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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 24, 2022
Count that as another reason to be glad you are CF: the callous attitude from doctors toward pregnant women.

I know it's no surprise but a lot of the same X-tian far right people who don't believe in abortion also don't get too excited over side effects from loafing because the Beeble declared women suffer and childbirth and that's a nachural thing. What's the big deal?

I've dealt with callous attitudes from doctors. I went to the doctor about severe fatigue and the doctor told me I was depressed and seeking attention and wanted to give me anti-depressants based on a five minute conversation. I refused and was taken back by his armchair diagnosis, the gaslighting and assumption that he could tell by my appearance and a few minutes of conversation that I was desperate for attention despite him not being a psychologist/psychiatrist. The one co-pay meant I had to split my money for food in half that week! It was heartbreaking to miss work hours, give up food just to put up with his superior attitude. Then I had to hurry back to work without any improvement or resolution to my health issue.

Later I went to a terrific doctor who gave me a blood test and discovered I was severely anemic. I'd guess there are women and men who go to a doctor out of desperation for attention but most people go because there is something wrong with them.

I'd never want to purposely put myself in such a precarious position which would necessitate being seen by a callous doctor.

I don't know what it is about doctors but I've had some really shitty experiences with them-especially males. Many seem to have a gawd complex and almost all act like privileged assholes.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 05, 2022
This woman says she wants to be sick because she thinks it means her job as a parent gets put on hold. Isn't that cute?

No, you won't get to "do nothing for a change" because you don't get to stay home sick from your job as a mommy. Your brat will still need to be bathed, fed, clothed, diapered and tended to no matter how your ass feels. If her husband is anything like the other men described in that sub, he will fully expect her to carry on with her normal routine/duties, sickness or not. Even if she has COVID like she hopes (wow dafuq), she'll still be minding the brat and doing the housework because Duh sure won't do it. She says he's an engineer who works long hours and the last thing he's gonna want to do is domestic shit.

I've heard many, many Moos over there say things akin to this - how they wish they could get sick or injured enough to be hospitalized because being away from their brats and having someone taking care of them for a change would be like a vacation. That's fucking depressing - I've only been in the hospital overnight twice in my life and I HATED every second of both instances. I couldn't sleep, I was hungry, I had no entertainment like a phone or book or laptop, I was going stir crazy. I would get excited to get up to pee from all the fluids I got because it was something to do. I can't imagine those experiences being preferable to going home.



I work from home 40 hours a week and am the primary caretaker of my 3 year old (he goes to daycare while I am at work), my husband works very long hours so I also cook, clean, do laundry and everything else that a home needs. I am so tired of taking care of everyone all the time and so so lonely. I woke up with a scratchy throat this morning and was almost excited to get sick as this would mean that my husband stays home to care for our son and I can do nothing for a change (if I have covid). I am so tired, man...

Also, keep your eyes peeled this weekend for all the whining and horse shit about how mothers deserve to make $500K a year and how disappointed all the mommies are that their kids and spouses forgot to honor them on Moo Day again.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 05, 2022
This woman says she wants to be sick because she thinks it means her job as a parent gets put on hold. Isn't that cute?

No, you won't get to "do nothing for a change" because you don't get to stay home sick from your job as a mommy.

There is some serious delusion in this strange attitude. Who does she think will be motivated to do everything for her while she is sick? Does she think her fairy godmother will appear and turn the brats and duh into productive beings? If the duh doesn't do anything now then her being sick isn't going to cause his behavior to change. Instead of her normal drudge, she'll have to do the accumulated drudge plus any new drudge once she recovers.

It is no different than a productive employee going on vacation and coming back to see all the work accumulated and waited for them because no one else was going to get off their lazy ass and do anything.

Also, keep your eyes peeled this weekend for all the whining and horse shit about how mothers deserve to make $500K a year and how disappointed all the mommies are that their kids and spouses forgot to honor them on Moo Day again.

I guess they've had a year to forget and be surprised by Moo Day. Talk about never learning!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 07, 2022
Apparently Moo day is no longer a one day holiday for some, even when they refer to it as "day". Now it is an entire weekend of moaning, whining and bellyaching. Note it was not moo day anywhere in the world when this was posted:

Unhappy moo
Happy Mothers Day to me. We’re on a trip to the beach, to a place we’ve been many times. They love this place.
(extensive whining about the way the brats behave, as if it is anything new or refreshing.)
Tired and getting a migraine. Fuck Mother’s Day.


And this one just flat calls it a weekend:

It is a WEEKEND, not a day!
Happy first Mother's Day weekend to me?
(title followed by excessive typical victim rant)


This one thinks others besides children should celebrate her day, mainly her husband. Overall her husband doesn't see the point of Valentine's Day, so it is unlikely he will be willing to celebrate her first moo day. I also sense that his lack of gift giving will likely result with him being in the doghouse, so perhaps that could be a motivator? Maybe buying a gift for the infant to his wife may be a gesture of goodwill that keeps his life running smoothly? Especially with this moo, as she seems to be very into giving/getting gifts.

This one is mixed because some people think children are to celebrate their mothers on mothers day and husbands, grandkids, etc. are not to celebrate relatives that are not their mothers. I certainly have no plans to buy gifts for all my relatives/friends that are mothers, so I'm siding with the husband on this one. I have exactly one mother, thank you very much.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 08, 2022
gotta love breakingmootard for examples of the assholes who picked pieces of shit to breed with. and not just once but multiple times. However, the best treatment for the 6 year old would have been to upend him over aknee, pullhis pants down and whale him. except someoen would call tht cops

reminds me of that story from out of new hampshire years ago where a single dad (mother had died) had an increasingly out of control brat son. Kid finally did something when he was around 13 and dad finally spanked him.. kid runs his skinny little ass to the police. dad ends up in front of a judge who lectures him about never laying a finger on the little snot. kid of course is now even more out of control and puffed up. until several days later when he comes home from school to an empty house. Dad was apparently smart enough to know how to disappear...and this was also in a day when it was easier to do so. Kid ends up in juvenile system because no relative wanted his shit ass either.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 08, 2022
I don't get Moos who get mad at their spouses for not giving them Mother's Day gifts. Why would a man give his wife a gift for Mother's Day? She's not his mother (not usually, but there may be exceptions around the deep South), unless he's a lazy man-baby and his Moo-wife does everything for him but wipe his ass, in which case maybe it's justified. Isn't Mother's Day to celebrate your own mother, or mother-in-law if there's a good relationship with her? And the times their spouses do get them gifts, they often complain that they don't like it.

So instead of setting themselves up for disappointment, why don't they do a "treat yo'self" day? Go out alone (since they always want to escape their husbands and brats), go shopping, get themselves something they like, go to a spa or a nail salon or whatever, or sit in the park and read quietly. Whatever makes a day special for them, go do it alone. They have no room to bitch when they know their family won't do shit for them and that winds up being the case yet again. That thing about the definition of insanity comes to mind. The only time people celebrate you at your job is when you do it exceptionally well, and since mooing is a "job," that means either the Moo herself is a shitty mother or she just married a shitty person and had shitty kids with them. Or all three.

And they all think they're gonna get revenge on their spouses next month on Father's Day by not doing anything special for them, but the joke's on the Moos because the Duhs have enough brain cells to make their own fun. They'll go out for the weekend or go get beers with the guys or buy themselves a new thingamabob they wanted and if they don't see, speak to or hear the rest of the household all day long, they don't give a fuck. Why can't they just go, "Fuck you and fuck these kids, I'm gonna get my hair done, go to a movie and get some goddamn tiramisu?"

BreakingMoo is exactly what you'd expect it to be today: playing a violinbawlingsoapbox cursing
I don't get Moos who get mad at their spouses for not giving them Mother's Day gifts. Why would a man give his wife a gift for Mother's Day? She's not his mother (not usually, but there may be exceptions around the deep South), unless he's a lazy man-baby and his Moo-wife does everything for him but wipe his ass, in which case maybe it's justified. Isn't Mother's Day to celebrate your own mother, or mother-in-law if there's a good relationship with her? And the times their spouses do get them gifts, they often complain that they don't like it.

So instead of setting themselves up for disappointment, why don't they do a "treat yo'self" day? Go out alone (since they always want to escape their husbands and brats), go shopping, get themselves something they like, go to a spa or a nail salon or whatever, or sit in the park and read quietly. Whatever makes a day special for them, go do it alone. They have no room to bitch when they know their family won't do shit for them and that winds up being the case yet again. That thing about the definition of insanity comes to mind. The only time people celebrate you at your job is when you do it exceptionally well, and since mooing is a "job," that means either the Moo herself is a shitty mother or she just married a shitty person and had shitty kids with them. Or all three.

And they all think they're gonna get revenge on their spouses next month on Father's Day by not doing anything special for them, but the joke's on the Moos because the Duhs have enough brain cells to make their own fun. They'll go out for the weekend or go get beers with the guys or buy themselves a new thingamabob they wanted and if they don't see, speak to or hear the rest of the household all day long, they don't give a fuck. Why can't they just go, "Fuck you and fuck these kids, I'm gonna get my hair done, go to a movie and get some goddamn tiramisu?"

BreakingMoo is exactly what you'd expect it to be today: playing a violinbawlingsoapbox cursing

A man would give his wife a gift if the kids are too young. Baybees and toadlers don't know about Mother's Day, can't appreciate what their mothers did, and can't give a gift. It makes perfect sense for the man to give his wife a gift in this case because they also require more cunt work than older kyds. That being said, a "treat yo'self" day is better if she's so unhappy with what her spouse gives her.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 09, 2022

So instead of setting themselves up for disappointment, why don't they do a "treat yo'self" day? Go out alone (since they always want to escape their husbands and brats), go shopping, get themselves something they like, go to a spa or a nail salon or whatever, or sit in the park and read quietly. Whatever makes a day special for them, go do it alone. They have no room to bitch when they know their family won't do shit for them and that winds up being the case yet again.

One of them received flowers, chocolate, cards and a massage. Her duh also told her that she wasn't going to get waited on hand and foot today and still has to take care of the brat.

Many of them seem to want to spend the day pretending they don't have kids. We do that every day, but it isn't pretend.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 10, 2022
Many of them seem to want to spend the day pretending they don't have kids. We do that every day, but it isn't pretend.

Yeah I always found that amusing that the day on which they want to be celebrated for being mothers is a day on which they also don't want to be around their kids. If it wasn't for the kids, they wouldn't be celebrating Mother's Day. Though I'm sure, given the option of never having kids in the first place or being let down yet again for their holiday, most mommies would pick the former. I love that CFers have the ideal Mother's Day every day of the year because we specifically choose to not breed. Ain't that a bitch? tongue sticking out smiley

Well this is nightmare fuel, especially with abortion quite possibly no longer being a viable option. Tubals have failure rates, according to this thread. Apparently it's a 1/200 chance of failure for a standard tubal and a 1/2000 chance for one involving tube removal. I mean if you look at those figures in percentages, that's like 0.5% and 0.05%, but I know for CF people, those odds may still be too damn high.

I also know abdominal pregnancies are a thing, though rare. Sometimes you can get your uterus and tubes removed, but if a sperm and egg somehow still manage to unite in the abdominal cavity, the fertilized egg can latch onto nearby organs and grow. Normally these kinds of pregnancies are considered non-viable and are terminated, but with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, women may be forced to carry them to term if they happen now.



I’m freaking out. Amidst everything going on I’m even more freaked out.

Had a tubal ligation done a little over a year ago after having my c-section. Husband and I thought it would be nearly impossible to get pregnant again so we haven’t taken any precautions. Before the procedure of the tubal my doctor even stated, “no more babies, right?”. So I figured pregnancy would never again be a worry.

Now I’m reading it’s possible. Has anyone first hand dealt with that? I’m a few days late and feeling off.. I’ve kind of blown it off as allergies and stress with a teething baby and grumpy 8 year old but now I’m second guessing. Had I known it wasn’t 100% I would’ve had my tubes completely removed. Shit.
Why is this dumb bint posting on a web site and not spending $10 to get a pregnancy test? They are cheap and reliable.

ETA: She's probably not pregnant--the tubal failure rate is pretty low.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 11, 2022
Why is this dumb bint posting on a web site and not spending $10 to get a pregnancy test? They are cheap and reliable.

ETA: She's probably not pregnant--the tubal failure rate is pretty low.

I agree but the responses to her are SCARY. One refers to a baby as her nexplanon baby. Another really scary one:

bm that is very fertile!
There was a bm here for a while that had multiple tubals and husband had multiple vasectomies and they ended up with 6 kids before she took everything out (I believe she did. If she didn't, maybe they gave up altogether lol).

Legit she was on the news in my state over this. His vasectomies would grow back and her tubals just wouldn't take.

I also knew a woman who had a tubes tied baybee and another one while on some hard core BC. Fertile Myrtle.

I'm beyond thrilled to only have had two semi-legit pignasty scares in my life. I love my potential infertility so much that I don't need to be tested, I consider it a gift!
I have known two men who had vasectomies and their tubes grew back together. Their wives turned up pregnant after like 10 years. In both cases, they kept the kids.

I also know someone who got pregnant while using an IUD. Same situation--she and her husband kept the kid.

skull wide-eyed freak out

I am here supposedly because the rubber broke. My mom was also on her period. At least I grew up with reliable birth control information, such as: it's possible to get pregnant while you are on your period. I always had an alternating cycle, 17 days long one month and 21 days long the next month. So did my mother, which can mean ovulation around day 7 or earlier. It also means more chances to get pregnant. Although endometriosis was a curse, it probably saved me a few times, although I never missed a Pill and I used my diaphragm according to instructions.

* Doctors used to be real condescending and tell me that I must be mistaken. They ASSumed I was mis-counting. I was like, no, day one is the first day of the period and I'd be having another one on Day 17, or Day 21.

Needless to say, 30+ years of that shit got really old, really fast. If I could have cut it out myself at age 16, I would have. Too bad I had to go through all that misery.

I also regarded fertility as a burden and I had physical problems as well, which doctors never took seriously.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 11, 2022
I suspect I might have some kind of fucked up fertility too, not that I ever tested it because I'm not that much of a gambler. But prior to getting on the pill, my periods were all fucked up. I wouldn't get one at all for 6-7 months and then I'd start bleeding and never stop. Not heavy bleeding, but just enough to leave a mark. I think it was likely due to being very obese, thyroid disease or both. I went on the pill to make my cycles regular and they've arrived like clockwork ever since because unlike 99 percent of the "bawww I got pregnant on the pill" crowd, I take it properly and never once had a scare.

But yeah, it's scary when eggs somehow managed to get fertilized in spite of birth control that can't fail due to user error like pills. I've heard Nexplanon has an allegedly higher success rate than that of tubal ligation, so it makes you wonder WTF is going on with women who still get pregnant on it.

Sometimes I wonder if some doctors will intentionally botch female sterilizations because they think the woman isn't ready to be done having kids because She'll Change Her MindTM, so they just poke around and make it seem like they're doing something or they half-ass the procedure on purpose. I'd like to see statistics for all providers who offer sterilization and see what their ratio of successes to failures are and see if the ones with the fewest failures are CF-friendly doctors, or if the ones with the most failures are Catholic/pro-family. Shit like that. I'm curious to know if questionable patterns would emerge.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 11, 2022
Completely different thread from a woman whose tubal did actually fail who is now pregnant with a sixth fetus. I like how people are suggesting termination. Uhhh I don't think we have that here anymore? Best find some stairs to fall down, pumpkin.



I've been blessed with 4 children, 16, 13, and 2 year old twins. After my twins I was positive I was done having babies. I had my tubal done in 2020 and found out yesterday I'm pregnant AGAIN. Im so torn with what to do.......
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 11, 2022
makes me wonder how many tubals are deliberately sabotaged...namely they don't take enough...

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 16, 2022
Moo hates the phrase "it takes a village" because she has nobody to help her with the brat she chose to make. She gets super bitter when she hears other people talk about their support network of family and friends who help them with their sproggen. Because as we all know, when someone has a kid, everyone else is expected to put their lives on hold to help the parents raise it (reminds me of the kalamata olives lady who demanded her friends sign up for baby shifts). So does this mean that breeders will throw the "must be nice" line at their own kind?

The best part of this shit sundae? The dumb fucking bint is knocked up again knowing full wellnobody helps her with her current brat. WHY? Why do these women foam at the mouth about how nobody they know lifts a finger to deal with a resposibility that isn't theirs and then they go and breed again when they can't handle the first one??

The line about not being able to afford a professional child wrangler implies that she would expect family and friends to watch her brat without any form of compensation, which might be why none of them want to fucking help her. Where's Duh? Can't he relieve her and, you know, watch the kid whose existence is 50% his fault? Why didn't she think about a potential support network before sluicing? Or did she behave in typical Moo-brained fashion and assume she'd have a perfect loaf that could be raised on wuv alone?



Just need to rant and get this out. I am just so BEYOND over this stupid phrase. Yeah, it takes a village. Fucking great. I don't expect anyone to come take care of my family for me. I like my family. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't envious of all these people who have this vast network of friends and family and parents and grandparents around to help them out with shit or just be there. I don't have a village. Every time I'm talking to people and mention needing a break they say "oh, my mom comes over and we do date night!" or "My sister watches my daughter once a week!" and they look shocked and incredulous when I say I've had childcare help exactly one time in 18 months.

But Honkahonkatonkatruck! Why can't you just make some friends? I am trying my dudes but I'm so tired and all my old friends basically poofed in a puff of smoke when I had a kid and wasn't around whenever they wanted anymore.

Why don't you just hire someone! Great, yes, I look forward to figuring out how to afford that.

If I could will some family into existence I'd do it I can tell you that much.

We are due with our second in August because I'm a fucking idiot I guess, why would I do this on purpose to myself, and I have no idea what we are going to do with our toddler, I guess we are going to have to spend thousands on hiring out childcare and doula or whatever and I'll probably still end up at the hospital alone a lot of the time. Feels bad man.

Happy to hear any similar experiences and commiseration, but please I beg do not comment about how lucky and grateful you are to have help right now...I don't fault you for it but I cannot hear it right now or I'll just start screaming and never stop.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 16, 2022
Moo hates the phrase "it takes a village" because she has nobody to help her with the brat she chose to make. She gets super bitter when she hears other people talk about their support network of family and friends who help them with their sproggen. Because as we all know, when someone has a kid, everyone else is expected to put their lives on hold to help the parents raise it (reminds me of the kalamata olives lady who demanded her friends sign up for baby shifts). So does this mean that breeders will throw the "must be nice" line at their own kind?

The best part of this shit sundae? The dumb fucking bint is knocked up again knowing full wellnobody helps her with her current brat. WHY? Why do these women foam at the mouth about how nobody they know lifts a finger to deal with a resposibility that isn't theirs and then they go and breed again when they can't handle the first one??

The line about not being able to afford a professional child wrangler implies that she would expect family and friends to watch her brat without any form of compensation, which might be why none of them want to fucking help her. Where's Duh? Can't he relieve her and, you know, watch the kid whose existence is 50% his fault? Why didn't she think about a potential support network before sluicing? Or did she behave in typical Moo-brained fashion and assume she'd have a perfect loaf that could be raised on wuv alone?

village woeful MOOOO
We are due with our second in August because I'm a fucking idiot I guess

Nailed it! holding sign: bed made lie drooling stupificationsign 'I'm with stupid'eating popcorndancing
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 18, 2022
I don't get what the problem is here. Duh is a very "go with the flow" kind of person and Moo accuses him of doing everything "slightly wrong," which I assume is Moo-speak for "not her way." I don't think this is toxic positivity or weaponized incompetence - the guy just doesn't have a fucking aneurysm over every little thing. Sounds like Moo needs to learn to quit obsessing.

At worst, sounds like the guy might be a little forgetful/scatter-brained. Funny how when Moos fuck up, it's just "mommy brain," but when a Duh fucks up, it's "weaponized incompetence." Also, if it's such a problem, has she actually showed him what he does wrong? Or does she just expect him to magically read her mind and figure it out?

I know a lot of the Duhs described there are genuinely incompetent and neglectful, but this guy doesn't sound like he's being that way on purpose. Moo sounds like she wants him to be a bad guy. In the comments, she complains about how he gets up to mind the loaf when it cries at night. When Moo does it the "right way," she jumps right up and hauls ass to Junior to calm him down. When Duh gets up to soothe the loaf, he does it "wrong" because he'll put on a shirt and slippers, get a sip of water and THEN picks up the loaf, because obviously the loaf will shrivel up and die if it's not picked up within 30 seconds of waking. She admits she's a perfectionist, so why did she marry someone who isn't?? Sounds like the guy is all right, but they probably are just not compatible with one another.



Is this the place to complain about a husband that’s doing everything only slightly wrong enough to drive you absolutely insane? And then acts a little too laid back? I’m 10 months into motherhood and I wake every morning dreading the day ahead because of my husband. My husband is perfect on paper but reality everything he’s done since I’ve gotten pregnant has been ever so slightly off. Whether it’s cleaning, cooking, organizing, baby care—it’s all slightly wrong. And every time I try to explain my concerns to him, he puts on a real big show of listening and asking me what he can do to change. And sometimes he does change, but it will last 48 hours at most. Or, he will dismiss my concerns and basically tell me that I need to calm down and stop stressing out.

For example, he will jump at the chance to do something “helpful,” but then do it completely wrong. He’ll say, “Okay, I’m gonna pack the diaper bag and the stroller.” But then forget half of the items, including important things like baby bottles or formula/breastmilk bags. Then we have to scramble during our outing and it’s really stressful and then when I complain about how stressful it was his response is something like, “Oh, at least we all made it out alive, there’s no need to stress.” Uhh, yes there is?? You forgot the baby’s FOOD. For like the 10th time.

Last week I was crying because of the formula shortage and how I never have time to pump. My daughter is very temperamental when it comes to nursing. My husband comes in guns blazing with, “Okay, tell me what you need me to do, and I’ll do it so you can pump!” I tell him I need him to designate 15 minutes every 3-4 hours where he takes the baby and I pump. He’s stoked and ready to help. Flash forward to today. My pumping sessions have diminished because he keeps scheduling meetings during my pumping times. My supply is dropping and I’m freaking out. He tells me, “Hey look on the bright side. We were able to find extra formula yesterday.” Like, yes….but also no. My supply wouldn’t be dropping if you had just done what I asked you to do.

It’s like I’m not allowed to show any emotion that isn’t happiness. Everything is “just go with the flow,” or “it’s okay, don’t worry so much.” He’s not being malicious, but it is damn sure annoying. Puts the diaper on wrong? “Ah, it’s all right.” No time to prep her solid food? Instead of helping me it’s, “Oh, it’s okay, don’t worry.” Baby is showing what could be a development delay? Instead of asking me what it could be, it’s just “Why are you stressing? She’s perfect!” Does this make sense?? Anyone have any ideas on ways to deal with this? Is this weaponized incompetence???
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 20, 2022
Moo admits she loves her dog more than her brat (but oh, she still totally loves the kid and all). Like we needed more proof that animals are better than brats. She outlines some of the reasons very clearly, but the bottom line is the dog is easier to love because he asks so little and pours cascades of love onto his owner simply for existing. Brats are FAR more demanding and give nothing back. Dogs can feed themselves (well, if you give them access to food), bathe themselves, don't need someone to wipe their asses, they can be taught to listen to commands, they can amuse themselves and do things that are legitimately cute. Can't say the same for children.

It does sound like the Moo had a shitty birth experience and probably isn't connecting to the loaf because the loaf is ultimately the cause of her injuries and it's hard to love someone who hurts you. Obviously the loaf didn't injure her on purpose, but it doesn't change the fact that the loaf being brought into existence is what led to the pain she's in. So the resentment is understandable, though if she stays in pain, that resentment will likely linger. Should've stuck with the dog, Moo!

Condensed version: Pets are more enjoyable and lower maintenance than kids. Have pets and not children.



We've had the dog longer, he is easy to please, puts himself to bed, shits in neat little piles outside, and is self-cleaning. He is so grateful for simple affection - scratches or simply sitting on my lap.

He is a rescue so he is so grateful for our love, a warm house, food and warm bed.

I had a horrific incident at the end of my labour involving forceps with no pain relief done b y a junior doctor, which has left me with disabling nerve pain.

So I kind of resent the ugly prune-creature that was wretched from my vagina. He is just so relentless, whereas the dog is so self-entertaining.

I enjoy buying toys, clothes and treats for the dog. At least he doesn't pull on my leg and cry.

I love the baby too, but the dog is so much easier to love. It's a less complex origin story. There's nothing nasty about how we met. He's never caused me injury or trauma.

So I kind of resent the ugly prune-creature that was wretched from my vagina. He is just so relentless, whereas the dog is so self-entertaining.

I have to give her kudos for her writing style: short and to the point. And if the ugly prune creature is the dog's competition, what's not to love about the dog?

At least she's being honest.

Hopefully she will stop at one child. (But they hardly ever do.)

Maybe someone else will read what she wrote and heed her words. (But they hardly ever do.)
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 20, 2022
wretched..should have been wrenched...but both terms are appropriate??

suxx to be her; bed, made, lie

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Here's another one, not from Breaking Mawm, but from another regretful parent forum:


I have a 3 1/2 year old and the last 7-8 months have been pure hell. That's how long it's been since my child’s dad decided to be a parent only when he has time or its convenient.
Gentle parenting isn’t working. Its hard to remain calm and gentle when all you hear for hours on end is screaming and the word "no" and throwing objects constantly. Its hard having chronic fatigue and working full time and being a full time parent. It's hard trying to potty train with zero support, so I've just given up.
My child went from being a sweet child to a stubborn, mean, just overall frustrating child. She's incredibly smart, way too advanced for the part time classes I have her in, because I cant afford full time child care. I have an incredibly complicated living situation, but the TLDR version is that I live with my parents and my mom has become my daughter's caregiver so I can work and provide. I also have a boyfriend that I rarely get to see because I'm always having mom guilt and having to put my child’s wants and needs first. And I feel bad if I even suggest I take a break because my mom hardly gets one, so why should I?
I'm either working or with my child. I cant afford therapy or medication to help my depression or fatigue so I just rant on the internet and fight like hell until bedtime, just to fight another day tomorrow.

I don't know where to begin:

1. How about NOT breeding when you have chronic fatigue and health problems? Why is this never an option, particularly for females? It won't make your life better. You'll just be sick and you won't be able to rest because you have a kid. I myself have pain and chronic fatigue. Doctors will never tell you not to breed---you have to think for yourself and ask yourself if it will make your life better.

2. She complains about "mom guilt" when grandma is raising the kid.

3. Whines about not seeing her boyfriend. At least she feels some sort of shame about whining for a break, (possibly to produce another kid with this loser) when her mom doesn't get one.

4. Not married, picked a loser to breed with, complains he doesn't help.

5. Cannot afford to take care of herself, much less a kid. Looks like her parents stepped up to help with her mistake, as a lot of wimpy parents do these days.

5. Ineffective gentle discipline

6. Whining about how awful the toadler is. Does anyone on the planet think having a toadler is a walk in the park? Answer: only if you are not paying attention. There is a reason it's called the "terrible twos."
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 23, 2022
I don't get what the problem is here. Duh is a very "go with the flow" kind of person and Moo accuses him of doing everything "slightly wrong," which I assume is Moo-speak for "not her way." I don't think this is toxic positivity or weaponized incompetence - the guy just doesn't have a fucking aneurysm over every little thing. Sounds like Moo needs to learn to quit obsessing.

Add a list to the diaper bag (plastic coat it) with what is needed for him to reference. Other than that, appreciate that he is so positive and helpful because most duhs are worthless.I'm positive she doesn't do everything perfect either.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 23, 2022
Here's another one, not from Breaking Mawm, but from another regretful parent forum:

In a nutshell she seems to regret being a parunt and is too immature to handle it.
More to add because this is a dumpster fire:

7. I'm sure she'd complain about her ex if he popped up outside of designated times. This assumes she went to court to determine visitation, which it seems highly unlikely she did. I'm not sure what she expects from him. I'm guessing she calls him at the last minute wanting to dump the toadler and he isn't willing to watch the brat.

8. Does her ex provide any kind of support to the brat? Again to did they go to court? Because it sounds like she would have a straightforward solution to half of these whines.

9. If her mahm watches the brat then why is she complaining about not being able to afford daycare? She gets what is likely free daycare and free or discounted housing.

10. Let me guess, she expects her mahm to potty train her brat.

11. "I'm either working or with my child", what did she expect parunting to be, exactly?

12. If her entire salary wouldn't cover full time bratcare then why is she complaining when she gets so much help?

13. Newsflash - If she could afford full time daycare she would still either be working or with her child, what did she expect parunting to be? Parunts either work or are with the brats almost all the time unless they have split custody. This continues until the brats are at least in their teens. It is well documented reality.

14. Likely resents the brat, based on her complaint and also complaining she has no time to see her boyfriend. If she could avoid pignasty then she'll have time to have a boyfriend in about 15 years. Hopefully the brat will be potty trained by then.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 27, 2022
Also, keep your eyes peeled this weekend for all the whining and horse shit about how mothers deserve to make $500K a year and how disappointed all the mommies are that their kids and spouses forgot to honor them on Moo Day again.

It is a little late this year, but here it is!

It is every bit as realistic as it was last year, but they've accounted for inflation:

quack, quack
For example, Insure.com figures the wage a mom should earn for the 18 or so jobs she must tackle throughout the day is $126,725 in 2022, which is 9.2% higher than last year’s findings of $116,022. And according to Salary.com’s Annual Mom Salary Survey from May 2021, moms should be paid even more — $184,820.

And here comes reality....

bleat, bleat
From an accounting standpoint, the total stay-at-home moms would earn annually based on the wages of workers in jobs similar to the daily tasks they perform would be $41,504.15.

However, in the eyes of an economist, it’s that extra value provided by stay-at-home moms — the 3.17 more hours they spend a day on childcare and household work than working moms — that determines their market value. When you isolate that additional time, economists would value a stay-at-home mom’s work at $20,805 a year.

After presenting the tar baby of reality, it wouldn't be proper to end the article without a worthless platitude, so here you go:

"the save"
But let’s face it: The true value of everything moms do, whether they work at an official job or not, is priceless.
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