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Another parent wanting to join the party

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
I can kind of see how maybe PNBs might feel the need to run away from the child/moo worshipping, just about, but a CF board seems a stupid place to try. Although judging by the reaction on there, perhaps it's not such a stupid idea.
I think the fact that she's attention-whoring on a 'CF' board and trying to claim that she was 'previously CF' proves that she's a BNP. PNB are completely comfortable with their choices and don't need validation.
Good point.

I have known some PNB who have a healthy disdain for society's current state, but I can't imagine them seeking childfree boards. Or if they did they at least wouldn't mention their kids.

There is no such thing as a "pnb." Never was.
Anonymous User
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
Well, if Kummie can manage to avoid revealing her pare.nted status on Bratfree, then she can post here (it's not as if we can check the status on any members anyway). But in my experience, attention-whoring par.ents cannot resist defending their choices, and then they will be treated like any other trolls.

Yeah, but most often than not, their kids would be brought up, and it's all down hill from there, unfortunately.

Exactly my point. They can come here and try, but they inevitably end up revealing themselves, and then they get treated as they should be. Who was it that used to suggest that they should be fucked with a rusty chainsaw? That's the appropriate response to people like this bint when they show up here.
Whoever said that must have been channelling me. I'm well known for such statements.

Kill the children and fuck the bodies. angry face saying 'eat me'
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
I can kind of see how maybe PNBs might feel the need to run away from the child/moo worshipping, just about, but a CF board seems a stupid place to try. Although judging by the reaction on there, perhaps it's not such a stupid idea.
I think the fact that she's attention-whoring on a 'CF' board and trying to claim that she was 'previously CF' proves that she's a BNP. PNB are completely comfortable with their choices and don't need validation.
Good point.

I have known some PNB who have a healthy disdain for society's current state, but I can't imagine them seeking childfree boards. Or if they did they at least wouldn't mention their kids.

There is no such thing as a "pnb." Never was.
Yeah, you did that bit already.

I know, it's just how you roll, blah blah.
Anonymous User
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
I know, it's just how you roll, blah blah.

I'll continue to say it, so you better get used to it.
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
I know, it's just how you roll, blah blah.

I'll continue to say it, so you better get used to it.
Terrifying. Really.
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
What irritates me is that she adopted kids from a foreign country. Hello, there are already enough unwanted kids here in the United States who could be adopted! I don't care how "difficult" it is, your first duty is to your own country, not some shitpile like Ethiopia. Americans who adopt from foreign countries are traitors, imho.
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
The part I find disturbing about her is that at least one day she and her hubby had sex 10 times!. saying 'wtf' Who does he think he is, Jim Bob? Oh, wait, maybe he is another one of those men who Do Not Work so they can make plenty of "loafs".

Would he be Rubbing Aladdin's Lamp 10 times if she were not at home?
Anonymous User
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
Perfect example of why I don't go to that mockery of a CF site anymore.Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

They don't even know what the meaning of CHILDFREE is.
They think you can be "childfree" until you change your mind and that my friends is why the bingos will never go away.

SMH. the world 'fail' on flames
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
I know, it's just how you roll, blah blah.

I'll continue to say it, so you better get used to it.

That's so cool, maaaahhhhn.
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
Perfect example of why I don't go to that mockery of a CF site anymore.Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

They don't even know what the meaning of CHILDFREE is.
They think you can be "childfree" until you change your mind and that my friends is why the bingos will never go away.

SMH. the world 'fail' on flames
This. But lurking there does make for good fodder to rant here, where we can be hardcore. grinning smiley

lab mom
Are votes from us appreciative cf lurkers considering registering allowed?

If so, I agree with those saying don't bother with the CFLife link.

What I can't understand is how they arrive at some of their conclusions as far as what cf means.

Childfree=free of children. Not someone who bred.Not someone who adopted.Not someone who became a step-parent or legal guardian.Not someone who is any of these things and hates it or wishes they weren't... FREE of. Does not have.Does not want.

How difficult is that to comprehend?
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 28, 2010
OK breeders, one more time: BYOB stands for Bring Your Own Beer, not Bring Your Own Baby!

I absolutely HATE it when someone tries to have empathy towards me when they don't have a leg to stand on. "I was childfree until I had my baby". Bullshit with an extra helping of flies and maggots! At most you were a fence sitter who fell off the fence into said pile of bullshit.

Kudos to all the parents who have a special little tax credit assaulting my senses. Maybe I should visit your boards and show my empathy because I've had babies in the past. They were special enough to give their lives to please the volcano god into not erupting this year.

I walk the path of life to my own rhythm, my own beat-if you don't like it, step off and find your own damn song!
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 29, 2010
I know, it's just how you roll, blah blah.

I'll continue to say it, so you better get used to it.

Why don't you just put it in your sig so that we can be reminded of your opinion at all times?
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 29, 2010
I know, it's just how you roll, blah blah.

I'll continue to say it, so you better get used to it.

That's so cool, maaaahhhhn.

It SO totally is, brah! Like, whoa. I'm going to turn in my CF membership card and get knocked up with the quickness. It's clear none of us will ever match the level of childfreedom you've achieved, what with the bad-boy posturing and necrophilia references. I'm ashamed of myself, to tell you the truth. Do you think smothering.com would accept me into the fold even after I've spent so much time amongst the enemy? In the wake of your truly hardcore genius, I can see that I'm just a mockery of a gen-u-wine CF person. Woe is me.


"The secret of dealing successfully with a child is not to be its parent." -- Mel Lazarus
"Women who miscalculate are called mothers." -- Abigail Van Buren
"Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one." -- Chinese proverb
Anonymous User
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 29, 2010
Perfect example of why I don't go to that mockery of a CF site anymore.Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

They don't even know what the meaning of CHILDFREE is.
They think you can be "childfree" until you change your mind and that my friends is why the bingos will never go away.

SMH. the world 'fail' on flames
This. But lurking there does make for good fodder to rant here, where we can be hardcore. grinning smiley

True bouncing and laughing
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 29, 2010
I can kind of see how maybe PNBs might feel the need to run away from the child/moo worshipping, just about, but a CF board seems a stupid place to try.

If they need to run away from their moo crap boards, there are plenty of other choices. For example, I'm interested in electronics and computers so I sometimes post in those forums. There is nothing on a CF board that should hold any interest for a parent.


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 29, 2010
There is nothing on a CF board that should hold any interest for a parent.

Oh, I don't know about that. I'm reminded of a phrase a CFer posted years ago: "my smug is full of gloat". Invariably, parents trolling the CF boards would quote stock phrases "I never knew what real love was until I had a child"; "I feel sorry for you sad, sad people. You'll never know the joy a parent feels when their child smiles at them" ...

Reading CF boards gives these parents a sense of superiority; a validation that their lives really are better than anyone else', even while sitting in a kid-ravaged house, perfumed by the smell of spit-up milk and dirty diapers.
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 29, 2010
There are probably some mommies secretly registered here who have the good sense to keep their mouth shut about their kids. I salute them thusly: :yeah
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 29, 2010
There is nothing on a CF board that should hold any interest for a parent.

Oh, I don't know about that. I'm reminded of a phrase a CFer posted years ago: "my smug is full of gloat". Invariably, parents trolling the CF boards would quote stock phrases "I never knew what real love was until I had a child"; "I feel sorry for you sad, sad people. You'll never know the joy a parent feels when their child smiles at them" ...

Reading CF boards gives these parents a sense of superiority; a validation that their lives really are better than anyone else', even while sitting in a kid-ravaged house, perfumed by the smell of spit-up milk and dirty diapers.

But I distinctly recall a daddy popping up a year or so ago, punching the air and yee-haw-ing, telling "you childfree people that you're so fuckin right! Everything you say is so fucking right!". And how he laughs his breeder ass off his chair reading our ramblings.

The air of superiority that breeders exude is a lie, and they know it. That's why it's so easy to rile them, to wipe that cheesy fake grin off their faces, and to make them burst into tears with just a few choice words. Their belief in themselves is brittle and fragile. Their entire lives revolve around how many or how few tears their hideous toddler shed on any given day. Fucking sad, I mean really deeply sad, and they know it.

A woman journalist admitted in an article I read a few years ago that when she was on maternity leave, she was listening to a chat programme on the radio, and the topic was about SAHMs and trouble-with-toddlers and all that shite. One caller rang in to say she really hates being at home with her baby, and that it's so fucking boring she could just about scream. Another caller rang in to support that view. By the time the third caller rang in to add further support to the notion that babies were boring to be around for 18 hours a day, this journalist woman started shaking and screaming and crying -- she threw down whatever it was she was cleaning the crap off, ran to her 1-year-old, picked him up, still screaming and crying at the top of her lungs, screaming "Nooooo! You're not boring, Ben! Your're not boring! You're not boring! Boooooo-hoooo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoooooooooo! Whaaaaaaa! You're not boring little Ben! How could they dare say that?! You're NOT boring! Boooooo-hoooo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoooooooooo! Whaaaaaaa!". And that, ladies and gents, is the fragile state of mind of parents. They shouldn't even be allowed out to mix in society til they get a fucking grip on themselves, even if it takes 20 years.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 29, 2010
There is nothing on a CF board that should hold any interest for a parent.

Oh, I don't know about that. I'm reminded of a phrase a CFer posted years ago: "my smug is full of gloat". Invariably, parents trolling the CF boards would quote stock phrases "I never knew what real love was until I had a child"; "I feel sorry for you sad, sad people. You'll never know the joy a parent feels when their child smiles at them" ...

Reading CF boards gives these parents a sense of superiority; a validation that their lives really are better than anyone else', even while sitting in a kid-ravaged house, perfumed by the smell of spit-up milk and dirty diapers.

But I distinctly recall a daddy popping up a year or so ago, punching the air and yee-haw-ing, telling "you childfree people that you're so fuckin right! Everything you say is so fucking right!". And how he laughs his breeder ass off his chair reading our ramblings.

The air of superiority that breeders exude is a lie, and they know it. That's why it's so easy to rile them, to wipe that cheesy fake grin off their faces, and to make them burst into tears with just a few choice words. Their belief in themselves is brittle and fragile. Their entire lives revolve around how many or how few tears their hideous toddler shed on any given day. Fucking sad, I mean really deeply sad, and they know it.

A woman journalist admitted in an article I read a few years ago that when she was on maternity leave, she was listening to a chat programme on the radio, and the topic was about SAHMs and trouble-with-toddlers and all that shite. One caller rang in to say she really hates being at home with her baby, and that it's so fucking boring she could just about scream. Another caller rang in to support that view. By the time the third caller rang in to add further support to the notion that babies were boring to be around for 18 hours a day, this journalist woman started shaking and screaming and crying -- she threw down whatever it was she was cleaning the crap off, ran to her 1-year-old, picked him up, still screaming and crying at the top of her lungs, screaming "Nooooo! You're not boring, Ben! Your're not boring! You're not boring! Boooooo-hoooo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoooooooooo! Whaaaaaaa! You're not boring little Ben! How could they dare say that?! You're NOT boring! Boooooo-hoooo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoooooooooo! Whaaaaaaa!". And that, ladies and gents, is the fragile state of mind of parents. They shouldn't even be allowed out to mix in society til they get a fucking grip on themselves, even if it takes 20 years.
Oh, look what were missing, sign us right up. Not. /sarcasm.

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 29, 2010
Perfect example of why I don't go to that mockery of a CF site anymore.Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

They don't even know what the meaning of CHILDFREE is.
They think you can be "childfree" until you change your mind and that my friends is why the bingos will never go away.

SMH. the world 'fail' on flames
This. But lurking there does make for good fodder to rant here, where we can be hardcore. grinning smiley

Agreed. I'm going to keep going there just to watch the site turn in to a mommy hang out.
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 30, 2010
I guess, then, by somes definition I am not childfree either. My ex had grown children. when he got the house back in the divorce, the older son was still there. He annoyed me at times, but we pretty much got along: actually better than he did his own dad at times. Dad finally kicked him out: wasn't sure what he had done at the time, and that was the last he ever stayed with us.
However, in the interim, he got some local bimbo knocked up so now there was a grand kid involved. My hubby went to the hospital to visit this girl when she dropped. The ex wife was there along with the son. What was freaking funny to me is the ex wife saw me and loudly said to this girl 'oh, you come and staaay with us.'.. like I was gonna be jealous of that? Please, take the bint in, and the crotch drop. I had to step outside because I was laughing.
When the kid was 14 hubby took him along on a run. I wanted to stay home but he insisted on my coming. Guess he thought I was gonna keep an eye on this stupid twat. I had to but there were enough incidents that hubby never wanted him along after that. This included his wandering around a truck stop at 3 am in the morning. (Hubby was in the truck, supposedly kiddy was looking for it), I was in the hotel room with said kid. Mind you, we had been going round the clock for two days previous so I was exhausted and just about passsed out. I did have to kick the kid off the tv about 1 am local time (west coast). He woke me up 3 hours later to do his little truck stop prowl. I was briefly conscious, then passed out again. I mumbled 'don't go' or something...Compounding this mess is the kid never bathed and never used deoderant. aaaaaaaaacccccccccckkkkkkkkkk
hubby never invited him again.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
November 30, 2010
Two Cents: waving hellolarious two faces puking two faces puking

lab mom
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
December 02, 2010
There are probably some mommies secretly registered here who have the good sense to keep their mouth shut about their kids. I salute them thusly: :yeah

waving hellolarious

Sorry, I couldn't resist, as I was thinking the same thing!

waving hellolarious
Re: Another parent wanting to join the party
December 02, 2010
There are probably some mommies secretly registered here who have the good sense to keep their mouth shut about their kids. I salute them thusly: :yeah

waving hellolarious

Sorry, I couldn't resist, as I was thinking the same thing!

waving hellolarious
grinning smiley bouncing and laughing waving hellolarious

lab mom
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