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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 21, 2023
Meanwhile, I can imagine the flip side post from the SIL. "I would have announced after 12 weeks, but I held off out of deference to their loss. I told everyone before I started showing so she wouldn't be completely blindsided. All it did was make her mad."
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 22, 2023
Teen girl on r/AITA calls out irresponsible serial breeder sister for happily announcing a seventh pignasty. Bitch can't afford kids, but had several on purpose and some by accident. She keeps popping them out because she knows her mother will raise them and pay for them for her. It's very easy to have kids when you think/know someone else will deal with them for you. Breeder sister gets butthurt that the author and the family aren't jumping for joy over her seventh "miracle."

Fucking hell the woman is only 26 and she has six kids already! She just crapped out the youngest one nine months ago! But so long as Meemaw is a spineless doormat, Breederella is going to keep having an annual child and dumping it in Granny's lap. And she's not even 30 yet, so barring unforeseen circumstances like a life-saving hysterectomy, the breeder sow could easily have 10-20 more fertile years left to produce more babies. She needs to be cut off from Grandmoo's financial help NOW.



Hello! I'm(F16) a younger sister to laury (26f) Me and laury have never been close since we had different dads, I was an affair baby. She's always resented me for "ruining her family" but whatever

Laury has SIX KIDS. YES. SIX. Twin boys beck and Joe who are 7, (planned) a girl lilliana who's 6 (unplanned) another girl, angel who's 5.(planned) Another boy, Keith who's 2 (planned) and another baby boy Karl who's 9 months(Not planned)

Despite the fact that Laury is incapable of taking care of these kids, 4 of them were actually planned. Because she KNOWS my pushover mom will give her money and watch the kids. My mom even quit her job to do so, even turning her work room into a nursery for Karl. We're pretty well off, but we can't do this forever.

I try not to judge, and just ignore laury like she does me. Even though when my mom is busy doing something like changing a diaper I have to step in and help. Especially with the twins since they're very rough with each other.

Tonight at dinner laury's boyfriend joined (a father to just Karl) as well as laury's father. This wasn't abnormal so I didn't think anything of it, until my sister said she had some exciting knews.. I wished she'd say something else.. But I knew what she was going to say. "I'm pregnant!!!" She would say. Everyone went dead silent until I said "bruh.." I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON. Laury gave me a Death Stare, and said if I wanted to say something I should just say it. So I did

"Laury this is your... (I take a moment to COUNT) sixth child. You know we can't keep supporting you. Without mom you'd be on the streets, and you know that. Look at mom, she's so tired! She's always taking care of your kids and so am i. I'd bet I've changed more diapers than you have you selfish bitch." She began to cry. And ran out into her boyfriends car, he followers her and drove.

My mother then began to cry... She left to go out Karl back to bed since he woke up.

It was just me and Laurie's father. He began to yell and told me a I was a brat and laury was a great mother, then he stormed off.

As I'm sitting here in the morning watching the boys, I'm thinking, was I too obnoxious? My mom says that a lot, I don't mean to be because of my autism but come on! Please give me some feedback, Reddit, AITA??
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 23, 2023
and they wonder why this species is increasingly stupid and defective

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 24, 2023
Can someone explain to me why these Moos feel the need to stay with their brats for hours upon hours every night just trying to make them sleep? Like I honestly don't get why they do this to themselves. Put brat in room, make sure they are comfortable/dry/fed/etc. and if they scream, let them scream. Make it so the door can be locked from the outside so the brat can't escape and wander freely around the house. If they can't/won't sleep, that's their problem and all this hours-long rocking and feeding garbage is going to do is encourage the behavior to continue because they aren't being given the chance to deal with how they feel.

I know some idiots think letting a brat cry for a while is abusive, but giving in to a child's crying (unless they are crying for a good reason such as being injured) guarantees they will continue to do whatever they're doing because they will learn that crying and screaming works. As evidenced by one comment where another Moo says bedtime every single night with her 9-year-old is a huge fight. That is way too fucking old to be doing bedtime wars.

This particular Moo seems concerned because her brat will bash his head off everything he can when he won't sleep. I'd honestly let him do it in the hope he'd knock himself out. If it's in the budget, soundproof the fucker's room and let him scream his guts out every night. He'll run out of steam eventually. Why do Moos make things harder for themselves like this? I can't feel sorry for them because they encourage this awful behavior in their kids.



My entire fucking life revolves around trying to get my “chronically sleep deprived” (his pediatrician and early intervention actually think the sleep deprivation is causing most of his behavioral issues) toddler to sleep. EVERY SINGLE DAY his preferences are different.

Like yesterday, it took 2 and a half hours to get him to nap. He wanted to be rocked first and drink 2 ounces of milk. Then he screamed hysterically until he was put into his crib. Then he lasted about 10 minutes before he started screaming for more milk. Another few ounces and he didn’t want to be held anymore. Then he loses his mind screaming no matter what I do, I figure out eventually that he has a tiiiiiny bit of snot up in his nose. Okay, back to the rocking chair. Nope, we’re screaming again. More milk? No. 2 minutes later, turns out he does want milk, but god forbid I try to rock him. But then I put him in his crib and he starts aggressively banging his head on his crib until I pick him back up. Now he doesn’t like the blanket he has in there, and refuses to calm down until he has a different one. Finally he passed out after getting another bottle (another issue: his pediatrician expects me to get him to sleep more while also not using bottles. Fat fucking chance). Today, we are 2 and a half hours in and he’s finally started to settle down as I’m writing this sentence.

He’s one and a half!! Seriously, when will this end. Nothing works. He’s had medical testing for things that could be causing insomnia, they do not think he has autism, he’s just “unique”. When he’s put down and left alone, he simply does not sleep. And starts hurting himself if left alone too long. If he doesn’t nap, he spends the rest of the day aggressively head banging on every surface he can find and screaming. I’m exhausted. I seriously look at him in these moments (twice a day!! For hours!) and can’t really rummage up any love or affection within me because I’m so pissed off and frustrated.

It makes me feel like a genuine monster to be getting so angry at my own child. I feel completely alone because I have no one to talk to who can understand. Literally everyone I get into a conversation about this with (usually not by choice - in uncomfortable “I can’t really predict what time we’ll be free tomorrow” types of conversations) is very obvious about the fact that they think I’m just not handling him correctly. Despite the fact that I have seriously tried everything. Nobody ever asks me what I’ve tried, they just assume I’m doing it wrong and suggest something like white noise while I scream internally. Like we are beyond simple suggestions at this point. I feel like an angry, ragey, burnt out failure of a mom.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 24, 2023
Can someone explain to me why these Moos feel the need to stay with their brats for hours upon hours every night just trying to make them sleep? Like I honestly don't get why they do this to themselves. Put brat in room, make sure they are comfortable/dry/fed/etc. and if they scream, let them scream. Make it so the door can be locked from the outside so the brat can't escape and wander freely around the house. If they can't/won't sleep, that's their problem and all this hours-long rocking and feeding garbage is going to do is encourage the behavior to continue because they aren't being given the chance to deal with how they feel.

I have been around so many parents who refuse to back up their words with actions (lack of reinforcement) and will give in if pushed. It is a never-ending procession of the brat begging for something and once he/she has obtained it, the brat just moves on to the next want.

If the stupid parents don't want to enforce boundaries their kids will walk all over them. I knew kids like this when I was a kid and they'd play their parents like violins. This kid has learned that bedtime means mommy dotes on him for hours and fulfills his every wish and command. Perhaps she should dote on him for hours during the day and send him to bed and not give him attention at all until the next day.

There are infants who are sleeping through the night by themselves at 3-6 months of age.

The wiser parents don't read to their kids at night because it starts this need for attention at night. If a parent wants to read a book to a kid, do it during the day.

It is really sad when a kid less than two years old is better at getting his wants met than his dumb moo is.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 25, 2023
Most parents will just give in to their brats' tantrums because it's easier than using discipline or denying them what they want and letting them screech. This is especially true in public when a child starts screaming for a toy or candy and the Moo will just get it for them to shut them up and to prevent people from staring/judging. It's a matter of winning the battle and losing the war. Sure, the brat shuts its hole for that particular shopping trip, but guess what? Next shopping trip, they will pull the same shit because that tactic has proven successful in the past. It becomes an expectation and when they don't get their way, they will scream louder and longer. This applies to screeching at home too, and the parent often cannot outlast the child, so they admit defeat.


If the stupid parents don't want to enforce boundaries their kids will walk all over them. I knew kids like this when I was a kid and they'd play their parents like violins. This kid has learned that bedtime means mommy dotes on him for hours and fulfills his every wish and command. Perhaps she should dote on him for hours during the day and send him to bed and not give him attention at all until the next day.

I never thought about it like that, but that's a very good point. By acting like a complete asshole, a child can commandeer all their parents' attention at bedtime and milk it for all it's worth by refusing to sleep. The parents will buy into it in a desperate attempt to get their child to sleep, sacrificing their own along the way. Kids are pretty damn dumb, but I don't think 1.5 years old is too young to figure out, "Mommy stays if I go AWWWWHHHHHAAALLLGGHHHHH!" The kid probably also learned that when screaming doesn't work, head banging will make Mommy get all frazzled and will make her pick him up immediately and pay him more attention. If she ignored this behavior, the brat probably would have stopped doing it.

I mean has it not been proven that infants will scream in an effort to prevent their parents from conceiving a competing child too soon after birth? Kids are born fucking manipulative.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 29, 2023
More stupid. These girls obviously do not even have any functional braincells. but you can't say that in reddit. they don't like the truth. can't afford for spouse to move out but she can afford to fuck a child into existence she had no business having?? Poor moo. I tire of these goddam whining sows. they stick their heads into a shit pile and then wonder why it blows up in their face. what's the matter with this jackass. .. personality disorder?? she too oblivious or retarded to notice this in the beginning??? maybe if she had really been concerned about the impact on a child she would have been a little more stringent with BC. and I don't buy the 'failure' whining either. It does fail but not at the rate these simping baboons claim.

"Throwaway for obvious reasons.

My child (13) has witnessed my spouse hit me a couple times. Things are getting better, my spouse is getting intense counseling for a personality disorder, I'm in counseling, and so is my child. The problem is that my child is struggling with what they have seen. They also know that if they report this to their counselor, there is a good chance CPS will be called. If that happens, I don't know what will happen. We can't afford for my spouse to move out, plus I don't think they could psychologically handle it. They are getting better, but I hate that my child hasn't been able to cope with this with their counselor. I'm at a loss as to what to do. I know this sounds selfish, and I guess it is. I've given my spouse three months to show significant change, and if not, divorce is on the horizon, but I don't want to further harm my child. There is animosity on both sides (also blended family, but ex has not been in the picture in over 5 years).

Edit: So, this has been really eye-opening to me. So has the conversation I just had with my kid. They have been dealing with this for a while, and there were things I didn't know.

I told my child to tell their counselor everything at the next appointment. After what they told me, I'm sure my spouse will be removed, but that's fine. I hadn't realized until two days ago how much they had witnessed, and how much it impacted them. I told them that this was in no way their fault, it was my spouses for what they done, and mine for not being more proactive. I said I would never put them in that position again, and I'm so incredibly sorry.

I feel awful. I failed my child, and I didn't even know the extent. We've always had a close relationship, and that they didn't feel concordance telling me breaks my heart, and is something I need to repair (which I told them).

Thank you all for your comments. I called a DV hotline, and they gave me some resources to offer my kid and some referrals, for if they need to speak to someone else or want a support group. I can't change what I did, but I can attempt to support my child going forward. I feel so incredibly guilty, and I am. All I can do is try to fix what I can from here forward.

Edit 2: I'm so sorry for what I've allowed. Please understand, I posted because I wanted to right things. The comments have made me realize how much responsibility I have on this. I should have been a better parent, and I accept responsibility. I never thought about how much I was missing, damaging. I take responsibility. I'm sorry. And over told my kid this, repeatedly. And I will daily, until they are whole, which will take a lot of time. I get that.

I can't even imagine what I allowed to happen to my child, and I'm so ashamed. I appreciate the feedback. It convinced me to talk to my kid, and realize the hurt I caused. I'm so sorry. I will remind my kid every day. I hope it helps.

Edit 3: I called. CPS is coming this afternoon.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 29, 2023
I know that it can be so hard to escape an abuser, but this Moo did everything fucking wrong. She let her kid see her getting abused, then the told the kid to stay quiet about it because bawwww mommy can't afford to leave. She also made excuses for the abuser (ohh he's getting help, so it's all okay now!). Women who excuse past behavior because "he's in therapy" wind up getting hit again. And again. And again. How long before he would have started slapping the kid around when hitting Moo got old?

So now the kid will beliece abuse is acceptable, and while the Moo doesn't specify the child's gender, it will impact them negatively no matter what. If it's a male child, he will believe deep down that it's acceptable to hit your partner because Mommy let her man hit her. If it's a female child, she will grow up thinking it's okay to be hit by a partner because Mommy let her man hit her. So congrats Moo, because you couldn't try harder to get your kid away from an abuser, they now have a higher chance of growing up to become a victim or an abuser themselves all because she chose to put her needs and her partner's needs above her child's need to not grow up in an abusive home.

At the very least, she realized her mistake. Only after people told her, though. Maybe she wouldn't be dealing with CPS if she noped out the first time her asshole partner struck her.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 30, 2023

We can't afford for my spouse to move out, plus I don't think they could psychologically handle it. They are getting better, but I hate that my child hasn't been able to cope with this with their counselor. I'm at a loss as to what to do.

It blows my mind that this woman is getting hit and she's concerned about whether her spouse can afford to live somewhere else. I would have said, you lost the privilege of living here the minute you decided to hit me. Go live in a halfway house with some other beaters.

She may have a hard time getting help now. She should have called the police the instant he did it the first time and had him removed.

And you know he's going to hit the kid or he has done it already.


The problem is that my child is struggling with what they have seen. They also know that if they report this to their counselor, there is a good chance CPS will be called.


They are getting better, but I hate that my child hasn't been able to cope with this with their counselor.

God, this is all so profoundly disturbing. This poor kid has no biological father to speak of and how his/her Moo has hooked up with a beater and he/she is watching the mom get beaten while Mommy is telling him/her to keep quiet about it.

Way to fuck with the kid's sense of reality. The kid will not have an appropriate response to dangerous situations and may become a beater himself. Way to go, Moo.

A lot of people don't deserve to be in charge of another human because they fuck it up so badly. The problem is, the kid may experience worse in foster care. Poor kid.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 30, 2023
I was tossed from childfree permanently, and reddit for 3 days. I am nasty and abrasive but the hard stark truth, these people cannot handle it. whatever.. but I'm getting nastier in my old age.

there is a youtube podcaster who keeps the cases of murdered children alive, AFC podcast.. and he has a saying: "Babies for Benefits". He is convinced and concluded that the reason these scumbag sub cockroach troglodyte breeders won't relinquish an abused child is $$$. he said follow the money. they don't want to give up the money. and the dude is black no less.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 05, 2023
Disappointed to see that r/regretfulparents has now gone private. I'm guessing too many CFers were posting there bragging about how they're glad they aren't parents, which they had a rule against doing.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 05, 2023
Disappointed to see that r/regretfulparents has now gone private. I'm guessing too many CFers were posting there bragging about how they're glad they aren't parents, which they had a rule against doing.

This is too bad. This kind of regret needs to be out in the open where fencesitters can glimpse at it and potentially not breed.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 05, 2023
From AITA. Sounds like a really nice guy.


My wife and I have been married for five years. She never wanted to have kids, and I respected her decision. I've always wanted to be a father, but I gave up that dream for her. Even with the use of condoms and her being on birth control, she ended up getting pregnant. Abortion is illegal in our country, so she has no choice but to have the baby. She's going through a rollercoaster of emotions, from anger and frustration to sadness and fear. I'm trying to support her the best I can. But deep down, I'm secretly happy about this pregnancy. I feel it's a chance to fulfill my desire to have a child, but I feel a bit guilty for this emotion. AITA?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 06, 2023
If he wants to be a father, he damn well better be prepared to be a SAHD/the default parent. Because it's bad enough his wife is having a child she doesn't want against her will when they used protection and abortion is illegal. But being forced to raise the unwanted child on top of that is pretty much going to be a guarantee of neglect or abuse. Unless of course she attempts to end the pregnancy herself. Or she might leave him and stick him with the brat because I'm sure he won't consent to adoption.

I have a feeling his support is half-assed at best because he secretly wants her to be pregnant and bear his progeny. Nothing like pretending to be upset to your partner's face while secretly being thrilled about her suffering. It's real easy to be excited when he's not the one who will have to give birth to a child he never wanted and suffer all the complications pregnancy presents, some of which can become dangerous.

If he respected her decision, he'd help her find a way to terminate, even if it meant traveling. I would also question whether or not he may have fucked with their contraception to get her pregnant on purpose. Baby-rabid men and women both do that awful shit, and wanna-breeders should not be trusted with contraception when their partner does not want kids.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 06, 2023
My first thought when I read that was whether or not he sabotaged the BC to get her pregnant. If he's secretly thrilled about it, then it's a big possibility. If I were his wife, I'd dump the baby on him and leave. I hope he's prepared to be a single parent.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 06, 2023
If I lived in a country with no abortion, I do not think I could trust any man who hasn't been steadfastly against having children the entire time I'd known him. I'd also want to have an emergency fund, enough to get out of country for an abortion. Although he doesn't say it, I'm also of the opinion that this is a case of reproductive coercion.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 09, 2023
How would you like to be pregnant by this dude? He sounds mentally ill and yet this woman begged him for a baybee.

I had to split it up because it was one giant paragraph.


So my boyfriend and I are high school sweethearts, and have been together since freshman year of high school, we met when I was 15 and he was 16, we hit it off massively and pretty early on in the school year, and have stayed solid ever since. He has a strange relationship with his parents, he had a pretty strong and deep connection with his mother, that I have witnessed multiple times and I tease him sometimes about being a mamas boy, but he didn’t interact with his father much.

After we both graduated high school he decided to move in with me in my 2 bedroom apartment, we shared a room and used the other room as a game room where he would play his video games. So about 11 months ago my girl friend had a baby that I would help babysit when she had to work. So while babysitting that little bundle of joy I fell in love hard with that baby, and gained a massive baby fever, and I would constantly ask my boyfriend for him to give me a baby, until 6 months ago when he finally gave in and we started trying for a baby. Then after a few weeks of trying I was finally positive, and overjoyed to say the least. I remember crying for hours from excitement while on FaceTime with my girl friend. So one day my girl friend instructed us to go ultrasound done to see the baby’s gender.

I wanted a girl, but my boyfriend seemed pretty confident that we were going to have a boy. After the results came the doctor said we were having not one but two girls. I was obviously excited, but my boyfriend seemed upset, not like on the verge of tears, or raging upset but he seemed disappointed. I tried to ask him what was wrong, but he gave me the usual “Oh nothing babe I’m fine.” That was the same response he always gave me when he was upset or disappointed at something. Fast forward to present day, and I was discussing with my boyfriend on how are we going to tell our parents about the pregnancy. We talked about how he finds my dad “scary as hell”, and how he would be to scared to tell him. I told him that my dad maybe intimidating, but he’s a sorta kind person, and how he likes my boyfriend. Then the conversation shifted to him talking about how “my dad would be disappointed in him for not having a son”. Then I just reassured him that my dad wouldn’t think that about him and that he has the wrong idea of him.

Then I asked him if he was ok, or if he had something to tell me. Then he said No and that I was reading into it too much, and that it doesn’t mean he’s any less of a man because we didn’t have a boy. Which confused me, because I said nothing about him being any less of a man due to the fact we’re not having a boy, but he insisted on saying my father would be angry with him about not having a boy. He started worrying me so I asked him if had a social anxiety problem or something to make him think this way. He nervously said “No I’m just scared of what people think me.” Then I told him that what he just said literally describes society anxiety, but while I said that I noticed he started tearing up.

So I asked him what’s wrong and is everything okay, (btw this is also this is the first time I’ve ever seen him cry in the 10 years we’ve been together) after I asked him if he was ok, he started talking about how he wasn’t good enough for me, and how he wasn’t man enough for crying, and for not having a boy and how everyone was going to hate him for not being a true man. I tried to calm him down so we could talk this through, but he started crying harder and harder, as he started rambling about how his father wouldn’t accept him for being weak and not a true man, then he began to explain to me that his father would abuse him, and put this ideology in his head that true men only have boys true men don’t cry, and how my boyfriend would strive and try his hardest to get his father approval, but his father was never proud of anything he did. (To be honest is was kinda hard to understand most of what my boyfriend was saying as he cried but I think that’s the gist of it) While my boy was venting to me about his trauma he cried so hard his nose started bleeding and he passed out in my arms. What my boyfriend told kept me up so it pretty late when I’m writing this and I don’t know what to do.

At least the top comment reads:


But why are we ignoring the "I begged him to give me a baby and be finally caved" and the "I immediately told my girl friend"?

This man was not ready to be a dad and you pressured the shit out of him because you got baby fever.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 09, 2023
Boy are those two fucked. Sounds like a couple of dumb kids who probably can hardly afford to take care of themselves, let alone TWO babies, and I'm sure the dumb cow wanna-breeder won't do a selective abortion. The guy was not and is not ready for fatherhood and it sounds like he has a lot of issues to work through. The last thing he needs is a fucking child. He's already displeased because the loaves are going to be born with vaginas, so the "family" already isn't off to a good start.

Wanna-Moo is gonna learn real quick and real hard that there is a big difference between playing with someone else's baby for a few hours and giving it back and having to deal with two screeching crotch maggots 24/7/365.

Also, you should not have to nag someone to "give" you a child. Breeding requires two yesses to proceed and one no to stop. What good has ever come out of pressuring someone into making a child they don't want or aren't sure they want?

If she fell so hard for her friend's loaf, why not just ask to babysit it more often? I'm sure the girlfriend would be thrilled with more time to herself, and there's no guarantee that the author is going to fall in love with her own kids the way she fell in love with her friend's kid. But this girl is fresh out of high school and probably hasn't put that much thought into the whole situation.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 11, 2023
This is quite possibly the most vile thing I've ever read on Reddit.

TW, pedophilia. If you don't want to read it: the guy is perving out on his three month old daughter and saying he's concerned he will find her "attractive"; he's asking his wife what it will be like when it's older and he sleeps with her (why would he be sleeping with her when she's older?); he's made comments that the kid will likely have huge boobs; he's admitted he had sexual feelings toward his mother, and when his wife is concerned, he's told her his FIL likely had these same thoughts toward his wife. He's gaslighting her and she's not getting it.

The wife needs to get his hard drive to the police immediately. Someone in the comments mentioned that he talked about being attracted to kids before she got pregnant and it's in her comment history. Of course he did and this woman still got knocked up by this creep.

Dollars to donuts she deletes her userid and goes on with life as normal.


A couple of hours ago my husband (29) and I (28) where watching TV and I was nursing our daughter (3 months old).

He said that he wonders what it will be like when she is older. How he will feel when they sleep together in the same bed and cuddle together. He said he was worried that it might be weird. He asked me what it was like with my father and whether I cuddled with him or slept in bed with him. So I told him what it was like when I was a child. He's mentioned once or twice in the past that he's afraid he'll find her attractive because she looks just like me.

I had this conversation in mind when we spoke earlier and I must have made a funny face after we talked because he asked me what I was thinking. I told him honestly that I was worried that he might actually find her attractive in the future. And to clarify I told him that for me there is a difference between finding someone beautiful and being attracted to someone just so we are on the same page. Because he did use the word “attractive” in the past. This whole thing turned into a huge fight. He said that I fucked up big time, that I traumatized him by saying that and he will always think about this conversation when he will kiss or hold her and that I should have kept those worries to myself. He said that he is disappointed that I thought that he might want to do something to her which I never said! He also said that even if he’s going to think that she’s attractive that these are normal feelings and that everyone has them. He even told me that when he was a kid that he felt some type of way about his mother and that one day our daughter is going to feel the same way about him. He said that my father probably felt the same way about me or had some kind of thoughts about me. He said he would never ever do something with our daughter and he was really mad at me. I apologized and then he went to bed. I just don’t think that that’s right…. I can’t shake this feeling of disgust and anxiousness. I’m in bed with my daughter right now and all I want to do is hold her and never let go. I wish we never had this conversation.

And now I think about every joke and every comment he ever made about her or her body. He told me twice that if she has his mothers genes she’s going to have massive boobs. And that she’s probably going to have a big butt. Now I’m asking all the parents in here: is it normal to talk about this stuff to each other? Is it normal to think your kids are attractive? AITA for making him feel like he’s wrong in the head?

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 11, 2023
Hoo boy. No, it is NOT normal for your child's father to discuss the possibility they will be sexually attracted to their child, although it's good he got this out in the open now so Moo knows he's a giant perv rather than walking in on him using his newborn like a Fleshlight. I hope she NEVER fucking entrusts him with caring for their kid alone because something as innocent as a bath or a diaper change could be seen as an opportunity for this Chester.

I'd like to hope she would leave him after such disgusting comments, but you know she won't. Then when he starts sexually abusing the kid, she'll act like she "had no idea he was capable of doing that."

It's normal to find your child cute, even if they're ugly as sin. However, there's a WORLD of difference between finding a kid cute and being attracted to them. If Duh or Moo is truly worried about him being attracted to his own child in an unhealthy way, then he needs to not live under the same roof as the child and if/when he is around the kid, he needs to be closely supervised at all times. No co-sleeping or snuggling with Duh under any circumstances.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 11, 2023
And on that same subject, WTF is this about?

Dud refuses to change his girl child's diapers, but will change his boy's diaper. Wife naturally assumed it's because he's a pervert. Is he possibly doing this to get out of changing diapers? Does he just not like his daughter because she's female? Is he a perv?

Why in the Hell did she have another child with him?

There are a lot of unwell people out there, and they are breeding. Why are these guys sexualizing their infant daughters and having a problem with changing their diapers?

I hope this one is fake, truly.


Am I wrong for getting upset that my husband doesn’t change our baby girls diaper but he doesn’t have a problem with changing boy?!
My husband never changed our baby girls diaper not once and she’s 2 years old now. But my husband does change our baby boys diaper

I told him to change her diaper and he won’t. He says it makes him feel uncomfortable wiping and changing her diaper because she’s has female genitalia. He also doesn't bathe her, I am responsible for bath time for the kiddos. I’ve spoke to this with my friends and family and some of them think it’s normal for a man to feel this way. I guess I’m not the first wife to experience this but I just think it’s odd. A lot of men in my family were also like this, my father never changed a diaper but he never changed mine or my brothers diaper, it wasn’t strictly a gender thing. I just thought this wasn’t really a thing anymore. I thought maybe it’s because men are more sexual and they think about sex all the time and tend to over sexualize everything but I think it’s really weird that he’s doing the most about our baby girl??

One time he really went overboard with this weird phobia. He was alone with our baby girl and she pooped and she really needed a diaper change. He was in a public setting but even if he wanted to change her diaper he couldn’t because they don’t have changing tables in the men’s restroom (this is true I’ve been to this area before and they only have changing tables in the women’s rooms). So my husband drove to my mother’s house and she changed our daughter’s diaper and then he went home. I just thought this was so ridiculous. Luckily he isn’t really alone with our kids for a long period of time since my husband works most of the time and I’m a stay at home mom but this is just so ridiculous when I have to take a shower and he’s like “aren’t you going to change her first?”

My curiosity got the best of me and I started googling why a lot of men don’t like to change diapers and this was a common problem I saw a lot of people were having. It’s just crazy to me. I don’t feel weird changing my boys diaper but people are telling me it’s because women aren’t naturally perverted as much as men are.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 15, 2023
Wife naturally assumed it's because he's a pervert.

Sounds more like it makes him feel like a pervert rather than actually being one.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 16, 2023
If they refuse to change diapers because their child has a vagina, you know that also means they aren't bathing their daugthers for the same reason. Possibly also not dressing them either.

Now that I think about it, I'm kind of torn on whether or not this mindset is indicative of a pedo Duh. Because if he really truly was a Chester, he wouldn't express these feelings of discomfort coming into contact with his child's genitals. In fact, he might be a little too eager to change/bathe/dress the child because then he'd get access to the child's body to indulge his perversions. Unless he has a history of sex crimes against children he hasn't disclosed to Moo and doesn't want to go to jail if he can't control himself around his own child.

So it could legitimately be that he feels weird changing a female child because he's worried it will make him look like a pervert. In fairness, men can't even do shit like take their kids to the playground sometimes without some busybody Moo thinking they're pedos scoping out fresh meat.

Or, you know, he's just trying to find a way to do less as a parent. So doing the adult equivalent of, "ewww girls have cooties!" might get him out of diaper duty. Because if that sub has proven anything to me, it's that a lot of men are useless assholes who will do anything to get out of parenting, up to and including pretending to not know how to do basic things (and not bothering to try either) so Moo does them instead.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 16, 2023
If they refuse to change diapers because their child has a vagina, you know that also means they aren't bathing their daugthers for the same reason. Possibly also not dressing them either.

Now that I think about it, I'm kind of torn on whether or not this mindset is indicative of a pedo Duh. Because if he really truly was a Chester, he wouldn't express these feelings of discomfort coming into contact with his child's genitals. In fact, he might be a little too eager to change/bathe/dress the child because then he'd get access to the child's body to indulge his perversions. Unless he has a history of sex crimes against children he hasn't disclosed to Moo and doesn't want to go to jail if he can't control himself around his own child.

So it could legitimately be that he feels weird changing a female child because he's worried it will make him look like a pervert. In fairness, men can't even do shit like take their kids to the playground sometimes without some busybody Moo thinking they're pedos scoping out fresh meat.

Or, you know, he's just trying to find a way to do less as a parent. So doing the adult equivalent of, "ewww girls have cooties!" might get him out of diaper duty. Because if that sub has proven anything to me, it's that a lot of men are useless assholes who will do anything to get out of parenting, up to and including pretending to not know how to do basic things (and not bothering to try either) so Moo does them instead.

This gets my vote. “Oh no, everyone might think I’m a weirdo for interacting with my own daughter because I am a man. Instead of doing my part to prove this weird prejudice wrong, I’m just going to give in and let the women do all the work!”

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 19, 2023
This is another one I'm hoping is fake.

I guess I'm not surprised this man-baby's own mother is sticking up for him, because someone raised this piece of shit "man."

But if this story is true, I truly feel sorry for this woman, because she doesn't have the support of her own mother.


I(27,F) have been with my husband (29,M) for five years, married for three of those years. Our marriage was perfect and we were so happy. It felt like our entire life was perfect. Church on Sunday, loving husband, beautiful home, all of it. A few months into our marriage I became pregnant and my husband and I were overjoyed and so was the rest of our family. My husband was especially happy after finding out our baby was a boy as he'd always told me he wanted at least one son.

I even started to try to attempt to repair my relationship with my mother so our son could have a relationship with his grandparents. I had originally cut off most contact with my mother due to how she treated my brother when he married his husband, though my brother said he was alright with my decision to try to get her back in my life since he still has love for her and my baby was her first grandchild.

However our son ended up stillborn, and it broke me. I fell into a depression and even at one point considered taking my life, but my husband was there for me during all of it and we got through the grief. Our marriage felt stronger than ever and life started slowly feeling beautiful again, even if it no longer felt perfect.

About five months ago I found out I'm pregnant again, and then found out soon after that we're having triplets. My husband and I were over the moon and he was the most doting and loving husband. Since we had always said we wanted 2-3 children we agreed we wouldn't try for anymore children after this.

Because of our and our family's excitement for the triplets we decided to throw a baby shower and gender reveal party. We trusted my brother with the genders of the triplets and he bought some confetti cannons with the colored streamers inside.

The baby shower went wonderfully with my parents, in-laws, my brother and his husband and their daughter, and tons of friends and extended family. It was like a dream come true and I was so excited for the gender reveal. I don't care what the gender of our babies was I just wanted healthy little babies, but my husband was clearly excited for potentially three sons. When the time came me, my husband, and my brother all shot a confetti cannon and all three shot out pink confetti. I was so excited and so was my brother but my husband screamed at the top of his lungs and hit the table in front of us, hitting it so hard that it actually broke. He screamed at me that I was supposed to give him at least one son because I killed his first one.

That's when I burst into tears. I had been so broken up about our son's stillbirth and a part of me had felt it was my fault, and now he my husband was, the love of my life, telling me that it was. My brother immediately stepped in and tried to get my husband to calm down but my husband shoved my brother, so my brother instead pulled me inside where I cried in the living room while my husband's mother tried to calm him down. I could hear him screaming outside about how three daughters is too many, how he doesn't want four kids but he also wants a son.

Ever since that moment my husband has hardly talked to me. He's been sleeping in the guest room and when we do interact he's clearly upset and mad and tries to argue with me. I tried to talk to him about it and asked about how he'll be with our three daughters, but he spat at me and told me he will provide them shelter and food but he isn't interested in daughters and doesn't plan to have a close relationship with them. That sealed the deal that I want to divorce him and I cried myself to sleep last night.

Earlier today I confided in my mother and MIL about all this but they told me I can't divorce my husband just because he wants a son. I don't want my daughters to grow up in an unloving household where their parents constantly argue and their father doesn't love them. The moment my husband said I killed our son I felt as though I lost all love I had for him in an instant, and I don't want my daughters to be in that kind of household. However both my mom and MIL say it's just natural for men to want sons and that at least he isn't saying he'll mistreat them. They treated this as absolute fact and acted as though I'm just a silly little girl who doesn't know anything, I felt incredibly small and stupid.

I don't know what to do. My mother and MIL make me feel like maybe I'm overreacting to my husband's behavior, but my brother says this is not normal as he and his husband are both men who absolutely love their daughter. I'm also not sure of what I'll do with myself if I divorce my husband. I don't work and I'm not sure how I'll be able to find a job that can support me and three babies all on my own, or how I'll make time for all of them when I have to work. I feel so lost and helpless.

I'm torn on what to do because I worry divorce will be too brash of a decision and that maybe my mother and MIL are right. AITA? What should I do?
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