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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 22, 2024
Moo has a light bulb moment where she realizes that giving a brat a job (in this case, being the family Moo never had) before it's even born is going to become a disaster. Because she wanted to breed soooo badly in order to make a new human being for the sole purpose of loving it because her parents apparently never loved her, she bred with an asshat and it took several years for her to stop being resentful over the fact that her child was not following the script she had all set up in her head. And she saw the selfishness in this mindset.

I mean good for her for realizing this shit because 99 percent of breeders don't, but it's a shame she realized it only after creating an unnecessary human being. If this Moo didn't get enough hugs from Mommy as a child, she needed therapy, not a kid.

I always hate hearing people say they want kids so they could show them the love their own parents never gave them. Will that somehow undo their own parents' neglect of them? Do they do this to prove to themselves they are capable of loving someone in spite of never receiving any love from their families? How do they know what love even is if they never seem to have experienced it growing up? Not to mention that parents withholding love from their kids will likely have long-term mental and emotional effects that those now grown kids will proceed to unleash on their own kids, fucking them up in entirely new ways.



This might be controversial. It might even be like - “yeah duh”. But I’ve come to realize that choosing to have a child is a very very selfish decision. Hear me out.

When I thought about having children, I only really thought about what having that child would do for me. I wanted a family. I wanted the family I never had. I wanted to love that child like I had never been loved. Even though my intentions were not selfish, my motive was.

The empty feelings I had directed me into a relationship with a man who I should never had a child with.

My son is 6.5 now and it’s not at all what I imagined. And it’s that way because I was coming at it from a place of what I felt I needed when I was raised. He’s his own person who doesn’t necessarily care to be loved that way. I spent a few years being resentful and hating motherhood. And now I realize why.

He’s a literal whole separate human being. And yes of course, logically I always knew he would be. But also, deep down, I didn’t really.

I’ve had to realign my expectations and fully realize that I’m raising a person who has completely different needs than I did and is going to live their own life. That was hard and not something I could have fathomed before having a child.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 22, 2024
get a load of this guy:


My husband and I both work full time. He makes significantly more money than I do. He feels that because he brings in more money and pays our mortgage and taxes that I should be responsible for all of the house hold chores.

I do all of the laundry, cooking, cleaning, errands and kid care. He does snow blow the driveway and mows the lawn ( I do take lawn mowing shifts too). I truly appreciate that our mortgage and taxes are taking care of, but keeping up with everything while working full time is overwhelming and I'm often exhausted and fall behind. When I do fall behind I'm met with comments from him like, "Maybe I should pay the mortgage as timely as you do the laundry" or that I take everything for granted and he can't count on me to get things done. He rarely picks up after himself and is reluctant to throw old things out. Am, I wrong for thinking that this isn't how a healthy marriage works? It's no longer 1950, I can't do this all on my own. If I didn't work full time than yes, I can see most of these tasks falling on me. Thank you for reading.

Sounds like a real prince.


She could offer to quit her job so she can do all this crap or have him pay at least 75% for someone to clean and do laundry since he earns significantly more. But this guy doesn't sound reasonable. Should have figured out that he is an unreasonable ass before having at least one kid with him.

I'd bet he is only staying in this relationship with her because he knows she does more, he is fully taking advantage and he doesn't want to have his finances threatened. He doesn't sound like he cares at all about his wife per his attitude or his nasty comments. I wouldn't be surprised if he has already done the math on a divorce and paying someone to do housework, etc. and figured out his current wife is the better deal plus he may also have sex with her (bangmaid).

I bet this is a very common scenario in relationships where there are brats and the man earns more. I've known women who earn more and still end up doing all/majority of the housework/bratcare because they are married to man babies. The overall power structure of hetero marriage with kids seems to nearly always support the idea that women are expected to do more than men.

In my marriage I did all the housework and worked full-time, and my ex also worked full-time+. The housework for two people and one cat was minimal and wouldn't have been unmanageable. But, my ex was an asshole who would come through the door with muddy shoes and laugh in front of me as he messed up the floors I just cleaned to make it obvious he was doing it with intention. Or he'd drag in random filthy crap. Or he'd come in from work and just dump everything he brought in all over the place and walk out of the room-especially if he noticed the room was spotless. The room would be unusable until he went to work and had to pick up his mess.

When we were dating he had his own place which he cleaned on his days off, so he didn't lack the know how.

After this continued pattern of his audible delight in making messes/being a little piggy after I cleaned and no amount of reasoning with him improving the situation, I stopped doing his laundry (and cleaning his bathroom or any other area that was specific to him). I also stopped cooking for him. Welp, one day soon after he threw a red towel in with mostly whites (including dress shirts) in the laundry. He showered in his own filth, his bathroom floor was covered with towels and the toilet was filthy, he wore dress shirts with large pink patches and ate like crap. Ha ha!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 24, 2024
Here's a tale of two dumbasses over on the I regret children FB site.

Both of these people are idiots. Intimacy is important to Dud and the sex life went down the drain with the birth of the first child. I don't know what he expected, but he should have expected some changes there because the wife pushed a cantaloupe through a watermelon-sized hole and she's taking care of a baby. Dud "agreed" to have a second child with the proviso that the sex life wouldn't go down the tubes again. (What a dumbass.)
It turned out to be twins. The younger kids are 11 years old and still sleep with the wife. He admits he works too much to go to counseling, which I interpret to mean: he's not doing jack shit to raise the kids, so of course there's resentment on both sides.

Oh and Dud blames his cocaine use on not getting enough sex. Grow up, you POS.


“I've been extremely reluctant to post my story here because of the extreme guilt I've felt saying to myself out loud "I regret having kids", but here goes....
I married my wife after being with her for 5 years and even after we were married, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. She was very aware my previous relationship failed due to lack of intimacy and assured me that would never happen with us because she had a very high sex drive.
A year after marriage we decided to have our first child. The moment she got pregnant, our sex life came to screeching halt. I was told by her doctor that a couples sex life could go either way during a pregnancy, she may want it constantly or not at all. It ended up being the latter but said to myself it's just 9 months, suck it up and things will go back to normal. Unfortunately they didn't. It was another 11 months after our child's birth before we starting having sex again and even then, it was only happening once every 2-3 weeks. As time progressed over the next year, our sex life very slowly began to improve and we were up to once a week.
She then asked me if we could begin trying for our second child. I told her ok but on the condition that our sex life doesn't go down the toilet the way it did the last time and she promised me that would definitely not happen again. So we began trying, so much so that every day I got home from work, she was waiting for me in the bedroom and didn't want to waste any time "getting busy". Within a month she was pregnant again and we couldn't have been happier. That is, until the same pattern began again as it did when she got pregnant with our first child, onlt this time I couldn't have imagined or prepared myself for what was to about to come.
The next 11 years would be some of the worst of my life. Within 3 months of bringing home our second(and third, we had twins btw), they were always brought in to our bed to sleep. No matter how much I fought her on it, she insisted on them sleeping in our bed because it was easier and they wouldn't cry constantly. This left use (sic) zero chance of intimacy. I eventually began sleeping in the spare room(which was suppose to be the kids room). We've had sex once since she last got pregnant. Any time I've tried to bring up our sex life, it's caused a fight and she's often used the argument that that's all I ever care about.
My oldest sleeps in his room and my twins(almost 11) still sleep in my bed with my wife. Through half these years I turned to cocaine to help me cope with the lack of intimacy and obviously it just created more problems but it was my only escape from the reality I was in.
I do love my kids very much but I look at them with a little resentment even though I know I shouldn't. Ive gonna through my entire 30s in a sexless marriage, my wife hasn't even kissed me in at least 2 years. I work to far too much to be able to go to counseling, I'm too broke to be able to even consider divorce. I feel like I'm basically in prison and often think this never would've happened if I didn't have kids. I apologize if I sounded like selfish or terrible person”.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 26, 2024
youtube is a real education on shitty parents and shitty moos.

saw one with a super obese fatty moo.. claimed to be 300 lbs but she is closer to 400... she assaulted her baby. It was under 2.. After acting like an arrogant asshole and arrested her comment 'they always let me go'. Not surprising 2 weeks later she shot her baby's toes off while arguing with the sperm donor. Maybe now they'll jail her irresponsible cunt

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
February 27, 2024
From what I've noticed, women usually don't want much in regard to sex after breeding for a lot of reasons. Loss of libido after birth, self-esteem issues from their bodies being wrecked, but the one I hear a lot is men not pulling their weight in the house, be it in terms of child care or domestic responsibilities. All that shit falls on the woman and the guy just goes to work, so he's ready for action but Moo-wife is exhausted from doing everything.

The only time Moos seem keen on having an active sex life is when they intentionally want to have more kids. Even when they know full well the useless Duhs won't lift a finger to raise them.

I think the bottom line is if you want an active sex life, don't have kids. I'm also going to assume Moo has never heard of the dangers of co-sleeping, otherwise she wouldn't have her brats in bed with her. I guess at the very least, Duh isn't trying to have sex with her over top of the kids, which I'm sad to say I have heard of some breeders doing when Moo insisted on co-sleeping and Duh wasn't about to get cockblocked by his own kids.

And look at that, another "I love my kids, but wish I never had them" person. It's been said many times, but those two things do not go together. If you love your kids, you do not resent them or wish they were never born. It doesn't work like that. I like that he blames his coke use on his brats and wife too. Orly did they hold you down and make you take drugs?

I mean if he's that fucking miserable and too broke for a divorce, maybe it would be best for everyone involved if he just plain left. No divorce, just pack a bag and abandon the heifer and calves. I guarantee Moo is doing all the brat care herself anyway, so she probably won't even notice he's gone, unless she's depending on him financially because she's a SAHM.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 02, 2024
Tell me your life is a mess without telling me your life is a mess. From Family Law:


[Looking for help outside of FL] I am 44, going through divorce, and trying to use MY frozen eggs to make an embryo with SO

I live in Florida and left my marriage two years ago at 42. Last year, I went through two egg freezing cycles and got 7 eggs with the hope of having a child with my SO. The IVF clinic refused to use his sperm until the divorce is finalized, so I froze all the eggs. My ex is a control freak and is dragging the divorce on as long as possible, but I am now 44 and furious that I have no autonomy over my own damn eggs. Unfortunately, the law here in Florida says that if I somehow am successful in creating an embryo, even if it isn't his sperm, the child would be considered his.

I love my gynecologist, and she mentioned on my last visit that we don't have to stay in Florida, a thought I hadn't even considered before. So now I am looking for a state that will allow me to try for an embryo with my frozen eggs and SO's sperm. It seems so archaic to even have to ask for such a thing, as if my genetic material is my ex's property.

I've tried Googling for help, but keep getting information about surrogacy/egg donor laws, or laws about existing embryos. If anyone has any information about states that might have more modern laws that allow women to do what they want with their own eggs, please let me know!

So her STBX may be a "control freak" but I cannot blame him for not wanting her to get knocked up with a child that he'll be on the hook to support.

Good on the IVF clinic for checking her legal status. I think it's kind of funny actually--another conservative principle is biting one of these WannaBreeds in the ass.

Jeez, where are these idiots getting all this money? And she's 44 years old--just ugh.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 02, 2024
Tell me your life is a mess without telling me your life is a mess. From Family Law:


[Looking for help outside of FL] I am 44, going through divorce, and trying to use MY frozen eggs to make an embryo with SO

I live in Florida and left my marriage two years ago at 42. Last year, I went through two egg freezing cycles and got 7 eggs with the hope of having a child with my SO. The IVF clinic refused to use his sperm until the divorce is finalized, so I froze all the eggs. My ex is a control freak and is dragging the divorce on as long as possible, but I am now 44 and furious that I have no autonomy over my own damn eggs. Unfortunately, the law here in Florida says that if I somehow am successful in creating an embryo, even if it isn't his sperm, the child would be considered his.

I love my gynecologist, and she mentioned on my last visit that we don't have to stay in Florida, a thought I hadn't even considered before. So now I am looking for a state that will allow me to try for an embryo with my frozen eggs and SO's sperm. It seems so archaic to even have to ask for such a thing, as if my genetic material is my ex's property.

I've tried Googling for help, but keep getting information about surrogacy/egg donor laws, or laws about existing embryos. If anyone has any information about states that might have more modern laws that allow women to do what they want with their own eggs, please let me know!

So her STBX may be a "control freak" but I cannot blame him for not wanting her to get knocked up with a child that he'll be on the hook to support.

Good on the IVF clinic for checking her legal status. I think it's kind of funny actually--another conservative principle is biting one of these WannaBreeds in the ass.

Jeez, where are these idiots getting all this money? And she's 44 years old--just ugh.


What the hell is wrong with this moo? Her ex doesn't want a baby with her and she shouldn't have the right to use his sperm against his will. If she has the right to cook a lab grown baby, he should have the right to not want his sperm involved in the laboratory omlette.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 03, 2024
OK, I'm a bit confused. She's in the process of divorcing a guy and she still wants a kid. So is she angry she can't use his sperm until after the divorce is finalized, or if she uses someone else's sperm, the controlling dude will still be in the picture (and presumably on the hook for support?)

So for a minute I want to run with the idea that she uses her frozen eggs and a random male sperm donor to create a baby. Couldn't the divorcing dude "control freak" demand a DNA test to show the kid isn't his, or does Florida not care who the bio father is--if a child is born to a still-married couple, the male's name goes on the birth certificate as "father"? Wow.
I read it several times, and it sounds to me that she wants the ill-advised Baybee to be made with her "S.O."'s sperm. Am I wrong? The reason she needs the divorce before she can do it is she got advice that her soon-to-be-ex will have some claim on the kid if she gets inpig before the divorce goes through.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 04, 2024
She is trying to get a divorce from her STBX husband while she's making a baby with another guy with her frozen eggs. The clinic won't use the sperm of the guy she's not married to, and she needs to be single before she does this.

I kind of get her point that she's not being allowed to do what she wants with her own genetic material, except:


Couldn't the divorcing dude "control freak" demand a DNA test to show the kid isn't his, or does Florida not care who the bio father is--if a child is born to a still-married couple, the male's name goes on the birth certificate as "father"? Wow.

It is indeed that way in many states. If you are married and your wife has a kid, your name automatically goes on the birth certificate and you are presumed to be the father and you have to go to court to get your name off it. And have a DNA test.

These laws were created because the State doesn't care who supports the kid--they just want the kid supported.

So the guy whom she's divorcing has a valid point. He doesn't want to get stuck with paying child support for a kid that isn't his.

She needs to get divorced, then move on with NextMan.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 06, 2024
More proof that the Reddit menopause forum is full of idiots or idiots by proxy.

Stupid woman, who always wanted one child, is 46 and doing IVF because her husband is pressuring her and her child wants a sibling. Her friend is posting the story. It gets worse when you read the comments. Moo is also the breadwinner of the family.

Grow a spine, Woman! Quit crying in the bathroom and tell your husband and child to fuck off!


I seriously don’t understand how people with babies & young children get through this period. I was talking to my best friend last night who is a mom of a 5 year old & is currently trying to have another baby at 46. She was breaking down about how badly her child wants a sibling but she is exhausted & goes in the bathroom to cry constantly.

She has gone through multiple rounds of IVF & I sat there feeling so terrible for her as she cried about the side effects. Her husband is pressuring her too. I couldn’t even imagine having a baby right now. What bothered me the most about our conversation, is she seems to be doing this for her child & her husband. Her poor body is tired from all the IVF.

I want to support her, but I feel like I can’t give my honest opinion. I offered to babysit so she could get some time to herself but I don’t really know what else I can do. She’s a few hours away so I can’t just stop by with food or coffee. Any suggestions on how to support her?

All of our symptoms seem to be similar & I couldn’t in a million years imagine adding a baby on top of it.

Edited to add: She is also caring for her ailing mother & recently moved her into her home. She is also the breadwinner in the family & is stressed about that as well.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 07, 2024
Who the fuck cares if the kid wants a sibling? Why is Moo letting her brat dictate her reproductive choices? Does she give her kid everything they want?

Sounds like her husband doesn't give a fuck about her health either if he can watch her suffer the effects of menopause and IVF and still pressure her to breed. Why is one kid not enough for them? Quit being so fucking selfish and be happy with the one you've got!

The author wants to know how she can help? Pay for a bus or train ticket for the friend, have the friend pack a bag and come and live with the author for a while. Get her the fuck away from her toxic brat and spouse who only see her as a broodmare. If she's the breadwinner, she can let Duh figure out what to do with himself, the brat and the sick mother. It sounds like she's way past due to think about herself for a change rather than everyone else.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 07, 2024
I have noticed that so many BreakingMoo posts are really to do with spouse and almost none have to do with child or childrearing. That's odd that they come to BreakingMoo then. Why not just go to relationships sub or wherever? Somehow they must notice how spouse and life and conflict solving has changed their relationships for the worse once they reproduce. They might notice but never admit. So I wonder why they come to BreakingMoo. Do they only see themselves as a Moo in distress instead of a wife/partner in distress?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 08, 2024
I think that’s exactly it, cfuter. Being a Moo becomes their one and only personality trait. It is the only way they know how to describe themselves.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 11, 2024

And look at that, another "I love my kids, but wish I never had them" person. It's been said many times, but those two things do not go together. If you love your kids, you do not resent them or wish they were never born. It doesn't work like that.

Agreed. "I loved my vacation to Italy, but wish I wouldn't have gone to Italy." It doesn't work.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 11, 2024
I have noticed that so many BreakingMoo posts are really to do with spouse and almost none have to do with child or childrearing. That's odd that they come to BreakingMoo then. Why not just go to relationships sub or wherever? Somehow they must notice how spouse and life and conflict solving has changed their relationships for the worse once they reproduce. They might notice but never admit. So I wonder why they come to BreakingMoo. Do they only see themselves as a Moo in distress instead of a wife/partner in distress?

Same. There is hardly ever a healthy relationship between the moo/duh described except when the kid has some kind of disability or mental illness. Most issues with kids come from bad parenting. We know there are exceptions of the We Need to Talk about Kevin variety but these are few and far between.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 11, 2024
More proof that the Reddit menopause forum is full of idiots or idiots by proxy.

The irony that there are so many women in the forum talking about having kids while in menopause or having them during the typical menopause years. I would have thought the forum would be for what happens during menopause and not trying to desperately claim back their reproductive years.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 12, 2024
I have noticed that so many BreakingMoo posts are really to do with spouse and almost none have to do with child or childrearing. That's odd that they come to BreakingMoo then. Why not just go to relationships sub or wherever? Somehow they must notice how spouse and life and conflict solving has changed their relationships for the worse once they reproduce. They might notice but never admit. So I wonder why they come to BreakingMoo. Do they only see themselves as a Moo in distress instead of a wife/partner in distress?

I think it's because if they go to the relationships sub, they might get dogpiled by men who side with the man-baby husbands. But in the BreakingMoo sub, they can have validation and solidarity from 100 percent women who deal with the same shit from their partners.

That, and I have seen many, MANY Moos in the BreakingMoo sub say they consider their spouses to be akin to an additional child because they are so needy, but don't pull their weight like actual adults. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't seen stories of Moos using behavior/chore charts for their husbands like they'd do with an actual child. That's all well and good until Duh washes dishes for the fifth time in a day because the exchange rate is one blowjob per chore completed.

I've also noticed that many of the complaints are not about their kids, but about the pieces of shit they chose to have kids with. I have seen a few success stories where Moo actually gets through to the deadbeat Duh and he turns himself around, but most of the time, nothing changes the behavior. Therapy is hit and miss, and the threat of divorce may only cause them to change temporarily. And since a good chunk of these women can't afford to get a divorce, have no job, no money, and no skills because they've been SAHMs for over a decade, they just stay with their husbands and are more like roommates than spouses.
here's one from the local Facebook page:

Need salon to apply false lashes I bought (I have trouble) & French braid my hair for me to feel good during C-section/recovery; need done this Wednesday. already spoke to surgeon, don’t tell me I can’t have certain things done please!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 13, 2024
What, no request for Kalamata olives?!

Edit: Wish I could be surprised by the audacity of someone demanding (presumably free, since money wasn't mentioned) salon services on a timeline, but I'm not.
as well as who TF needs FALSE EYELASHES to "feel better about themself" when undergoing a Csection??!!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 14, 2024
That's cute that Moo thinks a braid and falsies will somehow make recovery from invasive pelvic surgery easier. Also why would an esthetician have any issues with hair braiding and eyelash application? Do falsies cause fetal abnormalities or something?

And yeah, I'm also guessing Moomy expects this shit to be on the house because she has engaged in the Miracle of LifeTM and deserves to be pampered. Well given how most Moos are, it might well be the last time she gets her hair done for like a decade because they can't even be arsed to shower more often than once a month and blame it on the loaf.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 14, 2024
What, no request for Kalamata olives?!

Edit: Wish I could be surprised by the audacity of someone demanding (presumably free, since money wasn't mentioned) salon services on a timeline, but I'm not.

I'm 100% positive she expects these salon services to be free OR she expects someone reading this to pay for these services. Why else would she feel the need to post this publicly instead of making an appt. directly with a salon? Other than for attention and to boost her sense of self-validation, of course.

But we all know these moos want attention AND they also want freebies: push presents, baybee showers, etc.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 14, 2024
And don't forget the moo bragging rights about how she is going to sluice and must tell everyone this is happening.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 15, 2024
Meant to put this here and I accidentally put it in another topic. Oops!

Moo notices how it's "okay" for a child to physically abuse you, but not a spouse. But this shit happens because she allows it. If she beat the brat's ass when it pulled this shit, the frequency of occurrences would decrease. Why do they sit there and take it? Abuse is abuse, whether it's done by an adult or a child.

Are they that tiiiiiiired that they're willing to just let their kids beat on them? If the kid is too young to be spanked, a smack on the hand is fine. Just something to show them their bad behavior has consequences. I know it's haaaaaaaaard to get off their asses and parent their own damn kids, but surely it's worth it to not be physically assaulted on a daily basis by a brat with no emotional regulation?

Then when the kid starts hitting and biting more often when it goes to daycare or school, Moo will wonder why. Yeah I wonder where she learned THAT from? Couldn't be from her worthless Moo enabling her behavior! And I sure as fuck wouldn't be reading that little asshole a story after she threw shit at me and assaulted me. All I'd be doing with a book is using it as a paddle.


(Title says the brat threw a cup at Moo's head and then headbutted her) If it was my partner I'd have called the police and chuck him out for good, but because she came out of me I just have to tuck her in and read her a bedtime story?

Having a toddler is a lot like having an abusive alcoholic husband

I've heard more than one person say the best way to deal with toddlers is to treat them like tiny drunks, so this is probably an apt description.
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