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The "I got bin go-ed" thread

Posted by juliewashere88 
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 31, 2012
What these idiots don't get is that OUR JOY IS IN OUR *FREEDOM*. The reason WHY we are so wonderful is because we DON'T have kids. Hell no. That's why we smile.drinking coffee
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
July 31, 2012
I think my mother anti-bingoed me today. We were talking about how unfit some of my relatives are to breed, and she said, "At least you know what you'd be getting into and will actively avoid it. You know you have no maternal instinct and are unlikely to develop any. These poor fools think they could do it."


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 01, 2012
I rarely get bingo-ed lately. Most people I run into either know I have had a tubal or know I dabble in being a complete cunt (or a combination of the two) and thus do not bother me anymore.

Seems someone didn't get the memo.

We go to what we call our local "Nerd Shop" right off base most weekends. My husband goes off and plays a few rounds of Warhammer 40K and I work on my own 40k army getting it painted. We've been going there a while now and most people I routinely talk to have already figured out early on I cannot stand babies/children/spawn and never even asked the dreaded questions. But not this one bozo.

First off the guy is a fucking spaz. I think he's like 20 and suffering from either ADHD or was a crack baby or...who knows. The guys reminds me of the squirrel from over the hedge only not cute and fuzzy. I've run into him several times and every time I have wanted to slap his hyperactive head off.

Well last weekend we were there, I was hanging out with an old dude that paints exclusively and we were trading tips when spazzo plops his happy ass down at the painting table. Starts fiddling with his models so I think "oh he's just going to leave us alone...ok that's cool..whew" go back to talking to Kenny. We share a common twisted humor so I end up showing him the "NAPTIME!" video. We're laughing and I'm sure I've made a few crude baby-hater jokes.

Well little did I realize but spaz-ma-taz was listening. Who would have though he had the concentration skills to listen to anything? Starts questioning me "You don't like kids? Why not? What will you do when you have kids if you hate them?" on and on and on till I finally stopped facepalming long enough to cut him off with "I'm never having kids. Not only have I had a tubal I support abortion. Infact I encourage it." got up and left before I strangled him and upset the owner. Went and hugged the hubby where he was playing his game and calmed down. Ended up watching his game for a while.

Well here comes the freaking spazoid again. Sticks his phone in my face. He has a picture displayed of a cat and a baby on their backs on a bed. Looks at me and says "BUT LOOK WHAT YOU'RE MISSING." I could FEEL my eye starting to twitch. I put on a fake sweet smile and said "We already have cats."


Oh yeah definite eye twitch. I summon up every OUNCE of self control and with the most dead pan expression I can manage say "To miss something you have to actually want it in the first place." turned and walked over to my husband who kept the guy the fuck away from me the rest of the night. He thankfully didn't bother me the next night either......probably due to Kenny tell him to leave me alone.

I think the main thing about that encounter was thanks to this forum I was able to come up with an almost elegant comeback as opposed to my normal vulgar ones. I still prefer the vulgar way but it's so nice to have an alternate option there.

Also I suck at typing out a series of events lol. Writing is one art I am not skilled at.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 01, 2012
Oh here's another one I've gotten.

A response to my dislike of babies:
"You were a baby once too, you know."

Thanks for the info, moron. I had no idea. Here I thought I was grown in a laboratory somewhere.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 01, 2012
I never know how to respond to the "You were a baby once too" remark. Yeah, and I was also a snot nosed teenager once, and I don't care for them either, so your pint in saying that is exactly what?
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 01, 2012
Shark, you never cease to make me laugh. 'Spazmo D'Tard' waving hellolarious
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 01, 2012
I never know how to respond to the "You were a baby once too" remark. Yeah, and I was also a snot nosed teenager once, and I don't care for them either, so your pint in saying that is exactly what?

My responses are as follows:

And your point is? Feel free to share.

That isn't enough to make me want one.

I was a sperm once too but you don't see me wanting to cuddle up to a fucking wankstain, do you?

That last one is someone's sig line. It was one of the first things on this board that gave me a laugh. I've often said it to people in public.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 01, 2012
That mug icon was "coffee" by the way lol (I don't drink). Ya and the "you were once.." bullshit has NOTHING TO DO WITH NOT WANTING TO HAVE KIDS AS ADULTS. That "argument" makes NO SENSE AT ALL. And there IS no argument. Because guess who gets to live our lives? WE DO. Eff 'em all.bouncing and laughing:yeah
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 02, 2012
I never know how to respond to the "You were a baby once too" remark. Yeah, and I was also a snot nosed teenager once, and I don't care for them either, so your pint in saying that is exactly what?

I always say to that, "yes, and that is why I don't want one. I was a terrible child and I made my parents miserable. Why would I want that for myself?" which is usually followed up by the bingo, "but it's different when it's your own"
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 02, 2012
Snark Shark
I never know how to respond to the "You were a baby once too" remark. Yeah, and I was also a snot nosed teenager once, and I don't care for them either, so your pint in saying that is exactly what?

say "No I wasn't. I WAS CLONED".

They will be confused into silence! smiling smiley

that's genius! cloned, why not! thank you shark, please let me use your line later!

as for you'll be a good mother bingo, I can see how dumping a kid to a nanny and enrolling the kid to various afterschool activities make me a good mother. kid will only be a trophy for me...I don't want to deal with it. that's what I would do if I ever became a goddamned mother. I am such a good mother.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 06, 2012
I can't believe how rude people have become. We were at a fourth of July party at my boss' house. One of my boss' friends, who looked to be about 45 or so, was walking around with his annoying 3 year old toadler. I wasn't there (damn I wish I was to see the look on the guy's face) when he asked my husband "why" he didn't have kids. Not 'do you have any kids?' but, WHY? Hubby's answer, "Cause I don't want to be an old dude with kids." Shut the guy right up. Asshole.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 07, 2012
I think that the post hysterectomy/menopause bingos are something that are a bit different from the other Bingos. Have any of you had those? Here are some that I've gotten over the past few years. (keep in mind that I am almost 60 and through menopause and had a hyst at 40)

One person says 'you can still adopt'
Then there's .. "you've missed out on so much"
Ofcourse one that does cross over is: 'Who will take care of you now?"
One that threw me over the top was when a friend who I hadn't seen in many years caught up with me about 8 years ago and we were talking about things. I had recently had a trauma in my life and was recovering. She said to me: 'You know, if you would have had kids then you wouldn't have all these problems."
WTF!!!??? Umm.. she is no longer a friend.

So... any post meno bingos out there?
Oh, heck yes I've had the post-hysterectomy bingo! I have been a poll worker for a few years now and am easily the youngest one there. While visiting with a fellow worker, the inevitable question came up "do you have any children?". No, I said, just a couple of cats. The woman looked very concerned. "What will you do when you're old?". I said I guess I'll worry about that when the time comes.

Is it really so unbelievable that someone would choose not to have kids? I suppose senior citizens might find that odd, but they didn't have much choice back in the day. You got married, you had kids, it happened. But this was the only time anyone actually "bingo'd" me. Maybe I've been lucky.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 09, 2012
Just something to spread around.
My apologies for what is most likely a re-post here.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 10, 2012
Recently I got an assumption about CF people which was more amusing than offensive.

Person: How many children do you have?
Me: Zero.
Person: How many pets do you have?

I'm one of those CFers who can answer with symmetry by saying "Zero" to the second question as well, but I was amused about the way the conversation went.

It's actually been a remarkably bingo-free last few months. I'm getting more of the "you go, girl!" kind of comments which are intended to be nice but which strike me as somewhat condescending, because I don't need anyone to approve of my life. I'd much rather get encouragement than outrage, of course, but it gets a little tedious - true acceptance would mean that nobody would find it remarkable unless it were relevant to the particular subject at hand. I don't want applause, I want the subject changed to something more interesting than children or lack thereof.

Examples of this type of statement are: "Good for you!" and "You look so young - it must be because you don't have children, they really age you."
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 12, 2012
I received the "what if your parent never had you" bingo on a car blog. How do you all handle that bingo, I am stumped.

BobinPghAugust 11th, 2012 at 3:54 pm
There’s that phrase again – The manufacturers must love it when a baby is “en route”. How else do they sell new cars? Why do you all give up having nice cars for another kid, I will never understand.


Perhaps if you had kids, you’d understand. Ask Baruth, he’ll explain it.


BobinPghAugust 11th, 2012 at 9:52 pm
Oh I know what you mean. Jack seems like a cool guy with the beard, the guitar, the motorcycle, the sharp clothes, the racing cars and then he has a kid. How boring. Now his life is all play dates, minivans, karate lessons, Pampers, and possibly another kid. Unless maybe he will write a story about the day he gets neutered.

But really, why do we have that phrase “another one on the way”? Why do so many of the B and B want kids?

28-Cars-LaterAugust 11th, 2012 at 7:53 pm
I have to agree with your Bob, children are important and need proper care but today’s society takes it overboard. You don’t instantly have to run out and spend 30K+ because she’s pregnant, nor should you have to hate your life because you wanted to have a family. Provide for your family but don’t lose focus on your own wants and needs as an adult, there has to be a medium… otherwise you end up with a generation of spoiled brats demanding instant gratification, the erstwhile Gen Y.


BobinPghAugust 11th, 2012 at 10:02 pm
Thank you 28, but why do we need kids at all? Why not have the cars we want without them?

ZackmanAugust 11th, 2012 at 9:13 pm
Hey! I gave up a brand-new 1980 Dodge pickup truck for a 1981 Plymouth Reliant for the kids!

uh…the Reliant was a 4 speed, if that’s any consolation…


BobinPghAugust 11th, 2012 at 10:27 pm
Don’t you and your wife wished you had driven the truck to a Planned Parenthood center instead?

CJinSDAugust 12th, 2012 at 2:28 am
Do you feel like your parents wish they had?

dejal1August 12th, 2012 at 8:50 am
“Do you feel like your parents wish they had?”

I have a feeling that, that the answer would be “Huh?”

Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 12, 2012
If my parents hadnt had me, they'd have nicer cars (and lives, arguably.) Alas, they chose to follow the herd and have children over a life of happiness. It's a real shame. My advantage is that I can learn from the mistakes of others so I don't repeat them myself. I get to enjoy nice cars without worry they'll be trashed by screaming children, among other benefits of my happily childfree lifestyle.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 12, 2012
mr. neptune
I received the "what if your parent never had you" bingo on a car blog. How do you all handle that bingo, I am stumped.

The short version, of course, is "If my parents never had me, I wouldn't be here listening to your illogical blather - but 40 years ago my parents would have had to hear the same nonsense from your parents or others of their ilk."
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 12, 2012
I still don't get how we are the rude ones when people are basically telling us that we are dead ends, or useless or should have never been born, or should kill ourselves, etc. It just doesn't make sense that that is acceptable and saying that we don't want children is somehow monstrous.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 12, 2012
Well I did come back with this, but I think some of these guys like minivans.

Well I could say that if I was not here, you would not have me bringing up something uncomfortable. As for the OP, why just buy a minivan and have a sunroof installed, it looks like that will be the car in your future.

Let me guess Zackman, you traded in the Reliant for a Voyager with all the multimedia.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 13, 2012
Yeah I actually like my minivan...but completely childfree....I like it for moving things around...problem is these dumb breeders assume that I'm having kids
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 16, 2012
I always loved that bingo. If my parents never had me, I wouldn't care because I wouldn't have existed - it's not like I was a child soul in heaven with Sky Daddy waiting to inhabit the body of a fetus (which, according to pro-lifers, is a fully-developed baby from the get-go that just get larger over the span of 9 months) and I would have missed my only chance at life because two particular people fucked and didn't conceive. Even if that's how it DID work, people have kids all the time, so I wouldn't have had to wait long anyway.

I know exactly what would have happened had I never been born - my mother might have stayed married, and odds are she would have went to college to become an elementary school teacher (so she could manipulate and control and scream at two dozen children rather than just one). Hell, sometimes I wish I hadn't been born. How exactly is this supposed to make me want to have children? So I can make more unnecessary human beings and emotionally/verbally abuse them too? Sounds like breeder logic. smile rolling left righteyes2
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 20, 2012
I always loved that bingo. If my parents never had me, I wouldn't care because I wouldn't have existed - it's not like I was a child soul in heaven with Sky Daddy waiting to inhabit the body of a fetus (which, according to pro-lifers, is a fully-developed baby from the get-go that just get larger over the span of 9 months) and I would have missed my only chance at life because two particular people fucked and didn't conceive. Even if that's how it DID work, people have kids all the time, so I wouldn't have had to wait long anyway.

I know exactly what would have happened had I never been born - my mother might have stayed married, and odds are she would have went to college to become an elementary school teacher (so she could manipulate and control and scream at two dozen children rather than just one). Hell, sometimes I wish I hadn't been born. How exactly is this supposed to make me want to have children? So I can make more unnecessary human beings and emotionally/verbally abuse them too? Sounds like breeder logic. smile rolling left righteyes2

I agree completely. I mean I do enjoy living. However, I often feel like I wish I hadn't been born either. My parents had no real good reason to have me or any children period. I think my mother could've ended up married to a better man. I think my dad could've had more time to do some soul-searching before jumping into another relationship. They would've both been better off not having me or my siblings.

With that said, I don't know how that bingo is supposed to convince me either. If anything it just reminds me of how much better my parent's lives could've been. Therefore, I am making the right decision in not having any. I don't want to be a part of a bad marriage. I don't want to be miserable. lol.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 20, 2012
If abortion was legal when I was conceived I most likely would not be here. My bio parents were not married and very young. If I hadn't been born, then my adoptive parents would have just gotten another kid. Now maybe that kid wouldn't have been as 'well behaved' as me (lol) I mean, maybe he/she would have been a trouble maker or something. That would have changed their lives.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 21, 2012
Society is always quick to ignore the right of the unborn to remain unborn.
The morality of taking life is just as questionable as giving it in my opinion.
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