Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Out the troll. Let's put it's ugly moo face out for all the world to see.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Out the troll. Let's put it's ugly moo face out for all the world to see.

Are ya sure? Their faces are usually vomit inducing.
And this one sounds like an exceptional specimen.

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Out the troll. Let's put it's ugly moo face out for all the world to see.

Are ya sure? Their faces are usually vomit inducing.
And this one sounds like an exceptional specimen.

I'm sure. I can stand it's ugliness. May cause nightmres, though.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Hey wm, why don'tcha go back to giving blowjobs in a back alley somewhere. That's probably the only thing you'll ever be good at.
Thom, you, are, awesome!
I say we out this cunt and post her face all over the forum. Bitch needs a good roastin'.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
TROLL ROAST!!!!!!mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
If you do not abide by the site's rules when posting, you are a troll. Here are the rules. You are violating the most important rule of the site, which is that only childfree people may post here. It's obvious that you're not a childfree person because if you were, you would never have written the following: "I hope you have to struggle with telling your children what happened to mommy or daddy because they aren't there be it a holiday or any ordinary day." You may be unchilded, but since you are incapable of comprehending that not everybody on the planet has children, you are certainly not childfree.

We are perfectly entitled to have this sort of rule for our board. Free speech means that the government cannot prevent you from saying your mind, not that every private organization or company has to provide you a platform where you can say what you like. I don't expect you to appreciate the distinction.

Now that you know that this is a childfree board, please spare us the stereotypical responses that we've heard a countless times. "It's a good thing you're not having children!" is one of the more popular troll retorts, along with "You're too ugly to find anybody to fuck you."

Assuming you had any credibility here - which you don't - you would have lost it the instant you wrote "Now what is truly in my heart, but I am much too mature to tell you is this" and then proceeded to say what you had just stated you were too mature to write! waving hellolarious

Since I'm not a Christian, I don't give a flying fuck if the wife is a "very good Christian". I care about whether she's contributing to making the world a better place or a worse place, and since she reproduced four times in a world where the environment is going to shit due to overpopulation and excessive resource use (which is especially pronounced in developed countries - her 4 children consume the same amount of resources as 400 children in Bangladesh), my conclusion is that she and her partner in crime are not good people, but selfish drones operating under the mistaken belief that they can achieve immortality through reproduction.

I doubt you have spent any time thinking about larger ethical issues, as evidenced by your knee-jerk morality which is based only on the appearance of conforming to 'good' as defined by the dominant voice within your culture.

Fuck off.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
My money is on another Francisco incident.

Francisco was bogged down with several kids at a young age, a churchgoing devoted hubby and daddy. (Just like this guy.) The wife insisted something bad must have happened because he would never leave her and the kids...he wasn't like most other men. (Just like this guy.) No missing money from the bank account, car found with no evidence. (Just like this guy---sans car.) He also had issues, a dark side per colleagues. (here it was described as mental issues.)

Nothing was what it seemed.

Muggers who kill someone are not taking the time to hide the body so not a soul can find it. They checked the hospitals, how about the bus station or airport?

And Thom....bowing

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Thom C. Ive never said this but you are my hero on this board. Rarely do I meet people like you. But when I do, It renews my faith in the good of humanity. Needless to say, since Ive joined this board, Ive actually been a happier and more accepting person offline. But I guess that's the catharsis speaking (hehehe..). I love you guys. Sorry, I dont usually get sappy. :bal

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Moo-Troll Regurgitates Her Chewed Cud:

Wow, I haven't felt it necessary to do this in quite some time. Do what? I am guessing you mean to mindlessly troll sites, overtly break their posted rules, and waste time playing on the internet whining to strangers rather then caring for your no doubt neglected kids?confused smiley

You all should be completely ASHAMED of yourselves, you bastards. YOu find it necessary to taget in on someone who is suffering like it's a bunch of cheap gossip you stupid fucks. No, THEY made a "taget" of themselves by posting for all the world to see what is one of THE most common stories around; Young man marries baby rabid Moo, she cranks out one kid after the other she can't afford, she's inpig more often than not, daddy goes out to a sleazy bar until 2 am, and never comes back. It's just a variation of, "Daddy went out for pack of cigarettes and never came home!" Any NORMAL person would let the police handle it rather than making a public spectacle out of the situation which we ALL KNOW will lead to a pile of Teddy Bears, a candle light vigil, and donation cans eye rolling smiley

Whether he left because he didn't want to deal with this anymore is their deal, EXACTLY, yet the bloated cow made their personal life public. thumbs updown

in no way is it concerning any of you. How, exactly, is any of this YOUR concern, I wonder? Are you the family spokes person? I think NOT.drinking coffee

How many of you knew either of them personally? I am guessing none. How many of them do YOU know personally? I am guessing none. Apparently, judging by your troll-hobby, one doesn't have to know someone personally to toss in his two cents.two cents

YOu all are disgusting human beings that get thrills from bashing others--I see no one getting any thrills here, but rather like EVERYONE ELSE making hundreds of comments, we are discussing a "news item". Honestly, I hope the guy walks through the door with a good story, for his own sake because it ain't looking too good for him right now, dead OR alive!!eye rolling smiley

I cannot imagine what it's like to have to wake up and be in your body knowing that you look foreward to the next person you get tear apart. I dunno, you seem to be doing a pretty good job of it now.shrug

Here is what I got out of the story if you all are absolutely interested instead of coming up with your own stories: NO ONE CARES what you think! That having been said, are YOU not also imagining and sharing a possible scenario too? God you are a stupid cunt and a hypocritical one at that! angrily flogging with a whip

He went to a bar with a friend for his friend's birthday, then he decided to head to another friends house (whether it was because he didn't want to go home drunk or wanted to continue to party isn't any of my business or yours)--At least you ADMIT this isn't any of your business!bouncing and laughing

the area where this friend lives is dangerous (if you live in St. John's, you might know that). Easy, he could have gotten up to take the bus home and someone could have jumped him, mugged him, or put him in a fatal position. Um, that's pretty much what has ALREADY BEEN SAID, Sherlock!drinking coffee

So, maybe you should all know what you're talking about before you start to spread rumors about people you don't even know. Oh, I see you have the market cornered on starting and spreading rumors about people you don't know and are projecting your own feelings of guilt about your activities onto strangers. That sounds like a mental health issue to me.:crz

Wow, the wife--or "the cow"/"fatass". She's a devoted wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and a very good Christian. Riiight, which is why her husband hangs out at seedy taverns until the wee hours of the night. If you lay down with dirty dogs then you generally get up with fleas.shrug

Those pictures of her; well, her "fat ass" is pregnant in the majority of them (including the one where she is eat at THANKSGIVING) and if she not then she's working on losing the baby weight, you stupid shits. I'd imagine it IS difficult to "lose baby weight" when you are ALWAYS knocked up! Why so many kids they obviously can't afford, what with them living in a "dangerous" area and all? Sorry, but GOOD parents don't keep cranking out kids and raise them in the middle of abject poverty and crime. Kinda looks like you are a friend of the cow, so I suppose that makes you a Co-Cow, which isn't surprising. You are probably the size of an Amish barn too..bouncing and laughing

Did you also know that's she's been completely self-concious of her weight for years now? This is how your boost someone's morals. HOW would we know that, WHY would we care, it isn't our responsibility or aspiration to boost the morale(NOT "morals", Dummy) of a serial breeder-sow, and if she's been a pig for "years", then whose fault is that?confused smiley

I wonder how many of you have figures to die for and if any do, I wonder how many of you have personalities to die for--that answer is easy: none. I dunno, but I do know fat moos like yourself and your friend should really avoid getting your pictures taken while gorging on a plate of food. :dindin

His disappearance isn't a game to him or his family (which is incredibly large, by the way--if he ran away someone in his family would find out). How do YOU know his disappearance isn't a game to him? You don't even know where he is, so I fail to see how you can make that call. Oh, I have no doubt his family is large since his own contribution to it before the age of 30 is FOUR kids! Why do people living in poverty continue to have so many fucking kids? I guess it's fundie see, fundie do, without a care in the world as to how they are going to finance any of it!:headbrick

I personally can't imagine what she's going through right now, and how she would feel if she ever saw this page. I think that maybe you all should take a good long look at yourselves and ask yourself why you find it necessary to attack people who are vulnerable. I can't imagine what she's going through either because I can't even imagine shitting out FOUR KIDS in the first place! I see no "attack" going on here, other than what YOU are doing. shrug

This is going past putting your two cents in on what might have happened. I hadn't realized you were a member of the internet police!bowing

I would like to be the bigger person, though, and say: I sincerely hope none of you ever have to go through what that young woman must be going through right now--she must be worried near physical illness and have sleepless nights. Awwwwww, THANKS!Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhankyou

How do you think her Christmas went? That's right, you are more concerned that she might be too overweight for your liking. We do not CARE how her village sponsored Christmas went!:litebulb

Now what is truly in my heart, but I am much too mature to tell you is this:eye rolling smiley Then, of course, you go ON to tell it!What happened to your being the "bigger" person? I guess you meant in SIZE and not actionbouncing and laughing

"I hope you all have to go through something similar to this; lying awake at night wondering when your loved one will come home only to find out that they won't; I hope you get that call confirming your fears; I hope you have to struggle with telling your children what happened to mommy or daddy because they aren't there be it a holiday or any ordinary day; I hope you cry yourselves to sleep everynight--blaming yourselves becuase their musst have been something you could have done to stop it." Why are you putting your own comment in your own post in quotations? Do you have a multiple personality? Oh, WE DON'T HAVE KIDS, by choice, or can you not even read you are posting on a childFREE forum. God, you are a stupid cow!:drool

HOwever, those who are reading this are laughing and erogant morons who think bad things don't happen to people like them. Stupid AND she can't spell. While I don't doubt bad things can happen to anyone, I am absolutely CERTAIN one of them that won't be happening to me is to be stuck with four hungry kids before I turned 30 and their daddy takes a walk and never returns. That kind of shit is completely foreseeable and totally preventable.shrug

Think before you speak. Words break--they can kill in some situations, but you all are such morons that you can see and don't want to see that you're wrong. So let me tell you: YOU ALL ARE WRONG. Not just on this topic--in life. You're backwards. You have true mental issues and you should seek help; get medications, devote you life to God or Buddah or Genesha or whatever you may need to find to fix yourselves because you all are completely broken people. You have no use on this planet treating people like trash or dogshit because you think it's funny. Even more shameful and the people who feed off this type of energy. The sheep, too blind to see that the person they are following are leading them to a slaughter house and not to a pature--it's an animal and religious analogy. however, if I haven't made it clear enough, you are all too stupid to know that though. How many BINGOS in that rant, I wonder? I lost count after, "YOU ALL ARE WRONG".drinking coffee

End note: get help and re-evaluate your lives, you are all so pathetic and useless that it's really just sad. Now that you have brought my faults to my attention I will seek IMMEDIATE attention from a mental health professional or member of the clergy!YOU, dear cow, have changed my life with your words of wisdom, advice, and classy and lady like manner of delivery!!!!! Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhankyou

Good luck--remember whatever goes over the horse's back has to come under his belly. Figure it out if you don't know what it means. You use electronic intelligence and have none naturally, I am sure the computer will give you the answer.saying 'wtf' and waving hellolarious

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Thom. You are a real life hero. No two ways about it. Words can't express.

Your posts make me want to be a better person. Every time I read them I think, "I can't do what he does but what CAN I do?" Thank you for the service that you provide humanity. It does not go unnoticed and unappreciated. You are very much loved here. (catharsist: I love you guys too, and I don't usually get sappy either. Hugs all around! :emoheart )

My original post wasn't to make fun of moo's weight, although clearly she is enormous and has given up on herself - it's one thing to be big, it's another thing to be popping out brats like a fucking Pez dispenser and not having a clue about how to maintain SOME modicum of appearance. This moo does not care. At all. But who can say, maybe she was the embodiment of Matt's personal taste.

But looking at that cluster of diaper demons would make me want to run away too. ONE would be pain in the ass enough. But four, one right after the other? WHO THE FUCK does that???

Who the fuck thinks that's what any husband would want? On a single salary of an insurance underwriter?

JFC. I can only imagine what she tells herself about her out of control fecundity; the excuses, the reasons.

There's also the possibility that "mental health crisis" means he's a complete nutbag. In which case one should not have four kids with the man...

I posted this because as soon as I saw the story, Nicholas Francisco popped immediately into my head once I saw the home life situation and, as a gambling woman, I would be prepared to put a LOT of money on this particular dude turning up someplace else with a new identity.

NO 29 YEAR OLD MAN wants to be the father of four screaming toadlers. Get it through your heads, lurking moos. Stop reproducing thinking it's going to tie him to you and make him love you and that your offspring is an expression of your perfect love. That's just delusional. These escapee duhs are always "really wonderful men and fathers" who would "NEVER do something like that." I just have a REALLY strong feeling that he's made his Great Escape and will probably turn up a few years from now in Key West or something.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Kim, :yr
Seriously, that made me laugh. This cow doesn't even know what she's talking about.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Found his LinkedIn page; he works in an office away from home. Wonder if the officials have learned from Francisco and his desk had been searched yet...

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
I wonder why it took the guy so long to leave, if he had to come home to that cowface and 4 beasts every night. He must be pretty stupid himself.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
I wonder why it took the guy so long to leave, if he had to come home to that cowface and 4 beasts every night. He must be pretty stupid himself.

Clearly they're both stupid if they thought that an idyllic existence meant producing four screaming mouths in quick succession. When has that ever worked for anyone?? I imagine the diaper bill alone would make Bill Gates blanch let alone the constant screaming and shit smell.

I have the feeling that some reeeeally fucking funny double-life information is about to rear it's ugly head. Stuff that he would NEVER in a MILLION YEARS do, of course. Funtime Steve like stuff.

Behold the parallels.

"She said his bank accounts haven't had any activity and he doesn't have a car. It's as if he simply vanished. The couple had been attending church regularly and weren't having any other problems, Ricci said...On Wednesday morning, friends combed North Portland with fliers about Matthew’s disappearance."

"They joined a church, and Christine thought they truly had it all...Friends and neighbors soon gathered to start a search which went on for days, yet proved to be fruitless. Christine kept an eye on their bank accounts, but there was no activity...after repeated questioning, Christine did reveal that while there weren’t any real problems in their marriage..."

It's like the EXACT. SAME. STORY. I was struck.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
From troll: 'His incredibly large, by the way."

After seeing the wife's picture, that's not surprising...
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012

Here's one of the Moo of the missing dad's blogs that include the following entries from last year:

"Hell to anyone reading this,
I've always said I wanted to blog but kept putting it off well no more just like no more putting working out off. This blog will mostly be about the family so let me introduce you to us. First there's the man of the house and my handsome husband Matt McConnell-Hegland we were married on 6/6/2009 on January second 2009 our handsome son Aiden entered our lives :-D, then came our beautiful daughter Skylar on 7/17/2010, then in February of 2011 we welcomed James into our little family. James is our foster son and we welcomed him with open hearts and arms. So that's the McConnell-Hegland clan I hope to keep you guys up to date on everything until then have a blessed day."

So, she shat the first kid and then they got married 6 months later. Loaf #2 came along a year after the first, and then 7 months later she takes in a foster kid she mentions has emotional special needs too? They have four kids, so the 4th loaf was obviously baked and hatched barely a year or so after taking in the foster boy. They've only been married a little over three years and have FOUR kids under age five? In another one of her entries she says how she wants LOTS of kids, so who wants to bet she was working on a 5th? She also mentions how Matt, the missing father, went away for the weekend last year to "Man Camp", whatever that might be. Perhaps they should expand their search to this "Man Camp" place and see if he might be holed up there? confused smiley

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Anonymous User
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
from her profile page...

Occupation Baby Maker/Stay at home wifey

Introduction I'm a cloth diapering, co sleeping, breast feeding mama, I'm a mom to four kids under four. Some people call it crazy, I call it life!

..seriously, what took him so long?
Anonymous User
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
I have a feeling "Man Camp" is some religious thing, like this one in PA.

There's also this man camp in Aspen which looks like it's now defunct.


The Aspen Man Camp is the Man’s version of group health retreats. You can go with the girls to some sissy “boot camp”, do yoga and eat tofu, but you can’t tell your friends about it. Can you? Well now you can come to the Aspen Man Camp…where we understand what it means to train like a man, eat like a man, recreate like a man…TO BE A MAN!!! Our trips are serviced by locally rented Harley Davidson Motorcycles. Our instructors and guides are highly respected, professional, educated, and understand what it is to be a man. Men need to be men! Liberate yourself from the daily grind, find nature, rekindle your passion for life. Leave your inner child at home, and unleash “The Hairy Beast Within”!!!

Sounds like a big ol' sausage fest to me.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
I personally can't imagine what she's going through right now, and how she would feel if she ever saw this page.

Personally, I've always wondered why someone in this situation - or any of the other news situations we discuss - would be looking online to see what random people are saying about the situation.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
from her profile page...

Occupation Baby Maker/Stay at home wifey

Introduction I'm a cloth diapering, co sleeping, breast feeding mama, I'm a mom to four kids under four. Some people call it crazy, I call it life!

..seriously, what took him so long?

I noticed how she thinks the kids running around screaming and teaching them to count is great fun - NOT many people of an adult persuasion think kiddie bullshit is fun. Teaching kyds to count is not fun. It's fucking boring. Being around kyds bores me to fucking tears. You have to be one simple-minded idiot to find that shit fun.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Moomie should marry Jim Bob Duggar, seeing as Michelle's baby oven might be retired.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
The guy was clearly anything but a "devoted father." I get so tired of that worn-out lie. Recently, a POS in my neck of the woods was out in the middle of the night, drunk and high, with a known whore who had five illegitimate kids of her own, and they crashed into a tree and both died. This guy, who was a big drunken asshole, had fathered a daughter about three years ago with some tramp, never married said tramp or bothered to give the little girl his last name, yet in his obit, he was described as a "loving, devoted father." Riiiight...
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Man Camp! Cast off those trappings of hetero life and explore manhood in all its glory (holes)

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
Hmm. She says "I'm a cloth diapering, co sleeping, breast feeding mama, I'm a mom to four kids under four. Some people call it crazy, I call it life!"

It sounds like those four kids arrived in pretty short order, too. My PNB friends described the baby to preschool years as an "all hands on deck" time...and that was with half the number of children.

Co-sleeping. All those kids are toddler-sized. So that means four kids in the bed with him and his wife? Damn. I truly wonder what his opinion was on that.

I have yet to find any in-depth male opinions about co-sleeping when I've searched (well, except for Dr. Sears...natch). The co-sleeping moms are total cheerleaders for it, but the guys are mysteriously silent. I always wonder if it's because they resent it.
Re: "Missing" Duh
December 27, 2012
The co-sleeping moms are total cheerleaders for it, but the guys are mysteriously silent. I always wonder if it's because they resent it.

Hm, seems that it goes without saying that they do.
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