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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 16, 2024
Haha, was just coming here to share the grandmoo thing, Peace. Must be Moos can't spell because the second half of the word "grandmother" is "mother." Just because someone's kids are grown doesn't mean they aren't still mothers. Apparently you only count as a real mother if you currently have minor children. eye rolling smiley I wonder how bitter these cows will be if they reach old age and their brat daughters hold these same opinions and don't celebrate them if they become grandmothers.

I guess they are pissy because there is a separate holiday for grandparents and once you have adult brats with sprogs, it seems you are supposed to only be celebrated on Grandparents' Day and not Mother's Day. Like they age out of the system or something.

Moos sure do love their gatekeeping in general. You're not a real mother if you have a C-section, you're not a real mother if you adopt, you're not a real mother if you don't nurse, you're not a real mother if you've only had miscarriages and no live births, and now you're not a real mother if you're a grandmother. It's just more butthurts over people who aren't mothers by their definition hijacking their holiday. I mean never mind that a grandMOTHER is still a mother, but Moos aren't exactly known for their intelligence.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 16, 2024
Brat bullshit I'm glad I'll never have to fuck with: potty training. Having to get a brat trained to pee in a toilet by a certain age or else they get kicked out of daycare, and the brats have zero interest in learning and are not swayed by rewards and bribes. Or you put the fuckers in underwear and they soil themselves constantly and you get the distinct pleasure of cleaning up after them like unhousebroken puppies.



Son is 3yrs 3mo. His nursery school REQUIRES him to be potty trained by 3yrs 6mo, so running low on time here. He is extremely stubborn and we cannot even get him to sit on the toilet or potty chair. When we try to place him on it he becomes a screaming contortionist!

He knows when he is pooping and announces it. He doesn't announce his pee, but one time he wanted an excuse to go into the bathroom (his bff was in there using the potty) so he intentionally wet his diaper so that I would take him in to change him. So apparently he can pee out of spite lol.

He is not motivated by stickers or treats or rewards. He has picked out several cool packs of underwear but has no interest in actually wearing them. The tells me "i like wearing diapers." He is not motivated by the fact that all of his close buddies are out of diapers. He's exceptionally stubborn and doesn't like to do anything that isn't his idea.

I would pause and reset. Back to diapers, remove the potty from sight. On my final try for potty training, I decorated a bathroom to the nines in my kid’s favorite theme. I mean themed wall stickers, themed projector lights, themed night lights, themed ladder toilet seat, backdrop, everything. Then I said nothing about going potty in it, just showed him it’s his very own special bathroom. He loved it and wanted to not only poop/pee in that bathroom, but also eat and sleep in it. I really hope you find something that works. It was glorious when I finally succeeded.

Dafuq what kind of lunatic goes to this length to make their kids piss in a toilet? How is it that past generations managed to make their kids use a toilet properly without fucking special stickers and lighting?

Strip him naked from the waist down, have potty’s everywhere and just let him get on with it. Ignore the bad just say ‘Next time in the potty’, reward the good - I find chocolate the best. After a week put just shorts on him, no underwear then after another week or so introduce underwear. He will have a billion accidents and poos take much longer than wees but he will get there

So what happens when the kid learns there won't always be a potty every three feet? Will they just go wherever they feel like it or wherever they remember there was a potty?

The day care requires your kid to be potty trained but then doesn't potty train?!

Uhhh lady, potty training is the parents' job, not the daycare's. They have enough shit to deal with without having to make sure someone's brat uses the toilet and not their pants. I have never heard of a daycare potty training a child before.

If he is very stubborn you may want to look at Pathological Demand Avoidance and see if the profile fits him

Oh good, yet ANOTHER bullshit acronym mental disorder to describe typical brat behavior. Why do Moos have to pathologize everything their kids do? If a kid refuses to do shit, it's not a fucking disorder. It's completely normal child behavior. If a child is very stubborn, they need to be disciplined or have some sort of consequences for their behavior. Fucking hell, Moos will make up childhood disorders so they don't have to admit they have no idea what the hell they're doing.
Holy shit. So much for moos honoring their own moos on moo day. Good grief! Doesn't Mother's Day include all moos, including the Grandmoos? That's what I thought. Since Grandmoo also babysits for her, I'd be pissed if I knew someone was writing something like that. The entitlement burns hot.

Freya, you're good people! I think of myself sometimes as a pet mom, because I'm in charge of their happiness and well-being. Also, Conner sits on my shoulder, gives me hugs and kisses (Loud Muah!) and says, "I love you Mummy!" I don't have to go through all the BS of being a moo to get the best bit.

I guess I cheated the system? Ha.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 19, 2024
Moos sure do love their gatekeeping in general. You're not a real mother if you have a C-section, you're not a real mother if you adopt, you're not a real mother if you don't nurse, you're not a real mother if you've only had miscarriages and no live births, and now you're not a real mother if you're a grandmother. It's just more butthurts over people who aren't mothers by their definition hijacking their holiday. I mean never mind that a grandMOTHER is still a mother, but Moos aren't exactly known for their intelligence.

This whole "real" thing is seriously hilarious. "Real" women have kids! "Real" men are willing to date single mahms! "Real" mothers have vaginal births only! And the person making this claim always qualifies as the benchmark for "real" of course. When the conversation devolves this far, how is everyone not hermits? How are they not making any immediate excuse to exit stage right?

Unhappy people seem to gatekeep and play comparison games. If I have a friend who does this to me on the regular I move on with my life. I've also had boyfriends do this to me. I've tried discussing it, ignoring it, excusing myself, giving them the benefit of the doubt. But if they're like this only they have can have the self-awareness to change. And when nearly everyone gatekeeps.....

Moos should do the same, the problem is that they often become friends with other parents of kids that attend the same school. Even worse, the kids may be in the same grade or they may each have multiple kids at the same schools. Being a parent enmeshes the parent in certain relationships and I have known people who wanted kids and their main regret is not understand the level of enmeshment parenting would entail.

Imagine how shitty it would be to be the one happy parent who has a healthy relationship with their child and is surrounded by a bunch of shit parents/adults. How do they escape that? They are happy at home and miserable at most local places.

Proves even a terrific parent with a terrific healthy kid can still cause lots of regrets to surface that may difficult to impossible to escape.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 19, 2024
Brat bullshit I'm glad I'll never have to fuck with: potty training. Having to get a brat trained to pee in a toilet by a certain age or else they get kicked out of daycare, and the brats have zero interest in learning and are not swayed by rewards and bribes. Or you put the fuckers in underwear and they soil themselves constantly and you get the distinct pleasure of cleaning up after them like unhousebroken puppies.


The reward thing works for pretty much any kids that are developmentally normal. It doesn't work if the kid gets any other rewards/treats frequently though because the kid already knows it can shit itself and will get a reward/treat that day for simply existing. And this is freaking basic common sense!

One of a billion issues of brat bullshit I'm relieved to never have to deal with.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 19, 2024
Freya, you're good people! I think of myself sometimes as a pet mom, because I'm in charge of their happiness and well-being. Also, Conner sits on my shoulder, gives me hugs and kisses (Loud Muah!) and says, "I love you Mummy!" I don't have to go through all the BS of being a moo to get the best bit.

I guess I cheated the system? Ha.

Thanks mumofsixbirds! You're also good and I can tell you are wonderful to your sweet pets. You definitely cheated the system.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 19, 2024
Holy shit. So much for moos honoring their own moos on moo day. Good grief! Doesn't Mother's Day include all moos, including the Grandmoos? That's what I thought.

I just (regrettably) realized today is step mother's day (the Sunday after mother's day). Not to be confused with mother's day or with stepparents day (9/16). And grandparent's day is the first Sunday after Labor day.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 20, 2024
I guess they are pissy because there is a separate holiday for grandparents and once you have adult brats with sprogs, it seems you are supposed to only be celebrated on Grandparents' Day and not Mother's Day. Like they age out of the system or something.

Moos are upset when their husbands don't celebrate mother's day. Their wives aren't their mothers. Husbands and wives can celebrate each other mutually on their wedding anniversary, their birthdays, the end of year holidays, and potentially Valentines Day and whenever else.

A grandma can have mother's day celebrated for her kids and her grandkids can celebrate her on grandmother's day. These used to be the same day but we know that attention whores don't want to share their days.

I've never placed much importance on holidays because they are commercial and I grew up with my mom being mean, visibly pouting and nasty and taking it out on her kids if she thought for a second she wouldn't get her special day which never happened.

Last year we had to celebrate mother's day on a separate day because my nephew's graduation was on the same day and she didn't want to share the day.

This year she had the "tone" when I talked with her so I could tell my asshole brother hadn't talked to her yet.

It is foolish to base your happiness on the behavior of other family members and even more unwise to base your happiness on a freaking commercial holiday.

There isn't a day that passes by that I'm not happy and relieved to live thousands of miles away.
Brat bullshit I'm glad I'll never have to fuck with: potty training. Having to get a brat trained to pee in a toilet by a certain age or else they get kicked out of daycare, and the brats have zero interest in learning and are not swayed by rewards and bribes. Or you put the fuckers in underwear and they soil themselves constantly and you get the distinct pleasure of cleaning up after them like unhousebroken puppies.
All this is because of disposable diapers. When kids had to wear cloth diapers in the 50s they were trained in 18 months. When Proctor and Gamble came out with Pampers of course they wanted kids to not be potty trained - more money for the company.

I went to Sams Club recently and could not believe that a whole aisle on both sides was disposable diapers. That is more than there is of pet foods (even with bulky bags of dog food) and cleaning and laundry products, about as much space as mens and womens clothing combined.

I hope there are not actually that many babies and kids parading around in Pampers and Hugges, the world is really in trouble.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 23, 2024
mr. neptune
All this is because of disposable diapers. When kids had to wear cloth diapers in the 50s they were trained in 18 months. When Proctor and Gamble came out with Pampers of course they wanted kids to not be potty trained - more money for the company.

I went to Sams Club recently and could not believe that a whole aisle on both sides was disposable diapers. That is more than there is of pet foods (even with bulky bags of dog food) and cleaning and laundry products, about as much space as mens and womens clothing combined.

I hope there are not actually that many babies and kids parading around in Pampers and Hugges, the world is really in trouble.

Not to mention that diapers are made to be comfortable after 12+ hours being full of filth, or diapers that are meant to fit/feel like underwear. So kids will easily still be soiling themselves at age five, sometimes older. And many schools will not allow a kid to enroll in kindergarten unless they can go in a toilet (barring legitimate continence issues, I'm sure). That SHOULD be an incentive to get the kid using a toilet, but I'm sure plenty of parents will just not send their brats to school or will homeschool when they have zero qualifications to do so because they don't feel like potty training.

I assume this is even more so for awtards where the parents just don't even try to train them because the brats are so headstrong.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 23, 2024
Discussion asking why their toddlers are crying today. Fucking hell, my blood pressure went up just reading this inane shit that brats lose their minds over. I know toddlers have two settings - hyperactive and bouncing off the walls, or melting down. Imagine having to console a child because you give them the food they ask for, or because they didn't want to wear a shirt.

This is the kind of shit that would make me leave the brat at a safe haven and insist it's not a toddler, it's an infant with a pituitary disorder. Of course the Moos all think these are hilarious because if you don't laugh at your trash fire of a life, you'll cry.



He asked me to take his socks off, so I did. This was wrong, because he started crying. So I asked if he wanted them back on. He said yes. This was also wrong. This caused the yelling. So I said, ok, ok, I'll take them off! And pulled them both off at the same time. This, too, was obviously incorrect, because it caused a full on meltdown.

Last night we had a screaming session so intense she almost vomited. It was because I put a shirt on her because she was cold. She did not want to wear a shirt.

I opened his cheese stick because he asked me to open his cheese stick

I offered her a poppyseed muffin the other day, and she flipped out on me because she "doesn't like that" (translation: had never tried it). Then yesterday morning, she demanded a poppyseed muffin. The only one left... I'd taken a tiny bite out of. Cue this little cherub reading me for filth for nibbling on the muffin she had just been screaming at me to get out of her sight. She held onto this grudge for like two whole hours.

I gave her some banana after she asked for a banana. That was the wrong thing to do.

She asked for a hot dog. We got hot dogs. Made the hotdogs. Cut up the hotdogs like she likes. She put the ketchup on her own plate.

But, then she wanted something else instead. And cried when I told her I would not be making that.
One reason these kids might be crying: Perhaps their parents or a caregiver wants them to wear - horrors! scream! - Big Girl/Boy pants! I have seen this happen at a day care in my neighborhood. Back then, though, the day care workers could put the kids in those pants. But I have seen some kids actually scream "I want Pampers!"

It was a little disturbing seeing that aisle in Sams Club, both sides filled all the way up with disposable diapers, more space for them than any other product. We are going to have a lot of stinky little kids and full landfills.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 24, 2024
mr. neptune
One reason these kids might be crying: Perhaps their parents or a caregiver wants them to wear - horrors! scream! - Big Girl/Boy pants! I have seen this happen at a day care in my neighborhood. Back then, though, the day care workers could put the kids in those pants. But I have seen some kids actually scream "I want Pampers!"

Reminds me of the diaper commercial for Pampers or Huggies or something with the little jingle that goes, "I'm a big kid now!" Uhhh, no you aren't, champ. If you're still pissing in your pants, you are not a big kid. You are a baby, and unfortunately, I don't think shame works on the little bastards either. If you tell them their classmates are all wearing big boy/girl pants, they don't care. Just because you wear diapers that are comfortable does not make you a big kid.

If a kid is old enough to ask for diapers, they are probably too old to be wearing them, kind of like if a kid is old enough to ask for a boob to nurse, they are likely too old to be sucking on tits. But try telling that to parents.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 24, 2024
I'm also anticipating the wave of butthurts next month when Father's Day rolls around. Because all these jilted Moos who didn't get any respect or gifts from their significant others on Moo Day are all gonna "match their energy" and proceed to not do anything at all for their deadbeat husbands. Because that'll teach 'em to not give Moo her required ass pats on the day commercially dedicated to crapping out loaves.

But then they will all bitch when their evil plans don't work because the Duhs don't give a fuck. They will make their own celebrations by going out for drinks with the boys, buying themselves new toys, getting their favorite take-out, you name it. Moos are too fucking stupid to celebrate on their own and then they will get pissy when their attempts to ignore the Duhs' special day go unnoticed.
I'd lose my mind if I had to deal with tantrumming kids all day. Maybe that's why moos are so insane most of the time? They've just dealt with too much BS and they've finally lost it. I was a very quiet kid and I've met a couple of other kids who were also quiet and well behaved, but they're definitely in the minority - at least nowadays. Even when I was a kid, most of the other kids around me were feral little bastards and I couldn't stand being around them.

As for the diaper thing, I only had to change a couple (and I'm sure I did it completely wrong because I had no idea what the hell I was doing) when I babysat for family or neighbors when I was a young kid. It was definitely another way to turn me off being a moo. If I ever had become one, the first thing I'd have done was potty trained that kid as soon as possible. Even still though, cleaning vomit is another thing that I have a hard time doing without getting sick myself. I gag when my dog pukes.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 27, 2024
Moo learns a hard lesson: brats are selfish assholes who don't care about anyone other than themselves. They are not there to care about you, Moo. They are there to get their needs met because you made them exist. Ideally, if they are not raised like shit, they will outgrow this by adulthood. But it's pretty obvious no matter where you look that most of them do not outgrow this mindset of "me first."

But then has Moo actually, you know, TAUGHT them to not be selfish? In a perfect world, her little meltdown would get through to them that they suck, buuuut I'm not banking on it.



Im an unemployed uni student single mom of 2 10B, 8G. Today they felt particularly picky about what there was to eat so I caved and went to the grocery store to buy some meat. There were four pieces, more than enough for us 3. My son has been into cooking lately, & I like to foster this interest so I allowed him to cook them. When he was done, he had eaten 2 of the pieces and my daughter was upset about not receiving the equal amount, leaving none for me. I melted down and cried about them being greedy and inconsiderate of me. I hardly ever cry now but this had struck a nerve.

How did I grow such children? Greedy, inconsiderate little sh*ts that do not care about each other or their mother? I'm trying so hard to make ends meet, and I'm burden with all the child rearing as the exH is irresponsible yet they do not care about mom. I cried so hard in front of them and my heart feels so tired. Have I been too nice? They truly live a life where they dont need to think about me or each other and I feel like I fucked up. They cried upon seeing me cry but I'm left feeling like I fucked up.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 27, 2024
There seems to be this theory among Moos that when their brats are horrible fucking monsters with them, it's because they see Moo as their "safe space." As in they feel so confident with Moo that they feel "safe" being dicks. Meanwhile, they will be perfectly behaved angels for everyone else.

I think it's probably more like other people won't take their shit and Moo will. The little fuckstains get shitty with Duh, the in-laws, other kids, teachers, sitters, etc., they will probably get disciplined and/or face consequences for their bad behavior, or bad behavior will just not be rewarded. Might be anything: time-outs, not getting to go somewhere special or get a toy they wanted, spankings, getting screamed at, staying in at recess, not getting to go on field trips, and so on.

Moos, on the other hand, are much more likely to give in to tantrums and give their brats their own way so they don't have to listen to screeching or so they don't actually have to do their jobs. Moos will take the easy way out at every possible opportunity because they are stuck with the rotten little bastards all the time and they know they will have to deal with the fallout of telling their horrid asshole kids "no."

A lot of these Moos are morons who execute minimal to no discipline, so of course the brats learn very early on that Mommy is a doormat. Moos are just so tiiiiiiired from being so bizzy doing The Most Important Job in the World that they will sooner let their kids do whatever they please instead of actually parenting them.

If Moos don't want to be considered "safe spaces," maybe they ought to spank their brats when they act like bastards so they aren't so "safe." Contrary to popular Moo belief, discipline is not abuse.

Or maybe Moo is just a miserable cunt herself and the kids match her energy.



or whatever nonsense they tell moms about why our kids are the most miserable humans only for us. I really saw it yesterday as we were putting up the little free library I got for my birthday. My MIL was hanging out with the kids in the back yard while husband, FIL and I were back and forth between the front and back getting tools and whatever.

Every single time I went into the back yard to grab a tool or something, I would see my daughter smiling and laughing, until the second she saw me. Then she would instantly snap into sob-whining “Maamaaaa!!” with full on sad face, jumping up and down, body flailing nonsense.

My MIL often says in total sarcasm that my children are miserable (meaning they are such happy children), and I don’t think I ever totally understood why she would think that until now, because to me they really are the most miserable humans I’ve ever encountered. I guess it’s only me that makes them feel/act that way though.
At least he ate some meat and not some junk. All you have to do is buy more the next time. And tell your kids to not be so inconsiderate.
Typical fare for Reddit. Neither of these two assholes should have a kid.

Their marriage appears to suck; he's addicted to gaming and she's not mentally stable. But of course she's pressuring him to have a brat. I'm surprised it hasn't happened already because he's probably the typical guy who wants to raw dog and not worry about BC and she's probably going to oops him.

They'll both be on Reddit complaining about the other in a year.

If he cannot stop playing Warhammer for one minute to be there for her, how can she think he'd be good parunting material? This broad is delusional but most Moos are.


Am I over-reacting for giving my husband an ultimatum about kids?


I 32F have been married to my husband 34M for 9 years. When we got married we knew we wanted to wait 5 to 7 years to start a family. Wanted to be settled. Wanted to be stable. All the things. I wound up having a large mental breakdown about 5 years into our marriage and we agreed to leave it to 7 before talking about it. We both agreed I needed to work on my mental health first. I was diagnosed with major depression, anxiety, and CPTSD. I busted my ass for years with treatment and therapy. Worked on myself a ton and even confronted my abuser. I'm honestly so proud of myself.

A bit of background about my husband. He is ADDICTED to Warhammer. I had to demand we put one night aside each week where he was not allowed to do any Warhammer things, and we had to spend time together. Every day except for Friday he works on Warhammer. During the week it's 5 hours after work and on the weekends about 10 or more hours a day. He's taken off of work without telling me to play for a full week. Go to conventions. Swap meets. I honestly have no issues as long as I come first. If I need something, I need to count on him to drop Warhammer for the night. We've gotten into MANY fights about it though. I'd be having a panic attack and he wouldn't cancel his plans. He would complain that giving up the one night a week was putting him so far behind. We're in therapy and Warhammer has been brought up a lot because he keeps breaking one of two boundaries, if I am having a mental health crisis he needs to cancel Warhammer with no fuss or hesitation.

Recently, he said he was in a rut and wanted to talk about a five year plan. Kids were brought up, along with potentially quitting his job and making Warhammer a full time career (he makes nothing off of it right now). I wanted to support him and make his choices easier, so I went to the doctor to start switching meds to something that will probably work better while being pregnant and while breastfeeding. I was actually getting excited about the idea. I did tell him that if he wanted to try his hand at this Warhammer career I'd support him though but we'd have to put off a kid. He agreed.

Then I hit him with the ultimatum. I wasn't even thinking when I said it. In therapy I said "if we have kids, I need you to give up Warhammer for 2 years minimum to help me raise our child". He froze and was confused. He asked why and I reminded him of our fights. He said that he's been doing better at putting me first, and he has. But I still don't feel confident that he'd be there when things got stressful. I know he's probably using as some sort of coping for something. But if he turns to throwing himself into this when things get harder with a kid, idk what I'm supposed to do.

He said I'm being unfair to ask that of him. I'm holding firm to this though! It's making me rethink having kids with him. I don't think he realizes how fucked up that sounds. I told my therapist (not our couples therapist) that if we could get into a rhythm I'd lighten up on the request, but the fact that he is struggling to part with a hobby for 2 years to raise a kid is terrifying!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 31, 2024
Recently, he said he was in a rut and wanted to talk about a five year plan. Kids were brought up, along with potentially quitting his job and making Warhammer a full time career (he makes nothing off of it right now). I wanted to support him and make his choices easier, so I went to the doctor to start switching meds to something that will probably work better while being pregnant and while breastfeeding. I was actually getting excited about the idea. I did tell him that if he wanted to try his hand at this Warhammer career I'd support him though but we'd have to put off a kid. He agreed.

This is all I need to see to demonstrate how fucked both these people are in the head. The husband wants to make gaming his full-time "career" where he admits he wants to not work and presumably be financially supported by his wife. The wife is willing to support his choice and is getting excited over the idea of doing so. Just... whut.

The fact he thinks it's unfair to have to give up gaming for two years to actually help raise his own damn kid is very telling. He will probably tell her whatever she wants to hear and will throw himself even deeper into chronic gaming once the brat arrives. If she wants to stay with this guy, she either needs to learn to be happy with the attention he gives her, or she needs to be fully prepared to essentially be a single mother. Becoming parents does not magically make people more responsible. I guarantee he will neglect his kid and wife even more in favor of Warhammer because Warhammer will make him happy, unlike a child.

These are two people who absolutely should not be breeding. The husband is addicted to a game and the wife has a cornucopia of mental illnesses. It's like mixing chlorine and ammonia together. But they'll have one, Moo will shoulder the whole job while Duh sits on his ass gaming 24/7 and she'll be on breakingmom bitching about what a lazy bastard he is.
I suffer with depression, generalized anxiety and PTSD, same as her. I'm gonna say that in NO WAY does this woman's idea of a future even sound slightly doable to me. The mere idea of this scenario gives me stomach cramps.

How does she think that having a baby with some dude who has virtually no interest in anything but gaming all day is going to work out? This is a recipe for disaster. He wants to make money off of playing this game full time, so he's going to quit his regular job. Then, she's going to have to support his ass (most likely), look after the baby and pay for all that too, while struggling with all these mental health problems.

I forsee problems in their future if they go ahead with this. I hope that she has at least one therapist who will discuss the implications of what she wants to do and talk her out of it.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 31, 2024
I know there are popular Twitch streams, and presumably some of them involve tabletop gaming, but his idea of a career essentially sounds like a toddler who says they want to be an astronaut superman model when they grow up. Meanwhile, she's clearly in Disney territory with her view of happily ever after.
I'm old and not that tech-savvy, so could someone tell me HOW or IF anyone makes a living playing Warhammer?! Sounds way iffy!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 01, 2024
@reeniebessagain, Warhammer is a tabletop strategy game that uses miniature figures that was also adapted into a video game. I think it came out in 1983 originally. I don't play, but some of my friends do, so I'm vaguely familiar with it. But if I had to guess, this guy might figure he can make bank off his hobby by painting figures for people, or if he is planning on buying a 3D printer, he might aim to create custom figures. I don't think there are tournaments with cash prizes, so if someone does play competitively, they probably make money from sponsors.

I think it's possible to make a little money doing this stuff, but by no means would he make enough to live off, unless he's absolutely amazing at painting figures and they are in high demand. Typically, this kind of thing is very much meant to be a side hustle. So the guy wants to live the dream of monetizing his hobby and have his wife support him financially when he doesn't make nearly enough to pay the bills.

I mean if she's okay with that arrangement, then bully for her. But if she breeds with this guy, the first time the brat puts a miniature in its mouth, the guy will probably beat its ass within an inch of its life because Warhammer isn't exactly a cheap hobby and when the wife gets upset about it, he will blame her for not keeping the kid away.

Also, why does she say in one part she was excited to support his career as a professional gamer, but then later says she wants him to hang the game up for two years to focus on parenting? Like it can't be both, lady. Does he give it up or does he do it as a job?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 01, 2024
Pretty sure any money he would make would just be poured right back into the hobby. Of course he'll argue it is necessary to build his brand and so on, but there are multiple reasons people can rarely take fairly niche hobbies and do well with them, and one of those reasons is that they are so attached to it that any success feels like a justification to keep going deeper into it.
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