Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 20, 2014
His post made me think........that not having kids is right for me. Just imagine if I ever had a kid and he turned out like that excuse of human being? It creeps me out.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 20, 2014
Milena: The guy who talked about the corpse said something about wanting to die with dignity and not traumatizin his neighbors with his corpse.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 21, 2014
master kyle
Milena: The guy who talked about the corpse said something about wanting to die with dignity and not traumatizin his neighbors with his corpse.

On a town next to where I live, there were several old people who died in their homes alone and weren't found out for months. Most of them had children. Their children would just come and claim the house.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 21, 2014
There are plenty of old people in my grandma's nursing home who have kids who never visit and who will die not having seen their kids for years.

As for the duh douche who thought he'd achieved something major producing a kid waving hellolarious - clearly nobody told the guy that reproduction is a fairly basic human function. He obviously didn't read his science textbooks too well, adding further weight to the theory that stupid people are more likely to want to breed. While I don't necessarily think absolutely everyone who has children is stupid, breeders do seem to have the stupid gene in spades. If your major achievement in life is sperm meet egg, there can't be that much else going on in there.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 23, 2014
A friend on FB posted about not being sure if she wanted kids or not (big mistake!). Her breeder friends ALL chimed in about how it was worth it etc etc etc and I piped up for the CF angle. Cue the attack! This one choice line had me laughing. Stupid fkn breeders -.-

"You've never felt true pure love until you have made that love inside you."
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 23, 2014

"You've never felt true pure love until you have made that love inside you."

:crz two faces puking

What the Hell does that even mean, anyway? More non-sensical Breeder Spew.

A cockroach can shit out replicants. Only Moo humans have elevated it to a mystical experience.

I would venture to say there's nothing "pure" about taking care of what comes out of your vagina. It's what you signed up to do and it's in your own self-interest to take care of your own clan.

It seems to me the only appropriate response is to respect someone's ambivalence toward having children. This person may have good reason not to have them and Lard knows there isn't a return feature.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 23, 2014
"You've never felt true pure love until you have made that love inside you."

Half the human race is incapable of feeling love? I'm imagining conversations at that house.

"I love you, honey."
"Phhhht. You don't love me. You don't know what love is because your body never sheltered a baby."
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 24, 2014
Ohhhh... that 'you don't know love' bingo. That one really grates my nerves and makes me want to reach out and strangle the person who said it to me. Ok..okay... I was adopted. Does that mean that my adoptive mother didn't really love me because I didn't come from her? Yeah... that is about the dumbest freekin bingo. My Ex SIL used it on me and I have never spoken to her since (going on 3 years now)
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 24, 2014
I hope these moos are fine with their children apparently not loving them, as their true love is reserved only for their own hypothetical future spawn.

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 24, 2014
They're barely even tryin to hide the fact that their love is not really for another person, but is only for themselves. Narcissism by proxy.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 24, 2014
They're barely even tryin to hide the fact that their love is not really for another person, but is only for themselves. Narcissism by proxy.

Yep "Oh I LOVE myself. Look at what I pooped out! No one else could do anything so wonderful !"
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 29, 2014
Breeders do say the darndest things.

It would be nice to think that every child was in fact a product of a loving relationship and wanted, but as we know that's not the case.

A child formed from coercion or rape has not begun life from love. Neither has an oops baby.Or a baby born to someone who doesn't really want it but feels they have no choice due to societal or religious pressures, or access to abortion or birth control.

So for many women, pregnancy is really not about feeling the love grow with the bump or whatever such shite breeders want to spout off, and their children don't get to grow up being loved as they should be. That's the real tragedy here, there is no tragedy in anybody choosing not to have children if they are wise enough to realise that it isn't the right choice for them. It is certainly a more loving choice not to bring life into this world that you cannot care for as it deserves to be, but it requires looking at the world in a different way to the way breeders look at it. I would argue that a lot of breeders don't know love in the slightest because they fail to consider anybody else but themselves and "I want". Look at the number of grandparents taking care of grandloaves these days because their kids had kids without considering the consequences, and have left others shouldering the burden.

I'll get off my soap box now, but the "you don't know real love" bingo is definitely the one that makes me the most stabby.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 29, 2014
They're barely even tryin to hide the fact that their love is not really for another person, but is only for themselves. Narcissism by proxy.

Even more so their "you'll never know real love" is about receiving love not giving it. and that isn't really love it's adulation. Real love is about giving.

Since a good number of them claim to be Christian they refuse or forget to remember John 15:13


[13] Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

The ultimate in real love is someone who will place their life at risk for another. Love is greatest when given without expectation of return. None of these so called mothers grasp that. They are in it to get not give. This makes all the difference.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: The constaint "I get bingo-ed"
August 01, 2014
so I have two problem case's, aside from the fact I've been saying I don't want to ever have any little shits, ever, since I was a child myself.

1. my mother, now some background on her situation, my father got snipped after me, and her life and relationship are just shit, she cares way to much what people think of her and the people she's with, one of those parents that hasn't realised her son and daughter have been adults for over ten years, but treats us both like little nappy wetters, both my brother and I avoid all but birthdays and Christmas since we both hate our dad, and are tired of how stupid mums getting,

I've been single all but a year and a half of my life and my brother was almost never single, frankly I wasn't interested, plus I had plenty of guy friends, so I got all my social fulfilment without needing sex,

my partner and I have now been together over a year, my brothers wedding however is next month, mum seems fucked up in the head since she cant seem to remember who's engaged and wants the kids, I keep telling her to spend time with my brother, enjoy his wedding experience and any kids he has because otherwise if she holds out for bonding with me over those things, she'll be pretty fucking upset when it never happens,

however she keeps at it with the list of passive aggressive shit, she's said so many I cannot even remember most of them without having to try. she spent my teens ragging on kids and even said if she had the choice she wouldn't do it again. mind you the best thing she ever told me in my teens was "you don't have to grow up to get married and you don't have to have kids, or in that order", that and she taught me how to knock down annoying running kids with a carefull turn involving smashing a heavy handbag into their heads, and making it truly look like an accident.

if one of my two cousins on mums side or my brother had a kid, she could vent her baby lust on them, but none of them have bred, every single time I see or talk to her this year, its (little shits) this, (spawn) that, I temporarily shut her off the topic of me and my partner at one point by saying "I have spoken with N about not wanting to have kids, he's 4years younger than I am, he doesn't want kids either, and is happy with our relationship"

but when I went shopping with her the other week, she kept holding up spawn clothes items and trying to get my reaction on it, which is funny since I act like she's holding up a pair of old socks with no interest in them at all.

2. my ugly friend finally managed to have sex for the first time, a one night stand, got knocked up, but her stupid religious parents basically brainwashed her into having it, after several hours of painful labour, much to my enjoyment required a caesarean, the worst part of that, she nearly had the little shit on my fucking birthday, I could see it then, "oh well just roll them into one big day, how great will that be" *I vomits*.

after she squirted one out, my other friend started thinking about having children, which meant every single fucking time I said I don't want any, or I'm not having kids, her response imideitly was, "but you'd make a great mum, im sure you will one day, and who knows maybe you'll love it, you'll change your mind, you'll see you will" ARRGH FUCK!

I find it incredibly rude, irritating, and just plain annoying, I have actually spoken to her, and funny enough right after I discussed it, her dumbass brain went right back to repeat the exact quotes I got up her for, what's worse, shes close to my mum, keeps reassuring my fucking mother that I'll change, argh, I feel like im gunna have a brain endurisem any day now.

the biggest issues I have with these situations, while I can stop seeing or talking to my parents easily, I would like to at least stay friends with the one I've spoken to about crapping on. but im aslo expecting a blood bath at my brothers wedding of relatives or family friends asking when and why for spawning kids, specially since this will be the first time they see me with a boyfriend.

I kinda want to be prepared with some real good witty/bitchy/awkward comebacks.

im also looking into getting fixed but I wont tell them that till after its done :biggrin2
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 02, 2014
anyone got any tips on how I can get my mum off my arse about having children?

as I said before I've told her I don't want kids and that she should try to enjoy spending time with my brother and any future kids he has, but im pretty certain that she'll never let up on me, mainly I think she just has a dream of bonding with her daughter over grandkids,

so far for the past several years I got her off my case by getting her into fostering injured wild baby animals, that way she gets something to mother, but I think the novelty has worn off, I convinced her to get a kitten since her cats getting very old, and god the amount of toys she bought it for it littered every room of her house.

she knows I don't want kids nor my partner, and even if we did it (we don't) wouldn't be for years, im sick of all the jabs, passive aggressive, hints, tips, advice, story's, make believe scenarios, not to mention updates with whoever else is/should be in heat, or deviations into spawn shopping sections.

I've gotten to the point where I think I've seen her 3 times this year, but I used to spend a few nights each week chatting/visiting her, I don't mind not seeing her as much, but I wish I could at lest have those few times be enjoyable and not all about whoevers fuck tard is nearby, she actually chose's to try and sit near indoor shopping centre playgrounds just to watch them frolic, meanwhile im getting up someone beside me for just assuming I've had 4 at least by my age (26).

I used to spend a lot of my efforts trying to prove my point to her, but now I just want a blunt clear way to tell her to fuck off about it. hell she even knows im homicidal towards infants in particular, and dangerous when im in a bad mood even to the point I cant feel pain (I've come out with injurys from hitting a solid object while venting my frustration), you would THINK these would be beacons of don't breed.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 02, 2014
When it gets to the point at which your diplomacy gets up and walks out of the room, indeed, tell her to fuck off about it. The end.

It sounds childish when you say it out loud, but if you tell her, "I don't want kids, and you can't make me," maybe she'll understand. Breeders only understand the simplest concepts, expressed in the simplest of terms (they are, themselves, overgrown children). You'll have them trying to guilt trip you bc they're butthurt by your bluntness, but if that's all they fucking understand, they'll have to just suck it.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 03, 2014

I used to spend a lot of my efforts trying to prove my point to her, but now I just want a blunt clear way to tell her to fuck off about it.

It's wise to stop trying to "prove' your point because anytime you JADE (justify, argue, defend, explain) it just makes her think she has a say in this decision and she does not. And it's a way to keep her enmeshed in your life.

Actions speak louder than words. You don't have to tell her to fuck off but you could pick a calm time and say


You know, Mom, I've been limiting our time together because you keep badgering me about kids, either actively or passively and it's very tiresome. It's my life and you don't get to decide whether I have kids or not. I am a self-supporting adult. I don't need anything from you and spending time with you is optional.

I want our time together to be pleasant but if you can't stop trying to "change my mind" or make this decision something you want rather than something I want, I'm going to see less and less of you.

If she tries to draw you into an argument, just act like a broken record:

You don't get to decide whether I have kids
The topic is not up for discussion and if you bring it up we're not spending time together.


Your mom sounds controlling. Some people require training. Once you lay down the law you'll need to be prepared to defend it. Always have a way out and if she starts up with her shit, just calmly say, okay, our time together is finished now, and leave.

hopefully she'll get the point eventually. If she's unhappy about it, that's her issue.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 05, 2014
That's awesome, seriously the best advice I've received yet, yes my mums a controlling annoyance, hell she never even considered me an independent adult for the last 9 years I've owned a house alone, but oh I get a boyfriend then suddenly I have a life and so on. I can't really aproacher her with anything childish sounding cus she hasn't got it into her brain I've been an adult for several years now, and dads emotional abuse has left her deaf and numb to any bluntly offensive fuck offs or shut ups.

But still great stuff I'm almost itching to see her now to test drive it all.

Oh not sure if this was or wasn't a bingo, I had a seminar course today, and I mentioned during conversation on our coffee break to another attendee that I used to do weightlifting, but I stopped because I had unrelated injury's to my spine and hip, but due to the weights I used to lift, my xrays on my hip showed wear n tear equal to a woman in her 50s, not 20s, at which point the lady asked "so did the doctor tell you to have kids and that would fix everything?" I said "no but thank god he didn't I doubt my legs would still function properly if at all afterwards" I'm pretty sure she laughed then excused herself to go smoke.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 13, 2014
My dad has been trying to accept my CFness for a while but he unthinkingly pulled the "it's different when it's you're own" bingo on me recently and I got to look at him and say "Well I'd say all the news headlines about parents killing or hurting their kids would completely make that statement false." and watch his face as that sank in for a while before he said "You might be right about that."

This is the man that was an abusive alcoholic through my childhood. He's changed so much in his old age it's startling sometimes. He's still an asshat sometimes but he tries.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 17, 2014
I'm not sure if this one is on the bingo list, as it's the first time I've heard it.

I posted a couple of CF items on my FB. The first had to do with overpopulation. The second had to do with the struggle CF women have to go through to get permanent BC (sterilization).

This person (who is on there as a sort of friend of a friend) was (at the time I knew her) a lesbian and doing medical school to be an MD around 10 or so years ago. She has since sprogged (though we're not close enough for me to know how or by whom).

The first response she commented that overpopulation is a "myth" and has been "disproved" supposedly (albeit with no back up to support this claim). I deleted her comment and hoped she would get the point that (being that she's always known I'm CF and somewhat strongly opinionated about it) such stupidity had no business on my FB.

The second reply... actually replies... she did a mini-rant on how I should "expect" my choices to not to breed to be called into question as I am "part of the human race" and as part of the human race it's only natural for everyone to have a right to question my right to sterilization.

My response, since she clearly did NOT get the hint the first time, was to delete her mini-rant and then re-group her to no longer see anything I post aside from public posts (which are very rare).If she pulls any more BS on my FB she'll have her 3 strikes and be unfriended.

I was just shocked that someone, (that at the time I actually interacted with them) was intelligent and progressive in thought, would go completely breeder-brain on me a decade later without warning. For starters, I never pegged her to be a breeder, and even if she did breed I didn't peg her to go breeder-brain and discount a woman's right to choose for herself. *gapes* Seriously? A woman should EXPECT to not have her wishes respected when she chooses not to breed? Really?

Honestly, I was totally aghast that a medical professional who at least USED to be pro-woman would now have such an anti-woman sentiment as to think it's "natural" to not respect a woman's right to decide what to do with her own body. I'm just horrified and outraged.The fact that she's ostriching about overpopulation just adds to the shock, but of all the people, her? It's disgusting. I feel sorry for her patients. I hope she went into something like podiatry or something where nobody's reproductive health is in her hands. Geez.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 19, 2014
Oh such a classic..... Here's what happened to me this morning. Okay... I listen to a radio station in the morning and they post little things on their FB page while on the air. This morning they posted that latest 'study' about the cost to raise a kid.

So I posted this: (fb names changed to protect the

Starlady :Ahhh.... childfreedom....I knew I made a good choice.wink How do these people with a housefull ever do it?

Just a benign little remark.. and others were making jokes about it too (even though they have kids)
So I get this reply:

Jealous Moo: "good choice" is a little much. Maybe "the best choice for me" or "I'm still happy with my choice". Pretty sure you think your parents made a good choice (hopefully the right choice) when they had you and almost any other parent, no matter how poor having our kids makes us, feels like they made a damn "good choice" having kids."

Isn't that a classic? So I answered .. should have left it alone and not given the moo the time of day... but I said:

Starlady: "Good choice for me. Not just because of the $$. Health issues. No need to say anymore in this forum. Parenting is not for everyone. To each his/her own. Us CF'ers get this argument all the time and at 60... I've heard it all. If a person can have and raise kids right...then I am all for it. I just chose not to do so."

So the idiot comes back to try to get the better of me again...

Jealous Moo: Then qualify. Blanket statements like "good choice" should have a "for me" at the end of them. A "good choice" is to not make it sound like kids are a bad choice."

My answer?

Starlady: Oh geeze...LOL

And I let it go because she was out to argue. Petty little jealous moo. LOL Now.. just WHAT in my original remark was so 'insulting' to parents? It's amaizing that when we say how CF was a good choice for us that they go all 'green eyed monster'
Silly moos'
Well.. I did get something to share on the 'I got bingo'd thread'
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 19, 2014
Oh.. and I know the morning team over on that station personally. So I pm'd them and said 'sorry for the back and forth' (it's a lighthearted show)

Radio lady responded "We enjoyed seeing you correct her. We knew what you meant. We're parents and we didn't take offense. No worries. We like all opinions."
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 19, 2014
Not only is she bitter and hostile; she can't even read. You wrote, "I knew I made a good choice."

Why should you add the "for me" at the end as this jealous and bitter Moo demands? You couldn't have been any more obvious. You aren't making a "blanket statement"--you are discussing your own experience.

Just another bitter Facebook trollilng Moo. Her Little DarlingsTM are probably on Summer Break still. Shouldn't she be enjoying their company? waving hellolarious
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 19, 2014
some people just like to argue and it seems that jealous moos are tops on that list of people. Must suck to be them. wink
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 19, 2014
Starlady, I would like to focus on another little word in your FB post.

You wrote, "I knew I made a good choice." To me, the key word is "a" and not "the" which would have your post read like this: "I knew I made the good choice." That, IMHO, would resulted in some blowback, implying that you made the only choice which was a good one, a more blanket statement.
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