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Our cre8ive CF glossary

Posted by Dogsmeow2 
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 05, 2010
Miss_Hannigan NLI

captcha - PPUky

See what all the registered users are missing out on NOW?

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 09, 2010
I think we need a Wiki for all the in-jokes...like the Teen-Eating Train, Dr. Drew, GFG's YES, Stokesy-Poo, etc. etc. Sure it'll be outdated soon enough, but it would be a laugh.
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 09, 2010
I think we need a Wiki for all the in-jokes...like the Teen-Eating Train, Dr. Drew, GFG's YES, Stokesy-Poo, etc. etc. Sure it'll be outdated soon enough, but it would be a laugh.

Make it so.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 10, 2010
Disease vector
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 10, 2010
I think we need a Wiki for all the in-jokes...like the Teen-Eating Train, Dr. Drew, GFG's YES, Stokesy-Poo, etc. etc. Sure it'll be outdated soon enough, but it would be a laugh.

I'm obviously for this. thumbs upup
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 16, 2010
Welfare check, they didn't want the kid because they wanted/loved kids, they just to be guaranteed to be able to sit on their ass and suck the taxpayer tit dry.

Anchor Baby: The illegitimate baby born to an illegal alien that now entitles her to welfare, food stamps, utility payment and free healthcare all at the expense of me and other poor suckers who work for a living because millions on welfare depend on us daily.
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 19, 2010
My brother and I created a name for kids.. Suckerheads.

This came about talking about when we envision kids, we see these nasty, dirt covered, koolaid mouth stained, sticky, awkward looking rugrats with a sucker stuck to their head. And the term "suckerhead" was born. grinning smiley
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 19, 2010
I can't believe peewins isn't on the list.
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 19, 2010
I often reffer to them as accouterments (pronounce it out loud). Moos actually think it's some kind of literary refference.

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 21, 2010
wussify-not a child free term per se, but it refers to the devolving of humans due to obsessive political correctness, germophobia, "nature deficit disorder", etc. an example of "wussification" is to view a male viking and then consider the dad in the "swagger wagon" ad.
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 23, 2010
My brother and I created a name for kids.. Suckerheads.

This came about talking about when we envision kids, we see these nasty, dirt covered, koolaid mouth stained, sticky, awkward looking rugrats with a sucker stuck to their head. And the term "suckerhead" was born. grinning smiley

OMG, finally someone has brought up the "dirty, grubby diaper-babies" I can't stand! Why are they only wearing a diaper? Why are they streaked with what looks like brake-dust (I'm assuming the toddler can't change a tire). Why do they smell like fake maple syrup? BLEH!!!
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 30, 2010
I call them pussy biscuits.
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 30, 2010
Welfare check, Anchor Baby: The illegitimate baby born to an illegal alien that now entitles her to welfare, food stamps, utility payment and free healthcare all at the expense of me and other poor suckers who work for a living because millions on welfare depend on us daily.

Don't get me started on this! On another CF board (won't mention the board name) I posted on about anchor babies, a board poster got her panties all in a bind because she was Hispanic (living in USA) and fully supported the idea of anchor sprog in the USA. She pissed off a LOT of the regular posters. Gotta love those fencesitters! :flaming

Of course, she admitted to smuggling in her illegal immigrant grandmother for old age care, end of life care here in the USA, but that's another thing altogether. openmouthed shock
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 30, 2010
Welfare check, Anchor Baby: The illegitimate baby born to an illegal alien that now entitles her to welfare, food stamps, utility payment and free healthcare all at the expense of me and other poor suckers who work for a living because millions on welfare depend on us daily.

Don't get me started on this! On another CF board (won't mention the board name) I posted on about anchor babies, a board poster got her panties all in a bind because she was Hispanic (living in USA) and fully supported the idea of anchor sprog in the USA. She pissed off a LOT of the regular posters. Gotta love those fencesitters! :flaming

Of course, she admitted to smuggling in her illegal immigrant grandmother for old age care, end of life care here in the USA, but that's another thing altogether. openmouthed shock
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 30, 2010
Don't get me started on this! On another CF board (won't mention the board name) I posted on about anchor babies, a board poster got her panties all in a bind because she was Hispanic (living in USA) and fully supported the idea of anchor sprog in the USA.

I don't see how anyone who pays taxes in this country could possibly support anchor babies. It's ridiculous!


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 30, 2010
Can anyone tell me the origin of inpig? I know it means "pregnant," but I'd love to know where it comes from.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 31, 2010
Can anyone tell me the origin of inpig? I know it means "pregnant," but I'd love to know where it comes from.

I think it's a progression from the way people abbreviate "pregnant" to "pg" and the way WE intentionally mis-spell "pregnant" as "pignant". If anyone else has any insight into this, please advise.

I myself prefer to use "pregnasty" because I don't want to offend actual PIGS (which is also why I don't call the police "pigs"), but that's just me.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 31, 2010
I was wondering if it was what farmers called pregnant sows, but what you've said makes sense! Thanks!

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 31, 2010
OK, so I just googled it, and "inpig" is actually used for pregnant sows. Who knew! I wonder what the state of pregnancy is for cows.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
January 01, 2011
"I am a cattle farmer in eastern Alabama on the Georgia line and listen to GPB. Some how I missed the original broadcast of Cover to Cover Between, Georgia. I did hear the rebroadcast and was shocked to hear you talking to a caller that was expecting a calf and you refer to a "female cow". All cows are females. Male bovines are Bulls. A female calf is called a heifer until she is bred when she is called a "cow.""

So, moo-wanna bees are called Heifers and those who have already shat loaves are called cows.

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
January 17, 2011
"I am a cattle farmer in eastern Alabama on the Georgia line and listen to GPB. Some how I missed the original broadcast of Cover to Cover Between, Georgia. I did hear the rebroadcast and was shocked to hear you talking to a caller that was expecting a calf and you refer to a "female cow". All cows are females. Male bovines are Bulls. A female calf is called a heifer until she is bred when she is called a "cow.""

So, moo-wanna bees are called Heifers and those who have already shat loaves are called cows.

And the emasculated shell of a man after wifey-poo shits out a loaf is a steer, after the castrated bull?

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
January 18, 2011
Another question... What is LifeScript? I googled it, and the first set of links were to a women's magazine. It didn't seem to make sense in that context, so there must be some other LifeScript that I haven't stumbled upon. Help please?

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
January 18, 2011
Another question... What is LifeScript? I googled it, and the first set of links were to a women's magazine. It didn't seem to make sense in that context, so there must be some other LifeScript that I haven't stumbled upon. Help please?

The old song says it best:

A and B sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G
First comest love, then comes marriage
Then comes A pushing a baby carriage

And that is the Lifescript.

I walk the path of life to my own rhythm, my own beat-if you don't like it, step off and find your own damn song!
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
January 19, 2011
Another question... What is LifeScript? I googled it, and the first set of links were to a women's magazine. It didn't seem to make sense in that context, so there must be some other LifeScript that I haven't stumbled upon. Help please?

Grow up (um not really) either go to college and get the Mrs Degree or get knocked up (opps LOLOMGWTFBBQ) and trap your mayan. Have your 2.3 (opps 4,5,6, LOLOMGWTFBBQ) buy the mini van and/or SUV, go in hock up to your eyebrows but most of all BREED BREED BREED
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
March 21, 2011
Twat Terror (or tearer)
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