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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 14, 2024
That woman has some huge balls, and not in a good way. I definitely get the feeling it does not matter what her husband says--you know she's going to be asking his relatives for money. The one commenter who told her she should feel perfectly entitled to do that is giving her TERRIBLE advice.

This is tangentially related but MY GAWD there are some greedy Breeders on the dating scene who are just looking for dumb women to finance themselves and their brats.

These women need to wake the fuck up and see what's happening but some of them write after they have made terrible mistakes already.

Here's one who hopefully hasn't taken the plunge with this loser.

He's a divorced dud of 55 and he is dating a 35 year old woman. He just took out a second mortgage on his home. He has children in their late 20's. He's paying off his student loans, as well as his kids' student loans. (Why TF aren't his kids paying off their own student loans?)

He wants this woman to move in with him and help him pay off his mortgage. If something happens to him, the house goes to his kids and his kids only. He's not willing to compromise on this at all. He wants the GF to move in and pay down the house, which will take 10 to 15 years, and then they can sell the house and buy one "together."

I know the Moneyist must be so frustrated reading these emails day in and day out. At least in this one he blunty tells her: Paying for his house should NOT be part of your retirement plan.

He also tells her to "remain financially independent." I don't know why she is considering this otherwise, except she's a 35 year old single Mom and she's desperate for Dick.

Here's one where the idiot Moo Co-signed for her "boyfriends" mortgage and her name isn't even on the deed.

She wrote:


He put me in his will so the house goes to me in the event that he passes. I would be responsible for paying off the house, and any extra money would go to his brother. I am not on the deed for the house. Would this make it messy if he passes?

These women have to stop falling in the Dick sand. They need to start thinking with their BRAINS.

The first one only got with her becuase she's financially solvent, and he wants her to pay off his debts for a nuber of years. I'm guessing he'll kick her to the curb once he's at a certain financial level, or he'll marry her and try to claim half of her paid-off home. I would run away from him as fast as I could.

As to the second one, you just know that the only reason he got with her was for the $$$$. She was a blazing idiot to co-sign anything, and especialy with some boyfriend with a huge age gap. Who's guessing that he'll dump her in some time, she'll get kicked out of the house, he'll stop paying the loan and she'll be on the hook for paying on a house that she neither owns or lives in. The foreclosure will go on her credit rating.

There's a sub full of situations like this, where men (some older) with kids prey on younger, childless women. Some of them are dumb enough to have One Of Their Own with the stepduh, others manage to get out in time. r/stepparents is full of this bullshit.

Again, so glad this won't ever be me.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 14, 2024
If Duh is this much of a control freak (and subsequent pouter when he doesn't get his way), what's he going to be like as a parent? I guarantee you anything he's going to undermine all her parenting decisions and argue with her over everything. And then will give her and the kid the silent treatment to punish them as well as withhold affection from the child because he didn't get his own way.

Until the man grows a fetus in his body and pushes it out of a tiny orifice, he gets no say in how the fetus will come out, be it via labor and birth or abortion. The woman is the landlord and she chooses how the tenant gets evicted. Yes, Moo can keep him out of the delivery room, but she can't keep him away forever once they get the loaf home. I seriously doubt the police would allow for a restraining order because the Duh is a controlling pouty man-baby.

There's no way this shit stain wasn't like this prior to her getting knocked up and she's a fucking fucktard for breeding with him. So now if the kid is a girl, it will grow up believing this is an acceptable way to be treated by a man. If the child is male, it will grow up thinking it's acceptable to treat women like this. Even if he never escalates to physical abuse, verbal and mental abuse does plenty of damage. Bruises can heal, but mental scars can be for life.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2024
Another woman that miscarried a 6 week old clump, and she is making a huge deal out of it and making it all about herself.

I feel sorry for her husband, because she seems like she's obsessing over every little thing. She's using the clump as an excuse not to go to her husband's mother's house for Mother's Day this year. She is making her MIL out to be the Bad Guy, and says the MIL is telling her she's not a real mom because she only has dogs.

I myself am completely not offended when someone calls me that, but I can see where it's really insensitive to say that to someone who had a miscarriage. If it offends her, she needs to grow a spine. She could tell her MIL that given what's happened to her, she's not coming over until the MIL cuts it out. (And get her husband to back her up.)

Now she and her husband are fighting over taking a vacation in May. It seems like Wifey wants him to not spend MD with his mother but they MUST BE home for Wifey's own birthday.

It sounds as if it's something he's always done, but now she's using the Clump as a reason to make him not go, because MD is Just Too Hard for her.

I don't know why she can't suggest to her husband that if he wants to go to MD with his mom, they can be on vacation during his birthday and they can go the last week of April. She seems really inflexible.

Let's make mountains out of molehills, shall we?
I need advice Also trigger warning talks of miscarriages and self harm.

I (29yr) told my husband (38yr) that I would not be spending any time with him and his family for Mother’s Day this year.

So in November 2023 I found out that I was pregnant unfortunately December 2023 the week away from Christmas I had lost our baby. I had gone to the hospital because I had started to bleed and they were doing some tests and ultrasounds and that was the first time I heard my baby’s heart. Later, when test came back and everything we found out that the baby’s heart was failing, and that’s why my body miscarried. Ever since the miscarriage, I really haven’t been the same. I’ve been talking to my therapist, but nothing really seems to help the emptiness and helps the heartache the night feel inside my husband knows that I’ve been having a hard time with this. I’ve gone back to my old ways of cutting which I did tell my therapist about and I agreed to talk about medication possibly I’ve been using different coping mechanisms like the rubber band trick or journaling.

The second week in January I had talked to my husband about maybe taking a trip for our birthday month he’s born May 5 and I’m born May 21 so there’s a week in between our birthdays I thought maybe he and I could go away and take our mind off of everything that’s been happening here. He agreed to think about it just yesterday he had mentioned it to me and told me that he wants to know where we would go and to brainstorm some ideas and maybe we can start planning. I got excited I love to travel and this morning I was looking up different places I have five or six different tabs open on my computer. When he came home from work, we spoke, and I told him that I did some research he was happy and willing to see, but when he saw the dates that I was looking at, he stopped in his tracks and looked at me and said we can’t go away that week (May 10th - May 14th) I asked him why not and he had brought up, that the Sunday in between those days is Mother’s Day, and do I really want to spend Mother’s Day away from his family and my own. Honestly, I didn’t even think about Mother’s Day seeing as I’m not one and everything that has to do with babies and expecting others triggers me really easily right now. I told him that I wasn’t going to be spending Mother’s Day with my mom either for a plethora of reasons.

My mom and I aren’t that close. She left me when I was 17 and I had to take care of my two younger sisters go to high school make dinners and lunches. It was a rough time in my life and she’s just recently came back into my life asking for another chance we’re not exactly close I’m respectful, but I am wary about her.

As for his mother, she is a nice enough lady when she wants to be and I understand that she’s from a different generation so when she says things that sound backwards as for his mother she is a nice enough lady when she wants to be and I understand that she’s from a different generation so sometimes when she says things that sound backwards I just kind of give her a pass.

I told him that I really don’t want to be spending Mother’s Day at all with anyone. I’ve been a dog mom for as long as I can remember with my dog and unfortunately, mil doesn’t quite see me as a real mom even though I do feel like I am, but that’s a point for another day.

I told him don’t worry about it. It’s fine we don’t have to go on the trip. He gave two suggestions that wouldn’t work. The first suggestion is that we go from the Monday after Mother’s Day weekend until Thursday of that following week which wouldn’t work because quite frankly, I’ve never missed spending a birthday with my nephew, or my niece they mean the world to me, and especially now through this time, they’ve meant even more to me than I can ever explain. I told him that I wouldn’t want to miss my birthday without my nephew and my niece then he offered why don’t we go in June I don’t want to go in June the places that were looking at in June will be too hot to enjoy, and I’d rather do it in the spring where it’s, not all the way hot yet but it’s not so cold that we won’t enjoy it either plus June is our anniversary month and we had already told agreed that we were going to go down to Atlantic City for our anniversary. I told him to forget the whole thing, and that I no longer want to go. I also told him that I will not be going to see his mother on Mother’s Day even though it’s months away, I can guarantee that. he looked at me rolled, his eyes, turned over and fell asleep on the couch while I went into the kitchen to clean some dishes.

Am I the asshole for this I can’t help but feel the way I am feeling and on top of everything I just don’t wanna be around people who are either going to ignore the fact that I was a mother even for a short time, and still am one to my dog. I don’t know let me know what you think. I’m looking for genuine advice, please.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2024
Here's another gem from the Moneyist

60 year old male Geezer Breeder with ten year old twins wants to retire in seven years. His Wifey is in her mid-50's. (Do I detect there was an IVF situation, because if you do the math, that means Wifey was pregnasty at age 45 with these twins.)

Wifey hasn't worked in a decade and she has ZERO retirement savings. The male Geezer Breeder "plans" to retire at age 67 when his children are juniors in high school. He has pretty healthy retirement savings, but in addition to Wifey having zero, these two haven't contributed a single cent toward college, nor have they contributed to a 529 plan.

Gee, I wonder how it's all going to turn out?

Dud's question, emphasis mine:


I am almost 60 and my wife is in her mid-50’s. Our twins are almost 10. Because we had children late in life, my wife hasn’t worked in a decade. Our house is almost paid off — it’s worth around $400,000 — and I have $500,000 in my 401(k), and another $250,000 in various stocks and mutual funds. My wife does not have any retirement accounts.

I plan to retire at 67. My concern is not only having to support my wife when I retire, but also our children who will be entering their junior year of high school. We do not have a 529 plan for the twins. I have not seen any articles or advice columns for older parents like ourselves and what to do when you’re at retirement age, yet still have children at home.

I would guess he hasn't seen articles like this because most people who sprog at age 50 just accept the bitter truth that they will probably be working until they are 70 years old. (Or maybe most people just aren't this stupid, although I doubt that.)

ETA: Obviously I don't have kids, but even if I did, I could never put myself in the position that Wifey is in: mid-50's, hasn't worked in 10 years, zero retirement savings? How does she sleep at night? She's essentially what my mom used to call "One man away from Welfare."

I guess she wanted to "retire" from the work force and she's banking on those sprogs being her lifetime meal ticket. Good luck with that. Thanks to no-fault divorce laws, Dud may decide the better move would be to just cut her loose. He already wrote that he's concerned how he's going to support her in retirement.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2024
I can't believe there is anything this duh could offer that would make it worth even considering this idea.

I realize being alone has disadvantages but it isn't even on the same planet of suffering this duh expects her to deal with. The fucker is a duh, has serious financial issues and is 20 years older than this woman! His children in their late 20's will have their own brats soon enough and you know he'll expect his bangmaid to help out with any new brats, in addition to contributing to paying off his house. I realize she is a moo too but she can do so much better than this wastrel.

If she so desperately wants to be with a man old enough to be her father stay 100% independent and don't pay off any of his crap either.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2024
Here's another gem from the Moneyist

60 year old male Geezer Breeder with ten year old twins wants to retire in seven years. His Wifey is in her mid-50's. (Do I detect there was an IVF situation, because if you do the math, that means Wifey was pregnasty at age 45 with these twins.)

Wifey hasn't worked in a decade and she has ZERO retirement savings. The male Geezer Breeder "plans" to retire at age 67 when his children are juniors in high school. He has pretty healthy retirement savings, but in addition to Wifey having zero, these two haven't contributed a single cent toward college, nor have they contributed to a 529 plan.

Ha ha, the IVF IS the moo's retirement insurance policy. She is having brats to take care of her in her old age. May they both move 1000+ miles away from this bint and live happy lives. Clearly this moo has no intention of helping to earn a bit of retirement savings even though she didn't breed until she was 45.

Since her husband was able to save so much for retirement they aren't financially hurting. Her brats are 10 years old so why wouldn't she want to save towards retirement to make her life easier? It would be very different if she couldn't afford to save for retirement but clearly they both can afford it. And they're very fortunate to be able to do so.

While there is a very good chance that she would wind up with 50% of the retirement total in a divorce, why wouldn't she want to contribute and make both their future lives better?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 20, 2024

ETA: Obviously I don't have kids, but even if I did, I could never put myself in the position that Wifey is in: mid-50's, hasn't worked in 10 years, zero retirement savings? How does she sleep at night? She's essentially what my mom used to call "One man away from Welfare."

I really don't get it. There are lots of women who feel completely entitled to be married and act like thoughtless teenagers for the rest of their lives. Some have brats and some don't. They literally never have a concern about future savings or reality. I'm not referring to women who are ill or dealing with a disability either. Sooner or later a grown man is likely to tire of being married to a perma-teenager and realize he needs to cut his losses instead. Either that or he realizes he could marry a youthful version of his wife who is *always really happy to see him* and decides to do just that, because it is better to pay off the credit debt of a hot young wife than a middle-aged or old wife.

And then here is a woman who is middle-aged or older, probably doesn't have a decent paying job and will continue to blow through any divorce settlement and end up dependent on whomever. Quality men will figure out who she is really quickly and won't be interested in any kind of LTR with her.

Women used to be practically forced into being dependent on men, no matter how badly they were treated. Why would any woman purposely play into this dynamic by acting infantile if she has any other options available to her?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 27, 2024
This doozy is from r/stepparents. Husband takes his kids to Disney with his mother and family, and they leave the stepmother behind. They don't invite her along, they don't offer to pay for her ticket, nothing, nada. Duh of the year doesn't even bother to get her groceries for the week he's gone, so the kitchen is empty.

Why do women even bother with these type of men, and especially childfree or childless women? Damn!


My husband’s grandparents have not been doing well so I’ve been encouraging him to visit before one loses their memory. I was the one encouraging for months to visit. Turns out him and the kids were going and I found out a week away. It stung a little bit because I felt left out of the family, it felt different than him just going. But he needs his mother to pay so I tell him how I feel and he apologizes. Now it turns out his siblings, their spouses, and my step kids all went. I was not invited. The first whole day on the trip out of state and grandma got Disneyland tickets. I’m just bewildered. She knew how I felt left out, how poor we are and behind on bills, yet this trip is turning into a true vacation.

This is how I felt growing up. Not invited or close with anyone. I’m just repeating it with a new family. I could not imagine leaving a spouse with an empty kitchen with no groceries, unpaid bills, and taking my mother up on a fun day trip. I dedicated years of my life to his parenting plan, supporting him, and providing the opportunity for custody rights, yet here I am. I am feeling guilty for buying half and half. While they are eating out and vacationing without me. I just wouldn’t do this to him. I would ask my mother to do Disneyland next trip with my spouse. Or even ask for her to help with our car payment we will be missing this month. But glad they are having fun? I am at a loss on how a family is really suppose to be and what I deserve.

All the replies are telling her that she's married to an ungrateful SOB and should reevaluate her life with this POS. The best comment is this reply. the underline text is the OP.

I got him 50/50 by being available.

You have been used.

I still pay my own bills. He covers rent. I cover utilities.

Does he do shopping, cleaning, cooking for his kids?

He crashed my paid off car and we are down to my new car with a payment I'm covering

You ARE being used.

they are eating out and vacationing without me...while I don’t have groceries

Your husband is on holiday with those he loves and cares for. His mother is providing a holiday for those she considers family.

You need to think about these things, very carefully.

Are you loved? Respected? Valued?

You come across as stressed, financially and emotionally.

Take the time away from them to think. To plan. Is this all your life is supposed to be? In 5, 10, 15 years time, people treating you like this will NOT be any kinder. The children are learning your place in this family.

Care for yourself. Rescue yourself. Love yourself.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 30, 2024
Another one from r/poor.

Not going to deny the middle class is shrinking but this woman writes how Da Man is keeping everyone down and she's tired of being poor.

One commenter asked her some probing but reasonable questions and.....the truth comes out. She and her husband and their FIVE KIDS are trying to live on the family's only job, which pays $23/hour. (He gets overtime one day a week.)

I'm copying this because I predict the whole thread will go down soon because some people are already giving her flack. It's probably going to get nasty.

Da Man is keeping us down!

It keeps getting harder and harder just to be able to afford to live and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it.

My husband got a job a few years ago in a factory that used to be considered one of the best jobs you could get, factory-wise, around here. For decades, they were very selective about who they hired. It was one of those places where you basically had to know someone who worked there to be able to get hired on. Compared to the many other factories around here, they had excellent benefits, the work wasn't that difficult, they offered bonuses and lots of incentives and they paid more than many jobs that required degrees.

My husband had an application in for years before he finally got hired on. When he did, we were both so thrilled and hopeful. We thought that we were finally going to be able to make a better life, that we weren't going to struggle every single day over simple things like gas money or being able to give the kids ice cream money for school everyday. We were finally going to be able to afford to take the kids on vacation and we'd eventually be able to buy a home that wasn't way too small for our family and falling apart around us.

Instead, it's like nothing at all has changed. We're still struggling to keep the power on, to keep food in the house. We rarely go anywhere other than my husband going back and forth to work, taking the kids to school and picking them up and going to the grocery store. And none of those places are more than 2 miles from our house...which is still too small and still falling apart around us.

I'm just sick of it. And it makes me so angry that there's nothing I can do about any of it. I have so much regret for the mistakes that i made in my late teens and early 20s because those choices set my life on this trajectory and now there's no changing it. I think about all of the things that I would love to be able to do or the type of life that I really wish I had, things that my younger, more arrogant self just could not understand or appreciate and I think "If I just would have done this one thing differently, my life could very well be completely different." And everyday just goes by faster than the one before. The years keep flying by. My kids are growing up in the blink of an eye. I'm to the age now where I understand realistically that I'm likely never going to have those things. Any hope I had of giving my kids even a normal middle-class childhood is pretty much gone and I'm going to be sitting in what's left of this house until the day I die.

It's all just so hopeless; not my individual situation but the fact that the majority of the world has it just as bad, if not worse. I find myself looking around and thinking "Surely, this can't be all there is. I only have this one single life and this is what I did with it and now that I'm old enough to really appreciate the gravity of that, there's nothing that I can do to really change it in a big, meaningful way.

I know this all sounds really dark. I promise I don't spend my days depressed, crying in the dark over my regrets. I do spend my days mostly doing things that I enjoy. I do what I can to find purpose and happiness and meaning in my life. Over the past year or 2, I've started taking better care of myself– exercising daily, eating better, connecting with nature, trying to be a better mother, wife, daughter; just trying my best to be a better person, in general.

I know I am lucky in so many ways and I am truly grateful for that. It just makes me angry that corrupt, inept governments and capitalist greed get to affect my life in such huge and lasting ways. I hate that the whole world and the lives of everyone in it are at the mercy of a system designed to keep people like me stuck exactly where I am. I wish that there was something real and meaningful that I could do about it, some real way to make change. Unfortunately, the options for doing that are limited, if not nonexistent, which I guess is why I settled for coming on here and bitching about my sad little life and my immense regret due to my poor life choices to you guys...in other words, taking a few minutes to scream into the void while feeling sorry for myself.

I'll go ahead and apologize that it took me typing this whole thing out before I realized I'm basically just throwing myself a little pity party with this post...Oh well. I'm still gonna post it cause I don't want it to feel like anymore of a waste of time than it does already...so...cheers, I guess

Reasonable person
I agree that it’s getting harder to afford to live, but you are not helpless. You say that you made bad choices in your teens and early 20s which affected the trajectory of your life. Then you blame capitalist greed and inept government for your predicament. Which is it? While I have my issues with our government as well, I don’t think we’re helpless to change our lives for the better.

Do you work? If not, getting a job could certainly improve your finances. No skills? Try community college or online programs. My mom unexpectedly found herself single and self-supporting after 20+ years of being a SAHM. She got a job in retail, and took word processing and bookkeeping classes at community college. Then she got a job as an office manager. She put all those years of scheduling, managing 4 kids, and household budgeting to use. She took accounting classes, worked hard and was a great employee. She got promoted. After awhile she found an even better job with a different employer. It took awhile, but she improved her life. It’s never too late.

ETA: I made mostly good decisions in my teens and 20s (one bad decision in my choice of a spouse). I’m older now and my life didn’t turn out as I expected either. It’s been much harder than I thought it would be. But that’s on me. I should’ve taken more risks in my career, budgeted better (the little things add up), saved more, etc. I’m reminding myself that even at my age, it’s not too late to make some changes.

whine whine whine
You ask which is the cause for my predicament, my decisions or the system...it's both and so much more. Our lives are the result of an innumerable number of choices and circumstances that all come together to bring us exactly where we are in this very moment. Some we have some control over, others we don't. For example, my childhood made it much more likely that I would make the choices that I did back then. I was a dumb kid who didn't fully understand the consequences of those choices, but I'm still the one that made them...circumstance and choice.

My husband works 12 hour swing shifts...4 days on, 4 days off and at least 1 over time day a week. He's making right at $23/hr right now. He's either working or sleeping. Literally everything else falls on me. Sure, I could take some online classes, but what for? I live in rural SW Virginia in an itty bitty town with 1 stop light. There aren't a whole lot of career options around here. What kind of job could I get that would allow me to work around a schedule like my husband's and still allow me the time to care for a household with 5 kids and that would pay enough to actually make it worth it? How long would it take for me to complete the education needed to even do that job? With 5 kids, it's already hard giving each one the one on one time that they need and deserve. How would it affect them if I no longer had the time to give them even that much? Say I did find a career that fit all of that, how would I pay for the classes? How would my husband and I balance both of us getting back and forth to work with 1 vehicle? Sure, there are cheaper used ones out there, but how would I buy it and get it on the road when I can't even afford a gallon of milk?

I grew up with a single mother and 2 siblings, as well. My mom had to bust her ass, but she was able to keep the bills paid and to buy us everything we needed and even most of the things we wanted. She worked in a factory much like the one my husband works in now. That's the whole point of my post. Even just a few years ago, a job like the one my husband has was enough for a family to be able to live a fairly comfortable life. Sure, you may not be able to to afford a huge house and luxury vehicles, but you made enough to pay your bills, take care of your family's needs and even have enough left over to build a little savings. In just a few short years, since the pandemic, that is no longer the case. Inflation and the cost of living are so high now that the same exact job no longer affords you anywhere close to the same amount of comfort.

You say "just work harder", but the whole time everyone is trying to work harder, the price to just keep living keeps going up. When is it going to be enough? How hard am I going to have to work until I'm finally able to reliably make more money than I need to spend to care for myself and my family? Used to, a single parent could take care of their family if they had a decent job, like my mom and your mother both did. Now, it would take both parents having a job like that to provide the same kind of life. So that's already double the work for the same amount of reward.

This is what inept governments and capitalist greed have done to this country. And they won't stop until there are enough of us to make them stop.

Here we go
I get your frustration, but most actual poor people I know are actually struggling to not get evicted from where they rent and supporting a family with children on a single mom income. It may not seem like enough to you but having a house of your own, falling apart or not, is a PRIVILEGE. Having children is also a choice, and everyone knows how expensive they are before making that decision. Your kids have a roof over their head and food on the table. Not having daily ice cream money to buy after school never killed anybody. Count your blessings.

A glimmer of truth, but check the first line. I guess she just wanted to marry a guy who made more money.
Actually, I don't really regret not furthering my education more than I already have. When I think about what the perfect life would be like, I don't picture having a bunch of money. I fantasize about having freedom. I love my kids more than anything, but I do think about what my life would be like if I hadn't gotten married, if I hadn't had kids so very young, if all I had to worry about was myself, if I didn't have to constantly worry about the consequences of bringing these innocent little souls into a world where all day, everyday I see all of the ways that I fail to give them everything they deserve and all of the ways that it could negatively impact their futures. I'd give anything to have the perspective and the wisdom that I have now back then when I was just a dumb kid who mistakenly believed she was grown.


ETA: As a senior person, this woman's post really bothers me. While the middle class is shrinking, it does seem to me sometimes that people in power are fueling a class and possibly a race war. I posted an article a while back that U.S. Government economists made some changes in the underlying calculations regarding income and they REMOVED government payments to individuals from the calculation of individual income. What's more, they also took the effect of paying taxes out of people's income.

The net result of course is that people look poorer and people in the upper income brackets who are paying more taxes "look" as if they have more income.

I'm a person who came from nothing, but I saved 20% of my income and here's the biggie: I DIDN'T HAVE FIVE FUCKING KIDS or kids at all. I was able to save money because of this. So many young people are reading this crap on Reddit and launching into a hatred of Boomers. It's all the Boomers' fault, etc.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
January 31, 2024
I don't understand the concept of how the middle class can shrink. If it is the income of the median 50% of the population then it will be that 50%, regardless of the income range so it is statistically impossible for it to shrink. If the population shrinks, it would proportionally work itself out.

"The middle class is shrinking!!" is such a political hot button that is fueled by hot air.

I do understand that the lifestyle expectations have grown tremendously since I was a child. Vacations were fairly rare unless a family was wealthy, I had three pairs of fitting shoes (school, church and athletic) each year until my feet stopped growing, we only received gifts on our birthdays or for Christmas. Today, lots of people think vacations should happen several times a year, kids own 10+ pairs of fitting shoes at any time, birthday parties are expected to be huge and expensive, gifts are expected for every tiny milestone. Weddings are crazy in cost. My family member had three graduation parties in 2023, I had none. When I was a kid only the rich kids had graduation parties and most of us just wanted to hang out together and celebrate at a bonfire or similar. Lots of things now considered commonplace were considered luxuries.

I've also heard people say that a middle class person should be able to afford: a house, a couple kids, retirement, savings, emergency savings, a new car every few years, college for all kids, annual vacations, eating out regularly, a bunch of clothing/shoes, etc. Being able to afford all of this is for someone wealthy, not the baseline for the middle class. I know people who would be considered wealthy who cannot afford all of this and some don't have kids either. Almost everyone has to choose what they prioritize.

No, we'll never see the return of the 1950's era where some households had one income and everyone today seems to think it was every household. It was not. Plus this era was also fueled by the fact that the USA had intact factories that could manufacture whereas most other countries had their factories destroyed. And let's add the draft to that and the fact that a decent portion of the young male population was killed or seriously injured as a result. And then upon their return for the ones who made it back home, they were treated like dirt by most citizens.

This bint doesn't understand how it was easier for her single mom to raise three kids on one income than it is for her husband to support SEVEN people on one income. Come on, no one is this stupid. That is more than double the mouths to feed on one income!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 01, 2024
So did the government and capitalists hold a gun to this woman's head and force her to breed five times? I feel bad for the husband because he has to work himself into the ground to support all these assholes. I think her odds of finding a job that accommodated her husband's work schedule would be a needle in a haystack, but then they'd need to pay for brat care if both parents were working. I've heard more than a few Moos say that SAHMing is more worth it because when they'd work, their entire paycheck would go toward babysitters/daycare/nannies, so they may as well stay home and raise their kids themselves.

There's only so much you can blame on the government, the economy and so on. Having five kids on a single income that could hardly support one person, let alone seven, is 100% Moo's and Duh's fault. Many people are poor because of poor choices and I think having five damn kids falls under the heading of poor choices. Having kids is an expensive privilege, but the problem is that unlike many expensive privileges, you don't need to have the money up front in order to acquire a child. You need to be able to afford a house or a car before buying one, but you can just haul off and breed regardless of what's in your bank account.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 05, 2024
I'm grabbing this one from TwoHotTakes before the OP wises up and removes it. I sincerely hope this is a fake post written by some incel, because surely no woman would be stupid enough to let a man SA her and beat her up, only to feel guilty that she's not satisfying his "needs?"

AND in the updated post it appears she's supporting this ass?

We need a facepalm icon.

"My tight pussy is ruining our marriage, what should I do?"
To start this of our (me 24F & husband 26M) sex life was amazing. It was everything I could've ever hoped for. Slow and steady or hot and heavy...but there is a major shift.

For context, we've been married for 2 years now and I had our son 6 monts ago via C-section..so 'she' is all good BUT we noticed afterwards that things are different down there. EXTREMELY THIGHT! So tight that he struggles to get it in and when he does its very painful for me. I have cried twice now during sex because of it and it's caused me to not want to do it as well because it hurts so bad.

Now our problem...my husband is dealing with a lot of frustration lately and the only way he claims he can get it out is though rough sex (365days type of shit). I complied to both times he needed it and secretly cried during and after and bled both times for a whole week which is unnatural for me(side note, I don't get periods anymore because of the type of birth contol I'm on).

We've had proper chats about the whole situation and I explained to him that I'm put off of sex because of it(the tightness and aggression). He said he respects my decision because it is my body and he doesn't want to hurt me and instead had his 'personal time' and said he will wait until I'm ready again...and it was fine..

Until 3days ago, we were lying in bed having our usual chat and I apologized to him again for not being "a good wife" when it comes to sex. Usually when we talk about the topic and I apologize, he always responds in a caring way and ensures me that he loves me even without the sex...that night he didn't, he replied coldly with "I would lie if I said it was okay".

Side note: Before you say "oh well you can help him with a BJ or HJ"...we've tried it and he says it still doesn't get his frustration out. He wants to be aggressive with me almost in a way of punishment and says when we have sex he struggles to hold back the aggression.

That broke me because I want to help, i want to be there for his needs but he has scared me into not having sex and due to the tight situation.

I can't even look at him anymore because all i can see is that aggressive sex crazy side and I've noticed today that I'm starting to resent him for it. What should I do?

original link:



First of all, thank you to everyone who commented, I really appreciate the support!

After reading your comments, I have booked an appointment with my GYNO who delivered our baby to have a look at whats up. All this time I thought it was just one of those things that will go away over time..but you definitely proved me wrong so we're checking that out.

As for my husband, I ended up showing him some of your comments and he agrees that he needs to see someone about it. That gyming, working out, etc. won't help and that its more a mental issue.

At the moment he's being very respectful of my personal space and asks for permission to enter the room when I'm changing, showering...you get the point. And also asking first if he can hold me in bed or touch me in any way. Your comments really made him rethink everything and I'm appreciating the space.

Lastly, I'm also going to see a therapist about this mental struggle I'm in "not being a good enough wife" and hopefully get myself out of that mentality. I know I'm a good mom to our son and a good partner that ensures a roof over our heads and food on the table...but it's the sex aspect that's got me all mixed up but your comments have helped me understand it's not ALL my fault.

Edit: For those of you who are saying, "Wow, magically fixed within a day! LMAO" I didn't say it's FIXED. After we talked, we set immediate boundaries to stop things from escalating further until we get professional help. He's backing off and respecting the boundaries after seeing your comments because he feels ashamed of the way he's been going about this.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 07, 2024
Moo needs to be talked out of having a second brat, even though she logically knows two will be too hard to deal with. But she wants to "have a table with more than 3 people sitting around it" and wants her child to have a sibling. eye rolling smiley

Yeah she wants her brat to have a sibling now, but when the two of them are at each other's throats and trying to murder one another every 10 seconds and every single goddamn thing has to be an argument, she'll be Googling how to stuff the younger child back into her uterus until it turns 18.

She even admits she can't parent her current one all that well because of awtism, but her hormones are barkin' hard, y'all - someone tell her not to breed again! Spoiler alert: she's going to breed again because she wants to, even when it flies in the face of all logic and sense. She will justify it by saying that things will work out, everything will be okay, Gawd will provide and so on. Then she will bitch in the sub about how hard and expensive a second child is and how she wishes she never had it.

Look lady, not all "nagging feelings" have to be indulged. You think with anything other than your brain and you're more likely to make the wrong choice. She seems to also want another brat because she "won't ever have a chance at another pregnancy." I assume she is in her thirties or forties and feels her imaginary biological clock ticking. That whole "have a child before it's too late, even if you don't want one" is the breeding equivalent of buying something on sale that you don't want/need just because it's on sale.

I'm also going to assume that since PPD fucked her up with her first kid to the point that the kid's early life was a blur for her, she wants to have another one to have the full baby experience that she didn't get with the first one. Because, you know, she couldn't possibly have PPD a second time or anything.

Also, if hormones are to blame, how does she know it's baby rabies and not just being horny? Sex doesn't always have to lead to conception.



Hormones are there and I'm like "hmmmmm how about a second baby". My smart brain knows this is a shitty idea for the usual reasons, being the ginormous amount of rent, childcare waiting lists now reaching 2 years, the fact there is no fucking village, we already don't know how we are going to do it with one and I barely made it alive out of the postpartum depression of the first round. I'm still sleep deprived because despite being nearly two, number one has decided that 5am was an optimal start hour no matter what.

I won't ever have a chance at another pregnancy (I was depressed with my first and also covid, yay), I barely remember number one's baby days because I was so fucking depressed. I'd like him to grow up with a sibling and to have a table with more than 3 people sitting around it. I was part of a big family and so was my husband (3 and 4 kids respectively).

I really feel like a failure because I can't mom more than one kid. I can tell myself that I've been diagnosed autistic so one child is hard enough, that I have physical issues so it's already a miracle I'm still in a decent shape after one, my mental health deserves to be prioritised over having another kid. And I still feel that nagging feeling of "maybe another".

Can anyone offer some help?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 08, 2024
Let's see: broke, can't afford childcare, the one kid has awwtism, Moo has awwtism, Moo had awful PPD, there's not a single reason to breed in that scenario. Newsflash: there are very real reasons not to have children and I don't know why these idiots cannot accept them. You really can decide how many children to have, or whether to have them at all. I don't get why people allow society or their parents or whomever to guilt them into it.

As an aside I was at the nail salon today and the receptionist was talking about how she wanted to "get fixed." She said she "only" has one child and the kid is now 9 and how pregnasty was an absolutely miserable experience for her. She has a lot of health problems, etc. There was one old hen there clucking about the woman's husband, etc. The worker fired back with, well, he's not the one who has to carry the child."
I waded in and said, nothing wrong with having one child, and that getting fixed is awesome and she should do it. It's the little bit I can do to counter most clucking hens who just want to see women burdened with brats Because.

Moving along, check out this POS soon-to-be-Dud on the I Regret Having Children page. I really wanted to get into this one but you know what they say about arguing on the internet......

Gotta dig this guy's passive language. "A woman is pregnant with my child." Yeah, isn't it awful that sperm fall from the sky and manage to swim into vaginas? 'We had a past together." Yeah, and I'm guessing that "past" was also screaming, you do not want to have unprotected sex with this woman. She's already a single Moo. AND this guy wants nothing to do with his future chyyld, hasn't even talked to the Moo in three months, yet he has the balls to be upset that this future chyld will be in the same house with its siblings and Moo's ex. All these factors were in place when he fucked this woman. If he's so upset about it, he can take the chyld himself.

I don't know why any woman would want to have a child where the father doesn't want the child. This kid isn't even born and I feel sorry for it.

I regret that I'm going to be a Dud.
“A woman is pregnant with my child. She has 2 kids of her own. Said her and I aren’t going to make a unit (as I offered), we will co-parent separately because readjusting to a unit setting is change that her and her kids (7,8) “don’t want”. She want her ex husband to have permission to walk into our house (cause his kids are here), and other things that don’t work for me. She hasn’t spoken to me in 4 months now (she is now 7months pregnant). I reached out and talked to her father. While I consider myself a good person and all my role models are fathers who stayed around their children, I’m having zero interest in playing any role there. I have a past with her and she selfishly runs and hides from difficult situations as she is doing now. I’m wandering if I’m missing something here. Why is a woman doing this? And also I feel absolutely nothing towards this child. The whole thing just sounds like my role in life isn’t meant to be played here.”
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 08, 2024
So wait, I'm confused about their living situation. He says he has a past with her, which implies they aren't a couple now and probably were fuck buddies or had a one-night stand a few months ago. But then he says she wanted her ex to have access to "our house." But then says she didn't want them to "make a unit," which I assume means live and parent together. So were they living together already? What was their relationship at the time she got knocked up?

I like how the guy gives the Moo shit for selfishly running and hiding from difficult situations when he's doing exactly that right now. He wanted to live with her and raise the brat, then when she didn't want that, Duh says they will co-parent separately. But then he says he feels nothing toward the impending brat and is not interested in playing the role of a parent. I can't say I'm a believer in the whole "stepping up" thing when someone has an unwanted child because anyone who was raised by a parent who obviously did not want them will know how much it sucks to be resented simply for existing. It's probably better for someone like that to make themselves absent from the kid's life.

I'm guessing he is only co-parenting a child he clearly does not want instead of leaving and never looking back is so he doesn't have to pay child support. That's the biggest reason for this split custody/co-parenting crap.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 13, 2024
Moo claims her kids trigger her PTSD, so of course she has two brats under the age of five with a third one on the way, which according to another one of this person's discussions, was the result of a failed medical abortion. But oh, she tracked her periods so she didn't need to use protection. eye rolling smiley

Why are these women stupid? And of course she's going to school to become a therapist. How the fuck can she possibly help other people with their mental problems when she can't even unfuck her own head?

Not to mention the fact that if a medication-induced abortion fails, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to get a surgical abortion because of how the drugs can fuck up the fetus. So if she thinks she's depressed now, just wait until she craps out a defecto-loaf requiring lifelong care because her husband really wants three kids.

People need to get something through their damn heads when they consider breeding: kids DO NOT CARE about your feelings or your needs. All they care about is ME ME ME. Maybe they will acquire empathy and a shred of selflessness as they get a little older, but typically they are always selfish little assholes and do nothing but take while giving nothing in return. If you cannot handle putting your needs, your health, your boundaries, your desires and your emotions on the back burner indefinitely, do not reproduce.



I've had serious mental health issues for a while but have been more stable and healthy (no suicide attempts in 10 years) and I'm really proud of that but I realized after this weekend my kids trigger my ptsd, I'm in therapy, take meds, have a supportive partner etc. but the way kids demand attention, need me no matter what mood I'm in or what I need to be well so I just dissociate and power through, with tears running down my cheeks, just have to bare it. It feels like torture sometimes.

I have two under 5 and one on the way. It feels like too much and the kids don't understand so if course they just wine and cry more. They are good kids and well behaved at school and daycare but goddammit the lack of sleep is awful. I haven't slept 8 hours at night in 5 years. I am highly sensitive so maybe it's just the overstimulation that kills me, but I don't get how people say having kids was the best thing that ever happened to them Yada yadda, I feel like to be a decent mom I have to kill all of my own personal needs, boundaries, desires. I'm 34 yo, I think some younger moms grow up with their kids so maybe that's why they feel so bonded? Just venting.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 14, 2024
This woman shouldn't be a therapist. Some poor folks are going to hand over a whole lot of money to get advice from a woman who doesn't even know how to take care of her own life. She should've known that she couldn't handle it after #1. #2 and #3 (the one on the way) is about the stupidest decision a person can make if they're this fragile. Doesn't she know where babies come from?

As a SA survivor, the last thing that I'd want to do is fucking reproduce. I've struggled with PTSD and I'm at least self aware enough to know that it wouldn't be the best choice for me and I knew that from a very young age, before I even knew all about trauma and mental health. I didn't have a word or a name to put what I had gone through until years later when I was a teen.

As a small child, I had better self awareness than this woman. It offends me to my core that she wants to become a therapist. She's not what I'd call ideal therapist material.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 14, 2024
Don't worry she may not make it to be a therapist at all.

How is she going to be raising 3 kids and go to graduate school? Some university will accept her because they want her money but then she will have huge student loan debt to deal with. How will she write papers, do research, go to class, go to her clinical experience with all those kids?

I have heard people brag about how they work full time and go to school full time and get straight A's. I would later find out that those people were lying. I tried to work and attend college and it turned out to be a disaster. I would find myself too tired to even open a textbook after working all day.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 14, 2024

but the way kids demand attention, need me no matter what mood I'm in or what I need to be well so I just dissociate and power through, with tears running down my cheeks, just have to bare it. It feels like torture sometimes.

Story time.

My mother had godawful, puke-your-guts out migraines. (By a stroke of exceptionally bad genetic luck, I inherited them.)

Medicine for migraine headaches used to suck. Doctors often sucked. Not much was known about them. Migraines are horrible and if you have one 2-3 times a week, or Gawd forbid, every day? You life is fucked. Mine seem to be hormone sensitive. Fortunately, I figured out my triggers and the new class of meds (Qulipta, Nurtec, etc.) have been an absolute Godsend. (Bonus. I also found out I have EDS and people with EDS are more likely to struggle with pain issues, chronic fatigue syndrome, and chronic pain issues.)

Anyway, one of the "family stories" that my mom told OVER AND OVER AND OVER was how when I was about four years old, she had a pounding, debilitating headache. She told me to play quietly downstairs and went upstairs to lie down. I amused myself for about 10 minutes, then came upstairs and came bounding in the door and I asked my mom, "Do you feel better now?"

Hopefully we can all agree this is not great parenting. I could have run right out the front door and I was certainly old enough to be mobile and get into a lot of trouble. When you have kids, guess what? Their needs are immediate and you do not get a break, unless of course you are willing to pay someone to watch your child.

Anyway, every time my mom told the story, her objective was to make me feel bad. And I admit, I felt bad for a long time.

I thought, holy shit, how awful would it be if you had a child and had a migraine at the same time? Now later, I realize that having children was my mom's choice. I was acting like a four year old. I was not being "bad," I was just being a child. Wanting and needing attention are natural behaviors for children.

If my mom was not prepared to deal with the realities of having children, she should not have had them. Granted my mom was born before birth control was as evolved as it is now, but the bitch on reddit? No excuse.
mr. neptune
Don't worry she may not make it to be a therapist at all.

How is she going to be raising 3 kids and go to graduate school? Some university will accept her because they want her money but then she will have huge student loan debt to deal with. How will she write papers, do research, go to class, go to her clinical experience with all those kids?

I have heard people brag about how they work full time and go to school full time and get straight A's. I would later find out that those people were lying. I tried to work and attend college and it turned out to be a disaster. I would find myself too tired to even open a textbook after working all day.

The only people that have managed to deal with graduate school while parenting young children are those who had a legion of friends and relatives doing round-the-clock childcare, cleaning, and cooking for them. Or being a burden upon professors and other students by treating the classroom as their personal daycare.

People need to get something through their damn heads when they consider breeding: kids DO NOT CARE about your feelings or your needs. All they care about is ME ME ME. Maybe they will acquire empathy and a shred of selflessness as they get a little older, but typically they are always selfish little assholes and do nothing but take while giving nothing in return. If you cannot handle putting your needs, your health, your boundaries, your desires and your emotions on the back burner indefinitely, do not reproduce.

Say it a little louder for the chronically ill, mentally ill, and disabled wannabreeds in the back. It doesn't matter if you have no "spoons," are in pain, too depressed, etc. You created this little human who is 100% dependent upon you on multiple levels. Not just the basics, but also forming a secure attachment style. They're going to not be present for their children because of their illnesses or disabilities and think that their children just need to understand and deal. Sure, the child will understand. They'll understand that they can't count on their parent, that their valid feelings will be disregarded and invalidated, and that the ill/disabled parent is the center of the family and can never be held responsible for anything. The child, when grown, will be expected to accept "I did my best" and never make the parent feel like their best wasn't good enough.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2024
The Social Security forum is in my Reddit feed.

Even though it's an age related program, it's yet another place where you are not safe from Breeders. One woman recently wrote in about getting SSDI for her disabled three year old child. While I agree the person on the phone with her was rude, others chimed in. One woman said she successfully got SSDI for her two year old child.

Could someone enlighten me? Why is a social program for older people and disabled adults handing out checks for two year old children who are not yet in the workforce? Or is it because their parents stay home and watch them? I've heard people talking about getting kiddie checks for their alphabet-soup-diagnosed children.

I guess it really is a thing? No wonder SS is going broke.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2024
Another great one--this time from family law over on Reddit. She's 38 weeks pregnant with her boyfriend. Why is she having a kid with this dude?


My boyfriend and I just recently separated and I am 38 weeks pregnant. We separated bc he is an alcoholic. He is extremely mad at me and has gone one day with saying he wants nothing to do with me and our soon to be born son to now saying he is pursuing the legal route to try and get more than 50/50 custody. He also said he is moving 3 hours away from me and that he can legally do this bc obviously nothing has been filed yet bc our son isn't born yet. I have so many questions but the main ones are is it possible for him to get 50/50 custody or more while living 3 hours away from me and it involving a breastfed infant? Also, being that he is an alcoholic and has never cared for an infant/child in his life I am terrified of him being alone with him so is there a way for these things to be taken into consideration in court when dealing with custody?

Sucks to be her and her kid.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2024
Twenty five year old bint has not one but two children with a Mama's Boy. She's complaining he won't stick up for her and the MIL, who sounds completely charming /s, supposedly DNA tested her loaf on the sly.

She calls this woman her MIL but refers to her husband as a SO/significant other, so it sounds as if they are not married.

He also didn't tell her for four years. I would bet this guy also had a hand in the DNA test. Is this woman too stupid to realize that they would need DNA from the male to make the comparison with Loaf's DNA? You just cannot test a loaf and magically tell who the parents are. You need the DNA from a family member as well.


To give some detail. I'm just finding out, he told me it was something weighing on his heart. Our baby is 4 and it happened when L.o was a few months. She did it without his knowledge when he went to the bathroom. MIL never wanted us together and never really liked me. When I told her I was pregnant she told me I should abort with child. She kept trying to convince my S.o that our baby wasn't his. He told her there's no doubt and to leave said subject alone. She is a bit uppity but cordial type of woman. I've always tried to get along with her but the overbearing, nit picking, insulting nice nasty attitude has always rubbed me the wrong way.

She's tried to pull us apart every chance she got anytime we would argue. She's the type that always wants her son around and to go everywhere with her. She doesn't like that we text alot or talk on the phone so much. The amount of possessiveness she has on him is cringe, because he's an adult. You would think a 25 year old could make his own decisions without his mom trying to have a hand in everything. When the test proved our child was his she brushed it off and if anything was annoyed. He was upset and told her she shouldve just left it tf alone.

I dont understand how someone with health problems would have room to be this vile. This lady pretends to be this upstanding woman but really she is a cowardly ass snake. I kind of feel that way about S.o for holding this secret and never properly standing up to his mom. So here I am 3 years later and I feel violated. Disgusted with her, heartbroken, and just Exhausted! We have been playing nice for so long and this feels like the last straw. I've been feeling depressed this is only making it worse and I feel sort of empty. I no longer want to be around her or have my children around her (we have 2 children btw).

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 17, 2024
get a load of this guy:


My husband and I both work full time. He makes significantly more money than I do. He feels that because he brings in more money and pays our mortgage and taxes that I should be responsible for all of the house hold chores.

I do all of the laundry, cooking, cleaning, errands and kid care. He does snow blow the driveway and mows the lawn ( I do take lawn mowing shifts too). I truly appreciate that our mortgage and taxes are taking care of, but keeping up with everything while working full time is overwhelming and I'm often exhausted and fall behind. When I do fall behind I'm met with comments from him like, "Maybe I should pay the mortgage as timely as you do the laundry" or that I take everything for granted and he can't count on me to get things done. He rarely picks up after himself and is reluctant to throw old things out. Am, I wrong for thinking that this isn't how a healthy marriage works? It's no longer 1950, I can't do this all on my own. If I didn't work full time than yes, I can see most of these tasks falling on me. Thank you for reading.

Sounds like a real prince.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 22, 2024

So many young people are reading this crap on Reddit and launching into a hatred of Boomers. It's all the Boomers' fault, etc.

OK, this is so funny becuz I almost came here yesterday to say the same thing. Go to r/millennials. Basically, the entire sub is full blown adults, mostly with young kids WHINING about their 'boomer' parents and/or grandparents. I know there are ppl on here of all ages and everyone is not the same, hate to speak in sweeping generalizations, but what a generation of adults! These were the kids in the 90s we CFs came on our CF boards to complain about being raised by soft breeders, by helicopter parents and pushover parents who spoiled them and treated them like veal. We predicted a lot of what would happen if they grew up to breed themselves. Now I will grant you that the economy is shit, more shitty that ever, but every generation does have a shitty inflationary period, wars, recessions they a lot complain about. But the whole sub is whaa whaa whaaaaa why arent my boomer parents helping me more? Why aren't my grandparents helping me more? whaaa whaaa whaaa. At least these adults seem to be out of the basements of the parental home but again the whole family owes them something even tho they are in retirement or should be. They had the most overly involved parents and now they still don't want to give them a break in their old age. They dont like being told to figure it out, work harder, and everyone struggles starting out, once again adults who probably cherish their independence but dont want to be independent and certainly dont want to hear any statement from anyone else how life is hard for everyone. The word Boomer is in almost every post.

But they are the new young typical breeders, having kids and more kids, even if they can't afford, and just whine how the village should be helping them. I know this is a topic among my grandchilded pals, their kids tell them they cant afford this or that, but still choose to have a 2nd child they cant afford, dont look for better jobs and work jobs they dont need a masters degree for. I never had any such discussion w/ my parents, and unless I was starving, I never would, and certainly wouldnt ask retirees for help.

I wonder if these "Boomers" would have expected all this out of their unique and special kids.
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