Anonymous User
Here I am! thumbs upup
March 14, 2012
I'm more of a lurker than a poster, usually (hence the username), but I thought, why not register.

I'm in my mid-20's and have always vaguely thought that I didn't want children, but this was brought to a head in the last couple of years as some (not many, but some) of my friends have started reproducing. This caused me to search my own feelings on the matter and go "Hell no, not for me." I have not tried to get sterilized, but it is one of my life goals that I hope to accomplish in the next few years.

Some of my reasons, roughly in order, are: extreme, extreme, extreme revulsion of pregnancy/childbirth, mental health issues that I struggle with and don't want to pass on, and love of money (which I don't have much of, so especially need to hold onto what I do have). My family and friends are mostly supportive of my CFness, so I am lucky in that.

I have been lurking for quite a while, especially because the forum loads very quickly and well on my phone so I can check it first thing in the morning when I get up. smiling smiley
Re: Here I am! thumbs upup
March 14, 2012
Glad I'm not the only one who checks Bratfree on my phone immediately after awakening and before actually getting out of bed. bouncing and laughing


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Anonymous User
Re: Here I am! thumbs upup
March 14, 2012
Glad I'm not the only one who checks Bratfree on my phone immediately after awakening and before actually getting out of bed. bouncing and laughing

Nope, that's how I start my day and motivate myself to get up.
Hi there, I also decided to de-lurk. I'm just another twenty something childfree lady living in South Texas. I have two dogs and one husband. I love to play video games (MMO's) in my free time and I run and bike. Uhhh that's about it. Since we got all married up the husband and I have gotten so much pressure from evvverrryyyonnnee to have kids and telling them we don't want kids over and over and over is getting so effing tiring. It's just nice to be among like minded people.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
March 15, 2012
Greetings, newbies! Krysinsa, I love your signature line!


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
March 15, 2012
Hi there, I also decided to de-lurk. I'm just another twenty something childfree lady living in South Texas. I have two dogs and one husband. I love to play video games (MMO's) in my free time and I run and bike. Uhhh that's about it. Since we got all married up the husband and I have gotten so much pressure from evvverrryyyonnnee to have kids and telling them we don't want kids over and over and over is getting so effing tiring. It's just nice to be among like minded people.

Welcome to you and the other new folk - pretty new myself, and always glad to see another gamer (my wife and I have played since Everquest).

You might want to invest in a t-shirt or three that you have custome made with sayings like" NO - WE DON"T WANT KIDS!", etc. I have found that a good t-shirt either kills a lot of potential convos, or it can make them happen (I've made some pretty funny ones over the years, but the shops come and go due to no money in it.)

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
Welcome, krysinsa. Another South Texan here.

You might want to invest in a t-shirt or three that you have custome made with sayings like" NO - WE DON"T WANT KIDS!", etc. I have found that a good t-shirt either kills a lot of potential convos, or it can make them happen (I've made some pretty funny ones over the years, but the shops come and go due to no money in it.)

Thats a damn good idea. And thanks you guys for the warm welcome. smiling smiley
Thank you Hello everyone! I had an account here years ago, but cant remember my username or email,so had to start from scratch. still havent changed my views on being happily and proudly childfree. and welcome to all the newbies smiling smiley
Hello, my name is Kelli. I've posted around here before as Kelli, too, but unregistered.
I'm a childfree 20 year-old woman from a small town in northwestern Ohio right in the breeder filled midwest. I can never get away from the megamoos and breedersons around here.
After a few weeks of lurking I've just registered!
I've once posted unregistered though, about the cost of BC in the US vs in France.
I'm a 27 years-old childfree woman from France. Kids and breeders here seem to be somewhat less annoying than in the US (for what i've read here) and they feel definitely less entitled (but that might be because they already have it all: pay maternity leave for all, tax credit, tons of money wired directly to their bank account every month, free schools AND universities, discounts and so on...)
Kellic : I concur, life is too short to be wasted on breeding.
Parents ruin their life so their kids can have a better life. And those kids will then ruin their life so that the third generation can also ruin their life by having kids... how sad.
Anyway... I'm happy to be registered now. I've just read an article that will fit perfect in the living room. I'm posting it in a minute.
Hello. Lurked here for a while. Decided just recently to join in the fun. Probably one of the younger users here. Twenty years old, gay, stuck in some shit town in Bumfuck, Kentucky (breeder-central), and vehemently childfree. The reasons I can think of for not wanting brats could fill a phone book. I'm just happy to find a place that I can relate to. :hello
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
March 18, 2012
Hey, newcomers! Welcome! :sw


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
welcome everybody :jump nice to see more members on my age range!

Parents ruin their life so their kids can have a better life. And those kids will then ruin their life so that the third generation can also ruin their life by having kids... how sad.

we're doing a favor to our parents thumbs upwink finally we stop the vicious cycle, LOL
welcome everybody :jump nice to see more members on my age range!

Parents ruin their life so their kids can have a better life. And those kids will then ruin their life so that the third generation can also ruin their life by having kids... how sad.

we're doing a favor to our parents thumbs upwink finally we stop the vicious cycle, LOL

Hello everyone again!

That was always one of my lines of thinking: finally I'm stopping the vicious cycle of miserable brat-slavery.
Welcome, newbies!

lab mom
Hi all! New member here! Well, I joined a year or so back, right before the board went down. During that time, I sort of forgot about the board and forgot about it. Then when I remembered about it (and it was finally back up), my account got deleted and I've been lazy about creating a new one 'til now. So, I've just been lurking for awhile, enjoying all of your posts.

Anyhow, I am a 22 year old woman who lives in Arizona. I've known I was child-free (even if I didn't know there was a term at the time) since I was 11 years old. I remember right around the exact time, too. I was in a play at the time (I was really big into theatre for years and am starting to get back into it), and one of the cast member's mom brought the baby brother (he had to be no more than 6 months) to almost every rehearsal. She would breastfeed him (at least she had the decency to cover up with something - but still, not something I wanted to see at that age), sing him songs and pretty much babystalk all the other parents who were there waiting for their kids. I started to get really annoyed with this women and how she acted, while most of the other people thought she and the baby were just so wonderful. I didn't get what was "OMG SO SPECIAL!!1!" about this. After that, I started to realize that I felt that way about most babies, toddlers, children, etc. Plus babies and toddlers are noisy, messy, and smelly, and children and teenagers can have the worst attitudes and rude behavior (hey, I hated teenagers acting like that when I was that age). Plus I learned what REALLY happens when are pregnant and give birth (not just you grow a baby in your uterus for 9 months and you push it out of your vagina and everything is fine - I mean the tearing, the pooping, etc.). Why you would want to subject yourself to that, I have no idea.

Moving on....

I live with my mom and several pets (7 cats and 4 dogs). It's actually quite a good living arrangement. Only in the last year so have I been getting over some mental health issues (another reason for me not to breed), and my mom is pretty awesome. She fully supports me in being child free, and is definitely what I would consider a parent and not a breeder. My grandparents on her side totally support me to. Don't know about my dad or his side, don't care to, cut them out of my life after my parents got a divorce some years ago and I found out how toxic a person he really is.

Well, sorry for the novel Mr. T: I pitty tha foolongue2, but just wanted to give you some info as to who I am! smiling smiley

(Oh, and as a follow up to baby-stalking stage mom: I thought we had seen the last of her after that show, but 3 or so years later I was in a production of something else; when I saw that the daughter had auditioned and was going to be in the show, I secretly blew a gasket. I knew mom would be up to her attention-whoring ways. She didn't have baby this time, as he was probably right around 4, but she still tried to become BFF's with any parent who would pay attention to her. I wonder if she's still attention-whoring today [maybe a late 40's miracle baby?] or daughter has taken over the reins and produced the first grandsprog. Unfortunately, the daughter was like a mini-me of mom.)
Another new member.

I don't have any problem with most kids, actually(babies are another story) Some kids are actually pretty cool, although I'd never want my own.

I DO have a problem with parents. I'm convinced that becoming a parent does something to people's minds that makes them irrational and unable to admit to their own faults. They're impossible to reason with, and if you even try, the rest of the world comes down on you for DARING to question their holy parental wisdom and sacrifice. Seriously, fuck parents.
Hello....I am a happily childfree middle aged female and I love childfree forums. You cannot say ANYTHING anymore around people who have kids because they all get huffy and offended. It seems to be ok for them to prattle on about their litte brats but heaven forbid I mention my dogs or anything I do in my free time and all the moos turn on me.
I've been reading a few days and this is the first time I've seen other people who think like I do. I am 35, and have always hated the idea of kids. I have been laughing since I found this site. I live in Georgia and people I knew that used to be interesting, cool people to hang out with have had their minds sucked out by breeding. They show off their spawn like a big achievement and seem surprised when I could give a shit. My mom gave up holding her breath for grandkyds a long time ago, but since my sister had them, I find I am less important to them all. I have been reading this every time I get online and it is great to see.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
April 01, 2012
Hello, everyone!


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Hi everyone!

I'm a 39 year old single female in PA. I think I've always known that I didn't want children, but will admit to a stretch in my 20's that I thought that I had to follow the lifescript, find a man and pop out some kids. Even though every time I thought about it, I knew I'd never be happy having to chase after brats for 18+ years. Thanks to the internet, I've found that there are a lot of people out there like me that don't want kids and it's alright not to have them. I think of the things I've done and realize that I wouldn't have had those experiences had I pushed out some kids.

Another thing that led to my not wanting kids is the fact that my father's side of the family really, really, really needs some chlorine in the gene pool. I'm not saying that just because I don't like that side of the family, but more for the fact that as the generations go on, there are more and more health problems manifesting themselves. I do come from a small town of people that never leave, so the pool is getting shallower and shallower as the years go on. I don't live in that area anymore, but I've got those small town genes in me. I've got my own health problems to deal with, I don't have to worry about someone else's.

Lately it seems like every single person I know is pushing out the kids. I can't tell you how many people I blocked on facebook because I'm sick of every freaking post being about the pregnancy or babby taking a dump after his first meal at a buffet.

Okay, that last one was my half-sister that I never really talk talk to (but that's another story). "Bratleigh took a poop in his diaper on the way home from his first trip to the buffet place after eating dinner with Gram and Pap." Really? Why the hell would you post that? It's not cute, it's freaking disgusting. ::brbl <--that is a great emoticon!

Ugg, I can go on and on. But that's not to becoming in a welcome post. Now I'm off to read.

Hi everyone!

I've been lurking for a few weeks and wanting desperately to join in with the laughs and rants. So, why not register?

I am a female in my early twenties living in CT. Putting myself through school but staying with child-obsessed family during school breaks should give me lots of stories! Not to mention the occasional babysitting gigs I get when home from school.

I am a 32 year old female from the Seattle area, home of the public breastfeeding brigadesmiling smiley I have known I did not want children from a fairly young age, and am one of the few people I know who has no interest in children, and finds them tedious and revolting. I am married and now that I am in my 30s people keep asking when we are going to have kids (bleah) - we already have 2 cats and that is enough for mesmiling smiley I have been lurking at this site for about a year and thought I would finally registersmiling smiley
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
April 05, 2012

to all of our new members. :1wvI look forward to reading your stories and input.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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