Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 10, 2013
I had a dr appointment last week due to feeling nauseous for several days. My coworker asked if they made me take a pregnancy test, and that they should have, "just in case". On previous occasions she has hinted at my possibly being piggo, whenever I don't feel well. Some days I feel like saying, "Look, I've had my tubes tied, so knock it off with the pregnancy accusations, mmkay?"
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 10, 2013
Oh gawd.. I hated that crap. A woman can't have a little stomach problem without everyone assuming she's inpig. It happened to me many times. Luckly I'm past that age now.
HOWEVER.... if someone who doesn't know me makes a comment like that (I still LOOK like I could be in my 40's) I give them the 'HM60 reply. I've had a hyst, I'm through menopause and I'm freekin 60. Usually shuts them up. I dont care if it's TMI for a perfect stranger.... no perfect stranger should be commenting on a person's inpig possibility. That is just rude... so... be rude back. LOL
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 10, 2013
Ugh, I hate that! A woman can't even have heartburn without it being a sign of pignasty.

Several years ago, then-DH and I drove the 9 hours to see my parental units. We bought some deli sandwhiches at the local Voldemart before leaving town, (this place is a whole different rant), and by the time we reached our destination, we were in the middle of a porcelain throne revival!

My Mom took great care of us. She's a Saint, I tell you, and can clean anything. She could remove the blood from the St. Valentine's Day wall. Not only that, but she paid for DH's vasectomy and even today proudly tells her friends that the only grandkids she has are those with four paws.

Anyway, one night DH and I were lying on the couch-bed, snuggling their cat Butchie and hoping that we both didn't have to run to the bathroom at the same time, when my Aunt J came over to visit. We gave her the obligatory hug and kiss before crawling back under the covers while Mom explained the situation. Aunt J gets this wicked gleam in her eye and calls in a sickeningly sweet sing-song voice, "Is it morning sickness?!"

"No!" I grunted. Butchie hissed. It's half his vocabulary.

"Oh, darn," she giggled and snapped her fingers.

Even my Dad, who in those days wanted grandkids, looked at her like she had tentacles coming out of her ears. Helllooooo! How many things can I find wrong with that question? This was the same woman who, (though I do love her and miss her since she passed away), when I told her of my endometriosis, said with this all-knowing tone, "I had that once! My boyfriend gave it to me!"

Aunt J was one of those people who, although generally a nice person, could come up with some of the most left-field comments I have ever heard. She never had kids, and I never really learned why. I suspect she was sterile, but she would never admit it. But she loved animals and rescued cats and dogs whenever she could.

Anyway, sorry about the length. I agree with others that women face an awful double standard as a potentially activated incubator instead of a human being.

Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 18, 2013
I just don't understand them at all. Apparently, I am too healthy and too happy for them or something. Or they are bitter because neither my brother nor me want to give them the grandchuldren.

Wondering if psychologists have already termed the monomania of living vicariously through one's crotch fruit(s). Oops.... I mean "muh legacy."

If not, I propose "Fucking Dead Inside."

So the first batch of butt dumplings weren't enough to fill their void. Now they demand yours, too.

I seriously contemplate whether we and these people are even the same species.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 20, 2013
Iwas bingoed a couple of hours ago by a girl in my french lessons. We had to make questions and answer them and I mentioned that I hate kids and she told "you won't hate them when they're yours". Worst of all. I have a small crush on that girl. Man, sometimes I feel so lonely. It sucks.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 22, 2013
Got told today by a woman that I am too young to be making decisions about being CF and that she would like to meet up with me in 10 years time to see if I had changed my mind! Now here's the thing I'm 24 years old the wanna moo who said this to me is 28!

She thinks being a whole 4 years older then me that she has all the life experience behind her to tell other women what to do with their body's.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 25, 2013
Got told today by a woman that I am too young to be making decisions about being CF and that she would like to meet up with me in 10 years time to see if I had changed my mind! Now here's the thing I'm 24 years old the wanna moo who said this to me is 28!

She thinks being a whole 4 years older then me that she has all the life experience behind her to tell other women what to do with their body's.

I've been told that by people 10 years younger than me. smile rolling left righteyes2 The standard view seems to be that the experience which is meant to come with age only counts if it confirms the status quo.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 25, 2013
I've been told by people 20 and 30 years younger than me that "when you get old, you'll miss the grandchyldren"

Well, I didn't want, why the hell would I want GRANDCHYLDRUN running around? How to they know anyway? They only have toadlers and teens at this point.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 26, 2013
So they say that you're too young to decide not to have kids, but you're mature enough when ya get inpig?

Yeah, that makes total rolling left righteyes2

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 27, 2013
Total bingo by my own mother this weekend. She went to visit my grandmother who is old, sick and in a nursing home, and took one of my grandmother's great-grandbaybees with her (one of my cousins' kyds, since because I don't have any spawn she has to spend time with her nieces and nephews' kyds to feel fulfilled).

She then complained that my grandmother was irritated by the baybee's crying constantly, and my mum having to go outside with the baybee to shush it. She said that she paid more attention to the dog than the baybee (mum was also dog sitting for me this weekend). I said, well, the dog doesn't cry, he's well behaved and cute, and if I was in a nursing home and not very well, the last thing I'd want is a crying baby being brought to see me, and I'd be annoyed that the person who came to visit me then spent all their time having to try and shut the baybee up instead of talking to me. I said that I find baybee crying/screaming profoundly annoying and actually quite stressful, so goodness knows how an old, sick person would feel (not to mention the other old people in the home who had to listen to it as well).

Cue the "oh, but when you have your own it'll be different, you won't notice the crying"

Sigh. Last time I checked, pah-runting didn't come with added total hearing loss, so I think I would frickin notice it, if my powers of hearing were still intact.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 27, 2013
Total bingo by my own mother this weekend. She went to visit my grandmother who is old, sick and in a nursing home, and took one of my grandmother's great-grandbaybees with her (one of my cousins' kyds, since because I don't have any spawn she has to spend time with her nieces and nephews' kyds to feel fulfilled).

She then complained that my grandmother was irritated by the baybee's crying constantly, and my mum having to go outside with the baybee to shush it. She said that she paid more attention to the dog than the baybee (mum was also dog sitting for me this weekend). I said, well, the dog doesn't cry, he's well behaved and cute, and if I was in a nursing home and not very well, the last thing I'd want is a crying baby being brought to see me, and I'd be annoyed that the person who came to visit me then spent all their time having to try and shut the baybee up instead of talking to me. I said that I find baybee crying/screaming profoundly annoying and actually quite stressful, so goodness knows how an old, sick person would feel (not to mention the other old people in the home who had to listen to it as well).

Cue the "oh, but when you have your own it'll be different, you won't notice the crying"

Sigh. Last time I checked, pah-runting didn't come with added total hearing loss, so I think I would frickin notice it, if my powers of hearing were still intact.

Seems like it comes with brain loss though.

If someone is in a nursing home, you would think you'd want to spend as much time with them as you could talking to them, focusing on them. Why do they think that someone that ill is going to want the sensory overload of a screeching spawn for part of the little company they actually get? I'd just tell her never to come back if I was your grandmother.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 27, 2013
My grandmother had six kids. She didn't take much of an interest in her children, nor was she very kind to them, shipped them off to boarding school by the time they were six and offloaded them as much as possible when they were home. She didn't seem to get much out of her grandkyds either, she wasn't very nice to us, often made cruel comments about our appearances, compared us negatively to one another etc. So I have no idea why my mum thinks she'll be any different with her great-grandkyds, or why she's surprised that she doesn't appreciate a screaming brat.

My grandmother, although I don't particularly like the woman, is the only person in my famblee who gets my choice not to have kids. She says that I am smart for making that choice, because kyds take, take, take and give nothing back - she tells me to live my life for myself and not anybody else.

My guess is she would not have had six children had she been of the generation that had readily available birth control.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
August 27, 2013
Okay... so .... we have an answer. When you have YOUR OWN you don't HEAR the crying. Okie dokie then... that's why when they screem in public the moo does nothing. She doesn't hear it. Gotcha!:headbrick
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
September 13, 2013
Pretty sure I got bingo-ed at work tonight. I was in the dining room as the CNA's were getting the residents out to get them ready for bed. Two of the CNA's were talking about Gummy Krabby Patties, gummy candies that resemble Krabby Patties from SpongeBob Squarepants. One of the aid's said she had never had or heard of them. I told the two of them that I have had one of them, wasn't that great. The aid who started the conversation asked me if I had kids, told her no I don't and was told "Shame on you!"

Since when do you have to have brats to eat candy? I didn't get into it with her because I have nothing to be ashamed about and there were still residents present who don't need to hear two employees fight.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
September 15, 2013
So I figured I'd try to get some new friends around here. I met this girl and we went out for ice cream. So we're talking about work and random things, and then she starts talking about spawn. For fuck's sake! I've never been drill-bingo-ed before, but damn this girl just threw it all at me. I told her I didn't want children. "Why not?" I told her I found them annoying. See, I was trying to not seem psycho to an obvious wannabreed about my desire to dump everyone under age 18 in a vat of sulfuric acid, so I kept it PG rated. We all know how these breeders feel about bad four letter words. So then she seems so surprised and says "you'll change your mind". I laugh at her and tell her there's no chance of that happening. I asked her if she knew a lot of guys who wanted spawn and she said no. This puzzled me as I was wondering, if she knew that, why would I not wanting them be a surprise?? So then we see this fuck ugly little shit with moomoo and she points to it and says "isn't that cute???" Make me fucking gag! So a bit more of this shit and then she says she wants to have her own crotch dropping or adopt one. She's in the military, so I ask her what's she going to do when she has to move to her next post...Well she's going to keep little sprogling around here. She insists that she will be able to Skype with the shitstain so I ask how some baybeeeeeeee is going to know how to Skype someone. Her reasons for wanting spawn were:
someone to pass knowledge to
sooooo cyuuuutteeee
"I have the urge and instinct" the whole baby rabies shit
So then, I say, if you adopt, they most likely will be older so how will you pass on your knowledge? She doesn't answer she just says "no, no, no, you know what I mean". It reminds me of Planet Terror where the guy says "I'm going to eat your brains...and gain your knowledge!". Hilarious, at least to me.

First off, I posted on a dating website for a friend. I specifically stated childfree. She messages me and I ask her the usual important stuff. She says she doesn't want spawn now, but maybe later..So, I'm thinking she might be on the fence.
I tried to finish my disgusting ice cream and get through the rest of the conversation and luckily, she stopped harping on the sprog shit.

This is why I don't believe in fence-sitters!
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
September 15, 2013
icyveined- Pardon me if this is being too nosy, but I thought you met a a nice CF woman online who you were hoping to meet soon?

Why waste time on these breeder-pleaser bitches when ya have a nice girl waiting to meet you?

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
September 16, 2013
I just got bingoed by my best friend (who is several years older than me). One of our mutual friend just found out that his wife is inpig, so my friend shared the good news to me. Plus, he proceeded to tell me that now our mutual friend can't do x, y, or z very often anymore now that he's going to be a dad.
My reflex response was "ewww", to which he replied, 'when will you stop avoiding it', 'I used to be like you too, and we are very similar minded', and 'life will find its way to you'.

no, no, no, "life" will be crushed before it finds its way to attach itself to my internal organ. fuck you, "life". I didn't say anything but 'just because you changed your mind, doesn't mean others would too'.

I think a small part of me just died. he usually is very supportive sad smiley
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
September 16, 2013
Okay.... since I am way past even being able to get inpig.. this is kind of an 'after the fact' bingo.
I met up with a friend last week who I haven't seen in about 30 years. Went to school with here and ..though we didn't know it... we both moved out to this town 16 years ago. We just now found eachother again, So, she and her 20 yo daughter and me and my hubby all went out to lunch. Everything went well. found out that,other than the 20 yo (who was very nice and polite and joined inour conversations) she has a set of triplets which she had when she was............ 47!!!!! (she is now my age ..60) She really didn't talk about her kids much so I figured she wasnt a moo but more of a PNB. Still... triplets .. or even ONE at age 47 was beyond my scope.

Now she had met my dh right after we got married 36 years ago and we went out a few times with her and her BF from back then.
So... we were just sitting there remembering old times and talking about things we had done over the years we hadn't seen eachother. Then came the questiong "Why didn't you have kids?"

I just said that it was a lifestyle we chose not to have... and that we were 'happily childFREE'

She had to put in that famous bingo at that point. "I would have thought you two would have had kids.. you seem so right together"

Well... though I didn't say it...I wish I would have " YES WE ARE RIGHT TOGETHER because we both didn't want kids.) (idiot)

What logic. Just because a couple 'looks good together' that means they are supposed to pop a few loaves?

Anyhow... she accepted the CF answer so ... she's okay. Still, the logic is just beyond me. Still.. I could see a tiny bit of jealousy in her eye.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
September 26, 2013
Exactly! My bitch of a stepmother pulled that with me the other day, who btw has sprogged 3 times with my loser dad who cant provide for all 5 of them since stepmom is a sham, she said something on the lines of you ll understand someday the sacrifice it takes to be a parent and bla-bla-bla and i said im not having children and she asks "what are you gonna do with your life?" "uuum.. live it im here to succed and be happy not spend my days trying to get other people do it and live vicariously through them" i didnt actually say that last part but i should have. that bitch has sent 2 of her kids to live with their poor grandmother (because she cant handle having all sproggs in the same house) without giving her any kind of support and the little shits specially my sister drive her crazy. talk about entitlement!
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
September 27, 2013
icyveined- Pardon me if this is being too nosy, but I thought you met a a nice CF woman online who you were hoping to meet soon?

Why waste time on these breeder-pleaser bitches when ya have a nice girl waiting to meet you?

Yeah, she decided she couldn't do the distance thing. I'm not going to argue about it because, quite frankly, why waste time on someone who has no real interest after all? Sadly, things turn out this way. I'm totally fine with never having anyone special like that, but damn.

Sorry for the long absence, all, but work/education has been extremely busy the past few weeks.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
September 27, 2013
This is so sad. I have never met an intelligent breeder. The things I am hearing in this thread make me ill.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
October 02, 2013
Ok see I have to be honest..I dont think I will have kids, but I don't actually completely rule it out, because I feel like I'm still young enough that its possible someday I *might* change my mind?? (....I doubt it. but, you never know..) but if I ever did have a kid- a kid being singular not plural - I would probably adopt, instead of becoming a moocow for a screaming baby, and if i adopted I would most definetly NOT adopt a baby, I'd adopt a much older child instead. And this is only IF I were ever to decide to have a kid at all. Which honestly I probably won't have kids anyway so this is all just random thoughts anyway.
The point is, my issue isn't whether or not I would have a kid, my issue is people raising brats. And thinking they are entitled. And their child being a special snowflake.
I mentioned in another post about this family called the Bates who had a tv special, and they were dead set on their kids acting properly in public places. They made them practice over and over before they would take the kids out to any public place. And I was like, I want to send every kid I've ever met over to the Bates house so they can learn a thing or two.
One thing I can't stand is children who don't act properly in public, and ALL it would take to FIX it is a parent who actually believed that other people's experiences were important enough that their special little star shouldn't be disruptive and demand attention from everyone!
The problem I worry about though is what if I would at some point decide to have a child and then naturally begin to think that said child was Gods gift to the world and "so cute" and everyone should blow rainbows up their butt...I'd lose perspective. I don't want to be one of "those" parents!!
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
October 02, 2013
Ok see I have to be honest..I dont think I will have kids, but I don't actually completely rule it out, because I feel like I'm still young enough that its possible someday I *might* change my mind?? (....I doubt it. but, you never know..)

If you cannot say for certain that you don't want children, now or ever, you are not childfree. You are a fencesitter. The people on this board are all absolutely certain of not wanting children, to the point that many sought sterilization while in their early 20s. We're all completely sick of the bingo "You might change your mind!" and people who continue to give it weight in the minds of others by proclaiming themselves childfree and later changing their minds. If you haven't made up your mind for certain, call yourself a fencesitter.

You may find that The Childfree Life (TCFL) is better suited to you, as it is a board which welcomes fencesitters. We don't, and have no interest in hearing about any ambiguity you may have about the decision. We don't want to hear about what kind of parent you wouldn't want to be, because nobody here wants to be any kind of parent. This is probably the nicest post you're going to get on the topic, because the rules clearly state that fencesitters are not welcome here: If you aren't sure about children, you are a fence-sitter and this is not the site for you, either.

Some additional notes: you should consider adding in blank lines between your paragraphs so that your posts don't look like a wall of text. Also, why are you posting about the Bates family and your potential parenthood to this thread? This thread is about specific instances of people being bingoed, and your post has nothing whatsoever to do with that, unless you could bingoing yourself with "I might change my mind"! Your previous post was moved to the 'Hurray I'm registered' thread.
Anonymous User
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
October 02, 2013
Ok see I have to be honest..I dont think I will have kids, but I don't actually completely rule it out, because I feel like I'm still young enough that its possible someday I *might* change my mind?? (....I doubt it. but, you never know..) but if I ever did have a kid- a kid being singular not plural - I would probably adopt, instead of becoming a moocow for a screaming baby, and if i adopted I would most definetly NOT adopt a baby, I'd adopt... on and on and on...

You just talked about how you'd go about having brats. On Bratfree. Are you serious?

This is not the place for you. You are not childfree. You are a fencesitter.

It sounds like you just hate your job, which just happens to involve brats. So go find a forum for people who hate their job. This is a forum for people who are CHILDFREE.
Re: The "I got bingo-ed" thread
October 02, 2013
Jesus Fitzwilliam Christ, what is wrong with the new members these days?


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Some random YouTube commenter

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Some random YouTube uploader

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