Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
THIS is why I had absolutely no issue with how those teachers in Texas handled that bully. I haven't even been able to bring myself to watch the video yet.
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
I hope this will follow these kids around for the rest of their lives. None of this, "But I was just a kid then" bullshit. There is very little these kids can do that will erase this.

If this had been a child of mine, I would let the bastard know with 100% certainty that I regret not aborting it, that I'm deeply ashamed to even know it, and I would be finding some legal loophole that would allow me to terminate my parental rights and it can pack up anything it can fit in a garbage bag and go live in a group home.
Didn't watch the video because I know my reaction wouldn't be pretty. But the taunting going on and on... Haunting thoughts of 'Carrie' by Stephen King. What's going to happen to the little shits when/if they take on the wrong person. Say a muscular dude woth a bit of a beer-belly and a bad temper, or somesuch... Is all I'm saying, that maybe then they'd be sorry, for themselves, anyway.
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
People like this only bully those who don't appear to have any fight...the gentle old lady is easy pickings. They won't go after angry guy with beer belly.

One can hope they pick the wrong gentle old lady, who just happened to get back from the shooting range.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
Had I been a teenager who acted like that towards an adult, my parents would have smacked me back to last year.

The fucking excuses used by the duhd include his pussy-assed whining about being in danger because his fucktrophy's sociopathic bullshit towards that lady. Duhd tries to make it sound like they are the victims.

If that were my mom, I would have beaten the shit out both the pussy-assed dumbfuck duhd and his teenage brat. The only way to handle bullies is to put them in their fucking place and keep them there.
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
People like this only bully those who don't appear to have any fight...the gentle old lady is easy pickings. They won't go after angry guy with beer belly.

One can hope they pick the wrong gentle old lady, who just happened to get back from the shooting range.

Let my mom be on the bus with them. She has firearms training and took boxing and kick boxing for exercise classes...
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
The fund is over 200k$$ (take that, Perillo!). They told her she is so ugly her kid should kill himself-her son died 10 years ago
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
paragon schnitzophonic
I hope this will follow these kids around for the rest of their lives. None of this, "But I was just a kid then" bullshit. There is very little these kids can do that will erase this.

If this had been a child of mine, I would let the bastard know with 100% certainty that I regret not aborting it, that I'm deeply ashamed to even know it, and I would be finding some legal loophole that would allow me to terminate my parental rights and it can pack up anything it can fit in a garbage bag and go live in a group home.

If it were my kid I would make it's life hell and toss it out the day it turned of age.

It's not even like they are tards, or schizos, or were acting defensively, there is nothing there but evil. There can be no excuse whatsoever. Just none.
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
My mooo had a similar experience when she was in her seventies - I think I mentioned it once in an earlier thread...she is very small, only about five foot two...small but can stand up for herself. She was on her way to the grocery store with her cart one afternoon.

A small group of boys followed her to the grocery store, taunting, calling her ugly and old...harrassing her and shouting horrible names at her. She ignored them for awhile, but finally turned around and said to the one who was the loudest, "Come here you little bastard so I can punch you in your ugly face!" My moooo is a bit psycho never did like brats....

The cowards turned and ran away. She was really upset about it, I went over to see her and she cried about it. She felt quite victimized, and I was furious that this happened to her. My mooo was a frail, elderly woman. I never really got along wit her, but this is disgusting, shitty behavior, and I'm glad she told the little fuckers off!
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
That's awful, mumofsixbirds. I don't know how anyone can speak to someone like that unprovoked, especially a little old lady.

I finally watched part of that video and it brought back all sorts of memories of endless taunting and bullying. I felt so sorry for that lady. I'd like to cut out the tongue of each and every one of those ugly, stupid little shits. It makes me even more mad knowing they probably aren't going to receive any sort of fitting punishment.
CNN is saying that over $330,000 has been raised so far.
I hope Karen sues everyone involved for MILLIONS! She has the proof and now the cash to hire a kick-ass lawyer. She'll be talking to Anderson Cooper tonight (thurs) on AC360.......sigh...don't you just love Anderson? mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
One can hope they pick the wrong gentle old lady, who just happened to get back from the shooting range.

Or a gentile old lady who's adept at biting punk kids and putting them in wrestling holds.
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
I am so glad that people are helping this lady.
She is elderly and probably drove the school bus because she needed the money.

She did the right thing and spoke up about what happened to her. I hope more people speak out about these types of incidents perpetrated by these gutless bullies!

Go Karen!
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
I was just flipping through the TV channels and saw Steve Wilkos - let's turn HIM loose on these little bastards!
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
If you ever read any of the NRA magazines, you find out how many of these little mutherfuckers try to attack and rob and kill old people, only to get their asses hauled out with a toe tag and covered in a blanket.
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
On our local news there was one person interviewed on this story and when I heard her I applauded. She said something like "I blame the parents. Parents of today do not present a good impression on their kids. They expect the rest of the world to raise them. This is what happens when parents don't parent." (pretty close to what she said)
I had an idea this afternoon.

The only thing these brats might understand is profound embarrassment.


If they're going to act like tards, let's treat them like tards. One year on the short bus and in the special ed classroom ought to work fine.

And as a special bonus, the kyds they leave behind might learn something the next year.

Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
I don't think any punishment would matter. You are either like this or you are not.

Sadly, I agree. Theoretically, you can raise a person to not do certain things. But you cannot force him to feel a certain way or to have empathy. Let me explain. You can teach someone not to steal. But, you cannot control why he does it. He could either not steal because he feels it is wrong. Or, he could not steal because he doesn't want to get caught. If the latter is the way that he feels, there's nothing to stop him from stealing if he feels that he won't get caught. Breeders crow on and on about teaching empathy and compassion and I do not think that you can teach such things anymore than you can "teach" happiness. There are certain inborn aspects of a person's behavior. It's like singing talent...either you have it or you don't and no amount of lessons or coaching can give you what you don't have.

Christians have said and done many dumb and cruel things over the years. But one thing they are dead right about is the concept of original sin and the utter inborn evilness of human beings. People are evil and rotten to the core from the moment they tumble out of their mother's hole. Children are not innocent. People confuse innocence with ignorance. They are ignorant which means that they do not know certain things. But, they are not innocent. Anyone who has been bullied ought to know that children often feed off of the pain of others. I remember being taunted and bullied in kindergarten. The kids were only 5 and 6. They were too young to have learned a lot of things which lets you know that a lot of this pure evilness is inbedded into human nature. The video brats (even though older) are still rotten to the core. I am not sure that you can "raise" these brats in the video to have compassion. You cannot make a person feel a certain way. Even if you made them go to her house and pull weeds, you cannot make them truly respect her or feel bad for what they've done. If anything, they will hate you for making them do things for her and spit in your food or try to burn the house down with you in it as soon as they get the chance.

I watched about 10 seconds of the video before I turned away. It just brought back memories. I was bullied from kindergarten through age 15 because I was heavy or some other dumb reason they'd pick up. You can try to argue and fight back and this will just make the bullies worse. You can shut up and take it and this won't help either because like blondie said they will just keep hammering at you and they never get bored with making your life hell. I've went to teachers before and the bullies will apologize and then a few days later, start up with the same old shit. If I ever had kids, I would seriously consider homeschooling....say what you will about it.
Sadly, I agree. Theoretically, you can raise a person to not do certain things. But you cannot force him to feel a certain way or to have empathy. Let me explain. You can teach someone not to steal. But, you cannot control why he does it. He could either not steal because he feels it is wrong. Or, he could not steal because he doesn't want to get caught. If the latter is the way that he feels, there's nothing to stop him from stealing if he feels that he won't get caught.

Well, yes and no.

That is, many a person has pointed out, over the years, that it's not enough, unfortunately, for parents to teach kids what the parents consider to be right and wrong; kids have to be AFRAID, from the start, of what their parents will do to them if they are even SUSPECTED of being involved in something horrible. This is done by making sure that every time school-age kids are punished for something, it's the type of punishment that insures that particular kid won't do "it" again. Thus, they learn to behave in a general way over the years, so that by the time they're old enough and smart enough not to get caught, they've developed the sense of empathy that makes them not WANT to behave badly.

As they taught us in psychology, it's our actions that determine our attitudes more often than the other way around. Miss Manners understands this perfectly well, which is why she scolds those feather-brained parents who think it's wrong and hypocritical for kids to say "please" or "thank you" until they FEEL those feelings. Sorry, parents, it doesn't work that way. They NEVER feel those feelings unless they've been pretending to feel them for years.
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 21, 2012
^I didn't know about the action coming before the attitude in psychology. That is interesting. That is also a promising point about putting fear into the child before they're old enough to be smart enough not to get caught. You said empathy will have developed by the time they are old enough to outsmart their handlers. However, when do they develop this sense of empathy so that they will not want to behave badly? What age does this come? Because the way I am seeing it, it simply does not come with a lot of people. I know inmates from working at jail who said that their mother or father would've beat the crap out of them if they even slightly disrespected an adult. This was drilled into them from childhood. But yet, they are still sitting in jail because they sold drugs or stole something. So, it's like they won't call an older person by their first name. But yet, they have no problem embezzling money from a bank account that could've very well belonged to an older person or running a mini-Madoff scam that screwed old folks out of their retirement money. It's like they know what they are doing is "wrong". But they don't give a shit.
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 22, 2012
If I were in on this, my mother would have tanned my hide. I did not act like this because I was afraid of consequences. Kids are not afraid of adults anymore because they know there are no consequences. That is entirely their parents' fault.

They are feeling consequences now: having to take down their social networks because they are swamped with pissed off people, police parked outside their houses because they can't handle death threats like the big men they allegedly are.

The police should charge the parents the cost of not being out on the beat somewhere dealing with REAL crime because their little pussy-boys can't take the heat. Give them fucking consequences already, and stop coddling them and their pussified incubators and sperm donors.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 22, 2012
Christian Science Monitor refers to these monsters as "nasty kids." They correctly blame both the parents AND the school system. The fact that neither the bus monitor NOR the bus driver NOR the school or school district did anything about this incident is exactly what is wrong here. There's no such thing as expulsion anymore; and if this collection of vile little shits doesn't deserve expulsion, who the fuck does?

I can't for the life of me figure out, as this was happening, WHY the bus driver didn't pull over? Why didn't the monitor report this to the bus driver? If she's a bus monitor, what is she supposed to be monitoring? If this kind of incident does not deserve swift and terrible retribution, what does?

When I was a kyd, kyds bullied each other and sometimes there were scuffles on the bus but NEVER did I see anyone treat an adult this way. Not even on a bully's best day would he or she tell an adult to "shut the fuck up." And THAT is where we have gone wrong. There is no longer any consequence for evil, rotten, nasty, hateful, sociopathic behavior. If I had done such a thing when I was a child, I would have received five across the eyes and a trip to the woodshed that I'd probably remember on my deathbed.

When these little bastards grow up to be rapists, purse snatchers, drug addicts, and thieves, their parents will still be singing their praises and thinking that they did the world a fucking favor by reproducing. The parents of these grotesque little cretins are the ones who can go fuck themselves - they're the ones who sue the school districts for disciplining their little nightmares; they sue when their mistaykes get expelled, and the district doesn't have the money to deal with lawsuits so the kyds stay to torment everyone around them.
Re: Horrible Children Bully Elderly Bus Monitorangry smiley
June 22, 2012
I can't watch that video because it will bring back too many memories of going to school on the route my bus took. We had a huge batch of the worst trouble makers in the school system on our bus. I always sat in the front seat right behind the bus driver with a boy in my class. Everyone said we were "boyfriend and girlfriend" but we were not. We called each other bro and sis. Anyway, we never got any trouble other than that, which was nothing. But this other rather small kid had a horrible time for YEARS on this route. He was rather small and probably one of the poorer children in the town. He was MERCILESSLY abused both physically and emotionally for years. He finally broke and punched one of the worst offenders, a much older girl, right in the face. She got a bloody nose, and who got in trouble? the kid who was being tormented day in and day out. A few of the other good kids, myself included, went privately to the principal and tried to argue in this kid's behalf. At worst, the bullys got "written up". We were helpless to stop it without bringing down a rain of fire on our heads. At one point on our overcrowded bus, my brother had me sit with him on his knee (I am 4 years younger than him) so that he could shield me from the crap being thrown around the bus. These kids would melee the one kid, call him RatBoy, throw stuff at him including small rocks and paper wads. We went through 7 busdrivers in one year once. This crap was extreme, and I have no doubt that this kid is messed up still from it.

God, this is the first time I have really thought about all that stuff from... 23+ years ago. It is really upsetting to think about. I can't IMAGINE what this poor woman felt being the target of this. And because no one can lay a finger on anyone's kids now.... these kids will literally get away with murder. I too hope this woman can shine in court and take these kids and their parents for everything they have.
^I didn't know about the action coming before the attitude in psychology. That is interesting. That is also a promising point about putting fear into the child before they're old enough to be smart enough not to get caught. You said empathy will have developed by the time they are old enough to outsmart their handlers. However, when do they develop this sense of empathy so that they will not want to behave badly? What age does this come? Because the way I am seeing it, it simply does not come with a lot of people. I know inmates from working at jail who said that their mother or father would've beat the crap out of them if they even slightly disrespected an adult. This was drilled into them from childhood. But yet, they are still sitting in jail because they sold drugs or stole something. So, it's like they won't call an older person by their first name. But yet, they have no problem embezzling money from a bank account that could've very well belonged to an older person or running a mini-Madoff scam that screwed old folks out of their retirement money. It's like they know what they are doing is "wrong". But they don't give a shit.

In the case of the recently deceased Henry Hill ("Goodfellas") I would say it's probably a safe bet that he would have grown up rotten no matter what sort of environment he was living in. (However, from what I've heard, plenty of rural people in the Depression managed to keep their family sizes down, so in theory, urban couples in the 1940s could do the same, and it just MIGHT have made a difference in his life had his parents chosen to have fewer than 7(?) children and lived in a nicer neighborhood that didn't consist mostly of Mob members and "nobodies" as Hill so contemptuously put it.)

I think it's worth noting something I saw on a poster in a textbook once - it showed a small child with heavy bruising in a mugshot pose (holding a sign, maybe) and underneath it said "4 out of 5 convicts were abused as children." Of course, this could easily be misleading, since it's not clear whether or not that includes, say, teen pot smokers or just violent felons. However, from what you said, I wouldn't be surprised if the parents of the criminals were not at all loving or respectful of their children - just violent. That's abuse.

Here's a very thoughtful piece by Miss Manners:

"One surprising but useful byproduct of being a doting parent is that the child doted upon gets upset when that parent is unhappy with him. The more cheerful and satisfied the normal state of the parent, the easier it is to register displeasure. Thus, a surly parent may have to resort to terrible measures to convince the child that there has been any loss of satisfaction, since none was apparent anyway; but a happy parent may be able to instill awe and remorse with only a severe look. This is an incentive, if any were needed, for maintaining an affectionate and pleasant household. Your truly devoted parent has incredible power. Miss Manners has known them to wither children into fearful obedience with only the quiet statement 'I am disappointed in you.'

"Along with physical violence, emotional violence is outlawed by Miss Manners as a means of punishment. It is not necessary to assassinate a person's entire character in order to clear it of undesirable practices. 'Clean up that mess this minute' is a permissible parental remark; 'you're a slob' is not. Keeping the complaint within boundaries is, she admits, difficult. Family life is conducive to the development of amateur lawyers, and there is always a temptation to make a more significant case. But 'why do you always get everything wrong?' is not a question that leads to self-improvement, whereas 'why are you leaving that dish in the sink instead of washing it?' while no more sensible, may be."


Unfortunately, I know at least one social worker who thinks that even saying "I am disappointed in you" is way too harsh to say to children. I don't quite know how she manages to benefit her clients!

After all, respecting children does NOT mean treating them as your equals! Respecting their intelligence means expecting a lot from them at home and at school, but it also means a certain amount of common courtesy. In fact, there are at least FOUR types of respect, which sometimes overlap: 1. Grudging acceptance of other people's right to exist, such as when bullies stop bullying 2. Common courtesy, as between strangers 3. Reasonable deference to superiors, whether you like them or not, & 4. Admiration. Note that only the last type has anything to do with FEELINGS. The rest is just behaviors.

And finally, I think it's also very important for parents to let a kid know that the parents will, at least, be angry if the kid's peers do something horrible - or even mildly mean - and the kid does nothing to stop it - or, in some cases, report it. (I have to say, I don't understand the adult taboo against tattling when there are plenty of exceptions to the rule anyway. One GOOD parental response, regarding sibling-tattling, that I once heard of was: "Thank you for bringing that to my attention, but it is not important enough for me to get involved in." That way, the mother said, the kids would learn when not to bother her - and not to hesitate to tell her when, say, a sibling was putting a garden hose into a neighbor's basement window and was about to turn the water on.)
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