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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 28, 2023
Buzz feed article. When did you know you picked the wrong partner to have a child with?

Most of these were pretty obvious before the conception. And Jeebus, the last one had ten kids with a guy who abused her during her first pregnancy.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 29, 2023
All the mommies are so tired of us meanie-heads CFers being disgusted by bodies ravaged by pregnancy. Because it's just so awesome that we can make people from almost nothing! eye rolling smiley It's not awesome when it's been done billions of times, precious.

And why am I not allowed to be disgusted by a biological function? If someone takes a shit on the floor, should I find that amazing too? After all, pooping is natural and early humans didn't go in toilets - they just went wherever. Childbirth is fucking horrifying, and these delusional Moos can tell me until they're blue in the face how beautiful it is. It's not. It's like something out of a sci-fi horror movie, and it's dangerous. There is nothing magical or beautiful about ripping your genitals end to end, becoming incontinent, post-partum depression, pelvic muscle/floor destruction, and taking weeks or months to recover from crapping out a brat only to never fully return to normal, among many other things.

If Moos want to find their beaten to hell sagging stretch-marked asses beautiful, good for them. More power to them. That doesn't mean I have to find them beautiful.



I mean, it is shocking what women go through in childbirth. And I totally see why someone wouldn't want to do it! But at the same time can we start talking about how awesome it is that we are even capable of bringing humans into the world from basically nothing?! Even on supposedly feminist subreddits it just seems like everyone is so grossed out by childbirth and it's effects on the female body. I hate the internalized misogyny of it all. If men gave birth we would not have this attitude. We would be praising them as life-giving beings eyeroll

I have news for those people. It doesn’t matter if you have kids or not. Your body is gonna grow old, fall apart and eventually die just like it’s done for every human ever. You can’t stop time. You are no exception. (I am in midlife crisis can you tell?)

That's not the same, fucktard. Nobody has any control over aging, unless of course they die young. Getting old is involuntary, but breeding is voluntary. But why have your body fall apart when you're 27 for a fucking kid that will tell you it hates you ever single day? Why rush the destruction?

Let us also not ignore the fact that childfree people are good at looking much younger than their actual age because they don't have a constant stream of stress in their lives for 20+ years.

Another idiot
But can we use less misogynist language maybe, please? Suggesting a woman's body is "ruined" by the effects of pregnancy is so disgusting.

But it is ruined. I mean aside from visually, consider all the internal damage it does that is permanent. Just because Moo is still chugging along doesn't mean the hardware isn't still heavily damaged. Sounds like a lot of Moos trying to convince themselves they're gorgeous goddesses when they're likely bitter over how badly their brats wrecked their bodies. My fat ass isn't winning any beauty contests either, but childbirth causes a special kind of bodily destruction, both inside and out.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 29, 2023
I'm a depressed person. If I ever made the mistake of having kids, I'd be a dead person.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 29, 2023
I could see her point if I were grossed out only by female biological functions like pregnancy, childbirth, and periods, but there are a lot of bodily functions that are icky and there are plenty of things that leave your body in worse condition than it was beforehand. Let's take pneumonia. It's kind of gross, you're coughing up disgusting mucus, and once you get well you are weaker and in worse shape than before. Who would opt to have pneumonia if they had a choice?

Of course I'm getting older. But between genetics and lifestyle, I look and feel pretty good. I'm aware I'm not immortal, but I want a quality of life for as long as possible.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 29, 2023
Men would have long ago figured out how to grow a baby in an overgrown lava lamp in their garages. Why would we want to mess up our bodies when we usually have to work?

One thing I do not understand: Why aren't there more only children? If childbirth is so painful, why would women voluntarily go through it again? No man would.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 30, 2023
The comments on the moo's bodies being ruined by pignasty are all over the place:

It gets me so steamed when child free folks loudly proclaim that they don't want to get pregnant and have children because they don't want to "ruin" their bodies. Like, get absolutely fucked. If you don't want kids, more power to you. And definitely nothing wrong with not wanting to go through pregnancy because it can be hard on the body. But can we use less misogynist language maybe, please? Suggesting a woman's body is "ruined" by the effects of pregnancy is so disgusting.

I highly doubt that "ruining" their bodies is the only reason these women don't want to have kids. But if a woman doesn't want to have kids for this sole reason then I see nothing wrong with it. No means no. If anything reasons should be demanded as to why anyone would want to reproduce because we have overpopulation, lots of people regret having brats or regret their partner and a good portion of people can't afford brats.

Exactly. And there's a lot of disregard that women deserve appropriate healthcare to rectify and physical consequences of childbirth. Like, we can fix most things we just dgaf about women.

Like most other elective surgeries anyone is welcome to have the surgery provided they are willing to pay for it. It isn't disregard. Try not attempting to leverage the medical community and insurance to fix your booboos for free.

I'm going to analyze a little farther here and propose that these people are critical of birth mother's bodies for two main reasons: 1) they feel like an inferior woman since they didn't have kids and you're still rocking life with kids and 2) they hate children.

Childfree feel inferior to mahms which is why they are critical of mahms? Mkay...and we hate children? So, we feel inferior to mahms because we didn't destroy our bodies to give birth to what we hate? That absolutely makes no sense whatsoever.

By that logic if the childfree are critical of mass murderers or wife beaters that is because we feel inferior to them?
Mahms don't make me feel inferior, they make me aware of how unencumbered I am and how encumbered they are.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 30, 2023
I'm going to analyze a little farther here and propose that these people are critical of birth mother's bodies for two main reasons: 1) they feel like an inferior woman since they didn't have kids and you're still rocking life with kids and 2) they hate children.

I actually do hate kids, although I'm aware I don't speak for all CF people when I say that. This is by far my #1 reason for not having kids: I dislike being around them. Otherwise, if I wanted kids but didn't want to experience pregnancy, I would have adopted.

As for defining my gender by a sex-based reproductive function, I don't. I support trans people, and so I clearly don't believe in biological determinism. I do find it kind of funny that in a thread claiming childfree women are misogynistic, out comes this idea that women without children aren't real women (men, of course, are not defined by their reproductive capability), and is, quite frankly, misogynistic.

...does she really think none of us had the opportunity to reproduce? Is she saying we're infertile? Too ugly to fuck? Inquiring minds want to know.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 30, 2023

It gets me so steamed when child free folks loudly proclaim that they don't want to get pregnant and have children because they don't want to "ruin" their bodies. Like, get absolutely fucked. If you don't want kids, more power to you. And definitely nothing wrong with not wanting to go through pregnancy because it can be hard on the body.


I'm going to analyze a little farther here and propose that these people are critical of birth mother's bodies for two main reasons:

Wow, the bitterness is palpable. I hate the overuse of the word "triggered," but it seems to apply here. Okay, Moo, let's use the term "forever altered" by having children, as opposed to ruined. Even women who have relatively easy pregnancies don't have the same body as before. A simple gynecological exam will tell you that. And FFS, being truthful about what happens is being "critical" of women's bodies? thinks someone else is crazy Um, okay Moo.


Exactly. And there's a lot of disregard that women deserve appropriate healthcare to rectify and physical consequences of childbirth. Like, we can fix most things we just dgaf about women.

I'm getting whiplash. I wonder how this woman feels about abortion, because the only way to negate the physical consequences of childbirth is to not go through with it. I'm not going to disagree that women's health concerns are often trivialized--it's been proven that women have different outcomes in healthcare due to bias. But it's ridiculous to suggest that healthcare can erase the physical consequences of childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth forever alter a woman's body and that's just a fact.


But can we use less misogynist language maybe, please? Suggesting a woman's body is "ruined" by the effects of pregnancy is so disgusting.

I would argue the other end of the spectrum is FAR more misogynistic and far more dangerous. What's more misogynistic, suggesting childbirth can damage a woman's body, or believing that it's a woman's destiny to carry children, that women have been doing it since the beginning of time, so suck it up, Buttercup, and get with the program? These are the same people who minimize women's concerns, and that feeds right into shitty, misogynist healthcare.

These are the people who told teenaged me that migraines, passing out and bleeding to the point of anemia every month were just the price I had to pay for being female. And not just that, I should be HAPPY I was a woman, and don't worry, your cramps will disappear WHEN you have a baybee. And the same doctors who told me when I was in my 20's and 30's they would treat my endometriosis and hormone imbalances WHEN I wanted to get pregnant. And I'm not naive enough to think it would have stopped there: These are the same assholes who tell a woman with hyperemesis gravidarium that it's actually a good thing that she's puking because higher hormone levels mean she's not likely to miscarry the fetus, or that it's really not a concern until she's lost at least 10% of her body weight.

These are the same people who won't sterilize a woman because regardless of what she says, all womben want children. Or they won't treat women appropriately for cancer for the same reason.

And needless to say, these are the people who feed into the forced-birther camp and who prioritize a fetus over a woman because yanno, carrying a child for nine months is not a big deal and women who want abortions are selfish whores who abort for reasons of "convenience."

Better stop now because I'm the one who sounds bitter.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 01, 2023
I think having my guts rearranged and then ending up with a screaming loaf and possibly a vasshole at the end isn't my cup of tea. I'll keep my body the way it is, thanks.

Also, the inferior woman thing makes me laugh because it screams of resentment and envy. My life is not easy and it's far from envious but at least I've never had to deal with that crap.

What she's saying is definitely misogynistic. A woman's worth is not defined by how many kids she has. Never has and never will, except maybe in the minds of conservative, fundamentalist religious circles where they already think women are inferior and belong knocked up and in the kitchen.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 02, 2023
I would argue the other end of the spectrum is FAR more misogynistic and far more dangerous. What's more misogynistic, suggesting childbirth can damage a woman's body, or believing that it's a woman's destiny to carry children, that women have been doing it since the beginning of time, so suck it up, Buttercup, and get with the program? These are the same people who minimize women's concerns, and that feeds right into shitty, misogynist healthcare.

These are the people who told teenaged me that migraines, passing out and bleeding to the point of anemia every month were just the price I had to pay for being female. And not just that, I should be HAPPY I was a woman, and don't worry, your cramps will disappear WHEN you have a baybee. And the same doctors who told me when I was in my 20's and 30's they would treat my endometriosis and hormone imbalances WHEN I wanted to get pregnant. And I'm not naive enough to think it would have stopped there: These are the same assholes who tell a woman with hyperemesis gravidarium that it's actually a good thing that she's puking because higher hormone levels mean she's not likely to miscarry the fetus, or that it's really not a concern until she's lost at least 10% of her body weight.

These are the same people who won't sterilize a woman because regardless of what she says, all womben want children. Or they won't treat women appropriately for cancer for the same reason.

And needless to say, these are the people who feed into the forced-birther camp and who prioritize a fetus over a woman because yanno, carrying a child for nine months is not a big deal and women who want abortions are selfish whores who abort for reasons of "convenience."

Better stop now because I'm the one who sounds bitter.

I don't know if it is a power trip they get off on or what but there are lots of doctors out there that are immoral assholes. And I've heard way too many people, especially women, who've been told some of the worst guidance/advice possible. I'm sorry this happened to you bell_flower.

I think it is mostly women because so many women breed and end up needing more doctor care. A very good reason to stay child-free!

When I read about doctors treating their patients poorly, I always believe it to be true.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 03, 2023
Pigged-up 22-year-old throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way. Her mother is trying to nudge her in the right direction to help her grow up before Junior pops out, but the grown-ass daughter will legitimately throw herself on the floor and kick and scream like a toddler who gets told they can't have a new toy.

Holy fuck that brat is so doomed if this is who will be raising him. The author suggests many things, such as going to college, working, adoption and therapy, and Moo-to-be wants nothing to do with any of them. She can't even be arsed to pick up after herself or bathe more than once a week. She just wants to not work and fill her days with fun things. Yeah so doesn't everyone else, but unfortunately, most people have to work to survive.

I wonder if she'll throw a kicking screaming tantrum in labor because she doesn't like it. That's probably a real good way to get put in four-point restraints. The author says she won't be raising the loaf for her, but I have a feeling she will because she won't want the child to be neglected and then the Moo will just continue neglecting the brat because she knows her mommy will pick up the slack.

She should have gotten an abortion, but it's too late for one at this point since I think the cutoff is 20 weeks and this was shared over a week ago. I question how good of a mother the author was in the first place if her adult child who can legally drink feels that having screaming tantrums on the floor is an acceptable way for an adult to communicate. She learned this shit was acceptable from somewhere.

The baby-daddy can't afford to support a brat because he decided to get himself a fancy phone and car and those payments eat up half his income while he lives with his own parents. But he still wants to have this kid.



My 40f, daughter, 22f, Rita is pregnant, she's almost 20 weeks and she just told me a few days ago. Rita moved back in with me and my husband (her stepdad) when the place she was renting with her bf 22m, and a former roommate fell through. Rita and her bf are still together and decided to keep the baby. The bf lives about an hour and a half away.

Anyhow, Rita does absolutely nothing. She doesn't work or go to school. She'll watch TV until 5-6am then sleep until 1-2pm most days. Only cleans her room when I tell her to. Doesn't wash dishes or her laundry, nor does she take out the trash. When I try to talk to her she starts crying and screaming that I hate her and I'm trying to stress her out and she can't deal with it. (My other young adult kid is in college full time and works part time. They were raised with the same rules and expectations.)

I tried telling Rita she's having a baby soon and she needs to grow up. Cue more crying and screaming. She literally throws herself on the floor and sobs. That she needs to get her act together to take care of the baby and try to be a decent parent. That the baby is hers, not mine and her and her bf responsibility to raise and provide for. That she needs to go to school or work or both and apply for daycare vouchers and any assistance she can. That she needs to pull her head out of the sand and actually do something with her life. (I had kids young, but I also went to school part time for several years to achieve my goals.)

These conversations always end with Rita on the floor, crying, screaming and basically throwing a tantrum. The only time she does anything is when either I force her to or her bf picks her up. Other than that, she'll go 4-5 days without showering or changing clothes. I've told her that has to stop. I love her but I'm not raising her baby or taking care of her like a child. She knows what's right and expected of her. Rita says I'm the ah because I'm turning my back on her and my grandchild and if they suffer its my fault because I have the ability to give them a good life and home with plenty of stability but I'd rather make her struggle. (I'd never let the baby go without.) AITA?

Edit: talked to Rita about things over her favorite foods while we were both calm and in decent moods. Rita hates being an adult, says its scary and the idea of having a baby is terrifying. She wants to be a kid again without all the adult worries and responsibilities. She semi regrets getting pregnant and giving up her freedom, but her and bf agreed to keep the baby but she wishes she hadn't said yes so fast so she feels a bit trapped and overwhelmed. I asked her about the tantrums, she said it's just easier than facing reality right now. She has zero interest in going to school or working. She'd rather spend her time doing things that bring her personal fulfillment and happiness. I told Rita that I do understand and empathize but it does not change the current situation and the fact a baby is on the way. I suggested an open adoption, Rita said no, that's not an option for her and bf, but admitted she has no idea what's going to happen or how they're going to manage once the baby is here and she's really unsure and scared. I once again suggested seeking therapy. Rita is not currently interested because she says therapy makes her feel like she's in some way defective or broken and she's not good enough as she is. Rita talked and vented a bit more and I just kept quiet and listened.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 03, 2023
Uh-oh. This moo raised her brat with very little responsibility and now it is biting her in the ass. She is overwhelmed by being an adult because she (clearly) never had any responsibilities previously. There seems to be a huge surge of this with "gentle" parunting and these kids become adults and have no ability to be independent. If moo had made her daughter's childhood suck then her daughter would be motivated to live on her own and be independent but their relationship would be unhealthy. Of if moo had progressively given her daughter responsibilities that were age appropriate then she would have avoided this mess and would have a healthy relationship with her daughter who would function like a 22-year-old.

I thought the teens were immature and irresponsible when I was a teen but it is getting so much worse for some kids now!

Moo is an AH and she has brought up her daughter to also be an AH. Daughter functions like a 6-year-old in the body of a 22-year-old but since she is inpig she is an AH now too, because she is dragging an innocent life into her drama. She doesn't work or go to school or take care of herself but she does throw fits and will clean her room if prompted. Why moo lets her live there I'll never know.

When the daughter cracks I suggest moo push her to adoption as the only option. I give it less than a week after the sluice before this happens.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 03, 2023
Wow what a parental fail. And she wrote her other kid was raised with the same expectations. But I would guess the difference is, piggo brat never experienced any consequences for the behavior. ETA: You know the other kid is probably looking at the whole situation and thinking, WTF? And why am I busting my ass when preggo gets a free lunch?

I don't care that she's pregnant. Moo needs to start enforcing consequences NOW, and that means kicking her ass out pronto.

Tell her if Baby Daddy wants to keep the baybee, he can damn well support the mother of his chyld.

She needs to do it now because it's only going to get worse. If she does it now maybe M2b will get some sense and put the kid up for adoption.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 03, 2023
So you have two children playing house. What a lovely scenario.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 04, 2023
I see lots of people in the comments suggesting that the piggo is depressed and doesn't need tough love right now. Normally I would entertain this as a possibility, but I know from first-hand experience one of the many symptoms of depression is a lack of energy to do really anything. If Princess has the energy to throw herself on the floor and scream, she's not depressed. She a lazy piece of shit who wants someone else to raise her brat while she continues to be a deadbeat.

If depression is a possibility, then Moo needs to haul her ass to therapy and get an actual diagnosis. But since Moo-to-be doesn't want to go because it will hurt her fee-fees (or because a shrink would be able to tell she's not depressed), mental health issues can only be presumed. Obviously no one's mental health should be blown off, but I just don't think this particular idiot is depressed.

The author claims that the Moo and the other adult child were raised with the same set of rules and expectations. But how often did both of them actually heed those rules and rise to those expectations? Americans are all citizens under the same set of laws and consequences, but that doesn't mean everyone follows the law. I assume since the piggo is probably "the baby," she got away with a lot more shit than her older sibling. The younger siblings tend to get less shit from their parents while the older ones are always told to "set a good example for your little brother/sister."

If the baby-daddy wants the brat so bad, give it to him to raise. But then she'd have to pay child support, unless Duh agrees to let her terminate her parental rights. I assume that requires mutual consent from both parents, otherwise every guy who ever became an unwilling father would legally sign away their rights before the brat shits its first diaper.

Even if the daughter is tossed out on her ass, it's not going to change the fact that two immature dumbasses are going to be in charge of raising a human being. That poor kid is going to be so neglected because the parents won't know how to take care of it, or they won't care. If all the Moo knows is throwing tantrums to make things she doesn't like go away, that's probably how she will respond to a crying loaf too. The piggo says herself that crying and tantrumming are easier than dealing with reality, so what reason does she have to not continue doing that?

I guarantee the author will just make empty ultimatums in an effort to nudge the daughter to grow up a little, and they'll fail because the daughter will know her Moo is full of shit. Then the author will wind up raising the loaf because if her daughter can't even be bothered to bathe or put on clean clothes, she sure as fuck won't bother with silly things like feeding an infant or changing it.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 04, 2023
The Grandmoo-to-be already made her declaration (“I’d never let the baby go without”) and I’m sure daughter-moo knows this. Grandma better prepare herself for 18+ years of raising another loaf from scratch.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 04, 2023
“I’d never let the baby go without”) and I’m sure daughter-moo knows this.”

Bingo. Many people of my generation were raised with the edict that our parents did their job and not to expect them to raise our kids. (I was fortunate that my parents also told me what birth control was. I was so terrified of having a brat that I didn’t have sex until I was out of the house and on the Pill and my partner wore a rubber but I digress.)

Now that’s practically considered child abuse and hence all these jelly spined Grandmoos and Duds are raising their grand brats.

Even if they aren’t raising them, they are paying for tuition and housing and allowing their financially irresponsible kids to suck off them because OMG WTF BBQ, Grandbrat may have to live in an apartment or attend public school like a plebeian! Oh noes!

(Was recently very disappointed when a good friend pulled a home equity line of credit off her house to give her daughter a down payment on their house because the daughter is pregnant. The daughter and her husband are 30 and still sucking off the parental teat and the husband barely works.)

And then they whine that they cannot afford to retire. No sympathy.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 05, 2023
I don't think there's anything wrong with people standing up and saying, "I already raised my kids, I'm not raising yours" and leaving them to figure their own shit out. But these grandparents don't want to see a loaf get neglected because their shit-for-brains children don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, let alone how to keep a helpless human larvae alive.

Like if it was a matter of them learning a lesson from natural consequences (like being unable to afford rent because they spent their whole check on booze), they'd probably tell their adult kids to get fucked and let them screw up. But since an innocent party is involved, natural consequences can't be a choice. Leaving a loaf in a filled diaper for a whole week until it has diaper rash up to its neck and chemical burns all over its lower half from urine won't teach the idiot parents a damn thing because they aren't the ones suffering those consequences.

You know the pigged up cow daughter is going to use the kid as a bargaining chip/guilt trip at every turn. "You'd do (thing) if you cared about your grandbaby!" "If you don't do (thing), it means you don't love your grandchild!" "If you don't give me money, I'll take (grandchild) and leave and you'll never see them again!"
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 06, 2023
I see lots of people in the comments suggesting that the piggo is depressed and doesn't need tough love right now. Normally I would entertain this as a possibility, but I know from first-hand experience one of the many symptoms of depression is a lack of energy to do really anything. If Princess has the energy to throw herself on the floor and scream, she's not depressed. She a lazy piece of shit who wants someone else to raise her brat while she continues to be a deadbeat.

I agree. I was depressed after my divorce and anytime I wasn't doing something necessary I would sit and not move.

There is something really strange about seeing a grown adult throw themselves on the floor and scream or have a fit.
A teenager would be almost as weird but at least a teen isn't fully grown yet.

I saw an adult do it once and it was weird. Total attempt to manipulate.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 06, 2023
Even if the adult in question was retarded, you'd still look at them sideways. Like if I saw someone my age kicking and screaming on the ground for any reason other than being in godawful pain, I would immediately assume mental illness was involved. Now you have me wondering if this woman has ever thrown these tantrums in public as an adult.

I wonder how easy it will be for her to pull that shit when she's more heavily pregnant. Will she be able to throw an effective tantrum when she's really fat? I imagine someone will have to pick her ass up off the floor if she decides to throw herself down to kick and scream because she's not ready for reality. Man I'd love to be a fly on the wall when she goes into labor when her coping mechanism for avoiding reality is having toddler-strength meltdowns. Because whether or not she realizes it, the biggest tantrum in the world won't stop that loaf from coming out.

What happens when a mentally unstable adult woman is in labor? Because I definitely consider this gigantic infant to be mentally ill. Are they medicated to keep them calm? Restrained? Knocked out entirely? What if the woman needs a C-section? If a completely crazy woman is kicking and biting and punching, how is a C-section performed? I imagine that's the kind of thing you have to, you know, stay still for, what with the getting cut open and all.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 06, 2023
I don't think there's anything wrong with people standing up and saying, "I already raised my kids, I'm not raising yours" and leaving them to figure their own shit out. But these grandparents don't want to see a loaf get neglected because their shit-for-brains children don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, let alone how to keep a helpless human larvae alive.

If all or most grandparents told their kids this it would be no different than it was for the majority of the kids I knew growing up. And the small amount of kids I knew with their grandparents raising them were seriously screwed up.

They could also set the record straight on this "where is muh village" TM concept that has caught on fire in recent years. There is no village TM, Easter Bunny or Santa Claus stupid moos. And supportive spouses that are willing to contribute 50/50 are unicorns.

Wise grandparents can make sure to put at least 1,000 miles between them and their grown brats. And grandparents would be smart to limit their retirement house to three bedrooms or less. If they have money running out of their eyeballs rent/buy a second home (three bedrooms or less) in another location and don't invite their brats. Hell, anyone retiring that doesn't want an uninvited roommate to show up would be wise to do this. Once they're in they can prove very difficult to get rid of. Or they're in, pay rent for six months or less and all of the sudden they're destitute.

It really is their choice, either enjoy retirement or continue to raise other people's brats until they drop dead.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 06, 2023
Hip Moo posts to AITA and cannot understand why people are upset when her kid is chalking up the walls of their neighborhood.

Snagged it before she took it down. Fortunately, she's getting her ass handed to her.



AITA for brushing off my neighbors complaints about my child chalking around the neighborhood?
I live in kind of a fancy pants neighborhood and it’s a pretty stark contrast to my own person. I’m heavily tattooed and self made + pretty down to earth I’d say. Most of the people living here on the other hand were born into wealthy families and are complete snobs, except for the guy across the street. Shoutout to David if you’re reading this.

I was enjoying my week off today as the doorbell rang. I opened up and there they stood, the three Stooges. Some neighbors gathered to complain about my kid.

They were less than pleased with him drawing with chalk around the streets and onto their perimeter walls (he didn’t enter any properties just drew from the sidewalk).

The chalk is normal grocery store chalk and washes off extremely easily. If it’s not thickly applied you can even somewhat blow it off. One rain and it’s gone. None of the color stains, nothing stays behind.

They kept on ranting and I couldn’t contain my chuckling. I usually am pretty strict, but this was just hilarious to me. 3 grown men complaining about a kid drawing flowers and such with chalk.

They threatened to get the police involved. I told them that I’d love to laugh and chit chat about these completely hysterical complaints with an officer. After that I basically laughed them off the porch.

As for my kid, I’ll definitely not discipline him for going out there and being a kid, not causing damage or harm, but just chalking some very short lived doodles. I’m more sad for the bitter Stooges who can’t enjoy a childs drawings. If any of their kids were to draw onto mu front porch even, I’d sit down with them and ask them about their cool little drawings and listen to them explaining their little worlds to me.

Am I going crazy? AITA?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 07, 2023
Chalking on the sidewalk, meh, I don't care, it will wash off. Chalking on someone else's property, on the other hand, is obviously inappropriate and I can understand why the neighbors are annoyed.

Last year I had some kids skateboarding on my porch - I went outside and asked them (politely) to fuck off. First, it was really noisy and was interrupting my work. Second, they could have damaged the porch. Third, they could have injured themselves and then my insurance would have gone up. Fucking around on another person's property is not innocent and they're clearly not considering the consequences.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 07, 2023
I think that chalk stuff is an eyesore. It's ugly but I wouldn't personally make a huge deal out of it unless it was on my property. I can understand why some people would be annoyed, especially in a "fancy pants" neighborhood as moo puts it.

She sounds overall very disrespectful to the people who live around her and I'm figuring that she and her kid are not liked in the neighborhood. It sounds like maybe the kid has done other annoying, damaging things and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Otherwise I can't imagine three grown adult men getting that angry about it.

Kids are fuckin' annoying. I have the misfortune of the school bus picking up the kids right in front of my house and the little fuckers scream like banshees early in the morning while they're waiting for it. I've decided that if it continues, I'll go outside and have a polite word with them. This is the first year that the kids have been banshees. The previous school years they've actually been really quiet. IDK what's happened, except maybe some new kids have moved in across the street. There's affordable townhouses rentals over there.

Moos need to understand that most other people aren't going to find their kids cute, especially if they're an annoyance to the neighborhood. I get the sense that moo doesn't discipline or talk to her kid about anything. She probably just lets them run wild and other people living around her are finally getting annoyed.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 07, 2023
AITA reporting in with another fail. A little bit of everything here: stupid pregnancy, MIL problems, husband problems, Moo's gender reveal party obsession complete with cake and special clothes.

Separated into paragraphs because illiteracy.


After almost 2 years of trying my husband and I are finally pregnant, today we got the results of my NIPT which includes gender results. He was excited and told his mom, later in the day they were on a phone call together and after being told not to say it as I didn't know yet and was waiting for a gender reveal she shouted "What?! I told you that you were having a boy!",

I'm heartbroken. I wanted to wait and share the moment with my parents and grandparents at a small gender reveal where I get to cut a cake and it was ruined, she doesn't even understand what she did wrong and is calling us sensitive (sic) for being upset!

This has destroyed me, I'm returning the shirt I bought for the gender reveal and I don't want her to be part of my or my son's life, but, I know that my husband would never allow her to be cut off so I told him I'll compromise and she can be part of our son's life but I never want her alone with him, if she can't listen to one simple instruction what makes you think she'll listen to our parenting choices?

He's PISSED about this and it caused a massive fight, he says "look how I turned out, I'm fine", to me while he may be alive it's been over 20 years since she had a baby, she is emotionally abusive and doctor shopped to have him placed on several unnecessary medications. Also, this is the same women who had called the cops on him for stupid reasons, like asking her what college degree she had and telling the cops he threatened to unalive her, same thing for asking for her wifi password and thinks baby wearing is SA. AITA for not trusting my MIL alone with our son?

(I googled NIPT (Non-invasive pregnancy test) and apparently it's a blood test that looks for genetic abnormalities and also determines gender.

And the MIL thinks wearing a baby (I'm guessing in one of those sling things) is sexual assault?

Yeah, everyone in this scenario sounds really normal. beating with a lol hammer wide-eyed surprise

Moo2Be only wants this woman out of her life after she "ruined" the gender reveal? Obviously she has bigger problems than that with this woman.

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