Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 26, 2020
After reading stories like the one above, I feel like the only thing that might convince women to pick better men to breed with would be if all children off useless men were executed. And even then I'm not sure it would work, because it seems like no matter how much deprivation the children will suffer, the woman still won't exercise good judgement. After all, one only has to look at the women who breed with men who subsequently end up murdering their whole families to realize that even death might not deter women from breeding with the wrong men.

Sure, there are some men who can keep up a facade for several years, but in the vast majority of cases, there are plenty of red flags within the first few years.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 26, 2020
After reading stories like the one above, I feel like the only thing that might convince women to pick better men to breed with would be if all children off useless men were executed. And even then I'm not sure it would work, because it seems like no matter how much deprivation the children will suffer, the woman still won't exercise good judgement. After all, one only has to look at the women who breed with men who subsequently end up murdering their whole families to realize that even death might not deter women from breeding with the wrong men.

Sure, there are some men who can keep up a facade for several years, but in the vast majority of cases, there are plenty of red flags within the first few years.

A great many breeders do not think, or for that matter CAN'T think because of subtle brain damage. Our environment is a dung heap, nothing but chemicals, and the human brain is hypersensitive to damage from chemicals. Unfortionately, damage to the brain doesn't preclude breeding, often at the first fuck.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 27, 2020
Got a fresh pile of shit for our reading pleasure.

Kids who will starve because they're picky eaters

I would really love to know if there are picky eaters in countries where there is no food. Honestly, how did we ever survive as a species where a kid is so "strong-willed" that they will go days without food because they don't like anything? One Moo says if her kid chooses to eat nothing one day, it will spend the whole next day puking. Sometimes I wonder if any of these picky little assholes ever get refeeding syndrome. I'm gonna say they don't because even the dumbest kids will eat something eventually.

Personally, I'd let the fuckers starve. If they die, consider it a bullet dodged that you don't have to raise a kid that was so fucking dense that they would rather go hungry and die just to get their own way.

4-year-old physically abuses Moo over the most trivial things

Slaps, pulls hair scratches, screeches, thrashes around like he's possessed all because he didn't get the "correct" flavor of pie or other similar crap. The in-laws encourage his shit behavior by giving in to every tantrum. And contrary to what one commenter says, this is not normal fucking behavior. The kid's probably an awtard and/or needs his ass paddled. My loins are sure foaming reading this potential outcome of reproducing, let me tell ya. I could probably find ways to have someone physically abuse me without turning my vagina into ground beef, but I guess this must be that true love I'll never know about because I have no kids.

Oh yeah, and the kid told Moo to her face he didn't need her and only needed Meemaw. Cue Moo butthurts. LOL.

Paternity leave

Moo doesn't seem to like that the first thing Duh does with his paid paternity leave is schedule some golf games because since Moo is home anyway, she can deal with the brats on her own. I don't see why paternity leave is a thing. Maternity leave is bad enough - sure they're recovering from birth, but until I can get paid to stay home for a voluntary life choice, I will never think they deserve it, especially if they have a job where they sit on their asses all day long. And honestly, I don't know of any Duhs who would use paternity leave to stay home anyway because most men seem uninterested in brat care for the first maybe 10 years of the kid's life. Not to mention the very ingrained belief that loaves are Moo's job and stay-at-home Duhs are seen as pussified cucks.

Going to the store sans kids is not a vacation, but I'll bet it feels like it

Apparently Duhs feel that Moo doing anything without the kids means she already had a break that day, which I assume is they way of justifying taking a whole day off from parenting. Funny how these little screaming fucktards are so woooorth it, yet the parents act like spending five consecutive seconds with them is akin to torture. To be fair, it IS, but why'd you fucking have them if you don't want to deal with them? This goes for both mothers and fathers. Having my cats was worth it and I never didn't want them around me. Hmmm methinks somebody's full of shit. I understand wanting a break from them, but it seems like many parents - especially Duhs - work harder to avoid being around their kids than they do raising their kids.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 27, 2020

Kids who will starve because they're picky eaters

I would really love to know if there are picky eaters in countries where there is no food. Honestly, how did we ever survive as a species where a kid is so "strong-willed" that they will go days without food because they don't like anything? One Moo says if her kid chooses to eat nothing one day, it will spend the whole next day puking. Sometimes I wonder if any of these picky little assholes ever get refeeding syndrome. I'm gonna say they don't because even the dumbest kids will eat something eventually.

Personally, I'd let the fuckers starve. If they die, consider it a bullet dodged that you don't have to raise a kid that was so fucking dense that they would rather go hungry and die just to get their own way.

There are eating disorders that cause 'extreme picky eating' that last the person's entire life if left untreated, and the average cow won't get her brat to a specialist. ARFID is what this thing is medically called, and yes, it can kill.



Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 27, 2020
Reading about Grimes reminded me of this thread, since it seems like they made all the classic mistakes, just with gobs more money:
  • Marrying a serial baby-daddy...
  • ...who is known for being abusive
  • Promptly breeding with him
  • Giving the baby a ridiculous name

And now not long after the baby's born, surprised Pikachu face that Musk turns out to be exactly as predicted.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 28, 2020
RE: the four year old who won't stop hitting his Moo. There appears to be a Dud in the picture (she mentioned they are living with the in-laws) so where is he when this is all going down? If a grown person were slapping his wife, the husband should (rightly) have a problem with that. I mean, four year old boys are brats. This would not be hard for the Dud to grab the kid and say sternly, quit hitting your mother like that. I mean, Geez, the dud is probably three times the kid's size.

Fear and intimidation have worked for centuries and some say it's the only way to raise civilized human beings. Better nip this in the bud at age 4, lest you have an out of control teenager at age 14.

I realize, however, that some Moos are their own worst enemies. For all we know, this Moo has banned her husband from interacting with the kid because she read some book entitled "How to talk to your Chyld" and perhaps Dud wasn't using the right non-scary words to address Prince Junior. blue hangover face
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 28, 2020
RE: the four year old who won't stop hitting his Moo. There appears to be a Dud in the picture (she mentioned they are living with the in-laws) so where is he when this is all going down? If a grown person were slapping his wife, the husband should (rightly) have a problem with that. I mean, four year old boys are brats. This would not be hard for the Dud to grab the kid and say sternly, quit hitting your mother like that. I mean, Geez, the dud is probably three times the kid's size.

Given how shitty most of these breeder men treat their spouses, they probably don't care that their kids hit their wives. They probably wouldn't care if an adult hit her either because that would involve these colossal man-children thinking of someone besides themselves.

I guarantee Moo won't do a damn thing to try and fix this behavior. She'll do what every other parent of a violent brat does: claim the kid has autism, throw her hands up and say she can't do a thing with him. Then she'll cry about how horrible he is in ten years and she doesn't know what she did wrong.

But mark my words, someone will teach the kid a lesson someday and Moo will not like the outcome, whether it's someone in high school standing up for themselves and punching the kid or someone putting a bullet between his eyes in self-defense. Mommy might put up with his shit, but no one else will.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 28, 2020
One of my brother's sleazy "friends" had a kid with a girlfriend and thus had to pay child support. He would then refuse to pay it and end up in the Allegheny County Jail, a tall concrete building that was "kept cleaner than their apartment". Actually, he liked being in jail, "It's not so bad, they give you Turner's (local brand) orange drink and meals and you get to play cards and when you're in jail, you don't pay child support". It seems any man will pay any other expense or debt before paying child support and yes, some guys prefer to be in jail than pay that expense.
This is just yet another useless man-child boyfriend post, but the last line really stood out:


We’ve been together for 7 years and the last 4 have been absolutely miserable.

Brat is only 10 months old. Something doesn't add up...
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 28, 2020
mr. neptune
One of my brother's sleazy "friends" had a kid with a girlfriend and thus had to pay child support. He would then refuse to pay it and end up in the Allegheny County Jail, a tall concrete building that was "kept cleaner than their apartment". Actually, he liked being in jail, "It's not so bad, they give you Turner's (local brand) orange drink and meals and you get to play cards and when you're in jail, you don't pay child support". It seems any man will pay any other expense or debt before paying child support and yes, some guys prefer to be in jail than pay that expense.

Was it by chance between 2005 and 2009? If so, we were almost neighbors - the Allegheny County Jail was right next to my old dorm. Clearly I lived in the more picturesque part of Pittsburgh, though it was a major improvement over living on the North Side.

I can kinda see how jail could be more alluring in comparison to fatherhood - no child support, no bitchy wives/girlfriends, no responsibilities or bills, I'm pretty sure you don't have to do your own laundry, three meals a day, a place to sleep, and if you wanted to see the outside world, just say your chest hurts and you're short of breath and you can spend the night in the ER.

As far as the man-baby post, we all know precisely what will happen. Moo putting her foot down will never come to be because Moos never actually do what they threaten to do (hence their horribly behaved kids) and Duh will continue doing what he's doing and Moo will chronicle every bit of it in that sub like it's a consequence of unfortunate circumstances and not because she voluntarily lets him stay.

But to be fair, a lot of people aren't hiring right now anyway due to coronavirus, so even if the guy wasn't a douchenozzle and tried to find work, he still might not be able to. Doesn't mean he shouldn't try, though he could just lie and say he applied to a bunch of places that never called him back so Moo takes pity on him and gives him an A for effort. Or he might get a job for a bit and then quit or get himself fired so he could say, "Well you said I had to get a job, not get a job AND keep it." Loopholes are a beautiful thing.

And of course the Moo bred with him when their relationship was completely in the shitter. Let me guess, it was to try and fix things? A freshly baked loaf would turn him into a better person, right? Or it was an accident when she fucked someone she can't stand because reasons. If she can't even leave someone she's miserable with, how's she going to uphold an ultimatum?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 28, 2020
was back at breaking moo today. good lord, it just never ends. the whining, the stupidity, the misery. i could not bring myself to read one and post it back here.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 30, 2020
Duh makes it two weeks into six weeks of paid paternity leave before going back to work. Apparently working is more tolerable than sitting at home with Junior and Moo-wife, even if he's paid either way. People playfully-but-not-really suspect he and his straight work buddy might secretly be lovers and that's why he wants to go back so soon. Couldn't be because he doesn't want to be around two screaming assholes for a month and a half. NOPE! Must be gay!

Moos who are jealous of childfree friends and relatives. Of course, it must be prefaced with "I love being a mom, BUT..." No, you don't. If you are a parent who covets the life of someone who does not have kids, you do not love being a mom. If you're going to hate your completely self-inflicted life as a parent, at least be honest about it.

Moo has an acute case of the butthurts because her kid seems to dislike her and adores his dad. Apparently the fact she has breastfed him his whole life up to this point means he should love her more. I assume she figures since she does a good chunk of the work raising the kid (if not all of it), she deserves more of his love than his father. Sounds like a perfectly healthy mindset to have. I'm sure growing up with the belief that you are owed your child's affection because you do shit for them will work out just fine for the kid.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 30, 2020
I just can't with these butthurt and bitter Moos. They are never satisfied.

This is worth reposting here, situation #1, where the woman is jealous of the CF sister:


She’s an awesome aunt who sends my kids gifts and even babysits when she makes the cross country trip to visit me so DH and I can have a night out. But when she’s not doing that, she’s spoiling herself. She’s a freelancer who will travel and work abroad for a month or two, return home to spend time with her husband, then run off again a month later.

She travels the world. Went back to school just because she wanted to. Buys herself pretty, expensive things. Spends her time doing only what she wants while I feel like I exist to serve other people

Note the dichotomy in how this is presented: The sister who is working for a living and traveling and enjoying the fruits of her labor is "spoiling herself." Selfless Moo is existing to "serve" other people. The sister is probably serving someone too, her employer or customers. Business travel is not fun and games. But of course to a Moo, working and providing for oneself (and taking some leisure here and there) are not as noble as shitting out a loaf.

And what does this Moo want anyway? The sister is even babysitting her crotch fruit when she comes back into the area. But Moo still has to get her digs in. To me, this is the most relevant sentence of all:


She’s not obnoxious or anything about not wanting kids.

Those of us on this page understand what this means: Reproductive freedom means having a choice whether one wants kids but WOE ONTO THE PERSON WHO DOES NOT MAKE THE "RIGHT" CHOICE.

Moos have 10,000 pages where they exalt the glory of their reproductive choices and chortle day and night about their decision to have brats, but just let a CF person say one teeny tiny, thing about how her life works for her, and the claws come OUT.

The sister has apparently not uttered one word to this effect, and the Moo is STILL bitching.

And look at this commenter when she is talking about her similar situation with her sister:


I’m sad and grieve the fact that we will never understand each other’s situation as well and I am jealous of my friends who has ever sisters who get to walk the crazy together, and I’ll never get that.

Look, anyone can get a front and center view of what it's like to have brats. I think the sister UNDERSTANDS the Moo's situation just fine; she just doesn't want to make the same choice.

#2: Paternity leave: It IS laughable that they are accusing the guy of being gay. These Moos are completely out of touch with the working world. The Dud does not want to be gone from his job that long, and that is pretty valid. If one's workplace can be without you for six weeks, you bet they will start to wonder if they can do without you permanently.

At least this Moo should be glad her husband wants to work and provide for the family. Plenty of Reddit Moos are married to losers who do not want to work.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 30, 2020

Moo has an acute case of the butthurts because her kid seems to dislike her and adores his dad. Apparently the fact she has breastfed him his whole life up to this point means he should love her more. I assume she figures since she does a good chunk of the work raising the kid (if not all of it), she deserves more of his love than his father. Sounds like a perfectly healthy mindset to have. I'm sure growing up with the belief that you are owed your child's affection because you do shit for them will work out just fine for the kid.

It appears Moomie doesn't understand that some personalities will mesh together and some won't.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Those of us on this page understand what this means: Reproductive freedom means having a choice whether one wants kids but WOE ONTO THE PERSON WHO DOES NOT MAKE THE "RIGHT" CHOICE.

She even prefaces her jealousy-fueled rant with, "Before I start ranting, I just want to say that the decision to have kids or not have them is personal and there’s no wrong answer." Why do you suppose that's foremost on her mind, hm? Might it be because she knows damn well that she doesn't believe it, but that she has to pretend she does? "It's going to sound like I think childfreedom is selfish and irresponsible and I wish my sister was as fucking miserable as I am, but I can't say that out even if it sounds that way, believe me, I think it's a choice!!1!"

Went back to school just because she wanted to.

How dare she improve herself just because she wanted to, amirite? What a bitch, furthering her education!

moobitch redux
Spends her time doing only what she wants

Oh, wait, I thought you said she was a freelancer...why, yes, right there in the preceding paragraph. So she manages her own business and works at it hard enough that she can afford to "spoil" herself with expensive things. Hm, sounds to me like she spends a good deal of time working for other people.

moobitch electric boogaloo
I feel guilt being so resentful, especially when I love my kids so much and would NEVER wish them away

Your words, moo, not mine!

How much you want to bet she has passive-aggressively made it very clear to her sister just how much she resents her?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 30, 2020

Went back to school just because she wanted to.

I saw that too. She's like a crab in a bucket. God forbid that she be happy for her sister, whom she purports to care about.


How much you want to bet she has passive-aggressively made it very clear to her sister just how much she resents her?

You know she has. 100%. If she can rattle off that list of petty observations, you know they are never far from the surface. Truly happy people aren't eaten up with jealousy.

I hope her sister stays on her side of the country and doesn't bother with this hateful person.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 31, 2020
Jealous Moos are the same ones who think that their husbands are "lucky" that they can "escape" to work because apparently no job is harder than breeding and any other profession is just playtime with benefits. They're also the first ones to go "must be nice" anytime someone mentions going on vacation or having a life.

Also, this:

I just want to say that the decision to have kids or not have them is personal and there’s no wrong answer.

is the breeding equivalent of, "I'm not racist, BUT..." If you have to start things off explaining that you're not really a bigot, then whatever you say afterward is a fucking lie.

The CF sister sends the breeder's kids presents and watches them for her too. She wouldn't be able to do that if she were a Moo herself, now would she? Moo seems to think that her sister is just gallivanting around the world having fun 24/7, buying expensive stuff for shits and giggles and has zero "real" responsibilities.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 01, 2020
When you see a struggling mommy, you shouldn't stare and be judgemental. Rather, be supportive!

People will judge you everywhere for everything no matter what you do or don't do. Get used to it, pumpkin. And as far as I'm concerned, until Moos start being supportive of people who choose not to breed, I will not be supportive of someone who decided to create children they can't handle. Because you KNOW breeder women will sit there and judge someone in the grocery store who has no kids in tow that buys something Moo herself can't afford like lobster or something organic or packs their groceries into a sports car. But oh, don't judge THEM for THEIR choices because they're special!

I don't stare at disruptive morons in general because I don't want to be on the receiving end of a tirade, but I will notice and I will judge if you can't shut your kids the fuck up.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 02, 2020
When you see a struggling mommy, you shouldn't stare and be judgemental. Rather, be supportive!

Yeah, I saw this, too young mootard with two toddler shits grabbing bags, refusing to let go and crying. The little fuckers took turns. (I would have taken them outside and drop kicked them into the car). I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Mootard was close to crying herself. I have no doubt she couldn't afford the snacks. At least no one said anything to me..

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 02, 2020
I hate idiotic teen cows with ill behaved shitstains.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 04, 2020
Father of Moo's kid (who is also her alcoholic ex/rapist) won't let her have her kid back because she didn't want to be alone with him

Moo was allegedly coerced into signing a random custody agreement Duh came up with without an attorney present, and she wound up signing something that gave Duh primary custody and her no visitation or child support. Guess she didn't read it beforehand.

The kid came out and said she did not want to live with Duh, which makes me wonder if he's just a dick in general or if he's beginning to abuse her too. WHY did she have a child with this man? Why did she not abort? Why did she sign a custody agreement that fucked her and the kid over? Why has she "tried to cooperate" with a man who sexually abused her? Why did she allow her daughter to have any contact at all with her father?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 06, 2020
Stupid cow got herself pigged up a third time when she has a past history of hyperemesis. She is 16 pounds lighter than before pregnancy because of it and has to be on IV and lipid therapy at home. WHY would you get pregnant again between having two kids under 3 and puking yourself to death? It sounds like pregnancy is legitimately unhealthy or even dangerous for this woman and she went ahead and did it anyway. No sympathy at all. Meanwhile, her friends think it's so awesome that she hasn't gotten fat at all at 6 months gestation from constant barfing.


I just want to be healthy and have a healthy baby.

Well, given the circumstances, that might not happen. Obviously she can't control the digestive disorders she has, but the hyperemesis is 100% voluntary. All she had to do was not have another kid, and who knows how healthy the kid will be when Moo can't keep anything down.

Moo and Duh (typical useless guy we hear about all the time there) sleep in separate beds and Moo was sick of their toddler coming in her room to sleep, so she put the baby monitor in Duh's room so he could hear the brat crying. He reacted by throwing the monitor across the room and then pissing all over Moo's bed to get back at her for trying to make him be a parent. Boy, these women can really pick 'em, can't they?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 06, 2020
I saw the piss dude one as well. I wish moo would have said how old they are because chances are they're barely out of high school.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 06, 2020

Where to start with this one? Supposedly staunch CFer gives in to geezer breeder, gets pregnant, and life is total hell. Husband has no interest in her, refuses to discipline brat, and she's counting the days till brat turns 18. And what's with this "I'm 36 so I'm too old to need birth control" bullshit? Is that a joke? And naturally she was a "total partier" before the brat because she was CF. Because we all are, right? I'm 45 and I've drank at a bar ONCE in my entire life.

Interestingly, there are a lot of "me too" responses.

This one's willing to get divorced over her insistence on lack of discipline. Brats are out of control and husband wants to spank but bitch won't hear of it and is ready to leave if he does anything.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 06, 2020

This one's willing to get divorced over her insistence on lack of discipline. Brats are out of control and husband wants to spank but bitch won't hear of it and is ready to leave if he does anything.

Actually women in their 30's and 40's shouldn't take hormonal birth control as that can F up your body.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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