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thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)

Posted by zeropop 
nope, i'm not a troll...but I WAS a depressed teenager, about twenty years ago, when I thought I was the only person who had no desire to 'make a family'. now i'm a rather happy CF adult, except for those moments of rage, as I described in the post that activated your trollometer. I've been lurking for a while too, and getting up the nerve to post all the CF rage I've been accumulating for a while. Sorry if it led you to misinterpret my (very sincere) opinions. It boggles my mind that teenagers (depressed or not) would troll a CF board (and even learn the lingo) What would be the point in that? Most teenagers who even CARE about pregnancy either are trying to get in pig (if female) to jump on the benefit machine or to be lurrrvved, or (if male) are desperately crossing their fingers that they don't get 'oopsed'.

As for where I live...ORANGE COUNTY CA. By the way, having tattoos or in other ways looking counterculture is not protected under California state law. In our downtown area, plenty of restaurants don't allow patrons in who are tattooed. Friends of mine who belong to other gyms have received similar admonitions from staff. This is not relevant to CF except for the fact that 'not family friendly' is usually the explicit answer given when this policy is explained. It is not a hellishly discriminatory place except in some establishments (which I avoid--the restaurants) and as isolated incidents by staff at my gym. There are plenty of other staff members who couldn't care less if the mommies complain--we are all paying the same for memberships, after all.

Lastly--don't knock depressed teenagers! Many of us become enlightened CF adults. To risk a stereotype, it's often (not always) the ones who adore the norming gulag that is high school who become desperate-to-breedmore housewives and duddies.
nope, i'm not a troll...but I WAS a depressed teenager, about twenty years ago, when I thought I was the only person who had no desire to 'make a family'. now i'm a rather happy CF adult, except for those moments of rage, as I described in the post that activated your trollometer. I've been lurking for a while too, and getting up the nerve to post all the CF rage I've been accumulating for a while. Sorry if it led you to misinterpret my (very sincere) opinions. It boggles my mind that teenagers (depressed or not) would troll a CF board (and even learn the lingo) What would be the point in that? Most teenagers who even CARE about pregnancy either are trying to get in pig (if female) to jump on the benefit machine or to be lurrrvved, or (if male) are desperately crossing their fingers that they don't get 'oopsed'.

As for where I live...ORANGE COUNTY CA. By the way, having tattoos or in other ways looking counterculture is not protected under California state law. In our downtown area, plenty of restaurants don't allow patrons in who are tattooed. Friends of mine who belong to other gyms have received similar admonitions from staff. This is not relevant to CF except for the fact that 'not family friendly' is usually the explicit answer given when this policy is explained. It is not a hellishly discriminatory place except in some establishments (which I avoid--the restaurants) and as isolated incidents by staff at my gym. There are plenty of other staff members who couldn't care less if the mommies complain--we are all paying the same for memberships, after all.

Lastly--don't knock depressed teenagers! Many of us become enlightened CF adults. To risk a stereotype, it's often (not always) the ones who adore the norming gulag that is high school who become desperate-to-breedmore housewives and duddies.

Thanks for explaining, sorry for calling you a troll. Glad you found Bratfree, and enjoy yourself. smiling smiley
Hi Everyone,

I'm 32, married ten years, obviously CF. Husband and I are experiencing some backlash as our parents slowly realize that we were actually serious all along about being CF ("Oh, you guys got married so young, you'll change your minds..." etc).

We are both middle school teachers. Kids that age are fun... I can spend a day teaching something that I enjoy, and at the end of the day we all go home, and my house is clean and quiet. That age is also nice because if they have any behavioral problems or learning issues, we pretty much know what they are at that point, and they are far less likely to shit themselves or do something I would associate with a first-grader.

I seem to know a lot of people who think that because we enjoy our jobs we would make "such great parents!!111oneoneeleven." It's getting old.

Anyway, I'm glad to have found this board, and glad that there are others out there not apologizing for preventing offspring for whatever reason.
Wow, look at all the new additions to this fine board! Welcome, everyone! :1welcome
What a relief to find a place with like-minded folk!

I'm 32, female, BS in Engineering Technology, and I live in small-town America full to the brim with famblies, entitlemoos, and duhs.

My mother was an in-home daycare provider. At one point I had to share my home with 25 other children ranging from infant to 12 years old. We perpetually had an infant in the house from the time I was in Kindergarten until I was a sophomore in college (lived at home, went to local private college on scholarship because I couldn't afford to go away for school - apparently chyld care does not pay for shit, and good ol' ma and pa weren't going to help anyway, half-wit half-brother made sure of that decades ago). Until I was 12 I had to have a crib in my room, and had no personal space at all.

Long story short - babies/children disgust me. I have images perpetually burned into my mind of toadlers being changed on countertops, couches, floors, etc. in MY house, furniture reaking of urine, feces smeared here and there, dirty diapers, giant snot-balls, puke, mouth breathing, biting, kicking, scratch, cussing, screaming, squalling, horridness.

My parents and I are estranged. My mother is undiagnosed borderline personality disorder. My stay-at-home moo half-sisters kids (she has 3) are mostly a lost cause - 1 is nearly my age and he's OK (childfree so far), one is a pothead with 1 illegitimate kid already (he's 19, kid is 3), the other is a home schooled "special" brat. My half-wit half-brother's children are an "oh-by-the-way-I-want-to-go-on-welfare-so-take-this-DNA-test-because-you-might-be-the-father-of-my-10-year-old-brat" welfare slut and a sociopath who went to kid jail at 11 (half-wit was "oopsed" into both kyds by 2 different women and then adopted a 3rd kyd from oopser #2 because, well, he's a half-wit). The two cousins that exist I do not claim - they are respectively criminal meth addicts (who had a meth addicted baby with his toothless girlfriend) and a serial breeding ho-bag with 3 children from 3 dads all from the ghetto and in prison - her on welfare.

Please forgive my rampant bitterness. But I think I am among good company here.
Snark Shark
As for where I live...ORANGE COUNTY CA. By the way, having tattoos or in other ways looking counterculture is not protected under California state law.

move to Oregon! people WITH tattoos will be the majority in Portland pretty soon!
People in Eugene are too, but the problem with Eugene is all the treehugger moos and the treehugger mayor.
Hi, I'm back after a long absence. I've retired and gone through some changes. Still glad to be childfree! Good to see all of you again.

Hi, I'm back after a long absence. I've retired and gone through some changes. Still glad to be childfree! Good to see all of you again.


Somewhat new face here, but welcome back! No matter what happens in life, it's allllllways good to be childfree! devil with smile Telling myself that whenever I have a shit day always makes it just that little bit better.

"Yes, fellow readers, nothing says 'devoted father of a special needs kid' quite like drinking, snorting cocaine, and then taking the boat out for a spin."
- Tiquer
Happy to be registered, we love dogs - had a cat but I developed allergies. May lurk more than participate but grateful to see like-minded people. Will look into The Island at some point, if possible.

Wish there could be a CF airline.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
June 25, 2013
Well I got a large laugh at one n00b calling another n00b troll! LOL!

I used to love presenting rather gender-ambiguously and confusing small children, then straight up ignoring their misogynistic questions. "Are you a maaan or a girrrl?" When you're a human, I'll acknowledge you.
Now I work in an office(full of squares) and my husband has a thing for long hair, so I'm not very ambiguous anymore. On a positive note, I don't interact with the public on a daily basis anymore either, so it's all good.

Can't believe how the breeders want to take us back to their gender enforced fantasies of lalaland.

Welcome n00bs!
I used to go by the name autumn_sylver, but I wanted to change my username because I use that name in a lot of other places too, and I don't want people to find my activity here if they google my username.
So, hi :1wv
Hello, I am Monika, 24 years old and a student of Biology at university, living in Germany. grinning smiley Up until now I have mostly been a lurker in this forum, but decided to register today so that I could also talk with more people on here. Though, I do have the luck to also have some CF friends and a CF brother who also plans to stay that way.

Hm, well, what else to say about me? I have always known that I wanted to be CF, ever since I can remember. Even still as a child, seeing families with children , I always got this sickly feeling to my stomach when thinking that inevitably I could have the same fate. But that was of course before I realized that I have a choice of what to do with my life and before I realized that my always bingo'ing family might not have my best interest or happiness at heart. I especially have the feeling that my mother and father would love nothing more but to see me and my brother Adrian being as miserable as they are.
Adrian has always told me, even as a child, that if I ever would have kids he would cut all contact with me and I always agreed to that and told him the same.

I am currently single after ending my relationship to my boyfriend a year ago. He was someone who wanted to coax me into having children for him (four to top it off). I always felt that this would not be a path that I would like to take in life, but then my friend Natty cemented this observation for me, convincing me I need to move on and find a partner who also wants to be CF. I will be eternally grateful to her from saving me of the "Vaganus" that I would have had after four childbirths. grinning smiley

I have a dog that is 15 years old, a Schäferhund-Collie mix. To me, he feels like my child and that would be enough for me.

My name is Anna and I'm from germany (that's the reason why my english also sucks tongue sticking out smiley*

And let me tell ya': Germany isn't save for breeders either. I can tell you a lot of stuffs my fellow countrymans doing here, like, making a live broadcasting from a delivery room in a hospital in Berlin (which was thankfully cancelled), making a law, that making childfree people paying more taxes (also cancelled) and much more...

Oh my, you are also from Germany! grinning smiley That's awesome, it's always nice to see fellows from the same country.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
July 07, 2013

My name is Anna and I'm from germany (that's the reason why my english also sucks tongue sticking out smiley*

And let me tell ya': Germany isn't save for breeders either. I can tell you a lot of stuffs my fellow countrymans doing here, like, making a live broadcasting from a delivery room in a hospital in Berlin (which was thankfully cancelled), making a law, that making childfree people paying more taxes (also cancelled) and much more...

Oh my, you are also from Germany! grinning smiley That's awesome, it's always nice to see fellows from the same country.

When I see CF people in Germany I'm inclined to wish them luck in escaping. It's a very pronatalist country with outright discrimination, in my opinion.

When I see CF people in Germany I'm inclined to wish them luck in escaping. It's a very pronatalist country with outright discrimination, in my opinion.

Oh yeah, it kinda is. You always hear on TV how everyone fears that the "true Germans" will die out if no one of them is procreating. Combine that with the fear that we will be overrun by Muslims very soon, of course this country has become very pro-natalistic.
So, I really appreciate you wishing us luck. Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhankyou
I do hope that me and the rest of my CF friends will manage to keep up this lifestyle and not fall victim to the pro-natalist agenda.
Hello wonderful bratfree folk!

I've been lurking about for years (occasional posts on Turtle's old board and on Bratfree). Thought it time to register.

I'm 54 years old, happily married to my fabulous husband (32 yrs. this August woohoo!) and blissfully childfree. I can't imagine a better life than the one we've shared. I truly believe that our decision (and it was very much a mutual decision) not to reproduce was one of the best lifestyle choices we've ever made. It's been so interesting over the past three decades, witnessing some changing attitudes towards us childfree. Obviously, still a long way to go. However, the more open and vocal we are, the better it gets! I've had a few younger relatives over the years who really had no idea another type of life (other than the life script) was even possible or desirable. Thanks to old Auntie M, some eyes and minds were opened!

To all of us!
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
July 08, 2013
me in az- I used to belong to Turtle's old board too!!


I miss my little feather baby.
That was a fun board. Helped me discover other like minded people and the posters were usually very entertaining. Was a great way to vent!
Hello! Longish-time lurker, first-time poster... smiling smiley

So, here's a bit about myself: I'm on the left coast, in a blue town in a cherry-red county in an allegedly blue state (yeah, it's kinda confusing). I live with my husband of three years, my brother, and one beloved kitteh. I've always been CF (and lost friends, marriages, and probably jobs over it), but take solace in knowing that if it ever came down to it, my thought-out list of reasons why I chose to do so would blow any breeder's lowings out of the fucking water logic-wise. That conversation never quite happens, but the chutzpah-flavored episodes with arrogant breeders just keep happening. It was SUCH a relief to find this site!

What prompted me to finally come out of lurker limbo was an experience at the grocery yesterday. Some loaf (a girl, judging by the piercing quality of the shrieks) was exercising her lungs, at length-- you could track her progress around the store, and it was one of those big warehouse-like ones. When we finally crossed paths with her, she was being pushed in a cart (with her damp butt sitting where someone else's future groceries would be) by Duh, with several family members trailing behind in zombie-like fashion. Directly behind Duh was (I'm guessing) Moomy, who looked me in the eye and smiled as if to say "Kids. What can ya do?" Because I have tits, you see, and thus was obviously in love with the loaf's constant wails by default.:smn
Hi folks!

I registered a while back before my computer crashed. Lots of various unfortunate stuff going on, and the email I used is no longer accessible. I finally said "screw it" and redid everything.

First of all, please forgive any vagueness on locations, but I have acquired a few stalkers before.

I'm 40, female, sterilized, and living in Illinois. I'm from Texas originally. I currently go to school full-time for paralegal studies. Even though I have a bachelors in business, I've been unemployed for a long time, (like many people). I'm divorced - hubby found a wannabreed 6 months after my hysterectomy. Apparently he thought he could change my mind all these years.

I live with my mother and rescues: 4 cats, 1 dog, and 1 rabbit. We have an old house that is full of spirits and energy. Mom and I are Wiccan. My path is Gnostic Christian Wicca with elements of Shamanism. LOL it's complicated. Mom is very supportive of my CF status, although she does get mad at some of my more militant moments. She's 80 and we kindof take care of each other, but the plan is for me to move once I find a job. I'm set to graduate next summer, so not sure what's going to happen.

Oh, just to clarify...I don't have any pets other than my dog. My dog has 4 cats and a rabbit. I'm sure she wants me to put that out, hehe. She's 75 pounds of pure love, especially for little animals. She has taken care of and kissed birds, voles, frogs, turtles, kittens, bunnies, puppies, snakes, and even an inch worm. Humans on the other hand are tolerated *if* I tell her they are ok and introduce them. She generally does NOT like kids.

Thanks for having me! I look forward to trying to contribute something positive. My favorite thing about this board is that even though the members may disagree on some things, they are discussed civilly.

Love, Tarrakona
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
July 14, 2013
Hi folks!

First of all, please forgive any vagueness on locations, but I have acquired a few stalkers before.
My path is Gnostic Christian Wicca with elements of Shamanism.

I recommend this book.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Hello I'm a 41 year old married, childfree and happy female! SOOO glad to find a group of intelligent non babby brained people that I can relate to. I love reading everyone's posts about breederific bed made lie misadventures. So glad I didn't drink the kool aide...
:1welcome everyone!
Hi folks!

I registered a while back before my computer crashed. Lots of various unfortunate stuff going on, and the email I used is no longer accessible. I finally said "screw it" and redid everything.

First of all, please forgive any vagueness on locations, but I have acquired a few stalkers before.

I'm 40, female, sterilized, and living in Illinois. I'm from Texas originally. I currently go to school full-time for paralegal studies. Even though I have a bachelors in business, I've been unemployed for a long time, (like many people). I'm divorced - hubby found a wannabreed 6 months after my hysterectomy. Apparently he thought he could change my mind all these years.

I live with my mother and rescues: 4 cats, 1 dog, and 1 rabbit. We have an old house that is full of spirits and energy. Mom and I are Wiccan. My path is Gnostic Christian Wicca with elements of Shamanism. LOL it's complicated. Mom is very supportive of my CF status, although she does get mad at some of my more militant moments. She's 80 and we kindof take care of each other, but the plan is for me to move once I find a job. I'm set to graduate next summer, so not sure what's going to happen.

Oh, just to clarify...I don't have any pets other than my dog. My dog has 4 cats and a rabbit. I'm sure she wants me to put that out, hehe. She's 75 pounds of pure love, especially for little animals. She has taken care of and kissed birds, voles, frogs, turtles, kittens, bunnies, puppies, snakes, and even an inch worm. Humans on the other hand are tolerated *if* I tell her they are ok and introduce them. She generally does NOT like kids.

Thanks for having me! I look forward to trying to contribute something positive. My favorite thing about this board is that even though the members may disagree on some things, they are discussed civilly.

Love, Tarrakona

Hello Tarrakona and welcome here! grinning smiley
Hello All!
I'm looking forward to having an entertaining and lively discussion.
I am "buzzhead" through a combination of Dee Snyder's "Daily Buzzcut" email newsletter from "House of Hair" and Van Halen's "Bullethead".
Also my favorite current hobby is completely shaving my head.
Thank you for reading my posts and THANK YOU for responding.

band playing music
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