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thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)

Posted by zeropop 
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 02, 2013
Hi all! Been a longtime lurker here and decided to take the plunge. Finally a place to escape from FB baby hell! smiling smiley

We demand yorkie pictures! We can be quite rude bout it smiling smiley the Yard is that way ->

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 02, 2013
Oooo! It appears one of the bulls wandered from his pen. So I figured I'd get out the old cattle prod and have a little fun with him. This is my response to the troll on the welcome thread.

Trollus Retardus
“If you are truly ass-hurt by this message, please respond immediately.”

[Oh, of course you’re looking for a response. Why else would you be trolling a site where your ilk are clearly unwelcome?]

“I lurked here for awhile, as both a non-parent and a parent. I hate kids in general. I hate religious people who incessantly breed, with no disregard or respect for those around them. I hate parenting forums and the sickly obsessed women who poplulate those places with their shitty advice. I cant stand people who live their life thinking the biblical or welfare system grants them the right to incessantly spew children and impose their opinions upon everyone. Through all, I never did decide I for sure truly never wanted kids myself. I never decided that I did want any, either.”

[Yet you came on our site and bitched like an impig moocow on steroids. Waaaaah. Why u mak fun ov parent? U big meanie doodie head!]

“I do, however have a daughter now who is 5 months old now. Me and my wife got pregnant unintentionally. We decided to have our child. We both felt we would be decent parents and had the resources to raise a kid the way we wanted to. My wife got very sick 2 months after our girl was born and has been in the hospital since. She has about a 50% chance of living now, pending an organ transplant. I have been raising my daughter on my own as a single dad since then.”

[Bawww. Somebody bring out the whole fucking orchestra. Let’s all be sad for this single duh who feels he needs to enlighten us with the typical breeder bullshit spewed forth from the pieholes of parents he claims to hate.]

“Many of you bitch about the criticism people give you for not having kids. Try being a single father of an infant and having some random stranger mother-expert bitch persecute you in public about your childcare techniques. Its different when the kid is your own. I guess its easy for many to grab a hold of an opinion, but when you havent experienced it for yourself, you really have no clue what its like.”

[And guess what? We’re never going to, because unlike yourself, we use contriceptives. It’s ashame you didn’t think of that, eh?]

“Having kids was one of the best experiences in the world for me. I am a rich dude, and no single hobbies I have endulged in, random multiple women I have slept with over the years, nor pets I have bonded with come near to matching the satisfaction I get from spending a little time with my kid each day and the life lessons I have learned from that experience alone.”

[Guess what, folks, Duddy Dumbfuck here wants us to know he’s a rich dude. But he’s a good guy ‘cause he spends time with his kid every day. And he totally doesn’t miss his old life. Nope, not at all. I mean, all that money he spent on his hobbies now must go toward diapers, kindercrap, and a college fund for little Trustfundlea. Not to mention paying bills, groceries, ensurance for that suburban assault vehicle, Trustfundlea’s designer brand clothes and all the latest electronic gadgets and toys she’ll be demanding when she’s older, and he’s totally down with that! I mean, he wouldn’t be telling us all this if he wasn’t, right? Right?]

“You can opinionate all you want, but until you do have a kid of your own, you will never have the slightest inkling of a clue what it is like, which makes most of your opinions completely worthless and unqualified.”

[First off, asshat, none of us plan to have kids, ever. Some of us have taken measures to prevent that from happening a la sterilization. Those who aren’t able to due to doctors not wanting to perform the procedure use several methods of birth control. Second, this is our site. We can talk about whatever the fuck we want to. If you’re all butthurt over the opinions of total strangers, then that says a lot about your life. Parents who are happy with their decisions wouldn’t take the time to troll on a childfree site. But you just keep telling yourself you don’t regret a thing.]

“From reading this forum, it is obvious to me that there is much to talk amongst people who classify themselves as people who refuse to become parents, nor have any experience doing so. I love all the cute abbreviations and play words y'all have spent tireless hours thinking up to come up with. There really isnt much to talk about after that, thus why most of the posts in this forum are either trolling, or for the most part, empty. Hell, I might even be trolling.”

[There is only one troll here, and that’s you. Say, don’t you have a diaper to change? Puke to clean up? A screaming loaf to feed? Why don’t you run along and parent your kid.]

“You all pretend to be liberal, yet such a communistic point of view, and very little substance or cause after that. Might as well call yourselves a hate group. The problem historically with hate groups is the sheep followers dont organize very well without a leader telling them what to do or how to think.”

[You know, you sound a hell of a lot like the parents you claim to hate. Waaaah! You people are mean! You don’t understaaaand what it’s like to be a paaaarent! You’re nothing but a hate group! Gripe, whine, bitch, complain.]

“Have fun in the meantime, hating on the people who do have children, making up new words, and rationalizing how much greater your cats are (because to be honest, cats are way better than kids). Wish I had aborted my kid.”

[Did the mods do a little editing here? If so, that was waving hellolarious If not, even more waving hellolarious]

Loser Duh (who likes to troll childfree sites because my life is so empty and I have nothing better to do with my time)”

[Now that’s not true. He can always log on to Breed Harmony and find himself a new broodmare. Sounds like the old one is about to kick the bucket anyway.]
Hi to everyone. I've been lurking awhile. Ever since I first found this site, probably by doing a search on "rude kids and entitled parents," or "entitled kids and rude parents," I felt like this place was a therapeutic oasis, thinking thank DOG there are others out there who get it and here's a place where we can actually say it. I also probably spend wayyy too much time on here howling with laughter at all the bovine lingo.

About me--CF, currently stuck in a chyyyyuuwld-centric, child-worshipping town. Going back to school soon to work for a degree that should be employable enough to get me out of here. I have 2 dogs and a small bird. My user name is because I do tend to be up at all kinds of late hours. :hello
Hi all! I was reading the book The Baby Trap (p. 1972, creative commons available free online) the other day and looked up what a word meant, and it led me here. I spent most of my free time this weekend reading posts and laughing so hard I cried. I have found my tribe. :hello

I've known since I was a child myself that I didn't want kids, but ended up marrying someone who did. Long story short, I walked away from my marriage, gave up my house and my life as I knew it to be CF. I've never looked back and I've never been happier. Have the divorce decree, foreclosure, and battle scars to prove it! (I also have a fabulous CF boyfriend, a new set of supportive friends, and a great job today because of that very decision!)

Glad to be here.
Snark Shark
I have 2 dogs and a small bird.

My user name is because I do tend to be up at all kinds of late hours. :hello

AND because you have a small bird?grinning smiley

smile rolling left righteyes2 LOL. I only wish I had an owl as a pet!
Hi! I've been lurking for some time here.

I'm only 18, but I have already made the decision to be childfree. The concept of pregnancy scares me to oblivion. Walking around and having one's body get all distorted in order to accomodate a giant parasite seems like the most uncomfortable thing in the world-and that's before it has to make a dramatic exit through a hole the size of a pea. Ew.

Also, I want to be able to do all sorts of fun things without having to be responsible for someone else's life. I want to visit national parks, eat in an underwater restaurant in Dubai, earn higher degrees, jump off of planes, and have people ask me if I'm still 21 when I'm actually closer to 5000. You can't do any of that with a babby.
Welcome, everyone! Yay! It is so awesome to know that there are so many like minded people out there, even if we never meet in person. Sometimes when I am in a crowded place, I like to imagine that there is just one other person there who hates the lifescript as much as I do and then look at people's faces, searching for a crack in the mask we all have to wear.

I've been a LONG time lurker and thought I would finally speak up. My husband and I live the good (childfree) life in Colorado.
I will soon be finishing my Bachelor's degree at the ripe old age of 41 because i never could figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up.

Husband and I were always childfree, and we've gotten our share of bingos over the years. They've mostly tapered off but the one that stands out recently is when my father was laying in a coma and preparing to pass away. My aunt starts in with the "We sure wish you had kids" thing. My standard reply of "It's just not our thing." is met with a snotty "Well I don't know what I'd do without mine."

How sad, is all I could think as the awkward silence wears on. I have such a full life and so many goals and hobbies that I just can't get to them all and she has nothing better to do than live through her bratty preteen kids.

It's good to meet everyone. smiling smiley
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 09, 2013
For the new people ~ :1welcome

For the dickless shit for brains Duh troll - here's an uninformed opinion for you: The pregnancy is what made your wife sick.

Oh and you're a Rich Dude? Wealthy people do not use the word DUDE. Or y'all. But I suppose to a HILL BILLY having a rusted out ancient El Camino up on blocks in the front yard = "rich".

Why don't you climb up the nearest phone pole and give Rush Limbaugh a call? Maybe he might care. We don't.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 10, 2013
I joined a few days ago as "night_owl" and realized I could take the underscore out, so this is still me, just without the underscore. Sorry for any confusion and for being a PIA with the name change. :redface
I'm 26 and ever since my brothers were born when I was 10 and 13, I knew that I never wanted kids. I'm a prety selfish person and having kids would have to make me but someone other than myself on my priorty list and I do not like that idea. I also have bad genetics. My brother has autism and crossed eyes run in my family, even though that can be fixed by a procedure. I enjoy my freedom too much and personally don't like children and hate their parents
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 12, 2013
I will soon be finishing my Bachelor's degree at the ripe old age of 41 because i never could figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up.

Yay, congrats! I got my second Bachelor's at 39, so I know how hard it is to be an "adult student". thumbs upwink

:1welcome to all the newbies! Except for troll duh, of course.
Hi all. I'm so happy to be here! I'm a married woman in her 40s and have always been childfree. Thankfully, so is my hubby. I have a black lab that I love to pieces. It's great to have a place to express my frustration. My brother I law has two kids ages 2 and 1. My hubby isn't vehemently childfree like I am and actually enjoys when they visit. It just stresses me the fuck out! Thank goodness they live a few hours from us because if we lived in the same town, I couldn't take it. And they don't spay or neuter their animals so last year was kittens and this year, puppies. Makes me so angry! Breeders. I could go on but I'll keep it short for now. Thanks for a place to vent.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 12, 2013
I agree Michaela. Something seems....off.

Welcome to Nonbrataholic!!!:1welcome

I miss my little feather baby.
Thanks so much for the welcome smiling smiley Do we have a random thread where we can rant? If you watched Top Chef tonight you'll know where I'm going with this.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 16, 2013
Thought I'd pop in - it's been a while. I guess my rant bin has been filling up for a while.

Good to see things are still going strong.
Thanks so much for the welcome smiling smiley Do we have a random thread where we can rant? If you watched Top Chef tonight you'll know where I'm going with this.

I always stick rants in the Living Room. It's the most happin' part of the forum, and great for rants.

The only other place I go regularly is the Yard, which is the place to be if you have animals or an interest in animals. smiling smiley
Just...ohmygawd. I cannot even begin to express how happy I am to find a place like this. Most of the time, if I say I hate kids, I'm treated like I'm the single worst person on the planet. (I rescue animals and spoil the hell out of them, I donate to animal-related charities, I have never done anything illegal, I don't do drugs, barely drink, have always respected my parents and do my damnedest not to treat other people like shit, unless they do that to me first; yep, clearly I'm the worst sort of human being.) Here, it's "WELCOME TO THE CLUB, SISTER!" I just love that. I'll admit, I'm not as outspoken or vehement as some of you, but I do hate babies/children with a passion. They're not cute, they reek, they have no manners whatsoever, and I swear to gawd they don't even grow brains until they're like...ten. Sometimes later. (In some cases, it never happens, and that's where stupid, entitled adults come from.)

In addition to my brain just being wired to hate these disgusting things, I am autistic (extremely high-functioning, however) and have a severe anxiety disorder, so every noise the little fuckers make sets me off. Laughing or crying? Can't tell the difference, don't want to, all I know is that it's loud and shrill, and is making me want to slap your brat. Get it away from me and shut it up. Kthx. The noise is unbearably loud to a lot of people, I know, but to me, it is literally like standing next to a 747's engine. If I have to be near some shrieking brat for more than five minutes and absolutely cannot get away, I'M likely to end up in tears. (It's happened. Panic attacks, yay!)

I'm not a magnet for the things, probably due to the fact that I'm considered "weird." A lot of the things I do are typically autistic, i.e. not looking people in the eyes, odd little twitches, eyes on the ground when I walk (good for finding dropped money, FYI), stuttering when I talk, darting gaze, etc. I also wear a lot of black, since I look good in it and don't like brighter colours, so while I don't scare them away, I'm not someone who appears approachable, either. That's probably going to change in late March or early April, unfortunately, as that's about the time that my service dog is going to certify, and people are too stupid to notice that, oh hey, this dog is wearing a bright red vest that says "SERVICE DOG IN TRAINING, DO NOT PET" (or, as it will when she certifies, "SERVICE DOG, DO NOT PET") and is in A FREAKING MALL/RESTAURANT/OTHER PLACES DOGS NORMALLY AREN'T ALLOWED, so maybe they and their brats should leave her the hell alone! I cannot count the number of times I've had to tell someone "She's in training, you/your kid can't pet her." And then had them go ahead and do it anyway. I'm like..."Bitch, did I fucking stutter? What did I JUST say to you? This is a ten thousand dollar dog, don't you dare fuck up her training!" And since kids love dogs, this is going to be a regular occurrence for me. Fun.

Anyway. New member has a question. I'm seeing a lot of terms used here that I'm not familiar with, and of which I am unsure of the origins. I've seen "Moo" and "Duh" before, and the meanings of those are pretty obvious xD But where do they come from, exactly? How did they start getting used? "Loaf" is a new one on me, where did that one come from? If someone could explain some of the lingo, that'd be great heart Just so I know wtf everyone is on about and I'm not sitting here lost all the time.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 21, 2013
Hi, "KBL." That would bother me to no end if I had a service dog and kids reached out to pet her and they and their parents didn't obey what you asked. I feel secondhand anxiety for you on the issue of people touching your dog without your permission and not respecting your wishes. I have always wondered, when your service dog becomes too old to work, are you allowed to keep it as a pet, since you'd be so bonded by that time?
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 21, 2013
Anyway. New member has a question. I'm seeing a lot of terms used here that I'm not familiar with, and of which I am unsure of the origins. I've seen "Moo" and "Duh" before, and the meanings of those are pretty obvious xD But where do they come from, exactly? How did they start getting used? "Loaf" is a new one on me, where did that one come from? If someone could explain some of the lingo, that'd be great heart Just so I know wtf everyone is on about and I'm not sitting here lost all the time.

Try Our Crea8tive CF Glossary:


The precise origin of the terms would be very difficult to trace, but at least you will know the meanings.
Yes, night owl, when she retires, she'll become a pet. I love her too much already to ever even consider giving her up. I've known her since she was about five weeks old, and she'll be a year next month. heart When she retires, I'll get another service dog, and my Dixie won't have to work anymore, but she'll be as loved and spoiled as ever. Some people do give up the dog when they can no longer work, either because they can't afford to keep that one and the next dog, or because to them, the dog is nothing more than a tool to make their lives easier. Personally, I don't understand the latter; my animals are the only babies I'll ever have, thank you very much, and I love them like they're my kids. Better behaved and infinitely more intelligent. I'll take my dogs, cats, and hedgehogs over human larva any day.

Oooh, a CF dictionary! Thanks, cassia, much obliged.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 21, 2013
Anyway. New member has a question. I'm seeing a lot of terms used here that I'm not familiar with, and of which I am unsure of the origins. I've seen "Moo" and "Duh" before, and the meanings of those are pretty obvious xD But where do they come from, exactly? How did they start getting used? "Loaf" is a new one on me, where did that one come from? If someone could explain some of the lingo, that'd be great heart Just so I know wtf everyone is on about and I'm not sitting here lost all the time.

Try Our Crea8tive CF Glossary:


The precise origin of the terms would be very difficult to trace, but at least you will know the meanings.

A lot of them come out of Usenet and the ASCF group and old legends there. Of course some are obvious like fuck trophy.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Hi, I'm newly registered, but I've been lurking for months. I also suck at intro posts; I never know what to put. Let's see... um, I'm 36, female, and live in the Pacific Northwest. I don't hate kids (I have a couple nephews that I adore), I just don't want any of my own, and have zero patience for poorly behaved brats. I've been lucky that my family has been supportive of my decision, so I don't really get any bingos from them. My mother is deceased, but I told her from the time I was 14 that she'd better not hope for grandkids from me. She would reply "that's ok, I didn't have kids so that I would have grandkids someday. That's your business." My mom was awesome.

So yeah. Here I am.
Hi all,

I have been lurking here for a little while and thought I should register as it felt a little bit creepy not contributing. Suppose I should introduce myself! I am 32, live in Manchester in the UK, have always known I never wanted children, am a born vegetarian (use to spit baby food out that had meat in it), love animals but have no pets at the moment as I work and play too hard. Love music, movies, computer games, travelling, cooking esp. baking, reading and generally enjoying the cf life to the full.

I was sooooo glad to have found this site, as I am now in my thirties most of my friends now either have kids or are planning to in the near future, so I do feel a little like I am the only person in my social circle not obsessed with following the life script to the letter. Thank you to you lovely people for letting me know that I am not the only one and providing such a wonderful escape. Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhankyou
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 28, 2013
:1welcome to everyone!
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