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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 09, 2022
It's super SUPER easy for a guy to say he wants kids because men don't bear the brunt of reproducing, from conception to birth to actually raising the resulting child. All they provide is the sperm and the women do the rest. It's very easy to say you want something when you have to do next to nothing to get it because someone else is doing all the hard work. Men who beg and plead to their women for babies rarely seem to be involved fathers - after all, they said they wanted kids, but they didn't say they wanted to be parents.

If this woman didn't want kids, why did she not only stay with someone who obviously wanted them (only not really), but let herself be talked into breeding? It's not like she wanted a sedan and he wanted an SUV and Duh getting his way is just a minor inconvenience or difference in taste - we're talking about making a whole fucking person! And the moron did it twice! Great! Now there are two children with two parents who don't want them. Moo made it clear she never wanted kids and Duh's actions speak for themselves. She says she doesn't want him to get custody because he'll neglect them or put them up for adoption. Why is the latter an issue if neither of them wants the kids? Is it truly better to raise kids you don't want than to give them to people who might want them? You can only keep up the facade for so long, and those kids will eventually figure out they aren't wanted and that shit is going to hurt.

If you don't want kids, don't have them. Why is this so hard of a concept to grasp? Even people who are 110% sure they want kids often regret their choice to have them. If your spouse/partner wants kids and you don't, or vice versa, they are not "the one." Compromise might be possible if one person is ambivalent about kids and doesn't care one way or another if they have any, but if both feel very strongly and have opposing viewpoints on breeding, there can be no compromise. There can only be sacrifice or separation. No child should ever be born to someone who does not want them - every kid deserves to be wanted by both its parents. Do not create an entirely new human being to please another existing human being if that isn't what you yourself want to do.

That Moo's kids are reaching ages where they're going to start asking why Daddy doesn't love them. Then they will realize Mommy doesn't love them either, and it's gonna fuck them up.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 13, 2022
Here's another one from I Regret Having Children. How you can let some controlling asshole do this to your life, I'll never understand. Yeah, I married a controlling asshole when I was 23, but I didn't get knocked up and I got TF out of there.

These women, I swear. She lived in a First World Country. She wasn't forced to marry this dude. All the freedom in the world, and she yokes herself to this dude.

And she's allowed this to happen for three years? She "offered" to pay for child care and he said no? Why the fuck doesn't she just go back to work and pay for the childcare herself?


“Passionate, career-driven police officer turned bitter, borderline suicidal SAHM in the matter of three years.
I just found this page and I have been reading through posts for hours, and I thought I would share my experience and why I regret becoming a parent.
I joined the police academy as soon as I turned 18. I knew I had wanted to be an officer since I was in middle school. I was young and athletic with a desire to help people. I’m an adrenaline junkie and live for action. It seemed to be the perfect career path, and I was absolutely right.
Within two years, I was a licensed police officer in the state of Michigan. And wow, saying that my family and I were proud would be an understatement. I passed all of the qualifications, and I began shadowing officers in my precinct. I fell in love with the job. I dedicated every last waking moment to bettering myself physically, mentally and spiritually. The first time I drove my very own squad car with my partner was like being high on the best drug imaginable. It’s almost indescribable, and I miss it everyday.
Not only was I a damn good rookie, I made fast friends with the more seasoned officers, male and female. We would bar crawl, golf, workout at the gym, go out to eat, white water raft, hike, etc. You name it, and we did it together. I worked my way up over the course of seven years to genuinely being respected and well liked in my community, which was a feeling that I never knew before. I was *nothing* before my career.
Back track to four years ago, and this is when I met my husband through one of my officer friends.
My husband is an engineer and a little older than I am. At the time, I was 27 and *kind of* looking to settle down. Everyone in the force was getting married or had been married for awhile. I wasn’t looking to fall in love, but it just happened. He checked off all of my boxes, and I checked off all of his boxes. Everything was happy and fun and new. **However, everything always seems perfect in the honeymoon phase.**
We got married after exactly a year of dating, which looking back, was too fast. He made sure to not include any of my officer friends, which were basically family at that point, in the wedding. He even made every excuse in the book why I shouldn’t invite them to the wedding, even though our good friend, “James”, introduced us. I invited them all anyways. He controlled every aspect of the wedding, down to the silverware and flower arrangements. I’m not a materialistic person, so I let him have the reigns. He shot down my insistent wishes to honeymoon in France, where I even had family that we could stay with to save money. We honeymooned in Hawaii, even though I had already been twice and was three times as expensive. I’m still bitter as fuck about this, because now it will be insanely difficult to travel to Europe with our son. Another missed opportunity.
He pushed me for a baby right away. When I say pushed, I mean he pretty much begged me to have a child. He was 36 and ready for a “real” family. He guilt tripped me almost every day, saying that he wouldn’t be complete without a child and that he was running out of time. He would buy me expensive gifts and sugarcoat how amazing motherhood and having our own family would be.
Meanwhile, I was THRIVING in my career. I had recently gotten an award, and I would attend banquets that my husband enjoyed. I had gotten a significant raise that I had asked for. Life was good for me. I didn’t want a baby. I didn’t want a baby AT ALL.
I’m a stupid and naive pushover. Let’s just call a spade a spade. Why I let him cum in me, I’ll never know. I didn’t think I would get pregnant that quickly. Yes, you guessed it. I got pregnant after being married for six months. I highly suspect he would poke holes in the condoms too, but he will never admit to it.
Blah, blah, blah. Everyone was happy for us, of course. In my head, I was sure life would return to normal after my son was born. It did not return to normal.
I agreed to stay at home for a year to breastfeed. I thought that was a reasonable amount of time to get back into shape and find childcare. I had put on probably 40 pounds and needed to tone back up. However, I struggled and am still struggling to lose weight. Pregnancy completely changed my metabolism, so just add that to the list of regrets. I fucking hate my body.
A year went by and **I felt it**. It was the hardest year of my life just sitting in the house with a baby that I truly didn’t want. I yearned to get back into the action of my exciting career. My friends in the force were begging me to come back as well. I guess they missed me a little bit.
My husband had every excuse in the book why I couldn’t go back to work:
•I’m too fat now.
•I would cheat on him with the male officers.
•I’m selfish for wanting a career, and this is my life now.
•I would be a bad mom for risking my life to make a paycheck.
•Childcare is too expensive, even though I offered to pay for it.
•He would divorce me and take our son if I went back to work.
•He was threatened by my career. (I shit you not!)

It’s been three years, and I’m still sitting at home. I really don’t know how it happened, and I realize how dumb that sounds. Life is continuing to pass me by. Everyday is so bland and colorless. It’s been so long that I forgot what my life was like before I had my son. I don’t feel a bond with him to this day. Even though it was my fault too, I blame my husband for this.
His life remains largely unchanged. He goes to work everyday, and has actually excelled leaps and bounds in his career since I gave birth. He has gotten several raises. He lost 30 pounds, which must be nice to actually have the time and energy to work out. I’m too depressed to work out or do anything but sit in the house. I have lost all zest for life. Even if I decide to go back to my career, it would take an ENORMOUS amount of effort to get back into peak physical shape, let alone peak mental shape. I don’t even think it’s possible at this point.
My friends and family are supportive, but they have their own lives and families to take care of instead of worrying about me. They’ll watch my son, but the time away is NEVER enough. I would almost rather not have any time away than get a taste of the freedom and autonomy that was stripped from me.
I suppose that’s it. Don’t be me.”
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 13, 2022
former career sad moo
We got married after exactly a year of dating, which looking back, was too fast.

Not really, my marriage was after knowing my ex for a couple of years and dating for over a year, so we knew each other for over three years prior to marriage. Didn't stop him from becoming very controlling once we were married.

former career sad moo
He made sure to not include any of my officer friends, which were basically family at that point, in the wedding. He even made every excuse in the book why I shouldn’t invite them to the wedding, even though our good friend, “James”, introduced us. I invited them all anyways. He controlled every aspect of the wedding, down to the silverware and flower arrangements. I’m not a materialistic person, so I let him have the reigns. He shot down my insistent wishes to honeymoon in France, where I even had family that we could stay with to save money. We honeymooned in Hawaii, even though I had already been twice and was three times as expensive. I’m still bitter as fuck about this, because now it will be insanely difficult to travel to Europe with our son. Another missed opportunity.

This is the kind of behavior that should make any woman consider an annulment or at the very least use two forms of birth control and not tell her husband!

former career sad moo
He pushed me for a baby right away. When I say pushed, I mean he pretty much begged me to have a child. He was 36 and ready for a “real” family. He guilt tripped me almost every day, saying that he wouldn’t be complete without a child and that he was running out of time. He would buy me expensive gifts and sugarcoat how amazing motherhood and having our own family would be.

How could a man with no brats possibly know this? Oh, that's right, it is just more of his controlling behavior. I don't know how anyone can stand to live in an environment where someone else is begging them daily to do something and trying to convince them it is the best thing they will ever do, despite having no knowledge of the experience themselves.

former career sad moo
Pregnancy completely changed my metabolism, so just add that to the list of regrets. I fucking hate my body.
A year went by and **I felt it**. It was the hardest year of my life just sitting in the house with a baby that I truly didn’t want. I yearned to get back into the action of my exciting career. My friends in the force were begging me to come back as well. I guess they missed me a little bit.
My husband had every excuse in the book why I couldn’t go back to work:
•I’m too fat now.
•I would cheat on him with the male officers.
•I’m selfish for wanting a career, and this is my life now.
•I would be a bad mom for risking my life to make a paycheck.
•Childcare is too expensive, even though I offered to pay for it.
•He would divorce me and take our son if I went back to work.
•He was threatened by my career. (I shit you not!)

Calling bullshit on this one, what is she, thirty years old? It would be different if there permanent damage to her body but there is no indication of that. This asshole has her completely under his control now and trust me when I say he is grinning ear to ear because he has taken a powerful woman down.

former career sad moo

Because for a controlling person nothing is more delicious than taking the power away from a spouse that had power at one time. If he succeeds in doing so with his wife he has a living, breathing daily reminder of his "accomplishment."
She needs to go back to work and kick him to the curb.

My ex loved the fact that I had a good career UNTIL we were married then all of the sudden it was a tremendous threat. Mostly because he claimed I married him for his money (and broadcasted this all over social media) yet I out earned him substantially. Made that argument fall dead in the water and he didn't like that one bit.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 13, 2022

He controlled every aspect of the wedding, down to the silverware and flower arrangements. I’m not a materialistic person, so I let him have the reigns.

minor irk: It's "I let him have the REINS." I don't give this dumb bunny credit for making a double entendre, because he does certainly reign over her life.

You know, this story reminded me of someone I know who is married to a very controlling man. Maybe a guy being super-interested in all aspects of the wedding is a bad sign in general? I remember the complete feeling of DISGUST I felt when there was the B2B, a bunch of women, and Controlling Guy when the B2B was looking at wedding dresses. I was pretty much like, WTF are you doing here are a girly party? I even said "all brides are beautiful" to try and get him to scram. He responded with: "some brides are more beautiful than others, depending on the dress."

True to form, he's a controlling turd. She's not even "allowed" to go on girl trips by herself.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 13, 2022

He pushed me for a baby right away. When I say pushed, I mean he pretty much begged me to have a child. He was 36 and ready for a “real” family. He guilt tripped me almost every day, saying that he wouldn’t be complete without a child and that he was running out of time. He would buy me expensive gifts and sugarcoat how amazing motherhood and having our own family would be.

I'm sorry, but how exactly does a man "run out of time" in regard to breeding? That's something that only happens to women because we have a finite supply of eggs with which to use or lose and once they're gone, they're gone. Men make new sperm every damn day - as long as a man can blow a load, he can knock someone up (barring any pre-existing fertility issues, that is). Men can father children in their eighties. What the fuck does he know about motherhood and all its joys? Was he a Moo in a past life? It's like me saying prostate exams are awesome and coercing men into getting one. How the fuck would I know if they're good or not? I don't have a prostate to examine and I'm not a urologist, so there's no possible way I could know.

There were enough red flags in this relationship that Moo could have opened her own golf course with them, but she chose to ignore them because wuv. I know it's not easy to get away from a control freak - I struggled to get away from my ex and he was a bastard and a half and did similar things as this asshole did (tried to alienate me from my male friends, begged for loaves, tried to control where I went and what I wore, etc.) I don't necessarily think she married the guy too fast because some people are ready for marriage sooner than others. Sounds like he was happy to pretend to be bearable until he had a wife tied down, and then it was time to transform her from a strong, independent, career-driven woman into a broodmare so she didn't get overly confident and do something awful like LEAVE HIM.

She bought it hook, line and sinker. Control freaks don't let go of their prey once they have them in their claws, so Moo is going to have to get out on her own. I doubt very much Duh would take the kid from her if she went back to work - he's just saying that to prevent her from trying to get away. But then if she never wanted the kid to begin with, call his bluff! Let him have the kid since he's the one who wanted it. I don't know if termination of parental rights required permission from both parents, but if it doesn't, she could do that and have zero financial responsibility to the child she didn't want and Duh can raise the brat himself since he begged for it so badly.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 13, 2022
I'm sorry, but how exactly does a man "run out of time" in regard to breeding? That's something that only happens to women because we have a finite supply of eggs with which to use or lose and once they're gone, they're gone. Men make new sperm every damn day - as long as a man can blow a load, he can knock someone up (barring any pre-existing fertility issues, that is). Men can father children in their eighties. What the fuck does he know about motherhood and all its joys? Was he a Moo in a past life? It's like me saying prostate exams are awesome and coercing men into getting one. How the fuck would I know if they're good or not? I don't have a prostate to examine and I'm not a urologist, so there's no possible way I could know.

I've heard that sperm quality degrades over time, on a very similar time scale to a woman's eggs. If you want to know if a man over 35 is really childfree and not just lying to you, tell him this. If he reacts emotionally in any way or seems threatened then he wants kids even if he is claiming otherwise.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 13, 2022
Oh sure, I don't doubt the quality of the sperm declines with increasing age, but men are still capable of making kids even in old age if they can get it up because they may not run out of sperm. Once a woman lays her last egg, that's it, she's done unless there is medical intervention and egg donation involved.

The ability to produce sperm is certainly not a guarantee that their sperm will be viable, and the odds of producing fucked-up spawn increases with age too. But a lot of men don't give a crap about that, so long as they can prove their dicks work because geezer breeder men can just blame the damaged brat on the woman.

former career sad moo
He made sure to not include any of my officer friends, which were basically family at that point, in the wedding. He even made every excuse in the book why I shouldn’t invite them to the wedding, even though our good friend, “James”, introduced us. I invited them all anyways. He controlled every aspect of the wedding, down to the silverware and flower arrangements. I’m not a materialistic person, so I let him have the reigns. He shot down my insistent wishes to honeymoon in France, where I even had family that we could stay with to save money. We honeymooned in Hawaii, even though I had already been twice and was three times as expensive. I’m still bitter as fuck about this, because now it will be insanely difficult to travel to Europe with our son. Another missed opportunity.

This is the kind of behavior that should make any woman consider an annulment or at the very least use two forms of birth control and not tell her husband!

He was definitely horrible about the wedding, but her honeymoon idea was nuts. Nothing wrong with the destination, but staying with family on a damn honeymoon? A honeymoon is about the couple bonding away from the people they know.

Also they could travel quite easily to Europe in a year or two, when their sprog is 4-5 years old. She could even get a decent imitation of the honeymoon she wanted with a little babysitting from her family.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 14, 2022
being a police officer and seeing this day in and day out, this exact dynamic played out when they go on the hated domestic calls... I think she had a case of baby rabies

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 14, 2022
There a lot of dumb broads whining on Fb and Reddit who have Da Rabies and don't know what they are getting into. Reading what she wrote, I don't think she had baby rabies--I think it's more sinister than that. I think he wanted to take her down a peg and make her give up everything, and a baybee was a convenient way to do it. She let him guilt trip her and say stupid things about his clock, ignoring that she loved her career and she could have waited another couple of years. Controlling people want what they want, regardless of how the other person feels. I think she landed one of those.

Look at his "reasons:"


•I would cheat on him with the male officers.
•I’m selfish for wanting a career, and this is my life now.
•He was threatened by my career. (I shit you not!)

Beware of a guy who is threatened by you--he will try to take you down eventually to feel better about himself.

And the jealousy part? Having been there myself, beware of controlling men who talk about all these theoretical men who "want" you and want to take you away from him. Many men who talk like this are telling on themselves because they are often cheaters. Men like this think other men think exactly like they do, i.e. they are always on the make. And of course, these jealous types do not want their woman to be looking around, even if they themselves are doing it.

I'd bet a month's mortgage this guy is hyper-sensitive because he's engaging in behavior like that. And now that he's knocked her up, tied her to the house and she's fat.....he has all the justification he needs because she's now "boring," even though he was the one who wanted her at home, barefoot and pregnant.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 15, 2022
This is why gentle discipline needs to not fucking be done. It doesn't work and it drives breeders to their absolute breaking points and might result in the brats being manhandled worse than if they were simply swatted on the ass before Moo blows her top.

This kid sounds like an absolute shit that definitely needed a slap on the ass. Two and a half hours past bedtime and he's up being an asshole, demanding food and refusing to eat it, refusing to sleep, running across his bed, hitting the walls, etc. You give that shit 10-15 minutes and if the child's ass isn't in bed, you give him a smack, close his door, lock it from the outside and let him tire himself out. Reapply spankings until the brat understands that staying up = more smacks. Even a four year old can understand cause and effect like this.

Biiiig shock, this woman admits she doesn't yell at her kids or spank them. So she doesn't discipline them at all. She tried to leave the room to cool down and the brat just screeched every time she tried to leave. I'm sorry, but who is the adult in the house? Moo can't walk away from her screaming child to calm down?

Moo got pushed to her breaking point and got rough with the brat. Maybe if she used real discipline and gave the kid a smack when he misbehaved, his behavior wouldn't be so bad that it makes her lose her temper like this. Also, notice how at no point in this entire situation did Moo ever tell the brat NO. She just kept doing what he told her to do. Why does she need to answer his every whim? No wonder he's such a brat. Doesn't Moo have a spine? Can't she tell the brat that it's bedtime and he can wait until morning to eat and drink? She has taught her kid that it's okay to act like this at bedtime. Good luck undoing that bullshit with gentle parenting.



My 4 y/o is typically very difficult to get to bed. He still needs me to lie down with him until he falls asleep every night. We were in his room, it was 2.5 hours past his bedtime and he was just running back and forth on his bed, hitting the walls, pulling his curtains, just out of control. He kept saying "I'm hungry/thirsty". I got him food several times, he wouldn't eat it. He needed ice in his water, needed to pee, wanted to look out the window, etc. A never ending list of demands.

I start to lose my temper and tell him to lie down. He eventually does, but keeps up with the whining and demanding. It never stops. I try to leave the room, but every time I do, he starts screeching and I don't want his sister to wake up. So I stay in there with him.

Eventually I get him to almost fall asleep and he sits straight up and goes "I want chips". Mentally, I snapped. He starts screaming about being hungry and I keep telling him to shut up, shut tf up. I started telling him. "Mommy's get really angry and I need to leave for a minute" but he just screams every time I go near the door. So I felt trapped in there.

It got to a point where I was so blindly angry that I slammed him down on his bed and covered his mouth with my hand. Hard. Like I was pressing him into the bed with force. It only lasted a couple of seconds before I came to my senses and grabbed him for a hug. I held him and apologized a million times, told him it wasn't his fault, that what I did was wrong, that I would never do it again, etc.

I am usually so patient and make an effort to consciously parent. I don't hit my kids or yell at them. We treat them with respect and teach them about boundaries, consent, their body being their own. And now I've ruined it all by putting my hands on him. I hurt him. I was just so exhausted, and now I feel like somebody should come take my kids away from me. That's what I deserve.

Idk why I'm posting this, just someone to tell when I can't actually tell anyone. My heart is broken and I'm so afraid that I traumatized him forever.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 15, 2022

At the time, I was 27 and *kind of* looking to settle down. Everyone in the force was getting married or had been married for awhile.

I think this is the big tell. It's the typical peer pressure thing - "everyone else is doing it". It doesn't even sound like she and her husband have much in common. He made good money, everyone else was getting wed-and-bred, so naturally got to partner up and check off all those lifescript boxes like everyone else.

I think it's funny that from what I can tell, most of the posters in that Facebook group say they never wanted kids, but when they tell their stories they appear to have given in so easily. I think a lot of "I didn't want kids" is just not true and it's their regret talking.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 15, 2022
yep. gotta follow the herd right off the cliff. and of course, these breeders who fell into the trap sure aren't going to warn someone else off.

and for that moo with the out of control brat, he is defective in some respect.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 15, 2022
I think this is the big tell. It's the typical peer pressure thing - "everyone else is doing it". It doesn't even sound like she and her husband have much in common. He made good money, everyone else was getting wed-and-bred, so naturally got to partner up and check off all those lifescript boxes like everyone else.

I think it's funny that from what I can tell, most of the posters in that Facebook group say they never wanted kids, but when they tell their stories they appear to have given in so easily. I think a lot of "I didn't want kids" is just not true and it's their regret talking.

It astounds me that grown adults still adhere to such crap to fit in. Get married and have loaves to keep up with everyone else so they won't be left out. Do these people not know how to think for themselves? Or are they so afraid of judgment and/or being excluded that they'll make huge life decisions just to be part of a group?

I wonder what boxes Moo had that this asshole checked. Has a penis and a job? That's about all a lot of women want out of a heterosexual relationship, and the latter isn't even a requirement most of the time. I know I said some people feel ready for marriage sooner than others, but that doesn't always mean they're truly ready to be married - they just think they are. I don't think a year of dating is long enough to fully get to know someone and their flaws before becoming legally bound to them. But narcissists like her asshole husband are VERY good at putting up a front to reel in a partner and then once they've got them wed and bred, their true personality comes out. But the guy showed his ass during the wedding planning stage and if she had any sense in her damn head, she would have called it quits when he started being a jealous control freak.

Sounds like the guy just wants to keep the former police Moo fat, sad, and dependent because there's less of a chance she'll excel professionally, demand a divorce, or find a new man if he makes her feel useless and trapped. The fact that Duh's life is "largely unchanged" and he has enough time to work out leads me to believe he has little to nothing to do with his brat, and Moo likely won't leave because he makes enough money to afford the kid. I think she ought to call his bluff and give him full custody of the brat he demanded. The only downside to this is how much this asshat would fuck the kid up mentally and risk turning the kid into the same kind of asshole that he is. Because you know the guy would resent the fuck out of having to raise his own brat and would 100 percent take it out on the kid.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 16, 2022
As far as the Moo with the horrible 4-year-old, sounds like this woman really should not have reproduced. She said in some of her other posts that she would imagine shaking her loaf or holding her hand over the loaf's mouth until he quit crying and that she had to keep repeatedly walking away from her screaming shitsack "until she saw her baby again and not something she wanted to hurt."

She's in therapy, which is good, but she admits having PPD with both brats (so why did she have another one??) and had a very abusive childhood and has uncontrolled PTSD. She did this shit out of order - first you get therapy to unfuck your brain, then you have kids. You don't have them in the midst of blatant untreated mental illness and then try to figure out how to be a good parent. She says she won't put herself in a position to harm her kid again, but how does she know that? She doesn't, that's how. She won't even get up and walk away from a screaming brat that is driving her to aggression. All it's gonna take is her brat pushing her a little too far again for her to strangle him. If she thinks that won't happen, she's a fucking idiot.

I wonder where the Duh is in all this. No mention of him anywhere. Why isn't he dealing with the brat's bedtime if Moo can't handle it without hurting the kid?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 16, 2022
she did it for the same reason all the other little idiots like her: she wanted to prove she was a better moo than her own gonad incubator. can't think for herself, because of the baby propaganda shit equates her selfworth by using her twat. doesn't learn from her mistakes, etc etc, ad nauseum. they are degenerating to the point now that it is becoming genetic. I think this brat is defective, on the spectrum somewhere. sux to be her but even more so for everyone else who will eventually have to deal with this little turd

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 16, 2022

she wanted to prove she was a better moo than her own gonad incubator. can't think for herself, because of the baby propaganda shit equates her selfworth by using her twat.

I've always thought the people who are driven to be parents are the worst. So many of them tell themselves they are going to do a better job and they think by sheer force of will, they can. That was my own mother in a nutshell and without introspection, time and therapy, they are disasters as parents. They make the same mistakes or worse.

Most of these bints cannot wait three minutes before they are knocked up, and any guy with sperm will do.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 16, 2022
I've always thought the people who are driven to be parents are the worst. So many of them tell themselves they are going to do a better job and they think by sheer force of will, they can. That was my own mother in a nutshell and without introspection, time and therapy, they are disasters as parents. They make the same mistakes or worse.

They are the worst. They think they have something to prove by having their own kids and being determined to raise them better than their own parents raised them. There's a problem with that logic, though. While these people may know a few ways how to not raise a child based on their own upbringing, they also have no idea how to actually raise a child. They won't just intrinsically know how to do the job right and they'll be so focused on specifically not doing what their own parents did that they will never learn how to do it right. All they'll care about is not making the mistakes their own parents made with them. Nope, they'll make whole new mistakes!

My mother did similar shit. She raised me differently from how her parents raised her, but she still fucked me up. Her parents would beat the crap out of their kids when they misbehaved. She never hit me, but she doubled down on verbal abuse, which has had a lasting effect on me even in adulthood. Her parents would force their kids to clean their plates, often making them sit at the table for hours until they ate everything and presenting them with leftovers the next morning if they failed. She never made me clean my plate, but she also never instilled healthy eating habits in me (like letting me eat a whole package of cookies in one sitting for breakfast every single weekend and letting me have pizza and McDonald's 3-4 times a week), so I was an obese child and continue to be an obese adult, though I've fixed my eating habits. Her and her siblings never had much in terms of material possessions because their father never made much money and feeding five brats came before toys. She bought me every stupid thing I screamed for, turning me into a horribly spoiled brat that threw tantrums any time I did not get my own way (thankfully I outgrew this and as an adult, I honestly feel guilty receiving even small gifts now).

So yeah, she didn't make the mistakes her parents made with her, but she still wasn't a good parent.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 17, 2022
Moo doesn't like it when people with no kids have no sympathy for her and her choice because she signed up for it. playing a violin I admit nobody ever expected the pandemic, but it's something that has caused suffering for everyone, not just mommies. And nobody signs up to have a tard, but it's one of those things that can happen when you decide to roll the biological dice, Moo! If you didn't want custody battles, you should have chosen the person you bred with more carefully. If brats are so challenging for you, why did you have two of them?? Is that a lesson that's so hard to learn? It can't be that bad if you signed up for it twice! What does she think, someone stuck her name in the Goblet of Fire without her permission and she spontaneously wound up with two brats as a result?

She signed up for most of those things. Nobody held a gun to her head and made her marry an incompatible partner and breed with them twice. Just because she doesn't like the outcome of her choices doesn't mean she didn't sign up for them. There are TONS of mommy sites out there with women to tell it like it is, so it's her own damn fault if she chose not to read the fine print.

One moron in the comments compares it to someone who loses a leg in a vehicle accident and gets told it's what they signed up for when they chose to drive. Um, no? Limb amputation is not a common side effect of driving. Is the chance there? Sure. There's also a chance I could get hit by lightning or bitten by a shark or kidnapped by a cult or probed by aliens. But how likely is it to happen? You have a much higher chance of birthing a retard than you do losing a limb in a car accident, so this is comparing apples to oranges. Besides, most people have to drive. Nobody has to have kids.

If you didn't want your life upended and ruined by problematic/unhealthy brats, then you shouldn't have bred. Reproduction is a crapshoot and unless you are ready and willing to deal with the biggest extended shitshow of your life, do NOT breed. Funny how I know this shit without making unnecessary people, but it seems my opinion on the matter is invalid because I didn't burden myself with sproggen.



...but no, I didnt. I didnt know a pandemic was going to force me to homeschool my kids, quit my job, and become a full time stay at home mom. I did not sign up for a special needs kid. I did not sign up for custody battles in court. I didnt sign up for most of what my life looks like right now. I've lost my sense of self being wholly responsible for two very challenging kids. I didnt sign up for this.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 17, 2022
Yeah, I mean no one could've predicted the pandemic but things have been a roller coaster shitshow for the past 20+ years now. We've added two billion people to the planet since then too. Do these people expect to live some kind of idyllic life when life since the turn of the century has been full of unpredictability? This is what gets me the most about people choosing to breed right now. Even the pandemic, formula shortages, inflation, social and political unrest, and so on is not keeping people from the starry eyed idea that having baybees right now is a great idea.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 17, 2022
ketchup, everyone... there is a fascinating little documentary on youtube. whole bunch as a matter of fact. one of them (by Timeline) was on 536, a year the sun did not shine.. marked a real disaster that was global in nature. some areas I don't think there is any record, south sea islands, etc but any literate culture wrote it down. And it was all due to our old friend Krakatoa blowing itself apart.

Then there was the year without a summer, also due to another volcano. both events wrecked harvests all over. a lot of famine and misery. If this were to happen (I don't think Krakhead has built up enough pressure yet..it is a caldera after all) and to severely impact harvests not only one year but several, what then? this arrogant complacent species will have the shock of its lifetime smacked into its face. and according to another course I heard on Wondrium, Londoners are an average of 6 meals from starvation.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 17, 2022
If you didn't want your life upended and ruined by problematic/unhealthy brats, then you shouldn't have bred. Reproduction is a crapshoot and unless you are ready and willing to deal with the biggest extended shitshow of your life, do NOT breed. Funny how I know this shit without making unnecessary people, but it seems my opinion on the matter is invalid because I didn't burden myself with sproggen.

Exactly, if the risk is high don't complain if it isn't your lucky day, or 18+ years.


I didn't sign up moo prequel
...but no, I didnt. I didnt know a pandemic was going to force me to homeschool my kids, quit my job, and become a full time stay at home mom. I did not sign up for a special needs kid. I did not sign up for custody battles in court. I didnt sign up for most of what my life looks like right now. I've lost my sense of self being wholly responsible for two very challenging kids. I didnt sign up for this.

This makes me very very grateful that my parents instilled an early habit of not letting me walk around with my head up my ass. Because only a person with their head up their ass would inpig and be so shocked/unaware of reality! And kept her head up her ass while having one challenging brat so she winds up with another challenging brat.

I didn't sign up moo
I hate the whole “you shouldn’t be having sex if you cant afford kids or aren’t mentally stable.

It is fine to have sex but do not become pregnant. I'd like to add in "or if you're a carrier or have a disease that would be passed on to your brats" and "or if you're doing it to prove something to someone, to have a mini-me or as a retirement plan."

I didn't sign up moo 2
the worst is when people with kids--specifically boomers or older gen x--who had it VERY EASY compared to today say this.

Ah, the olden days where people beat their brats when they pissed them off. Brats as young as five years old would make themselves dinner and entertain themselves for hours after school before their drunk parunts slumped through the door late at night. As a teenager I heard parents complain about not being able to afford to go to work because babysitting cost their entire salary. That was 35 years ago, so that isn't an excuse. They knew before breeding that childcare would cost them at least minimum wage.

This has been the law ever since they outlawed child slavery where parents can make preteens/teens babysit for for free or way less than minimum wage. Ask anyone who babysat before these laws existed and they can likely tell you of numerous situations where parunts bitched at having to pay them AT ALL even though it was less than minimum wage.

Expecting people you know to do shit childcare for free: what I said above may have been geared at teenagers but this free labor shit also applies to retirees or anyone else.

How old are these womben that they have to sluice to figure out that others say things they do not mean, including that they will help out with their baybees? I figured this out by the age of freaking six, what is their excuse? Did they grow up in a bubble wrapped world where everyone kept their word and was 100% sincere? Bet they believed the duh would help out 50/50 with the brats too, just because he says he "really wants brats." Lots of people "really want" things they have zero interest in taking care of.

I didn't sign up moo 3
Also, these same people are totally going to eat their words when they get stuck in a nursing home someday because none of their family/children are willing to provide care or even regularly visit them at the nursing home.

Because nothing says bitter like the obligatory breeder nursing home reference to those eebil childfree or responsible parents from moos! I'd expect most people who need a nursing home would be thrilled to be in one, considering what they cost. But many responsible adults have contingency plans for life care.

I didn't sign up moo 4
The whole idea of no one owes you anything particularly sucks when you are at the mercy of others to help care for you.

I don't understand why this moo thinks others owe her something for free. People pay to be in nursing homes or for care. Is she the type who expects others to pay her way just "because"? She may be better off if she only goes out while expecting a bill to come due. But if she was realistic, she wouldn't have anything to whine about. This weird thing where certain people think others owe them through some sort of social contract is dependent on others buying into that bullshit. I was forced to be part of the village from age 5 to age 18, I've done my time TYVM.
If she is disappointed in anyone it should be herself for her strange, inflated expectations of others.
Learn to pay for what you need, hun. Free shit isn't free; it always comes with obligations.

I didn't sign up moo 5
I didn’t realise that all my friends would drop me because I had kids. I thought I might have the occasional contact with them…

I saw the same pattern repeat itself with my former friends who sluiced. All conversations would be directed back to their brats and their bitching about those bundles of joy.
Anything I said would be brushed off as unsignificant unless I was paying homage to the brats or giving sympathy to moo or duh for how miserable their brats made them and no one warned them.
Friendships that were based on mutual respect and understanding became one sided overnight and it was all about the brats. And, now it is time for moo/duh to show me 1000 pictures of their brats. Not interested.

And next came the questions about when I'm going to settle down and sluice...try never, I'm still the same person as I was before your sluice---you changed! After having these eerily similar conversations repeatedly, I gave up. They've all joined the same pod and sound exactly alike.

Or, moo/duh former friend goes MIA and won't return calls. Months later moo/duh is all cotton candy and niceties. Is it sincere? No, moo/duh needs something (likely babysitting).

I didn't sign up moo 6
Yeah right...I signed up for a child with severe mental health disease and 100's of thousands of dollars in medical expenses. Because I'm a total masochist.

I recall a womben bitching about the $400K in medical bills her famblee owed for having a preemie. Anyone surprised that having brats will mean higher medical bills is an idiot.
Did you think being responsible for more people would mean lower medical bills? Higher medical bills is a given and sometimes that means hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills.
Newsflash: my breeder mother in law is in a nursing home because neither one of us are going to changer her fucking diapers.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 20, 2022
Also, these same people are totally going to eat their words when they get stuck in a nursing home someday because none of their family/children are willing to provide care or even regularly visit them at the nursing home.

I like the naive assumption that having children is a guarantee of being cared for/about in old age. Because I bet you anything you could go to any nursing home or assisted/long term/retirement/senior living facility and find tons of parents whose children don't visit them at all or who dumped them in nursing homes for one reason or another. Reproducing is not insurance against loneliness in your senior years. Kids don't choose to be born and it's very unfair to expect them to repay you.

The way I see it is if your kids never call or visit when they become adults and move out, there's a damn good reason for it.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 21, 2022
Mommies mooing and lowing about how unfaaaaaair it is that nobody gives a shit about Mother's Day when they do all the work, but everyone just loves Father's Day when men are worthless sperm donors who don't do anything.

Wellllll they only became fathers because you fucked them! You can't very well sit there and act shocked when the lazy lump with a penis that plays WoW for 16 hours every day and pisses in an empty Coke bottle continues to adhere to this lifestyle after helping to create a brat. Contrary to misguided popular belief, men will not magically turn into doting daddies when they see their crotchfruit. Most of them will expect their lives to remain largely unchanged because brat care is wimmin's work, and any attempt to disrupt this dynamic by the aforementioned wimmin will be met with bitching.

Just don't fucking celebrate Father's Day if you're so against it. Unlike Moos who sit around waiting for their men to do nice shit for them or buy them things on Mother's Day, men will often go out and wrangle their own fun for Father's Day - grilling, car upgrades, new gaming chair, whatever.

Let's just not celebrate these dumbass holidays anymore. Why do we need a holiday for someone's decision to go bareback? I know a lot of bakeries, restaurants and florists would be pissed right off because I'm sure Mooing Day is a cash cow (pun not intended), but all you ever hear about on Moo Day is how mommies are under-appreciated and nothing is enough for them. By eliminating parent-centric holidays, all the poor mommies will have one less day to be disappointed on (but no worries, they can still be disappointed on their birthdays and Christmas).



I KNOW Reddit is not a place for women and much less mothers. But I just got from a post on a subreddit about men, about how Father’s Day is not as appreciated as Mother’s Day and what an injustice it is to all the men, why are the women so fucking ungrateful and materialistic and self centered.
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