs with benefits, so you know they are not getting therapy.

I'm guessing most of them have numerous brats before they wake up and realize they need therapy. Bad choices have already navigated them into a personal hell that won't be fast or easy to change. And so many parunts seem to think it is perfectly reasonable to be 100% financially dependent on their spouse, even in light of the divorce rate and it being even higher with parunts.

I see a lot of people on Reddit who grew up in abusive backgrounds and they are crowing and congratulating themselves about their great parunting, which often involves "gentle discipline."

This is a ticking time bomb, sooner or later the "gentle discipline" is going to bite back hard. Likely when they feel completely overwhelmed because no healthy boundaries were ever formed and they're reaping the bad habits they instilled on their own progeny. Having 5- or 8-year-old brats still sleeping in their parunt's beds. Or older brats who follow their parunts around like puppy dogs expecting to be entertained 24x7. And older brats who aren't able to do simple things such as make a sandwich or pour themself some cereal for breakfast because moo or duh always insists on doing it for them and forces learned helplessness on them.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 21, 2022
haaahaaahaaahaaaaa.. these stupid bints never learn, do they. "i'll be a better mawwwwwm than mine... " assholes from reddit regretful parents. but the dumb little shit teen reading this will think "I'm smarter than that, I'll be different"

They overlook the fact that plenty of people capable in many ways have said exactly the same thing. How many times have we heard people claim they would be better at parunting than their parunts? I recall hearing lots of teenagers say this. And what could possibly go wrong? They are so self-deluded, reminds me of people who run out and attempt to climb a large mountain despite having no real experience and no regard for it being in the dead of winter and then the experienced hikers find their remains during the spring. And just because so many people say they'll be better parunts doesn't make it any easier or more possible. Lots of things would be easier. If they were truly smarter, they'd figure this out. Parunts poke fun/get annoyed at the childfree for any advice they give on brats and a little advice which can be readily ignored and harms no one has nothing on this level of delusion. And teachers spend more time with a variety of brats than parunts do, unless the parunts are also teachers.

I guess it is because the bar to entry (simple sperm donation) is so easy. Only if the bar to entry was more difficult.

If you feel this way, please please please go to therapy (or similar). Learn about your triggers. Figure out how to reframe these triggering behaviors in your mind. You and your kids and your partner will benefit from you not raging out. I really feel like therapy has been the best investment in myself, my relationship, and my kids’ lives. Things are still very difficult, don’t get me wrong, but I can talk myself down from the ledge so to speak much faster. There is a very clear difference between pre therapy and post, and omg I wish I had started before kids.

If they do this prior to having brats then this is humble and accepts that they haven't figured everything out, shows a potential parent wants to improve before sluicing and cares about their future children. If it happens after having brats then the damage is likely already done because it takes years to resolve these issues.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 21, 2022
that is always the underlying thread even if these dumbos never admit it: they don't think. they act on the self delusion which, if you think about it, is born out of pride. we don't like catholics for many reasons but I do think they were spot on about the 7 deadly sins. If you consider them and the consequences and the motivation... everything someone does wrong can usually be traced back to these...

and freya, interesting you mention hikers going into the wilderness and freezing... you might be thinking of that poor guy in alaska... became famous... you should read 'the wild truth'.. because after the earlier book came out, movie, the sister finally wrote her own book.. the parents which basked in all the sympathy, puffing their chests out... they were nasty, miserable abusive pieces of shit. only mistake this authoress did was continuing to snuffle around these turds of flesh as long as she did... far tooo long. I still don't think she can really make a break from them.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 21, 2022
They overlook the fact that plenty of people capable in many ways have said exactly the same thing. How many times have we heard people claim they would be better at parunting than their parunts? I recall hearing lots of teenagers say this. And what could possibly go wrong? They are so self-deluded, reminds me of people who run out and attempt to climb a large mountain despite having no real experience and no regard for it being in the dead of winter and then the experienced hikers find their remains during the spring. And just because so many people say they'll be better parunts doesn't make it any easier or more possible. Lots of things would be easier. If they were truly smarter, they'd figure this out. Parunts poke fun/get annoyed at the childfree for any advice they give on brats and a little advice which can be readily ignored and harms no one has nothing on this level of delusion. And teachers spend more time with a variety of brats than parunts do, unless the parunts are also teachers.

I know I would be a better parent than my own mother for one single reason: because I recognized I didn't want kids and took steps to prevent them from happening. I know how much I dislike kids and I know if I were to become responsible for a child I didn't want anyway, I would be as bad of a parent as my mother, if not a worse one. I recognize how messed up I am in the head due to my upbringing and I am NOT subjecting someone who didn't ask to be put on this planet to the same fuckery. My grandma turned my mom into a narcissist, pretty sure my great grandma turned my grandma into a narcissist, but this bullshit ends with me.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: sometimes the best thing you can do for your child is not allow them to be born. Too many poor, sick, stupid, crazy, incompetent or fucked-up people reproduce and then they create a whole new generation of poor, sick, stupid, crazy, incompetent, fucked-up children who will likely grow up and perpetuate yet another generation of the same little failures. Lather, rinse, repeat. Most people should not have kids for one reason or another, but because there is nothing preventing them from having kids they can't handle or afford, they go and do it anyway and then bitch all over the internet about how nobody told them how haaaaaaaard it would be.

But all of us here have something most breeders seem to lack: awareness. We could see the writing on the wall, we know ourselves well enough to know we wouldn't want to be parents, we didn't cave to peer/family/spouse pressure to reproduce against our better judgment, and we don't have to go and make a whole new human being before we figure out we don't want to take care of one. Just look at how many breeders say the exact same thing: "I love my kids, but if I knew how hard it would be, I would have never had any."

There is no way for anyone to know beforehand if they would be a better parent to their own kids than their parents were to them. Just because they do their damnedest to not do the things that caused them trauma doesn't mean they'll automatically be good parents. I think this is what my mother did. For example, she never forced me to clean my plate like her parents did with her. No, but she allowed me to eat pizza four times a week, fast food 2-3 times a week (Mickey D's, gotta get those toys) and a whole bag of cookies every Saturday morning for over a decade and then she wondered why I was 200 pounds at the age of 13. Just because she didn't do the thing her parents did that she hated, she still done fucked up by allowing me to eat so unhealthy. That's just one example of many.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 21, 2022

They overlook the fact that plenty of people capable in many ways have said exactly the same thing. How many times have we heard people claim they would be better at parunting than their parunts?

Some of the worst parents want to be parents because they think they are going to do it so much betterTM and thereby heal themselves. Unsurprisingly, this is yet another selfish reason to have a child: because people honestly think if they have a kid and give them everything they didn't have as a child, they will heal themselves. Which makes zero sense.

My own Moo's mother worked, and my Moo was concerned The Answer was for her to stay home and raise us. The problem is, she was not happy being home. We all would have been better off if she had a job. She was frustrated at home.

As a matter of fact, and I didn't remember this until this thread, my Moo constantly reminded me of what I "owed" her because she was a SAHM until I was eight years old. thinks someone else is crazy

Parents who haven't had therapy or self-introspection about their own childhoods jam one-size-fits-all solutions on their kids. They think "opposite of my shitty upbringing" = success. These are the crazy parents who are having meltdowns. They are the ones that have "perfect" birthday parties that are productions, and they have screaming meltdowns that their kids "aren't appreciative!"*** when the kid would have been happier with something low-key.

**A PNB friend actually told me she went to a horrific birthday party for one of her son's classmates. It was at a firehouse. Some of the kids were sliding down the firehouse pole. (This was 20-ish years ago--no way would that happen today.) The Moo who threw the party wanted The Birthday Boy to slide down the pole and he didn't want to. My PNB friend said the Moo proceeded to have a screaming meltdown about HOW MUCH MONEY SHE'D SPENT ON THIS PARTY and her son didn't appreciate it. Big deal, the kid didn't want to slide down the pole, but the Moo couldn't let it go because having the "perfect birthday party" and being the "perfect" Moo was more important than what the kid wanted. My friend felt really sorry for the kid.

Yeah, I grew up like that, hearing how "grateful" I should be for shit I didn't care about. Nothing like making a kid feel guilty for just existing.


I recognize how messed up I am in the head due to my upbringing and I am NOT subjecting someone who didn't ask to be put on this planet to the same fuckery.

Amen. So glad it ended with me.

And of course, there is also the spouse/partner aspect. That's a whole other kettle of fish, how women are left holding the baybee and doing all the household chores and how many men won't share parenting responsibilities. People really underestimate how kids strain marriages. Fuck that shit.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 25, 2022
First of all lady, why the fuck are you getting yourself pigged up when you're single, have no support network (because they never seem to have one) and already have two brats and yourself crammed into a one-bedroom apartment? Isn't that a lease violation of some kind? I thought apartments were generally two people per bedroom? A third kid will definitely mean she either has to haul herself and her sprogs to a larger and more expensive two-bedroom apartment or risk eviction for having too many people in too small of a room.

Second of all, no matter what, you always need to be prepared for the possibility that your precious angel could come out disabled. The odds of getting a kid that is messed up may be low, but they still exist, and it's naive to think that it won't happen to your child because you think you're special. If you know you can't cope with this possibility, you have no business having kids.



Basically I'm single and pregnant with my third baby and she is severely small with no known reason. I'm really frustrated with the care I've been given - baby was diagnosed below the 3rd percentile 2 months ago but other than that I was told all looked fine.

Only yesterday did a doctor speak to me and tell me this could be due to a genetic disorder. She did not recommend amnio due to the risk of premature labour and stillbirth.

So the plan seems to be that I just...wait and see how it turns out. Baby could potentially be severely disabled. Doctor said there's no way to give me the all clear or diagnose something that didn't show up on scan until she is born.

But what if she's born very disabled and I can't cope? I know I couldn't cope. I live in a tiny one bedroom apartment, single, no support network, two other kids. What happens then?

This is a serious question btw because I really just feel left in the dark and panicked.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 25, 2022
cambion, as rough as this sounds, she had to have her jollies. and is 'too poor' to use bc..or too stupid

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 25, 2022
I don't fault someone for having physical urges because just about everyone gets the itch regardless of their financial or relationship status. But if that person doesn't want to have a child or more children, then they need to be responsible for their sex life. There are plenty of options available to women and as far as I'm concerned, completely unprotected sex means they are trying to conceive. I don't know if she just went totally bareback because she didn't care or had a birth control failure or maybe she was assaulted (I think it would have been mentioned if it was not consensual), but knowing how Moos tend to be, my guess is she didn't care about not being protected because it had probably been a long time since she got any and she wasn't about to say no to some action just because she wasn't on the pill or didn't have any condoms.

I mean it's her choice entirely if she wants to be reckless, but she doesn't get the right to bitch when the consequences of her actions come back and bite her in the ass. I mean she already had two brats, surely she knows by now that sex makes babies?

If she's too poor to use contraception, then she is too poor to have sex and she's definitely too poor to have kids. I can only speculate, but it seems like a really dumb idea to be having more kids in her current living arrangement.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 26, 2022
and just try and get a sterilization...

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 27, 2022
But all of us here have something most breeders seem to lack: awareness. We could see the writing on the wall, we know ourselves well enough to know we wouldn't want to be parents, we didn't cave to peer/family/spouse pressure to reproduce against our better judgment, and we don't have to go and make a whole new human being before we figure out we don't want to take care of one. Just look at how many breeders say the exact same thing: "I love my kids, but if I knew how hard it would be, I would have never had any."

I think you're spot on Cambion. I used to get into so many arguments in my teens and twenties about this and awareness is what caused it because it meant I said no to being like most others. I'd live through the annoying arguments permanently before I'd be willing to sluice. That being said, it is really nice for this kind of argument to now be mostly in the rear-view mirror!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 27, 2022
Agree, cambion. People have options. Hell, there's that old CF joke comeback of "oh, we'd love to have some kids, but we just can't get enough oral/anal sex!". At the root of it, that joke hinges on your very point: CF people are willing to take control of and responsibility for their sex lives Unprotected sex is never an option. No condoms? There's plenty of other options, or one party can run out and get some. Hell, these days you can get a pack of condoms, a bottle of lube, and whatever else you need dropped off via door dash and the like!

This responsibility pisses off breeders too. They know that most people have sex of some sort. The fact that we've decoupled sex and reproduction really grinds their gears.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 28, 2022
Yep, that's how I've always seen it. If I have no protection for myself, then PIV sex does not happen. The thought of doing it with no protection at all is a huge turn-off because a few minutes of fun is not worth any of the potential consequences. I know 100 percent for sure I'd abort if I got pregnant, but that's still a $500+ procedure that can easily be avoided with some $15 condoms or birth control that costs nothing thanks to my insurance. If that's not feasible, there are plenty of other ways to enjoy someone's company intimately without risking pregnancy, depending on how adventurous the participants are.

I especially loved seeing all the stupid shit on Yahoo Answers years ago from teenagers trying to come up with creative alternatives to condoms because they couldn't afford them or didn't want to get caught by their parents with them. I think my favorite was one fellow who wanted to know if putting his cock in an empty mini potato chip bag and wrapping duct tape around the shaft would work the same as a condom. I'm sure it would be effective at preventing pregnancy because no woman is going to enjoy getting stuffed with a foil bag with sharp edges and I guarantee it would be a huge mood killer. And yet this is STILL more effort than most grown-ass breeders use!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 30, 2022
Moos don't like that men think negatively about dating single Moos. playing a violin

Well what do they fucking expect? Moos are damaged goods and come with baggage that will always come first, which, to be fair, is how it should be, but I know plenty of women put their men above their kids all the time anyway. I'd be wary of any man with no kids who was excited to get with a single mother because I figure such a man is likely a Chester and is just dating the mom to get at her kids. Because what other reason could there be? I'm sure there are a couple men out there who wouldn't mind a ready-made family in need of a father (or who fetishize mothers), they're just rarer than water on Mars.

Meanwhile, I'd wager most of these heifers wouldn't touch a single father with a ten-foot pole because they wouldn't want to raise some other woman's brats. Odds are VERY good that a single Duh looking for a mommy-wife just wants someone to raise his kids for him because that's wimmin's work.

The bottom line is that single Moos just have nothing to offer. Their personalities are consumed by mothering to the point where their entire identity becomes "mommy," they look much older than they really are, they often never lose their pignasty weight and look like nylons filled with marmalade, or if they are not fat, their bodies are absolute trainwrecks visually, sex is no good because they're all stretched out from giving birth, and they come with little immediate responsibilities with whom you have to compete for attention. That's an awful hell of a lot for a new partner to deal with and childless or childfree women simply have more to offer with much less baggage. If I were a man or a lesbian, you could not fucking pay me to date a single Moo. They are 100 percent not worth it.



Now, I'm not saying men have to pine after single moms. You don't want kids, no issue. I can't fault someone on that.

But God damn, all the comments about "she'll be giving her attention to the kids" "she won't have time for me" "women without kids are just more attractive"

How much of these ~mostly single underage~ men's worth is put on a woman. AGAIN.

Buck up and get your own life, find your own worth, and stop devaluing a woman for having children.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 01, 2022
If I were a man or a lesbian, you could not fucking pay me to date a single Moo. They are 100 percent not worth it.



Now, I'm not saying men have to pine after single moms. You don't want kids, no issue. I can't fault someone on that.

But God damn, all the comments about "she'll be giving her attention to the kids" "she won't have time for me" "women without kids are just more attractive"

How much of these ~mostly single underage~ men's worth is put on a woman. AGAIN.

Buck up and get your own life, find your own worth, and stop devaluing a woman for having children.

So I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, I find it kind of obnoxious when people talk about their sexual preferences when nobody is asking. For example, if there's an article about some celebrity who, I don't know, got a contract extended, I hate to see comments talking about how bangable she is. Dude, nobody cares what gets you hard, and women don't go around existing just to excite you. It was the line about "single underage men" that made me think that might be the context.

On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with people expressing their preferences in a dating app. If someone puts in their profile that they don't want a single moo, that's legitimate. It's maybe unnecessary to add "because she will be giving all her attention to the kids" but I expect that the additional information is offered as a result of single moos thinking they can hide the kids, match with the guy, and then bring him around. "You'll change your mind" is always offensive and I don't blame people for bristling against that after enough bad experiences.

I wouldn't date a breeder either, man or woman. The duh may not be as invested in the parental role as the moo, but he's still damaged goods as far as I'm concerned. However, I would express myself politely: "I'm not looking for someone with children" because I don't think there's any reason to be rude to someone unless they start it (such as by insisting that they are an exception).
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 01, 2022
I'm seeing lots of comments from the single mahms saying it is it the single duhs that are immediately looking for a new wife. I have to agree with this, I've known many single duhs that barely let the ink dry on the paper before remarrying. One had to actually wait to marry a few more weeks while his divorce was finalized. Another was married in less than a year after his divorce. And these are just two that come to mind.

On the other hand I've known more than one desperate single moo who would do anything to get a man to marry her. I'm guessing it isn't as common because they tend to be poor and desperate so it isn't as easy to hide behind a nice house or bank account like it was for the single duhs I knew who remarried quickly. And this makes sense because a single mahm who can support herself may have learned the hard way it isn't easy to have to pick up after brats AND a duh. Single duhs are much more likely to think that because they can afford a house and have a good jab that their new wife can do the cleaning, bratsitting, etc. A single mahm knows (or should have figured out) she stands a more than decent chance of being stuck as a domestic slave for the duh. Honestly, I think single mahms would rather hire a housekeeper than have a husband who may or may not ever do anything around the house. For single duhs, hiring a housekeeper would be their best bet but who will watch their brats?

It doesn't help that there are lots of dimwitted women (mostly young and dumb) out there who want brats and will latch on to a single duh and want to make "one of their own." I don't know how many women have married single dads and are overwhelmed with how crappy it is and go to Reddit and elsewhere to vent about it. I'm thinking, freaking LEAVE now! Better divorced than inpig and parunting someone else's brats.

I just hardly ever hear about a married man who does the majority of housework and if applicable, bratwork. Even the stay-at-home duhs often have lots of help from their wives.

I've had a few brief moments where my place looked pretty hideous, but it was mostly in my 20's when I worked all the time. I would estimate at least 50% of the men I've dated had places that weren't cleaned regularly and percentage of those were at least somewhat cringe-worthy in at least one aspect (examples are: a huge pile of laundry that is multi-room, sleeping on fresh laundry, weeks/months of cat hair accumulation on the ground, spills and messes not cleaned up, litter box not changed for weeks, toilet/sink that is growing all kinds of colorful organic matter and is emanating a strange odor, encrusted dirty dishes, etc.)

Then again, both my neighbors are hoarders. A man on one side, women on the other. They all have crap that overflowed, filled their garages and is spilling out onto their porches and lawns. One has storage containers covering their front and back porch and spilling out onto the common yard that haven't budged since they moved in. The other started off with a clean yard and is accumulating junk into it on a regular basis.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 02, 2022
I just hardly ever hear about a married man who does the majority of housework and if applicable, bratwork. Even the stay-at-home duhs often have lots of help from their wives.

I have heard of only one instance of this happening. I ran into a guy I went to high school with many years ago and we caught up and he mentioned something about how he divorced his wife because he would go to work, do all the chores and all the cooking and watch their brats while Moo-Wife sat on her ass playing World of Warcraft day and night. So a role reversal on the usual story of the Moo that does everything and the Duh that is fused to his chair playing games all the time. Obviously this was only his side of the story, so there may have been more to it that was left out.

On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with people expressing their preferences in a dating app. If someone puts in their profile that they don't want a single moo, that's legitimate. It's maybe unnecessary to add "because she will be giving all her attention to the kids" but I expect that the additional information is offered as a result of single moos thinking they can hide the kids, match with the guy, and then bring him around. "You'll change your mind" is always offensive and I don't blame people for bristling against that after enough bad experiences.

I don't think there's a problem with specifying "no kids" when someone's looking for a date. I know a lot of Moos think it's just men being mean and wanting to flock to the conventionally pretty women, but not wanting kids is nothing other than a personal preference. It's no different than saying you don't want to date someone who follows a certain diet or a certain religion or has cats or engages in certain kinks or has vastly different viewpoints or a million other things. And that's okay because people are allowed to like what they like and be up-front about those things when searching for compatible mates. Because that makes sense. Moos don't like that most men don't want to enter into a relationship that is chock full of drama and bullshit from the get-go, between screaming brats and dealing with at least one clingy prick of an ex and custody battles and visitation and all that shit. Who the fuck wants to put up with all that crap from the start?

I don't get the ones who pretend to be childfree to snag a guy and get him emotionally invested, and then spring it on him that, oh, I've got kids, teehee! Do these women honestly think that tactic will really work? Then they get genuinely mad when the guy leaves. You can't lie to someone about something so huge and expect them to just be okay with it.

Like I'd never fault a man who says he doesn't want to date fat women because I don't see that as him being an asshole. I just see it as another preference. But then you'll get women who are proud to be lard asses telling these men why they should date fatties and then calling him fatphobic for remaining uninterested (but these same women won't date fat men because they "deserve" sexy, fit men). Being told the "reasons" their preferences are wrong by the very people they choose not to date will only reinforce those feelings. Same goes for single Moos who will bitch at or about men who don't want to date them, as if they are owed dates and sex for doing The Hardest Job In The WorldTM.

I think a lot of Moos don't give a crap if they have compatability with a man - they just want a man, any man with a pulse and a dick because Moos are willing to settle for less than the bottom of the barrel. And when they figure out they are in no way going to work out with the piece of shit they chose to shack up with, they'll bitch all across the internet about how horrible he is, like he strong-armed his way into her home and forced her to be his partner.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 02, 2022
So apparently Moos can just waltz into a classroom and tell their kids' teachers that their precious darlings will no longer be doing homework and the kids can just... still pass? How's this work exactly? How can a student not do their assignments and still pass? I'm sure these women are an absolute JOY to deal with too.

I know we have at least a couple educators here. If one of you folks happens to see this, can you explain this? I never saw homework as something that's open to negotiation, I figured it was do it = pass, don't do it = fail. Seemed like a straightforward concept to me. How is it these kids can just plain not do their homework and still advance to the next grade level?

Homework sucks for sure, but it's kinda what you have to do? Sometimes you gotta do shit you don't like because that's how life is sometimes. But what do I know? I'm not a moooooooom. So yeah sure, let your brats not do their homework. But then you don't get to be upset when your kid is the only second grader in puberty. I always hated homework, but that's because of how my mother handled it, which was she did all my work for me, but she would force me to sit at the kitchen table with her for hours while she did it and I wasn't allowed to do anything but sit there so I wasn't "getting away with" having fun while she "slaved away" over my work, all the while repeatedly reminding me loudly that she "already went to school," as if I made her do my work for me.

Why don't these women make their kids do chores? Like mmkay Tardlina, since you have ALL this free time from NOT doing your homework, we're gonna clean the whole house, wash the sheets, wash the car, vacuum, reshingle the roof, milk the cows, etc. I'll bet homework will seem like a more tolerable alternative then, but that would also require these Moos to have spines and the willingness to use discipline, neither of which will happen, soooo their kids will just be lazy dumbfucks.



I am at my wits end with my child. It's the year before middle school and they refuse to study or do homework. I'm sure the teacher thinks I'm a piece of shit, even though I've tried reaching out. Child is a trauma child and already struggles. I'm heading into nursing school hopefully next fall, and I'm pre nursing and working my ass off to remain in phi theta kappa in hopes of getting scholarship money.

I cannot keep up with my child's homework, working 5 days a week, and my own classes. At 11 years old, I feel like they should be responsible for their own homework but they just say "I don't care. I hate school and will never use this". But I take this as my failing as a mom. We just moved and are on the wait list for therapy. I don't know what to do anymore or if anyone can even help. Has anyone experienced something similar? I don't even know who at the school to talk to.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 04, 2022
I know of one teacher who was physically threatened with her life because she held all the students accountable for doing their homework and taking tests. One parunt flipped out and thought her brats deserved preferential treatment and threatened her repeatedly.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 06, 2022
I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm sadly not. I have to assume the entitled screeching asshole parents of today are the result of the beginning of the gentle discipline movement where they got to grow up learning they get their own way if they scream loud enough, having no boundaries and experiencing no consequences.

I had so many people insist I go into education professionally when I was younger. The fuck were these people smoking?? Sure, because my dream job is getting screamed at by thirty separate crazy bitches with crooked haircuts because I held their brats to the world's smallest expectations. Yes sign me right the fuck up! eye rolling smiley
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 07, 2022
Homework wasn't central to the lower grades I taught. At that level I mostly wanted them to read for 20 or 30 undisturbed minutes & keep the book titles on a reading log. They also had a few math activities a week but nothing major. It was all things they could do pretty independently. There was a section for "completes and returns homework" on their progress notes and report cards. It helps reinforce skills for sure, but a lot of it is also learning responsibility and whatnot. I'm upper grades yeah homework is a bigger deal (which is why I got them in the routine of doing it...that, and building basic reading and math fluency).

I did get butthurt parents who insisted I was crushing their lil dumpling's delicate spirit. Whether Dumpling went to the next grade depended on whether their reading, math, etc skills were on track though. Not based purely on whether they turned in their homework every week. And yes, I did retain a few kids who needed it. I learned to work around the butthurt parents & not count on them to follow thru on anything. Sad for their kid, really.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 07, 2022
Here's another gem from the "I regret calving" page on FB.

Dear Gawd, this woman is DELUSIONAL. And now she's knocked up for the THIRD TIME.

Why, oh why, are these whores so dense?

Not to toot my own horn, or maybe to toot my own horn, but I looked around at age nine and declared I was CF. I saw what being a child was like and I watched adults trudging through the supposedly-obligatory Hell that is Breeding, and made my decision.

I figured this out by OPENING MY EYES and USING MY BRAIN. No internet. No social media.

There has never been a time where there is more information than today. If you want to know what being a parent is like, you can find out, if you want to.

And yet, this woman is blaming her children for something that is completely NOT THEIR FAULT. It's 100% HER fault that she bought into Breeding, not theirs.

I truly feel sorry for these kids, because you know she is blaming them for her choices. I hope she miscarries Loaf #3, for the sake of that child and her other kids.

Fuck Face Moo
I had always dreamed of having children. I yearned for my children. I remember sleepless nights crying because how much I wanted children. I am 26 now and I have two children, a 6-year-old and 2 year old. And I just found out I'm pregnant again this morning. Finding out about the pregnancy this morning I've been so full of excitement.

But as the day has progressed, with every whiny, loud continuous noise and every mess for me to clean, I've grown less excited. The excitement and sadness comes in intense waves. My children have ruined the fantasy of having children. I had this fantasy that life with children would be beautiful. Something as simple as eating dinner with my kids in the fantasy, we are smiling and slurping soup, cute messy tiny faces that I love.

But in reality, someone's crying or making a god-awful repetitive squeaking noise that digs into my brain. In reality, there is always soup on the wall and the floor and always someone complaining that they will not eat it.

My children have ruined my fantasy of motherhood and continue to do so. If an occasional bowl got spilled I would happily clean it like a Disney princess. So happy to serve my beautiful children. But hypothetically it's every bowl. Every event that was suppose to be nice is tainted with high pitched panic inducing noises and snot. All day and all night for years on end with no breaks in sight. What I yearned for does not exist. It feels like a biological trick to continue the human species.

If I lay it all out logically- the pros and the cons, why would I choose to not sleep a single night through the past 2 years and have a body and life I am unhappy with? Yet I have continued to choose to do so? And faced with the question to keep this pregnancy or not, I'm leaning heavily towards keeping it; not because I'm pro-life but because a weird yearning for something that does not exist.

There is no beauty in motherhood. Motherhood is being hit in the face with a hard plastic toy, trying to find where the smell of poop is coming from in the home you're constantly cleaning, night and day hurting yourself physically and mentally for someone else. Someone who has destroyed every fantasy of what your life might be like. And yet I know all of this but still the biological urge to continue my DNA, tricks me and I'll have another pregnancy induced injury, another panic attack over screams that don't stop.”

P.S. What she writes about everything sucking reminds me so much of stuff that Cambion has written. Cambion is spot on, and she doesn't even have kids!

The sucky parts of having children are there if you let yourself see them.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 07, 2022
bell, as far as that delusional deluded asshole of a moo-sow... boohoo moohoo. sux to be her that her moronic fairy farts and unicorn turds was a total bust and nightmare... this is the stuff of schaedenfreude. all I would say is 'sorry about that' and laugh all the way back home. nasty but that is my attitude.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 07, 2022
and for your enjoyment, another piece of stupidity out there..
I left a not so nice note on 'mildlynomil'... did not say everything I could have...
what the hell does this bint think is going to happen living in a parents house. by doing this they are really second class citizens. they are FUCKING DEPENDENTS, even if somewhat independent. I get tired of these morons, usually sows, who cannot handle this aspect. they think they should be little queen bees where they are but they are just partial leeches living in parents basements and whatnot. planning on moving out. took you that long to figure it out jerkface moo. and it is interesting that they can do this now after the fuck trophy has dropped (and increased expenses) and could not do this before. This poster I think has problems with a grasp of sanity as well. and also thinking this inlaw is 'nice'. another stupid breeder

from mildlynomil (btw, the majority of the stories here, these inlaws are not mild they are toxic and one of the two spouses is incapable of telling the abusers to sod off)

Long story short, my spouse and have lived with his mother since I was 7 months pregnant. She would repeatedly lurk around me and make comments about me cleaning and doing things while pregnant, to the point where my spouse told her several times to give me some space. She would never entirely listen because 2 weeks later the same shit would go on, I would usually hide in the bedroom when I was really stressed out and upset. During my nesting period she wouldn’t let me do my babies laundry in preparation for her arrival. She’s a really nice woman so I would find it difficult to stand up for myself, until one day she kept asking what I am doing upstairs when I was literally cleaning the floors. I stood up for myself saying she doesn’t need to wonder what I am doing since we all live here and pay rent equally. I’m not under supervision! So, I have the baby she did not give me baby or spouse any space. She sat on the couch from 7:30am -12:00am. I had no ability to bond with my baby cause I felt her eyes on me 24/7. Lately, she has been spending more time in her room in effort to give us some space after I had a mental breakdown at 4 months PP and my husband told her that I am not doing okay and to give us a couple hours of the day of alone time. Now she spends morning till night upstairs in her room, but when she comes down she always engages with my daughter. Several times a day, and usually ignores me. The feeling of resentment has left me not wanting her to ever be around me or my baby, let alone have her babysit while I run an errand. Her presence makes feel such deep rage. I hate how 6 months of my babies life I have been so stressed and unhappy about my environment, I don’t want to feel this way cause deep down she is very nice but I don’t know what to do cause it’s been tense between us for months. ** we are planing on moving out when maternity leave ends**

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 07, 2022
What a fucking nutbar!


I remember sleepless nights crying because how much I wanted children.

She was what, 19 when she got knocked up the first time? For fucks sake. That's so pathetic.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
December 07, 2022
She admits the MIL is a nice person. What's wrong with her asking the DIL what she's doing?

And they are renting a place equally, but the new Moo is demanding the MIL not use a common room?

These people are so entitled. If you want to live your life your way, how about getting your own place? And getting your own place prior to sluicing? But then that would require actually planning, and we know Breeders are not capable of doing that.
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