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The "I got bin go-ed" thread

Posted by juliewashere88 
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
January 27, 2012
I just got twisted bingoed by my mother. "I hope you have a kid who is retarded and disabled and has ADHD" apparently this will make me realize how hard it is to be a parent to a special needs kid and make me more tolerant and accepting of the lesser intelligent.

I hung up on her and won't pick back up.

Wow. Looks like you have a Martyr Mommy on your hands.

You have no idea. She fancies herself a mini Mother Teresa, except I'm sure Mother Teresa never bitched all day about how the house wasn't clean enough to meet her OCD standards
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
January 27, 2012
I just got twisted bingoed by my mother. "I hope you have a kid who is retarded and disabled and has ADHD" apparently this will make me realize how hard it is to be a parent to a special needs kid and make me more tolerant and accepting of the lesser intelligent.

I hung up on her and won't pick back up.

Wow. Looks like you have a Martyr Mommy on your hands.

You have no idea. She fancies herself a mini Mother Teresa, except I'm sure Mother Teresa never bitched all day about how the house wasn't clean enough to meet her OCD standards

That might be accurate. Teresa was known for getting off on the suffering of others, even to the extend of keeping people in pain and poverty so she could keep appearing important by "helping" them.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
February 09, 2012
I get bingoed all the time. Being 45 years old and looking younger than my age, I hear people say that it's not too late, bla bla bla. To which I reply, "It was always too late for me to have babies; I never wanted them." You'd think that I kicked them in the face or something - the looks I get, the GASPS, and head-shaking. How DARE a female never want a pweshus widdle baybee? What the hell is wrong with this woman? OMG, she must be a minion of Lucifer! OMG, she should be shot!

I've also pointed out that I am menopausal, having had a hysterectomy a few years ago. And then I get the, "Oh, you poor thing!" POOR THING MY ASS! I love it that I can't have kids! I love it that I never bred! I tell them, "Oh, it's okay; I never wanted kids in the first place, so I'm fine with that." Again, the gasps and looks of utter disbelief...

It pisses me off because it seems that just because I have a fanooter and tits automatically means that I am supposed to breed. And I am SUPPOSED to love babies. And I'm supposed to think that pregnancy is a beautiful thing and women have a "special glow" about them when their pignant. None of the above.

I guess that us CF will always have to deal with the dirty looks, the bingoes, the disbelief that we are CF, along with the nasty treatment we get from breeders or those who feel we should follow "Life's Script." All I can say is that at the end of the day, no matter what is said to me, I am still CF and LOVING IT!!!

I'm so glad that I have no goddamned kids - it gives me more time to spend with my pets, who will always love me unconditionally.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
February 10, 2012
Getting bingo-ed will never end, will it? The one I seem to get the most (and I just got it this morning) is, "You'll change your mind because I was crazy enough to change my mind." Excuse me, but I'm not that crazy. I don't even like kids and know for a fact I don't EVER want any! Why do people assume that because they changed their minds, I will, too? How stupid is that?? I'm so tired of it! I can't wait to get myself sterilized and then I can tell them that I CAN'T change my mind, even if I wanted to!
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
February 11, 2012
Getting bingo-ed will never end, will it? The one I seem to get the most (and I just got it this morning) is, "You'll change your mind because I was crazy enough to change my mind." Excuse me, but I'm not that crazy. I don't even like kids and know for a fact I don't EVER want any! Why do people assume that because they changed their minds, I will, too? How stupid is that?? I'm so tired of it! I can't wait to get myself sterilized and then I can tell them that I CAN'T change my mind, even if I wanted to!

Then they'll say "you could always adopt". OH.. and then there are the post fertility bingos. "Aren't you sorry??"
or "Now who will take care of you when you're old?"
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
February 11, 2012
Getting bingo-ed will never end, will it? The one I seem to get the most (and I just got it this morning) is, "You'll change your mind because I was crazy enough to change my mind." Excuse me, but I'm not that crazy. I don't even like kids and know for a fact I don't EVER want any! Why do people assume that because they changed their minds, I will, too? How stupid is that?? I'm so tired of it! I can't wait to get myself sterilized and then I can tell them that I CAN'T change my mind, even if I wanted to!

Then they'll say "you could always adopt". OH.. and then there are the post fertility bingos. "Aren't you sorry??"
or "Now who will take care of you when you're old?"

Or they will call you useless human being or shove in your face phone numbers of doctors who do reversals.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
February 14, 2012
Then they'll say "you could always adopt". OH.. and then there are the post fertility bingos. "Aren't you sorry??"
or "Now who will take care of you when you're old?"

Or they will call you useless human being or shove in your face phone numbers of doctors who do reversals.

I want the tubal implants. You can't reverse that! As for the post-fertility bingos... Boy, am I looking forward to that. NOT! It really does never end, does it? And who will take care of me when/if I'm old? Probably the same people who will take care of them! NURSES and whatnot! I can't believe people seriously have kids just for that. And they call US selfish! The nerve...
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
February 19, 2012
It really does never end, does it?

Don't say that! I die a little inside when I think of how many more years I might have to put up with such patronising horseshit.

My latest bingo was last night, I mentioned i'd just had my implanon/nexplanon changed (And I know some people don't get on with implants but I heartheartheart mine!) I mentioned that my arm hurts like fuck but I was mostly babyproof and got a whole lot of 'You don't know what you're missing!!' rubbish from my old boss. I tried to be diplomatic because you know how parents take everything personally and say 'I'm sure yours is a great kid but I gots other things to be spending my hard earned minimum wage on like... Peroxide and leopard printed things. ^^' but of course they don't ever let up...

The next response was 'Oh of course they cost a lot but my little MAY-UN is just soooo cute.' (For the record, he looks like he'd slash your throat in your sleep in a fucking heartbeat.) You'll say the same one day!'


I really should start betting large amounts of money with people who say that. I'll be quids in once I hit my thirties and get these motherfuckers tied/essured.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
February 22, 2012
I went to the OBGYN for my consult today to get the Essure procedure. I told my grandmother about it thinking that she would be supportive because she usually is but to my surprise, she bingo-ed me. WTF??? She said shit like " you don't know love until you have a kid" I responded back with "sure I do, I have 3 little fur babies that I love more than anything. They are MY kids." She was like "what if you change your mind or if your husband changes his mind". Trust me we won't is what I told her. And then she proceeded to tell me that I will regret it later and all the other blah, blah, blah that people say when they try to convince you that you are making the wrong choice.It is so fucking annoying.:headbrick Seriously, I am 31 years old and if I were going to change my mind, I would of already done it. I am getting my procedure done in the beginning of April and I can't wait!!!:biggrin2
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 01, 2012
it never fucking ends does it? another forum I have participated in for years (and the folks know me well) just bingo'd me.... "well, do you think babies are all mapped out and planned?" Well... YES... yes I think that is the right answer for bringing new life into the world. Just because you piss on the stick and it turns blue or whatever does not mean you have to follow the fucking lifescript. And what about BIRTH CONTROL? Because you know I've been fucking for a good many of my 37 years now and never got knocked up once!

sorry for the curse filled rant, but OMFG does it ever end?
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 02, 2012
sorry for the curse filled rant, but OMFG does it ever end?

At the rate things are going, when they're lowering your body into the ground, someone will say, "You know, it's not too late for lux to have a baby. We can take a cell and mix it with another cell and find a surrogate mother--there's enough estate to pay for it all."
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 02, 2012
sorry for the curse filled rant, but OMFG does it ever end?

At the rate things are going, when they're lowering your body into the ground, someone will say, "You know, it's not too late for lux to have a baby. We can take a cell and mix it with another cell and find a surrogate mother--there's enough estate to pay for it all."

LOL!!! Yep... wouldn't put it past some people who insist that we all must replicate. After my hysterectomy my father found out that I still had ovaries....OMG His first words were "You can still have a little bayybee"
CRAP!! (I am guessing that he was thinking surrogate.. or maybe he really didn't understand the female annatomy) What part of "I don't want any" don't these people understand?
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 02, 2012
It really does never end, does it?

Don't say that! I die a little inside when I think of how many more years I might have to put up with such patronising horseshit.

My latest bingo was last night, I mentioned i'd just had my implanon/nexplanon changed (And I know some people don't get on with implants but I heartheartheart mine!) I mentioned that my arm hurts like fuck but I was mostly babyproof and got a whole lot of 'You don't know what you're missing!!' rubbish from my old boss. I tried to be diplomatic because you know how parents take everything personally and say 'I'm sure yours is a great kid but I gots other things to be spending my hard earned minimum wage on like... Peroxide and leopard printed things. ^^' but of course they don't ever let up...

The next response was 'Oh of course they cost a lot but my little MAY-UN is just soooo cute.' (For the record, he looks like he'd slash your throat in your sleep in a fucking heartbeat.) You'll say the same one day!'


I really should start betting large amounts of money with people who say that. I'll be quids in once I hit my thirties and get these motherfuckers tied/essured.

At first, I read a portion of the above, "...peroxide and leopard printed THONGS." HAHA, I need to go to bed. I also need to stop at Target for a few things, since you reminded me. :biggrin2
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 03, 2012
sorry for the curse filled rant, but OMFG does it ever end?

At the rate things are going, when they're lowering your body into the ground, someone will say, "You know, it's not too late for lux to have a baby. We can take a cell and mix it with another cell and find a surrogate mother--there's enough estate to pay for it all."

I'd laugh... except you are so right on it could probably happen!
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 04, 2012
Snark Shark

Yeah, my boyfriend doesn't quite get that yet. See, as a young guy, he's not really used to people openly challenging his decision not to have kids (not that it doesn't happen to guys, I'm just saying that apart from the casual suggestions of his mother, no one has really bothered him about it before.) It probably didn't even occur to him that it was something that was going to cause a stir. But since the conversation about a young woman getting fixed, one who wasn't even present, things quickly went south, much to his shock.


as a guy, I can certainly say I haven't been exposed to NEARLY the amount of KYD related questions gals have to endure. also, when asked why I don't want kids, I simply say I DON'T LIKE THEM, and that ends the topic. you'd TRULY have to be over the top NUTZO to tell someone who DESN'T LIKE KIDS to HAVETHEM ANYWAY.

This has never happened to me - if I make any negative comments about owning offspring I ALWAYS get the classic bingo: "You were one once too". I have even gotten this recently from both of my closest coworkers (who both have broken famblies). I would love to know the magic incantation that shuts the conversation down, but I haven't found anything like that yet.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 04, 2012

This has never happened to me - if I make any negative comments about owning offspring I ALWAYS get the classic bingo: "You were one once too". I have even gotten this recently from both of my closest coworkers (who both have broken famblies). I would love to know the magic incantation that shuts the conversation down, but I haven't found anything like that yet.

"Yes I was and it sucked balls. I hated kids even then. If I had to do it all over again I'd pull a Phoebe Prince."

Never a saw a face go whiter faster, especially since I dropped it on a Mormon.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
March 05, 2012

This has never happened to me - if I make any negative comments about owning offspring I ALWAYS get the classic bingo: "You were one once too". I have even gotten this recently from both of my closest coworkers (who both have broken famblies). I would love to know the magic incantation that shuts the conversation down, but I haven't found anything like that yet.

"Yes I was and it sucked balls. I hated kids even then. If I had to do it all over again I'd pull a Phoebe Prince."

Never a saw a face go whiter faster, especially since I dropped it on a Mormon.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
April 15, 2012
Last night my uncle died, so I was at my family's house. My cousin's girlfriend was asking me about my being CF. She was really respectful. My cousin, on the other hand, told me that he thought that people who don't want kids are selfish and that I need to "grow up." Riiiiight...This coming from the man that can't hold down a steady job and has multiple kids that he can't take care of...yet I need to grow up. Can anyone tells me how the fuck that works?!
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
April 15, 2012
Last night my uncle died, so I was at my family's house. My cousin's girlfriend was asking me about my being CF. She was really respectful. My cousin, on the other hand, told me that he thought that people who don't want kids are selfish and that I need to "grow up." Riiiiight...This coming from the man that can't hold down a steady job and has multiple kids that he can't take care of...yet I need to grow up. Can anyone tells me how the fuck that works?!

Breeder logic. Gotta love it.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
April 17, 2012
I'm new here but I just HAD to post on this thread! I got bingoed soooo hard one day, by a perfect stranger no less! It was awhile ago when I just heard about the Childfree life, so naturally I was super excited! I was talking to my friend on the bus about it and then this old guy just happened to hear us. He started off with the "So you don't want kids?" I looked at him and said, with my nicest smile ever, "nope!" He then goes on this slight rampage and begins to instruct me on how I WOULD change my mind. He went on for awhile and then I smiled and said that in order for me to change my mind, I would have to go insane, and insane people wouldn't make good mothers anyway. So I began to ignore him and started talking to my friend. I was super excited because it was my first time getting bingoed, so I was like "this is cool!" I'm part of the club! Lol! Well this fucker didn't seem to get a clue. Or at least he didn't seem to, because I distinctly remember him saying under his breath to me "I'll see you in five years with two kids". I'm a very nice person, but sometimes, you just have to pull a switchblade tongue. I turned my head slowly toward him and whispered "when in the hell did you get so brave? Because judging by your wrinkles, you were probably born in the era where talking to strangers was considered dangerous.. So, almighty seer-of-the-future, tell me when the fuck you'll achieve some decency." Needless to say, he moved to a different seat. Yay! Crisis averted! But oh the shame of it all...

Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
April 17, 2012
My god.. The nerve of someone wishing that upon an innocent human being is deplorable. That's a very big reason why I don't want kids. I could just imagine a doctor handing me an autistic/retarded/down syndrome/bipolar/schizophrenic child and ME being to blame for their suffering. In short, I won't gamble with a life that isn't mine. But damn, I don't know what I would do if someone told me that. I'm sure it wouldn't be legal though..
moody smiley

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
April 17, 2012
Sorry about the rapid-fire posting, but if there is one bingo that really gets under my skin it's "Accidents happen". I have actually formulated a perfect response for it though. Now I just say "accidental pregnancies can happen, but accidental births don't." You should see the red in their faces! I'm pro-choice as hell and I'm not afraid to show it! But really though.. Who says that type of thing? That's like saying "I can't wait until your worst nightmare becomes your reality". I cut off immediately anyone who says stuff like that with a simple "it's kinda gross that you have a preggo fetish towards me." I swear, if it was a preggo who said it I would be like: so how is your little "accident" coming along? Oh the horrors that would ensue...for them, because I would be laughing my pitooty off!

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
April 19, 2012
So, it happened. I have this FB friend who I've always considered to be a PNB...an exception. Her kid is over three years old and she has yet to fill one FB photo album of kid pictures, never bingoed me, never seemed to go all breeder-brained.

Well, that changed today. She posted some ad for an 'obese doggie elevator' (here's the link, if anyone cares) and one of the comments included something about people who use doggie strollers. So, I commented, "I don't know, seeing a dog in a stroller is as bad to me as seeing a 4-year-old getting pushed around in a stroller. Both are pointless and do not benefit the 'ridee' at all."

Well, I should have known better. She may not act like a worthless breeder, but she is a moo now. Friend's response began with, "Oh, I think the "you have to be a parent to get it" rule applies here re: kids." Of course. smile rolling left righteyes2 She then went on about how she spawned a runner, moo, moo, bizzy, bizzy, low. She also went on about how she used to hate leashes for kids, yadda. Totally missed the point that her kid will be as obese as that poor dog if she just carts it around all the time. At least on a leash, it still actually uses its legs.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
April 19, 2012
I'm sorry for what happened. Sometimes it's unavoidable. I'm dreading that happening to my friend now. He knocked up his girlfriend. He's like 20 and she just recently turned 17 (yeah, I wasn't too thrilled). They both know that I'm CF and I already got bingoed by his useless girlfriend, but I'm worried about HIM. I only hope they weren't fed that IT'S SO WORTH IT stuff too much, it rots the brain. But then again it's the only thing that keeps breeders sane.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
April 20, 2012
Got one of the strangest bingos of my life from a coworker. I have been doing research on my family tree and he knows, so he asked how the search was going.

Me: I haven't found a whole lot but I did find out my Great Great Grandfather was a lobotomist.

snooty male coworker: See don't you want to have children to continue that honorable bloodline?

Me: ............................ saying 'wtf'
... What. The. Actual. Fuck. Does he even know what he's saying?! Honorable... Lobotomist?doh face waving hellolarious Desperate bingo-er, much?
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