Hello all,

Long-time lurker, transplant from the board that recently ceased to exist. This is the third childfree discussion board I'm on.

The basics:
  • early articulator, antinatalist and atheist,
  • I hate children with a passion and don't much feel like apologising for it. I don't wish them harm, generally, but... you get the picture, I'm sure.
  • f / currently 36 yo,
  • quite happily coupled up with a guy, formally married, with zero interest in the connotations and tradition and much interest in having that paperwork in place because of
  • a batshit crazy FOO I'm no-contact with, differently crazy in-laws and
  • a few more bases to cover than in some (not all, I know) US states re eldercare and FOO's rights because I'm based in bloodline-obsessed Germany where it's hard to completely rid yourself of responsibility to and for relatives.
At least one of you I know from elsewhere, and I hope I'm recognisable enough to anyone else whose path I might have virtually crossed before. Everybody else I hope to get to know in time.

As for whisky snobbery - it's actually not that bad. I take a mild interest and prefer single malts. But, usernames...

I look forward to being here.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 10, 2015
You probably know me, from the other board.
Hi yurble! I do know you from there.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 12, 2015
whiskysnob- hopefully your guy doesn't have any fucking brats from his previous marriage.

Cuz you would have extreme problems here if that were true.

Otherwise, welcome to our site:1welcome

I miss my little feather baby.
No, drake, why would I be here if he did? I don't subscribe to the 'soft' definition of cf and mean cf when I say cf. Having lurked, it hasn't escaped me that this board does, too.

Thanks for the welcome. :-)
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 12, 2015
whiskeysnob: To put that into context, TCFL was down about two months ago and there was some regrouping here, and some of the people had rather different ideas of what CF is than we do.

Drake, SH shut down in July. Everyone I would know from that board is very much CF. I haven't been on TCFL for a few years so I doubt anyone would remember me from there.
Drake, SH shut down in July. Everyone I would know from that board is very much CF. I haven't been on TCFL for a few years so I doubt anyone would remember me from there.

WHAT?! Why? I used to love that place. What happened?

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
Drake, SH shut down in July. Everyone I would know from that board is very much CF. I haven't been on TCFL for a few years so I doubt anyone would remember me from there.

WHAT?! Why? I used to love that place. What happened?

Nothing really happened. SH moved to social media. While I understand the reasons behind the move, it's not the same thing as a discussion forum.
Hi my fellow brat-free human beings. This undisciplined spoiled brat phenomenon has a very real satanic connection called 'brain washing'. It is a very deliberately planned psychological conditioning (psychological warfare) used through the 'planned parenthood or 'substitute parent public educational' system of society where parents are conditioned to not interfere with their demon possessed child's violent animal behavior and children (through psychobabble taught to their parents) are cast into the role of parents. It is hypnosis. It is role reversal. You need to understand how things got this bad.

Anyhow. Hi and I hope to hear from others like myself who also don't have children on purpose that are also tired of being abused and disrespected by the modern pagan spoiled brats. Bye for now and I really hope you have a good day I'm not just saying that. We need to bring back adult only places of relaxation and freedom from brats, those kinds of environments and public places. Bye for now.

How can our police or military officers or officials fight something they can't even recognize and are conditioned to ignore?

it is a conditioned rebellion through the teaching of atheism and religious evolution to reject all truth, authority, to reject God himself. Modern human weapons come from forbidden knowledge given by fallen angels. They won't work against brainwashing.
Hi again my fellow brat less people. I really feel compelled to write this on here about my personal experience of both being raised in a Christian household and with discipline is dramatically different from today's spoiled kids who are over indulgded and flat out rotten to the core. Let me first tell you my background story, as I said I was raised in an Evangelical Christian household, my parents and the neighbors of our old neighborhood in town and family friends all shared the same concepts about discipline.
God bless my mother, she was able to take 10 children with her grocery shopping without being a problem to either other shoppers or to the store itself. 10 children, her own 3 (me and my two older brothers, the next door neighbors 3 kids and a family friends 4 children one of whom was a toddler, me and my best friend were of the three youngest) and we knew what was expected of us, there was an undoubtably clear chain of command in the household and we knew the consequences for our actions.

We were all very well behaved and even Matthew the baby, my best friends little brother never cried while at the grocery store and by the way this was before they invented car seats and we all survived because my mom was a very safe conscious driver and it didn't harm us.
We didn't treat the store as our playground and IF we asked to go look at the toys (we couldn't afford most of them but it was still fun to look) we either wouldn't touch the toys on the store shelves or we simply wouldn't bug my mom about buying them and we put things back if we were looking at it or admiring it but we (as in all of us) would also help with the shopping and we loved to be trusted that way. My mom was given stares of amazement for having 10 kids with her calm, respectable, polite children with her that didn't make a scene if we couldn't have something.

But the opposite of that just two days ago when I was at the grocery store with my mom, the more common scene now-a-days is the same, there was this mom who had one child with her that had brought the snots own toy shopping cart with her and the little girl brat was throwing an absolute tantrum. Her mom told her to 'pick it up' whatever it was she threw and to stop throwing a fit and this little toddler terror very defiantly said "NO!" Back to her mother and I was just praying to God at that point they weren't by the spice rack. See I have a service animal and I brought my dog with me in a pet stroller and my dog was calm even going near that kid but even my dog was giving me this look as if she was saying "please don't go towards that". My dog is great with kids but I mean that brat was very loud and disturbing other shoppers. That's .........there's hardly any words to describe that nasty scene in any 'sensitive' way.... It was quite the opposite from when I was a child. I am now 34 and am afraid to have kids without anti-Christian people trying to control my kids life if I had any through social peer pressure or psychobabble or school teachings that would go expressly and specifically against my belief in parental authority. But anyhow I felt I had to share that personal memory with you. Thank you. Now I'm going to try to go back to sleep.
I smell a fence sitter...
August 22, 2015
"Afraid to have kids"... so you'd have them if you could raise them in isolation from secular society which you think is doing the brainwashing?
Um... can't even put words to how backwards this is.

I am now 34 and am afraid to have kids without anti-Christian people trying to control my kids life if I had any through social peer pressure or psychobabble or school teachings that would go expressly and specifically against my belief in parental authority.

I take it from what you wrote that you are extremely Christian and suspicious of non-Christians. You also self-describe yourself as "afraid" to have kids.

You sound more like a fence-sitter than a childfree person. A true childfree person isn't abstaining from kyds due to fear. I myself am not "afraid" to have kids because of some life circumstance such as lack of money or lack of Christianity, etc. In fact, if I won the lottery the last thing I would want is a child. (Just like now.)

You might find The Childfree Life more appealing than this site.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 25, 2015
Hi my fellow brat-free human beings. This undisciplined spoiled brat phenomenon has a very real satanic connection called 'brain washing'. It is a very deliberately planned psychological conditioning (psychological warfare) used through the 'planned parenthood or 'substitute parent public educational' system of society where parents are conditioned to not interfere with their demon possessed child's violent animal behavior and children (through psychobabble taught to their parents) are cast into the role of parents. It is hypnosis. It is role reversal. You need to understand how things got this bad.

Anyhow. Hi and I hope to hear from others like myself who also don't have children on purpose that are also tired of being abused and disrespected by the modern pagan spoiled brats. Bye for now and I really hope you have a good day I'm not just saying that. We need to bring back adult only places of relaxation and freedom from brats, those kinds of environments and public places. Bye for now.

How can our police or military officers or officials fight something they can't even recognize and are conditioned to ignore?

it is a conditioned rebellion through the teaching of atheism and religious evolution to reject all truth, authority, to reject God himself. Modern human weapons come from forbidden knowledge given by fallen angels. They won't work against brainwashing.

Are you fucking nuts??

Thank goodness, and my tax dollars, for a public education system that teaches kids about science and sex ed. If people like you controlled the schools, everybody would be semi-literate, pregnant, and think that snow and rain is God's dandruff and tears from when he was unhappy.

Take your Christian Patriarchy to another board. That shit isn't welcome here! mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob

I never post in this area of hte board, but brainwashed sheeple like this do it for me cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck
I'm glad you chased that loony out. He was giving me the creeps, but since I'm fairly new, I wasn't sure if I should yell at him. His first post was so right-wing conspiracy nuts saying 'wtf', plus how can a real child-free person be super anti-planned parenthood? Did that wack job even read any of the posts here? It seems like most here are libertarian or liberal (or some combo), and there are a ton of atheists!
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 26, 2015
Hi again my fellow brat less people. I really feel compelled to write this on here about my personal experience of both being raised in a Christian household and with discipline is dramatically different from today's spoiled kids who are over indulgded and flat out rotten to the core. Let me first tell you my background story, as I said I was raised in an Evangelical Christian household, my parents and the neighbors of our old neighborhood in town and family friends all shared the same concepts about discipline.

You're probably not going to like it here. There are some Christians on the board, but they tend to be the more liberal sort who do not think the world would be a better place if everyone were Christian. A lot of people on the board are atheists. Any appeals to your religious beliefs as the basis for morality will not be welcomed. Talking about your beliefs frequently or in inappropriate contexts won't be welcomed, either. Like the rules say, people can have views on religion and politics, but expect strong responses when you bring up these issues.

For example:


God bless my mother, she was able to take 10 children with her grocery shopping without being a problem to either other shoppers or to the store itself.

Bless her? Why the fuck should anyone bless her, when she and your father personally contributed richly to overpopulation and the depletion of the world's resources? Fucking breeders, never caring about anyone in the world but themselves and perpetuating their beliefs through their sprogs.

God bless my mother, she was able to take 10 children with her grocery shopping without being a problem to either other shoppers or to the store itself.

Bless her? Why the fuck should anyone bless her, when she and your father personally contributed richly to overpopulation and the depletion of the world's resources? Fucking breeders, never caring about anyone in the world but themselves and perpetuating their beliefs through their sprogs.

There was a reference in the original post that only 3 of those 10 were his moo's. The other 7 belong to a neighbor and a famblee friend. Now why the fuck anyone would take sets of kyds to the damn store that aren't even theirs is a mystery I can't comprehend. I went with a famblee friend to the store once. Just her, her son, and me, that's it, and if I remember correctly, there was some reason emergency reason I couldn't be with my own famblee at the time.

To realistself: I'm agnostic at best. Most of the 'evangelical xtians' I know are horrible, evil, hypocritical people at the core. I think having more agnostics and atheists and liberal religous people goes to the betterment of society. I'm not 'afraid' to spawn, except insofar as I'm afraid to get infected and not be able to remove said parasite, which leads into the next point. I'm incredibly pro-Planned Parenthood, as is most everyone here - if not everyone outright. I'm pro-public education based on *science* and *facts*, and I'm vehemently against homeskooling, especially when it's done by tinfoil hatters who drown everything in fundie religion. I'm not alone here. I don't think you're going to get along with much of anyone here. I also suggest The Childfree Life, but I also suggest therapy. And not the churchy kind either. If you're not a troll that's come just to stir shit up that is.

"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." - Oscar Wilde
In reply to those that are very judgemental, let me understand, you hate people that have kids in general? No matter if it was before your time? You're not immortal. You completely misunderstood and wow you are very intolerant of any anti-pagan religion.

When I said I'm afraid of having children you don't even bother to learn why people like yourself are so scary. You are so quick to hate and spew hateful things without even getting to know why I believe what I do. Why don't you step back, look at your own attitude and how it's chasing people away and take time to listen to others before you hurt them?

When I shared that story about my mom taking 10 kids with her, only 3 of them were my mothers. Me being the youngest of her children, an independent adult now surrounded by hateful pagans who force their pagan beliefs on others like yourselves do. You are so intolerant of others. Wow. My mom was able to handle having 10 good mannered well behaved children with her. It obviously was something you could never achieve and by the way I am a virgin WOMAN, and I don't see any warning about this being a pagan only website but since you hate Christians so specifically I will delete my account here and discourage anyone else from ever posting on your site. Sorry to bother your anti-Christian community. Please do try to have a better attitude and possibly a good day from now on.

Bye. And if someone doesn't agree with you, don't hack into their accounts and illegally change their password(s). Thank you.
Good riddance.

I'm spiritual in a Christian way, not Pagan, and I didn't understand your crazy-ass drivel. We have people of ALL beliefs on this board, not just atheists or Pagans, as you like to say. It's called mutual respect and tolerance, not chastising a group of people because of their religious or non-religious beliefs.

BTW if we are so scary, why in the Hell did you register here to begin with? Also, nobody here gives enough fucks to hack into your account and change your password, so no worries there. smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 28, 2015
realistself (your name cracks me up ya fucking hypocrite)

Don't fucking join our board and tell us how to live our lives.

And it is YOU who is being judgmental. And I stress the word MENTAL.

This is OUR playground.

FUCK OFF now you breeder and Jeezus worshipper.

Fucking christ there are some stupid motherfuckers who come here.....

I miss my little feather baby.
realistself (your name cracks me up ya fucking hypocrite)

Don't fucking join our board and tell us how to live our lives.

And it is YOU who is being judgmental. And I stress the word MENTAL.

This is OUR playground.

FUCK OFF now you breeder and Jeezus worshipper.

Fucking christ there are some stupid motherfuckers who come here.....

I fucking LOVE the way you smack the trolls down, drake! bouncing and laughing
In response to realistself, Mr. M6 says, "Yes, we take those loaves, nail them to boards and fling them into outer space." bouncing and laughing
It obviously was something you could never achieve and by the way I am a virgin WOMAN, and I don't see any warning about this being a pagan only website but since you hate Christians so specifically I will delete my account here and discourage anyone else from ever posting on your site. Sorry to bother your anti-Christian community. Please do try to have a better attitude and possibly a good day from now on.

This community is not Anti-Christian (if it were I wouldn't be here). This community is anti-children, and anti-illiterate people. I think you are having some magical thinking and delusions of persecution - I'd see someone about that.
Hello all.

Well, it's been 33 years and I've not had a kid. I've come to the conclusion that I don't ever want children...but there are a few things to iron out first. I'm involved with someone who really wants to have my child. She is 37 and I don't understand why. She's not talking about having children anytime soon, but if it happens, in her eyes, it happens. I have scheduled 3 different vasectomies...all of which should have been done...but stopped. Not because I didn't want them, but because it didn't feel right doing it while I was involved with someone. this will be the third. It will be on Friday if I choose to do it. I really want to, but she's been begging me not to. She wants me to wait until we find out where we're going. She really wants me to change my mind and give her a child. So, at least pray for me that I do not get this girl pregnant at least until this relationship is over. I like her and I like being with her but I can't stand her desire to have a child.

Sorry...it's been a rough past couple of days. I'll be glad when this is all over.

Anyway, Hi Room!

Get the snip and run! Children are a dealbreaker for most people, it's not something that one should compromise on.

Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
September 17, 2015
Well, it's been 33 years and I've not had a kid. I've come to the conclusion that I don't ever want children...but there are a few things to iron out first. I'm involved with someone who really wants to have my child. She is 37 and I don't understand why. She's not talking about having children anytime soon, but if it happens, in her eyes, it happens. I have scheduled 3 different vasectomies...all of which should have been done...but stopped. Not because I didn't want them, but because it didn't feel right doing it while I was involved with someone. this will be the third. It will be on Friday if I choose to do it. I really want to, but she's been begging me not to. She wants me to wait until we find out where we're going. She really wants me to change my mind and give her a child. So, at least pray for me that I do not get this girl pregnant at least until this relationship is over. I like her and I like being with her but I can't stand her desire to have a child.

Sorry...it's been a rough past couple of days. I'll be glad when this is all over.

Anyway, Hi Room!

What. the. fuck.?

Rudolph, don't come back here until you are snipped and are childfree. You are a fence-sitter and fence sitters are not welcome at this board. I'm quoting from The Rules which of course you didn't bother to read because you really LUUUUUUUUVVVVVVVVVVVVVV this "girl" and you are getting some hot secs and OF COURSE your situation is like no other. .

1. childfree people do not make their childfreedom negotiable for poontang, money, parental pressure, spouse pressure, whatever.

2. And what is this shit? "So, at least pray for me that I do not get this girl pregnant at least until this relationship is over. "

Are you really asking an internet board to pray that you don't impregnate this woman, who I can assure you is probably trying every trick in the book to extract some sperm from you whether you are willing or not? Note to the unenlightened: there are plenty of men who want to have kids; any dumbass broad who is begging YOU and crying for a kyd is a nutcase. And you are really eating up the ego flattery that she wants YOUR kid. (need a laughing my ass off icon.)

Here's a suggestion: MAN UP, WRAP IT UP and don't touch this bitch until you get the all clear. We'll see if she even sticks around that long.

We don't need drama from wimpy-ass fence sitters. Feel free to read Girlfriend wants a child or we will break up and more advice to a man who doesn't want children but his girlfriend does. .

Stay off this site until you man up and do what needs to be done. I like our discussions. Fence sitter drama is so tiresome.

ETA: Here's another one: He/She Wants Kids and You Do Not
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