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Our cre8ive CF glossary

Posted by Dogsmeow2 
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
November 14, 2011
Oh, and don't forget, many older people have a console stereo in the living room. But in my mother's living room, she has a Breedereo.
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
November 21, 2011

love this! and lardtards. I call all small ones "podlings" ("look into the crystal, podling.").

Nice Dark Crystal reference!
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
November 22, 2011
Don't know if this one's in here yet since I didn't read back incredibly far...

Water melon

I think this was from Miss_Hannigan. A term used to describe kids with hydraencephaly (basically water in place of a brain). Also a term that made me totally laugh my ass off. waving hellolarious

And is "flap jacks" in here yet?
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
November 24, 2011
Awtard-Derogatory name given to people or their kids when they have chosen to self diagnose or fraudulently obtain a diagnosis of various neurological, psychological, or mental syndromes-disorders-illnesses for themselves or their kids, when none exist, for the purpose of attention, government benefits, as a way to explain away and gain acceptance for bad manners or lack of discipline, or a combination of all three. Most popular misdiagnoses include, but aren't limited to, Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Bi-Polar Disorder, ADD, ODD, Schizophrenia, and various Tantrum disorders.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
November 24, 2011
I'm not sure if this one was mentioned already, but my favorite is still Vagina Vomit....pretty self-explanitory!
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 08, 2011
I always liked "Shake and Bake"...

Regardless of if it is shaking the kid to death or baking it in a car... Breeders killing their own spawn.
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 09, 2011
I always liked "Shake and Bake"...

Regardless of if it is shaking the kid to death or baking it in a car... Breeders killing their own spawn.

That reminds me of a license plate I once saw in AZ...Something Awful has the pic:


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
December 11, 2011
Flesh turds. Oops #1, Oops #2, Oops #3, (and so on). . little uglies. little fuglies. vagina wrecking ball (VWcool smiley. womb worms. twatling. unhatched loaf. pigs in a cunt.
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
January 09, 2012
Oh, Oh, what are parents going to call the happy moments now? With Kodak going out of business will we find out there are no such thing as Kodak Moments?
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
January 18, 2012
only thing i can come up with is
buzz killers
mood killers
rug rats
tax deductions
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
January 18, 2012
Is mootarded a word? like, for how they get so much stupider as soon as they're "ttc" or inpig?
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
January 18, 2012
mr. neptune
Oh, Oh, what are parents going to call the happy moments now? With Kodak going out of business will we find out there are no such thing as Kodak Moments?

there are such things as happy moments with them??
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
January 22, 2012
I can't believe that KODAK is going out of business....

Okay.. how about 'YouTube moments'

'Digital Download moments'

'Fakebook moments'

Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
February 10, 2012
We haven't really defined the li'l sizzlers much - I know sometimes we refer to these as retroactive abortions. Any other terminology for when the PNB can't take it anymore and offs their kyd creatively and then gets away with it because they've "suffered enough?" The recent falling tv thread talks about it.

Also is entitlemoo on here yet? There's moos and then there's the ones with senses of entitlement so big they need their own zip code.

Any special lingo for the military breeders?
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
February 21, 2012
I looked around, and it occurs to me that I don't see a term that I use every day:


When Mrs. Spook and I are using that term, we do so with the full 60's drug scene, and the morphology of our current drug war in mind. The similarities to the stereotypical heroin dealer are pretty striking if you think about it ;D

So I guess I made it up smiling smiley

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
March 04, 2012
Poopy Pants
Disease Carrier
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
March 17, 2012
Moo Brigade: The useless breeder cunts who troll CF sites to find something offensive and stampede in to try and "correct" us.
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
March 18, 2012
Silent Hill Loaf - frankenloaves that look like something off of Silent Hill (IE: no-brained kyds, two-headed brats, cyclops baybees, harley-quinn snake baybeez, etc)
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
April 04, 2012
Moolester: a woman who harbors pedophilic tendencies toward her (usually male) child. Includes
  • extended titfeeding
  • "cuddling"
  • letting the boy bite her twat and only half-heartedly attempting to resist
  • examining the precious Golden Boy's genitals to "make sure he's developing correctly"
  • a secret (or not so secret) desire to be able to clone a lover and give birth to the clone
  • dry sucking
  • co-sleeping with the boy, forcing the husband to sleep on the couch
  • an inability to cope with the boy finding his own romantic interests (not directed at moo)
  • parading around naked in front of the boy, yearning for him to "ask questions" or "explore
  • a general lack of appropriate boundaries, especially of the sexual variety

Synonym: Molesto-moo.

Sweeney Toddler: Toddler with a penchant for cutting things, like its own hair, another person's hair, expensive dolls' hair, the pets' fur, houseplants, people, home decor with dangly things like beads, curtains, clothing, your wedding clothes, anything but the apron strings. That, however, is mostly mother's doing. Interchangeable with "Sweeney Toadler."


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
cf in ny
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
April 07, 2012
CLUMP DUMPS- The cause of much flamboyant grieving and histrionic blogging among attention whoring moos and wannamoos with faulty baby ovens.
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
June 03, 2012
Very useful glossary. I know many of these already from lurking, but there is no reason not to learn and memorize more.
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
June 03, 2012
Very useful glossary. I know many of these already from lurking, but there is no reason not to learn and memorize more.

Or just make up some new terms - we'll figure them out from the context!
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
June 03, 2012
Very useful glossary. I know many of these already from lurking, but there is no reason not to learn and memorize more.

Or just make up some new terms - we'll figure them out from the context!
A good idea, I'll learn more as I read posts here and deal with the breeders & brats, which will create ideas for new terminology.
Anonymous User
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
June 03, 2012
Adding on two more terms I came up with:

Peestooler (preschooler, and related to how they are often incontinent despite being barely old enough to use a toilet)

Shitlynn (parody of a typical breeder spawn name, along the same lines as Bratlina, Bratley and Snotleigh)
Re: Our cre8ive CF glossary
June 04, 2012
Aborption, just for shits and giggles.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
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